HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-4-12, Page 5'
Al • 1$7,
AVM:1'44 eh r
Taro. icc4'y E CP.Fation
' of l'ique, O., tags the Phy-
sicians aro Astonished,
and Oak at her like one
11 d ned from the Dea
Long and Terrible Illness
frero ploQd Poisoning
Conzeiletcly etz.vocl by Hood's
"Mery a very intelligent
acle of Jw O1il al riceisonecl while as -
tate pilyebeinee rzt an entoPaY 5 Yoare ago• ,
mei soon. eterrlble *armee, broke out on her
;ware arme, tongue and throat. 'ler hair all
or aut. film weiglied but 78 lbs., ancl saw
110 nrespeat. of help. At last she began to
take lIoell's •Sarsaparilla 'and at once
in-ovl; could soon get out of bed and wane.
she 1 beCarrle perfeetly cured by
!‘00(1P8' SarSilParillO•
• end em now a well woman. 1 weigh 128 lbs.,
at well de the work for a largo family.
co acorns n 'VS'Otaletfla • recovery and
. 'look at me in astonisinnent, as
annee t e:e ono raixecl frena She dead.),
Pl;_i_S should bo irI ovory family
inedieino chnet. Once used, alvays preforrocl.
The Important Events In a Eew Words for
Busy Readers.
* St. Thomas city council has adopted a
curfew bell by-law.
Ald. Colgulioun will not be a candidate
in Hamilton for the Legislature.
A. consistory for the purpose of creating
new Carditials will be held at Rome on
June 18.
Twenty-six horses were burned to death
In a livery citable fire at Troy, N. Y., ,on
" Thursday,
• The United States }loose of Representa-
tives passed the Senate's Behring Sea bill on
Th nrsclay.
By the caving in of a mine nearaPreslau,
On 'Thursday, eleven men were killed and
• many injured. 1
The execution of Prendergast, the move
derer of 0art4=lictrrison, has been further
stayed until .5711y 2.
A settler • named Moggridge, at Hall
Prairie, B. C., has been tahot and mortally
wounded by burglars.
•• Welsh members of Parliament will ask
for a oommittee similar to that which will
be grantedfo Scotland.
. .
Montrone, darpenters have been victor-
ious in their agitation for a nine -hour day
at twenty cents an hour.
Thu foreign residents of Samoa are agi-
tating to have the islands annexed to one
of the Amstralian colonies...
Two men were killed and two fatally in-
jured by a boiler explosion in a mill at
Laneaster, Ind., on Saturday.
Seeding has commenced in the Moose -
min 'district, but will not be general in
• Manitoba for two weeks yet. .
A society for the prevention of crime has
been organized in Chicago, similar to the
Parkhurst Society in Newyork.
At Greensboro', G -a., a negro who as-
saulted a white woman Thursday night
wtis lynched on Friday morning,
.Al Cowboy, C.B., on Friday morning a
minor named George Anderson deliberately
blew his brains out with a shotgun.
In the breach of promise suit of Steele
• ve. Campbell at Cornwall defendant settled
• by paying Miss Steele $75,0 and costs,
Near Cherokee, Mimi,. Mrs. Wm. Ray-
mond and.her three children were drowned
while crossing Buttahatchie Rivet
Thomas Eraser, for the last ten years
Principal of Owen Sound Public Schools,
died on Friday eater along illness. • s -
Farmers of Colette Wellington are form•
Ing a syndicate to• ship their own cattle, as'
thereds no demand for thent at present.
At Pittsburg, Pa., Daniel. Whotling, a
woethless fellow, shot and killed -his wife
because she would uo longer support hitm,
Rev. A. Dowsley died suddenly of heart
disease at Campbellford on Thursday
night. He. lesees a widow and four chil-
Two deaths \veva caused by the trolley
cars in Toronto on Thursday, a boy named
Hatton and a maze named Kinghorn being
the victims. . .
Four men were drowned in the °hate-
hoochie River, opposite Columbus, go, on
Thins y, while fishing, by the eapsizing
Mr, winnings, a Well-known citizen of
of t at
Oakville, is building a $10,000 Music hall
for the town, the corner stone of which
was laid on Thursday,
Three opium smugglers were caught in
Buffalo on Sunday, They giye the name's
of Charles Kennedy, Ed, Pederson and
Geo. Heederson,
• A four•year-old Son of Mrs. Newcombe,
Frederick street, Stratford, was burned to
death in a -barn, to which he and some
playmates had set fire,
A two-year-old child of Aaron Herd,
Pickering, accidentally fell into a pail of
hot Water and received injuries from which
he died the following day.
