HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-26, Page 13i.. ,s 1•' tor° . maim __ . , „T._,...... • , ... , Nue .. t�■r ESTAIt ~IS 10111110 a,• 1•l!•. - 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE '4 Bedroom Cottage .' Bluewater Beach Only 4 ,years old; must •sell, owner. building new house. Phone 524-9889 after 5 qp.m. ,U4 ,,,A„ ,10 FOR DOUBLE WIDE OR MOBILE HOME Lot, only, approx. 1/2 acre with wator available. Within easy driving - distance of Goderich. ' Asking price 64,000 with 61x,000 down. ' 8 UNiT MOTEL - Located on a busy arterial road ' entering Goderich. A good family business which could be easily ex- panded. Just listed. Serious enquiries Invited. LUXURI.OU.S OLDER 'HOME Buy this lavish home now while the price Is reduced. Remodelled' to perfection ' with quality car- Dating. throughout. Suitable for photographic studio, professional office or clinic. Located on Church St., in Goderich. • • • SUITABLE FOR V.L.A. 3/4 acre with ,modernized 2 storey home, in Village of Auburn. Hilltop view. Attractive • landscaping and gardens. One of the best buys In this area,: at .present. Ask to view this choice property today.. . - "THE CASTLE" TOWN OF CLINTON 2.7 acre estate and 18 room Vic- torian Mansion. Large • boating pond. Tree shaded grounds. 2 building lots included., Front en- trance has circular drive and foun- tain. Double garage and Pany stall, Huge rooms for entertaining. Make your appointment today., , , ' BAYFIELD 22 acres including 2 building lots. Choice highway property within walkingdistance of beach -and village. Open 4p offers $32,500. • WANTED -"DAIRY FARM" '-We have a serious purchaser fora: good dairy farm in this area: The requirements preferably a milking parlour sit up, good home with 3 or mora bedrooms, ;100 --acres, cows and machinery in- . eluded•. ' DON H REAL ESTATE REALTOR 53 West :Street 524-8951 John Thompson Evenings: .527-0238 John Duddy Evenings 482-6652 11. 4; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • LIST VIM y ,S Hal NN ,4Q REAI ESTATE FOR SALE Buy now -beat the spring price increase RETIREMENT- & 'YOUNG FAMILY Brand new - fully decorated • 0 S $.27'50 80' x 130' lot OPEN HOUSE SAT:, SUN. 2.4 BayvIew / No. 21 Hwy. / South of Bayfield * Picture -window view of Lake Huron's sunsets. * Fresh country air, beside golf course, .restaurant. * 3 bedrooms or 2 bedrooms with den / hobby room.; Approx. 950 sq. ft. of easy, care -free living area.= * .Frost -free frig, auto. range, fixtures included.. " * Broadloom & cushion -tile floors, wipe -clean walls. * Insul. aluminum siding * Bow window * Patio doors. * Full -year 'guarantee by Bendix Homes; Hensall. * CMHO, CSA and Hydro -approved * Electric heat. *. Full basement models for less than $32,000. HAIGH A. EVANS Grind 238 28224 Real Estate ,Ltd. MAY MORENZ, SALESMAN c m.....rn • 'Fog fever" can kill on the spot "A disease quite common to western Canada and the U.S. midwest has become a real problem' in Some herds in'On- tario," slays a ve.ter`inary pathologist ' with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food. - A typical pneumonia, or",fog fever", primarily .affects 'adult animals in beef cow -calf herds, although it, is not limited to them. • • . Dr. A.A. Van Dreum 1., of the Veterinary .Services Laboratory in- Guelph, says: "The disease appears in late summer and -' early fall ,as cattle are moved from dry summer pasture' to more„-su'cculent second growth, especially kale or rape. 'While the disease is not infectious to Winans or transmittable to other cattle, a typical pneumonia can affect up to 50 •percent of a herd,-. with mor- .' tality' in the range of 30 percent of animals effected.” Little • information is . available about the disease, but Dr. Van Dreumel suggests that it is probably an acute allergic 1ECOMEA RED CROSS VOLUNTEER reaction. "It's im•portanethat you have the disease differentiated from other types 'of pneumonia .in cattle, , by getting your local veterinarian to examine affec- ted_., animals as . soon - a"s Dosis e, tie `says Animals ' affected' with : fog fever usually show signs