The Exeter Times, 1894-5-3, Page 1vela
S. FORD k CO.,
You Won't Know
well we can serve you
Laoe Curtains,
Wall Papers,
Mixed Paints
You're Looking for a Place
Where you can get the most and
SteuoOx Reeoitx'.-The following is tee
April report of S. S, No, 2, Hay, Names
are in Border of ;merit ;-Y,-R F Ohep
roan, 0 0 Ross ; sen IV, -Maud I. Ruse.
cel b' E Ross,Annie s r
Northcott • jr It ,-
Nellie Gould, M M Russell, J W Todd
III, -Sarah J Northuott, W Jackson,
Carrie Gould ; II, -W Busch, F Corbett,
It O'Brien ; part 11, -J Jackson, F,tbe1
Northcott, J Northcutt and Gertie Harvey
equal ; first; part,-Lu1ie ',Munn, Frank
Northoctt, L Armstrong. The beet ;Tel-
lers in the monthly spelling matches
were i 'V, -C 0 Russ ; er IV, -M 1' Rus
sell ; jr IV, -N Gould; 111,-W Jackson ;
F Corbett ; part II,•-)' Johnston.,;
part I. -L Armstrong.
J i1imvlhe.
I am sorry to find it necessary to deny
through theeolumnc of the Trues that
am the regular correspondent from Etfm-
ville, having only written s very few
times during the last 12 months. I au:
not the author of any of those items that
have given offence, and therefore do not
oare to be a scapegoat for any other per.
son; as my own sins are enough to be
reeponeible for, Hereafter I shall have
to write over my own signature
Respectfully pours,
JoeuuA J oasts e
best for the least money, you'll
BiuEFa.-Mr, Ed. McPherson shot a
large wild goose last week.--Mre. Jane
Atkinson of Exeter, visited friends in this
vicinity last week, -Rev. J. B. Chant,
preached a very iuteresting and instruct-
ive sermon last sabbath. -The 4th quar-
terly meeting and sacramental services of
the Grand Bend circuit will be held in
the Boston Methodist church next Sabbath
at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. A cordis]
invitation is extended. -Mr. W. J. Wil-
son and wife are in London this week as..
sorting up their stock of dry goods, fancy
good s, hard ware,' etc. -Mr. John Daiziel
tailor of. Sarnia, passed through here last
not make any mistake by coming
here because our stock is new,
bright and fresh.
is Bought loll
It's Sold Well.
We invite you to done and see
a our exhibit of New Dress. Goods,
Prints, Delaines, Gloves,Hos-
iery,Laoes and Ribbons.
$ay top price for
Butter and Eggs.
R, S. FORD d Co.
Belies. -Mr, James Routiy and Mr
James tNagle have been improyrng the
Iront of their farms by having a new
hedge fence planted. -Nearly alphe farm-
ers. are through seeding, and they aro
e3elighted with the fine weather we are
getting now, The warm rains have been
welcomed by the farmers especially, and.
all vegetation is making a rapid growth -
The ,Orangemen have been fur nishing the
village with music lately. They expeot a
great day next July -Mr. James Mill's,
new store is being pushed ahead, The
foundation and part of the walla are up.-
Mr. Mcllernan who has rented Mr. Ford's
blacksmith shop appears to be giving
general satisfaction. He is already am
ituowledged to be a first class horse sheer.
-Mr. Joseph Stephens moved iuto the
betel on Tuesday. -Our 'population is
still increasing., the latest arrival being a
young miller at Mr, Angus MoNevin's.-
Out of the 23 scholars who wrote at the
recent examination held in our school, 18
were eucoeasful in passing. This speaks
wall for the new teacher. -Mr Pym Hosea
arrived iu the village a few days ago,' and
has started too r
w rk for o M , PB e lar at the
tile yard.
I. D. C. is the justly celebrated '`E,ingof
Dyspepsia cures."
Bump pr.
When the system is run' down, a person
becomes an easy prey to Consamption or
,Scrofula. Many valuable lives are caved
by using Soott's Emulsion as soon as a de
,elite in health is obtained.
