HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-07, Page 1313. SERVICES AVAILABLE NME.11.111 MAN with 1/2 ton will do light delivery, clean-up. $6.00per load. Phone 524-850.-27,28,29ARff 41, FOR ALL your sewing phone 524- 6246.-45,46 HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by, dependable cleaners., Call Superior Mainteriance, phone -V2'4 - 889Z, Godeiich. SEPTIC tanks, Cleaned, modern equipment, work guaranteed. Write or phone H.T. Dale, Clinton. Phone 482-3320,--tf DAILY CAR RENTAL • Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 gl9tf PHOTOGRAPHY by • FRED BISSET 524-7223 GODERICH .• VACUUM CLEANERS SALES de SERVICE ALL MAKES BOB PECK VARNA 262-5748 gcttn 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE LYLE 'MONTGOMERY CONSTRUCTION . %on 01% *oft so ore mo %Oft. Crushed Road gravel, crushed stone (for drainage work) Clean Cement Gravel, Pit Run and Fill Gravel, Back hoe work, Screened Top Soil CLINTON - 482-7644 Phone evenings or before 7 tfn 14. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Pearl Elizabeth MacLaren, late of the :Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, who died June 2, 1974 are required to file proof of sartie with the under- signed on or -before November 17, 1974, after which date ..the ',Estate will be .distributed with regard only - to the claims of which the under- •' signed shall then have notice and . the.undersigned will not be liable to any person of whose claim she shall then' have notice.. DATED at Goderich, Ontario this 17th day of October. 1974. ' Marion Thorneloe, Executrix, ' by her.,Solicitors herein, HUNTER, PARKER & RIVERS Barristers and Solicitors 44 North Street Goderich, Ontario. 43,44,450 15. PUBLIC NOTICE 111111111111111111.111011114 CRANK 1 will no longer he resplin sible for al IN" debts incurred in\ wife Elsa Rose Crane, as of Oi !ober 11, 1974. —Mike Crane ----11.45.46. • . G.W. Rivett BOOKKEEPER Guitau Lessons 43 West Goderich Guitars toRent • Friday 4 p.m. - p. or Phone 5'27-0053 EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Custom Rec. Rooms & Bars Home Remodelling of any kind Special winter rates Vernon Glenn Phone Collect 526-7238' . • Auburn ,. Mar •SKELTON , APPLIANCES Inglis—Moffat—Beatty Sales—Service Repairs to all makes' 36 Britannia Rd, W. Ph. 524-7871 —rr--17tf • Deweerd- PAINTING PAPER HANGING Free Estimates Special Winter Rates 482-7550 Clinton •SCREENED TOP SOIL Lyle Montgomery Clinton •482.7644 Needlework, 011 and Picture Framing, choice of frame 1" to 3"..width. 'Regular or non glare glass - - Ready to hang - 48 hour service phone after 6 p.m. 482-7409 Harold Tyndall Clinton 45b Oow IN' THE ESTATE 'OF THOMAS HENRY WILSON, LATE of the Tot'yn of Goderich, in the County Huron, Retired •Watchman, 'ALL persons claiming against the above Estate are required to for -1 ward full particulars of their claims, to the undersigned, on or before the 25th day of November, 1974, after which date the assets will- be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18° The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors .for the Estate - • '.44,45,46A/R IN THE ESTATE OF MARY ANN LAMBERTUS, late of the Town - of Ashfield, in the County of, Hu n, Housewife, ALL- PERSONS claiming ,.the above\Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the, :4ndersigned,' on or before the 25th 1,,a‘y of November, 1974,. after which a/lt, the 'assets will he: distributed. . DONNELLY & Barris. -rs, 18 The .Squa GODERICH, Ontario. • Solicitors for the Estate •44,45,46A/R COUNTY OF HURON TREASURER'S SALE OF !LANDS IN. ARREARS OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House, Goderich, on' Tuesday, December 10, 1974 at 10:00 a.m. re any unpaid taxes still out- standing at thatllate, as shown on the lint published in the On- tario Gazette* September 7, 1974 NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER *GIVEN that if any of the unsaid lands remain unsold, an adjour- ned sale, will be held on Tuesday, December 17, 1974 at the same hour and place: Lists of the properties involved may be secured at my office in the Court House,aoderich, On- tario. JOHN G. BERRY Treasurer COUNTY OF HURON 21. BIRTHS BRINDLEY: Ted and Joanne, RR 6, Goderich, are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of their daughter, Tarra Lynn Nicole, born November 2, 1974, at Victoria Hospital, London, Ontario. 23. ENGAGEMENTS We are pleased to announce the for- thcoming marriage of our children CarolLouise Duckworth and, Larry Paul4Young. Vows to be exchanged Friday, December 20, 1974, 7 p.m., St. George's Anglican Church, Goderich.