HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-4-12, Page 4bli lied in 7 BANuR, UTER, ONT reaueea te geuerelloaleinebutibmaN lemeolves the Amanitas of Manthante one ;there on faYOrablo terals. . OfferS every aceopernodation oonsietent with ' ere endoonservatIve batiletue prinetplee. I nterae t allowed. on depesite. Drafto lulled payable at say "onnee o the Merobanteleanite ' NoeMS DXSC017TED, and Moeller ro LcatX N 'NOTES and elonaemoes. ' NIMPOLVIWIIINWASCIIIMIKOPSIS91 tg0190:1=IfilIMIRE3=101111M1/16 vOct[ THURSDAY APRIL 121h, 1804. OTES AND COMMENTS In six.years the greets value of the product of cheese factories Ontario has iaoreased by aver 0,000,000. x x In aurrogate proceedings fears are • limited•to nu, regard to estatee worth $400 or less. Mr. Magwood's bill to extend. the $2 limit to estates worth • $2,000 passed its second. reading. This will save those who inherit a life insur- ance of aay $1,000 from an unreasonable imput of court costa, Mr. Ilagwood will be entitled to mach praise if he can get his bill through. x XX Mr. Clarke 'Wallace made a good hit in his budget debate speech when be painted nut that in five years the pro- vince & had increased their an una l ex- pendibure from $9,600,000 to $12,200,- 080, or by 27 per cent., while the expenditure of the Dominion had in the same time remained practically station- ary. The Liberals have control of the provinces; the Conservatives guide the Dominion's affairs, x x x Dispatchee from Brazil atate that the Government and;reiller within striking dat/triV and that a battle i /C) SO, but ee-7'e nave. outs to -la jemelie announcements seriously. So far the Brazilian warriors have confined themselves to the tactics of thab gal- lant king of France -the king who naarched. army up to the top of a hill and then marched them down. again. V.77' 77, he Writ for the latie gene-ral Previte", (gal eleetiOn wati lemma On the 20th of APTI4 1800, Tito leer 84178 theett Per the next seselon.must be 4011t, 911t net later then fotte years ancl 55 days feline that date. This aorta will eXpire On the %AK of June so that polling cannot poesibly be delayed 'beyond the middle ofJuly, In all nrobability it will 'take piece Alanit the middle a Junt). x X x Marina 1893 bhe number of head of liye etoole sold or killed for food in One nevi°, accoeding, to tate report a the Bureen ot Industries, was ae follews z flarees, 47,897 (Attie, 461,501 ; sheep 616,2a7 ; hog:, 975,85s poaltry, 2,017- 007. .A.veragin,eo the herso at $60 oach, the cattle at $20, the sheep • ffit $3, heels at $5 and poulttir at twenty cents, this would represeut aboat $17/000 et these sales. 11 to thie is added another 811,000,000 made out of cheese, butter and eggs -a fair es- timate -it must be mimitted that the fanners of this Proaanee are doing fairly well ouh.of their bete :stook end dairy produce, x x Buyers aro now in Oanad.a foe the purpose of purchasiog 4,000 horses for the Glasgow tramwae s, This recalle attentioa to the fact thet we have al- ready obtained a cionsiderehle merket in Great Bfitain for horse flesh, our ex- portations to that couutry haying in. ereaead, from 329 head in, 1887 to 1,946 last year, But etmn this clou not compensate us for the decrease in our shipments to the United States from 18,225 in 1887 to 10,000 in '83. For sorao years, therefore, prices cannot, be expected. to go up again to the figures that ruled in the last decade alma the Americans were such heavy buyers of Canadian stock. x x x According to the live stock statistics fer 1893, issued by the Bureau of In. dustriee, there are 3,700 less horses in Ontario now then a year ago. This re- duction in the dross number is not so signiacant as le°the statement showing that the falling off is wholly in brood mares and 'colts. The reduction was 18,000 under these heads, but there was an increase of over 14,000 in work- ing horses, so that the net decrease all routea was, as above etated, less than 41:090. ,8 44110 4.the?..^,4144, #10:1 311444‘,'.; 0 n'ed dat 10 Ix Waieatiainaireitie'defe86;000i • x x x Leas than a year ago arrangements had been made for laying a new sub_ marine telegraph line across the Ablate- . tic. • To -day we are told thet 1,600 • miles ofthe wire has beea manufactured, that the Faraday will sail on Wednes- day for the purpose of beginning the work of laying it, and thab the new cable will be in operation by the first • of July. These facts are a striking illustration of how easily and speedily even the greatest et a terpris es are carried out by means of modern appliances. x x x According to the census there is, in. Outarm, one clergyman to each 700 of population ; one physician to each 900 and a lawyer to each 1,100. This in- dicates that the professions are fairly • well filled. But -this is nothing to the crowding in public offices' For each 70 families in bens Province there is one Govetament official to keep them in order. The extent to which we are oyer -governed could not bs better illus- trated than by thetteefigures. x x x • The quantity of live stock held by farmers in Ontario continues