Look at the date on. Your label this
week, and see that your name is mark -
,ed well in advance.
up. No paper is discontinued' until all
ere`c.l�•rc are fully paid, except at the option
of the publisher.
The date when the subecription expires
is on' the address label of each paper, the
.change of which to a subsequent date be-
canes a reee:it for remittence. Subscribers
will please examine their label before and
After making a remittance
BRZEFs.-Most of the farmers around
here have finishep seeding. -Mr. James
Essery.formerly an Eden boy, but now
of Stratford, is spending a few days
with friends here. -The Misses Parkin-
son of the 6th concession, spent 'Sun-
day the guests of their'cousins, the
Misses Elston. Rev. ;W H, Butt
.pastor of the church here preached 'an
excellent sermon on Sunday last, but,
woe unto the singing. -A meeting was.
held in the church on Wednesday night
for the purpose of arranging for the
anniversary which they intend holding
in June.
,5'CI3-tonREPORT.- The following is a
correct report of the standing of the
pupils in S. S. No. 2, Stephen, for the
month of April •-V. Willie Salter. -IV.
George Lawson, Annie. Spencer -Sr. III.
Lizzie Lawson, Wesley Hirtz i, Glenso
Salter, Herbert Clark, Urban Essery,
Emnia Brown, Lillie Lamport, Bella Sims.
-Jr. III. Ruby Essery; Bate Flanagan,
John Sims, Lizzie Sime, Mary Lamport,
Ella Lamport, Charlie Lamport, -II. Lula
Essery, Patrick Flanagan, Cora Lamport,
Joseph Sims, Mary Lawson. -Sr. Pt. II.
Garnet Sims, Garfield Lawenn, Louisa
Flsnagan, Wilfred Lawsn.-Jr. Pt, H.
Lavine Sims, Delphie Es eery, , Verne
Essery, Willie Sims. -Sr. Pt. 1. Isaac
Sims, Siloma Hirtzel, Vera Essery, Joseph
Edwards. -Jr. Pt. I. Garnet Hill, Nora
Sims, Arthur Flanagan, Ethel Lamport.
A• Benny Teacher.
Onr shippers find that good prices can he
realized for good animals, but 111 oodirioned
one' are a dru, nn the market. Our stook
raisers admit that most satisfactory results
come from tieing Dick's Blood Purii:er. It
tcnea up the whole tyetem.' Be sure and get
A. Boon to Horsemen. -Ono bottle of
English Spavin Liniment completely re --
moved a curb from my horse, I take
pleaeure in:recommending the remedy, as
it acts with mysterious promptness in
the rernoval from horses of hard, soft or
,calloused lumps, blood spayin, splints,
enrbs, Sweeny, stifles and sprains.
Geo. ROIlit, Farmer,
S oldby 0. Litre. Markham Ont.
It Will Pay You
To Read this Advertisement
and after you have ' read it'
think of what you area in
p y g
others for the samo ,Goods.
teat Met ,io es.
-Regular 25c Bottles for 17c.
—Regular:5oc Bottles for 4oc.
—Regular .i,00 Bottles for 75c.
—2 Lbs. Pure Black Pepper for 25c.
—5 Lbs. Splendid Japan Tea for $ i.00.
—The wonder is how we : can sell so
Soap for 25c.
We are doing it, corse add see for yourself.,
Highest pricee std for all Farm Produce.
much good
Fubit$br,re and Prete
iters' ..
!CAMERON SMITII, Barrister, Solioi-
' ter, oonvevanoer. Officio Mein -et.
den bcconsulted after office hours at the
Commercial hotel, feneallr
l li l
S otr ,.
Pe i ar i ns for. Cash l kinds of
le knd r
i3oo's & Shy;es at 1. Veseloh's. ' Utah and see
our Bargain Tabie, Soul lines athelt prides
Butroubttrrle show S« tICT gt•rkoodses• s,nma a+ each. No
Sign of Big Boot. A. tyl]SGIrOifO,
ltc:Swon s lileok,;
Following are the market quotation, :
Wheat .. ........ 55 to 5$
Barley 3.5 to 35
Oats .„ 30 tc ii
k u;ta 50 to 50
,00 to 7.00
i3nttor .15 to 16
Eggs 13 to 13
13oga ,.. 600 to 6 25
Clover set d..,....