The dwelling house of Sohn Newman,
near Osceola, Po, was berried on Thurs-
day, end Mrs, Newman's mother, 80 yeas
of age, was berried to death.
Consteble George Pendleton of the North-
• west. Mounted Police, who •formerly lived
near Totonto, was etuehod to deeth near
Port Saskatchewan the other day.
Alio Hannah Beswetherickaged 50 wbo
o ) -
lived. with ReV, Martztetowty in London,
attemPted to kill liersoIf by cutting her
throat With a,l'aZOT, Sho will recover.
Tho will of the late Mrs, Cornelia Cos-
ter of Now York directs that her entire
forttnie of $1,000,000 bo devoted to build-
ing a nuiesoleuin in Woodgreen 0eme
Thomas O'Neill's ;Crane house at More
• Hon 'tea burned eatly Saturday merle.
hie, -Mrs. O'Neill and four of their six
children were badly burned before being
The paroles o2 lielelock City Aeseeletion
I iive bointenmed the reeolutibiipaemed by
the Gould Atteeelation regarding the etand
to be taken 14 Patrond in OW Patuliig
• s•
BLOWN rf() T1111111, 1)EArlill
Frightful Iteelilt ot ax Iilxplosion. in a
Fireworks raotory.
rime others Were Seriously Wounded -A
Number of Girls Employed in the
Factory Rave 11 Narrolv Es-
cape -Loss Estimated
at $11.00,000.
PETFIllf3BUItC4, Va., April 9. -On Satin'-
, day Ellt alarm of fire was turned in and Was
soon followed by a loud expleaion. • Fif-
teen 411111.1We later there was a second ex-
plosion. These explosions were distinctly
heard for over a mile and were caused by
fire breaking out in the fireworks factory
of 0, N. Romaine & Bros., in Blanclford.
• The fire 'originated in the building where
powder for whistle bombs was made. The
liamee spread very rapidly and were quick,
ly communicated to the other buildings
used for the manufacture of fireworks.
There wore three eXplosions, The first
was a small affair. As soon as it occur/zed
Mears. Romaine, Bleed and Teeth rushed
into the drying room and there the seemed
and fatal explosion occurred and they 'were
kilted. • a. •
A number of girls employed in the fire-
works factory, escaped just before the
second explosion. The killed, aro : Chas.
N. Romaine, Capt. James T. Tosh, John
B. Bland, tjarnes Rowland, Robert Row -
lend, Wm. Traylor, Edward Traylor, Jas.
ryant, Qeincy Livesey, Ames W. Per-
kins and Thos. Woodfolk (colored), • Nine
men Were badly wounded.
• On the opposite side of the street from
the fireworks buildings, all of which are
brick structures, was the trunk factory of
Messrs. Romaine Bros. & (Mose, by which
stood the large brick tobacco factory of
Bland Bros. & Wright and the old whiskey
distillery now unused. All of these build-
ings with stock were burned to the ground,
as was els° a large quantity of lumber.
It is estimated that the loss cannot be less
than $75,000 or K00,000. C'ao,
`Ishe Mayor has called for a public meet-
ing to take action on the od affair.
John P Harris, another victim of the
e4plosion, died yesterday. Another dead
• body has been found near the river bank,
but it could not be identified. Engineer
Farley's condition is critical.
At a mass meeting yesterday afternoon
$1,300 was raised as a relief fund.
Evangelistic Services in St. John's, N.D.,
Conte to an Abrupt End.
Sr.• +TORN, 11.B., April O. -Religious
circles were thrown into quite art excite-
ment late last night when it boameknown
that a man who had been ooncluotiug
evangelistic services here under the name
• of Garrison had soddenly skipped out,
leaving his supposed wife behind. The
woman was seen by the correspondent last
night and stated that the 11:UM'S right name
was Gihbsothat he was formerly a Metho-
dist minister, and.that' her name was Mrs.
