HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-17, Page 12• PAGE 12 OODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1974 � 4 v • 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE CHECK our -prices on chesterfields, mattresses. chrome suites, coffee tables. & E. New and Used Fur 9 ,niture, 524.72'3-1 1'2 mile South of' Goderich.—tf • AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, Time and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of ya,itr .toilet tank. Available at Hoffineyer Plumbing, and1 Heating,. Kingston Street, Goderich.•-•--gl4tf SINGER—For Authorized Sales & *Se•rvice, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts & notions, service to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St,- 524-8431, Goderich.-28,29tf GRAPES, and McIntosh apples 'plus other commodities ..for sale at Bellview Fruit Farm, Phone 524- 8011, concession 4, Goderich:-38tf GOOD used furniture bought and sold. Patterson's Lied Furniture. Phone 524- 7 616.-41 tf • DEADLINE FOR TAKING .014)6 CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 8c per . word, minimum $1.50 1.ARTICL1S FOR' SALE CHROME kitchen chairs, with bright floral pattern upholstery, regular $15.00.' While they last $8.50. Lodge Furniture, phone 524- 7521.-42A'R • • STEEL dep tank for re-drefng •fur - BURLEY'S Used Furniture, ap-, nitftre; also bus seat, in first• class pliances and antiques bought and condition. Phone after 6 p.m 524- , sold. 26 Newgate Street, Goderich. 6280,_,4-2 Phone 524-6854,-27tfA R ki HIGH, School Ring. Like new, $20. Phone 1524-9106 anytime, 33tf SEWING MACHINES. Large selec- tion of good used sewing machines, Singer, White, and others. Repairs to all makes. Aft machines and repairs guaranteed, 29 East St., 524-6012, La Boutique.-38tfAR • GARRARD stereo record' player, without stacker, with magnetic car- tridge. Best used with low or medium priced outfit, Worth $70.00 new, complete with brand new diamond stylus for $32.50. Call 524-- •, 9106.-31 tfnc . DELUXE,: BUNK BEDS Carr he used. as two single keds. Complete -with utility drawers. Reg. $325.00 each, two only at $250.01) each. Lodge Furniture, phone 524- 7 521.-42A'R • 12 iGAOGE SHOTGUN .for sale, dingle shot,', almost view. $25.00. Phone 524-7646, ask for Gerry. --42x MAGAZINE subscriptions and Olympic Lottery.Ai•ckets. Ernie Barker, 62 Essex St„ phone 524- 6232.-40-50 MacINTOSH APPLES, potatoes, and turnips. Gerald Bell Fruit Farm, RR 2, Goderich, phone 524- 8008.---40tfAR APPLES, potatoes, onions. and - ' fresh cider at Art Bell's Fruit Farm, . Small Macs $3.00 a' bushel. Phone ^524-8037.---41tfn POKER TABLE, Playpen, Mighty Mite Racing Set, Fast Track Set, Champion Pro Racing Set and numerous other tows for boys and girls .6-10 yrs. old. 152 Warren St., phone 524-6073.--42 ' 18' — SUNWEAM Electric' Snowblower, used •.twice; two Natural Gas Space Heaters, Phone 524-9420 after 6 p.m. -74. 2 APPLES — ,North•ern Spys, Delicious, Macintosh, Cortlands. Grand Finale Special; pick your 'own $5.00 per bushel, windfalls $3.00 per bushel. Bring containers. Ross Middleton's Orchards, one mile east of Bayfield, north of river, -42,43,44 , SPLIT.'AND DRIED, 12" cord w,cx>d, maple and' beech, good for fireplaces and, stoves. $12.00 per cord plus delivery. Phone 523-921-2, or 523-9287 after 6 p.m.42,43 _ LADY'S 0, length coat, green, size 9 to 10, in excellent condition, with - 'plaid hood and matching scarf. Phone 524-9802,-42 Fall Features Modern' high back,. 