Bruns. --The Hensall mills has e been
repaired and are now in full running
order.-.:, number of the Oddfellows
were at Exeter last Sunday, and took
part with the Exeter Lodge in their
anniversary by attending the . Ti•is•itt
Mem„rial church. They report havittre
had a good sermon from Rev.: per.
Hunt of that church. -Mr. Thos. Berry
i'ho wont to Boston about seven weeks
ago with several carloads of horses, re-
turned last 'Tuesday' morning, and he
looks none the worse for being in
'Uncle San's domains so long. -11r.
Will. Moore had the stone work of • this
new louse finished last week. -Mr.,
Wm. Leu nnie and Mar. Peter Triggerson
are this weekdigging out the founda-
tion for the new Methodist church,
Mrs. (t)r.) Me -Geode of Detrott;is visiting
her perents,Mr. and Mrs. Jas. White. -
Mr, Arnold and soil have shipped sever-
al car Ioads of potatoes to Cincinnati.-
Mr. W in Moore is also busy buying
potatoes for Mr:D. Cantelon, of Clinton.
-Don't forget to attend the anniversary
of therpddfellow's this week in Cox
worth's hall when past grand. Fitzpat-
rick of Hrimilton, wiligive a lecture on
Oddfellowship. Free to all. -Mr, D.
Weiatniller was at London last Tuesday
-Mr John Hobkirk is levelling bis 'awn
and generally benefiting the front of his
place. -Rev. Walker is on the sick lint
with pleurisy on the lungs. --Mrs. John
McAtthur, who has been visiting -at her
sister's Mrs. (Rey.) Dyke, of Belgraye,
fur a week, returned home last Tuesday.
-The great excitement last Saturday
wasthe delivery of the Frost & Wood
binders. Mr. Wm. Elder of this place
is agent, and he sold 25 binders for this
firm, which were all to have been taken
away last Saturday, but on account of
it looking so much like a wet day in the
morning, only about one-half of them
were delivered. The general agent was
present and ell the patrons were given
their dinner at the Commercial hotel. -
Yes, the Hensall crioketers are ready at
any time to try conclusions with, their
Exeter brethren. -Mr. D. Urquhart
shipped a large quantity of lumber this
week.-f3ensallis to have electric light,
three arc lights and a number of incan-
descent. The Royal Electric Oe., have
placed a plant with Mr. Henry Cnok,
our enterprising miller. -A photograph-
er was in town this week and `siz,d up'
a largo number of business houses and
private residences. -Mm D. Urquhart,
who has beer: under the weather, is
again about. -Ar Ellyt
d s barber
shop will be ready for occupancy in' a
very shoat time.
BriaEFy.-John F. ster's little hoe, aged
•three years, had the misfortune to fell and
break his arm last Sunday. -Conrad Tired
and Samuel D-itz intend building here
this summer. That is what w., lilts to ase;
there is not an emptyhou'e inthe village.
We think it would not be a bard polies/ for
some one to build a few houses to rent.-
The Lutheran Choir and Sunday: Sobool
teachers expeot to attend the Sunday
School Conventionto be held in Logan
nest Sunday. -Mr. 8 J. La t, and family
spent Sunday under the parental roof at
t;hiselhurst.-lir, Hadley Doan and John
Willis of Rodgerville were in the village
on Sunday the guests of II. C. Dow.-
House eleaning is the order of the day
whiab messes some of the women to wear
long faces, and 801118 of the men, too. --The
rain on Saturday, although slight,. did a
world of good as all the gardens and fruit
trees show. -The social entertainment
given by the Canadian Order of Chosen
Friends in the towa hall last 11-rfdav even-
ing wee a graud euceeae Air. W. F, Camp-
bell the Grand Inspector and Organizer of
the lodge was here and gave a short ad-
dress on the ork'n order, w r t
w 1 ste of the rde , h o
was very ]nstraetiye and highly appreciated
by the audience. The literary part of the
programme was verywell rendered, The
singing by the members of the sonnei] was
greatly admired while the instrumental
mimeo given by tete Zurich, String Heti
was heattily rumored, especially the .'G. P.
