HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-24, Page 5F Survey to get underway trt Need for Day C �r� Centre under study An intensive study will be, made right away into the nebd in Goderich and area for a Day ;Care' Centre. Until the results of this sur- vey are known, however, coun- cil will take no action on a recommendation from the -com- mittee for the Municipal Nur- sery School to take advantage of a provincial government fun- ding program to purchase a building for daware centre ac- tivities. Jim Deneau from the Ministry of Qimmunity and Social. Services in Wingham, explained ... to council at last Thursday's meeting that the Ministry is "looking for com- munities -,that da.not now have 1 day care services." He said $15,000,000 has been set aside 1,111AHIW< by the provincial government to 'establish such -facilities for use by "normal and handicapped children!' He warned that many com- munities confuse day care cen- tres with junior kindergartens or babysitting services of some sort. Mr. Deneau said the philosophy behind day ° care centres is to ..provide an oppor- tunity for under -privileged children to develop in a way "they never Could in their own homes." A high percentage of the children in day care centres, ac- cording to Mr. Deneau, would be those children who might -otherwise become _child care cases. He :said day care programs help these youngsters t� learn and to develop in a, more, normal way. "To my knowledge the need for ;day, care centres is everywhere," said Mr. Deneau. In a news release from the of- fice 'of Rene Brunelle, Minister of Community and Social Ser- vices, it waa noted, "The Ministry's objectives are to .mimimize any regional disparities which exist inthe supply of day care facilities throughout the province, andtd aim for the conversion of existing facilities -for day care . wherever possible." ., The re'lease°-smoted� furthe that the first- 17 grants approved by the Ministry total '$2,400,000 and will enable the creation or renovation 'of eight municipal centres, seven Indian Band centres, and two centres for Associations for ,the Men.- tally en-tally Retarded,' providing 668 places -for children. Where projects are rpproved upon proof of need, the govern- ment .pays 100 ' percent of all., coats to establish facilities for - day care centres, and continues to pay 80. percent of the operating costs once the centres are underway. children whose parents could afford to pay for the service, would be about $4,000. Mr. Deneau felt the premises in 'Goderich.being considered by the committee would accom- meda•te about 25 fulltime • children and 10 half -qday children. At the present Goderich Municipal Nursery School, there'a re 44 children attending ona half-day. basis. Mr. Deneau pointed out that if a Day Care Centre was established here, these half-day youngsters could be accom- modated along with. about 15 fullday, children in the proposed facilities, . .He also advised' that the trend in many communities was to gradually move from a half-day situation to a full-day Housing Program situation for increasing num- bers of children. He said once the service is established, it is used. . • NEED SURVEY An adequate survey to deter- ' mine the need for•day care ser- vices in, Goderich will be under- taken. A previous survey, which turned up only about 10 in- terested persons, was not given much, credibility by Mr. Deneau. • "The former survey results are indicative of the survey self,".. -said Mr. Deneau. "A proper survey takes _a con- siderable amount of work." He pledged his department to assisting local people to plan an adequate survey'' procedure in Goderich. He .admitted the survey would have 'to be accom- plished ."very quickly'..' but thoroughly. P tif t:O1)I'.'IlIt U .SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, 'OCTURER 24, 1974,PAGE,, 5 When questioned concerning bthe possi•bi,lity, of converting MacKay Hall, the present, location of thy, nursery .school, into facilities for a.day care centre, Mr. Deneau discouraged the idea. He said the Ministry was endeavoring to stay away from -hall-type ,structur\es which had the appearance of a school or an institution. The dome- like atmosphere was more ap- pealing for daycare centre PT poses, he indicated. �, A further report on the sub- jectwill be tnade by Mrs. Elsa Hayydon, chairman of the Goderich Municipal Nursery School, at ,Municipal next meeting of council, Wednesday, November Limited applications expected Goderich residents .applying its duties and administer it", for assistance under the On- he said. tario Home 'Renewal Project But for now council will have (OHRP) announced by Donald to adopt . a wait and see ..at- °R. Irvine, the acting Minister of titude. If ,,enough applications Housing for Ontario, may be in rare' made to warrant the .for some long delays. program .on a local level then The objective of the program council is prepared to: im- is to conserve and improve the plemetit it. 