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The Exeter Times, 1894-4-12, Page 8
INSURANCE, leSTZLLIOT,AGE4NV FOR 41URi. WESTERN ASK/RANDS 00M^ PAN'2 1 oS"Torppnto alao for the lafloir;NrX 1rTRF. NBtliirN017 COM]?ANY, of Loudon lrlr astral ALLI4NOB INSu1tAN B. 00M ?' Y o£ Beglated, WGOQDS W e axe showing Sarni le Lae of choice hiegees Fortune. We are showing ae nice line of flair Brushes. We axe showing a cheap line ofToileb Soaps. We are showing a line of Combs, We show a fine line of Tooth Brushes,. We are offering a Snap in Whisks. We have low lines in Sponges, We keep Tooth Picks and sell then cheap. We keep Chamois Skirls, best quality, You may need some of the above, call and we will try and please you, GRIGG, --THE- Big Bankrupt Store For Big Bargains in NEW SPRING. GOODS, Special for this and next week. A bier Remnant 3 e nant .Sale, -over 500 remnants of prints, Dress Goods, Tweeds, andCur tain Enols. The whole lot are now spread out on tables; first ',rite come, best choice, every piece is abargain, but some are better bargains than others. We are doing a great corset trade since the break in prices; the public appreciate our offer to beat all opposition prices. Don't for- get our prices, 25e, 48c, 65c, and 75c, for the most popular corsets en the trade. What about Spring Dress Goods ? you bettor see the new choice stock we are offering -prices the lowest in town. The lad- ies all say that our assortment of Now and Stylish Millinery is by fax the best in town -the values we know are right. See our Millinery,it will please you in style quality and price. J. A. Stewart. Notice to Times' Readers. The publishers would esteem it a favor If readers would,when making their purchases, eantfon that they saw the merchant's adver' lsement in Tnn £IDszs NOTIOE-All business announcements notices of public meetings, eentertainments auction sales, etc,, appearing in there local columns will bo charged for at the rate of five cents per lino each insertion. Black heading to count as three tines. Oash with order save to persons baying open accounts. To insure Change of advertisements in current issue copy must be handed into office on 2'uesday. THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1894. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Personals. Mr. Wm. Hill lett on Tuesday for St. Catharines Business College, where he will take a gourde. -Tire License Inspector, Mr. Ballantine, of Seaforth, was in town last week and found everything satisfactory and the law well carried out. -Mr. Chas. Bayley of London, spent Sunday die town, the guest of Mr. A. Fuke.-Mr. Seth lialeden of Chatham, has moved to town and rented one of Mr. Carling's houses+, on Andrew St. -Mr. John l.oadman has moved into town, and rented Mr. J. McInnis' house. -Mr. S. Priscator intends building a new house on his property ,- Mr. 11 Hicks, Jeweller, has purchased e Mr. Geo $ amen a residence, paying. therefor a good figure. -Mr. Baby Binds of Elimville, has arrived in town and engaged' with Mr. J. Evans. -Mr. T. Oke has commenced praising hay. -Mr. Sohn Torrance of Zurich, was in town on Tuesday, Judge of Stock at the Spring Fit --St. Marys Argus : Mr. T. R. Penick and Ur. and Mrs. J•. Ready left yesterday afternoon for Exeter, to attend the funeral of the late 11. H. Polack, which takes place to -day, --Mr. Walter Evans, baker 'with Mr. John Bartlett for the past two or three years, left on Saturday for London, where he has accepted a similar position. --About three years ago the late Horace 'Follicle attended our Collegiate Institute and left to take the theological course at Cobeurg .College, While there, he was attacked by-hemgrrhage of the lungs after which consumption developed and bar finally out short a promising and useful career. 