of labored .breathing, grunting, gasping for air; extending "the neck, protruding- tongue and, hour each day. Alternatively, srty oWestern.Ontario g -Each member to k, part in 4 • quite often, foaming at the mouth. In some cases, however, they' - may be found dead without any 'indication of sickness., • ` Affected' • animals may • die within •-hours after the . first signs appear, or, recover totally, if they -make it past the first 48 hours. Those -which survive may - develop chronic DU-NG.ANNOft DOINGS B'y O.M. Blake. UO.1N• 'Sattrrda. I,Ir, and Mrs. Tom ' Fowler ,and family from Parkhill ,were , up for 'the ,weekend and and . Tom went to Win.gham to ,bring his father honie. • - Sympafhv is extended to Mr. and Mrs:' Grant „Curran and 'has 'released the deadline dates family on the death of her- for mailing Christmas Cards brother, Mr. Allen Cooke, who and Parcels and Mail ad - succumbed. to burns received in dressed to members of the Ar-' an industrial accident in mad Forces posted.abroad. early in September. x The nearest date is October 4 A helicopter whose pilot lost for Christmas parcels forwar- his hearings on the way to ded to Cuba by Surface' mail. Wiarton caused a few minutes Even though parcels can excitement in Dungannon last - always bp sent by air, the Monday when it landed behind cheapest way is still by surface, the home of Mr. and Mrs, John but the Canada Post • Office Spivak: The pilot was able --to wishes.-.ta: remind its. c-ustonzers ,.take off and proceed.,, to his, that ,they must meet the destination after receiving mailing deadlines if they want directions, .. .°their mail to reach destinations „ Mr. and Mrs.~Hugh Crockett on time. spent a few days with her Christmas Cards can be sent parents, Mr. ,and Mrs. Wilfred The Dungannon United Church Women held ;their Sep- tember Meeting in the church on, Tuesday -evening,' Mrs„ LaVerne Pentland ' and ],14rs. Wilfred Pentland were in charge of the worship service. Beautiful pictures of •chur- ches and cathedrals' in England and Wales were : shown. The slides and corn nentary were prepared by Mrs. LaVerne Pen- tland's daughter,_ Mrs. Biloy from p her recent trip to the British Isles, and were greatly enjoyed by all present Mrs. Elma Reed gave, a humorous reading, "On C-hu-retf Music". • A two -minute silence was ob- served in memory of the late Mrs. Harvey Alton who had always been . a faithful ' and willing worker with the U.C.W. Mrs, K.K. Dawson was' ap- pointed as' treasurer for the remainder of - 1974, this position having been held by Mrs. Alton until her death. It was decided that a new • percolator for -the' kitchen be' purchased before anniversary Sunday if possible: At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by GOI)ERICJH SIGMA RSTA.R, „,TBURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1974 PAG Mail now for 'Christimas abroad Mailing deadlines for.Christ- mas Cards going overseas are 'just around' the corner. - - The Post. Office Department l destinations at to interna lona, Pcrltland on their return from three differenrates. Cards un - their honeymoon in the Carib-' `oder sealed cover must travel bean, before proceeding to°their first class, at the rate of 15 home in Sudbury, While at the cents up to one ounce, which parental home they were part t' A' Mail of a familygatheringwhich in- means, automa ti it ai Ber- vide. The Department recom- cluded Hugh's parents, Mr, and mends however to affix`, the Mrs. Jim `Crockett, .his grange' "Air Mail" label on envelopes, Mother, Mrs,. • McNally, his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Unsealed cards, however, carr Crockett all - of London; be sent Air Mail at the rate of Mrs. Leonard' \Reed and Mrs. Norma' iters, Mr. and Mrs. 12 cents up to :one ounce, sr George Errington, Rost Andrew and 'family of surface at the rate of 8 cents: up Kincardine, Mr. and. Mrs. 'to•one iunce:,Cards'sent by sur- -PLAN ° 'Bruce Utley o'f Goderich, her face may still be airlifted part ANNIVERSARY SERVICES brother Mr. and Mrs.' Larry way or through to destination .