HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-24, Page 13H ometown dancers win 12medals
The Goderich Highland Dan-
cing Association hosted their
7th . annual Western Ontario
Highland Dancing Competition
here Fon Saturday, October 19.
A total' of 93 dancers competed
Area F
from Guelph, Woodstock, Kit-
chener, Brantford and '
• The medalwvinnersd were as
Gold medals: Vicki Simpson,
London; Janice' -Walker, Brant-
ford;. Cindy Ryan, Galt,
McConnell, Guelph; Kim Frit -
z10, Goderich; Elise Lindsay,
Goderich; Pamela Langdon,
London; Jeannie Boyers, Kit-
chener; =Alex Henderson, Dut-
$4,,The Goderich dancers' were very pleased with their efforts last
Saturday in the Western .Ontario competition in Highland clan',
cing. Here the girls display their trophies andvmedals after the
contest was over. The dancers are (front row from left) Cheryl
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Increase of 18perceflt
Harrison, Heather Lindsay, 'Elise Lindsay and Carol Wheeler;
(back row from left) Mary Lynn Glew, Debbie Elliott, Anglee
Andreassi„ Susan Langlois and Kirn Brady. (staff photo)
Silver medals:. Marnie Ring,
Guelph; Andrea Walker,
Wingha.tn; Marianne
Matheson, Stratford; Heather,
Daidsun; .Lond,on; Sheila
Brown, Brantford; Dianne
Henderson, Dutton; Lori
Goodall, 'Wingham; Deborah
Downham, Brantford; Bert
McLachlan, Elora,.
Bronze medals: Julie
Everett, Brantford; Paula
Mooney, Guelph;•Peggy Binkle,
Kitchener; Tina Barclay',
Orangeville; Jacqueline
Cowper, Brantford; Valerie
Mahs, Lambeth; Ann Matthias,
Lirndon; Shari Rodney, Lon-
to Go
Bronze .medals: Peggy
Binkle, Kitchener; Marjorie
Campbell, Elora; Pamela
Langdon, London; Deborah
,Downham, Brantford; Alex
Henderson, 'Dutton.
' Gold medals: Marg Robert-
son, London
Silver medals: Elise Lindsay,
Goderich; Valerie Mahs, Lam-
Broonze medals: .Jeannie
Boyers, Kitchener; Kim Brady,
Gold medals: Vicki Simpson, .
London; Marianne Matheson,
Stratford; Tina Barclay,
Orangeville; Kim Fritzley,
• Goderich; Elise Lindsay,
'Goderich; Lori Goodall,
Wingham; Ann Matthias, Lon-
don; Kim Brady, Goderich.
.Silver medals: Marnie Ring,`
Guelph; Cindy Ryan, Galt;
.Janice Allan, Clinton; Sheila
Brown, Brantford; Dianne
Henderson, Dutton; Pamela
Langdon, 'London; Marg
Robertson, London; -.Alex .Hen-
derson, Dutton.
Bronze medals: Janice
Walker, Brantford,; , Heather
Binkle, Kitchener; Jane
McConnell, Guelph;- Deborah
Downham, Brantford; Bert
McLachlan, Elora. -
Gold. 'medals: Jane McCon-
nell,' Guelph; Sheila . Brown,
Brantford; Valerie Mahs, Lam-
beth; Elise Lindsay, Goderich;'
Marg Robertson, London; Bert
McLachlan, Elora.
Silver medals: Tina Barklay,
.Orangeville; Dianne Hender-
son, Dutton; Ann Matthias, .
London; Caroline Lopare, .Lon-
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Bus Contractors receive "fair settlement”
BY WILMA OKE legality and general feasibility
of limiting the size of an'
An increase'of approximately operator's bus- fleet •operating..