2 piece chesterfield , suite, with 'loam cushions, covglred leeck, priced to clear at only $299.9 299.9 Colonial. Diningroom suite. In - dudes round toble fold 4 chairs. Suggested list 0:95; our price - t '$29.9.95 'Sklar 2 -piece chesterfield suite in gold velvet. with covered decks. Suggested list $759.00, our price $659.00 Walnut dinette suite, Include$ oval: table which extends to 72", and 4 chairs. Suggested list $299.00,,,our price --- d $249.0$, GT VINYL REPAIR SERVICE We Repair Alt Vinyl Products Furniture - Ottices Hornet... Restaurants Hotels - Motels - Cars » Boat5 Campers BLACKSTONE- FURNITURE WiEST Bt GIODERIG 1 Phony 5244t41 'ONE ELECTRIC WELDER, 200 amp., cables and shield; one Lin- coln grease gun, nine months old; 1.ARTICLES FOR SALE SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES - ;.2 complete top ends for Suzuki 80 cc. Complete with ,cylinder, piston, ring, and all gaskets. $128 new, asking $50. . ARGYLE MARINE 88 Britannia E., Goderich 524-9201 . 2A. ARTICLES WANTED 13Y(J(ONES v ill tray top prices fur antique • items. Urgently required now, clock-, firearms, any bras and. copper items, roll top desks, etc., .etc. Phone 5f-6 145. - -51)tf SA. ROOM & BOARD` COMFORTABLE Room & Board available, lunches packed. Phone 524-6684.---.35tf WANTED --- Girls to share a two- bedroom apartment, close to Square. Call after 4 p.m., 524= 85111.-41,42 O ,A \MAN WANTED for outdoor bush work. 'Phone 524-6278 after 6 p.m. -41,42x 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENT 3 BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanastra 13.R. 5, _Clinton°, $125 per month, all utilities paid. Phone Jean. 482-7396 anytime.-22tf OFFICE for rent. Good location. Available Sept 1. Phone after 5 p.m. 524-8845.-33tf OFFICES and warehouse, Contact Bruce 'MacDonald 524-8146 in evenings.— :37tf SINGLE PERSON t� share house in Dungannon area, $65 per month plus some pet care. Write P:O. Box 83, Goderich.-39t1 ONE -BEDROOM, heated, fur- nished apartment, utilities paid, centrally located, adults only. Apply 92 Cambria Rd. N.-H36tf OLDER two-bedroom duplex 'for rent or sale.' Phone 524-8101 bet- ween 6 and 7 p.m. -41,42 8: HELP WANTED WOULD like a babysitter for One child in -my own home, close Co the Square Phone 524-8562.-42m. Experienced Full & Part -Time WAITRESSES WANTED 7 A.M. -- 2P.M. APPLY CLUB GRILL KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 • ROOMS. — War'tii, comfortable New heating system: Light lunches available. Billiards' and Shuf- fleboard. The Park House, West St. Phone .524-605.-41,42 one Lincoln oil retainer, nine mon- . the old; one.set acetylene welding FURNITURE, glass, china, clerks,, torches with gauges and hose; a bells, brass, copper. Will huv for pool' table; self-propelled lawn x$•ash ox sell by auction, Mike Cum - mower; one vibrator belt and stand, ming$, Auctioneer. 524.9064.-22tf like new. 152 Warren St., phone . -524-6073,-42 1. ' WANTED, Building lot in Goderich area, Small acreage 'or single lot. Phone 524-8688.-42 THREE OIL TANKS, 100' gallon each; 40 gallon oil tank barrel or 40 gallon wood barrel: Phone 524- 6,205.--42x YOUNG MAN'S double • breasted, pin striped, flare legged suit, like new• Call 524-9475.-,-,-42 2•ARTICLES' FOR RENT' FORMAL RENTALS ' filr all •castr'n . Fret style. hrochure. Raw•. n & Swarrrnan Style Shop, 'FREEZER BEEF — Four Glderlc t1—'2:1tf Hereford ' Heifers for butchering. Buy, carcass weight, or buy live TO RENT — w1.5t1 per day rents weiKht. Phone 524-7 756.