13e Was a member of the Methodist choir and an active member of the Young People's' wieldy when here and had matey friends among the young people of this town," -Mr Win Delve who wee recently injured in London, in- tends moving to Exeter to live, his father, Mr ltobt Tlaivo, going to Manitoba to take tip land. -Mrs. Geo, Knight of Ildgrton, Spent theeforepart of.,the week in town,- Mr,. Joseph Beaded of London, is visiting, friends in town, -y -Mist 8 asie "gait' who hal spent the .past winter at St. Paul, Militia hat eeturned to town to terentin. , Brevities, Befits: at, hall price at Brodertfelr'e Cheap, Store lilt Thee. Snell bad a; Valuable cow die on Monday evening het.. The night w atohman of Mitchell receives a salary of 11250 per annual. J W Broderick advertises half pilots sale this week,. See notes of sale, Meseta, Wood Bros., have dissolved partnership and divided the property. Another lot of those choice Stalk Raisins 51 pee box, at the Big Bankrupt Store; Reyde. Messrs, Jackson and Martin will exchange pulpits, .(D. ,C.) next Sab- kath morning, {'Alvin," the great Canadian trotting stallion, was ahippee frons Waterford for Russia last Friday, Save money on yore Carpets, Gurtainat Blinds and Wall Paper by buying at the Big Bankrupt. Store. Rev. Mr. Martin will attend the meet- ing of the Hamilton and London Synod next week at Hamilton. Mrs John Moorehead received last week several :blooming roses which grew in, her son's garden, New Jersey. Buy your Millinery at the Bit, Bankrupt Store; ' Choicest stock in ton, So say the ladies -anti they 'know, Dr. J. W. Browning is making extensive improvements to his residence recently Purchased of the Happel estelo. Mr. A. Hunter of Ueborne, has pur- °hased at a biz figure a fine Daroc Jersey Boat. It. is a very fine animal. The. Sacramental Seryiee in the Pres- byterian church last_ Sabbath niorniug was the largest in the histoxy of the congregation. kir John Russell, in the employ of Mr, Cann, near Lumley, while in the bush the other day, had a tree fall on him, injuring hi head d ale dba badly. Y Buy "Sailor Boy" Japan Tea; ]k pounds for 61. -Prize :Japan 3 pounds for 9$1, and Crown Blend Blk Tea 60c pound, Big Bankrupt Store. 3 pound boxsoda biscuits 22; 2 pounds Baking Soda 5c, best matches 10c box, 35o Japan Tea for 20c, 50c Japan Tea for 35o, at the Big Bankrupt Store. We would draw attention to the Den- tal !card of Dr. Anderson in another column. He will open an office oyer Elliot dr Elliot's law office in a few days, The man who gets mad at what the newspaper says about him should return thanks three times a day for what the newspaper knows about him and does not say. Wolves are apparently still fair:y plentiful in far Western 'Ontario. During the past year the Ontario Government has paid out 4556 in bounties for the destruction of these ''varmints." We understand that Mr, Z. D. Johns will shortly open business in the premises vacated by Mr. El. Spackman, post office block He will put in a new stook of hard- ware, etc., and go into the business exten- sively. W. N. Ford, the absconding collector of customs at St. Marys. who was ar- rested at Detroit,and lodged in Stratford jail last week, bas been released on bail. He is at present at his home in St. Marys, Asmall child of Mr Sam'( Madge of Us borne the other day fell from a chair while at the table with a butcher knife in its band, the knife penetrating its left cheek and cutting an ugly gash almost from mouth to ear. Boys school caps 10oc,;Girls school caps 10e, Gents Fedora Hats $1, Mena 2 buckle plow boots 61.15, best 911.50, Ladies Kip Oxfords $1 regular price 6L25, 6c wall paper for 3ic, 155o"ivall paper for 10e, a the BigBankrupt Store. While gathering eggs iu his barn on. Tuesday, Mr Wm O'Brien, of the 3rd eon. Hay, fell from a Groes beam, some fourteen feet to the floor. He was °knock ed insensible, had a shoulder badly. broken. and his back severely injured. In the county judge's criminal court James Dunne was sentenced to six months. in the Central Prison, for the charge of whioh he was found guilty on Saturday - that of an indecently assaulting Margaret Jane Peasketh, of Biddulph township. 