'If there are a existing housing i Ontario. minimal amount'" of ap- Under'OHRP the overnment plications then the homeowners of Ontario will p oxide annual will be directed to the proper grants to municipalities government agency to complete amounting to a maximum of the transaction. • • $10 million within the next "We are willing to• keep fiscal year and it is anticipated record and direct the people to that the same amount will be the. proper, sources", Mr. .made available in each of the Breckenridge said,. "but: the following two years. . program really only applies if However the criteria set out the structure is not liveable by the program will contain the and does not conform :to stan- nurlrber of applicants and "dards." perhaps even hamper the The municipality if it under - project in many municipali.iies. tabes the project must, have its OHRP emphasizes structural building, maintenance and and sanitary repairs and other health standards approved by necessary improvements that the minister., Also the` could not be covered by any municipality ' will acquire federal program. Such im- several responsibilities in the provements ,do: not include 'a administrations of the loans. . second bathroom or the ad- To administer the program dition of any kind to:the house. each .,municipality ".would • be All repairs.must be made to the" `required to advise residents,.of existing structure. - the program, interview the in - Also, Ontario municipalities terested• parties, --inspect the are eligible for OHRP funding properties for necessary and if they have adopted and are,. `eligible repairs, search" the enforcing property maintenance and occupancy standards. If the bylaw does not -exist 'then the municipalit; must be willing toimplement building and/or health and ,safety stan- dards which would be used as - guidelines in determining eligibility under the confines of the program. .,, Council last week tabled the property maintenance and' oc- cupancy bylaw which is essen- tial in order to comply with the criteria set out by the program. However, by the time the bylaw went through the proper procedures, the municipality would not'be ready for funding under OHRP until -1976. Council will not act im- tnediately on the matter until enough interest is expressed in the program by area residents because administration' costs would run too high to process a few applications. Goderich building inspector Roy Breckenridge is also skeptical of the number of people that would be eligible for assistance. really,.don't think that we could come up with five people in Goderich who would be eligible for assistance but we are prepared to keep record`of all the applications. If there is a big demand for the program then council will have to fulfill LOOK AT . SITE Mr. Deneau has already looked ` at one site under con- sideration by the•local nursery school committee for a day care' centre here. He "guesstimated" that costs to establish a day care centre in that location would run about $88,000 $40,000 fo, the original- purchase; $20,000 for renovations and expansion to the property; $5,000 for ;larfd- scaping; $15,000 for equipment and furniWhings; and $8,000 for fees- and 'services. He -toll council that if a need for such facilities. in, Goderich and area could be proven, the government would pay 100 percent of these costs. He went on the estimate that operating costs for the fiat year would likely be about $40,000. Actual cost to the municipality, however, after all government subsidies_ were paid as well as monies collected from those jar The Baha'i Faith Ieapches... It is incumbentupon every man of insight and under- standing to strive to translate that which heth bean written in the Hgly Books into reality and action ... That ,one indeed is a main _who, today, dediceteth hiMself 10 the service of the entire human ISO. The Great Being saith "Ble0sed and happy Is he that ariseth toP promote the' best Interests of -the people and kindred* of the world ... it is not for him to pride himself who Ioveth his owrt country, buts' other for him who Ioveth the whole - world." 