18 percent was awarded by the in Huron County. J.P. Alexan-
Huron County Board of der, Wingham trustee, said, "I
Educatran to the 18 bus con-
tractors transporting students
for the 1974-75 school term at a
meeting of the board in Clinton
"It's a fair settlement",
stated R.B. Dunlop;business
administrator. "The Huron
Board is right in the middle,
not the highest, not the lowest
of other area boards."
The Board approved ,the
assignment of the bus transpor-
tation contract held by George
Radford, Blyth, to Ralph Buf-
finga, Blyth, because of 'Mr,
Radford's "other business 'He asked. the
pressures." side -r- allowing
An offer by McKillop Town- : depart at, 4:15 P. •Exeter, chairman, outlined ship Council_ was approved to stead of the Usual' departure at Exeter,
policies with recommendations
supply snow plowing services at 3:15 p.m. He said the present
pP y p g early leave was because of an for improvements in promoting
the turning area at Winthrop, field trips .by encouraging
at the rate of $12 per hour or a exchange of buses at Walton
which transported them to schools to utilize them as an in -
minimum charge of $6. their' homes. tegral portion of the school
The Board approved' a - curriculum and that budgeting
Because of this bus exchange for them remain as an
request from Leslie Habkirk, he reminded the board allocation t o it d i v i d u a l
Seaforth, asking for approval of mem-
bers rt was saving the board schools. -
the merger of"Habkirk Transit over $7,000. He said the cost of The committee asks that the
Service Limited with L&H the late express bus to Seaforth
Coachways Simcoe and Lish- p hoard encourage the use, of
would cost less than $2,000, "a . Board owned buses for most
man Coach Lines, Kitchener, to very nominal fee for the field trips and sports activities
Mr. known as United Trails Inc. amount of money being saved. I and .that a procedure he
buHabkirk stated his school feel these children have a full developed for instruction and
bus operation Will remain the right to these activities." licensing of teachers who are
same but the new cbrr►pany interested �m obtaining their
would be more competitive in Several trustees expressed bus driver's license.oa
the tour and Charter business. concern that if late bus was
'r -The merger will become effec- provided for Seaforth area Among the recommendations
tive 'November 1t or as soon as students others would demand
the Ontario Highway Transport the same service.
feel the board has, a right to
know who is buying their bus
A proposal by John Hender- -
n, RR 5, Seaforth, was turned
down twice tcoafter bus service
for Seaforth students attending
Central Huron Secondary
School, Clinton. Mr. Hendersorf
asked for a late bus for the 130
students who attend the Clin-
ton school to take special op-
tions, and who are unable to
participate in extra curricular
activities after school ,due. _aa
bus schedules.
There is no —other group of
students din the county where
they 'are denied the opportunity -
to . have activity' such as the
Seaforth. group.'
Mr: -Henderson .said the late'
bus would not be waiting until
after five o'clock for students
playing late ball games," just
those in activities that go .on
until four o'clock.
The board defeated his
motion by a vote 'of 7 to.6 when
the proposal was made in, the
regular business and 6 to 5
(two trustees left early) when
the questions was re-examined
at,,the,conclusion of the meeting
at Mr. Henderson's request.
board to con- The Field Trip Committee
one bus to presented a report. to the board.'
m. 'daily in- Mrs. Barbara Golding of.
was a special request that the
budget committee entertain
Board and the Interstate Com- Robert Homuth, principal of requests for extra budgetary
merce atinisgdon' approve the the Clinton rrschool, who hap- allotments for special programs
atY�algamation, m poled 'to be attending the or groups such as, bands n`r
An AdAHoc
meeting as an observer, said, geography clubs
'committee will examine the , "Clit ton "is'`an unique school. Requests for fiel„'d trips were
'approved as follows: 45
students ' (Junior Outers) from
'South Huron ' District High
School to Hay Swamp area, Qc:
tober 25-26, at no cost to the
board; 45 students (Year 1
History, Year .3 Art) from Cen-
tral Huron Secondary .School to
Ottawa, November 6-9, at -.'a
cost to the board of ap-
proximately $100; 25 students
(Senior Outers) from' South
Huron District High School to
the Bruce Trail, October 25-27'
at no cost to the board; 56
students in senior technical
classes at South Huron High to
the Henry Ford _Museum , at.
