HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-11-07, Page 12O• d PAG. 12-GODFRICI' SIGNA.i..-,STAt2, THURSt).AY. ;`NOVEMBER 7, 197,4 41P- 1.ARTICLE5 FOR SALE CI -RICK our prices' on chesterfields. mattresses. chrome suites, coffee' tables C & E New and Used Fur niture. 524.7231 1 2 mile South of Goderich.-tf AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank A%ailable at Hoffineyer Plumbing and Heating, •King ton Stree-i, Goderich.-g14t1 SINGER -For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts & notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Stewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St. 52;.8.431, Goderich.--28,,29tf GOOD used furniture Nought and sold. Patterson's Used Furniture '" Phone 524-7616.-41 tf BURLEY'S Used Furniture, ap- pliances and antiques bought and sold., 26 Newgate Street, Goderich. Phone 524-6854.-1-27tfA R HIGH School Ring. Like new, $21) Phone 524-9106 anytime.-33tf SEWING' MACHINES. Large selec- tion of good used sewing machines. Singer, "White, and others, Repairs to all makes. All' machines and repairs guarantee.d.' 29 East St., 524-6012; La' Boutique.-38tfAR GARRARD stereo record player, without stacker, with magnetic car• fridge Betit used with low or medium priced outfit Worth $70.0( new, complete • with brand new diamond stylus for $.32.50 Call 524: 9106:--:3I tfnc• • MAGAZINE . subscriptions and Olympic Lottery tickets. Ernie Barker, 62. Essex St., -phone '524- 6232.-40-50 DEADLINE FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S. PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 8c ' per word; minimum $1.50 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE 311 inch WHITE electric Frigidaire sto'e Phone 529.7497 DUMONT Hi Fi set AM -FM and record player, cabinet style, and record stand Phone 482-7596.-45 SIMPLICITY washer - spin dryer, six months old, excellent condition, • two year guarantee, Harvest ,Gold. Interested parties please phone 524- - 2464 -15,46 SEVERAL itenis in boy's hockey equipment, also skates size 6, good condition. Phone 524-7836.-45 FOUR used Goodyear Fiberglas'', Belted Tires F60 x 15,psuitable for Dune Buggy. ' McGee Pontiac- Buicli.-45A R ' -• TWO pink and• white. pram suits,. fits up to' 21 lbs.,;.one polyester knit $5.00, one orlon •pile $9.00; boy's size 13 Bauer skate:;worn •twice, regular•$30.00, will sell for $12.00. Phone 524.6960.-45 APPLES, potatoes, onions and 2A. ARTICLES WANTED fresh cider at Art Bell's Fruit Farm.' Phone 524'-8(137. -41 tfn PULLETS FOR SALE _ Quantity of Hare° Sex -Link pullets, 20 weeks old end of October. Phone Roe Farms Limited al 356-2211, At- wood,• -Ont. --;'3.4;1.44 BYGONES will pay top prices for antique items. Urgent l\ rreghired now, clocks, fir•e•arm., in brass' and copper items, roll tole desks. etc'., etc.. Phone 524-6945 •=5i )t f 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT. OFFICE for rent. Good location. Available Sept 1. Phone after 5 p.m. 524.8845.-.-33tf • 3 BEDROOM town house° for rent at Vanitstra, R.R. 5, Clinton., $145 per month, all utilities paid. Phone 482.959() anytime.---22tf FURNISHED rooms with living .room and kitchen privileges. Phone 524-843:3 or 524-2482,-45,4,6 TWO-BEDROOM modern apart- ment for rent. No children. 'P'hone 524-7578.-44,45 a LARGE brick home, located at Am- beriey, oil forced air heating, 11/2 baths, all conveniences. Available December lst. Phone 524-8620,---45 SPACIOUS second 'floor,,apartment, heated, two bedrooms (one com- pletely- furnished), ,hroadloomed living room, drapes. Available December .1st: Rent ` $100.00. No children or pets. Call 524-7907,=45. 60' MOBILE HOME in Florida, nearly new, completely furnished, two bedrooms.- -Patio, carport, awnings. In very quiet but beautiful district. Available December, .January and •February. For further information write to Box 162, Signal -Star, Box 220, Goderich.-45 FURNITURE, );lass, china, clock., UPSTAIR unfurnished .apartment, • MacINT_OSH, Spar, Red and Golden hells, brass, copper. Will buy Inc suitable for 1 or 2 persons, Private cash or sel'1 by auction. Mike (1101 entrance. Phone after 6.p.m.. 5..4- - Delicious Apples, potatoes, turnips mine '.Atte tiorlee r, 52.1.9uii•1. - '?'