to increase, ' although the advance is not all thab could be deeired. From '86 to '92 the number of cattle increased by 11,000, horses by 110,000, hogs by 130,000 and sheep by 100,000, while an advance ot 110,000 was made to the poultry stook of the Province. It is surprising, in view' of the splenditi market for poultry, pork and. (leery produce, that the in• • 'crease in foevls, cattle and swine has beea comparatively slow, while horses - which are a dreg on the market -have been so largely added to, • x x , The benefits we ehould ,,have reaped • from unrestricted reoiprocity, had Sir Richard Cartwright been in power and • been able to achieve that policy, are susceptible of easy illustration. The general liabilities cif mercanbile failures • in the United Seates incrused last year four hundred per cent. Ead Canada • adopted the counsels of the Liberal • leaders and entered into commercial anion, ours would undoubtedly have in- oretteed in the same ratio. This would • have given us for 1893 failures Amount- ing to forty-six millions,eust three bitnes what they aceually were. X 'X It The statemenb of revenue and expen- diture for the mouth of Match shows die 'fernier to haee been $3,759,827, and 76,000,eand in sheep of 85,000. Farm- ers are dropping horse flesh and giving attention to , other lines of live stook that are More profitable. Tele Dog A_.kt_!_e!_sneent Aut. The dog question has always been a vexatious one to the commeaity at large, and especfally to municipal coun- cils and assessors. Notwithstanding the vigilance of assessors and. other municip- al officials to geb all .the clogs duly as- sessed, about 25 per cent of these anim- als never pay any taxes at all, until the country has become over -run by a lot of worthlees GUTS. Why the assess- ors have failed to tiab all the doge in his ward or the munieipality was from tge act that in order to save the tax the public haye been acting dishonesbly by disclaiming ownership, When the as- sessor was expected or came around some of the clogs were hid in the cellar or tied up m Ofl out house, or if they happened to be around the owner dis- claimed all ownership, end claimed the dog belonged to a relation in some other part, or to a neighbor, and was only stopping there. In this way a very large percentage of the doge were never reached. In villeges, is an excellent example, the etreets are fairly swarming with mongrel curs -that are not worth the dog tax and never pay a cent. Rural' municipalities are in the same tin These toeless unpeide curs only make night hideous with their yelpings and Moon serenacles, hut packs da theni go out into the country districts end worry and destroy valuable Reeled of sheep. Within the last few yeers the number of sheep kept by farmers has declined some 40 per cent. Of course if ,every municipality would follow the plan to confiscate every dog not found with the municipal tag there would soon be a riddance of all that were not worth paying one dollar a year in taxes, But such supervision is not peacticale in country parts where a large area of territory would haye to be gone over to Bee what dogs were duly tagged. However, a bill is now before the On- tario Legislature to amend the Act to impose a tax on dogs, and for the pro- tection of sheep. By this t he person becomea responsible if he harbors a dog or has him. sbeying around. The amend- tnent proposes that - "The clerk of ovary municipality shall annually furnish eleh assessor with print. ed forms of declaration acoording to the form set forth in schedule A to this Act, and sash useesor enall require every owner, eoseeesor, keeper or harborer of any dog a or bitch, eor eseme grown-up persou upon the premiees :000upied by sok possessor, keeper, or harborer who is conversant with the 'acne to melte a solemn ,deolaeatiort according to the said form of the number of dogs or bathes owned by him or /barbered upon his or her cremates, and such auessor for such purpose Mall have full Power flua Ile is hereby authorizel to aarninister mush solemn doolaretioa, %/id toe eyery negleet by the mouser to do so, or refusal by the owner, keepee, parouser or harborer, or in hie or her abeence, by the persoe fore - said in eltarge of the promisee to do Noon& for every false statement made in reaped thereof Ouch assessot or other person ellen upon summary oonyiceon be or a jus - nee df the peace be eubjeet to a Penalty of tot less than $5 nor Mere than 020 to- gether Ncith canto of proecootion, to be recovered in the reeemer peetidedby The Act eeepeoting summary convietioxie be* foe Justices of the Peace ana Appeale te General Seesiorte," Ilia latter $1,6001292, an increase of • $152.080 in reveriae over last March, add el $80,105 hi expenditure. The in- crease in revenue is wholly in excise, and indicates thab holders of whiskey and tobacco were afraid of an increase ho duty, and took large quantities out of bond. This increase in excise brings thrrtotal for the nine enenbhe up to $27,845,846, an increase of $4,216 over the saute period last year. The expen, diture for the nine