Frost, that she cleared out from Greens -
point, N,Y., a year ago with Gibbs, the
latter leaving .his wife behind him. They
went to Halifax and parried on evangelistic
services there until May. They arrived
here in September, where they have since
lived as man and wife. The woman's
maiden name was Garrison and she was
divorced from teroel. Shelias a son here
aged 22 and a daughter aged 10 years,
Their evangelistic services have been at-
tracting large crowds. Gibb's disappear-
ance hedue to the fact that his wife is on
his track, although not yet in the city,
The Newfoundland Criiis.
Sr, Jolla, N8d,, April 9. -It is reported
Chet the Governor has said that he will re-
fuse to accept the resignation of any mem-
ber accused of corrupt practices, but he
has made no declaration of his intentions
regarding dissolution yet. Government
members all draw sessional pay, so that in
the event of their being unseated they
will run no risk of having it refused at
same time. None of the employes of any
of the public departments have been paid
salaries decant the end of March. The
excuse given is that no money is available
to pay them until the supply bill is passed.
They clid not make a quorum, however, to
pass any bills. Continual telegraphic cor-
respondence is going on between the
Governor and the Impeital Cabinet. Op-
positionists fear his delay in deciding in-
dicates that he means to consent to dis-
solution, it is said that the Governor
requested Goodridge, the leader of the
Opposition, to endeavor to form a Ministry.
Goodriclge declines any information, The
election trials will be resumed,
Boning Miii. Striae over.
HAarineon, April Q. -Several eonferences'
were held on Saturday between the On-
tario mill strikers and the officials of the
company and as a result the men return to
week to:clay. President Doolittle said the
strike was practically settled and although
he refused to divulge the result of the con-
ferences, he stated that a co.mpronalse had
been offered by ;which a slight increase of
SODA of the lines on the new scale of wages
was granted.
maty 001)11E111y Clete Fourteen Timrs.,
IIAMeAes, N. 5., April 0.-Jnstice
Weetherbe delivered Sentence in the case
of Mary Connolly, found guilty of shooting
IL Weltner with intent to commie murder,
sentencing nor to fourteen yeats in the
pouitentiary. The prisoner expressed sor-
row for what she had done. She will be
taken that to Doachester And subsequently
placed in the female department of the
Kingston penitentiary
reined by Et tame Roller,
Deseitoeero, April 10, -George Culhane,
'son of Patrick °ethane, of the .Empress
hotel hero, was killed instantly yesterday
by a litesm land roller. The roller was
being drawn behiticl a wagon, and the
young lad jutupea on to have a ride and
fell under the roller, He was about five
years of age.'
adviser and Suleide.
OfziOACZO, April 10,-Williazez ,fraber, a
German, Gryottra of ago, living at 888
Thirteeninth etreet, shot and *instantly
killed hie wife Martha, and then himself,
in his honie yesterday, Faber lead boon
out of work soinotitnri. '
Dr, illreOully'S case,
eTonote'ete, A nril charge brought
against Dr. 5, E. McCully by Airs, Mar -
gavot Willfong was investigated before the
pollee magiatrate yesterday. •The doctor
was oomniittect for trial, bail being re-
ceived for S10,000,
A Destructive Cyclone,
GlYritatie, 01C, April 10,-A archon
riot of hero swept a largo are of fettling
°email, A dozen buildings were de.
strafed old ouvortd eo$5 were woo,
eeva111r '
Brings comfort and improvement and
tendsto personal enjoyment when
rightly ueed. The many, 'who live bet-
ter than otherand enjoy life more, with
len oxpendituro, by more promptly
adapting the world'e best -producte to
the needs a physical being, will attest
the value, to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreehing and truly
beneficial properties; of a perfect lax..
etive ; effectually Cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation,
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medico:
profession, because it aots,on the Rid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
emieg them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable subetence.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gista in 75c. bottle, but it is menu -
lectured, by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, Whose name is printed on every
package, also the narno, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you- will not
accept any substitute iroffered.
For Sale at 0. Lines Drug Store
Vomiting mired byindigestion is pre-
vented by K, D. 0.
.r. H. Lorimer, of the Bauk of Ottawa
at Winn eg, died on Friday of typhoid
Mrs.. Hill, wife of Rev. Jos. Hill, Metho-
dist minister el Brigden, died suddenly of
apoplexy. •
• Seeding b5s commenced in tbe Mooso-
min district, but will rot be general in
Matnitoba for two weels yet.
