HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-03, Page 7cv
RECREATION COMMITTEE statute extended an invitation a four -horse hitch, and best horse
Mod of the gau es are over to, members to be their guests on the grounds.
• with just girls teams in the at their meeting October 9, at 8 While the mayor of Goderich,"
Playoffs. The "Tryhards" p.m. If any. can attend ;that` Harry Worsen, does not live in
defeated the ``Clovers" 20•: 16' haven't been contacted please, Cofborne Township we are in-
last Thursday evening .and ex- call the secretary 524-7017. , terested to mention •he°won first
pect to playa game this week if The !natter of a donation for prize in the ploughing match, at
-,-Weather ` is favourable. The - the craft display/and sale at the the- fair. °
Forester "Liniment League" area convention this fall in. °
have retired for the season. . Stratford was discussed and ANNIVERSARY SERVICES
`Mrs. Wilmer Hardy offered to Anniversary Services . were
• 4-H Gi,ILS - make something for this. held in Benmiller United
Tiger Dunlop Group I held The topic for the meeting was Church Qn Sunday, September
their fourth meeting in the public relations, and.Mrs. Jack 29 at the morning ordeof ser -
Th 1 'divided t was a splendid poem on tendance
Carlow Hall Monday evening. McLaren gave the motto which vice 11 a.m. with a sple order
e girls were into
id at-
several groups and were ac -"Faith". The -.guest speaker Rev.
tively engaged in making dif- Jack McLaren gave a very in- Robert Rumball, D.D., pastor
afeient kinds of sandwiches, teresting and educational talk Qf the Church of the Deaf in
soot} as peanut butter, cream on the great art of painting Toronto, presented a very in -
cheese, cheese whiz, cherries, which of course is a part of his teresting message. He men -
.using white and brown bread, 'life. He is especially noted for tfoned they are planning for a
and - these were chilled while -- is fine paintings• new church in' Toronto.
the girls carried an with the He spoke on the "Group of Music was supplied by the
meeting. ' o Seven" painters, making senior and junior choir which
All .members' repeated the special mention of Tom Thom- rendered several ' lovely :, an -
pledge and the roll•call *as an- pson, of whom most 'are thems ~ and Miss. Marie Willis
swered by 10 members. The familiar, and who' °was in. gave an accordion. sold;_"T.he
leaders then spoke on various strurnental in forfning this Holy City'' ;' which was of
types of teas, formal and infor- group. He sparked the P modern special note.
Mal and enjoyed a tasty lunch approach to painti'ng'in Canada Rev, Mr. Leonard Warr is
of the sandwiches they had which they exhibited in their minister • of this church and
made and a cupf tea work. • Mrs.. Warr is Director of Praise.
o . a -
Each girl was allowed •to take This talk was made doubly
h f
her mother the lesson `learned• slides showing the beautiful The sympathy of the corn -
home a few sandwiches to.show interesting ' with t e` use o COMMUNITY,' NEWS
.paintings of this group and a munity
Tiger Dunlop Group 2 - "The finishing touch was showing a
for the evening.
Entertainers" held'their fourth group -of slides of pictures of the
meeting in.; the Carlow, Hall community which always
Monday evening September 30. brings with it fond memories.
Barb Potzel opened the. Mrs. Richard Buchanan
meeting, with the 4-H pledge. • thanked Mr. McLaren for this
The covers for the project splendid evening of entertain-
• were then handed out by Karen ment . and, extended a cordial
Kolkman and the roll call was invitameeting closed in thetion to return.
answered by 11 members. The � usual manner after which
The leaders then discussed for-
,mal and informal teas and how• members enjoyed a social -half
hour. .' together and •°patronized •
to make fancy sandwiches after
which • the members made the bake table which was laden
closed and 'o Sen sandwiches, with many goodies. a .
pinwheel, ribbon and, checker DUNGFALL FAIR
board sandwiches with minced Dungannon Fall • Fain.- held
meat, cream cheese, peanut last,Friday,Sept. 27, was,
buttter4 'and. egg:, salad; all. ,of favoured .with .beautiful •
-which was very tasty.,arid' ate, ,
tractive* served with a . lovely weather relish tray and a cup of tea. • .and naturally a good.
crowd. This is one of ;the' best
Mrs.' Mildred Montgomery fairs in this community and.'
then served this. *dainty lunch found several: from Colborne
while Helen =Brindley` was - Township , in` the showing.
hostess. • Meeting closed with The 4-H Calf Club found'
the Creed read by 'Mar"ie Brin- several' happy young folk and
• gave •them the urgeto press .on.,
dley. In the Dairy :4-H Calf '.Club,
Tiger Dunlop Group 4, the
"Mad Hatters", held their Neil Sager had .,the. first Junior
''fourth meeting ' at Jean 4-H • Dairy Calf and also the
• Dougherty's Monday • evening. Champion 4-H Calf in Huron
The roll .call was responded to , County..
by nine girls. .