-.--June Taylor and Mr. and -Mrs. Arnold Young, -45x 25. IN MEMORIAM CONNELLY: In loving memory of my dear husband John who passed away five years ago. My heart still' aches with sadness My eyes fill up with tears Only God knows how much I miss •you uto, At the end of these long years. —Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by wife Jo. -45x CONNELLY: In loving memory of • a dear father and grandfather, John Connelly, who passed away five years ago, November 5th. To your resting place we .visit And place your flowers with care But no one knows the heartaches When we walk away and leave you there. If teardrops could build a stairway And memories were a lane We would walk all the way to heaven And bring you home again. —Sadly missed by children and grandchildren. -45 1.6. PERSONAL • 26.,,CARD'OF THANKS , 1X) YOU have marrilige or family . prow? the wit „kn.\ „t, t,t)„,*. ,ANDFRSON: I would like to thank' miiiiiiy & Social Services offers helo my family and friends fo, cards, ii) the forin , I marriau and fainjl%. flowers and gifts. while I was a counselling either in yoor home or 'patient in Goderich Hospital. , tr, , t he V i „gh„ 01 , ofyi,.,,, i Special thanks to Dr. Cieslar, nut- .j„sephint. st ,.,,,,t, Farapp„i Iv mem, ses and staff, for the good care given phone 357.3370.-81f me on second floor west.—Pearl An- , derson.-7-45x . 20. TO GIVE AWAY PUPPIES to give away, 8 weeks old. Phone- 524-2202,_-45,46 GERMAN SHEPHERD pup, male, four months old, dog house; chain and collar.' Phone 524-75114-45tfn 21. BIRTHS E —Judy•and Chris Lee, R.R. :3, Wa �n, Ontario proudly announce the h h of their son, Brett IN THE ESTATE OF MARY on October 2:3-11974., JOHNSTON, LATE , OF ,THRietik---7 TOWNSHIP OF GODERICH, IN GRAHAM: Ric rd THE COUNTY OF FIU'RON,• • are pleased to inn Housewife, • ALL PERSONS claiming against ' arrival of Chad Thom October 30, 1974, q the ahOve 'Estate are required to , Hospital, London, Ontario. forward full particulars of their brother for Alana.-45 claims' to the undersigned, on or ' and Marion nce the safe Angus, on ictoria little before the 25th day of November, 1974, after which' date the assets will be distributed. DONNELLY & MURPHY, Barristers, 18 The" Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate 44.,45,46A/R 15. PUBLIC NOTICE WHEELCHAIRS — WALKERS The Humanitarian Service Commit- tee of the 'Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges have 'equipment for loan. Contact, Amos Osbaldeston, 524-9623 or Fred Frit- zley, 524-7217. 4 PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth • 527-0053 • Open., Mon. Tues. Thurs.- • 3:3010 6 p.m. Fri. 9,,a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Planes, organs, drums, guitars, etc. Plano tuning and repairs Rental and lessons on electric ,gultar, base, accordion, deals and banjo. Lowest price* on Willis pianos and Opti.an or ane Plan td Attend Guitar Classes at"43 West St. Goderich Weekly .111IENRY PULSIFER7 Enroll Now INSTRUCTOR See dig other ad elsewhere in paper. LOB& At .Alexandra Hospital on November 5, 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lobb,' a daughter, Erin Joanne. First grandchild for Andy and 'Jewel Plunkett, Auburn, and Jim and Verna Lobb, RR .2, Clin- ton. -45 MACHAN: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 3, 1914,,to Mr.' and Mrs. Glen Machan, daughter, Nicole Charene. SIGURDSON: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on November 5, 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Sigurdson, • RR 2, Goderich, a 'daughter; Erica' Dawn. h. CLARANCE: At ''Victoria,,Hospital, London, on October 25, 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clarance, a daughter, Stacy Denise. 15. PUBLIC NOTICE THOMPSON: I would like to that* my relatives and friends for the flowers and visits I receiyed while a .patient Alexandra Hospital. '` Special thanks to Dr. Deathe, nur- ses and staff on second floor west.—,•Mrs. Joe Thompson. -45x 'FRCHETT'E: The family, of the late Sylvia (Powell) Frechette wish to express their heartfelt gratitude to the countless number of relatives neighbours, frierids, and friends of friends, who did .so much, in so , many ways, to make their great loss , of wife, mother and daughter, a lit- tle easier to bear. The number of those who helped is too great to thank each one personally at this time but we want everyone.to know that the help was beyond belief and so ' gratefully appreciated. Special thanks to Rev. Leon;ird Warr and Stiles' Funeral Home.