HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-26, Page 94 .4 OQDbRieli SIGMAL.STAR, THURSDAY ,SEk'TIMBER 26, 'ARTICLES FOR SALE - • CHECK our pricesttt►n chesterfields,, mattresses, chrome suites, " ;off e • tables. C & E New and I.I4ed Fur 1. nitureq '524-7231...1'2 mile,.. Taut h of Goderich.--tf" AVTOMATtC Toilet Bowl Cleaner ,removes -rust, lime .and' mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner. Of your. toilet -tank. Available at , Hoffmeyer Pliemhing and Heat'irig, Kingston Servo, (;utlerich. g1,4 el � e � GOOD used furniture bought and sold. Patterson's Used Furniture. Phone 594)-761.6 —8f • 14 FT. CRESTLINER, 40 H.P. Johnson, electric start, speedometer and convertible top. Phone 524- 6100.,-36 • to 39 • • SINGER--L-For Authorized' Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts & notions, service•to all makes. Pratt's Sewing Centre, 73 Hamilton St. -521-8431, Goderich.-28,29tf GARRARD st.ere&—fecord player, withoutstacker, with magnetic car- ' tridge. Best used with low or medium priced outfit, Wont $70,00 new; complete with brand new diamond stylus for $32:50. Call 524- 91:b6° :31 tfnc ASSORTMENT of speakers. .for stereos• selling Mr half• price. Hi Fi Cabinet Shop, 75 Huron Street, Clinton, 'Ontario. Phone 462- 6606. -36,37,38,39x 8"2- 6606. -36,37,38,39x tion of good used sewing machines, Singer, White,. ,and 'others. Repairs- • , to all. makes•. All machines and ' ▪ repairs' guaranteed, 29 East St, .524-6012, ,La--.Boutique.--=38t1`AR 1rc drape 50" x con - DEADLINE aqt FOR TAKING CL.ASSIFIED. ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS- CANNOT BE ACCEPTED AFTER . 1 2 O'CLOCK FOR THAT WEEK'S PAPER LASSIf:IEDS - 13c per word, miniihum $1.50 'ARTICLES FOR SALE 'ARTICLES FOR SALE HIGH Schciol Ring, Like new, $20. PIANO cabinet, old .'square. grand" Phone .524-9106 1.1nytime.-33tf , style. 52478033.-39 • • FARM WAGON, good tires, LARGE dog house, $15.00., Phone $200.00. Phone`524-2352.-38,39x 524-6960.-39 •6 ONE 30" .gas range; one 24" gas TV, HI-FI, radio' combination. 'range; two gas space heaters; ' Good condition. $150.00. Phone 524 - wringer washer with pump; chester- • 8941 or 524-6149.-39 . field -set, vinyl. Phone 482-7724 af- ter 5 p.m. -39x" APPLES, pick your own beginning Octobelt 4th. Picking days Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays ,and .'Satur- days, closed Sundays. Spy, King, Tallman 'Sweets, Delicious, Snow, Greening,, . Baldwins, • etc. Picked.. McIntosh. McClymont Orchard, 1, mile south of Varna, phone 482- 3214 or .482-9141.-39,40,41 • . BOY'S -hockey skates, very good, condition,'size. 6. Call 524=8008, '=-39 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR. SALE 1969 PONTIAC • Wagon. Contact Dave's B.P. at the Five Points, Goderich, 524-2371.-7-39' „ 3A. PET.•STOCK,t p ' ST. BERNARD, registered puppies, from • top American and Canadian dogs. Beautiful size, markings and • temperament. Stud service available. 'Kellisa kennels, Registered. Phone 1-225-2842.--39 LABRADOR Retriever puppies, yellows and chocolates, registered, shots; also . Welsh, Corgi pups, Rgistered, shots. Peter. Edis;bllry, • ipley, 395-2438,-39,40 • BEAUTIFUL black and tan Ger- man Shepherd pup, five weeks old, • $2-0:06, Phone Auburn,' 526- 7763.