HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-24, Page 164A-,--GODERICH SIONAi,-'T ;K, TUIflI:',I)AY. Ot"1'0131 R e t. 19; I
I've been wondering again -
this time a bus trip - a COLOR
TOUR into the north -country.
We were actually a week or so
late as cold, rain and wind had
taken its toll a little early this
year - but we clarnlered on a
bus - rain orino rain the. trip
was planned andwewere going
The group of Golden Agers
were, all strangers to me but a
lively, cheerful lot, So friend
Haidee and I settled down in`
the back of the bus determined
to enjoy ourselves.
Altho'. this was a one night
stopover - a "bring a long
dress" - do, we carried as little
'luggage as possible and hoped .
for the best.
Haidee had lunch - "for the
bus" • - which rather surprised
me as . I thought meal stopovers
were always booked ahead - lit-
tle I know about such trips.
We took Hwy. 9 from Kincar-
dine onto very narrow roads-
thru' a beautiful valley with
pretty chalets and ski lifts.
Wewandered also along° a
very narrow road to Eugenia
Falls. Some of 'the folks had
never 'seen this area and
altho' the falls were just a
trickle they could say they'd
been there. The bus driver was
very informative and took '`us
, along to the Power Station also
explaining things as we.
travelled. •
• We hit Hwy, 21 at Thornbury
and along. the • •
.'•CoTlingwood 'Where we would •
make., a "stretch stop".
In Collingwood we spent half
an' hour in the Blue Mountain.
Pottery plaza, Many 'Of -the in-
teresting, looking little shops
were closed but the pottery was
nice. to see, We then stopped at
• a Kentucky Fried Shop as some
had not brought their lunch
and I dashed in for a cup since
we had .only the cap cup on the
thermos between' us. It was a
twenty cent cup since the coffee
was dark. 'and bitter and I ,
' poured 'it out before getting
back on the bus. .
I :was •really hungry now for
lunch as that Chicken 'Shop
had smelled so good, but I had
resisted since Haideehad'
brought turkey sandwiches
We toured the town - around
and around - came back ' to
Towne • She, ppers' three or
four times, then off on a
tangent' 'alongside. •the ship
'building 'place where we saw,
, the ' innerds of .one ship • and
another almost. completed: A
FIRST for me.. •
We followed the "lake and
stopped i n a srnal l park for
lunch. A few hardy fellows sat
at the picnic tables, the rest of
us stayed, out of that cold
wind, on the bus.
'So out came the lunches,
• Haidee was fumbling :among
the ' coati end stuff` over our
"7r can't find our lunch" she '
announced: So, "maybe it has
jiggled down towards the front
of the bus" = and' she arched ...
without 'creating too much fuss
then sat• down; wide eyed, "I
can't FIND it!"
I hadn't seen this lunch, had
no idea what it looked' like o
where she had put it. "No, it i
not in the suitcase, not in the
Plaid Bag -,Bill must have lef
the 'back of the car"
-Well! The thermos was in the
Plaid Bag so we had tea and
sit back, quietly hoping sand-
.would have a they 'didn't need.
Finally the gals across the
aisle realized our predi ament
and offered sandwiches and
cookies. Haidee was - pretty
steamed up but what theheck-
I knew we wouldn't starve.
So on we'went thru' the rain
and cold wind along Hwy. 26
and up to: Huntsville. I hadn't
been in this area for three or
four years, It was dull and not.
very colorful bit we "'were
headed for NQ,rth bay where we
were to visit the Golden Age
Club for that area. I was sur-
prised to see the Dionne Quin-
tuplets family .home 'had been
moved to the main highway as
a tourist attraction - near
With all the little side trips
and the dilly dallying I was
sure we would be late.getting to
North Bay, but on big highway
eleven. the driver made up for
lost time and we'arrived at a
nice hotel in North Bay about
5:30 p.m.
We were to have dinner and
dress and leave via bus to the
Host Club at 7:30. Eyeryone
was tired, but an excellent
meal' in a nice'dining room
soon raises your spirits and we
were soon ready for the
I say"ready" but I' m
Y sure
we we're all surprised to find it
was ' not a planned program
a ahead of us but a get acquain-
ted' night with our group of
ladies in long dresses and only
a few of the North Bay ladies
not' in short dresses. Their
Clubhouse was a big old school
• set aside for the Senior Citizens
and their membership runs bet-
ween 600 to 700 members. The
nearby towns are. included in
their area and they have 'all
been working hard for a won-
derful new ''home' which is.to
open next month..
