HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-24, Page 14T 4^ Melepba well fund cancelled; money to 6e returned to the donors The Goderich Signal, -Star `~regrets` to inform its readers, and particularly the generous people who made donations to the Melepba Well Fund at the Bank of Montreal, that due to Circumstances beyond anyone's• control, the project iti Africa has been cancelled. All money collected will he "returned to the donors. A letter from' Ron Shaw, a former Signal -Star reporter , photographer in Niger states that the government of that country has recently decided to take all projects regarding wells under their own direction. 1-ke notes the move came as a surtarise to him and to the Canadian Hunger Foundation. In order to*show his appreciation to the people who responded to his humanitarian ,effort for the Fulani.tribe, Ron has asked the Signal -Star to supply him with a, list of all persons who made donations. He will personally write letters to each and every one of them, he advises to thank them fortheirinterest and support. The letter also gave notice that as of -October 17, Ron and his wife Peg have been moved to Tahoua. Cheques to all donors should be going out in the next week or so. k Y. Py 0 '127 YEAR -4 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, c Minister of. Housing will appeal decision on Rockledge permit BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER The ong anticipated 'shop- ping plaza on ' Highway 21 south within the town of Goderich has been approved. Patterned after Brandon development Delbar Investments, of Goderich Ltd. is awaiting coun- cil and . planning board apes,-, proval to a zoning bylaw amen- dment which would permit the construction of a 60 unit motel proposed by the company. The 75,080 sq. ft. Huron Shores Inn would be built -on a 2.4 acre site on Highway 21, (Bayfield Road) next to -the • Conklin Lumber Company. -Under the official plan the land is zoned as development land and will, have to be rezoned as restricted commer- cial property. This will require an amendment to the zoning bylaw and a zoning change. The company will not obtain a building permit until the amen- dment and the zoning bylaw have been approved by council; the planning board and the On- tario Municipal Board (OMB). A1:s i, residents, within a -400 ,foot area of the building site would he notified, of council and planning board hearings'at which time they would be able Leafs challenge former NHL greats The Goderich' Signal -Star Paper Leafs are in the big leagues now. Yes, that's- right fans, they made it to the NHL. The Leafs are going to take on the Detroit Red Wings. Not the Red W i ngs- you may see in the Olympia for , a regular season game but the Red Wing Old Timers who gave up the NHL to advance to the bigger and better Benefit Hockey League. One Paper Leaf got involved in a discussion about the calibre of play of benefit hockey and mentioned that hi's team cduld lose to anyone in the • world. During the course, of the discussion the man placed a wager that the Leafs could not play worse than the Old Timers from Detroit. • • The' end .. result of the argument ' was a scheduled game. The contest will be - played .• in ;the Goderich Memorial Arena ori Sunday, November 24 at 2 p.m. Ail proceeds for this gam wilt be going to the Goclerich Meals on Wheel's. Tickets for the game• are gn sale at' alr your favorite newspaper offices in Goderich: The last contest the Leafs played, in was billed as ,the game of the century. 'f'lirs one should be the game of a lifetime. • . Watch the Signal -Star' f'or pre -game information and scouting reports on your favorite team and get yourself a ticket to the Meals on Wheels Benefit Game ,of^ a lifetime. Suncoast Estates received building inspector Roy assurance Monday that the ob- Breckerfridge was instructed by ject ions of the Goderich. council to. issue a building per- Busi'nessmen to their project mit to Suncoast for the plaza had been withdrawn and when plans had keen presented to him and found in accordance with Goderich building regulations, Less than two weeks earlier, the building permit -issued to Rockledge Properties Ltd. for a shopping plaza in Goderich Township on • Highway .8 just outside the town, was ruled. to be valid. That permit had been in doubt since it was issued last November, 29, ...but at' examination for discovery proceedings -in Toronto October 10, it was held that since the intent to issue the permit