HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-26, Page 11u. • OWN AND COUNTRY LASSIFIELDS 16. PERSONAL IX) YOU have marriage Air family • prc;blems? . The Ministry of Com- munity Sc' Social Services offers htdp- '. in the frim) of marriage latfirl�, .counsellinge either in your home or in t W Office, 199 Josephine Street. For appointment, Phone 3511-3:370.--$r 15. PUBLIC NOTICE., I. will no longer be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Alice Elaine, as . of .September 26, 1974. -Frank E. Sch- midt. --39,40, 41 x PULSIFER MUSIC MAIN ST. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Phone 527-0053 NOV)! OPEN Ow Pianos, Organs and utters STOREpI1OURS - Mon. and Tues. 3:30 to 6 p.m. WED, - CLOSED „Th re. 3:30 to • 6 p.m. Friday -S 9" a.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. 38,39b r 5 OUNTY OF HURON TRE •O ARftE ASURER'S SALE' F LANDS IN AR,'S•OF TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a tax sale will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House,,:Goderich, on Tuesday, December 10, 19'4 at 10:00°a.m. re any unpaid taxes still out- standing at that date, as shown on the lis t published in the On- tario Gazette on September 7, ,4,41 1974 . ,� . .; NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER 'GIVEN that if any of the unsaid .,lands remain unsold, an adjoUr- ned sale will be held on .Tuesday, December 17, 1974 at the same hour and place. Usti of the may be sec the Court Ho tarlo. JO properties ihvolved red at my Office in use, Goderich, On HN' G. BERRY Treasurer TY OF AtiliON COUN 19.. BUSIiNESS OPPORTUNITIES Need extra money? Don'twait till Christmas; do it now. Phone 349-2469 or write Watkins, Box 101; Lakeside, Ont. for ,details. 39,38b 21. BIRTHS .,;CROWN: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, oh September 18th, 1974, to Mr. and -Mrs. Ronald Crown, RR 2, Goderich, Ontario, a daughter, Julie Ann Marie.- BANTER: arie. BANTER: At Alexandra Hospital, God ich, Ontario, on September 19t 1974, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ba ter, RR 2, Goderich, Ontario, a dao ter, Tanya Esther. RIEGLING: At' Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on September 20th, 1974, to Mr, and Mrs. Max Riegling, RR 3, Lucknow, Ontario, a son, Dean Adam. ° HARVEY: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, • on September 23rd, 1974, to Mr. arid Mrs. Ronald Hatwey, Goderich, Ontario, a daughter, Amber Elizabeth, 23. ENGAGEMENTS Mr. • and Mrs. Carl Schneiker an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Jane, to Mr. Donald Kenneth Attain, of Toronto, son .of Mrs. Allain and the late Mr. Claude Main. The marriage' to take lace 'at St. Peter's Roniari Catholic Church, Goderich;' Friday, October . 1 1.; 1974, at • 7:00 o'clock. -39x Mrs. Elmer Sproul," RR 3, Auburn, is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter, Linda ,Jean, to. tarry James Johnston, son of Mr. and Mrs; Stewart Johnston, Blyth: The marriage is to'take place October. 4, 1974, at 7 p.m. in Lon desboro United Church, Lon- d'esboro,-39 Heather Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Asher, Goderich, and Robert Norman, son of . Mr. and Mrs, Norman Nichol; Willowda•le, will be wed on Saturday, October 19th, Heather and Bob will ex- ' change vows in the chapel of -Knox Presbyterian, Church at seven o'clock in the evening. -39x 25.. IN °MEMOR1AM•• 26: CARD -OF THANKS . COOKE: The sympathy of our many friends and relatives has been a great comfort to us in the loss of our dear grandson and nephew. 'A special thanks to the doctors and ' nurses at University Hospital, Lon- don, also Rev. Warr for the wonder, fol rpessage he left with us. Your kindness wilt always, be rernem- bered.