months has been $2$1331,155, an increase of $638,848 over last ar 011 31s1 IVIarch the net publie debt was $240,189,708, a decrease of $1 693 600 during the month, ,sT/10:1 1.4.011/1M, our dr get is honest if when you adt for a bottle of 8cott's Binulsion lie just nbat you ask for. Ile ni is the boat terM th whieh to 4 rriVer Oil« OrraWA, April Vairhttira in the Ilense Of OQP31110118 yesterday Said ho would like to boar what the Government had to say in regard to the outbreak of disease among some oattle in the county of Grey, Roe, blr, Foster, answering, Said that some time ago Dr, Sproule, member for East Gray. sent in a roped with a aiageeste of the symptoms of the disease among oattle in. that county, undoebtealy the seine as 'referred. to by Dr. Laerlerkin, The letter was immediately referred to adding that there was no cause for alarm and that he would make further investiga- tion elite report. Ile read a telegram from Prof. Smith to this effeet sent to the elinis- ter of Agriculture. OTTAWA, Aril 5, -It is now generally considered thab the budget debate in the Dominion House will couttnue well into next week A uniubei.• of members have yet to •speak on it, but the interest bas subsidea since the principal meuabees of House have had their say. Hon Mr. Foster, yesterday, in reply to Sir Richard Cartwright, said that the Finance Department was preparing a ease •to be present to the Department of Sastice for an opiuion as to whether prooeedings could be taken to recover the sum lost by the tenure of the Exchange Bank from the party wieo guaranteed the original deposits. Sir Bichard. Cartwright asked whether, in view of the faot that the Minister of Finance had declared that he had expected a deficit in the revenue for the current and ertoceeding fiscal year, the Government in- tended to ask Parliament during this sessien for a vote of $720,000 for a fast Atlantic service. • Hon. Mr. Foster said that if Sir Richard understood that he had stated that he ex- pected a deficit: as between the revenue and expenditure for the fiscal year he (Sir Richard) was mistaken. It was the in. tention of the Government to ask legis- lation in rate:mice to the fast Atlantic service, OTTAWA, April 6. -In the House of Com- mons yesterday, Hon. Mr. Paterson reply- ing to Mr. Mulook, said. that Lieut.•001. Lazier had neither been "retired, sus- pended or temporarily displaced" from the command of the Fifteenth Battalion. The colonel had been granted leave of absence on March 81, as he had desired to go to the United States on private business. The command of the battalion was in the hands of the senior officer during the colonel's temporary absence. Hon, Mr. Daly, in response to a question by Mr, Charlton, said that 44,242,219 acres of land had been granted to railway corpo- rations in elanitobae and, the Northwest 'Janiteeyele 1894. ' leaereaey to aft Edgar. eaId thatadontee meatetatelefetea and coffee n'tight,:be ibbiteeriMdlinAond.'through Lon • don, but; 'there `Must be through bills of lading. Through bills of lading were re- quired in all cases. , OrrAwA, April 6. -In the Senate Mr, Boulton, in moving for a return of the rates charged by tree 0.P -.R., condemned themlleged discriminatory rates which the company werechargince He tiaid the issuance of preferred etoch lastyear placed upon the company the necessity of raising additional revenue to meet the dividends which -emelt' be, necessarily payable on this stock. To raise the additional reve- nue they imposed aclditionel freight rates upon those sections of the road where there was no competition, hence greater burdens fell on the farmers of the North- west. Hon. Mr. Dowell said the informatioh askea for would be broueht down. If a fow people are haulbd op and fined l$00 every time, this will effect- ually pot a atop to the present dishonest practises, shoat dogs so , prevalent throughout the country., h,lt, D. O. restote# 1mo oto AootiOtI. Orrew.a., April 7. -in the House of Commons yesterday the following bills were read a first time: Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper -To amend the Harbor Madera Act. Mr. MeKay-To incorporate the Wel- land Power and Supply Canal Company, Limited, Hon. Mr. Daly -To make further pro- vision respecting grants of land to mem- bers of the militia force in active service in the Northwest. Mr. Dickey moved the first readier, of his bill to amend the Electoral Franchise Act. The bill, which provides for female suffrage to a limited extent, was read a first time, Mr. Charlton asketl several questions re- garding certain crown custotns seizures made in the year 1892-t, and Hon, Mr. Wallace replied. . Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper, in reply to Mr. Lister,'said in relation to the close seasons in Ontario, from 1887 to 1898, the close season for white fiish was from the lst of November down to the 30110 of November in each year; for pickerel, from the 15th of April to the 15110 of May; for bass, from the 15th of Aril to the 15110 of May. In 1804 the oely change was made in connection with tho close season for bass, namely, from the 10110 of May to the 30th of Stine. There is no close season Lor pike, herring or sturgeon, The mesh of seines for catching whete,fish is four inches, extension measure; the mesh of whitefish gill nete from four to five inches, hoop nets two, and a half inches. No trap nets are allowed. Licenses for pound net fishing will be granted. as usual in Lakes Huron, Se, Clair and Erie; for hoop net fishing in Lakes Huron and St, Clair; for gilinet fishing it Lakes Huron ance.Erie; No eeine fishing will be allowed in Lake, Huron, the river St. Clair, Lake St, Clair or the Detroit river. TIlYt X. 10 HIS NECK ON TH.E TRAOK. 410,09101114: Sittehtit,e1;ui:4t,tkleot41.00;cattateesett te fle lIaelenTON, Pat Anril 10a-4 Dean who . eappeeea 0,1;0'g -teenage Ressie.ti mar. BliTatillg' Of te Sfellelt VtDe Create$ dorer Tobenei oonnelitted set*• p - A el p "el eide here by platting hee neck on the „ 41lie 111°114 le epl-8' etitItituaisiene andiigr toriaminy tikili x1.1.0eill)roell.aSuscua!Tee rr KINSMAN, DBNTIEiT, • L1) . snclAbriT, rNa, Pa AT N 011K. Oto and Loan anaesthetics for 'lenitive ea- traotieg. enci doer berth a 0.4iiiitx 6'8 store. • ONE KILLED, IN THE RUSFh The matt. prepAred for suieide tile • natut deliherate manner, and, laughed ein tele face of the engineer as the latter arew laver a TLIQns,tud rog1 4100,‘ pupils For ,n baek horrified, Engineer Millen netioed ant4t1 ufeeltede, ,111, Their Veen- •aneau etancling on the traole, evident1y. wait - mg for the train, to pas. As it neared Lim, however, he ,steppecl oleser to the trade, and., throwing himself full length with his nettle on the rail, laugbingly sige nailed the engineer to "come on." It woe impossible to stop then, and Miller fell back in. bee (tab norror-stineleen, The treiu was quiekly brought to a standstill, and the trahnnen event back fer the remains. The head was cleanly severed from the trunk, and, an expression of satisfaction still seemed to linger on the face. The man was well dressed. He had stubby gray moustache, blaek hair tinged with gray, amd features of Italian caste. In his pockets were found a Swiss :never Watch and match box marked "la Ce" The coroner, who wasesummonecl, decided that the ease was clearly enicide, and, no input was held. The appearance of the luau tallied closely with Michael Reese, who le wantea by the authorities for neer- tiering .Antliony Tobene here a week ago. - WHEAT WILL GO UP/ nreeident van rtcrene Predicts an Earl• y leise in this Product. Tonwro, April 9.-Prestitiont Van Horne hi an interview gives it as his belief that the price of wheat will continue to rise foe the next two eeasone, and that within eighteen months the oriee will be $2 a buthel. In this connection Mr. Van Horne "Let year the raisers of wheat at best received little better than the cost of pro- anciug, -while in -many instances their re. turn per bushel was smaller than their ex- peuclitare, This can have only one effect, the discouragement of the wheat producer and consequent decrease of the acreage. Now, if there is a decrease of 10 per cent. in the production of wheat this year, owiern to the low prices of last•year, there will be a shortage of two hundred and seyenty million bushels and ten per cent, of decrease is well within the mark. As far as I can reniember there has never been a enrolee of a hundred and fifty mil- lion bushels. "This year the surplus has been used up by feedingit to stock. and we will prob- ably i start n with as nearly a cleen sheet as ever before. New, if there is a shortage of (-ally a hundred and fifty millionbathels, this will not be discovered until it is too late to sow more wheat, and wheat will go up with a jninp." OTTAWA, April 10. -The debate me the budget is expeoted to close to -morrow. Han, Mr. Leerier asked : Is it the in. teatime of the Government to ask Parlia- ment for a subsidy of £100,000 for the purpose of establishing a line of steamers to run between A Canadian. port on one side and a FrenCh terminal port on the other? Sir john Thompson replied that ibis not the intention of the Government to ask for O subsidy of 4100,000 for a line between Canada and:France. Mr. 0Iearlton asked: How many acres of land in Manitoba and the Caoadian Northevette leave been pledged to reinvity corporations ender the provisions of gen- eral levee or Government regulatione, and haeo not yet been earhed, in consequence of raieway lines to which, Fitch grunts have been pledgedon construotiern in eeetions or entirely, tte the case may he, not haVing as yeb been prooeeded 'with or oomploted • Hon Mr, lettly--44,242,219 acres have been authorized by Parliament to be granted in BC-dish:lies to railway toiapaniets, of whiob. 