-39 TROPICAL fish, canaries. Coni- piete pet supplies, T'at's Pet 3511 Main Street, Exeter, Ontario. Open '10 a.m. tu» p.m. daily and Friday evenings.f HOCKEY equipment for 11 to 13- • year-old, goalie mask, pants, SA. -ROOM & BOARD COMFORTABLE Roorrl,• & Board available, lunches packed. Phone 524-6684.-35tf • cat- 6, ACCOMMODATION TO -RENT ching-hand glove, one pair new for. ward gloves; one pair Bauer size 6 ' • , -skates. f.easonable prices. Phone 3 BEDROOM town house for rent 524 8895.-39 at ,Vanastra- R.R.' 5; Clinton, $125 ) th 1I utilities paid Phone PIANO in nod condt,tron. Phone g " Jean. 48'>-7:196 anvtrme.-2'>tf . v;• c1 field; two.boy's suits, size 10. Call TV ANTENNA, , rotor and 'new• OFFICE °for rent. Good locations 524 9811.39 Available Sept1, Phone - after 5 p.m. bi�c�:lter. Phone 524-7036:.-:)9,40 . • • ' 5243845.-33tf " - MAN'S Schick costume shaver, "° . - • ° $10.00;man's wool coat, size 38-40, HOOVER Spin -Dry Washer. 524- $6.00. In perfect condition. Phone 8189 after 5 p.m. -39 524-228339 SEWING`MACHINES. Large selec-ONE French Provincial. chaster 524-77 y ORANGE,"' ac 95". •Ibc„.relon$h dition., Phone...* r 5 p.m.--3gtffsec ' . • h BURLEY'S • Used Furniture, ap- pliances and anti0ues bought and.., ~old. 26 Newgate Street, Goderich, - Phone 524-6854.-27tfA!R •, 1970 NORDIC 'SKI-DOO, cover and 'trailer; good condition. 524-9189 af- ter 5:30 — $500.--38,39 • • GRAPES, ' and McIntosh apples ,ti . plus other commodities foe sale at 'Ij • +;- Bellview Fruit Farm:" Phone 524- 8011, concession 4, Goderich,•--48tf 3ti PEACHES, apples,' pear;;,; plums, potatoes,•and honey. Pick your' own Mac's: Art Bell's Fruit Farm, phone 524-8O37":=-38tf Fail 'Features • Kroehher 4 piece Bedroom Suite the Mediterranean style. Suite chides triple dresser and mirr armoire chest, he'hdboard • a frame, and a night table: Sug Ust '" "$729.50, our special pric • : s�5 7 9.5 0 Sklar 2 piece chesterfield suite= high back traditional style in figured velvet. Sug. Lig .$126.00 -. In in• or, nd e. S29.50 Chesterfield suite 2 piece by Helena in figured velvet. Sug. List $529.50 5349.95 Modern 2 piece Chesterfield suite ,; -by Helena strip velvet and plain arm$. Sug. List $459.50 THREE aluminum storm doors, ap- proximately 80"' .x 31"; .one ,sec- tional garage doof.2 approximately 90" x _160", 'vith dual windows. Call 524-2239.••=39- - r OFFICES and warehouse. Contact Bruce MacDonald 524-8146 in TWO good snow tires and wheels, to fit '67 Chevrolet, 759-x 14,' $30.00 for pair. Apply Norman Kompf, Kit- . _ONE -BEDROOM, heated, fur-. chigarni ,Camp, Goderich, nished apartment, utilities 'paid, Ont. -39,40x • centrally located, adults only. Apply evenings.— :37tf 2 Cambria Rd. N. 36tf THREE aluminum :windows, 34112" _ . ., SWAN double 'stroller; Zenith floor x 73". $15.00; two aluminum doors, B. ENING x ' """ Phone 524-8713.-39 - 34'10", $20.00. Phone 524-7583 after a to P ' 5 p m -39 utilities• included.' Phone 565-28.43, ,ACTION,. SPORTS SCE-NTRF.; p' Three bedroom horse, 'Goderich, . Velnastra. Going Out of Business HUMIDIFIER, like" new, _drum .. near schools, available immediatsly, $289.00 per month- Sale, October 4th, 5th and 6th: Sale type, $40,00; 8000 B.T.U. air con- phone 565-2843.-38,39AR ;►ours' Thursday 4 p.m: - 10 '11..m., ditioner, - $150.00, excellent con - EGoderich, of 'polisher: • Both excellent condition. one 8111"" x 3:35/8" and one 80118". x , de - . p 8, HELP WAKED SALES PERSON wanted, must like meeting people. Only the aggressive and ambitious persons, need apply. Singer, .7'3 . Hamilton Street, Goderich.