-42 , ' you 'an electric' rug shampooer. 13em1 wee spots;' grease, e tr. Service PULLETS FOR SALE — Quantity Dominion Hardware, phone 524'0, of Harco Sex -Link pullets, 20 weeks 8581 —g41 tr old 'end of. October, Phone Roe Farms • Limited at 71,56-2211, .At- FORMAL Ith„v i'AI,S for all oc- wood, Ont, -42 • 'rasions. ,Picket and Campbell Ltd., Clinton and• (b derich.---sgtt I,1 - FOR RENT OR — 1500 sq. feet heated area, 2000 sq. feet unheated area in Vanastra. Phone 482-352:3 or 524.2207.--41,42 FURNISHED -rooms with living roam and kitchen privileges.•Phone 524-84:33 or 524-2482.-37-42 HEATED, one hedroom apartment, close to Square, suitable for one person. Newly decorated.. Phjj,ne 524-7935 0, ,T.)24-7532 -12t fA'R , LEASE THE LAND - OWN'THE- HOME Looking for a home to rent? Let • us show you how you can own your home for as little et $125 per month. Phone 524-6384 or 524-8059 Huron Haven Homes, RR 6; Goderich, Ont. --46 '7. WANTED TO RENT TWO SNOW TIRES 78 x 14, good condition, •on wheels, $30,00. for the pair. Phone 524-9457 or 171 Brock St. -42 • A LARGE Kenmore oil space theater with fan, in excellent con - 'Clition. Phone 529-7422. If no an- swer call 524-6652 evenings. -42 1970 ' NORTON 750 C.c. engine, rebuilt last spring. Must sell, asking $550.00. Call 482-7859.-42x 1972 POLARIS SNOWMOBILE, 21 H.P., 2 cylinder, with cover and single trailer. Phone 524-8772;-42 Like Brand New 1 ecu. ft. upright General Freezer Avocado Green Used 1 Year `s285.00 4-25 cu. ft. Chest Type General Freezers °2 years old $250°°L,' . 1 -Only Imperial Top -Loader •Dishwasher In good working order $85.00 1—Only Toledo Scale —24 Ib. Fully Inspected this' year $25.°° These itemmay be seen at B se's Supermarket 104 The Square, :Goderich )524 9x 11 3. CARS, STRUCKS FOR SALE FOR SALE — 1966 Ford Custom, 8 cylinder, automatic, good condition Phone after 5:30 p.m., 526; 7567.-41;42 - 1967 DODGE half ton, 318 motor, automatic. Phone 426-7732 after 6 p.m.-4ltfnc £ • • CARS FOR SALE 22 'O.f'.P. cars, power brakes and steering, heavy duty polite equipment; 11) 1973.Fords; 7 — 1973 Chevs.; 5 -- 1970 Dodges. Mighton's; Gara.;e, 4 miles west of Durham On No. 4 "highway inext to post''vard: Phone R. W, Mighton,, Durham, 3,69- :31:36.-42 • J , -1969 FORD CUSTOM, blue, two door• hardtop, black interior, 302 headers,' four Firestone wide ovals, with chrome custom"slotted rims, diiw brakes, 77,000 miles, excellent shape, $1,200.00. Phone .482- 7650.-42A3 482- 7650,-42', 43 1960 RAMBLER CUSTOM, Lady driven since new. 29,000 miles. •miles. Enquire at McGee Pon- tiac -Buick • 3A. PET STOCK oTROPICAL fish, 'canaries. Corn• plate pet supplies, Pat's Pet Shop, 350 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open 11) crim. to 6 p.m. doily and Friday evenings.g40tf PIIREBREI) English Setter pups, • three months, 'championship Mock,' registered, shots, wormed. Call 524- 7642 cir 524.648 i.4'2,4:3 13EA1JTIFUi, AFGHAN PUPPIES -. Sired by Srheharazade Ch. Auriga, of Alcarar. Excellent show .prOspec'ts Various colours. Registered, shots. Call 1.519.475- 4893 .nrs,write Mrs. '1' ,Walker, golf 127, Rmhro, Ontario. --42,43 PUREBRED German Shepherd pups, six weeks, dewormed . and shots, $40.00. Call Auburn 526- :7592.-42,43x SINGLE. LADY requires one - bedroom apartment, preferably un- furnished, with garage. Elicit, 524- 9292.