4S tn. Delve, who was injured on Feb. 12, g at8 t the Pottersburg crossing of the Grand Trunk, has been released from the city hospital The broken kneecap" has knitted together but the young man's. log will probably always be stiff, -London Free Press. When a man begins to show marked attention to a young lady, the other young ladies who would like to be in her place speak of the fondness as /(infatuation." Itis only those who have no interest in the matter who are willing to admit that it is a case of "love." The postofface department has made a notification of a change in the form of postoffice .money orders. This introduces into the order the name of the payee and makes the order negotiable like a bank check. The new forms wilIbe sant out to the postoffices as rapidly as the old ones 'which .they now have are used. From a:bushel of corn; a •distiller gets our gallons of whiskey, .which retails at 16. The eGoverninent gets 53.90, the armer wlio raised it gets 40e„ the railroad eta $1, the manufacturer 44, the retailer eta $7 the consumer gets six months and be policeman gets paid for running him n. The Hamilton Times describing an aeci ant which occurred there the other ay, says the young people "were obliged o get out and walk about two miles and a alf to a blacksmith's shop and there wait n hour for repairs," It'evould be curious o Iearn what repairs. were do' ne to the oung people 1 eThe death occurred in London Monday morning, of ('rank Sanagan, after a long tineas from eoftenieg of the brain, t the age of fifty. Deceased for several ears conducted a merchant tailoring. stablishrnert in London,• and was Well nown throughout the weritern cotintry as good workman. rhe shoddy goods peddlers who have eon doing up the Stratfordites have gone oat, The Herald says ':--+r'Tho i sold cloth for two stilts of clothes, eleven yds:- f cotton, a good sized piece of shirting, hough ;venetian to make two Prince lbert coats and tveo vests, cloth' for a Pring overcoat, a linen tablecloth and a air of lace curtains for $38. -eThe Parkhill. Council has decidedto dopt the tag system of dog tax and have;, assed a bylaw ,?,that the money:. oust he paid to ilso Measurer who will les,ie a eheek,otrtbe clerk for the tags. he treasurer le oleo togive a dtateo ent agh month of all. the tax money xeeeiVec1, 'his:Would he a'. good system for the Xotolr Council to ,adopt. It would saw° enaiderabla delay and the money' Would' o dtreot to treaeu*'er, while the clerk, ani ibeehtinetet eftaj• irtstteds woald 'ltb�tl tt, fheel( on, the trera'aurera f 5 f g g t f d d t h a t y i a Y e k a b w 0 c A a p 111 Aprri IG'roverbs, After a wet April follows a ;dry June. April and May are the keys of the. year. Thunderstorm in April is the end of hoar frost. Whatever March deo not waist, ' April hrirtgs along. A cold and motet April 8114 the seller and fattens the cow, April borrows threedays, from March, and they are ill, A dry April's not the farmer'e will; rain in April is what ho wills, When April blowe his horn, •Tis goodfor bay and corn, When Aprilmakes much noiee We will have plenty of rye and hay. tyhen on the 24th rye has grown I so high as to hide a crow a good harvsst may bo expected. rubric School Board Minutes. Apri14. Meeting held in the town hall at 7 p.m, All present. Tho "fol- lowing are the motions duly sustained' : minutes of previous meeting ; pr Dr. Lutz and P. Frayne; acceptance and snstainmentof fence committees, report and contract. Pr T. Fitton and E, Howard, payment or following accounts: J. P. Clarke, brooms, $2.31 ; J. N. Howard, posts, $25.20 1P. Frayne, wood, $2 84. Pr T. Fitton and W. J. Carling, sustainment of following pro - payments : J. P:Coates, wood, $115.37; Seely, neaps, $12.20; pr T. Fitton and E. Howard, W,Brooks to be paid $11.60 for substitute teaching; pr P. Frayne and Dr Lutz, acceptance of Mr R. Fel- guson as supply in Miss Fergusen's de- partment to close of present term; pr Dr Lutz and T. Fitton, Messrs Carling, Frayne and Howard to be a fence com- mittee to complete fencing reciuired,and to purchase