16,718,384 acres have not been given °eying to the railways not having been cohstrectect. ' • A tielltdatiOn of labor repeceentetites waited oti the Government yesteratty tO liege favorable consideeatiou of the petl, 11041 00111' te Parliament, aelehig that Leber Inty'ke Madea StattltOrY 1101iday; that a plebisAte 00 Iinperial kedeetibiott, iutdo pendoncii and annexation be tekett; that boards of,arbitration be appointed for the eettlenaent of labor di:entente; ebetetwitbe. dreamt 000n' GoVeraniont SaVings 'fbaink. lie evoning. t5he had eridentla fallen • area ,6440ed to tWO 401,11$ pet SY0004,.'071 hOr ig.theitdo • A TUNNEL ACCIDENT. Body of a Supposed llarallton Dian Found at Thorold. , TI1011010:), One, April 9. -The body of a man supposed to be that of Timothy Gavin, of Hamilton, was found in the tun- nel of he bere,.yesterday. .It is evident that he was 'killed by a passing train. His skill], breast and one arm were broken. The -remains are those of a man about 5 feet 10 inches tall, full face with sandy moustache and side whiskers, and probably about 50 years of age. The chief of police is tryieg, to ascertain whether he has any relatives living in Hamilton be- fore burying the remains. Drowned Returning From Sunday School. PLANTAC.A.NET, Ont., April 10.-A sad ease of death by drowning occurred here on Sundae. Garfield Allem' aged 9 years, son of Athert Allen, of the woollen mills, of this place, was crossing 'the bridge on his way from Sunday school. He was seen by Joseph Charbonneau when about two-thirds of the way across, and this is the last that is known of him. The two volumes he hal taken from the library, and which he was carrying under his arm, were found in the water, some distance below the -bridge. The current is very swift at this season of the year and the fall from the floor of the bridge to the surface of the water is about- twenty feet, , leo that it may be some time before the body is found, The rivey is now beine dragged. The young lad was a auier, dutiful child, and the sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the village. Balled While Blasting. Witettoe, N, S., April 1.(). -James Ackels, miner, working in the Torbrook mines was killed on Saturday morning :while putting dynamite into the ore for a blast. The deceased leaves a wife and one child. He bad fired a fuse and the fire wenb aut. He went down in the shaft to re -charge the hole when tho blast Went ofa' Naw Goaseow, N.S. , April 10.--Dmican MeQnay, one of the Canadian voyageurs, fatally injured by premature blast at Fif- teen Mile Stream op Saturday, late since died. He belonged to Pontiac and Was at ono time manager for the MacDougall Company, Aol Abseoniter Iteturns, ILutrusoN, April 10.----W., G. Nelles, the village clerk and postmaster of Burling- ton, who auddenly departed from that eillage a couple of weeks ago, leaving shortages hi his accounts, returned home last Friday night. 11 18 said that he was induced by Reeve. Atkinson to retern, He wee across the border, bht, not very far from home, Nelles has caressed his 'williugnees to make good to the corpora- tion the f all amount of the thortage which may be discovered in hie atcotmtse It is ithlikely Meet any action will be taken. against him by the municipal euthoeitiee. zled reforts to lltetteb, 0 04itee of Safety-Ilia/1y Were Xujured• OnIcActQ. APrtl 1e, --The bursting of a steam pipe in the basement of the Hum - bold Bark Sobool, yesterday, caused a ° we have the pants among the pupils, and in the rush of the children to escape from the build- ing one boy was killed and. over a score were crushed and trampled. Fourteen children were taken to the Si. Eliaabeth hospital tend many others were carried to their homes by the police. There were 1,176 pupils in the three, storey school building, which contained 16 rooms. When the steam escaping from the eon of pipe made a terrific noise the pupils'. were being put through their lessons pre- paretory to being dismissed for the recess, The ehildren in the room whore the steam was escaping instantly rushed for the -door leading to the stalaways. The panic spread to the pupils in the other rooms, who rushedlor the same egress and form- ed the fatal blookade The larger and SPRI110 aooris. ' I have just reneived a, beauti- ful line of Sorge Dress Goods that are desirable in co'or and texture, .Also an eligant line of tritniTlinVs in Silks ?Aid Velvet$ at prices that cannot fail to suit purchaser, stronger Mies trampled oyer the smaller and wealeer children in their wild flight to O place ,of safety, leaving a trail of bruised, and. unconscious forms behind therm The stampede was p,artly stopped by the presence of mina shown by the principal, W. Barthel, and, those teaohers whose pupils had not alreedy rushed fkom the rooms. They locked' the doors and kept the frightened children imprisoned until the panic was over. , This- quick action no doubt saved the lives of a score or more of the pupils, as the panic had spread to every room in the building. All the' in- jured fell he a heap at the bottom of the stairway, which was a narrow one used by the teachers. When citizens, police officers and firemen enane into the building they found little to do except pick pp the uncon- scious and bruised forms of- the injured, and after restoring the more fortunate ones removed them to their home or the hospi- tal by means of ambulances. When some of the largers boys had reached the exits and realized the 