� Pentland and family and her depending on aircraft space Anniversary, services will be grandmother, availability. ^ , Mrs.' Ethel held • in Dungannon United McDonald, Dungannon, her The rates for cards for Church on Sunday, September. sister, Miss Lori Pentland and 29 with 'Rev. Glen , Wright of • the hosts, Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred - Exeter as guest 'speaker, ,Pentland, Special music has been ' ', Best Wishes to' Mr. Lorne 'cents for surface ('unsealed) and arranged for both services, .11 Ivers who celebrated his 81st 10 cents by air to the U.S.A. a. m, and 7 p.m. Following the birthday at the first ,of last ° pneumonia and continue to. -• lose weight for weeks: morning service there will be a week. destination in North 'America (Canada and the U,S.A.) are: 8 cents for first class (sealed), 6+ KI,N�$BRIE,G,E K,A+PtRS Mrs Joe Courinij129 1189 Since sympathy' is extended ber 21 to Paul Black, Several•l: to Mr.ond Mrs. Dennis Dalton, from tht :area attended the and family on the death of Mrs, reception held in their honor. at Dalton's mother, Mrs. Herman • the Saltford Valley Hall • Lan,f5iertus 'on Monday, Sep- • ;following. their marriage. tember" 16, in her 89th year at, ..A large crowd attended the • Victoria Hospital in, London,' " 'Tractor Tull held; at- Lucknow. where she had been a patient on Sunday afternoon. for the last eight weeks, 'Congratulations to Cletus. John Sheardown began "his Dalton and Joe Van Osch of ., new. job as Recreational Direc- Kingsbridge who won prizes .in : , tor at the Psychiatric Hospital the different events. in South Porcupine on Monday, School children are making September 16,, Mrs. Sheardown plans to enter in the .Dungan - and son Ricky will follow at a non Fall Fair parade to be held later date. on Friday September 27, begin - Betty Hendriks~ daughter of ning at 1 pm. Mi•. and Mrs. Martin Hendriks ' Mrs. John Austin, president has started Nurse's Training at of the National Farmers Ur.ion the Ge,ar.gian.C.ol►ege- i -n ---Owen- nn -aounces--- t•he• plans -'---for a••------ Sound. Thanksgiving Supper to be held , ` Congratulatigns to Mr. „arid at the Brookside Public School, Mrs. Max, Riegling (nee' Helen on Saturday October 12 are Courtney) on the birth of a almost completed. A draw will baby boy (Dean Adam) in the be held for a hand made quilt, .t. Alexandra Marine and General valued at 475; beef" valued at Hospital Goderich, on Friday; 40 , and •1,15 cash. The September 20, Proud grand- program will be of local talent. parents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl .A fife on Friday evening,' Riegling and Mr. and Mrs. Leo September 20 at the Kintail Courtney. Welding Shop ' completely destroyed a car owned by Frank Van Diepanbeek„ and. the 'contents,of the shop 'awned by Armand Forgett. Kingsbridge Boys (age 12 to •'15) ,were ' defeated .by the Lucknow boys (ages' 12 to 15) two games to t) in the semi final series. Lucknow will now meet Port Albert boys in the" final sales. Ashfield' All 'Stars defeated the Colborne All Stars by a score of' 24 to 14 at the 'Lu know ball diamond on Monday evening September''16. - Mrs. John Howard, president. of -the Kingsbridge Catholic Women's' League .and members Mrs. Martin Hendriks, Mrs. John Miltenburg, Mrs. Theo Van Diep'an,, ,Mrs. Wilfre.d Austin, Mrs. Bernardine Kin- ney and Mrs. Joe Courtney at- tended the pea nery meeting for the Stratford Divisior) of the London diocese of the Catholic Women's League held in St. Columban on Wednesday, Sep-• tember" 18. The annual Knights of Columbuspicnic was held at the Ashfield Park on Sunday afternoon, September 22 from 1 pm to 5' pm in spite of the cool weather. Ken Moran, • son of Mr.' and The first meeting of the Mrs. Bob Farrish is enrolled as Kingsbridge, "Club Girl Enter- an electronics technician at the tains" was held at Mrs. Karla De Vry Institute of Technology • Vogan on Wednesday Toronto. Classes •• begaji on • ber 11 A postmortem should' be time of fellowship, which af- . " Some. village 'residents 'have fords opportunity to renew seen and.. heard flocks' of wild carried out on animals