The Exeter Times, 1894-4-26, Page 5COAL MINERS' STIIIKE President IlTeBride Does Not Fear Canadian Competition in Coal. 'COAL. PRODUCTION SUSPENDED In Pittsburg Destrict' Alone Nearly 20,000 Coal Hikers Aro standing Idle- xl.e Strike Already Woes ASI.. pottrauce of Being a success. Coxaraix;us, Ohio, April 21, --The great 'strike among the coal gainers went into ••effect to -clay at noon, according to the decroe issued recently by the UnitedAline Workers. President AleBeide of the United cline Woi1 ars gives the followingstatement of -the ninnber of Miners thatare out and their distribution among the states: Pennsylvania, 50,000; Ohio, 26,000; Iowa; 5,000; West Virginia, 6,000; Ten- nessee aucl Kentucky, 5,000; Missouri,, 8,000; Alabama, 8,000;, Colorado, 4,000; Indian •Territory, 2,000. The total is 132, 000. Coalm en's, 0„ April 23.—President 14Ie. Bride, of the National Miners' Association, has received many requests for informa- tion>from local assemblies, askina hien if the looal operators accede to the terms of the strikers what they shall do. . In an- swer McBride says: "Tlio fight for living wages is a general fight and no looal settle- ments will be authorized or recognized. Until a general seftlenient has been de- .glared the following rule must be obeyed by all miners in all localities: ` As ordered by the national convention, coal must not be loaded at any price or for any purpose, but where companies amengines run, water hauled, timber or any other kind of repair work done it will be petmittedpro- vided wages are on account the scale de- manded by the convention.' " President. McBride said he did not think there was any considerable coal mined ahead compared with the amount of con- snmption, and stopping the mines would result very quickly in a fuel" stringency that would force a settlement of the ques- tion at issue. He said he did not fear that .coal from Canada would come in to take the place of American goal during the strike. Indeed,' he laughed at the sugges- tion. "To give you an idea of the small figure the pinch -talked -of' Nova Scotia mines cut in the market," said he. "let neaten you the,t there are five counties iii Ohio any one of which produces more coal yearly than all the Nova Scotia mines ;combined. COAL FOR THE PATROL FLEET. NEWS TOPICS QF A W J K - %lee emportant invents in a ]crow Words for I limey )(Waders, Collingwood Council has adopted the •eurfewv bell. Patrick 3, Sullivan was hanged at San Frauoisco on Sunday for murdering his wife. Near Benin's' Ferry, Idaho, a..L. Clarke, his wife and two children were killed by a ` s nosvslide. The work in oor.noctiau with the eleo- trio railway between Galt and Preston has been commenced. Rev, Geo. Purkis, a retired Congre; a- tionel minister, died at Bowmanville on Thursday, aged 78. The new St. James Chnroh, Harrisburg, was consecrated an Thursday by the A.ich bishop cif Ontario. So far this mouth an average of fifteen new cases of smallpox each day have been reported in Chicago. "Doc" Biehop and ]frank Latham were Iynolled by settlers living near Watonga, 0. T„ for horse -stealing. Three thousand Italian street -cleaners in Philadelphia went out on strike on Sunday night for an increase of wages. The Scott, act will be re-enacted in Charlottetown, P.E.I. A majority of 22 has been declared for the measure. Bradstreet's reports 31 business failures this Week against 38 last week, and 31 in the corresponding week last year; • The Ferris wheel will be removed from Cbioago and be re -erected at the corner of Broadway and 37th street, New York, Abel E, Ripley, who was elected Reeve. of. Thorolcl ou the P. P. A. ticket in Jan- uary, was killed by lightning on Friday. At Milford Thursday night Mfrs. Mar- garet Dodge, aged 74, a highly: respected resident, -died suddenly in an apoplectic fht. The British Commons, by a vote of 254 to 194, has repealed the Ixish coercion ate passed at, the instance of Mr. Balfour in 1887. In a railway wreck near Vassar, elioli., two men named Brown and Delabo were killed, and one Cook of Detroit fatally in- jured. Ion. Thomas J, Jarvis of Raleigh, N. 0., has accepted the United States Sen. •atorehip, to succeed the late Senator Vance. • Dr.- Grant Purdy, whose death is an- nounced ,at n-nounced,at Butte City, Montana, was born in Kingston,and was a graduate of Queen's College. For barn -burning, Tom Black, John. 