--Grandmother Cooke, Aunts and Uncles. -39 VANDERLINDE: I wish to express my sincere thanks`to ray neighbors and friends for all their cards, flowers, gifts, phone calls and visits while I was a patient at Goderich Hospital. Special thanks to Dr: Wallace and the hospital staff. -,--Margaret Vanderlinde.-39x STRAUGHAN: I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the kind people who visited me while a patient in the Goderich Hospital and for the gifts of flowers and . cards, It was wonderful -to know you had so many kind friends. Also to the hospital for cafe, from doctors, , nurses and help, again. --many thanks—Olive Straughan.-39 Y OVERHOLT: In .loving memory of • a: dear husband and father who .passed Maway. September 29, ,1972. The •gates of memory ;will never close,- • We miss you 'more than anyone knows; With tender' love and deep regret, We . who' love, you will .never, forget. —Ever remembered and sadly. missed -'by Elma and Mary Ann. -39 . y• • • AIR 'All interested persons are cordlalili invited to an open meeting for the_ purpose • of assembling ideas for development of Sky Harbour Airport now owned by the Town of Goderich,..as, a municipal enterprise. N OTIC E aV PORT MEETING Open meetin 9th, .194, at 8 the AsSessme Terrace. a , J. H g emailed for Wednesday,- October O'clock p.m. in the Board Room of nt Office, rear entrance, Gloucester' AROLD WALLS, A.M.C.T., C,M:C. Town Administrator BULLETIN BOARD MAPLE LEAF CHAPTER IODE regular. meeting, Tuesday, October 1st, 8:15 p:m., at the home of Mrs. Harold Bettger, West Street: All knitting and sewing to be returned at this meeting. -39, - THIS WEEK'S Winners CLUB NO. 1 STEVE LITTLE CLUB NO. -2 'MARY JOHNSTON CLUB NO.'3•. SHEILA' WHITEHEAD. . You can.be next Nothing; to buy Nothing to lose Enquire today • N. T. 'ORMANDY DIAMOND SPECIALIST •GODERICH' D• ODERIOH `SIGNAL -STAR, THI RSDARY, SEPTEMBER AIIRURN AND flISTRJCT NEWS • w Mrs Was 6ra`dook 526-7596 • 1974 -- PAGE 11 NEW REC COMMITTEE The Auburn Recreational Committee' plan .a community canvass to raise $1500 starting September 10 to October 5th to provide, recreational facilities for all ages. Several meetings have been held with representatives from' the, •department,• township and village officials during the sum- mer rnonths to get this project started. The six acre site,surrounding Auburn Community Memorial hall owned' by the- Auburn Athletic Association is the proposed site. It is planned to have it suitably landscaped to include a play area with swings, sandboxes etc., a, soccer field, ball diamond, horseshoe courts and picnic area with bar- becues. Keith Arthur was named president and- Mrs. Robert Slater is secretary -treasurer with the following 'committ'''ees: Grounds committee,- .Sandy„ Andrews, chairman, Gordon Miller, Thomas Haggitt,. Harry BracYley, Randy Machan, Gor- don Powell, Lloyd Machan, Donald Plunkett, Greg Arthur. and Dave Gldusher. . Equipment committee, Fred Lawrence, chairman, Jim Glousher, Bill Seers, Allan. Craig, -Jim Schneider, Bob Slater, `Bob- 'Arthur, Wayne Powell, Ken Machan. Socias committee, Mrs: Bob Slater, chairman, Mrs. Donald Cartwright, Mrs. George Hebert, . Mrs.' Bill Andrews, Mrs. Jim Glousher, Mrs. Allan Caldwell, Mrs. Alvin Plunkett, Faye Seers, Judy Van Dongen, Linda Van Dongen; Lynn Man- -sell. y. Activities, Brian Craig, chair- man, Russel Garrison, Susan Thompson, Nancy Anderson, :Mrs. Ian • Clark, Frank Van Don -gen, Mrs. Ernie Niblock, Connie Trommer, Jayne Ar- thur, June Machan, Phil Ar- thur. - Fund raising committee, "Keith Arthur, chairman, Ross Robinson, Jim 'Towe,' Elmer Trommer, Mrs. Ross Daer, Mrs. Sandy Andrews, Mrs. Frances Clark, Glen Naylor, Doug Naylor; Trudy ,Machan, Lynn Turner. . The Huron, (aunty Health Un invites you