—Gilles Frechette, Mabel and Albert' Powell.-45A/R L very sincere thanks for the nvcards and vii made while was a patient in the 0(k -fetich spital. A ver' special thanks to Dr. • Lambert' ad Dr, Lynch and nurs on the second - floor west who were . good to me. Thank you all.—M -. Phyllis Lewis. -45x MacPHEE: I' would like to than the Rebekah Lodge, Eastern Star, friends and neighbors for flowers, gifts, cards and visits while. a patient in the hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Lomas and Df, Lam- bert, nurses and staff of Second West and nurses in the emergency, also Rev. Royal and Rev. M'cCallum• for visits, -and our family.—Helen MacPhee.-45 15. PUBLIC NOTICE * 26. CARD OF THANKS *New JAMES: I wish to thank all mY friends and relati\ es for flokers, gifts and cards, while a patient- in Alexandra Hospital. Special thanks to nurses east wing, first floor —Mrs. Bessie James. -45 RODGER:, We. wish to thank all our friends and neighbdurs for .their donations and to Mr. and Mrs. Nor man McClinchev and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong who sponsored- the dance.—Keith and Jane Rodger' -45. THIS WEEK'S CLUB Winners , CLUB NO. 1 MRS. MARILYN BANNISTER CLUB NO. 2 MRS. MARTHA RATHBURN CLUB NO. 3 . MISS KIM WILKINSON You can be next . Nothing to buy - Nothing to lose - Enquire today_ N. T. ORMANDY, DIAMOND SPECIALIST ' • GODERICH • 7,- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, NOVElVIBUR 7, 1974 PAGE 13 DERDIOANNON DONS By Q.M. Blake Recent visitor S with Mr. and. Mrs. Marvin Smith were Mr and Mrs. Herman Guilbeault and Kelly of Essex and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Smith and family of Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hicks; Nokomis, Saskatchewan, spent a couple of days recently with hr cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee and also visited her aunt, Mrs. Ken Bell of Goderich. The Fall Rally of West Huron Presbyterial was held in Victoria United Church, on Wednesday, October 30 with the President of West Hbron, Mrs. Graham McNee in the I chair. Mrs. K.K. DawSon, LaVerne Pentland, Mrs. Nels Pierson and Mrs. R.iC. McClenaghan conducted the Bible study perrod. Frank Thompson and Gerald Kerr attended the annual In- surance Conference in Kingston a few days last week. Percy Horne, aged 87, -who lived in and around Dungan- non 411 his life until he went to Huronview some years agov, passed away after a short illness. His funeral was conduc- ted by Rev. R.C. McClenaghan from Stiles Funeral Home with interment in Dungannon Cemetery. Congratulations to Rev. enc.' Mrs. R.C. McClenaghan who observed their twenty-ninth wedding anniversary on Sun October_427 by visiting relatives in Kitchener. Mr. Brown Smyth is a, patient in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Garton and, Mrs. Gerald Tepper, Leamington; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Champion of London; Mr. and Mrs.- Robt. Fleming, • Lincoln . Park Michigan visited Mr. and Mrs. Mari/in Smith on the weekend and all attended the 40th anniversary celebration : for ' Mr. and Mrs.: Ambrose Gamble of Ripley which was held in ,Lucknow Legion Hall on Saturday, November 2. . Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Rouillette, formerly of Toronto and St. Catharines, have to 100 bought , the house previously owned ty Mrs. W.A. Stewart, Mrs. Rouilette has put her ap- plication in for supply teaching.., Welcome to Dungannon.. Mrs, Ryan has closed her house for the winter and gone ATTENTION horse owners, I have, to stay with her daughter, Mr. room in mV barn for two horses. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd, Anyone looking for board for horses Islington. within 2 miles of Goderich call Jim. The young people of this area McLeod 524-8046. -45 are to be commended for the - way they conducted themselves ACCOMMODATION for hoarding on Halloween. The "Trick-or- 6h7o9r8s7s, 576one Bruszseis - 1-887- Treaters" were well mannered _4 C WANTED WANTED TO RENT — 50 acres 'of crop land and 100 acres of pasture. Phone 523.-4220.-45 F - FOR RENT -resignation of Mrs,. Leonard hisholm. The U.C.W. "are invited by the .W. L. Kingsbridge to at- tend their meeting on Monday and hear a lawyer speaking on "Women's Rights." Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fowler Dungannon W.I. aild. family of Parkhill visited his father on the -weekend and took hirrr to Wingham to visit' Mrs. Fowler in hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hen0er- son and girls of Mississauga visited 'with her' father, AVIr. Harvey Alton, an the weekend. Obey the doctor, drink juice , enjoy clean air Dungannon's W.I. meeting was held Wednesday evening, 06tober 30, at the home df Mrs. Harry Girvirt with a splendid attendance. The president, Mrs. Graham McNee welcomed especially Mrs. Otto Popp, from Clinton, a former member here, • and her 'daughter, Mrs. Brian Holland. . The roll call, "Safe Guard to Health'', suggested regular visits to your doctor; obeying doctor's orders, drink cran- berry juice at least once a month, appreciate pure air; and many - others. Minutes and treasurer's report were read and accepted. • ,The sec.ond'ouilt block made by two more members was.on display and this one is to go ,ta the Erland Lee home, the 'first one having been .sent to the Science Centre in Toronto. GtT kEtko WANT ADS Preliminary List of Electors for TOWNSHIP of GODERICH The preliminary list of all -Electors prepared as required by the Municipal Elections Act, 1972, was publicly posted in the Office of the Municipal Clerk on the 18tA day Of October, 1974 Electors are called on to examine the list to ensure that their names and relevant information are correctly shown. 0.) Complaints in the nature of requests for additions, or corrections to, or deletions from, the list may be made by an Elector, coMpleting and filling a Form obtainable at the Office Of the Clerk. The last day for filling Forms requesting Additions, Corrections, or Deletions? x '4 1st day of November, 1974 R.E. Thompson., • Clerk Township of Goderich AmarMatillolononalmiesmiumari.v • 43 and not destructive. • Dinner guests on Sunday with Mrs. • Mary Bere and - family were Mr. and Mrs: Henry Farrell and grandson Jeff Palmeteer; Kincardine and Mr. and Mrs. Graham McNee. About twenty teachers from • the southern part of Huron County were observing classes at Brookside on Tuesday on their Professional Development • Day. Teachers - froth Br6okside observed teaching in other parts of the county the previous • .Monday on their P. D. Day, The Board of Trustees and Committee of Ste*ards of Dungannon United Church held a special meeting on Mon- day to make a decision regar- ding the future caretaking of • the church. The position of caretaker is vacant with the ATCH FOR • RAD' NEXT EK We have some very interesting facts and Int ation regarding 1975 American Motors Products Still a few 'new 1974 models left that will save you a substantial turn' of money Your Good Used Car Is AT AN:ALL TIME HIGH as our stock is low and we have 'Waiting buyers GRAF'S FINA • SERVICE 288 Bayfield Road Goderich -044411 or 5 4.8841 Amor' icim Motors and Jeob JOHN GRAF GORD MUNRO An invitation was 'received from Kingsbridge C.W.L. to at- tend their meeting on Monday evening, .November 4 and mem- bers were reminded of the workshop on Nutrition at Auburn Wednesday, November 6, beginning at 10 a.m.*. ' Mrs. Hugh McWhinney, con- vener for Family Affairs in- troduced her guest, Mrs Brian Hallam, Auburn, who gave'. a film entitled' "Help Is", • pic, turing First Aid at the scene of several.car accidents. Mrs. McWhinney gaye other types of accidents and proper first aid methods for each. Reports of the W.I.' Rally, held .at Brussels Monday, Oc- tober 7 were mei' given by Mrs. - G. McNee and Mrs. 'Elmer Black. The Area Convention is to be held in Stratford, Novem- ber 27 and .28. 4-H Achievement Day is to be at • Brookside School en November 23, and W.I. members- are in- vited to attend the afternoon program, and support, the 4-} girls for their interest. A $10 donation was made to and plans are in progress for the Christmas party for December 11. A special feature of this meeting, in the 60th year of the group, waslhe presentation of a Life Membership certificate and pin te,Mrs. Milbur Brown who has been a member for 40 years and has served in many of the offices. Mrs. G. McNee, the president, read the address, and Mrs. Harry Girvin, the secretary, made the presen- tation . . - Hostesses, Mrs. Cliff'Purdon, Mrs. Roy Robson, and Mrs. Gordon Finnigan, served lunch. Courtesies were expre4sed to all who had contributed. to the meeting. LOCAL FIRM REQUIRES PERSON TO DO TELEPHONE SURVEY ABSOLUTELY NO SELLING AT ANY TIME Now or in the future the person who does this survey will be selling absolutely nothing. • This is a straight fact finding survey. FOrms and • questions will be supplied. • • If yop havea pleasant telephone personality apply to Box 163 'Signal -Star. • • COA • BOMBER JACKETS, $ • Parkas, Ski, Jackets etc. • 9 Sizes 36 tO 46 up [Pic ett lit C�mpbell Ltd, • The Stott For Moo 1300ERICH 'CLINTON kiN6AADINE.