--42tfn • 8. HELP WANTED LABOURERS and 'T'ruc'( Drivers Required. Please reply to Box 143 Signal -Star, stating age and previous experience, All •replies will be kept strictly confidential-:3:3tt'' WANTED - Lady to stay with elderly lady• two days a week On weekends, N.o heavy work. `kept, - 'Box 155, Signal-Star.-39tf WANTED: Person to work as mem- her of, land survey crew; Preferably Grade 13 graduate with string math background.. Apply Fol 13. M. Ross, O.L,S 41 West Street, Goderich,.Ontario.-42A/It full & part time WAITRESSES . wanted We, also require a. full time SHORT 'ORDER COOK We will pay top wages for the right persons. Phone 524-7711 for are Interview appointment. The Candlelight Restaurant and Tavern, Hwy. 21, South, Goderich, WELCOME WAGON HOSTESS - We've got a Job for you. If you're a -good neighbour, have the ul• 'of a car, like meeting and helping people, and hive a flexible dall'p schedule, add a second "paycheque' to your household. Consider a career. with ',Meteorite Wagon. -,to' 6rrenge for an interview please write MRS: J, MacKELLAR - oess •Glen Erin dr, Unit 22 Mississauga, Ont, L5N 1PS • 9» WANTED (General) -USED TOWERS, reasonable offer. Contact 13 & K Towers, phone:, 357-. 2520.-=-41,42,43. BROWNIES ANI) t3UIDES wihing to buy or sell a 'uniform please contact Tina Gallow at 524- 8971.- `'COMPLETE householll effects or small lots wanted. Call C and E' Furniture, 524.7231.---gtf I2444 falcian YY i Bookkeeper Accountant Full resume stating experience required Send to Box 160 c/o Goderich Signal -Star P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ont. Goderich Psychiatric Hospital requires -a Library Technician 2 SALARY $114.62 — $1' 'i7.59 PER WEEK DUTIES: To provide .library service; classify, catalogue, index and control circulation of books, journals,•and articles in ,both Medical Reference . and Nursing Libraries; assist •staff in obtaining information, provide audio visual services. QUALIFICATIONS: Grade '12 education or ' recognized equiValen't, preferably some •typing:ability, at least one year's' ex- 'perience as a Library'Techniciart or directly related ex- perience or possession of a Bachelor's degree from a university of" recognized. standards. Competition is open to qualified male and female ap• - plicants;,Applications may be submitted no later than October 23, 1974 to:`3 b The Administrator, Goderich - Psychiatric Hospital, Goderich, Oniiario. 12. AUCTION SALE' 12. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale Every Friday at 8:00 p.m.: SPECIAL THIS WEEK: APPLIANCES & COLOR TV New chesterfield, bedroom, kitchen suites, lamps, coffee end table Sets, bedding, stereos, component sets, bunk beds, recliners and giftware et Bali Auctions, RUSSELS. 881-9363 Midget Plan Available) u d ATFIWELL'S AUCTION • Estate Auction To be held for the Estate of Jabez Rands, 420 Wellington St., Clinton on Saturday, Oct. 26 at 1:15 p.m. Property - single lot 120 Wellington St., 3 bedroom frame home, diningroom, living room, Targe kitchen, 2 workshops, basement, and oil furnace, back entranceIn excellent and well maintained condition. e., • 1.0% down, Balce in 30 days. Anyoneinterested in viewing this property phone 4823120. Car - 1969 Oldsmobile Full listing next week RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE - Brucet,eld 482 3120 s You Itipil A a-5 you 10'1'6 10 1'6 the C.1,1,1(11011 Armed nrc;es', Build 'y,)ttrself ill) p11ySi(;,11� r ,1nr1 stit�l}- t.