S. Band. Tho solutions given by some of
our hest yooal talent was were received,
while the song by Mire Edith Steinbach
was wolf worthy the applause aoeordod.
Ttia reoitatione given by Pearl Taylor, a
little Mae of seven summers, called forth
rounds of sppleuse.. Li.tie Pearl Wray
always ee;,eat a warts weloome in Zurich
Mre. Late gave a reading An her usual
good pts let. A vote of thanks was oxteladed
to Mr, Campbell for his able address, After
whittle the sleeting adjourned. After the
meeting in the ball was over all the mem-
bers of the, C. 0. C. F. and Shore taking
part in theeveniug'd entertainment went
over to the lodge room Where tea was
served by the lady members of the. order,
and a good octal time was 'pont in slag -
leg. All went home well pleased with
their evening's epj•iymeut, Itnprovtnente
are still going on riround the esomnteroiel.
-The sell nMillsreceived large
o en sa lis Haver elv rl la ge
ordere for the ettmnier rade.
Irliniird'ri Lininte$ serer let grippe,
Beeves. --The many friends of Mrs.
Ellen I.lodgine, better known as' 'cunt
Ellen" will hear with regret of .ger
serious illness, the doctor not having
much hope of her recover,.. She was
mother of the Lite •1'bornas- Hodgins of
Centralia. -The el'k's[ ntbnbitant does
not remember seeing so early a spring
as this. Plum treys in full bloom on
28th AOil, aid the hoods -show the
green flag, by the 20th April seeding
pretty well dealt, 1tjsy est, fall wheat
on goat well drained land looks line,
but cousi'erable wheat his to,ebs
ploughed up,-•-iitss Maher of Pott
Austin, who has been ,visiting friends
here returned horse this week,
Shiplka ..
Lai1Rwa.-Tlze farmers are nearly all
done sed The ground is in ex-
cellent condition
x-cellentcondition this e ring, but we
want rein. -One of our young men
has jo nett the hecieiitots. VVe refer
to 1dr. Dan McFee, who was m•trried
to Anni , youngest daughter of ` Mr.
John McNeil on Wednesday the 25th.
-Mr. Charles Schroeder of the 14th
coni: loot a ''valuableienlare last week
from tmfittnrnation,-Mr. Wm. Holt is
preparing to build two new . cottages
at Grand Bend. -The flax men are
busy sowitrg 11 t seed, They have
just licishetl working un lest year's
crop, -Angus A;Ialntosh has purchased
a new driver, .lugua, thinks be has
the fastest mare in the village now.
Bx1Ers.-Die Celebration Committee
are Making great preparations for ;i
monster celebration of the : queen's
Birthdaji on May 24th. A s lentiin
program hes been prepared and a
grand time is assured all who visit us.
on thst tiny, See bills and programs.
-The law suit entered agaiust the
township by ,toe Contractor of the
Grand Bend Cut was concluded at
Loudon Tuesday, the township winning
Mei,. case, We congrat.tlale the
reeves for their plunk in the manage-
ment of the several cases that have of
late been entered against them. -Rev.
Sohwarts is very low and the power of
speech has left him. -A son ..of 'Rev.
Schwa:de has procured a situation in
the store of Brown & Preeter.-The
Rev. 'S.• Finkbeir.,tr who has been
visiting under the parental roof .re
turned to his ` new appointment in
New Elemberg, Tuesday.- (leorge
Eiiber•'shorse ran away on Tuesday.
No damage was done.-. A very fine
race track has been made for the'cele-
frationon 11Iay 24th, -Meyers, Rats,
Henry Eilber and Chas. Brown were
in London this week attending the
township trial.
