HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-10-03, Page 2PAGE 2- xODERICf SIGNAL-STAR,-THLURSDAY, O(Ft BER 3, 1974'
a °,
h4E1:p.iS needed
11 isn't good enough for the citizens. -of.'
Goderich to heap praise 'arid gratitude
on th°e dedicated volunteers who operate
Meals on Wheels day in and day out.
it is going, to take cash - cold, hard
dollars and cents - to keep the program
alive__ It is going to take, your . money
because Meals on Wheels has no other
means of support,
Too many 'people in the community
believe the Meals on, 'Wheels project
locally is funded by government money.
It is n.ot. Every dollar tortes from the
citizens of Goderich and area who
believe in the program to take hot,
nourishing meals to those elderly and
-handicapped--Rersons in..taa_comrnunity,
who cannot adequately prepare substan-
tial, well-balanced meals for themselves.
At the risk of repeating the',.worn-out
story, some elderly and.w• handicapped ,
people want to stay in their :own homes
and be self-sufficient in most -ways. This
Kind of independence is helpful to a
community, to a province, to a country,. It
saves on the cost of government-
sponsored ,facilities to care for',them.
But some, of these people need a little
help and encouragement: To remain as
healthy as possible so they can maintain
their independence, they require a
By Jack Riddell
proper' diet, Let's face it. For some
seniors either living alone or hampered
by physical inability, meals are often
reduced to toast, cheese, a" cookie and
maybe a pot of tea. That's not good
enough and that's where Meals on
Wheels''takes over.
> w
Through the services of the local
hospitals,,meals are sold to the Meals on
,Wheels committee for the flat rate. They
are packed In thermal -type' 'containers
which are purchased through the efforts
of this committee. They are delivered to
the recipients by volunteers, once every
day, rain or shine, cold °or 'hot`, A modest
cost for the meals is paid by the persons
who receive them.
But the costs are higher than the
proceeds from the meals. It is this shor-
tage of funds which must be paid.from
the pocketbooks of Goderich people. It
isthe only way the project• can continue.
Please, please, please. Send a small
donation today to Mrs. Margaret,Murray~
175 Nelson Street East, Goderich.:As'
secretary -treasurer for Meals on'Wheels-
in Goderich; she will direct your money
into the fund that delivers nourishment
and hope to the homes of this town's
needy aged and handicapped.
About home renewal.
Late last week Donald R. Ir- makes goad sense at this time rent restraint agreement is
vine announced the long . of ' very high costs for ,,new reached with the landlord. By'
awaited' °Provincial policy for housing to invest public money excluding landlords, a serious
the rehabilitation and renewal in °maintaining our existing ' disservice is done tenants who L
of resitlential buildings. ”.stock of residential property, will be, forced to pay additiional Not -e not ugh water
The Government ° has Because, much of'our-poorer. rent to cover •repairs ordered to a
• allocated$10' million for 1974- housing is occupied by families buildings under the new Dear Editor, •
Looking Back
that this would result in slime
75 YEARS AGO interesting competition as there
We had a foretaste of winter is considerable talent in this
this past week and it was not to area in the town. We also feel
our liking. We were not that better lighting upstairs in
however ' as bad off sus other the main building is, a necessity
folks. There was a slight fall of for the people to have their
- •snow here Saturday morning, exhibits seen.
but three inches of "the
beautiful" was the report from
Seaforth and the - London Ad- • The lecture on "Scraps" to
vertiser reported that a •regular be given next Monday in the •,
avalanche was had in their city North Street Methodist Church
and that telephone wires and will be delivered by' the
branches of trees. were broken Reverend W.E. Donnelly of
down. There was a severe frost Exeter, the°'.clever young orator
here on Sunday night and this who made so favorable an im-
was followed by brig., sunny pression by his address in ,the
weather.., • Court House Square last
The public works.commt t •
ee August. Many will be glad to
decided to allow a London con hear him again. Come and hear
struction company -to proceed him yourself -on Monday
with the work of laying, the evening. a
granolifhic sidewalks, and , The steamer Glencairn which
Monday morning a start was arrived in Goderich on Sunday
made by ,the/ tearing up of the afternoon with a cargo for. the '
o ld'Lplank sidewalk alongside Tr-aansit Elevator brought with
the Colborne house on it part f apilot house to'which
Hamilton- Street. Besides this were attached a carbon -burning
piece the company will pave the ...searchlight and a brass clock,
• sidewalk on the south side of which are 'belie'ved to be from
'East street from the west side the freighter Clifton. The Glen-
. of Victoria tai the lot' below the .cairn ran into considerable
bicycle factory,' and in front of wreckage about eight o'clock on
AK - Bedford • block of the Saturday night about 75. miles
Squ: e. It is late in the season northwest of Goderich. There
to be cwmmencing the work and was qe ,rte a sea rolling but the
it is hop d that the result will Glencairn cruised around for a
not be as • 'sappointing as was couple of hours making a
the job •dome est year. search for any parts which
• We at the Si: al would lake might indtate from what boat
to suggest that th • directors sof the wreckage had come. i Much
• the fall fair provide : prize for broken lumber, evidently .from .