toattend the' EXPECTANTPARENT�� tDU(ATION (LASSES being � y hel Goderich - comencin 0:36' p?n. w> • Wingharn - :c'ommencin 9130 p.nt. Clinton - comnmencing 9:30 p:m: .Exeter - commencing '0 9:30 Would,any6ne who is Interested please pre register by.6:ailing 1-800.265-4435 toll' free or your nearest Health Unit office at the 'following numbers: ° Brussels 897-9331; Clinton•482-331>6;LLExeter 235.10174;Goderich .4624-8301; Seaforth 527.1243; •W1ngham 357.2264. d in the following areas: • g 'October 15, 1974 .High Schsol - 7:30 .October 16, 1974 •- Health Unit 7:30,- October 17,' 1974 Health' Unit - 7:30 - ctober 2i, 1974 Health Unit • 7:30 -C Both hrisbande artd wlves ,in the, discussions. M1 are Invited.to attend and partlelpa'te t 17 ACRES standing field corn 'for silage or cobs. Phone 5t4-6443,-39 THIRTEEN pigs, from 'top quality Hybrid�,sow. Phone 82-3141.•.39 LIVESTOCK PUREBRED serviceable Hamp- shire boars, R.O P. tested and com- mercial. Also York Cross Landrace ' boars and Open Gilts.- Call Bob • Robinson, RR 4, Walton, phone 1.A -2317,---39x PET STOCK SHANNAHWOOD MINUS - Registered Irish Setters Puppies Usually Avallabl°e` . Stud 9erv1ca , ,Boarding for ° ons &, Oats 5 2 6-7232' -$• Antiques For Sale . By Established Ontario, Dealers Antique Show & Sale. .0ct.. 4, 5'81 6th.. Sarnia,, Ont, Holiday inn"by the Bridge Admission _ 1 -- Door Prize OC f. 5 t• ,j p.m: 10 p.m. Nan• 10 km: OCT: '6 Noon • e pr.m. — Honorable ;Norman Rog, t „ Chapter, hO.b.E, • BRIDAL SHOWER Mis'S' Linda Sproul was honored with`, a bridal "shower ' last Monday - evening when friends and neighbours gathered prior to her marriage next month. ' • The Sunday school room Was tastefully decorated with •pink wedding bells and pink and rose streamers. Corsages were pinned on Linda by h Mrs. Harold B aechler; oh the bride's Mother, Mrs. Marian Sproul by Mrs. William Robertson; a•nd the brute :, „M. • "f her, Mrs. . William Stewart by Mrs. Ken- neth Scott." Mrs, Kenneth Scott was in charge ofa the program which began: with a bifigo contest led by Mrs. Harold Baechler. The winner was `Arva Ball's Readings were given by Mrs. Elmer Trommer. An elimination contest •was conducted by Mrs. Kenneth„ Scott and the winner was Con- nie Trommer. The gifts were carried in by Janice Daer, Julie" Deer, Janey Arthur, Faye Seers, Vickey .Powell, Vickey Delbergue and Jackie Delbergue. Mrs. Ross Daer read an, ,address ` of congratulations in" verse form composed by herself to Linda. Mrs. Allan Craig made,an at- tractive hat of bows and rib- bons and placed it on the guest of honor's head. Linda thanked her friends for the gifts and invited everyone to come to open house at her home on' geptember 29. Lunch was served by neigh- bours. GRANDMAS HONORED The ,grandmothers of the community were guests at the September- meeting c -of the Auburn Women's Institute held last week ',in -the Com Inunity Memorial hall. - The meeting was in the change of the president Mrs. Thomas Haggitt. Mrs. Frank 'Raithby led the members' and guests in a memorial'service.for two departed members. Mrs. Eleanor Bracnock placed a rose in memory of Mrs. Robes t Phillips, a charter• life member and a rose' for Mrs. Mabel Brooks. Mrs. - Raithby read Psalm 23 followed . by meditation and prayer. Mrs. Bradnock closed the service ley singing. Beyond the Sunset ac- companied by Mrs. 