They have the whole lower
of a new seven. storey
apartment house building with
everything arranged for their
When I say they have beeny.
working - you. could hardl
believe such a group' could do
so much. They have catered for
weddings and dances and with
so many members the place is
•busier than the Legion all.
week. They all work together
on things for very successful
bazaars - and I can't begin to
recall all their projects.
One thing I ' noticed •on the
big blackboard was anannoun-
cement of upcoming classes in
pottery, oil painting, sewing
.and; about three other things
forrwhich they hire instructors.,
The classes are free - no fees.
They had :a large school room
with sofas and,,other. cornfor-
table seating arrangements for
their reading room. I don't
recall seeing a television .but
there probably was one there or
• Their dining and entertain-
ment room was large, also and
a" bar was tucked away to one
side. They had a four piece or-'
chestra who played for them
s one night a week for $25.00.
(Their practice night they call
ft it.) The club paid more for
regular dances - but not as
much as other groups would
Well, were they ever a, lively
group. They all get up and
dance, Of course, there is a man
shortage ki..o the gals dance
together. I danced the whole
night arid,loved it. It was great
talking to just about every one
One reason for their success,
I believe, is that they have
people in their club from age 50
and on. These younger people
are the muscles and the old-
sters - the brains. Anyway,
everyone gets along well and
agree it is•'a great arrangement.
Following day, still raining,
we had a tour of North Bay -
. and I was certainly surprised to
see how the city has grown, the
fine buildings and especially
the Senior Citizens fine apart
Ment .buildings, close by a shop-
ping centre. The guide pointed
out - there is even a "Refresh-
ment" building at each centre.
We then had lunch.
Next we' headed for Sudbury.
Sudbury? It seemed SO far
away - but only 78 miles THAT
won't take long.
In- Sudbury they had •hoped
to have us see the Nickel Mine -
whatever they show you, but it
was closed SQ about one fifteen
we started , for home via Hwy.
Once out of the Sudbury en-
vironment en.t th
e trip was Very
pleasant .. . iri..fact,- the 69' way
was the most colorful part of
the whole trip and you could
just tell by the sparkle of con-
versations'rtrhat they were all
happy to' be going home. I know
I was -glad' I had the oppor-
tunity to travel with such a fine
. group of people. God bless them
Had you noticed that a bus is
available this, Sunday to Kit=
chener for that Skate Canada
'74? None but the top skaters
from,1.3 different countries will
be taking part and it is cer-
tainly a- ,wonderful chance to
see a great show.The young
folk should 'be, -especially in-
terested. Check the Bulletin
Board for more info' and don't
miss . out on. this .once in a
lifetime show..,'
This Saturday, The• Sally
Ann 'Tea and Sale. The
Salvation Army will always be
warmly' thought of • by
thousands for their great work -
wherever they are. Oct. 26 at 18
Waterloo St. from 2 to 4. Go,
go, go.
lso Oct. 26 at Si. George's
Church - a "Nearly New" sale,
try to make this one too.
Oops another on Saturday
Oct. 26 - they must have all 9r-
dere.d good weather for 'that.
Minor, Hockey Supporters'
=have a BAKE SALE in the •old
Signal Office on West St. If you
walk real fast perhaps you can'
catch all three!
Taylors Corners Ladies
Bakaar de MacKay Hall - seine
day - ' you can catch that one
when you visit St. - Georges.
Have fun. "
Do Something Nice For Yourself:
Annual November Perm Special
October 24 a TO November 30
Permanent Wave
Permanent Wave
Permbnent Wave
Permanent Wave $2500
Permanent Wave
ennieit�nrber' Tftursda Night for Men
Call j�or Shirley
108 Lighthouse SI:
Beta' Sigma Phi • -
Getacquainted part
Problems! Pro.blents'
Problems in reporting \k'omen'�'
Day Out! This is Monday mor-
ning. The column. ha's to be
written for Wednesday 'prin-
titlg. Women;s Day Out's
Opening is Wednesday,
esday, Oc tckber
?3rd, 9:30-11:00 a.m. How can
we report on Wornen's Day Out
after the paper has gone to
So here goes! -hr. Tony
Miller, , who discussed Child
•Development and •creat-ive
Parenting in our last sessions,
will open the new series with a
discuusiotn of the problems Of
parents and children.
Chris Bryant with the help of
Sharron Moore and Sharon
Wray will care, for the babies
.and toddlers. Jean Senior and
Evelyn. Boyce will conduct a
Nursery School period for -the :3
to 6 year .olds. Pat Hamilton.