-39AR LABOURERS an Truck Drivers Required. Please reply to Box 143 Signal-Star, stating age ,and previous experience. Al! replies will be kept strictly' confidential -74;34f Experienced Foil & Part -Time WAITRESSES WANTED 7 A.M.m— -2 P.M.' APPLY CLUB 'GRILL - KINGSTON ST. 524-8168 APPRENTICE- MECHANIC. . WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE • WAGES IN ACCORDANCE WITH EXPERIENCE APPLY IN PERSON J.P. SCHUTZ MOTOR SALES Friday 10 a.m. - 10 p'm Saturday dition; electric sander,. $20.00; win - p.m. $39,918.00 stock must be fer, new condition; -two. pair' of lined tral, west end, Phonte 482-7140 liquidated. 14 new 'and used brocade drapes, beige, one pair 7' x "evenings snowmobiles, •motorcycles, 22' and one pair 51/2''x 15'. Phone 10 aim 10 p m " Sunday 1 • p m 6' dow fan $5 00 an Irak desk; best f THREE-BEDROOM house:. cen- snowmobile clothing,• -.accessories, .. 524-6037:-39 ' FURNISHED rooms with ..Iiviria oils, etc, office equipment, shop room and kitchen.privi'le(;e4• Phone tools. Savings. up" to 60% .-39• MODERN Frigidaire 4 burner elect s ` tris range, 2.'large burners and 2 524-3433' or 524-2482,-37,38,:39,40: LADY'S bicycle, stands •d size; two small burners, 'In.. very food_. con- ,- "" "":"'-`" °. schooldesks; •. apartment size. dition. Call 524-8009.-39_ SINGLE PERSON to share house in Dungannon area, $65 per-m'iinth . plus some pet care. Write P.O. -Box 83, Goderich.- '39tf two adults; complete hockey equip-„ EXERCISE • bicycle • in, new con- ment, for si`ies five to ten years; dition ..Phone 524-8853 after 6 boy's 'snowmobile helmet, boy's size' p.m, -:39 • ` 4112 Bauer Black ',Panther skates; • , -. spinhing 'wh'eel; .wool -,.reel;' butter, PIANO.— Starck Cabinet Grand — press. Phone 524-9537.-39 $195.00. Phone 524-1648.=39ac FINAL fall ;clearance of all used bicycles at 'Dorf'•s Bicycle Repairs, 305 Ontario St., Clinton. All vied 'bicycles sold'•as is arid priced from $10.00 and asp•.• For further infor- mation phone 482-9941,-39' SEPTEMBER clearance of all new bicycles in stock, save 5% to 10' ori boys and girls :3 speeds, 5 speeds, 30 'speeds finds, 1 adult :3 wheeled .tricycle. For further information contact Dtyn's Bicycle Repairs, 3,05 Ontario St.,• Clinton.. Phone 4R2- 994'1,-39 • n �� 38' X 8' FULLY equipped mobile. . 2 9 9.9 5 ' Phone .526-72:38.-39,40 . Oak dlningroom suite by House&of • 8' X 35' MOBILE Home, fttrnitihed. Bra,emore Sug'. List $1099:95 .,- Best offer. Phone 524-8941 or 524- u only $8 4 9.9 5 6149.-39 •• Colonial buffet & dutch by Baronet. Sug. List $329.00 x..• 5149.00 BLACkSTQN.E FURNITURE WEST ST GODERICH KB7 INTERNATIONAL Dumli Truck, as is, $150.00; l0,ton wagon, 8;25 x 20 tires, $356.09. Phone 529-, 7962,--39 • • COLEMAN natural gas .floor fur- " mace, can he converted for pr6pane, s;w.itable `for small house or cottage. Good condition'.'. Phone 524- 7483.--39x - 7483.---39x • 21%*. ARTI{LES WANTED 1tYGONF trill 'pity the part's° for antique Tiles•. l'rgent IN required Hoy), 4 Incks,'firelu'nts,. 11114 In:;tss and - (4i'op1')er items, roll top desks, etc., etc. Phone 524-0945,-,-..5011' FURNITURE, glass, china, cl,s k4,. hell-,, •hi•1)4,, copper. Will' ! uy for cash ase sell ht' auction. Mike Cum- ming,. Auctioneer. '7:x24-9064. _ WANTED TO BUY - Gobd used piano. Phone 524-7982.