'Willis and Todye•.Johnson, colored, were lynched at Tuscumbia, Ala,; on Sunday morning. The new Government of Newfoundland. has 'requested the British. Government to send a royal commission to investigate the colony's affairs, The tablet to the memory of Jenny Lind. was unveiled in Westminster Abbey on Friday by Princess Christian, third daughter of the. Queen. Rev. Dr. Parlchurst of. New York has definitely announced the inteution of his organization,to enter politics and attempt to overthrow Tammany. A race war is on in Madison'Parisb, La., and so far one white niau aucl ono negro have been killed, while thiri:sea. negroes 'are in gaol charged with murdea;. At the convention of Fire Chiefs in Bos- ton, Mae's., oir'Thurday, it was decided to hold the next convention in Montreal on the second. Tuesday in August. Thos. Dow, formerly Manager of the Western Bank at Whitby, died at the residence of his son -in law, Rev, Mr-14Io- Gillivray, Kingston, on Thursday. At Buffalo on Thursday, William Kirby was sent to the penitentiary for 60 days for picking the pockets of H. A. Wade of Bradford, Ont., in a Main street saloon. Atneriolu i Authorities Will Use Smokeless Coal from British Columbia Mines. eemnt GT0N April 24.—Secretary Here. beat does not hawed that the vessels of the Behring Sea patrol fleet on their summer 'cruise shall make such. a smoke as to give poachers warning of their approach. The coal Jie has sent to Unalaska for the ship "is teeeenokeless variety, from the coal mines .of British Columbia. As this selection brought forth voluminous patriotic pro- tests from residents of the State of Wash- ington, ha sent a letter to Commander Clark, the, flag officer of the neval fleet at .Port'Townseild, directing him to -have all the vessels of the fleet take sufficient coal from the Fairhaven mines inWashington to enable thein to reach the coal aupplyab Unalaska and to make a full report of its .qualities.The instructions continue: "As the coal emits a very black smoke, it is not deemed expedient to use, it while ves- sels are patrolling Behring Sea. After reaching the base. of ooaI supply which has .already been oontraeted for, as far as prac- ticable no other coal will be used." Shot Himself Through the }'cart, TrLans H,.u'ria, Ind., April 24.—M. A. Hunt, treasurer of the I' ational Associa- tion of Florists, shot himself through the heart. In January be had the grip in 'Chicago, where Mrs. Hunt went to nurse him. After he had. recovered she was prostrated with the grip and insanity fol- lowed. She was taken to a private sani• tarinm at Iudianapolis, and recently, was brought home, it being thought she was recovering.. Last Saturday she was pro- nounced incurably insure and was remov ,ed to the hospital. Mr. Hint went to his office, adjoinintr the residence, where he sat down in a chair and sent a bullet .through his heart,,, , Fire in Pembroke. Pns naoxrs, April 24.—.A. fire broke out in the building ou Main street, owned and .occupied by Hugh Fraser & Son as a carriage factory,- blacksmith and paint .shops, also harness department of„Thomas Cadden. The fire originated in the de- partment where they set their tires, and was not discovered until too late to save n .the building, which was frame and burned very quickly, but a .small quantify of -�aterial was.. saved. Cadden had great imtifflenity in saving his stock and tools, `'.His loss will be slight. Newfoundland Cabinet Affairs. . b a Sr. jalxrrs, Nfld., April 24. --The White•' wayites are very disconsolate. They ad- mit theirdefeat and there is no c+atuce of' dissolution yet, They still refuse tb passe the revenue. bill. Attempts were made to settle the dispute. Mr. Whiteway was asked to consent to the paseage of the re- venue hill and the Government was urged to dissolve and hold a general election in :November Amicable .arrangements nkny. be effected, though it is not probable. In 1'XonLory of Siaalcesnea re. Loi no,`t, April 24.—There was a large' number of visitors to the tomb of Shake. ;speare at Stratford -on -Avon yesterday, the .anniversary of the poet's birth. A large number of wreaths were laid upon the -tomb and the boys attending the ' school ;in which Shakespeare was educated paid a handsome tribute to his memory. Sauiplee of Grain Distributed. OarAw.a, April 24. --About 18,500 samp-. ion of grain have been distributed from • the experimental earm this year. Abeue .1 nek r in addition two or there() thonsai c p e s x will. be sent out 'by the end of next week, when the distribution will cease for the ;year. Shoo Strikers Tiegutuo Wong liatxrnrolr April 24, --The 200 employes .1 At J. 