'Donald Haines. ' The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as read by. the secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines. An invitation to -Goderich was accepted for Oc• tober 3 and• plans were made to attend the Women's Tnstitutes of Huron County Rally on., Oc- • tuber 7 at'' B"russela.;" " * A 'letter - of thanks was read from the Erland"Lee committee for quilt .block which had been made by Mrs- ° Catherine Jackson"fov the Branch. It Was' announced thatthe Ball Board 'rti:mmage and bake sale would be held on October 26. Plans Were made t'o:entertain Blyth; Londesboro 'and Dungannon branches at the Oc- tober meeting. ' The Card report was given by Mrs. Andrew Kirk'connell'-:arid she- also- read • the thank -you notes. . Roll call was .ans*e red by each naming a skill their gran- dmother taught *them. A sing- song was led by Mrs. Celia - Taylor and Mrs. Catherine Jackson' played a piano 'solo. Mrs. Williarn- Empey, 'in- troduced' the guest speaker, Mrs. Jack Armstrong who.. showed pictures and gave com- mentary on their trip to the Maritimes and Newfoundland this summer. Mrs. T'homa's Lawlor thanked Mrs. Arm- strong and presented her with a gift. • Mrs. Empey gave the motto, "He who sews courtesy reaps friendship and he- litho plants kindness gathers love." In her paper she told about the life of patiline McGibbon, -Lieutenant-, Governor of Ontario. ` A parade of hats; decorated. with flowers and vegetables was held with °about 15 taking part. The judges were Mrs. R.- Kotlpmans, Mrs, Norman Wood and Mrs. Norman McDowell. The first prize for the flower hat went to Mrs. -Thomas Haggitt and second to Mrs. Ed Davies. The best vegetable hat was worn by Mrs. Leonard Ar- chambault and second prize went to Mrs. `Donald Cart- wright. The • prize for birthday nearest the founding of the first W.I.I. at Stoney Creek on February "19th went to ,Mrs. Frank" Raithby. The prize for the grandmother who moved the farthest after marriage went to Mrs. Donald Haines and the 'grandmother with the oldest grandchild was Mrs. Broughton. Lunch of strawberry short- cake and ice cream was served by .Mrs. Williarii' Empey, Mrs. Thomas Lawlor, Mrs. Torrance 'Tabb and,, Mrs'. Ed Davies. • HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY , 'Floral arrangements and bouquets of roses and autumn flowers made an attractive set- ting for the Septetrtber meeting of . the Auburn Horticultural Society held .in. the Community Memorial Hall. • ' • -President. Mrs.'' Kenneth Scott --was i.n .charge of the • Rq meeting. An impressive memorial ser- vice for members who had passed away was conducted by Mrs. Frances Clark. She con , McLelland family picnic at Belmont. • Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swick of Florida and his daughter, Mrs Stanley 'McNeil and • Mr. McNeil of Welland visited last Saturday with``Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnston, Miss Laura Phillips and Mr.. Robert Phillips. Mrs. Thpnias • H•altam is a patient in Victoria hospital, London. • Mrs. Marguerite Chopin and Mrs. Ruth Giffen of Guelph ` called on relatives and friends in the village last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Luther Morley of Alsia Craig visited last Wed- nesday with ' her sister, Mrs. Celia Taylor, - Elmer .Trommer. ` spent the weekend with relatives at Cain- , bridge: Walter, Wagner is a patient in -Clinton Public. Hospital. -The sympathy of friends inn this community is extended to Mars. Thomas Wilson and her daughter, Mrs.'Norrnan Wight - man and Mr. Wightinan on the death of her husband and father, Mr. Thomas Wilson. , Mr. and Mrs, Wilson and family were", residents of the village a number of years ago. Miss Luella Johnston of Lon- don visited last Saturday with Mrs. Celia Taylor. The road from Walton to Carlow' is being resurfaced and - the crew have just passed the village going west, by the weekend. Mr. and 'Mrs': Norman Richardson of Perth visitedlast week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Davies: .' A • Mrs. Ar.nold,Craig visited -on the weekend with her sister, Miss Jean Hamilton at Oshawa". 