°will help you get acquainted
uring Fun and Fitness. Nancy
on"d, Mary Carroll and Hilde
Maurer will greet you at the
door; to %help you write your
name • tag. and relieve you of
your fifty cent admission.
What actually happens bet-
ween 9:30 and 11:00 a.m.
(epends on your willingness to
3rarti6ipate and enjoy yourself.
• If you need a ride call a;Gorin-
mittee member or 524-601,
Thursday morning, the com-
mittee and anyone' else who
,wishes to join us will meet at
the Information and Friend-
ship Centre, 56 ,Fast Street: at
10:00 a.nj. to consult on 'the
successes .and -short comings 'of
our first Wednesday morning,
Women's Day Out, Out of these
valuable experiences, we expect
to plan a bigger and better
program for , Wednesday, Oc-
tober :30th. -
Dr. Frank Mills, Huron
County Medical Officer of
Health will discuss,and answer
questions on the Mustard
Report for the reorganization of
the Public Health in Ontario.
We plan to use the Hallowe'en
theme for our Fun and Fitness:
The women caring for the•
children will be babies and tod-
dlers, Chris Bryant, Sharron
Moore and Diane Bowra; pre-
schoolers, Jean Senior and
Linda Bisset. '
See you next week!
The South Huron Christian
Women's Club bel
held song ser-
vice 'in the' Chapel on, Sunday
evening. Mr. and .Mrs. Luther,
of Hensall, led the singing and
devotions, 'with: Thanksgiving
poems by Mrs. Pearl Errat`t. • .
.0 The Lakelet Women's In-
stitute were hosts on Wed-
nesday afternoon for the Oc-
tober birthday party. Mrs. Lyle
Murray Was emcee for the af-
ternoon' and introduced the
variety program.
Mrs. Helen Reidt provided
the piano accompaniment for
the musical numbers which in -
eluded a rhythm band with kit-
i;hen utensils; guitar and vocal
'solos by Evelyn Harrison; elec-
tric steel guitar' by Marlene
Heinbecker; vocal solos by
four-year-old Neil Murray; and,
a sing song led by Mrs. Murray.
Included" in the. program
• were readings by Eva Ferguson
,and three skits by members of
Following the singing of
"Happy 'Birthday" gifts., were
presented to the 29 celebrants.
Tea and birthday cake were
served to 150 residents and
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guests. Mrs: Irwin, one of the
.celebrants t and a
Friend Of several•ort ti fit fe'
members, , expressed the ap-
preciation of .the, residents.
Earl and Mar.tha'Heywood,
of Wingham, who are well
kn'wn to • many of the
residents, entertained on
"Family Night". The
H'eywoods°'•sang several of the
songs they have recorded and
although there wasn't 'sufficient
time for Earl to demonstrate
his magic, they hope to visit
again in the near future.
Mrs. Lamb, formerly of
Wingham, thanked the -enter-
tainers on behalf of the
r'esidents. " a ' • , '
Beta °Sigma Phi held a Get
Acquainted Party at the home
of Alison Paolin on October 8
- for ,the six prospective pledges.
The evening ` was 'a social
gathering with games to in-
troduce the new girls to Beta
Sigma Phi. The prospective
pledges looked -over the
highlightsof the chapter as
presented in scrap books. •
On, October 15 a . model.
meeting was held at the home
of Pat Wheeler for these same
Each committee chairman
outlined the duty of her par-
ticular committee. President
Roberta Meehan told the new
girls about the cultural
programs ,sand their purposes.
Vice-president Alison Paolin
described the meaning of Beta
Sigma Phi., • The evening not
only enlightened the, new girls
about Beta Sigma Phi but also
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reviewed many aspects for the
Pat Wheeler, and' Nancy,
MacLennan presented the
'cultural program for the
evening which was entitled
"About Style". • They -showed
some interesting? 'photographs
to illustrate the changes in
style' and Nancy made an in-
teresting comparison between
styles and the stock market!
The rheeting terminated with
the closing ritual and lunch."
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Annduncing •Open House at "The Eltirn our new
showroom for antique furniture and decorative
Friday,; October 15, 7 p.m. -10 p.m.
Saturday, October 26, 1 p.m. -9 p.m.
Sunday, October 27, 1 pm. -9 p.m.,
Thereafter by appointment
"The Barn" is located .at Dunlop, intersection of
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It's all at the Lord Simcoe, close to everything in the heart
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