_ ..-.�•�.� _----
CI-rand Bend
Beiges,-Thecarpenters are now
working on 112r. Brenner'e verandah
and are pushing 15 along very fast.
The painters will complete the paint-
ing as soon as the verandah is done.--
one.-tbir. 'Thome.' Fates and Mr• Joseph
Shannan ara in L,ntion this! week at-
tending court in the interest of the
township on the
vn dredging f the '
o t elver
P g g
here.-Mr.Robert Hamilton and John
Welsh are also in the the city on the
above case in the interest of Mr, Rob -
neon. Mr. John Baird was also sum-
moned but was unable to attend. --
Phe brides here was inspected by the
County Engineers and was accepted.
the approtchee are being repaired by
Mr Beason berry, -The Revneue cutter
an in here last week to get, some re-
ruits to her craw, but none could be
ound.•-The Grand Bend Circuit pan-
ned out pretty liberally in:the Alma
College fund, St. Thomas, as Mr. Rico
eoeived three hundred ' and twenty
re dollars in cash and subscriptions.
-Mr. Mel.lie has started the loundat-
on of the school here, and intends
nailing 15 along as rapidly as possible,
-Mr, Wm. Thompson has removed
rorn hereto Mr. Hawker's mill where
e, has been workiug for. some time,
-bir. Wm. Stubbs has rented the
ouse vacated by Mr. Thompson
he farmers are about done 'seeding
nd the earliest sewn grain as up and
ookt beautiful. -Mr. Grattin hal beets
earning the iron fro% the old bridge
o Exeter this week. Mr. Hardy
ontraotor of that place purehesed 'a
eautiin of
1 stook summer straw hate
t the post office store, and ali other
tock complete.'
Balers, -A quiet rebut arietooratic
wedding took place ib Our little village
on 'Thursday of last week at the res-
idence of the bride's parent-, Mr, and
Wire. Cameron, when their daughter
Isabella, was married to Mr, Clare, of
the Clare Works, Preston, which plitee
Miss damerou had followed the pro-
feesion of telegraph operator for up-
wards ot six years. The it)amed]ate
relations of the bride, together with a
few close friends witnessed the Mar -
nage osiremony, which was performed
by the .Rev. iter, Canepbell, of whose
church the beide is a met:aber. The
valuable presents setlt from Preston
and other places go to`ehow the mark-
ed esteem in which the bride id held by
ell who had the pleasure of herr ao-
(lupin tance. The heppl+'couple drove'
to 8t. Marys, where they took the train
for Toronto thsnbe to New York and
other points.. '!'he bride wore* travel
ling dress of brown hopsaoking......'T'he
OdtlfellOWO al ihta. seeder ens Sunday
last rriarcileti, to ', the Presbytetien
church where a large crowd awaited
their coming. A very e'egilent ser-
mon was preached to them try the
Rev. Mr. Campbell, -lir. R. Horn ani
rite were the guests of G."' God on
Sunday taste -Mr. W, Jones of this
place has presented himself with a
piano, 1Vtuaeo will slow rent the air.
: Sodom•,
R. T. of'. - v
1 Thi.•�iat S' society a,b"ut
a month old is doing good work, They
nownumbe.r 43 members, with good
I>ruspeota of mere. They are fitti,,g. up
the hall Over.tlie suhoul house . for their
place of meeting which will enable,tliem
more, efficieiatly to carry out the cere-
monies of the order. The room is 30
by 18. Mrtndey night feat 14 of the
"Metal bera Visited Exeter Council of 'Roy-
al 'Pemplers,
'Roy-al'Pemplsrs. Among thein were Breis.
Silas Stanlake, sr., Silas Stanlake, jr.,
Sanniel'Sra.tlxke, John Ford, jr., W ru.
Ford, McCsr•thy, McDonald and Wm.
Harris .; Sisters Green, Snider, McDon-
ald's two, [Jerrie, Ford's two. During
the session a regu ,at. form of initiation
wasgone through for the benefit ttf the
visitors, ,s ho efterwerds expressed their
thankfulness and appreciation in well
worded and pithy addresses, A very
enjoyable time was spent. Sodom
Council No. 544 has the sympathy and
hearty co operation of their brothers
ante sisters of Advance Council No. 207.