that•die, .and enjoy the ° to 'provide_ an accurate„acquaintancesJ y geese heading south, which diagnosis. This can be done -by lunch served by the ladies. - reminds us that cold weather is your own veterinarian or at any The. ladies of Ashfield' .are at hand, asked to bring sandwiches and, Mr. and Mrs, RAD. A'ldham, of the Ministry's veterinary ser- those from Wawanosh, s wares vices laboratories. - sqarea . Johnny, Greg and -Larissa and or cookies, please. Dwight's mother, Mrs. Bertha COMMUNITY NEWS Aldham visited,with,Mrs:' Mary Bere and family on 'Sunday. Rev. Thompson of the ,.' ' "If the disease „,is diagnosed - on •yo.Ur .farm, move the animals out of the pasture ini mediately, but • with extreme Canadian Bible Society gave an ' DUNGANNON 1 4-H' CLUB caution; any undue stress or ex - inspiring sermon, "What is the The first meeting of Dusan- citement can cause the animals Most Important?” in Dungan- non 174-H Club was held at the to . die on the spot,',' Dr• Van non United Church on Sunday home of Mrs, Fred Young at 7 •Dreumel warns:' • ' Mrs. • Annabelle Aitchison ff.M. on Tuesday, September 17. . :Badly affected animals can from near Ripley supplied in , The` meeting opened With six be salvaged for'slaughter. Grade 3, Room 5 at Brookside, - members answering the roll •,.In spite of contionuing Public School 'on Friday for : call:. research in- Canada „and the Mrs. •Dor`othy- Chisholm, -whose The deadline 'dates for. mailing Christmas Cards for destinations in Canada .is, December 13 for 'out--of-town and December f 7, ' for loeal mail. The deadline dates 'are December 10 for Surface mail - to the.U.S.A.. and December 15 for Air Mail. • . Kingsbridge Merrymakers Monday, September 23." ,There were 15 members Students of "St.- Joseph's °^ present. - school at Kingsbridge enjoyed a The election of officers 'was holiday ort Monday, September held: president; hie' `Van,. 23 as `it was a professional Diepen; vice 'president, Brenda development day fo'r' the• Culbert; secretary, Donna teachers . of the Huron -.Perth Moran; press repeirter, Ann°,. Separate' schools,, Drennan: • The ushers of St. Joseph', The members received .han- church Kingsbridge' enjoyed- Bout. pamphlets and went over aparty held in their honor at, them. Mrs. Hogan outlined the' requirements for.the club and. the . home of Michael Courtney q on. Wednesday . evening, Sep . for club meinbers, . Record tember 18. -- books .and hostess files were .. Mr. anal Mrs. i.aurenye� outlined., ° Girls •s'tudied.. Austin, their ' daughter Mrs. - "Working Methods in'the Kit Jim (Shirley) Grobbel and. ' chens". , Mrs. •Van Osch went • `family Barbara, Michelle .and over "Fun with Flowers". Philip' of Detroit, Michigan, „ The second meeting of the. The election of officers took'O.Williams, • U.S: there 'is no suitable treat mother, Mrs. E1'ltott • of Johrr. �ht:a5 retu place with the following result ned ho ,Manitoba, ment.for a typical pneumonia Brussels, died in Wingham president, Cathy Pentland; a on urs • a ni after spending ten days with his •:as • yet. Treatment to ease hospit l Th d y ght .vice-president,'Leola Chisholm; restricted breathing will Mr. and.Mr.4 `. Frank Thomp- the office of secretary and press sameti'rie''help, to carry 'the son enjoyed 'a day at Western , reporter will rotate and Elaine animal past the 48-hour period. - Fair' in London on Wednesday.: 'Stewart will hold it' first, -_- - = - .. , ...:-, a.. , -:, . -=Se • tember. a Toprevent the disease, Dr. On :Wedneeday p All members are to bring 18; -at 6:00 p.m. ;Mrs. 'Gwen suggested names for the club to Van Dreumel suggests that any gg changes from dry pasture be Caesar and Mrs. Mary Bere at the next meeting which will` be tended the first- session of -the held Wednesdav, September 25, made 'gradually, increasing the Psychology 020 course, an Ex - amount of time cattle are -' at the home �.of Mrs. Dan allowed in the pasture by ones tensiol"i-'class from The Univer- Maclnnes: f halo .