'The United, Nations is attempting to do this, o 'they dissrve oti support. We cab help, especially. ii, educational and culture) pursuits. October 24th.is United Nations Day Box 212, Goderich Up 6c a quart property title and complete documentation ,of -the ap- plication. ' • The loan would then have to be approved by' the town, the work would have to comply with inspection standards and the loan would then be ad- ministered. The municipality' would.. also be responsible .to .._ the ministry and would be requited to make. gtaarterly reports and keep records available for ,audit and evaluation by the ministry. 'Although the administration costs of the program would be - high the municipalities . could retain the capital and interest payments as the loans are repaid. -- It is the prime responsibility of the municipality to inform and assist residents with the program since only residents of participating municipalities can, apply for OHRP -funds. , ' { • If the municipality proceeds with the program then it is allowed to deduct -ad- ministration costs from the proceeds of each loan but the charge 'is not to exceed $150 for the processing of a loan. Residents may inquire about " — the program at the municipal office. Milk. price increase The Ontario Milk Marketing Board announced some had news ' and :some news last week.:, even . worse simply, be unprofitable. This- means that Goderich shoppers.now pay 51 cents for" a .quart of homogenized 'milk,'50 The bad news is that the cents for2 percent and 46 cents govertrment has' withdrawn for skim- milk.:' Home delivery three :cents a quart subsidy on.pr.ices'are-acent-a quart higher milk. That..coupled with 'a one than the prices quoted. cent 'increase by dairy farmers . The cost'of a three quar,t'pit- to• cover production costs cher pak has subsequently, risen means that local, shoppers will , by 1(3 Cents and homo and 2 ° pay 5 tqj cents more per quart ,of milk. The increase became effective Monday, October 21. The .worst news is that an additional milk subsidy with, drawl of two cents a quart will possibly he in effect by February 1, 1975. This .will mean an additional inc,reafie of,,. • about' three cents_ per quart in February ofnext :year.' The Milk Marketing Board'of Ori- tario' defends the farmers in-, • crease claiming itis necessary tokee 'm.i1k production going.. Without the increase fit would • pitcher, yaks will now sell for $1.36 ' and $.1.32' respectively. Three quart jugs of homo and 2% have- risen to $1.27 and $1.24, while,' half gallons will ,retail at 99 and 97 cents respec t.ively. BOY SCOUT APPLE DAY Friday evening 8r Selurday. Qct. 25.8 26 104 THE SQUARE, GO.QERiCH WtflOWEE STORE HOURS = i . Y j MON. TO WED. 8 a.m. ,- 9 p.m. C •i THURS. & FRI. 8 a.m. —101p p.rn,, i. i SAT. 8 a.m. ,7 p.m., 1, esbO: te Butcher's Counte 9 '• GR.QCERIES ROBIN RED SOCKEYE Salmon 73/4 QZ. TIN Y , 1/4 SUNSPUN 11' OZ. JAR Coffee Creamer YORK, -.FANCY WHOLE KERNEL 111 99c 79c Corn 12 OZ. TIN 33c NESCAFE - 10 OZ. JAR Instant Coffee S2.49 KRAFT --CREAMY SMOOTH Pea nut Butter' .tAR La: - 9c - LIBBY'S - DEEP BROWN F Pork'n'Beans 14 Oz.el 9c CAMPBELL'S - 10 OZ: TIN F Tomato Soup 89c BICK'S - 32 OZ. WITH OYC Dill Pickles -GARLIC' Freshly.Cut Chicken:_ .. BUTTERFLY BREASTS -LEGS : NECKS 10( (.CENTRE BONE . ", •89c LB..LB. REMOVED) 99c'48 , WINGS 59c LE: LIVERS 69c LB. GIBLETS. 49c Le. DARE .- 16 OZ. TiN' TIE PKG. Assorted Cookies 89c WESTON'S - SALTED & UN SALTED ;-: .Crackers - 59c • 40. OZ. BOTTLES • .2 Coke WHITE SWAN Towels ' 2 ROLL PACK ' 8 79cSPLU DEPOSIT ROYALE . SMALL BOX ' F Facial Tissue : Ar, c LIQUID Drano BOTTLE 32 OZ. : 79c :` DOWNY - 34 OZ. JUG 19c Fabric Softener • OLD SOUTH 12 OZ. FROZEN �rangeJuice FROZEN - LIBBY'S Cut Green Beans2 SILVERWO9D'S FAVOURITE REG ., Ice Cream ?/g GAL. $1.39 $ ! 17 2-k85c LB: 79c SILVERWOOD'S .& MAPLE LANE, • Fres , 3 QUART BAGS $1 33 HOMO • SKIM • - Q 1.2O ,s1.29 JUVE-NILE EY PRACTICE � ♦M '41 • /., 1 T urs .. aNig,ht. 9:30P.M. Everyone is Urged to attend ALSO SUNDAY AT 5,00 P.M. W.FISN ER ixemax., 1 WESTON'S . Lemon Buns 2% WESTON'S - SESAME Crusty Bread 2i9c WESTON'S SUPREME WHITE, WHOLE ,WHEAT, Bread CRACKED WHEAT PKG. OF 6 WESTON'S Raspberry Jelly Rolls 2*69c 2i69c 59c a' • 4,0 BOX OF 48