�lly f3or;011l1...1 'Irr�d�l tl,ri r acil lr>I telt-1 lop This . ,,tifI.�t C,cornbat':. Ar!J+ ; ';;tf, o!fPryot' It s It)t ,; 5t)f,to Olt B1rt if ^ . Cr,r11l ,tit Ar tr1r, '!ali Pet VOL', )t1 ! 1101 +1 .:c,ft (Il`s' !'nlI 10. Ionklf 3 for SO1t1f, ,11,7i(1 610(1717 A Int) ihat 1�1 IirIricl t,t,1 ,It,a ;tc�t'�71 /sill f)st't),t' (,lc,,.)1 It s Sr,!►;.i ' (; 6) o(',i� ',(lti (.rfrl ,)f )GET • INVOLVED :.�_fi� WITH THE CANADIAN ''-pc.' • ARMED FORCES. Starting Salary $400 per month After Four Yiralis over 510,000 per year and thats just the Beginning CANADIAN ARMED FORCES RECRUITING CENTRE 520 Wellington Street • London, Ontario N6A 3R2 679-5110 Open 8-5' Weekdays 8-8 Thursdays •iB'I' i . '; it , ' ) atl;l,jyt, ( Pray (,ode GODERICH MOBILE RECRUITING UNIT Or Visit ' - • Located in the Federal Building' Every,, third Tuesday ,of each rrtonth Open 12 Noon` to 5:00 p.m., �t Aucti,on:SaIe To be held at Knapp's Auction' room, M• ain St., Seaforth on Friday evening, Oct. 18 at 7:15 p.m. • Consignments by Tuckersmith and Seaforth homes. Roll top desk; 2 flat to walls; 6 mess bpck.rcheig,s Gapttc ip',�, 4, chair; 2.3 pc. bedroom suites; oak round table; wing back chair (ball & chain foot); chest of drawers, carved pulls; side chairs;. recliner; buffet; rockers; sewing machine; pine drop leaf table; sewing macbine;• pine drop leaf table; serving table; small tables; Duncan Phyfe drop leaf extension table; chesterfield; trunks; blanket boxes; oak library table; glass & china, picture and frames. - RATHWELL'S .. AUCTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 482-3I ZO q1b • 'Auction Sale To be -held at 185 St. David St. Goderich; on Saturday, October 19 at 1:15 p.m. Consisting of - 3- pc. bedroom suite0883 Woodstock pump organ;"`5 pc. chrome suite; oak desk;. Admiral. TV;•metal desk•; bed chesterfield; chesterfield and chair; liquor cabinet; 2 new single beds; Transoceanic radio; end tables; 175 records from 1901-1940; metal shelves; latfips; coffee table; books;. or- naments; metal rocker; cabinet radio and other.radios; cabinet speakers; record player; Underwood typewriter, .Napolean hot clock; Eureka vacuum' cleaner;fi>picture frames; electric broom, pots and pans; glass and china; dressers; chest of drawers. Appliances and Misc. Moffat electric range; Margaret refrigerator; Sears 20"'snow blower; Sunbeam electric mower; aluminum extension ladder; crocks; sealers;; many more Items. Terms - Cash No .Reserve Proprietor moving to -Nova S'cotia • Warren Moland R.ATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE - Brucefield - 482-3120 Ciint�n n to be held at 122= Fulton St., Clinton on Wednesday, 'Oct. 23 at 1:15 p.m. Property - consists of „a 2 storey frame dwelling,Q'3 bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, back entrance; eunporch, full basement and oil heat, Situated in an' ideal location;, 10% down; balance In 30 days - selling subjeet,to reserve. Contents -" 9 pce. dining room suite, flat to wall; chesterfield and chair; cane rocker:"2')rass and iron beds; blanket boxes; dressers; chest of .drawers; commode; drops leaf table; oak drop front desk; 3 pces bedroom suite; Quebec stove; treadle sewing machine; 2 copper boilers; glass and bhina; crocks; sealers; partial table sets; buttons; quilt's; Admiral refrigerator; electric range; wringer washer; and many more items. Terms - Cash' on contents ' Proprietor ,- Mrs• .' G.C. Phelon RATNWE«'s AUCTION SERVICE, " BItUCEF?E!D 9$241 20 17 n