-39,40,41 TV ,ANTENNA, tower and rotor. Phone 524-8619.---39 - R MAN'S 'charcoal 'suit, size 42;s4 2ARTICLES F0 RENT ,vou'tjt's 114 length 1"2 belted navy top a coat with' zip-in.lining, size 36; grey.o• I i)It1 (4.\i; II,V tI'`1LS f.1r ,tel. ,;, - suit with ,blue stripe, size 34; lady's „-)„,i.,„1,... 1 }'".4'4' .0,1:, li1,h'lut,'e :air Sabre t t 12• tit °i LIGHT Housekeeping room, fully ,. furnished, ' cable available. Miss Mary B. Howel•t„ 1'2 St. Vincent Str?et. Phone; 52'4-8fa42.-39tf PERSb \to"'sire 2 Itedroom aptit- meet, rent $70,00 ,pet; month. Phone 524=2221 afterS p.m:P-391,40 • ROOM • availElble, use •of kitchen .facilities,: non: smoker. Phone 524- 6269.-39 . APARTMENT FOR RENT, Heated one bedroorn apartment close,.to the Square. Nof suitable for children.* Available October 1`st. Phone 524-6'542.—,39 FOR 'RENT at Vanast • 3- b rbor1 'hq�ts�;-.$'125 i1) m 'nt ly, a abfjti'Ost. r th.': `a11 Harold. W. ltior �oarr'Rea l''Es to 1 Olee4; r24- 727,..-'34AR 8. HELP WANTED PI.EASAN'u. responsible person required,as part time, sales clerk for local office. Reply in writing to P.O. Box 153 c/o Signal Star Publishing, Box' 220;' Goderich,'Ontario, stating 'qua lifications.---37,38,39,40nc VICTORIA Public School requires a part-time -secretary. Duties to in- clude library and audio-visual assistant. Written applications 'should be forwarded to D. L. O'Brien, principal, Victoria Public School," 135 Gibbons „St.l Goderich:--39 • '.t WANTED" "-•— Lady to stay with elderly lady two days a week on weekends. °No' heavy work. Reply Box 1.55, Signal-Star.--39tf - REQUIRED'— A baby sitter in my o'wn home. For further information call 524-8918,-39,40 11. TENDERS Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada ONTARIO REGION - LONDON OFFICE ' TENDERS .' SEALED TENDERS addressed to Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administriitive Services, •Department of Public Works, Canada, 457 Richmond St., P.O.' Box . 668, London, Ontario, NBA 4Y4 and'en- dorsed "TENDER FOR "PROJECT NO., L-82207, Paving, Post Office, Brussels, Ontario" will •.be received until -3:00 p.m. E.D.S.T.; Wednesday, October 9, 1974. Tender documents can be, ob- tained through the o'ffice of the Head, Tenders, Contracts, and Ad- • ministretive Services, Department of Pubftc Works, Canada, 457 Richnfond St:, P.O. Box 668, London, Ontario; NBA 4Y4 and may be seen at this of - "lice. To' be considered each . tender must be submitted on the forms sup plied by'theDepartment and must be` prepared In accordance .with the con- ditions set forth therein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A.F. Jackson, Head, Tenders, Contracts and Administrative Services. LONDON, Ontario. 8. HELP WANTED Are you - .interested in a got »inco.meehAre *yowl �frtM y t.erested in' financial and - -Weekend Help - part -alms waitresses for our - lounge. Apply In person to- Candlelight Restaurant Hwy. 21 Goderich 9. WANTED (General) BOARD for one horse, box stall. 524-6626 after 5 p.m. 39 WANTED - TV tower and 'aerial. Contact 524-9K87.-39,40 COMPLETE household effects or snail Tots wanted. ('all (' and E Furniture, 524-72:31.•-•gtf 12. AUCTION SALE Auctioneering ANY KIND OF SALE Let Harold Do. It HAROLD LAMB 154 REGENT STREET GODERICH G 524-9657 • RATHWEL.L'S AUCTIONEERS • and " LIQUIDATORS ,..RRUCEFIELD, ONT. Offer the most modern auction methods.' 'LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO—WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 12, AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction SOle Of., Faris' Machinerx; Cars; Snowmobiles; 'Bern Timbers and Boards; Household Effects and Antiquis for Mr. Wms E•& Jean Little, first farm East of Londesboro, off. -Hwy. 4 on Saturday, September 28 at 11 a.m. 1969 Four-wheel drive Ford Diesel -Tractor with a .310 Loader, (Reserve.,.bid) 44 Massey Tractor; '197 , . ! atsun 510 car; (Reserve Bi, ,1971' Ford F 350 truck; 1966"' f`nvoy car; 3‘ snowmobiles. New' Holland • Baler;' Tractor ,plow;. Case Hammermill; 4 row turnip. planter; 2 .wheel . trailer; wagon box; -'corn cutter box; tWo 3 point fork iI ts;,1000' of 6" x 6" sq. mesh fence; number of Iron security gates; quantity of chain-link fence parts; -150 used cdposts; 100-4'5 gal. barreearls; horse buggy; milk cans; -large: blocks of walnut wood; flat -to -wall ,cupboard; Targe antique heater with mica front; Quebec heater; 2 coal and wood cook stoves; dining- room extension/tables; cabinet radio;. rocking chairs; bureau; 4 commodes; hospital' bed; night table; desk; parlour table; 'Barn - boo book shelf; trunks; mirrors, horse collars; crocks; 2 Futter churns; . sausage maker; oil (amps harlld tools; dishes; 'pots and pans. Also selling the frame of a 36' x 56' barn consisting of timbers, barn boards and a quantity of lumber. • ' • Tessio -cash Mike Cumrnings-auctioneer Goderich 524-9064 job security? - Dominion' Automobile 'Association have opening!, for individuals who want to move up in a sales: career. If you would like to move - up:, a, . to have'' -higher,. guaran- teed ; income ' - o have•higher annual increased earnings year af- ter year. - to have the opportunity , . of .a business ofyour,own - to have prestige in.your community � to have a pension' and. - group benefits _ A t 'ACT FAST and let us know. You will receive complete on the' job training end continuous guidance a ins' your career. For, a°personal interview, telephone or write: Mr. D.D. Keenan, Dominion Automobile Association, 201 King Street, London, Canada'. Telephone (519) 434-2185. LEASE THE LAND - OWN. THE HOME 4.00king for a'home-to rent? Let ca us- show you liow• you can own your home for as little as $125 ..per month. Phone 524-6384 or . 624-8059 Huron Haven .;•tomes, RR 6, Goderich, Ont. -46 �iec u t , a re pan sur ,size •I \ • s►n & S4 aI-tIm1 Style Slott ,' , 4 crirnplene dresses, size 12. •All i'lerirh -�(itf ° . i•-• 'freshly dry cleaned. Call '524- .— --- - — _--- 9569.-39 0 I'(1 1(EN'I' . wl ,rr per d;t4 rents too . .5,4-44111 4'1e4I1'1) 10.: .11,IIt1p„4,4'I I6et1141tt',+ . inert' Flea Market TILE ,%1.4Hl:ls 1'°11'1T11 .1 LI FILE B17' OF E I'FR)'7111„VG a LOCATED 3 MILES SOUTH 'OF GRAND BEND, ONTARIO ° . "CSN HIGHWAY # 21 • OPEN 1(i a.m, 5 ,p.mt.' EVERY SUNDAY MAY .5th. — SEPTEi11BEIR 29th ' Aiim'ilsion ,500, 5A 1•LARGE. SELECTION OF. GLASS, CHINA; PRIMITIVES, CLOCKS - COLLECTIABLES, CRAFTS,'. LEATHER, Po3TERY, WEAVING, CANDLES ADM() FEATURE ,T11LS YEAR Eckh Week We Will Feature an Item Which the I)ealcr.s will Bring along . t with Their Regular Stock ALVVA;$ A BAi`tN f ILL O FURNITURE REFRESHMENT WASHROpMS. PARKING' 7 etc.: etc., etc., 11('11184', A'i, til'1\1,4' I),' i11(41i 11111dw,tre, 3sh4,1st :,'1 ►81. i; -lett ' . ! /'/t11'\I. RENTALS loll' 111.1 04 - ,',,AntiI'1, kl'tl ;itid (Campbell 1.11..; (elm? on .111)1- a lt?tpt'l'It )1. l 1:11 3. CARS, TRUCKS FOR'SAtE 1971 DODGE, 172 ton, panel, 6 cylin- de's automatic transmissiont , ex- cellent tires, 19w mileage, certified, a'e sly to go. Phone' 2.1,- 9566.