necessary supplies; pr Dr Lutz and T, Frttoi, necessary repairs to woodshed to be effected by fence cone.; pr Dr Lutz and P. Frayne, the chair- man and T. Fitton b o a committee to secure proper storage and cutting of wood; pr T. Fitton, adjournment. J. GBIGG. Call on H. Spackman, at his new premises in Saniwell's block. Wall papers, carpets, floor oil cloths are good values at J. P. Clarke's. H. Spackman has moved to Samwell's bloandck dl largely arge y to his stock: All kinds of Garden Seeds also Dutch Setts at 14c per Ib, eta-- P. Clarke's, Just opened a choice brand in Young Hyson Tea for 25c. per. lb.`at J. E. Clarke's. H. Spackman, having moved to larger premises in Samwell's block, has open- ed a large new stock of hardware, etc. We learn that the Council intend placing three electric lights on the front street and two on each of the first back streets. For Gents white shirts, neckwear, cashmere, halfhose, braces,'. Please call and see our complete stock at J. P. Clarke's. The Agricultural grounds were rented on Tuesday for the season to Mr. Jas. Willis at j75,the ttrack being reserved by the Agricultural Society, Wanted : 65 men, needing a bargain in soft or stiff felt hats, sizes 7f and 7i and will be sold at a sacrittice at J. P. Clarke's.' We have been busy the past week putting in a new press, and ask the in- dulgence, of. subscribers ;in receiving the paper a little behind the usual time. 1YIr. Geo, Willis of Detroit, formerly of Exeter, after a prolonged illness, died at his home in that city this week: Flis remains will be brought here for interment. A committee has been formed to manage a monster -.citizens' ' celebration of Her Majesty's birthday, May 24th, in Exeter. A prize list amounting to $750 lite been prepared. The sports will consist'' of a monster trades' pro- cession, calithumpians, horse racing, ere. There will be a free fur all, purse $200; 2.30 trot, purse $200; 3 -minute trot, P $ Urso 200 Readers of Ties Tiers are invited to write out and hand or send us any item of news that comes totheir notice, personal or otherwise. Ou Thursday afternoon a bright little girl of froin ten to fourteen Years of age, daugh'cr of a citizen of Exeter, handed Tins Teems a news item which appears in this issue. Tho item was carefully . composed, requiring very little dressing up, and reflected credit on the youthful writer. We hope this little girl, as well as other girls and boys, young and full grown, will continue to send us carefully written paragraphs which they. believe wi1linterest readers of T.na Truss, In all cases,`hcwever; remember to sign your name. The The publishers the Por o: p � t lI pe Guide got judginent,for 511.50 and' cost -in the Division Court from a man who had been a subscriber in Port Hope and moved to Guelph to which address the paper was then forwarded and : continued - for some Yeas. The subscriber, after taking the paper for some years, "refused" it and tried to got out of paying for the same, Judge ketchups, of Port 1dope, however taught him a lesson on honesty and it is to be hoped others will also take the lesson it should convey, for there are people who after taking a paper some yearn try in some to, get out of paying for it, A man who Weald cheat a printer in this way ,would rob a hen roost. It should not be necessaryto remind householders that now is the time to thoroughly cleanup their premises, The rubbish that has been accumulating !luring the winter should be either burned up or removed to the dumping grounds;, Decay- ing vet'etable and animal, matter, besides being offensive in appearance and oder, is a menaoe.to health and the prolific source of disease. The surfaco Water which filters through garbage when left in yards finds often its way into wells' aud•pollutes the water used for drinking purpoeca. The sanitary inspeetoir gannet be tiro Vigilant just naw. " We Cannot' have 'a. healthy' town without pure air and watee, and certainly We cannot. have ::pure air and water withettt Slbiot attention to