Exeter Municipal Council:,
The Council met at the Town Ha,l.
Exeter April 30th, A 1` present. eliu
rtes of previous meeting read and cert. -
Carling-1'si.eett -That the clerk pro-
cure n suiteVe net fur ;catching dogs.-
Tsylor -Bissett-Or,lers granted: Walt.
Westeott, $3,12, leper, JaV. Gould. $1, do;
Silas H;,ndford, $1.50. du; '1. Welsh,
X2.50, d r; A Dempsey, $3.12, do, Wm-
Phair, 65, d r dl. Bissett, ,t i0, do: R.
Davie,, Sl- 50; do; S, Bradd 51.25, cm; Jas.
Creech, $2, elite i y to Mrs.. l&cIutosh;
$l do, e1, s, l\ ilcox; do. 61.35 meals to
tramps and $93, part salary. -Carried.
Tenders for street watering: re e exam-
ined as follows : Csp H. Bissett, $L19
per dao ; John G 11 ae5)e, $1, do; Jno. Snell
950; Ira And••ews, $1.19, Wm. Trey,teick,
94e. * eneseese.
Taylor -Bissett -That Wm, T evethick'e
tender beingthe lowest be ancepred.-
Carrie •i.
l3iesett-Bubier-That 1Ir. Carlin leek
after and give direoiions re street water
inge-Carried. .
Bobier-Catlin;-That $60 bo wanted
to assist in p'ixchasiog instruments and
organizing a Besse Band.-Oerried.
Carling -Taylor -That Mr, Bobier aut
with committee of the Band in the pur
chase of instruments. -Carried..
Adjournment until next Monday even-
EAC.aETT, Clerk.
Exeter Public School.
The following is the report of the
Exeter Public School for the month of
April :
Division 1, Sr, 5th,h. r A Martin, L
Creech. J .5th
Hooper, N Quance, A Nelson, No, on
roll, 38. Average attendance, 32.
T. A. Bitowes, Teacher.
Division, II. -Sr. 4th, E Creech, S
Gregory, W West -nett. Jr. 4th, E
'Browning, CPrier, L Howard. No. on
roll 4.3. Average attendance 37.
MIss-VosiER,' Teacher.
Division ID.- Si. 3rd, W Vale, C
Treble, L Tayloy, E Bissett and M
Herceman, equal. Jr. 3rd, E Balkwill,
E Dow, E Gill. No. on roll 56. Aver-
age attendance 48.
Miss GnEouax, Teacher.
Division 1V. -Sr. 3rd, C Rollins, E
Gillespie, M Horn. Jr. 3rd, M. Howey,
D Rendle, M Fenson. No. on roll 132.
Average attendance 46.
Miss GmL, Teacher.
Division V. -Sr. 2nd, V Hawkshaw,
G Westoott, M Hicks. Jr. 2nd, H
Ceresory, M Martin; E Lambrooke. No.
on roll 71. Average attendance 58.
Miss WALROND, Teacher.
Division VI. =Sr. 2nd, V Snell, 8
Bobier, M Newton. Jr. 2nd, L Car-
ling, E Piper, M Newton. No. on roll
71. Average attendance 62.
Miss PRINGLE, Teacher.
Division VIL -Sr. 2nd, P lleudle,
L Elliot, P Hooper and O Southoott,
equal. Jr. 2nd, R Davis, R Davideon,
M Hicks. No. on roll 75. Average
attendance 56.
R F.ERtaveme, Teaoher,
The total number of names entered on
the roll during the Month was 405. The
total average attendande 340.
T, A. BitowX, Principal.
PN.:WI I TO luaus.
Be eminently saocesaful has Hoods Sar-
saparilla been that mane : leading citizens
from All over the United Statee furnish
testimonials of dares which seem almost
-miraculous. Heed's Sarsaparilla is not an
accident, but the .ripe fruit of industry and
study, /* poetesses merit !'peculiarto Hee
liood'a, Pills mire Mansell, Sick Headache,
Indigertion,Bilieeenees. ,gold by all drugg-
Mrs.Mohay died at the residence of Mrs
(Dr.) I•fehderson, Allot Ceaig,5_ the other
day, at' the advanced sae of ninety years.