'Cartwright Cartwright won . third. place' in the 15 and under for bench rest at St." Catharines recently when the Ontario Muz- -.zleloading Association held thei>n competitions. 4-H The first meeting of,Puburn I 4-H Club was held at -the home of the leader, Wanda 'Plaetzer. The election of officers took place and the 'results . were president- Doris ,Naylor, .vice- president. -Lorraine Chamney; secretary Judy Van Dongen; • eluded by 'reading the poem, and r press reporter, Jayne Ar Why .Flowers Are Made. thur. The minutes were approved - • The leaders Wanda Plaetzer as read Eby the ;secretary, Mrs. and Margaret Franken, led in a , , Beth Lansing. The 'financial discussion on hospitality in the -- ,tatement was given by Mrs. home followed by demon- EleanoiP Bradnock. strations ° how to take correct Roll call was answered by measurements. Different ideas :. naming the most distant place ' wereg' iven on the hostess files ou have ever vis ed. _door y , which the members have • to prizes were won by Mrs. Ross • make: Wanda` explained 'about • Rdbinson and Mrs. Donald flower arranging and Lorraine •Haines. Chamney made a lovely Greetings• from- the' :Ontario arrangement using gladioli and i Horticultural Society were greenery: brought by Mrs., William Klie • The - se :and meeting of of Hanover, district president Auburn T was held at the home 'of No. 8. ' • of Judy and Linda Van Mrs. Scott• introduced the o- ,Dongen. Doris Naylor. opened guests the'evening,,Mr. and the meeting with the. 4-H Mrs. J.A. Brodie of Toronto pledge and minutes were accep- who showed pictures, of their ted as read by ,the secretary, world,cruiseof'27,000 miles to Judy Van Dongen, • `Hawaii, Figi, New Zealand; Roll call was answered by Australia, Hong, Kong and each girl telling.why they liked Japan. The -couple gave in- to entertain. Wanda "Plaetzer teresting commentary. Mrs. Edand Margaret Franken led the . Davies- thanked Mr,.' and. Mrs. .discussion .on table - setting, Brodie for sharing their trip • table 'service and manners. with members. - Mrs. Celia Taylor gave a BRIDE FETED ° ". report of the District 8 annual' • -' report held this` year at ,Owen Miss Connie' Hickey was"' ..Sound. • .honored recently with a bridal A smorgasbord lunch was shower •in the St. Augustine. served by Mrs°Dona+d Baines, 'parish, hall. 'Mr=s. Raymond .Mrs. Thomas, Haggttt, - Mrs. Boyle was in charge of the. Trommer and ,.ltlrs• program;.and coridutted various Frances Clark.games and contests,• ' . ▪ Margaret Franken also had a "contest. The 'winner was Joanne Hickey: ° -- Mr. and Mrs. Ronald - An . •.,, address: `of , Damude of Waterdown visited congratulations was "read °`by a couple of days last week with N yrs. Raymond Boyle and,Con r"Mrs. Beth Lansing. p hie wasp"invited to sit on the Each member answered the roll call° by telling why they liked, to entertain. Cathy McClinchey read a paper' on good eating techniques ' and thentable settings were discussed. Ever' day • setting, special . occasion china and crystal 'were all discussed, Marie Empey led in a question -a nairej onthese topics. please ad to social news. Mrs. Warner Andrews is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Lown bowlers plan improved ao 'TS facilities The. Goderich Lawn Bowling• Club held their Annual Meeting Thursday, September • 19th,, and the new slate of of- ficers for the 1975 season are as follows: G.D. (Ted) White - president; Harold Knisley - vice-president; Harry Shackleton - secretary; Lloyd Young - treasure Harold Montgomery membership; Lorne Webb, Earl Allison 'and Fred Richardson - greens and maintenance; . Osmond Fa'lsner - ` evening games;; rank' Mcllwain afternoon ames; Lee Ryan - invitational, tour- naments. The well attended meeting was ,held at,,the Maitland