Dearborn, Michigan, November
8, at a cost to the school budget
of $101 with each student
paying' $1.50, toward transpor-
tation and $1.00 admission, to
make students 'knowledgeable -
and aware of 1 e -technological
changes which are taking place,
45 students in the Drama Club
at Goderich District Collegiate
Institute to participate jn a
Drama` Night at' Bradford
District High School; the Brad-
ford students will host the
students in- their homes and
then will return to Goderich to
present a %play a few: weeks
Gold medals: Kirn Brady,
Silver medals: Pamela
Langdon, London; Marg
Robertson, London.
$ronze medals: ,Elise Lind-
say, Goderich; Mary Lynn
Glew, Seaforth.,
Gold medal~: Evelyn Lopare,
London; Lorraine Simpson,
London; Rara Rowland, Lon-
don; Karen Alison, London.
Silver medals: Dolma Ber-
tram, Galt; Ellen Huren, Cam
pbellville; Rhonda, Simpson,
London; Kim McLeod, •Guelph.
Bronze medals': Dorene Len-
dvay, Milton; Charles Robert-
son,. Bronte; Debbie Elliott,
Goderich; .Karen Campbell,
..Woodstock. .,
.Gold medals: Evelyn Lopare,
London;, Ellen Hurren, Camp-
hellville; eara Rowland, Lon-
don; Karen Allsop, London;
Karen Campbell; Woodstock,
(continued on page 6A)
vation Authority which also of-
fers its servicesand advice, for
the program.
D: J. Cochrane, Director. of
Education, feported that Mrs.
Helene Cameron. Was'appoint:ed
Head of Home Economics at
South Huron 'District High
.School, effective' Septemb 1.
Huron, County Junior Far-
mers Club donated $50 to each
of the three 'Schools for the
Trainable Retarded for the
prcovision of Educational equip-
ment -- Golden '- Circle„
Wingham; Queen Elizabeth,
Goderich; and Huron ,Hope at
Huron Park.
Seaforth Chapter of the
Eastern Star donated $200 to
Queen Elizabeth School for the
...Trainable .Retarded, - this is
.the school where children from
Seaforth and district attend.
' I ,
The Bciard will retain land
adjacent to Grey Township
Central Public School to' be
used. for the implementation of
an arboretum' forest, where
students will he able to learn
tree and shrub planting and
science classes could take ad-
vantage of leaf studies, suc-
cession studies, s.,tream flow
and stream life, studies. The
proposalfor this plan was given
v alley C,onser-
The following teachers have
been hired on probationary
contract, duties commenced
September, 1974; Mrs. Janice
Ashworth to Clinton Public;
Mrs. Madelon Maloney to Cin -
ton P rblici% Mrs. Alma
Westlake 'to Hensall Public as
librarian, half time; Mrs.
Ca,roline Lentz, half time
French at Hullett Central
Public; Mrs, Eila Martin,
French at J.A.D. McCurdy;
Public and Usborne Central
Public; and Mrs. Esther
Wright, half time' to full time
and Keith Homan, half time to
three-quarter ,time, at Central
Huron Secondary School.
Because the Huron County
.icoii'tinued on page 2A►
The flair, color and tradition of. Highland Dancing was
evident in. the GDCi gym last Saturday when 92 youngsters
competed in a dancing contest.. Here Debarah Pletsch of
Guelph concentrates on her sword 'dance in the baby class
of.six and under. (staff photo)
Members of the Goderich contingent dancing in the Western Ontario competitidn held here
last Saturday. made- a reebectable showing, Here Heather Lindsay, of Goderich, performs her
dance while keeping 'an eye on the crossed swords. (staff photo)