She wad hale and hearty and able too
about till' a few tleys ago, when she
ueceernbed to the dread Ineeeenger i
Kir ton•
.Fauces. -Wm. Dawson intends, leav-
ing tar the Old Country dile week to
charge of cattle for Sleek Bros , of St.
Marys,- A number of the vetted people
went to St. Marys, on F'r'iday young
last to hear Mise Norah (glenob, and
come home highly p: eased. -Howard
Steele fa opendutg a couple of weeks
in Goderich.-1'he' boys hate coni-
menced quoit pitobinain the evenings
and would like to hear frem some of
the neighboring- villagee, ---A man
claiming to be Elijah, the prophet,
preached to the villagers for one hour
ou the equate on Monday evening last.
- Our esthletes are .getting in shape
for the games held to the neighbor•
ing towns on 24th May. --Bev, Mr,
Walwin of Waterloo at. Methodist
church, Stratford, preached toa large
audience in the Methodist church, 00
Sunday evening last,
Tlie Wirigham salt works owu a horse
which weighs 2,t'00 poittids,
Mr John Scott, of iH:msalt, wax married
M. onlay at the first Presbyterian Manse
London, by Rev. W. J. Clark, to Margaret
Thompson, of Hen iltvc.
A wuroanwbose frown cause 1 she house -
held to shiver.
Is ro s the most teacelt1 with whom yeu
conld dwell,
Her crankiness Dame from onnplalnks cf
the lire•,
And Eseepte'a L.,zeoges triads her well;
The friends c.f ac-rtain clergymen, says
a Clinton paper, are joking hint about.
some little ooineidencea that are said to
have happenr-rl recently in hia domest•c
circle. His wile lately presented him with
s daughter, and the same evening, Isis driv-
ing mare had a foal. his cow had a calf
and his cat five kittens.
As we go to preys we learn that Ur
Thos Oke has purchased : the Met
ropolitan hotel, at a good ,fignre. Mrs.
Page wit/ retire from The business, while
Mr. Will Pace mova to Seafortb, and
engage in another line of business. Mr.
Oke will be in possession by May 24th.
Mr. W. Proudfoot, chairman Sf the
House of Refug- Committee says that in
response to their advertisement, batwrer,
twenty and thirty sites are offered the
committee for a Hr use of Refuge. As
soon as Mr. Carrow is through with his
legislative duties, so as to . allow M-.
Prowtfoot's absence frorn bias of ee, the
committee will 'visit dtffeient plaaes and
inspect Houses of Refuge, in order to re-
port at the County Council If the re -
ort of the committee is favorable, it fs
005 unlikelythat the council will at once
proceed with the e ection t.f s suitable
There are 15 inohes of snow at Radcliff,
Cci , en tie level
Oue thousand Lriokmakers in Cleveland
are on strike for an advance of wages.
Mr. Marler received the 0 nservative
nomination for Toronto Magda night. se
All the free miners of Goal C.
are again ou strike, and thre
lease the convicts again. Troops
sent to the seene.
The President of the Great
Railway has made concessions
0 r(3-
1 be
eterythinp asked by the menand the
strike will be declared off.
A.n exchange chronicles the drown-
ing of a brother of ,Mrs. Wm Kydd, of
sborne H
U e had been to Killarney
On the day in question with several
head of cattle and on his return home
the bridge be was crossing, which
spans the Red river, within half a mile
of his home, collapsed, letting driver
and team into the river. It was not-
iced that the horses had almost reach-
ed the bank in safety but being tang-
led among the underbrush, became
exhausted and were also drowned.
Mr, Will +Iyndmau well known as an
old Exeterite assisted inrecovering
the body. Mr. Crawford moved from
Exeter North, to Manitoba, some ten
years ago, and the sad news was pain
fully received in Exeter.