had been given hy- township Council November 19, 10 days before the land freeze imposed by the Hon. John White, the permit was valid. On Tuesday morning'of this . week, Suncoast was beginning the necessary steps to construe - ting. their.pl•aza. Bert Alexan- der of Suncoast said the in stallation of hydro and water services as well as an access road, was underway. On Tuesday,at the Rockledge location, all was. quiet. -unit mot to voice any dissapproval which would be tabled • in a report to OMB. Goderich building inspector Roy •Breckenridge anticipates no • problems in amending the , bylaw and 'rezoning the area and if so, Delbar would begin construction of the motel in early spring. _ Deb . S,hewfelt, director of Delbar, is hopeful that the amendment can be put through so that construction can begin in the spring of 1975. Mr. $hewfelt stated, that procedures of this nature can get tied up for a year and cause a loss of interest to the parties 'concer- ned. - • The proposed motel unit will • contain 60 units covering 75,080 sq. ft:, with parking facilities for 139 cars, according to plans drawn up by Inducon Industries which were presen- ted, to council last week. . Inducon has been instructed to proceed with the drawings . which call for a three-storey structure. Initial 61dans call for a night 'club and service areas, to he located on. the basement level. On the first level a series- of. suites will encompass an enz. closed----' swimming pool, whirlpool and deck.area. Also on the first floor w;ill.he a coffee shop,' bar and dining and banquet facilities • for 300 per- sons. The second hhoor of the motel would hose the remainder of the suites and convention facilitiea,for 300 people which could he- divided into smaller meeting units, ' The lounge located -in the J• basement will have a separate entrance and will feature a cave style decor thematic of the salt industry in the community. The dining room may be styled in a lake setting to corral the full "atmosphere of the town. "We hope to catch a full scope of people with the project," Mr. Shewfelt stated. "The lounge of course is'airped at `the younger people bit the motel ' will appeal to the family." The 60 units of the motel will be built around an enclosed swimming and .whirlpool with the balconies coming onto the pool deck area. The basic idea of the pool area was taken from the Red Oak Inn in Brandon, Manitoba; where it, has. proven to be most popular. A few years ago Mr. Shewfelt, examined the need and feasibility of such a- :complex. He found that the motels in the area were doing, a good . business but Godericwas still not attracting it5, quota of business.' "We simply aren't stopping the traffic going through Goderich'and:we have a lot to .offer if we promote it,'' he said. "Tile highway 21 location was, a natural spot for such a ven- ture and I think business rub: off on business in a compacted area." Mr. Shewfelt is confident that the motel will not only at- - tract many visitors from Out- .. side Goderich but will also of- fer something to" people of all ages to the •corrimunity. "W,e have got to, try to get people to come ,to stay in (continuedon page 12) • FURIOU' ACTION' Following. the announcernent- last week that the Rockledge building permit was -valid, ac- tion was furious among Goderich decision makers. The • first move was, to insure- that die Ontario Municipal Board hearings would go on as plan- ned. •d • 'On Thursday evening when Goderich, Town Council met, members were assured that the municipality's solicitor; Dan Murphy, had successfully blocked the hid„of George Plax- ton, solicitor, for the Goderich Businessmen; to,, have the hearings -delayed. It was an- nounced. the OMB hearings Would go on as scheduled on Monday.- On onday.On Friday, efforts were made by the Town to once more test the validity of the Rockledge plaza, At a special_ 'council meeting,. Monday evening, Mr, Murphy told council the exact, standing - of– the Ro"ckledge building permit was "still a lit- tle bit upin the air", He repor- ted he was expecting a ruling by the Ministry of Housing Monday or Tuesday, MPP Jack • Riddell- "advised the Signal -Star late Tuesday evening that Hon, Donald Ir- vine of the Ministry of Housing, was going. to . appeal, the decision that ruled the Rockledge building permit valid. Thatvppeal Was heard Wed- ,nesdav in Toronto, • "The government has __lost two of these now," commented Mr. Riddell, "and they'•re hound and bent they're