_'tf 6278. -45 ,and, onions. Gerald Bell Fruit- • Farm, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524- 8008.-4:3tfA/R 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT 1972°C.B. ISi) HONDA, perfect con- .dition, must sell. Phone 52.1- 2425.---14,45A R TWO WINTER COATS, one blue coat, racoon trim sleeves, -neck and bottom, one muskrat waist .length, perfect condition, both reasonably priced, :size 12. Oxygen equipment reasonably priced. Phone • 524- • 7075.--44tfnAiR NORTHERN Spy apples and other. varieties avai,Iahle, at Arnold Bell's; concession fon(. Call Be1leview Fruit Farm,' 524- 8011.-44 A'Rtf 150 CEDAR fence rads, one dollar each, Phone 524-77394,-.4.1tfn BLACK ANT) WHiTE TV and an electric broom. Phone 524.- 7493.-:-44,45 TWO snow tires (like new)', 8.25 it 14. Phone 524-8159.--45x FORMAI, IREN'l'ALS for all oc- c•asicens. Picker ,incl ('amphell Ltd ,('lin1cc11 and (fcelerich a 'i'() RENT - $1 5,1 net* cl1iz rents. vccri a n aloe r ric rico' ,'hanii)c,c ee.•r. Remo\e•, ..ir'ct., grease. etc .•Seri icy, U(cmrniccn tlar•dHare, phone 7,2.1- 8581 1 --g4 I r f FORMAI, 1th:NTAi.S fur ,ill casions Free .i%le',, hruchrire, Rau•sun & Sy4m.tinaii ~tyle Sh„p, (ic,derh'h,----2;)tl °3. CARS,,TRUCKS FOR SALE 1972 VOLKSWAGEN convertible, excellent condition, radial tires; AM and FM radio, best offer., Phone 1969 BEAUMONT, 6 cylinder, two "new snow tires on rims, only 25,000 miles, one owner, good condition. -Phone 524-7956.-45,46x THREE Currier and Ives• Prints,,,,," 196:3 GAI.AXIE Ford V 6 hodv and framed; $25".00; ,Rober•tso.n :.motor. A 1 shape, new brakes.' Bagpipes, $50.00; .Wood,en Bagpipe Phone daytime 524-7331 Ext. 203,' • case, $25.00. 92 St. David St° after"5 evening 524-7337. --745x • ' - p, m.-45 THREE winter coats, size 12.14, reasonably priced. Phone 524- 8184.-45 IrYMAN All American turret reloading press; powder scale and measurer; four sets of dies; plus many accessories. Must be seen. Phone 524.2436.--45x INGROUND swimming pool, 16 ft. x 32 ft., with cover, heater and filter. This, pool will be removed and ready to be installed; 300 amp. electric Lincoln o arc welder, two years old, with cables and ac- cessories:, 2 h.p. air compressor; numerous other articles. Gord Smith, phone 524-71-23 between 5 and 6' p.m. -45 BEACH kitchen range (wood stove), $100.00. Phone 482-9193.--45 REAR tractor tires 18.4 x 30, nearly new. Phone 529-7543. -=45 TWO whitewall snow tires excellent condition size H-78.15. $25 phone 524.9021. -45 USED oil furnace, complete, ex.' cellent for garage or workshop. Phone 482-7285. -45 USED Simplicity automatic washer, heavy duty, ladyk beige winter coat, fur collar, Gime 14. $10. Phone -k4- 7135, -46x R . 1 ELECTRIC 113" Snow Slower,. rinsed' twice (Sunbeam) $80. 2 used 14atur•al Oas Space Heaters in good condition $°i0r each. Phone 524.9420 aiftbr 6 p°rr►° - 4,$ 3A. PET STOCK TR( )1)1('..5, fi')1, ca mint, '( etre Here leer .ui)plie. Parr Pe' Shop 150 Main Strew, .Exeienr, Oncari.i ()lien 1:1 a In t„ ti 1) 111 daily ;111(1 Friday n\ ening, 1~Wit BLUEVIEW CATTERY announ- ces monster after Hallowe'en Sale of surplus jet black, half grown, wit- ches kittens, 50c each or 4 for $1.00. Full replacement guarantee. Mother also available. Phone 524- 9200.---45 BASSET Hound ',nips, male. registered, Champion Sired, Trailblazer• • Kennels, Kincardine 395-5578. ---45;46r FREE 10, gal. aquarium with pur- chase of accessories to Complete the "kit. New supply cif fish and equip- ment now in stock. Christmas layaways 'invited. Open Friday evening till 9 p.m. The Fish Bowl, Lucknow, 528.2018.-•--45A%R SA. ROOM & BOARD COMFORTABLE Room .& Board available, lunches packed. Phone 52$-6684.---3.5tf YOUNG woman wishes room, or to share an apartment with another young woman. Phone 529-7557.-45 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT OFFICE;; and warehociiw. ('ontac t )truce MacDonaId 524;8146 ii evenings.- 37tf ONE -BEDROOM, heated, fur- nished apartment, utilities paid, centrally located, adults only. Apply 92 ('anil)ria Rd. N, Phi+ne- 524- -41a14.-3fitf LEASE THE LAND - OWN THE HOME Looking for a home to rent? Let us show you how you can own your; home for as little as $125 per month. Phone 524-6384 or 524-8059 HurOn Haven Homes, RR 6, Goderich, Ont. -46 FOR RENT As Of November 1 2°5 0 SQ. -FT. Hteated-. Warehouse. Space Downtown Location Contact J. BJCHANAN Signal -Star Pub. 5f24-8331. 