amateur photography. t k e feel some cabins and hatches and
what" looked like a life -belt
mick single out a small group?
,Are not all the American
tourists and residents of 'the
surrounding areas also using
1975 far' this program with a of'lower :income, -the` terms of.: municipal housing standards. In regards'to •the write-up ori" ' town facilities without paying
further commitment • of a •the loans- are designed'`Pto en And ,because lower incorne the' front, page; second 'section
for them?
>imilar amount for 'a further 2 - courage. these families to . take people, especially those ' who, of Thursday'•Sept°•-26th Signal; As for the town shopping
vers if' the program proves sic,-. advantage of. this opportunity • rent, occupy, the• most run down I think that "someone such as facilities, ask any merchant if
j°essful. to. paint -up and fix -up. Loans property the .effect of the,enfor Bill Dimmick, wlro •to my he resents out of town business.
`'`The program,. called On • will. be available on a. sliding cement program' will fall most knowledge is not a Godertcli or I f f t
`ario Home Renewal Program scale of interest rate from. 0
_OHRP) provides per. capita , percent to . °percent, over -a
grants to municipalities in On- term of 15. to 20 years.; • depen-
• tario to. adniinister•.directly as ding on income. The maximum
loans.••to homeowners who wish loan is set at $7,500.00.
to, . repair the • home they oc- • It can 'be expected that the
.„:upy," Mr. Irvine stated in his, , Provincial program will be tied
ministry's news' release. into the Federal Residential
Municipalities will be Re.habilitation Assistance.
required to draft . minimum Program (RRAP) ' wherever
spent a considerable amount of Goderich at its presenf size?
money to promote out of town This fact'is proved by the water
business gives me reason to ,, restrictions enforced • u'pon the
question the intelligence of Mr. people of Goderich each' sum-
Dimmick. . mer. How' on earth does Mr..
Even a first,.year apprentice Dimmick feet that this already
journalist has the foresight and overloaded pumping stat -ion
common sense to get the facts will be able to supply an ad -
..before writing, an ,article.-. ditionet area? , '
f it wasn't or out' o awns,, however it js evident that Mr.• Furthermore, the, people of
who.can.least • in"' township 'area business I wonder how manv.ol'':' Dimmick did not.do f so, as I tiis.....are.a have spent' a- con -
heavily on those surrounding p
r ,•
afford it. born resident, should know so ,.
much • about the area:
he town's businesses . would • was informed +.by a .Goderich siderable sum •of 'money to put
foldW • • Township Council member.that in -wells and private sewage
were sighted, but,there was no
evidence of small boats or signs
of any bodies. Communication
with the owners of the overdue
Clifton` not heard of -since
passing. the, "Straits of
Mackinaw 2• Sunday,; confirms
the belief that the wreckage
was from the earner, With '
prevailing westerly inds it is
calculated that any reckage
which comes ashore will , portly
be found alongthe B''uce
Peninsula above Kincardine.
The owner of the ..Sunset
Hotel on Britannia Road is to
be asked to board, up the aban-
Boned former luxury hotel or o.