Itch on hemen and hertes mud all
sa4nals cored in 30 toientes by Wolford's
Sanitary Lotion. This neeer fails. Seal by
A. Oleinent itt old tirerel Truk man,
was killed on Saturday evening by felling
off the trait) at Montreel, the oars poring
ever him.
Hood's Sarsaparilla, the hips of medi-
einee, conquers eorofula. Catarrh, r he um a •
flan and all other blood diseases. Hood's
and only Hood's.
Mary Connolly, of Halifax, has been
•aenteeced to fourteen 'eate at Kingston
Penitentiary for shooting U, Weltnor
with. naurdetons intent.
Constable George Pendleton, of the
Northwest 1\.1 ounted Polite, who •form erlr
lived near Toronto, was orusbed to death
near Fort teaskritehewan the ctbrr date.
At Bright Friday evenin Mrs. Peter W
Bristow a'rs found dead in bet kitchen,
She had avichntly fallen ageist the stove
as there wae it small :wound its Iter fore-
head. •
Smart -Weed and Belladonna, cembieed
with bits tither ingredients tiaraitt the
best earns plasters, make Uarter's S. W.
& 13. Backache Plasters the best in the
market Pike 25 cents.
The body of a man, supposed to be that
of Timothy Gavin, of Hamilton, seas found
itt. the tunnel of the G. T. R. as Thorold
on Bellamy morning. It is evident he was
ktlled ly a passing train.
Women with pale, colorless facer, who
fed weak' and discouraged, evil receive both
mental and bodily vigor by using tearter'e.
Iron Pills which are made far the blood,
Dery es arid complexion„
Young, old or middle aged, wbo find „them-
selves. nervoue , weak and exhaested, who are
broken down from excess or overwork, result-
ing in mane, ' of tho following symptoms
Mental depress:on, premature old age, loss of
vitality, loss of memory, bee draoms, slimness
of sight, palpitation of the heart emissien,
itt ck of onerb,yantin in the kidneys,' Ina dachas,
pimplos on the face and body, itching or
Peculleasensation about tho scrotum, wasting
of the organs, dizziness, seeds before theeyes'
twitching of the muscles, -eyelids and else-
where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the scalp and
spine, weak and flabby nauselee, desire to
sleep, failure to be rested. by sleet), constipation
dullness of hearing. •loss of voice, desire for
soli tude, oxettability of temper. sunken P•YOS,
surrounded with leaden eirehisa„oily locking
skin, 3., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to insanity witless cured. The
spring or vital course having lost its ;tensioe,
every funotion wanes its consequence. These
Who through abuse committed:au ignorance.
may be permanently cured. Send your ad-
dress for bock on diseases peculiar to man,
Fent free, :mated Address el, V. LUBON, 54
Maedetinell Aye.. Toronto Ont .01tuada
Axtt-07,1) AND Ween-erince Remeev.- Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been nod fifty
rears by millions of mothers for their children
while teethin g,with perfect steam. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays the pain,
cares the collo, and is the best remedy far
Diarrhoea, ls pleasant to the taste. Sold by
druggists he every pert of the world. 25 cents
a beet/a. Its value is inoaleulable, Be sure
and ask for Mrs. WinsIow'a Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind. •
English Spayin Liniment removes all
bard, zoft or callousedLumps and 1318m-
ises from -horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Rine Bette, Sweeney, Stifle,
Sprains, Soro and Swollen Throat, Oottgbe,
etc. 8aso $50 by use of one bottle,
Warranted the most woncterfal Blcinish
Care ever knowni Sold by 0. Luta, Drug-
ist. Sep 18,'93
Baena?' IN $m Houlth.-Distrostung 1215.
ney and bladder diseasee relieved in six
holm by the 'Great South American
tidy Cure." This tiew remedy to a great
surprise and delight to phynicians on so.
couct oI its eeeeediug promptuese in re-
pein in the bladder, klduoye,back
and every part of the 'uneary passages in
male and female. It relieves retention el
water and pain in passingit altuat imined-
ately. If you want quick relief and (sure
VIII is your remedy, Sold by C. Lt1T.Z,
Retrstemettsie °seen 10 A DAt
American Rhentleatio Cure, tor lihettrsatjsere
and Neuralgia, radically cures it 1 to 3
days, Its hetiontipon the rcyritem le reiterke
able ancl rny5terions, It retntAta at once'
the ause ntel the disease itemealetely dia-
appears. The lirol ;close greatly neeefite
75 coati, 00.4 by;,0, Lutz, Drugsist, Sib
• ; •
IteuveireNitre nes Icreette pause-,
weever Dow:este POULla NOT 017alli,
," DooVe li.,IDNBT P11,14 AUTO,.