Sanitary matted, i aetax eit)Iz $ M 1f01"1] Oft account' of the San nrrtttoleeo, Mid Winter Pair, the Ohicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul ,ftaibtvay company will tell oa- cursier1,,tiokete to San grbttoiscc, St. Jose oolton,:;Loe Angeles and Sart Diego., c(4l, and Portland, Uta., atreddeed rates,,gooil unttl April S1804. Per ,partiottlars calf oft,, any coupontfdcet•Agetit, of address A. J "ay'korr,'Catiadlp n.Pass. Agent, 87 Stork. gta,,Torontoo Qat, • .a A T HIF= t It ,e, TIME 8. II Dress Goods, We were never before so well prepared to meet the wants of the Ladies in ` this line. We have lovely goods in a great variety of• makes at 25c. per yd, and upwards, double fold. De Lay nes. J We have the choicest and largest collection ofp atterns ever shown' in. town. They were made by bh' bust mak- ers in I`ra.nce. They range in price from 25c. per yard; upwards. - Corsets. We are having wonderful success with our new corset, the D. and A. It's a great seller, Ask to' see it. We sell Brushes,cor- sets B. and d (.�. sets for 60o., ordinary deal- ers ask $1.00 for same cor- set. Millinery. The Millinery openings have come and gone. and we are prepared, and have laid out to do the Largest busin- ess in this line in our exper- ience ;. Prices, Styles and Trimmings are correct. Be sure and get your spring Hat or Bonii'et-from us. S! t °� piace'or .BarglA . We have the most correct style in both Hard and Soft Fe],,ts. Our Fedora at $1.25 is a heauty4 See cur boy's felts at 45c. We buy thein direct from makers and can save you money. Rubber Coats. You should have ono and we are the people to buy it from. Weve special g you P value in a number of differ- ent lines. Ask to see our coat ,at $5.75. It will be sure to please you. We are at present making a great run on this line; just think *of it, a Boy's nice Serge Suit for $1.25, and fa Man's Suit for '$3.75. Be sure and see thein Men's Felt Hats Ordered Clothing Have yon seen oursuits to order at $9.75. They are great value. Worsted suits to order for $15.00. We carry the largest stock of Tweeds and Worsteds in town. - Ready Made Clothing We carry.a full line of Verity Plows and Repairs We can give very low quotations for Points in large quantites. R,. P=CIC. .:..Z az 601\T DIBEOT IMPORTERS. Mr. A1f.Ironsides, has purchased the Granton flour mills and intends put- l ing in a new set of rollers. The children of -Mrs. -Newcomb; Frederic street,- Stratford, while play- ing is the barn Saturday. set fire to the building, and before aasaistance could. be rendered a boy of about four years was burned to death. The mother, beating the screams of the children, made desperate efforts to reach the;boy, but was unable to do so, and was badly burned about the face and hands, and had to be removed. to the hospital, A' horse and cow which occupied the build ing were also burned. William N. Ford, who eves deputy collector of customs at St. Marys, m -1891, and who .disappeared' leaving a Shortage of $1,400, was arrested in De- troit on Monday and consented to come across the river without extra- dition. The' err it D o Tribune u e says he was taken b afore Magis- trate Bartlett in Windsor, and remand. ed to Sandwich jail to, await the arrival of an officer from Stratford to take him there to stand trial. He fled a year ago to avoid arrest and since that tines has been located at various points in Michigan, but always managed to disappear just as the officers were ready to nab him, His is sixty-nine years of age. Pnevrareme IS BETTER, Than cure, and those who are subject to rheumatism can prevent •attacks by` keep- ing the blood pure end free from the aeid which causes the disease, You can rely upon Rood's Sarsaparllla-.as a remedy far rheumatism and catarrh. also for every form of ;scrofula, salt rheum, boils and other diseases caused by impure blood, It tones and vitalizes the whole system. flood's :Pills aro : easy and tenth In effect. Exeter' Municipal Council. The council met at the Town Hall, Ex- eter, 