'McPherson c� Co.'hem s s featsry, who . have been out on strike fob they, past week .againstareduction in the scale of Wages, have xsturned to work, the dii(ioulty hay - lug lu been amicably;adjuated. IYfsulrliointerl In Lowe.' ,AN BSSEX lydRIalle i A Toru', Walcott Wirtz EIAS .x Azsnnslt .Ar.r. T3,tg 91t1k11'Toeis Or Buxarn'':s DU GSSG kuE$S;RT- DODD'S a MOSSY11n1,e :acres Met Plummer Wear. Accra. KNOWLEDGE Brin;sconifort and improvement and tends to personal onjoymen4 when. rightly used, Tho many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less cYpanditure, by more promptly adapting the world's. best products to p to the needs of physical being, will attest tho valuo to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup.of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the forxu.. moat acceptable and pleas - nut to the tests, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of re perfect lax- ativo ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, laeadaohes and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfactions to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, id- noy s, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening eak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable subetaaicc. Syrup of Fins is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manus factured by the California Fl Syrup t ';`)very hli ed leis l nen Co.only, whose .p Y package, also the name Syrup of Figs, and being well inforneed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. 1'or Sale at C. Lutiz's Drug' Store The betrothal of.the Grand Duke Nich- olas, Czarewvitch of Russia, to the Princess Alix of Hesse, youngest sister of Grand. Duke Ernst Louis of Hesse, is announced, Ars. Nancy Gardiner, 50 years of age, a widow, committed suicide at Buffalo on Thursday. She left a note to her servant saying she wits no longer any use on earth. John Paisley has been appointed cus- toms officer eat the Canadian- end of the carriage siispensioh bridge, to;.:.succeed. John McGovern, who retired a few weeks ago. A young Englishman named. Fred. Aus. tin, employed by James.Sandham, farm- er; near Niagara, has disappeared. He was last seen standing on a wharf at Ni - agent. The elections in Portugal for members of the Cortes have resulted in the return of. 109 suppertera of the `Government, 49 Pro- gressists, 11 Independents, and 2 repub- licans. An extensive fire occurred. in Yokohama an April 2'Two United States marines and four Japanese women were burgled to death. All the victims were uudor the in- fluence of opium. While telephone linemen were repairing a wire at Philadelphia on Friday it became entangled with a live electric wire. Two of rho workmen were killed and two others seriously injured. farmer.trader, of T - James Parks,and t ad r, y hbeen fine. t complaint f dfnal a as dor o en g.P hn t n '4s. r 0 for havingin o s o Inspector J � his possession illegal weighing macines and an illegal measure, • The sularometer, a new instrument, do - signed to do away with the present means for determining latitude and longitude, is being successfslly used on the North Ger- man Lloyd. steamers. Wm. Smith, a sawyer, hail his left arm caught in the machinery at Hope's mill at Keene on Thursday and the arm was taken off "above the elbow. Dr. Harrison is at tending the injured man. Charles Sohoenfeldeof Galt, died from eating canned tomatoes, which itis thought had •corroded in the can after being opened. Dedeased was 31 years of age and leaves a wife and four children. At Belleville, James Blair of Hal/eine' don. was giver) three months in the{'.ent- rel and his wife ono year in penitentiary far brutally beating two little boys' the woman's children by aformer husband. At the marriage of Mies Elizabeth Glen- denning to Clayton F, 11IctIlehael at St. ,Tames' Episcopal caiiureh, Philadelphia, the bride fainted and fell into the arms of the bridegroom : immediately after saying "yes.,, r. The registration of Chinese in San Fran- cisco under the Geary Amt has not been as active as was expeotetl ab rho time of its passage, and it is estimated from; four to seven thousand have as yet filed no apple. sli- ll milieu to register: Representative 'Voorhees of Ohio lairs in,- troduoed in the United States Howse a bill for the survey of a ship canal route connecting Lulce Erie and tlia Ohio river J`Amaseow x, April 28,-r•Jamosl`]•eivlrohta, by way o£ the Ohio Canal and itnsicingtvn, lxbout ee years ee age, shot himself twice River,' It le to have sufficient depth to in the breast yesterday ere win die. Transport the. largest boats of the great 0,,a.