xis 211311 :re reelsesee IleArsen,
Oelborne, April 9, -In March, 1895,
Harvey H. Neff of this plaoe had a bad
attack of typhoid fever. Good nursing and
peedieal attendance brought litne around
bolt theattack left him a *Men of kidney
disoa5e, Tine the doesere failed to eure
but Dodd's Kidney Pills, the • intallible re
medy, did the male goad work in his.pese
053 in all other e and Mr. Neff is well bo -day.
Dada's was the first kidney remedy in pill
form ever offered the publitza Its wonder-
ful success in curing all forma of kidney
disease has led to the introduotion of
Dun -wrote cheap and worthless imitations.
Porchesere, for /their own safety, should
Insist on getting Dedd'e Kidney Pills.
Sold ist largo boxes; price, fifty cents or six
boxes for $2.50. To be had of all dealers
A Collinewood citieeu who wrote "All
is well" en the margin Of a newspaper
which he scut by mail has • been find 010
and cots. A. young lady in the same
town who scribbled a few words on a paper
has been fined a similar amount,
Send 25 "Suntight"Soap wrappers (wrap
per bearing the evords "Why doee a women
look older' ooner than a man") to Lever
Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Torouto, and you
will receive by post a pretty picture, free
from adeertieing and well worth framing.
This is an eativ way to decorate our borne.
The soap is the heat in the market, and
it will only cost lo postage to send in the
wrappere, if you leave tbo eindi epan,
Write your addreas carefully.
0. 0. ItIOLEAnnt & CO.
My son George has suffered with neural-
gia round the heart sines 1882, but by the
application of MINAED'S LINIMENT in
1889 it completely disappeared and has not
troubled him since.
JAS. MoEms.
Linwood, Ont.
Change in Business
Butcher Shop 1
Having purchased the Butehering bus
Mess of Messrs. Wood Bros., will take
possession on April 1st, and,I would. res
pectfully solicit tho. patronage of all the
old customers of the shop and as many
new 'ones as can favor me with is call.
Meats of all kinds always on hand,
and perfect. satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours faithfully,
• • W B1\7 ZI01.1
See that horse ?
Re Las a
smooth an d
rlOssy coat
and feels in
good enough
condition to
win the
tit so would
hOTSS 12
1.1; OWDOT used
it -renews the system, enriches tin blood, and
gives nature a fair ohanco, is Edo na unfailing
eradioator for bots and worms. It 1. just as
good for cattle as for horses. Try a
age 12 if your horses or cattle are net thriving.
Fora spavip, curb, ringbolt°or splint, use
Dick's Blister 500.--Diak's • Liniment for
sprains, swellings, bruises, eta 25e.---Diek's
ointment for s °retell es , old sores, saddle galls,
eto,25e. mailed on receipt of price.
• DICK & 00, P. 0. Box 452 1Sforramea.
; Ageute to sell our eholee and heady nursery
stools either on balary or Oemtatesiori. We
also give °err:gen the privilege ;of selling our
new and °hole° varieties of seed, potatoes.
Steer:the agoney at ono, Trhich, tyL1 /basd,.
soinely renttY PM/4S now is the time as sell
seen goods for oprIng Planting,.
Address titer, MAY oiklArANY.Xursere-
men and Propagators of 0 hoice Elect' 00t.aietge
It ootteeter,
Wo have on hand a select Stook of
Barns, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolle'
,and Long Clear. Bacon.
Lard in 6, 8, 10, or. -20 lb pails, 50 or
85 lb tubs at lowest cash prices.
114XVID Et=
weighing from 150 to 200 lbs wanted at
all times,
amaze: iflagoas
We have received a, choice lot of
Children's Carriages and Wagons, which
will be sold
E-1 111AP.
Como and soo them end bo convinced.