Golf and Country Chub where a delightful buffet dinner was served, and a /pleasant social "evening was enjoyed following the business meeting. At the m eting the heads of the vario s committees gave. their pr gress reports . and • many 'n w projects are' planned for 19 some of which.,are all new • ditchboards, to be' in- .; stal d, new and more, modern lig ting of- the greens, fencing r placed and ,repaired, greens op dressed, re -seeded and fer- tilized in preparation for Dad- ditional grooming in the spring of 75. SECRETARIAL. PROGRAM' • , -tf"you are stili•debating whether to continue your :education, ' The Clinton Centre of Conestoga College dap offer you immediate entry" "into Its full-time, post -secondary Secretarial Program, This. .interesting program will enable )Lou to enter' executive, medical, or legal seeretorial-areas°: For fur- , ther information contact the Clinton 'Centre, Adastraf''•-Park Road,• ,Clinton, Ontario. • Telephone' 482-3458. :.C'ONEtTOGA gOLLEGE OF APPLIED ARTS -AND TECHNOLOGY. . , IfT TEAR BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 4.°> o . a 4 The Stratford Centrea°of Conestoga'CoIlege will be acceptIngaregIstrations fo.r Veit 1 of the Busin-eis Administration Program •for a few more d ys. If you ,are Interested' In en- ,,' tering ..an interesting -and rewarding post- seodndary °-program,. glye us •a call et 270 Water Street, Stratford. Telephone.; 271-5700.E 5• - a; c .. CONJESTOGA COLtE-GE • Of APPL•IED- ARTS AND' TECHNOLOGY ''SOCIAL NEWS Mr° and Mrs. Barnby Cade decorated chairs on ,the plat - arid faMily►°of ,St: Marys visited ford along with her sister, on the weekend with het° sister, ' Joanne Hickey and friend, Bon- Mrs. Elmer .Trommer, Mr; nie Veenstra. Trommer and- Miss Connie. The gifts were brdught in by Weekend guests with Mrs. .Anne Boyle, Mary -Anne Boyle, PBeth Lansing were Mr. and„ Mary Ellen Foran and Mrs. Allison' Gardhouse of "M Margaret Foran. Midland Miss Vicky Gar -"Connie thanked itveryone for dhouse of Toronto and Mr. Don the, lovely gifts and invited all Mc`tauirter of Hamilton. to come to open h-pu•se 44 her Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Elliott home:• - visited on the weeks d with her The evening closed with, a parents; Mr. 'arid Mrs. Gordon delicious lunch served by the Miller, ' • St.- Augustine, t.W.L. Mrsr, William Rueger and tCarOl of RF 2 Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Dennis Rugger, .'Sherry and 'Julie of -,Lyndon and"Mr. and Mrs: .Borden Jenkins of 'W'ingham were gurid47. visitors °.With Mr. -and Mrs. Don Cart-;, Wright, David, Derrick and Lorne, , • : - -''' - - Mr. and Mrs, -Ed Davies recently' ,''attended the ,4-H The second meeting of the Auburn 'Teen -With Enter- tainers 4-I-1 dub • was , held at the home of Miss Marie Emmy. The president, Lynn Turner was in Oa* of meeting which was ° opened with the e4-14 pledge4. a « . c 11. TENDERS- OWydntarioro WESTERN REGION:_l JANITORIALSERVICE FOR CLINTON AREA 'OFFICE Ontario Hydro invitee .contrac tors to submit tenders to provide j itorial services for. the Clinton Area Office. -Tenders will be received up to 2 P.M. EDT; Wednesday, October 2, 1974. The janitorial service is to be for a three-year period com mencing November 1, 1974, and ending on October- 31, 1977. Tendering documents -may be obtained:. • • .From: 77 Bloor, Street West 3rd Floor Reception Desk Toronto, Ontario . OR .' —Area Office •. Clinton, Ontario -Writp: Director of Supply '620 pniversity4Alienue Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X6 a ,Phone 3684767 Ext 22458 • Thelender • , lowest ° west or any rtendetwill not • necessarily be, accepted. 07/8''( Guarante"ed Investment Certificates; W.E. (TED) WILLIAMS BUS. 524-7102, RES. 124-7665