'danger was over, they rualied back into the build- ing and carried out the little boys, Who were either unconecions or too. weak and frightened to Mare from the screaming. scrambling mass of juvenile humanity. Heavy rine tor chicken Stealing. JannsVneen, Wis„ April 10. -Fines ag- gregating $2,001 were imposed. on Clarence W. Winom, of ll'ulton, for chicken steal- ing, being the heaviest lino known in the experienee Of the municipta court. Wixom is a member of ono of the wealthiest families in this cornity, but has been on gaged in much dishonest work. The fines' filantahocio.,ste wore paid. by tho young marf° Poisoned ny 'colored Paper, Guet,tur; April 10, -Mame little Children of George Townscind , were poi:Boned 'Saturclity evening by chbwing the colored': paper attached to a Itching pad. Anti. tiotes wore given thorns 'but they are still very ill. ; Our examinoth Cheese. Loaetmer, April 10, -be cUttehae of the Canadlen mammoth oheette (22,000 potends) was celebrated by a luticheon yesterday at 300,1 Webb's stores. t)ir Charles Tupper, Hiram Black and others spoke. Bled ilt /10e-e1BIltelietb )511,1111re, One, April W.,-.41rt‘ Peter We Pristow was found dead. in. her Icitehen ah lo health, Laknwed'vvithout*totiee,' and that railway ageittet ti%0 Itteve • as tberie KILLED IN A COLLISION. One Man Loses Kis. Lifo and Another Seriously Injured. LonooamApril 7.-A misplaced switch in the .G. T. R. near Waterloo street, re. sithed hi a collision between a pilot and a freight train, and the cleatle of ono man and the probable fatal injury of another. A little after 6 o'clock. last ieight, • George Ingram, einplciya'd in the Hobb's Hardware Company factory, ,and another man, named Fortner, employed en Elevens & Burns' foundry, jumped on tq Me- tender of an eastbound freight train for the pur- pose of getting a ride home. When The collision. occurred the unfortunate.. men were caught between the tender and a Btock car, Ingram being instantly killed and Fortner injured severela. e A. Little ,Walf's Ride. EFFINGHAM, El, .April 10.-A girl baby, Iwo weeks old was rescued from a peril-, ous ride on a locomotive from Terre Haute, Ind. The baby was found snugly packed into a willow basket and was perched on the forward end of the running board of the locomotive, securely tied, and with it, neatly foldedup, ri et() two iessns ' material, a nicely embroidered flannel k' , b b 1 f d botble of paregoric. A tramp, who was found ora the engine, says the basket was placed on the locomotive in Terre Haute by a fellow whom he took in the daek to be an unfor- tunate like Minuet The tramp avers that he eubsequently examined the•basket, and, ascertaining its contents, pulled off his coat and covered it over. The little waif is well and will be cared for. Suleided in a Cistern. STRATFORD, April 7. -- Yestezday the wife of William Nichols, sthrelteeoer, On. taxi° street,committed suicide by drowning herself in a cistern at her residence. She had evidently deliberately planned it, as a bag containing stones wan found tied round her neck and she 'Irad unusnally sent her youngest child. to school with a sister to be out of the way. On the return of the, children they found the house locked, and soon after discovered the body of their mother in the cistern, The de- ceased has been under medical treatment for some time, end the supposition le that the deed was committed during temporary mental derangement. choicest Pat- terns in the market, aud will sell at a very low figure. In Laces we have Black, White a d CI earn. ln Cotton aad Sillr,a large variety both in quantity and 'Pat- terns, OUR GIROCERIES are fresh,and pronounced verychoice by all Who buy them. '3 he highest price pall for Pro- duce in eXchange ior Goods,---13ut. ter, igc ; eggs, roc., at An Old lirakestuan Tillie& • AIONISEA1,, A.pril 9.-.A. Clement, ate old Grand Trank map, was killed on .Saturday. evening, by falling off the train at Coto St. Paul, the ears passing over him. Deceased was employed as brakesman and - was bighly xespectea by all who knew hire, bus remaine were brought book to this city, Killed While Conpling Cars. OTTAWA, April Croteau, a brakes - man on the Canada Atlantic railway,while coupling care at Beat:brook was fatally crushed, and died of hie injuries on reach- ing the city, The retaies were taken to his home at Aechville. ell3t to Pieces by a TV011er. MO'STHIIAD, QUO., April Brousseau, ono of the employes of the St. Benoit asylum, while driving up Park a•vernie last night collided with an electric car and Was cut to pieees, rig was shiashed to atoms and the hOrse Was killed outrighk leilled by a '1"ro3ley, 01oril'ettl4A1,, m0a, April fatal net:Mont occurred hem lest evening bY which the 3.yeat-o1d ton of William Char - tore lost his life, NO blame is abtaolterl toth°1111,to°mt::erlnaSitlx.fro' catea by Smoke, IltDMISRDRO April 9, -In 4 fire in the Windsor hotel, Leek street, the hostler, known only by the name of " Old -..Tcle," was suffocated by smoke. 