Will be of value to thewori3 by illustrat-
ing the improvements in the mechanical
arts and eminent tibysiciana will telt von
that the progress in mtdiofnal agents, bias
been of equal impsrtance 'sad as a streng-
thening laxative that Syrup of Figs is
far in advance of all others,
Bold Kure hag
proved infallible for
the past three years in cases ot Grip.
Try it.
• A'
T)ring s ODening Beauti-
and sohas our spring S i and SllTi2
P i�'
nlr r goods. Step in and :see
our new dress goocls. SO'
beautiful in appearance, love-
ly in finish, durable in texture
and breks all revlots records
for low prices,' Our new prints
are simply immense, so the
ladies tell us and they should
know. For ladies' ndg n e ts'
footwear we never'. did take
second place and we never
had so large and well assort-
ed a stock as now, , And now
a word to the boys :from 6 to
loo years of age, We bave-
something' really elegant to
show you in neckwear and
gents' furnishings. Suits Made -
to order or ready made at a
Everything in our store reduc- •
ed to hard tinerices, depend
P P.
upon it. Highest price paid
for farm produce,
.1 P. ROSS, Merfset De1aot`
Follow E Crowd
TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
Ile has knocked the old time prices clean
out of existence. For the next 60 days•
for Cash only he sells (our own hand,
made) :
Men's French Rip Boots at $4; Men's. flapertal
Kip Boots at $3.10; Men's extra Rood Cowhide -
(loots, se- Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoes in endless varieties at 20 per dent. die
ntunefRepairing' promptly and neat1e done•
t following emu: Men's Half Bo es enhr
400,; Women's Half Soles only sea, Come and:
secure Some of,these Bargains.
The People's Shoe Stora
Next Door to Post Office
The mortgageindebtedness'of .eleven
counties in and around _Neer -York cit ,
which are mainly made - up of cities,
towns and villages, amounts to more
than the aggregate encumbrance on all
the farms in the United States.
Tenets, Weak, Neevotte,
Means impure Blood,: and overwork or too
much strain on brain and body, The only
way to cure is to feed the nerves on pure,
1 blood. Thousands of people certify that the
best blood purifier, the beet nerve tonin and
strength builder is hood's Sarsaparilla:
What it has done for others it will also do.
for you -Hood's Cures. Nervousness, lose
of sleep, loss of appetite and general debili
ty all disappear when Hood's Sarsaparilla is,
persistently tkaen, 'and strong delves,
sweet sleep, strong n
R k d8, E11
and in a word, health and happiness follow
the nee of Hood's Sarsaparilla- The strong,
point about Hood's Serraparilla is that
they are permanent, because they start.
from the solid foundation of purified, vital-
ized and enriched blood.
Excursion to California.
On account of the San Pranoisoo, Mid-
Winter Fair, the Chicago, Milwaukee &
St. Paul Railway Company will sell ex-
cursion tickets to San Francisco, St, Jose
Colton. Los Angeles and San Diego., Caj.,.
and Portland, Ore., at reduced rates, good
until April 1, 1894. For particulars gall on
any coupon ticket agent, or address A.. J.
Taylor, Canadian Pass. Agent, .,87 York
St., Toronto, Ont.
taontreal, Sept, 4th.
TO TBE $PUBLIC;:—In my practise,
and in the capacity of Veterinary Edith
of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, 1
have had occasion to test the merits of
Dick's Horse and Cattle Medicines.
have found them so thoroughly reliable
that I have prescribed them in hundreds
of oases, in all of which they have proved
satiefaotory. B. W. GRAHAM.
argains, Bargains
Just opened up a
complete Range in
Dress e
At Remarkably Low Prices.
011XM►1 Clr
We are showing in this Department a large and' select Stook of Sprit
Suiting*, Worsteds, pantings and Ire are snaking good Tweed Sults trona
$10 up. Mons, fine•, 3laek Worsted Suits for $15.
ztYof n and inspect t otr Gloede before paroltasing
i +Pie�li tZZ
stoolipotitri pro t Sleb�+A t,