HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-31, Page 32Pain
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Being properly equipped and keeping one's wits about one-
is*the best advipe for a snowbound motorist.
(Photo courtesy of Ni.w York Daily News)
"Keeping Cool" Part of Coping
Every winter there is invariably a news.. flash. con -
cerning a heavy storm that has stranded thousands of
motorists along some snow7clobbered road. Mostcar
owners involved in ,such a nightmare are unprepared
for such a harrowing experience.
• The Can.adian oil firm Pacific 66 has, prepared a list
of "Do's" and "Don'ts' to assure survival in a snow-
bound car: •
Have your car completelywinterized, with special
attention to Ignition, antifreeze, battery and .cables,
radiator hoses and cap, fanAnd. power belts, snow tires,
including spare tire, and all lubricants.
Carry, a first aid kit, traction mat, blanket, sCraper,
sand, and a shovel. In einergencies you may use your
hub ,caps as shovels.
Warm clothing shoulcL include heavy socks, mitts, a
good pair of snow boots; snowmobile suit and heavy
duty sleeping bag.
• It's also a good idea to carry a tool kit, spare fuses,•
axe. nylon tow rope or chain, a container for. gasoline
acid a length of rubber tubing to siphon off gasoline
for use as fuel. Hub caps may also be used as containers.
Your kit should also contain matches dipped in wax
and scaled in IA/a:ter-tight container, two or'three
Chocolate ban, and 'candles to help warm the inside
of the car should you run out of gasoline.
Keep your "survival kit" in a water repellent box or
canvas bag.
Your actions during the first few bours of being
• stranded' are vitally important.
Here are six points that the snowbound motorist should
observe for safety's sake, plus one to be (observed if it
appears he might be, and still another that Will help him
avoid the problem:
1. Stay 'in the car until
" you run out of gasoline (si-
phon maul- into' a (•ontainer
before you do.) Beware of
• carbon monoxide:. Make sure
the tailpipe is dear of snow.
hile the ear just long'enough
to Jake the chill off. •
* *
• When
2. When you run out' of
fuel and candles, GET OUT.
Frost build -W can seal the
ear and cause suffocation.
* * *
3." Light a fire by dous-
ing wood ,with the gasoline
you've siphoned off. If wood
is not available, use the car
seats, rugs, .,spare • tire and,
'if necessary, the tires on the
wheels. (Be sure to let the
air out of lire before ignit-
* • * *
4. Build a shelter using
branches or blankets. If not
available, use the ear as a
wind break.
• 5. Prepare a water supply
-by melting snow or ice. Eat-
ing ice or snow can cause
dehydration. You can live
for days without food but
water is essential.
*. * 4.
r. .
•6. STAY PUT. If you wan-
der, you might become lost
and freeze. Keep active by
,replenishing your fire, and
wait .for help to arrive. If
you are well off the beaten
path, .wait until the weather
has settled down before. you
start looking for help.
* * *
7. As you are travelling
in your ear, a good habit is
to make a attental note of
buildings that may afford
protection and serve as land- •
' marks.
8. Cheek on weather re -
polls and highway Condi-
tions with local authorities
becore sett ing,opt.
* *
Winter driving can be
d.atigerous. Preparation
will improve your chances -
if you become stranded.
(rod TRUCK
We now have-.
a good stock
new and used.
„We install what we sell ,
24 Hour Towing Service
R.R.4, Godeiich
5 247:7 1 1 1"
uneL.Up No. 2 is
alled Vital, - •
Take your car to your
service station and ask the
attendant to give your car
"Tune -Up Number 2" and
he'll -probably look at you
and scratch his head. He
knows abouktune-ups, but
he probably doesn't know
about "the second tune-
Yet "Tune -Up No. 2" is '0
a vital part of your' car's
• maintenance, one that's
long overdue in most cars.
Tune -Up No. 2 is simply
a thorough inspection and
check of all the compo-
• nents in your car's cooling
system and replacement
of those ,:parts that are
worn or malfunctioning.
It is a cooling system tune-
up. •
Vkrhy is itiniportant? To- ,
understand the need for a
cooling system time -up,
we must first look at the
function of the system.
The cooling system keeps
the operating temperature
of the engine'at a level at
which it will perform at
top efficiency. -
Keeping Its Cool
To accomplish this task,
automobile manufacturers
have developed the pres-
surized cooling system -
which allows special .cool-
ants (not' water) -to rise
well above the ordinary
boiling point without
"boiling over." The cooling
system on the average au-
tomotive engine must be
able to withstand in .ex-
dess of 17 pounds of pres-
sure combined with under -
hood and coolant temper-
atures that range from
2780F. to 300° F.
These higher tempera-
tures and Pressures put
tremendous strains on all
cooling system 'Compo-
nents hoses, V -belts,
water pump, thermostat,
• radiator cap.
It takes only one of
• these key parts to fail or
malfunction to cause the
engine to overheat With
costly internal engine
damage as the likely re-
sult. •
If you are driving a late
model car and it's been
more than- a year since .
ou!ye had your cooling
syitem checked, you're
overdue for trouble. You're
ready for "Tune -Up No. 2."
Worth -It-- —
The .cost of a cooling
system tune-up .is rela-
tively small compared to
the potential savings you
could realize by prevent-
ing a costly break -down or
expensiVe engine repairs.
. , .
(dontmued on page 9)
"*** • • •%:,i•i•:•i:i•;:far...
• ''''' • •
owio getvery
• traclemiti allovvance
foryotir car.
Keep it dirty., Don't keep the engine 'tuned. And if you
insist on. buyihg rustproofing, bUy• one of the cheap, un.y
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•HOW tO •
get a lot
Send for a free copy of our book, 'Your new car and the
ehvironmene. •
It tells you everything you need to know about -protecting
your new car against rust and corrosion.
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