1.10 is supposed to have starterl the fire by saturating a Mattress with coal oil, He terte a heel. drinker J. P. CL.ARKE'S. AEPOIUTS. A toter, April 12 189f, ran wheat per bushe, ......e 62 e 58 Spring wheat per bush......... 68 38 95 Oats per bush. - 80 31 Peas per .. . .. 50 51 Flour per ...... 4 00 400 Apples por 95 85 Potatoes per beg 40 4 Hay Per ton. . , . ..... 00 7 00 W ood per cord hard...-. 300 3 50 Wood per cord soft 200 228 Butter per lb...* . . 37 17 Eggs per dozen.. 1 10 Turkeys per lb : 9 9 Pork per hundred.- 6 GO 6 25 Hogs, live weight. . 4 50 4 50 Geese. • 5 6 Ducks 6 7 Chicks 5 6 • London, Apri112, 1894: Wheat,white, fall, 1001bs...... $ 95 to $100 Wheat, red, fall, per 1000bs,.. .. 93 to 95 Wheat. spring, per100110.,........ 93 to 98 Oats, per 100 . . .. . . . . .. 99 to 100 Peas per 100 ... 90 to 93 Corn, per100 lbs... 90 to 95 Barley. per 3.0C tbs ..... .. . ... • 85 to 90 Bye, per lee lbs 90 to 90 Buckwheat, per 1001bs... . 90 to 1 00 Beets, per bus-- , 1-00 to 1 10 hggs, fresh, single. efo.s...• • .. 15 to 16 Eggs, freeh, basket, per doe ... • 32 to 14 Eggs, fresh, store lots, per ,dez 8 to 10 Butter, Biagi e rolls, per lb. . . . 24 to 253 Butter, pea -lb,/ ib rollsrtinsk.'ets 20- to '20 Butter, per lb. large rolls or q crocks ..•- . . . . . . Butter,perlb, tub or erkine,e18 to 18 Leri, per lb. . 11 to 12 ghickens, per pair ..... .. 40 to 70 Ducks.. 70 to 80 Turkeys., ti.t.o..90 GO to 1 73 Toronto, April 12, 1804 Wheat, white, per bus----- -----$ 57 to $ 57 Wheat, spring, por bus .. ec to 60 Wheat, zed winter, per bug 57 to 57 Wheat, goose, 56 to 06 Barley- per bus 42 to , 43. Oats, per bus . . 32 to " 32 53 to 53 Hay * 8 00 to SCO Ego per dozen 00 to 25 Butter, per lb-. . 37 to -2,2 Dress cd hogs.- . . .. . . 6 20 to 6 50 Potatoes, per 50 to ,00 Could Defend itersetf. N4t, April 116 -.Mrs, George Domeniele shot and killed. Antonio Pratto, 1 trill)) has ague steel( and he sells cheap. who assaulted her the abgenee her See hire abge.t thelurniture et oleo, Dyepepsia causes Dizziness, Headache, Constipation, Variable Appetite Rising Soum-iog , p" I; II Dietrees after eating. Burdock Blood Bitters are enerranteed to sure Dypprpsia, I faithfully used according to direotions, The townebip of Whitby is being sued by the Dominion Bank on promissory notes to the amount of $5,830, arieiug eut o t unippearance o John o re, late treaaurer. Eon. Mr. Dryden's name is in Moore's bonds as Aunty for e3,000. Bey, Geo. H. Long, DoistevaIn, writes: For years I have been a vietine of clytpepsia. Became so bad I was pat on a milk diet. Have taken four peckapes K. D. C. and enjoy better health since I began its use than for years before. I cen heartily recommend K. D. C. The Wasbington authorities beim de- cided. tbat tbe practice of American sub- jects buyiug clothes in Canada and wear- ing them over the border is a fraud, and will be seperessed. Canadian tailors take the meaatues of ench customers in the States from eamples. nALTON ANDE:IISON . In 8, Amor Geminate Of Ulu To,. route triiiversiV KOS'1l'001101ra ot .401041' Surgeons of Onterim Specie:Men p9114180 extent/nen and' ereservotion of the natural . teeth utlIceever the I.aw Office 00 Nlliot & Elliot, OPposito Central lietel, blepter, Out, -11,) AGNENV L. D, S.DENTIST Quisr,toN, win be at Grob's hotel Zorieh en the seeoud Thursday of each month and at ttodgin's hotel Beeson every Monday. TENDERS WANTED, -FOR SITE FOR - HOUSE OF REFUGE Offers will aereceiredby theundersigacd4 to THE 15th DAY OF APR'', NEXT, On Main street, Dec. 27111, the follow- . ing letter. Owner may have it on MR application to Trims Office, and. paying cost- of this advertisement : My Ownest Own, - Since your cruel repulse from my side at the hand -or, rather, the foot --of pa, I have mused long and fondly4 my. darling, on your daring proposition that 1 should fly with you and .be at rest. I know it's naughty, and my heart and my conscience reprove me, but Pm ready to fly with you, dearest, to the utmost parte of the earth. If I remember aright, the instructions were : Carriage corney streeb, midnight, then away to a land where theescornor is not, Terms to bo made at leisure with infuriated papa. Peace beieg made, wo aro to rotten to Exeter re- ceive his blessing, Settle down,' and live happily over afteryvardsejust like Arthur and Angelina, the couple in "For Love and Fortune; or LoVe will Find a •You know the book, love. I do so hope' nothing will lappen to prevent our escape. If pa should catch us before we aro married -eh! Charlie, shudder to think of the oonsequences. But with you, hey°, I'M prepared for the worst. Smile when you, see Me iii church, Anal. shall know you expect Inc to be ready ',,when the fateful time far a pito on which to looate the Rouse o Be - Lugo contemplated by the County ot The onantity of land required will be from twenty-five to fifty acres, soil to be of good quality and easily dralued. To be within two miles of any of the following nein ts;--Clinton, Hee-forth, Wingham, Exeter or el-oder:ob. The party will with oteerstate the Price regnired per acre, together with a full desoription of Ole prepertY. W. PROUDFOOT, Chairmae ef Cominitte Goderiole P. 1, dnt. Dated at Goderich this 28th day of dumb, A. .D. 18e4. rl IENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be received for the repairing of • She rubric Dan at Kirkton. ale tenders te be received before the 15te of April 1804, 8peeie tioations oan be seen at Shier & Marshall's store. E. N. 8111E11, Seo'y of Committee. RAFTING. Mr. F. Powell is prepared to do fruit tree grafting on shortest notice. soions carefully selected and a good stoek on hand. Charges moderate. TO LET. The brisk store, and dwelling attached, di- unted on Biain et., and it present eocupied by Blr.11. Rieke/Jeweller. Apply to TIIOS. 