• .Jack „visited on the weekend with the Kingsbridge 4-H Club was held • last, Th sda t the horfre of Mrs. Anton: Va.n Osch, —Appraisals —Residential • „to - •FartpsN —Prop+sfly•' Business Management . Investments - —Resort Properties .. C E 26 THE SQUARE RFL EsrA� f OFFIC. GODERICH 524=909-7 MR. FARMER ' We need farms!!• 50, 100,, 200 acres, set up for beef*dairy, hog, or cash crops. It..You're thinking' of selling your farm, or acreage, contact us. Alt• enquiries confidential. • FAMILY AFFAIR OVERLOOKING — the Maitland is this family 4 bedroom brick home, with dpaclous kitchen, dining room, double living room, . • and extra 'large. bathroom. Plus garage,with workshop. Nearly an acre -of land••goes with this property now' reduced for quick sale.'' . •t, • ." CONVENIENT ,WEST -END • - 'NEAR THE HIGH SCHOOL — is this' custom designed 3 • • bedroom tw'o storey immaculate family home. Pastures, lar e living room with fireplace, finished .games item with built in ► bar and fridge, maste r bedroom with patio doors to sun deck. • •Outstanding vakte at $41,900.00.' as` owner is moving. Just flied. • - � n LOOKING FOR A COOL .BARGAIN? 4. DON'T BUY — untit you see this real comfortable. retirement home. Kitchen has new cupboards' 'aplenty, large carpeted Hving room, 2 cozyr bedrooms. Full basement with new wiring,•• new gas furnace, plus new siding ,makes this the beet buy In Town. . SOMETHING DIFFERENT - WE.HAVE IT -- here is your opportunity to own your own coup•" try home. Carpenters Special, as, -it needs some decorating. Open for offers as'the Estate must be settles, by"the end of the • month. Located qne mile 'north of Luck now. Where else ' can ,� you buy st home with an acre of land for only $46,900.00. LUXURY WATERFRONT LIVING Fa SUNSET BEACH -- 183 foot frontage, .wide sandy' beech, o , heairlly treed. Lavish executive 3 season home.lf you're re>llred ` and spend your- tern in the south, this•is for you. This unique •property must'''be seen as It is worth the asking price ,pi ! ,000.00. 6 , . • • BITS AND PIECES " ; SALOON FRONT 2 "storey,buiiding" many possibilities f J` antique shop,' hobby oecraft shop. Bargain priced at $5,500:00. `- WORTH EVERY TREE -�- 50 acres of bush, wonderful hunting' and retreat'property. Severalsprings, t out stream a real . hideaway: Fail. price •--- $10,500.00 --- ¶/'3 down. .. 40VABLE DREAM -yr 12' x' -50 ttt:Qbll� home, fui'nlshed, situated at Cherokee Lane, Meneset Park.• Full price ;� . 511,500,00 or best cash offer. M1µ R '1f'- Ja. k Cummings nRill'Cbiffoird: A�i>,e� wfac�i�tniel� c �'" 4;6336 atr �" ,524.9624 • -•w °°524-9090 • °U offered at Goderich Psychiatric hay can be fed in tlaefield. the reading c� .Ere discussion • Hospital. The lecturers are four from the leader's' pamphlet "It's extremely important psychologists from the hospital, which 'contained information that , producers watch their ' Brian O'Neil, Tim Hill, Tony >animals closely for the first two Miller and Jeff Langford. weeks in 'the• pasture. If they --Greg Alton, son' of Mr. and start showing signs of a typical Mrs. Jack Alton •has star:.ted a pneumonia,' remove them right; course at Guelph University. away;'" he emphasizes. Shelley Alton,,.daughter °'of Mr, and Ars. Jack Alton has begun. her second year at The' Un'iver- sity of Western Ontario in Lon- don. • . ..,Frank Moultontr has been in name Wi•ngham Hospital this past week' ' suffering frorri pneumonia. tie :was able to come home' on Saturday, :Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack Higgins, .; St. 'Clements, Michigan; spent The-serni-annual meeting of Borne time with, Mr. and Mrs. St. •Peter's 'Parish Council was ' Aubrey Higgins in the past few - held 'in the.'parish hall W.ed• days¢' The young couple, along nesday, September 1, . Reports 'with a number' of friends from United States, have been - were presented: by the Commit- engaged aan aq golf tournament tee Co-ordinators• at Grand Bend for fife past four St--P:eter s • Councit inew advisors The council named new days,. members to ;-fitl vacancies on Mrs. La9�ry Pentland °held a the Board of Advisors, •These birthday dinner in honor of her members who will serve for"two - father, Mr. Peter° Bilstra:' her year's are Lloyd