�e ,,. T sem- T ,.,v .....,,: Gf,A 1kiAkt.. -Leamington, April 23, — Sherman Buchanan, aturner living near bore re- cently passed through a terrible ordeal. He woe at oa,e d by kidney dzsease, whichh made him a Pc r eot wreck. He suffered d agonizing pains and Iiia digestive organs were seriously impaired. All the symptoms. of i3right's disease were present. After seyeral•dootors had treated him beetlect- ually, Mr.. Buchanan used several boxes c f Dodds Kidney Wills and they oared him. Uadd'e was the first kidney remedy in pill form ever offered the public. Its wonder- ful suaeese in oaring all fortis of kidney disease. has led to the introduction of nummtous cheap and worthless imitations. Purchasers, for, their own safety, should insist 00 getting Dodd's 'Kidney Pills, Sold in large boxes: price, fifty (ants or six boxes. for 62. G0. To be lead of all dealsrs. The prices of col�;and White Cana - din cottons ana-d.ian'cottons at Toronto have been reduced Dent toe emitper yard. Ladv A.berdeen went to liingstou on 1Yednesdayto forma social council of women in that city. At Brant spring assizes on Friday morning, John Turner, ( colored) pleaded guilty to shooting his wife, and was sen- tenced to one month in fail. HOW TO GET .,. A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. THE VERY LATEST NEWS An Dight -inch' vein of tin has been found in the Rainy Lake district. Prevent Dyspepsia by using K. •D . C. The trade returns for Canada for March show a decline in imports and erparte com- pared with the same month last year. Don't you like pills? Eseljay's Liver Loz. magas are better for you. 25o, at druggists. The Northwestern cordage Company, of St. Paul, 14linn., is making arrangotneats to start a binder twine and rope factory e.t Winnipeg. Women who can't take pills can have that biliousness removed efrom their sys- tems by Eseljays Liver Lozenges. 25e. at druggists.- 1:. Th ,Canadian General Electric Company are the successful tenderers for the aleo- trict Iight and power generating plant to be installed by the Dominion Govornm eat at the Sault Ste. Marie Casal looks. ifiniaters, Lawyers, Teachers,.and others whose occupation gives but little exercise, sbou]duso Carter's. Little Liyer Pills for torpid liver andbiliousness. One is a dose, Try them. Fireman Smith, a farmer living near St, George, wont to Paris on Saturday, and while descending a Stairway at Gray's hotel fell and fractured his skull, dying in a fe w hours. . Children are fond of Eseljay's Liver Lee- -enges. 25o. at druggists. Seeding is so far advances at the Central Experimental farm that operations will probably be through long before the date of commencement last year. Do not neglect coughs, colds, asthma and bronchitis, but cure them by tieing Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. NorwayePine Syrup is the safest an d best cure ter oouglis, colds, asthma, bron- chitis, sore throat, and all throat and lun g troubles. Price 25o. and 50 cents. Burdock Blood Bitter; unlock all the clogged secretions of the bowels thus cur- ing headaches and similar onmplaints. I have been greatly troabled with bead. ache and bad blood for ten or twelve years, T started to take Burdock Biood ]littera in July 1892, and now, January 1893, I am perfectly cured, High Drain, Norwood, Ont. Port Perry Ittethodists rejoice because their church is • now free of debt. AUL MEN . Young, old or middle aged, who find.;them- solvos.nervous, weak and exhausted, who are result- ing eoverwork, eR 98 0r down from o broken in mann' of the following symptoms : Mental deprosslon, premature old age. loss of vitality, loss of memory, baa dramas, dimness of siaht,palpitation of the heart emission, lank of enerey,pain in the k dneys,theadaches, Pimples on the face and body; itrehing or Peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of rho organs, dizziness, enacts before the eyes' twitching of the museles, eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and eine, weak and flabby muscles, .dosiro to sleep,1ailure to he rested by sleep, constipation dullness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for sunken eyes, solitude, excitability of tamper, surrounded with leaden circles, oily Iooking nervous deb il- skin, etc., aro all symptoms of, i t t load to insanity ,unless cured. .Cho ty hn spring or vital course having lost its )tension, every funotion wanes in coneoqucnc0. Those who through abuse committed:an ignorance, maybe permanently cnrod. Send your ad-- dress d- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man, cont free, sealed. Address its. V. LUiION, 25 bfaodonneli,Ave.,Toronto Oat.,Canacla POR OVIIR FIFTY/ TEAM. Azo Olen etre Weer-Tnnst. ]lssmanv.