14BEL4011Y, Exeter EGGS TEIAT WILL HATCH • From epee of thoroughbred Black Minoroas. This pon is headed by one of the highest soar- ieg birds in Canada. These birds were exhib- ited at the leading fairs in Duren last fel], ' cerrsieg off 1st and 2ud Exeter, 1st ned 2nd Clinton. and ail the 1st eriges giv•n for Minoreas at the Seeforth fair. Eggs $1.00 per 13. Setisfaetfon guaranteed. Write ms Or full information. J.11. 11.13ID,";:?t Jettforth, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho matter of the estate of Thomas Penwarden, late of the township of Ushorne, in the County of Huroniged- rtellti deceased. • hd Notice is heroin, given pursuant to Chapter 110 of the Revieed Statutes of Ontario,1867. 800.36 of tho act that all persons having* claims against , the Estate of the said Thomas Penwarden, who died on the 3rd day of March, 1894, eve requested to deliver or send by post prepadd to Messrs. Elliot & Solicitors for the Administra- trix, et thesaidDeeeased, on or before the lst day of May, 1894, a statement in writing con- taining their names and addresses and full Partieulars of their claims duly verified by Sta- tutory Declaration acd the nature of the scour: ity(if ens) hold by them,end that after the said last mentioned date the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said by hor at the time of sueli distribution. the said assets, or any part thereof so distri- d18e,ciased among the parties outitled thereto having regare only to claims of which notice vshell have been recei ed as above required.and bated, to any person pr persons of whose claim tbo said Adintrustratrix will not be liable for or claims notice shall not havo been received Dated at Exeter, this 28010 day of March,A.D 3t Solicitors for administra tee, ELLIOT &EBLI:07r: And now, Charlie, my own beloved and nmeh-ablised darling, adieu till we meet at the witching hour of Midnight at the corner of the ptreet. cLARA, ". Yours till death 1),(4, ?crimps you had better get a cottage fUrnisiled, so that we shallhave a home to come to after we are recoriell-, to pa :\ .A,tkinson (oppoeito the gist Polioo Clothing Supplies," and addressed tee() tulaiee ilii.,o,nv ioirlailboloreteheicy te'dreaspi dtoont noon, ot otnleekriti v6y- Dire:kle;11:1:arie NALED ErelliD*Bite marked 'Tor gounted loh.f'tle8e0d4c.r containing full in• :the articles and quantities had on itpulleation to the un- tii:00dtthf oaaArysral : 1 00 demaned, No tender will be received unless made on such printed forms. Patterns of articles maY office be seen at the of the undersigned - Each tender 'must be aecomnanied by " an a ,. accepted Canadian bank cheque ler an amount equal to ton por cent of tho total. value of the articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party decline to enter into a ,eontraet when called upon to do so, or if he hill to supply tho senates contracted for, If the , tender be not accepted the cheque will Imo.). reNtnorpnaoyd.moht w illabe made to neWspa,tteP 4 inserting this advertisetnent without authorr ' i 00' having been first obtained. ., EltED,. WHITE, Comptroller N. NV, tie Police. Ottawa, Meroh 1.101, 1601. anneeseneneneeneenneaneenteentnanereenetese A Totonto lady says :.....1 have Wetl ct great many remedies but never fouten P00 to give ine so ,Inuoli relief as Eel - jay's Liver Lozongta. I 1,Von1ci not be without tit en:" They ere sold c/a ,26. 4 a box at'd ..ggists, SamuelLAornell, a respectable citizen of Landsay for 25 years, Was found (load Saturday afternoon in his eerdere where o., he had been doing Borne w.)rk, ' rieart failure was tbe cause of death. Mr. Cornell was presaleat of the Bee Keepers' 880016,1100. News of a hunting. fatality (wool from 'Cooaigno,11,,Torthumbeland Straits, nem Menoton. Husiaohe Ilerherttleft in a beat to ehoot wild gees°. Ho stood up in his boat and .fired; and the reetale of his gun knoolteallim overbeatd ato.,ho wag drown . ..5 ... They olearthe brain ,4,44=fil , ,They cheer the heart. They brighten the eye they make the step elastic, tbe ailed vigorteut, they dill, poll gloom and being pack ,joy and laugh- ter, they banith pain like 101400 II, Da take the sting bet of the belle ills Of 1110. Statk'S powderdo all this when used by the billions, netnalgie or sufferers front . fait of trteivOnd ' headttehe. Patti eattnet exiet Where Steeket powders ate UtiOd, ' Mr. Williel•eblef Of .Polieei WoOdstoek, Out.,, Says theY ate a lane mare eYerk Onteo Only a grtaitter a box, '