7. WANTED TO RENT SINGLE i,Ai)Y requires one- hedroorri apartment, preferably un- furnished, with garage. Phone 52.4- 9292. -e•-4 2 t f n 7. WANTED TO RENT JUST transferred to; Goderich. Young couple with 2 yr. old seek 2 bedroom accomodation. Immediate! Gcicferich and Distri.i•t. Phone 524• 8357 9; to `i` p,m.--45tfn ' 8. HELP WANTED • THREE AVON REPRESEN- TATIVES required immediately for Christmas selling. One in Goderich, Goderich Township and Stanley Township. Call Mrs. M. Millson, London, 451-0541.---45,46,47A/R BABYSITTER required for Sunset Beach area; R.R. 5 Goderich. Phone 51,1':7/89.-45 TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITIES - Full and part-time. New factory, ex- pansion creating job for ambitious persons. Must have own car, no ex- perience necessary. For information call 524-6092.-45-48 Experienced Full '& Part -Time WAITRESSES WANTED 7 A.M. - 2 P.M. APPLY , CLUB GRILL' , KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 full & part time WAITRESSES wanted We also require a full time SHORT ORDER COOK We will pay top wages for the right persons. Phone 524-77-11 for an interview • appointment. The Candlelight Restaurant and Lavern, Hwy. 21, South, Goderich. WELCOME. WAGON HOSTESS We've got a job for you. If you're a good neighbour, have the use of a car, like meeting ,sand helping people, and have a °flexible daily schedule, add a second paycheque to your household. 'Consider a career with Welcome Wagon. To arrange for an interview please write MRS. J. MacKELLAR 6855 Glen Erin Dr, Unit 22 Mississauga, Ont. L5N 1P6 9. WAN:TED_(Ge.n.eral) WANTED Two Old Age' Pc°n- sioners, Room and hoard $75 00 a month. -45,46 ('OMi'I,ETE household effe•r!. or small lots wanted. ('all (' and E Furniture, 524-7231.-gtf 10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED -WILL, BABYSI'i' one or two children in my own home, Mi,nday. to Friday. Please call 524- 2436,-45x.' 8. HELP WANTED VIIINOMM Bookkeeper Accountant Full resume stating experience required Send to Box 160 c/o Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. Female Companion requkedato live with elderly lady residing in-.Goderich, Ontario during the summer and in Nassau during the winter. The primary responsibility ofthe successful candidate will be to assist in personal matters and 50 b9' a' companion and travelling partner wltlythe lady. Domestic service and an automobile Is provided, a driver's Ilcense would be an asset but is not a strict requirement. Interested apt plicants should apply .to Box 161 c/o Signal Star Box 220 Goderich stating full personal quafficatloris, references and salary requirenlente. 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE Consignment Auction Sale THE SECOND SATURDAY Of EACH MONTH Farm Tractors, Machinery, Snowmobiles and Appliances LOCATED AT Lakeview Sales and Service • 11/4 MILES NORTH AND 1/2 MILE EAST OF • CARLOW OR 7 MILES NORTH EAST OF GODERICH, ONT. LAST SALE OF 1974 Saturday,. Nov. 9, at 11 a:m.. Thera will be over 200 pieces of machinery and fifty tractors, including tractors from 10 to. 100 horsepower, all sizes and Makes. Large selection of snowmobiles. " - Gsn•ral Fartn Equipment, including combines, *wattlers, balers, 'disc cultivators, ploughs. Plus a large selection of used forage boxes and new 10 ton wagons, also new 11-L and 9.5 L 15" Equipment tires and tubes. A large selection of electric appliances Including fridges, TVs, stoves, washers, dryers and electric motors. Due to this large consignment the sale must start at 11 a.rn. sharp and these ap- pliances will be sold first. To place consignments call Lakeview Soles and Service 524- 6451 More consignments Welcome - Terms Cash BRINDLEY AUCTION SERVICE IN CHARGE Lunch Booth on Grounds COMPLETE REGISTERED •R.O.P. HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL `For Earl C. O'Grady, Listowel Sale to be held at DAVID CARSON'S FARM 1 mile east of ,Listowel on Highway 86 SATURDAY, NOV. 9 HERD CONSISTS 0030 MATURE COWS: 3VG, 18GP, 6G, 3 Not Classified 16 of these will be due In next .2 months, balance in various stages of lactation, also 8 First Calf Heifers Springing 30 Head of Open Heifers and Calves 4 Young Bulls of Service Age