have'the town do it for hirn and
charge the_•costs to his taxes. A
Most reere'ati•onal clubs -and' 'Sheaffer Pen has already been. ,systems, ' We have no need or letter from the Goderich Police
This is a most unfortunate First of all Cxoderichdoes not Chief, Fred Minshall, and
aspect of the new: program and'.. have .Phew .water e purify'riga. churches are supported by their annexed and paying taxes, to desire to have storm sewer' Goderich • Fire Chief, Ted
one that h hope carr be changed 1' t' handle dl the area as members whether they live in the town of Goderich. ' , and water lines expensively in -
With new- sent to the owner asking
and ' going higher, a growing on tgwn.water. We do not have of town residents should pay realize that the Goderie .pum- without pave roads, si. ;via s letterer the closing of wr asking
proportion • of Ontario families water problems which for the use 'of town shopping ping station can. not even Dan and streetlights iii, order to which they termed themecca for
are living in rented housing. ,In stormtoe town has had, luch as'last facilities .after the town has die the"requirements of keep our taxes down to a
fact ittes o an e • , v :. •
housing prices high seen by the summer r -astrictions ° or' taut, of town. To suggest out " WOes• Mr. Dimmick not stalled. We -also,, willingly do
Goderich d d d lk°
Bissett,asked council to have a
housing standards,' guidelines possible.--.•R.R.A.P. has been many, large cities, this propor= '•' spring. where the industrial
or�bylaws, stating clearly an ac- designed to be°t,.lsed in conjunc-• • 'tion is over 50 percent. Present b, park roads were flooded by the
'eptable. minimum standard for tion with Neighbourhood I:n- - tenants can't be ' expected , to storm -sewer ditches. So we
• health and safety. It is expected provement, Program (N.I.P.); pay'the oust of renewal of old would not. need storm sewers.
that 'this.: standard will' vary the Federal Government's ' buildings, often rundown; Our township council had ap-
from municipality to program to upgrade and renew because -of years of neglect. On proved a shipping plaza,'•.but .
municipality, large urban areas -neighbourhoods. Most RRAP,,
other hand•landlotds-faced some of the greedy town trier-
•- • with a history of housing scan-' . funding will be' used in N.I.P. -, with the cost of rehabilitation chants forced .'a ,.land. freeze
dard bylaw enforcement main- areas. The Provincial 'program will "choose ...to raise '.rent , to, stopping it and Goderich *till
taining .a high, ' lever has the advantage., of being 1`cover the costs or close the ' and likely never will have a
rehabilitation standard, and available to homeowners who building and sell for other -uses. plaza.
small or • rural municipalities live outside the designated im-
Another aspect of the
with.a much more relaxed star}- . provement areas. Because, the cils- being nothing but farmers
'based on a Program•which will, bear red .chow nothin about plan- ters are totally objective an%accurate. Although most`repor-
dard. Federal ,program is a g the .tut
monitoring . is the. °regulation.' . G �a ters strive to. give the public hard news _events untainted by Toth sides of a case Veer, with the general account
The`Province will contribute system of grants and; loans he municipality's'ning, take a good look At, rsonai prejudice, ,some have `ignored this goal Interpretive
41150.00 per housing unit in the depending' on ' income, in that redi5ires t Pe As an added thought, I
e interest rate for the
-writing and editorial opinions, o co
,°,If M Din' a book a
pec ion -. cos
percent. On •
In regard, to township coun-
reasonable amount. undesirables and a death
' On what. grounds does Mr , trap," • , ° �•
Dimmick imply that the A recommendation of ',the
Goderich'Town Council•has„the public works committee to-
'iptelligence'to handle urban af- proceed with .the Elgin „Avenue"
fairs while the Goderich Town- Storm Sewer . Project was an-
p -
proved by • council last week
,:ship Council (being `farmers) and will include'the use of part
does not. A farmer in th.is..day
and age , is a businessman who of the property owned by� -Mrs,
needs' at :wide , range, .$f Paul Roberts,
How 'Many readers now about ' the way their news is County .Council for Huron
knowledge in, order to succeed. •
distorted by the media. 'It would be greatly ap- "learned 1*ridaiy 'that financial
Only the most trusting soul could believe that news repor- reciated, 1VIr,; Dimmick, if in"` budget i rt s in the •curie yt
P budget .are set for the current
ire you •would present
4 including .,ii;iways expen-
averagtown planning in iriatters suchf arse. are a different 'mat-.