9th March. All present, Minutes of previous meeting read and Orders foe the follovving ems were granted ; 8 Balsden 51, error hi dog tax 1893 ; Goo. Cudniore 51,25, labor T. Hartnett 51.25, ; Andrews 51,25, do ; John Moreshead 61.25, do ; Win Phair .Ileywood $1,25, do ; Geo Hocigine 51.25, James Parsons 51.25, do ; Jas Biesete Ilrook 51,25, do 't 8 Baskerville $3, do ; Ilancifetd $1.50, do ; Wm Pargone 62m, do; Eterdy ailditotd fees; Re Carling 88. do lb,i3 Creech, $4, oharity to Meet, Wilcox, and 02. do to Mrs. Mcioto"11," The council to nialse a tour of ineperit- to procure a rig. Bieeett—laylor--Thai we secure 7 aro lights', ZOO oaffdlopowor 17e. per light Me teed; of1560can dl c power as eon te Retie d lights iobe plaeett Where directed by. the Hissett,-.Taylor-that .11:1, How, °Ppted, lamps to be placed as directed.- (Carried. An agreement between the corporation and Mr Howard was duly executed. The council adjourned for two weeks. M. EMMETT, Clerk. A debate between Kirkton represented by Messrs. Money, Roadhouse, Ruther- ford, Ilurns, and McGowan, and Fullerton championed by ler. Armstrong, Messrs. Morrow, Me Naughton, Mc Neil and Wil son, in Fullerton, on March 19, was won by Fullarton; which advocated Canada's present connection with Great Britain as preferable to annexation to the United States. Kinston argued for annexation. The referees were Rev. M's Steele of Kirk - ton, Reeve Leverasage of Fullerton, and- I14r. Facey of Russeldale, Rev. A, Mc- Fadyeu was chairmen. The debate o ntie:- uodnearly four hours- and ;the debaters referees and chairman' .were handsomely entertaiutd at lunch afterwards at the resi- dence of 'Mr Wilson. Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere, Johnston's Sprato at♦.! ,.. Go Wool delanes in, dark .and light colors. .A special line P .. of light colored goods only 200 per yard. A nice dark ground, 25c, Prints In this line we have had an immense sale. See our won. derful roc line 32 Inch soft finished goods. TIireed Stock large and complete. See our black worsted suits to or— " Tweed suits, to order front $15 too large. Low prices to re— duce. Boys' suits Irorn $1,25. up., Men's sttits from $3.50 Wall papers, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Boots and 8hozts., Stock all complete, Hats :just in, New) tv?bty, cheap. This • completes our spring stock: Call ',and see Our bargalriz, Wee hear a great deal thruugh,the papers about Barga Who got one? Don't all speak at once, Catching a Sucker is an easy thing. We,' -are not after that kind of game, Fftot is, we:`liaveof no bait f r g � of a slicker in our stet's, WE WANT to drop in and see the kind of stocks we are han look at Goods, and get our .prices. r_ r 1caught are nob t 9' o b a Sensible �� �� n ht b Pooli Bahs, Clap -trap claims, of 6i:3 e t, Xiggsst MoSt" EtO: It's easy to claire all this as easy as lying, Indeed, see' what we offer aria you will be convinced that lap Our Truth is stronger than - theli 'fiction. W©depend on facts, not fakesand humbug, to win us custom and build up our business. Try our` 25c. tea, it has no equal for the price. Men's Tweed Suits worth $7.00 for $5 00. Try us. C.A.RLING BROS. alf Price Sale '" B1iUi)ER1CK'S CHEAP BANKRUPT STORE Special S ... p Lines for this Week . 10 Dozen Men's and Boys' Underwear Shirts au$='llrav- ers, and 75. Pairs ot Men's and Boys' Long Boots, a rice assortment, all at Half Prico,no mis- take, jVe d c&n. .Hal PAZ f Price. TWO' Bankrupt (dtocks just received. .Big Bargains. ,,. We sell cheap all the time, J, W. BRODERICK, Look at the date on your label this week, and see that your name is mark- ed well in advance. tt31:. No paper is discontinued until all arrears are fully paid, except at the option of the publisher. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of eaph paper, the change of which to a subsequent date be- comes a receipt for remittance. Subscribers. will please examine their label before and after making a remittance Mount Forest has under consideration a by-law to proyide for the inspection of butcher's cattle before they are killed, and (wowsprohibiting the :purchase of (wows by butchers from farmers. This is to prevent the salehi of diseased meat, which cannot be detected after slaughter.: Diarrhoea and Dysentry are perhaps the most common of our every day ills, and every person nearly bas;some:special;pure of their own, Ours is Perry Davis' Pain Kil- ler, and having used it for many years we can confidently recommend it. Get big bottle 25. BORN. ROWL-In rioter, on the 6th inst., the wife of R, N. Rowe, of a daughter, MARRIED. HAGAN-MoLATIGHLIN-At the R.C, church Drysdale, on the 3rdinet., Air. Deatagen, of hills Green, to Miss itosalla McLaughlin, a n na W13 L X 1 RV -At the residence of the brine's paroota, Blanchard, on the 4th inst., by Alio troy. B, L, Hutton, Scott, Whaley, of Anderson, to Laura, daughter ofalr. Jos. Pearn• DOWSol12-PEOK-At the Methodist Person- age, Varna, on the 4th inst., by the Rev. W. W. Leech, Wm. T. Dowsom, of Stanley, to. hilae Agnes T.•Peoir,.of Bayfield. MOOONNIiLL-NOTT•eenthe 3rd inst,, at the Ontario St.parsonage, be the Rev. W, Smyth, Mr. Hugh Modennell, of 'Puckers • smith, to !fins Amelia, second daughter of Mr. James Note Tuokersmith, HUD ALDWORTII-eit Baylield, on the. 4th inst., by Rev. B. Olivaat. Jainee worth, of Baylield. 5. Henderson, Mr, AndreW Murray, to Mies Jennie PatterSon, of Hernial'. earenjegy-EnAN-At the !Roman Oath - olio oluirchi ret, Maeys, en . the and hut. Annie, daughter of aim Italia &tau, at, lilizahath Ann Johnston, beloved wife ei John 5. Mollath, aged 4'7 Toara. trot Glenn agel 74 years andOtrionthie BIRD:311-ln Woodstock, on the $0th WE, Oharlerb youn,sost son of N. B. 13irch, of 51, Marys, aged 10 ybarg, MARRIOTr-In 131anhhard.on the Seth Devld, son of Wes. Marriott aged 2 genre, 9' WIDLTS-4n Detroit, on thb IOW inst., George , formerir of -lexeter, aged 54 reser. The'rernitirieWill be Interred the Master cemetery On ifridayt eforeliele-In tleiborries on the 12th biol., Catherine, toilet of ,the bite Areh [bald IVO - Innis, aired el peene The.. Legislature has been in session about two months, but all the most im•`- portant items of legislation are still to be dealt with. These are the bills for registration, redistribution, for the punishment of personation, and the measures of Messss. Conmee, Meredith and McCallum relative to the ballot and other amendments to the Separa'e School Act. One ot these bills has not even been introduced,' and none have reached the second reading. Meantime while all this important legislation anteg Bladon h 18 been kept back the Hoes° p , s has been dawdling for an hour or two a`'day uver parish business. This waste of time is scandalous. If the pay of legislators were cut down to $300 each --all that is really earned -it would be impossible. X. D. C. pills tone and regulate t'eo liver. Norway Pine Syrup cares coughs, col le, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness,_ sore threat and diseases of the throat and huge. Price, 25 and 50c. Bad Blood causes blotches, boils, pimple abscesses, ulcers, scrofula, etc. Burdock Blood -Bitters aures bad blood in any form from a common pimple to the worst eorofu- lous gore. Skin disoases are more or lees directly occasioned by bad blood, B. B. 13, cut os the following Skin Dieeaeea: Shingiss, Erysipelas, Itching Rashes, Salt Rhe• ,u+, Scald Head, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotch , by removing all from the bl d from a common Pimple to the worst Soros futons Sore, As baldness makes one look protneturely old, so afull hair gives to mature life the appearance of youth. To secure this and prevent the former, Ayer's Ayer vigor ie. eoufidently recommended, Both: la tuff_, and gentlemen prefer it to any other diese- Horsemen Will consult their own inter- ests by getting their jpedicyrees Arta any other pluxrxxG They may need,, Tho 111111' 0M01. ant% and can tarn otit work in the besy style and preeriptly. ADVERTIRD YOUR RORSR'S ROUTE el