----:39xAR" M 1966 13UiCK Wildcat, 2 door hard- top, 34,000 original miles,.new ,vet,v good condition. 524-8709.,.-3f4 1966 ('I -TEV TRUCK; standard. Phone --526.7238.-•---:399,40 1966 FORD Mustang, 6 cylinder, t uVinI/1•tic. 524.8482."—:39 Township of Colborne TENDERS FOR SNOW PLOWING - Sealed 'tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until 5 P.M. October 11 , 1974. for the,sup- ' ply on a rental basiti'during the 1974-75• winter season, of a . 'dump truck weighted with, sand or gravel, witha minimum G.V,W. of 40,000. Such truck to beequipped with hydraulic - snow plow and wing and chains, driver and •wingman. - Lowest. o, any tender not necessarliv.accepted. ,v. STAN,DING TIME (IF ANY) OPERATING TIME _ (Pia' HOUR) ownship of Colborne. RMI Good b . Road. Superintendent' . RR -5 Goderidh;N7A 3Y2. a • t: SEi,LREMTAT.. ,. f : . •. Due to our 1974�Expantfion Program, we are looking foe Sales People for pur:Clinton and Goderich Offices, Many people from all walks of life have doubled their Income since •joining our Sales Staff of over 60 Represet%tatives. 1 • We will offer you' l HIGH COMMISSION SPLIT MANY LISTINGS AVAILABLE MANAGERIAL ASSISTANCE FREE ADVERTISING ' - - ' 4 • Give us'' a call for a personal interview. 'WILFRED MclNTEE & CO. LIMITED• BOX •549, Walkertbfl, Ont. 881.2270, 44 or WILLIAM iiiNGSTbN ---Salsa Menages R.R. 1, Hepworth, Ont. 935.2,'74 , Oh • t") ^ 4. cn 8. HELP WANTED 13.,SERVICES AVAILABLE TOWER and -aerial removal, .0)n - 'tact 5'3'4•-9887:—:37-38x , MAN with,' 1 = ton will -do. light• delivery, clean-up. $8.0() 'per load Phone 524-8553.•- '?7,28, 29AIl,tf' .' WILL do painting, roofing' and eavestr0ugh•in:g. ('all.- Paul Lassa) ine. '524-7158.----30tfAfe, LA''DIES Winter will' soon be here, be ready for it. Have Your out : fits made by Dianne. Phone 524, 2'492,-38tfar PiAN() Ie'.'. -n- for h.c't.yrining stud(nt.. For nu,re'inforni;ttton 41)11 SF,P'1'l(- tank, llramted, ntodt'rn ctfullsnlet'll, v<44rk"iu1) ill/,ti'e)l \\'rltt- n phnme 11-'I' Dale, ('11nt,431 Phone 18(2. ;:32t1 I 1 8. HELP WANTED OPPORTUNITY For skilled cabinet makers and boat builders. We offer interesting jobs, good,"wages, and promising ..advancement, building top quality - sailing yatchs in our rspoly expanding produc- tion business. Contact: a "'••• r a Bayfield Boat Yard Ltd. V _ m Vanastra Park, Clinton - • • . '482-3425 ,DAILY (.AR RENTAL ° " Reasonable Rates MtGE.F;'S Goderich Phone 524-8:391 gl9tf APPLE BICKERS REQUIRED n ° Must be able to handle 20 foot (adders Apply'n pers_nn to Lassaline Orchards RRu,2`Goderich 524-777 ,4 R Jnglis--Moffat—Beatty Sales --Service Repairs to all makes ' . 36•Brithnnia,Rd. W. Ph.' 524-7871. —17t1 - ACE° n RADIO a TV 1'ilss.es4 .9 Sales -'&'Service• Reoairs to all • • makes.°of pRadio A .Televglsion.., 60 PIC'1'ON ST. W. - FRANK WILCOX-524-7M IOW • 4YOUR, FURNITURE AND CARPETS DESERVE ,THE' BEST!- - Hav - Carpet. Core Clean thiiem,with' • P Steam. m Cali n W, 0