•, Glen McNeil had first Senior
The leaders showed the, irls 4-H Daiiry Calf and was Chem-
'' - how to, make open .and closed • pion Dairy • Showman at
faced sandwiches which were,,,,:, Dungannon'Fair.'He is.also the
very tasty- and attractive when`' Champion Dafry Showman in
served ,later with a cup of tea. Huron County. •
Achievement. .Day will be Neil Sager had the , first
November 2,3 . at. Brookside Junior Heifer Calf,in the .Open
School, and plans for this were ° Dairy°"•Class, while —Shawn
discussed: The meeting closed Drennan showed thesecond.
with grace by Marnie Mills. '•
Junior,.calf, Stephen Sager the
is extended
a ,
to the
family' of the late Mr. Torn
Wilson who for many years was •
a resident in Colborne 'Town-
The sympathy of the com-
munity is extended to the
family of the late. Mr -s, Wm.
Tartan who passed away Mon -
clay, September 30.
Party •Pizies' meeting, was' held
at Linda Mathews' September
Brenda{ McPhee opened the.
meeting with the pledge. Next
meeting will be C eld at Riybeha
Brindley's October 7. ,
The girls discussed a meal
for the last meeting of
scalloped potatoes, cold meats.
and jellos.. '`f?
• Brenda McP" e, „Rubens
Brindley and.Lin a Matthews
t il.emonstrated fancy sand-
'viches. A lunch was served.
•1.r. -..
The Tiber .Dunlop , Ncl; 3
Blyth Inn Hotel
a'on.Hwy 4 In Myth ." Thurs. Fri 1k 8$t.
Country/ & Wostsw'n i>Mt hill b.$t
Fine Food - FrJday Satsrday ,Nights
firan�. S,
Has Goder.ich- been invaded by potato men or has Austin
Fuller got. too many fingers? The odd shaped spuds grew ih
Mr, Fuller's back yard 'garden, and came out of the 'ground
just as you see them. He is saving the figures and plans to
make men out of them, (staff -photo)
third calf, .and'' Larry 'Sowerby"
TIGER ' DUNLOP . " was fourth in line. -
The September . meeting.. of " Brian Sowerby received a red
Tiger Dunlop Women's In- •, and a blue ribbon in the Dairy
statute as held in Colborne Calf , Club showing. :Terry
Township Hall, Carlow, Wed-', . Sowerby received two blue rib--
- nesday, September 25. The , bonsaand Larry received a red
meeting opened, with president °arid a blue''ribbon in this line.
Mrs. Eric Reaburn in the chair. Sharon Fisher also showed
The roll call, "A Poem", was Holstein Heifer .calf and was in
answered by -26 -..members giving the second group. •"\A
much --. food for- thought and
. • much entertainment. Seventeen In the Beef _ Calf Club, Larry
institute menibe s.• of St. Allinreceived.-first in the open
Hrelen's• and'Goderich Town- class and got two red ribbons
ship institutes were guests and for 4=H in Showmanship ..and
were then welcomed 'by the Calf, while Janice Allin
president -and' given a `hearty received third in Open Class
applause by all:. • • and also got two seconds in 4-H
a.. Several cards of thanks were for Showmanship and calf.
received with an inter.esting,let- Heather Clark received a red
ter from Father Abraham- of •In- ribbon ,for her calf' in the 4-1+
dia. , ' Junior Beef Calf Club and got.
Members were advised there second in Showmanship.
will be a .tailoring course early This was a splendid showing
'in the „New -Year and Huron ° from • Colborne and 'to top it
Countyy I:tally is in 'Brussels off, the prize for the Best'Three
•Monday, _ Octbber 7, . °Mrs. Females ' ori the grounds
• Reaburn and Mrs. .Kaitting.` exhibited by one, owner, - The
were appointed 'delegates. Sib/pr Tray, - thisyear was won
A Food ,Nutrition workshop by Clifford McNeil ,and Sons.
will he held in the ; Auburn ,Of special mention also is the
Community Hall Wednesday, horses.bArnold 'Young has'been
- November 6. which ;is open too winding at severa`1 events and
, everyone and should prove inc, at the' Dungannon " Fair his
teresting - and educational to `Belgian gorses -won first prize
all.• for best matched team, and
Loh,desboro Women's . In- best team in Belgian class, and
Ontario snow'nrobil-e° .
Ord event)
This. Sufld:ay Oct. 6 P
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