This is a Top Quality Herd of, Cows with Full Pedigrees and R.O.P. Records. This will be one of the best opportunities to purchase a homebred herd of this quality. Cows are all blood tested and free of bruceiosis and vaccinated for IBA. Also for Private Sale: Mueller 33 Can Bulk Tank, Starlite Pipe Line Milking System with .4 Units and Meters Catalogues Available for Cattle , u CAR.SoN'S Auction Service Auctioneer: DAVID°CARSON,'R.R. 3, Listowel 519-291-2049' • EARL O'GRADY, Listowel, Ont., 519.291-3168 12. AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale Every Friday at $00 p.m. New chesterfle)d, bedroom, kitchen suites, lamps, coffee and table sets, b4dding, stereos, component sets, bunk beds, recliners and giftware at • Ball Auctions MUSSELS 881-9363' (Budget Plan Available,) Auctioneering "ANY KIND OF 'SALE` - Let Harold Do It. HAROLD LAMB 154 REGENT STREET GODERICH 524-9657 AUCTIONEERS and LIQUIDATORS At1RUCEF•IELD. ONT Offer the most modern auction methods LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO - WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 Auction Sale of Antiques and Household Effects at the Auction Rooms-, Hwy. 21, one mile south of Goderich on Sat., Nov. -9 at 1 .p.m. 2 pine flat -to -wall cupboards (one ,with 8 panes of glass in each door); round. extension tabie,.ivith 6 chairs and buffet; 3 jelly cupboards; bonnet bureau; pine cradle; 3 commodes; 2 Washstands; rocking chair; an- tique wood heater; pine blanket box; trunk; clock; chests of drawers; dressers; diningroom extension table; sets of diningroom chairs; set of 6 pressed back chairs; china cabinet; small tables; iron and brass bed; single continental bed;' .chesterfield and , chair; coffee -table with 2 matching end tables; book shelves; modern metal flrepiace; copper boiler; 2 organ'stools; crocks; jugs; frames; bottles; 3 rugs, jig -saw; part sets of dishes; depression glass; bar stools; modern tiffany -type hanging shade, etc. etc. • Terms - Cash Mike Cummings - auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 • Outstanding Estate Sale for Mrs. Margarret,Parish,, from 'the village of Brussels Sat. November 9 at Bali Auctions Brussels; Ont. Sale Starts at 1:30 p.m. Partial Listing:- Westinghouse 2 door refrigerator, chest freezer (small size), Westinghouse wringer washer, 19" Electrohome pgrtabie color T.V., Cubical Helnznlan piano with' bench,. secretary desk; 24" electric stove, 3 piece modern bedroom suite, lovely' waterfall front bedroom suite, 4 matching Edwardian chairs, cabinet model color T,1r;, morris chairs, washstand, drop leaf table, old rockers, odd chestsof drawers and dressers, 5 press back chairs (very old), large assortment of good linen, bird of paradise set of dishes, (service for 6-2 cups missing), blanket box, camel back trunk, gas' lawnmower (like new), complete stock of small kitch'en appliances, and dishes, single barrel " shotgun (12 gauge), Oak buffet, complete content* of old dishes, book*, curt •' c. and drapes, old ,paintings, 2 piece chesterfield ..and many more items 'c, . numerous to mention. • ° An 0 Note; Thii:111 a very large offering` bf good used furniture so be sure to at- tend thitsale for everything must be 'Hold to the highest bidc1er. SAIF BV Donald Bali Enterprises, Lunch Booth on Gtoundc Plenty of Parking V` o Auctlbner R.A. Ball ar 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE ACE RADIO & TV SalesANService Repairs tom gll ' - makes of Radio & Television 60 PICTO'N ' ST. W. FRANK WILCOX--524.7771 HOFFMEYER Plumbing & Heating Ltd. APPLIANCES 55 'KINGSTON ST. .ELECTRIC Ingli.a . washers, dryers, refrigerators, dli'shwashers, ranges, - - GAS Ranges, barbecues, lights, ranges Sid Brui n sma FOR ALL YOUR ' EXCAVATING NEEDS BACKHOE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-8668 BUSINESS COMMERCIAL & , i' DUSTRIA1 MAINTENANCE anl.., CLEANING Fisher 5 24-2445 COMPLETE "LANDSCAPING SERVICE & SUPPLIES Dutch Bulbs Pall Evergreens & Trees Open Mon. -Sat. tit dark Sunday - Noon to 6 p.m. ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY and GARDEN CENTRE 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 YOUR FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE THE BEST! Have Carpet Care Clean them with Steam Cali 24244O .4