- Mrs. Winslow'sSoothing Syrup has boon used fifty sears by millions of mothers for their children while toothing,with porreet success, rt soothes the child, softens the gums, allays the pain, cures the polio, and es the best remedy for Diarrhoea; le pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. 25 cants a bottle. Its value is incaloulablo. ISD suro and ask far Airs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup and take no other kind. Canada shipped 876 tons of hay to Eng. land last month. Rem Ill. Ie Sri Halms.---Distresaing .IZid- neyend bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kid. toy Cute." •This now remedy is a great s en 'ate - count - rto 1 'af zan ( surprise and delight ply n t ss in re- lieving she c ant of its exceeding < o g p p, petit in the bladder, kidneys,baok and every past of the urinary: passages in miale and female. It relieves retention of water and pain in peeping it almost immsd- ately. If you want quick retief and oure the is your remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ, A Delta -South li�n>tvn[Axisti Cense rtr Amerioan etlteumatisCure, for Rheumatism. And neuralgia, radically eaves in 1 to 8 days. Ito notion upon the system ie remark- able and mysterious. ` It romores at ()nee the cause and the disease itntnediately div- appears. The ural idose greatly bonofits. 76 tents. Sole by�C. d'a'utz, D-rugglst, 518' Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (weep per. bearing the words "Why does a woman look older, sooner than. a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 48 Scott Si,, Toronto, and you will receive by post a pretty pioture, free from advertising and well worth. framing. orae yourhome. This is an easy way to decorate The eaten is rho best in the market, and it will only cost to postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. NV � -ANT11) A ente to sell our ohoioe and hardy, nursery stook either on ,Mahary or • Commission. We also giveourmea the privilege of sodding aux' new and"tholesPfaTlOti .s t HU4d potatoes. Seem() the agency et (nee. wliiets will band- sotnely repay you as now is the time to sell snob geode for tiering pl)tnting. ,Address the b: ea. KAY 00MteANY, Nureery- rnen and Propagators of 0 hole() Seed Potatoes, hechester, N. Y 0. 0. RICEAnDS & Co. My son George has .suffferedwith neural- gia round the heart since 1882, bat by the application of MIN. LINIMENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him singe. JAS. blcKsr:. Linwood, Ont. aLrild01150 ilTUfl Largest Finest Designs., Lowest Prices t limznei'tse show rooms loaded with goods ; every quality, style and price, but all the best for the least money, Our Spring Store note complete, is the ick of the mar- ket pick ket in everything --is elegant and varied beyond t1escri ition. Y [ O �?arlo�. F l d detail', dd Pieces Wi11 be, especially attractive in price, and all who wish for much, in return for small outlay,will not be disappointed. SON, 8. t�11��.EY r� ODDFI'+1LLOW'S BLOCK. We have on. hand a select Stock of ]3ams, 'Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolls and Long Clear Bacon. Lardin 5, 8,`10, or 20 ib pails, 50 or 651b tubs at lowest cash prices. COMMISOMSEIM Virn XX a EZ weighing from 150 to 200 lbs wanted at all times, SNELL BROS. Llarria OAS urD�ture A F 1 nus 4&..Ji ..h �. The u rt �. Will be elle feat() title week;- T mei size and variety of the line oes ' riot admit giving pieces in 1 iter All th Cbthes Go a long vefey t�.''r":hx'iis °n gentlen1an.;j,.. lr- i cu 5 arebard, 0� ) Times r best you oats got for rot Have you ever tried F1r11'9t that r money. lee is prepared to ss1Pply you with a dolly spring suit, at cIothes ox superior quality and makeatleard time places. Drop' in and take, tx' look,: through his sto k, it will cut - prise you. . . .i�'✓. ajtk--b tt. 4�.mWe.,wWw.+p..'+N..w,.✓alya'F�-'.M'm.lib,is.'sOe.'vtFipPi'M.X.rtmiw..-'nYa,'4..RNs.��1':�.4.M1FPSpTe,i><M'.=vAl.c W..,.!