program towards ad- situations where both programsas•storm.sewers, sub -division
mimstrative costs, including iri- are eligible, it .wilh be up to the program to be not less than.3'
plazas roads etc r •Dim- - ter. I've been reading . • b k that I think everyone should
s t is Municipalities municipality to decide what•t face value• this _ 'ick were to stop and think'of ,
11 1 requirement appears b and formes read'to find how the most <importan' opinion -maker in the
may find that this -sum is insu will beg be reasonable However, it maybe print medium has distorted h facts since its inc
would like to put forth. the-ditures showing a net surplus
.following question. How. Is it of, $42,302. Clerk John Berry
that the growth of Goderich ,is noted the highways department
d t t tion but was, showing a' deficit of
to hti!nest newsmen financial- staterhent was
f- rant' what wi ban- how ,many members and new •
ficierit' to :covers the cost of and how best to take advantage that municipalities- with 'low members of parliamentT were tion. Time magazine has been an'affron
,; ,properly trained inspectors and of ;the Federal funding. P and .are farmers. Do they not
inspection .average income will have to •
since the publication began rolling of
tribution will
said o warren annexation $;10,101 on Jude 80r -when the
P-- has been unable to obtain a , ,
shopping. 'mall? `
the press in the ' m prepared, but said that this was
w not unusual because' work .has
ck easy 'way -to
the Federal con- know nothing about ,
cltarge a fairly'high rate on , I'belieye Sheaffer Pen isin 1920 s. �~ •
be"used to reduce many properties to attain 'this • .4 e�� - Many people
"' In general •
The funds allocated
to the look to Time as being
program °T the Provincial fundinggo that town. . catch up on the week's news:
°.. average (to reach an•av'erage of Since there is no schools in
municipalities under 10,000 the maximum OHRP wit°l trot But this magazine'under•Henry Luce who pu
• population, $4. per capita; for a 3 percent. If the. Provincial g
this trian le area,°are. the
exceed $7,500, less federal 'fun- " schedule; .is• drawn up to ac- til his death in'1967"has always presented the
Municipalities between 10,000 town of Goderich taxpayers
ding. There is some suggestion comodate this situation, Luke wanted it 'ta be.
- and 99,000 population, -$3.00 ' that an agreement ofrcontint�ed willing to pay more taxes to bus
capita; for' municipalities 0s g municipalities with higher in- Americans and Canadians for years have absurdly
perPp our children `to town public
occupancy of the rehabilitation comes will be forced to charge believed that Time presents the news the same as a
over ;pita100;000 population, $2.00 �- • , schools, where . now they are o
1louse may allow 'a porton of high interest rates. w newspaper. except • the spicy writing makes .it mare ' in -
per. .capita, •:' . °• the OHRP to be forgiven, h bused from our door to a teres�tng. A gullible public who likes spicy writing ode -
• n 'addition' gran up •to . "' • •' ho ed the 'the re ram
• ace a millionaire.
• ,
will be f
sincerely, -
' Jaijr`ies Kingsley "'bee's completed for which nn
money . `had 'been, received to;
Dished it un- h• R 2 Goderich'
ews as Mr. A petition from 16 residents
A3 of Trafalgar Street has_asked
Boo on Nixon council to -give the residents of.
. . the, street assurances that only
Dear Editor, dwllings will be pert-niitted on
Many times ,over the past a "lot at ;present vacant on the
number . of yews I have bee*.street.
••tempted to write letters to the,
-Editor. Your Dear Readers •
Column in the September 26th
issue of the Goderich Signal -
Star has finally forced me to •
ake pen in hand and complain.
• I feel that I am a ..com- " beirig but; it is. com-
residence° in this area woUld ,. pa. sionate person and can have
I add' ' is s modern school of our own at 1I'
A serious deficiency in the
i• $25,b4U.00 will bepavailable Por h lack
will encourage the development ,Holmesville.
• ••ar s 'of1
areas . °te'ss than 10 000 " ,Provincial. program is the
ac & ,. I myself believe -that the
• of any consideration for an- of repair and Maintenance Y
•pe'ople. standards that• are reasonable., triangle area is one of the finest
It � is . estimated that ap- •dlords and their tenants,. The ar�d�''ca able of being enforced areas today the way itis for our
proxiamtely 100,000 homes•or.., Federal program allows fun- P � .children to.grow upin. It is
without undue pressure on any
about,5 percent of the housing ding' for the _rehabilitation of quiet and safe for our children
stock is •in need of repair. It.rented property provided that a` o� •our •citizens.
oto play amd'I believe the other
ZFje �obericfj
�' �
.a The County Town' Newspaper of Huron
Founded, In 1048 and published every Thurs▪ day et Goderich, Ontario. Member of the CWNA'and ON/14A.
Aiivertlsing,rattls on request.:AubscrOtlons payable In advance $10;00 In Canada, 511.50 In all cquri-
`tries other then CanaOa, single copies 25 cents Second class mall Registration Number 0116. Adver-
tising is accepted• on the concjfroo tnat, in tree event of typographical error, the ad±t'ertiptpg space oc-
cupied by'the arroneoui Item, together with reasonable allowance for atgnature, will riot be charged for
but the paretic& of the . edvettlsement .kill be paid rot at, the a'phlIoabte rete. In the ;Vent of •e
typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, otitis or eervlee may not be sold.
n tithe. The SI g nal -Star le not respon-
Advertising Is merely an hfier to eplt, end may be wathdrpwn at any 0
'' alb fe for the loss or damage of unsolicited manuscripts or photos. °
Business ,and Editorial Office • .,
TELEPHONE 5;4-8331
;'area°code 619.. .- ,
° • •
, < ° Mailing Addre lst
P.O BOX, *20, G1odsrich
Soaoorid °class•-niait 'eglal►tration numbor•
Published by -Signal -Star Publishing Ltd.