• Our Stook of BOOTS & SHOES is
now complete in every line. Prices to
suit everybody. Wo don't advertisea
20 per cent discount and claim a 20
per cent prod for our trouble, nor do
we drag people off the street to induce
them to buy. Come in youreelvee ancl
got prices, and you 100 at 01100 eve have
no 40 per cont profit,
Good Cow-hicle,Hand-macle Boots $2.90
ct 4i 3.25
it '• Bale 2.25
Plow Boots 90
Men's Half Soling - 85
Wonion'S " - 80
NO charge for rips; also see our Hai-
rless. Can't be beaten for style and
quality, and everything in the flaerieSS
lino, "ee
yr ..11
Largest Stock.
• Finest Designs,
• Lowest Prices.
Immense show rooms loaded with
goods ; every quality, style and price,
but' all the best far the least mOney,
Our -
now complete, is the pick of the mar-
ETA:ER G("),1)
Prof. Dorenwend,k'
The well-known manufacturer 'of limn= hair coverings
• will beat the CENTRAL 'HOTEL, oxErER,
on FRIDAY, APRIL lath, with ft fun
stook of
Ladies' & Uelite Wigs, Terpee$,Ilangg, Waives, Switches
They ere acenow ,
Mcleod to be
Be sure and.
see these gooaa
AT Central Hotel
Do.:1,0tuNp EWEE%Vti,
• test in everything -is elegant and varied
. • beyond description.
The enders gned wiohes to inform the public inlgeneral;that he • keeps con-
stantly in Stook all kinds of
Will be the fate this weels, The unus-
ual size and variety of the line does
not admit giving piecos in detail.
Odd Pieces
Will bo especially attractive in price,
ancl all who wish for mach, in return
for small outlay, -will not bo disappointed.
8 GIDLEY & 80N,
_DO -5E-0-C.7"
Want a Bicycle?
Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is eeknowled:to be the
Most Durable Timber of any that grow& Specialty for Shingles. Said by
competent judges to best from thirty six to forty years in any climate.
%TA'S. 177116LIS
THE B013IER PRODUCT! CO. have decided to Retail Oil at
Wholesale Prices:
Best:Canadian Oil, - 12o.
Best:Canadian Water White - 17c.
Best American Water White - 20c.
Is the only Tire that ewe satisfaction last year
!he Geoid Bicycle Ces LTD.
SIS YONGE STREET, Brantford, Ont.
Fannon's, Block.
Not A Break I
Even Sheleton Elf could break the
worn out chairsthat some people have
in their homes. Why should this be so?
No one need hesitate to buy durable,
handsome new ones, while Rowe is sol'
• ling furniture at wreckage prices.
Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything
in the Furniture Line.
Best Ordered Clothing produced in Exeter
Gentiemott 1 leave your ordato natlylfor
With tho boot otaff of Talmo ; the 't)
Stook of rine Trinireiege, And the b et
Cutting In Tolvn, yo l arn elite of gatiefe t
4.'4" lautnzazy,
Long aist9
Correct Shape,
est Material,
Combined with the best filling in
the world, makes the " Featherbone
Corset Is unequalled.
FrErSir 3E31/1.Pi.irto
ET. GRIEVE has Re -opened with a New Stook of all
• the New Things in
--Fancy and Black Worsteds,
—Scotch and Irish Serges, •
—Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, •
—And inPanting we have some of the finest in the trade
We make them up in A 1 Stile, and give yon a good
• Fit or no Sale, •
We pay special attention to Cutting and Making Jackets and
Wraps of all kinds.
J. 11. GRIEVE.
Remember the place, Grigg's Old Stand, 1 door north Senior's Photo Gallery.
Agent for the Brantford Steam
A Full Stock
Browning s
Books, — Stationery, and
Fancy - Goods,
Bibles, Hymn _Books in every var-
iety, Scribblers, Pads, Noto Paper,
Ink, Pens, Penoils, Lock Boxes,
nto., etc,
J. W. Browning'
• 1100ItSTORE
Can always
Be Dressed Well
If hO:goes to the prOper Tailor.
Wo have a large range ,Piet -
terns to choose from -- Natty
Tweeds, Serges and Woretede,
made up in any sbyle, and fitting
tlx customers so well that inti-
mate friends do not scruple to
ask who made your Suit. Our
customers never hesitate but
•answer with a knowing smile,
ni The Tailor.
J. Murray & Co.
The - Exeter - routd7
And Maohine Works
Manufacturers of and Doalore
plows, riAttnoWS, LAND
Wholosa,10 iltanufecLutors of Plow
POifitS and Castings.
Zibtrat4t000ttat20 Cash Owtonnart,