Aubin, Jim sister-in-law, MiQ. Bilstr"a, and Bolan, Richard Brenner, John Larry's grandmother, M.rs. Buchanan, John DykstraMary Efli'el McDonald,' whose birth - Fuller, Ray' Jeffrey andtrd,days all fell ttrr the same day. Alphonse Wick, °- recently, October -7- wasr dselected for Mf, and Mrs, George 'ltfton �° the first meeting of the new of Brucefield called on Mrs. executive. Minnie Jones and Met°cri .Sun - The meeting was followed by , ' an enjoyable wine and cheese day• l�"ir...._Cjifton s father:was social. ,, a raised on a farm op.p'osite what used to be known as Plunkett's ••' ' School near concession 2, West A -Wawanosh. . Mrs: ,,Ru 'y�°ell (-'John.sto �'s mother., Mrs. George Hill, died . in Owers So d d on Sunday at the age cif 94. years, Mr. end•' Mrs. Johnston motored to r, Owen Sound on Monday. • .. Mr. and Mrs: Bill" Moulton of. Simroe and his q sister, M 's.' ' , Howe called mi their father, Mr. Frank Mgultoh°, while he was ho5pit'a.liied. , Chas: Frfiwler . 'as released • from Wingham Hospital ohL • tr dti hospitality, 'reference fide methods and filing material. F.or 'group work each member participated ' in flower arranging. - ' The leaders, Bev Mactnnes and Donna Young, hope to phave all members present ,at the' next meeting. •k M TREASURE TtOVE�, tN.co TtHE �. WANT , SIDS Al fJ 7 parents,.. Mr:. and• • Mrs Williams, Hincks Street, • former's brother Mr: and Mrs. Thursday a Cyril Austin. They visited on President Lia Van • Diepan Saturday with Mrs: Mary Angora ,Rabbits • Angora, that lovely soft•knit- ting . wool, comes from Angora { . • rabbits. A, mature male Angora` rabbit ,will yield abiiut 12 oun- ces of wool a year. Most Angora, rabbits are " ,White, -hut they niay be bred in a variety of colors to ptrcoduce naturally, colored wool. Angora breeders ,must take special care to, keep their rabbit hutches clean. They must also.' brush the animals -once a' week to keep dust and ' chaff• from- '° matting the rahbit's'..hair, AI • Plan I0 attend tho DUNGANNON FAIL FAIR Friday; September 27 %HORSE IRACESS WESTERNs'RACES °DOMESTIC SCIENCE BMA' SHOW Parade at 1:00 p.m. in Dingannon a h meetin to ether ca 11 ed t o g g, Mertibers took a vote on the name of the- club which is • "'Kingsbridge Merrymakers". Next meeting will be September 26 . ar' the home of Mrs. Tom_ Hogan. , A discussion of table settings ° and service and table manners was held. C a anent at 'Huron- ' orrrveau, p view in Clinton: Dinner guests' on ..Sunday were Mrs. Irene Murphy of Goderich and M,r. Frank Austin of. Dungannon. '. Mr. and Mrs. !Jerry Ross and family, of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr..and Mrs. Joe Courtney and .family: Several from this area atten- -ded the 109th Annus.l Lucknow Fall'. Fair held ih Lucknow on Friday and Satur- day September 20 ' and o 21. 'Pupils of St. Joseph's,school at • Fingsbridge .entered a float in , the .parade.. Congratulations to little Raymond Patrick'Dalton, six month old son -of Mr.° and , Mrs, Cletus Dalton who placed second in• the baby class -(6 to .12- month)...age group. .Congratulations to Misson- nie Hickey, daughter r ;of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hickey who •4was .married on Saturday,. Septern-, -AUTHORIZED" 'SALES , & SERVICE e Vacuum 'Cleants. •' Washer/Spin Dryers • Portable Dryers °' • ' •:RENT or BU'( on easy terms HUT(HINON APPLIANCES n, z iTNS 308 HURON RDTRADE ACC• � '' , EPTED 524-7831 04 A demonstration was given` by Tammie 'MacDonald and' Brenda.. C.ulber't ,ori. -tableset-' ting. l '4 For . grdup work the girls.' paired off and made a flower arrangement for a table. 1077e Guaranteed 'Investment - Certificates W.E. (TED) WILLIAMS BUS;. 524-7102 ' RES. 524-766! �tr a7 Save u,p t� $10 0.0 ;.4 I,mited only on.Halliday;Homes and. Cottages This is the Burlitigtcdn•model, one of -117 models to choose • from. Price includes.speedy shell erection on your founda- tion by skilled creWs Call or drop iii. ' Ask•about'our., . "E!iuy now ... Price freeze" for 1975. Delbar Investments. of Goderich Ltd. A • 41 . 38A EAST,,ST. •° GODERICH (51II). 524.232