ROBERT G. ,SHRI R : ,president and piablishel'
SHIFILEY J, KELL''R---'editor
BILL DIAMICK-,-editorial ,staff
JEFF seBooN-•editorial staff °
EDVU.ARD 1. BYRSKI- dveittising manager
716 DAVE :. 11VILLI ,MS advertising repiretentatiVe
r example, Luce liked the Italian Faeist dictator' Beni
Mussolini. In the publisher's eyes, this man could do no
wrong,wTime° thus ignored' the suppressive -aspects of the dic-
tator's regime in order to tell us that Italy was a bullwark
against communism' and an example for Europe to follow in
order to bring economic .stability.° out of 'the chaos of the
Piave as many and more Q - • •and:#eermercy for almost any
reason ' ' to object,, to • the have an opinion or a• dissenting voice is one'of the principles•
thoughts of ever being annexed.
° • tJ•E: Fritzley
. Not freeloade'r-
Dear Editor,
f democracy. c pletely beyond my understan-
His opinion.however, should :Nave been specifically, ding .ho anyone can say'that
labelled opinion, But no, it was labelled real., honest, objec- °, president erald Ford was just
'five news. d • 'ardon' former..Pxesident
, -This book' .' i.� ve been reading, by the way is called ; Luce• Nii
His EM ` " �' ' Nixon.
and �
Luce also put h7s opinions into the pages of Life magazine,�, for mistakes There can • e many excuses,
in olitics, for bad
which recently diednd departed from newstands, and For... w<,
tune Magazine. decisions, for poo management
. - _ - ° . _ _ in th hook o f the Luce etc..But f find i extremely
• think
�. . _ hard to 4ondbrie o and Out
character ;fid how it applied to,.,the. Time 1publication sig`
• °criminal action. ',If t ere are
somet'hi'ng most readers
ln of news should chnsider seriously
Having just Moved to the
when they 'foropinions about events:
area known as the ''V.L.A,, I , Readers should look at a story carefully,,to see whether it
h Billm should
w the houl
annoyed stu
be news
was very y& 1 inion. If a story'appears r Y
', i� trews or rep PP
Dimmick s ' one-sided, inac- , " loo
curate .and biased article "Is
This, a• Case for Arniexation?"
*Myself, and everyone 1, con-
,t•acted, ..greatly "resent being • iiblicationocan get away with distortion of events in'
out as 'freeloaders" loaders" of If a p
singled r f its hard news .co"lumne because of reader apathy, those
the town facilities. Would Mr. readers don't deserve` better.
Dirrin'buk rather have us take tea's rrtav be the wt)tchdog of s ociety but society has
y The p ,M
our 'business, to, Clinton or tobe the wa tchtlog of. the press. Stratford? How dare Mr: Dim-
k at- it carefully t see whethrer it has gpiniOn in it,
cotiched, in spicy word g that journalists"often call Timese.
It may Bound-Qcorny, but a news publication"is really only
as ggbod }is its readers d •,
'That's opin'ioii, not. fact.'
any pardons to be gra ted in
the tJ.S. they should be nt'ed
to the men who followed sir
leader and who are.now spen-
ding tithe in jail. . .
I> don't believe that the,
American people expected
Richard Nixon to govern in a
"God, Like,','• manner as,. you •-
harie suggested but thercer-
tainly shiytald not have been
subJected to the immoral arid
(continued nn page 3)
▪ x ^ A
4 A_
Readers are cordially
invited to''express their
,opinions of local, proyin-
- dal and iedere) • issues,
through 'the Letters` to
-the Editor column of They'
Goderich Signal -Star.
All , letters • mu t be
signed to be pu 'shed,
although „pen na es are
permissible ,, of ding ft
-is underst • • • upon
request •f rfym . another
reader; the' setter 'writer's°
true' name will be .
`" While there is Brio itmii . „
oto the length of a,letter
which can be offered for
publication, the editor
does reserve their ht to
delete .portions , o any
copy submitted" for ia-
°ttlusion top this
`Take err active litter*);
id . your . horetow,n
newspaper, Write a' letter
to the Editor today,.