not going to lose another•", Over the weekend, however, representatives of Suncoast and the •Goderich Businessmen's Association had meetings to hammer out an agreement, When the OMB hearings opened Monday afternoon in the basement of the. assetisnient office, legal Counsel . for the businessmen; Suncoast and the town were agreed upon a corn - promise. This involved several mat- ters. First of all, .the town agreed to:'revoke -Bylaw :34, the v't to construct HO bylaw which the businessmen resolve the matter in this felt severely restricted their ex -amicable fashion. pansion of _retail outlets in the core area; amend Amendment LATE START 4 to the Official plan; amend The hearings, slated -to begin hvlawt;; of 1974; amend Amen- at 1 p.m., didn't get underway dm- ent- 5 to the • Official' Plan; ""'until about ;3;30. The room full and enact a new•bylaw to effect of interested citizens had, the -zone change~ for the central waited patiently while legal business district • and surroun- counAel for the , town, the ding residential • area. businessmen and , Suncoast, Secondly, Suncoast Estates completed ' their negotiations. agreed to pay to the Goderich But• when the hearing finally Businessmen's Association the convened, the two-man, board 'sum of $15,000 as payment in, was immediately advised that'a part only , of the , fees and three-way agreement had not disbursements paid by this only been reached, but signed. Association for .professional During :the next hour or so, services rendered to it by its the three lawyers ---. Murphy legal counsel and planning' ex- for the town,' Plaxton for the perts and others in the course businessmen and Eart Cher - of the proceedings, niak for Suncoast — combined Of this $15,000, $6,500 is to their talents to explain to the be held in 'trust ' by the OMB all, the implications of the businessnten to .be applied to proposal. , defray -'the - cost ` ofim When the O•MB was satisfied provernents° to the central that -it -understood: and was . business district cif the.,Town of prepared to accept it and ap- Goderich — , or to preparing ,prove it, :Mr. Shrivesasked if - studies in that regard. ' 'any person in the hearing room - To make a long story short, had any t�hjection to -any part the OMB officials heard , the of the presentation. presentation by the three, par- ties involved in .the dispute,' and approved. it. In fact, Walter Shrives of the OMB said he was pleased to be - able to At this point, Councillor Elsa Havdon, rose to her feet. ,She. 'said that as a Private citizen, , (continued on page 3) looks for builders Jack Riddell, . MPP for Huron, informed the Signal • - Star late Tuesday that the On- tario Ministry of Housing will he a,dverti.sing for builders to take, part in the construction of 22 detached houses under, the Home Ownership Made Easy plan in the Town of-Goderich. ' The lots are located in the Suncoast Estates subdivision ' bounded:on the north by Sun- set Drive and' on the• south 'by Suncoast Drive. Mortgage financing will be provided by the Province of On-. -E. prolect .' . ,Tw'o .orf the houses wilt be • - made.available to rent geared to income tenants as part of the Ministry's policy of integrating social housing into the general community. Builders •will have 'until November 12, 1974 to•.suhmit their design and price proposals to OHC. - tario at below the current market rates. Ontario Housing Corporation target` 'prices for these units will he $23,500., $ 24.,500. and $25,500 for three, four and five 'bedroom. houses respectively. These prices are excluive of land which is provided on the• basis of a 50 year lease with the. homeowner having .the option . to buy the land at any time af- ter five ' years of the lease having elapsed, ' The approximate monthly round rent' payment will he. $ 712. Following the selection. of the builders, advertisements ' will - identify the companies and .provide details about the procedure for the purchase of the- houses, The, Christna$4,0tintry l=air was well attended by Goderich and area shoppers -but the children seemed to be •more ; fascinated by the ct'afts than their parents. This picture shows five of the younger customers at the fair, Lisa Flynn, left, Dtakes time out from her shopping, to look over the crowd Christine Martin 'passes the time with one of the home made Al 0 ` • i toys while her sister Shoana sleep's, Mark Stokes takes a drive in a wooden truck and Ionia Seddon chats with a knitted doll. (staff -photo)