�4a'H:aa.l4. Ale Vie'. Vr We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which. will be sold ir- , a.L P. ` Come and see them and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is now complete in every line, Prices to suit everybody. Wo don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and claim a, 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices, and you see at once we have no 40 per cent profit Good Cow-hide,Henct-made Boots X2.90 ft Kip it as 8,25 4 C. Bads 2.26 Plow !Boots 90 Men's Half Soling - d 85 Women's ” - 80 No charge for rips; also see our Har- ness. Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything in the Harness line. e.'� s TRIP L.& This ace BELONGS TO j D8ATK Furniture Dealer. WATOII FOR r, ?fee The undersigned wishes to inform the publioin!'general that he keeps curt-- stantly in Stock all kinds of BUILDING M TERl3.L (DRESSEDLS3UD AND Uz assEL) PINE and HEMLOOK LUMBER, B. O. RED ONTARIO A.ND. HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. o is ac b Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which knutwlett„to a the 111ostDurable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate. Want aBicycle? as ,,. , . 77771,,TATS5 THE G. M14 J PNEUMATIC rhe Moyo c sto t ss LlFg ` I G 3 MU THE BOBIER PRODUCT] CO. have decided to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prides BestCauadian Oil, - BestCanadion Water White Best American. Water White COME ONE, COME ALL. THE is tale only Tire that g va satisfaction last year 11o5uVn rOnrD BY { a.v '!tel. 4sisplvt Co. LTD. ue votem STaEET, Brantford, Ont TORONTO PERRI.N,5' es MARTIN Fan on'e Block. A .`) .,�-?t8 s rm�xW x A Slow Coaok is the synonym for stag- nation—the comparison to be avoided. It's enterprise that brings the business —it's the amount of business that makes the profits. We have cut our bargains to the last notch, and the trade Hurst come. Now is your oppor- tunity to buy w SUITES, , BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. no, ZT 41.09773. P iY Stylv 3 0 0 Best, Ordered Rotting produced in Exeter Gentlemen leave yourordots earn , for with the best staff of Tailors l ders ; the bus.. stock 04 'Vino Trimmings, and the beat Cutting in Town, yea are suss sf satisfact. lett, ,a IN CORSETS Can only' be obtained by wearing No. 391 " Improved All-Pea.ther-- bone Corsets.” No side steels to break, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. All First-class Dry Goods Houses Sell Ther. CENTRAL SHAVING A. HASTINGS , e eo e ,ImTOm- Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK. A Ful, Stock —OF— s it) a B nin 1 —DnAnrm DT— Books, T— B o k s - Stationery, 0 �Ga IOn.Or and r t1' J9 Fancy - Growls, Bibles, Hymn Books in every var- • iety, Scribblers, Pads, Note ]:'aper, Ink, Pons, Pencils, Lock 13ovos,'- Etc., oto. .1e W. Prowning's BOOKSTORE. See that horse ? mon Xisth an bas sd, Iossy coat end foos mod enlsoughi wndstion to ruin the ,d so woad' aY horse ) .ts owner n8e DIOK'S BLOOD PUR1,l'JtER. is it renews the system, enriches the ,blood and gives nature a fair chance, is also at unfailing eradicator for bots and wnrma.. 115,T just nal good for mato tie for horses. Tee a ego wok - ago if your horses or emelt, aro eat thriving.. Porn.9 a iu curb, riu bn n p li ntt use Dik's131iater Linnen tor• sprains, n ellsngs, bruises, oto • 25e.-4-)ick's ointment t'or setatolics,old unreal, stuldie stella, oto. 15o. Ina{lot on receipt of prloe, 1)IOIrA00,1".0.Box ,4S Mtereto:•tl, A an always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Tailor. Wo leave a large range Of Pat- terns to choose from — Natty Tweeds, Sa Fees and Woretecle, made up in any style, and fiitiug the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not gentile to ask who made your Suit. floe customers never hesitate but answer with a knowving senile. The Tailor. IN OVERCOATS WE LEAD. J.Murray The - Exeter Fatratry rI I Ianuf wearer of PLO WS, LAND" ROLLERS, 'ITV, . TWIN PLOWS. 1Vholesaalo Manufactnirera " 1' i31' w` Castings. Also General Castings c: -s- tracted for in Iron and Brass, Also Manufacturers cif Bridge Bol; el Washers, etc. Iron piping ami tllliiags kept c;o w ,i s utt ly nn hand, Repairs promptly t en sit ed. Butelier 1laaviuy bur lratsecl111013titohei,l1 , i,r1r id.css of 11l.t.,s:lrs, Wood. .l3a•oi ., wit h aLl' possession on April 1st; end 1:. n'ouid no jaooefuily eolieit the,petroiiag,;l of ail tee SIcl cutts)mcrt of the sive) a tl 08 ro mr,,� rte ` e. a /IOW vxl � is can favnrllaf; wit .1i .l a••tll. 11''Xoa :' . oft. , -. 7. ) e), t , .:8111 ksxi lis yitv.i s K s1,. y and perfect satti;a,friotio)x ;atih185tt,0+0. 1. watIrs 'faiiaafully,,