HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-19, Page 211 P rs . 0.' . Nen to attend the. NEW BINGO, Clinton Legion Hall 8:30 Every Thursday: Ad - Mission $1.00, fifteen regular games. $10.00, each. Three' Share-The,Wealth eames. One Jackpot for $170.00 ith 56 cads consolation. une cats .ands $10.00 added weekly if not won.-cgt'fn= Bl✓NMIL. LER FOWL SOP.. PER-- Ott 30/74, Adults $3.00 children under 12, $L50. First setting 5:30 second setting 7:00. Phone for tickets at -524-8078 or 524-9314.-41 \%) BINGO every Saturday, at Goderich Legion Hall 8:30 p.m. Fifteen regular games, $12.00 prizes. Four tshare-the-wealth games, with° tlii•s week's iacknot $75.00 won in 55 calls. Door prizes. Admission $1.00—gtf COIVIE to the Old Time Variety "CConcert;= North Street United Church, Wednesday, September 25, 1974, 8:30 p.m. Christian Education Hall. Sponsored by U.C.W. $1.25. adults, 75c for children. -36,38 FRIDAY, September, the' 27th; A Dance sponsored by the Canadian Foresters,.No., 86 and L1901 in Saltford. 'Music for WAKE, dance, from 10 until 1, $3.00 per 'person. Proceeds for the Benmiller Ball' Park lights. For tickets call 529.7134 or 524.9840 or 482-9954.-38,39 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Paul Black (nee Connie Hickey) will be held at Saltford "on Saturday, September. 11, 1974; - 9 to 1 a.m. Friends, neighbors and relatives welcome. Music by the "Westernairres." Lunch ser- ved. -38x CANVASSERS for the C.N.I.B. Campaign will . be calling on homes in Ashfield and West Wawanosh Twps. area during CO,MMENCEMEN'' ° EXER- CISES, Goderich District Collegiate Institute, will be held Friday, September 27th at $:00 p.m.--38,39AR • COME TO THE Old Time- Variety Concert, . N8rth Street Urlited Church,. Wednesday, Septemher 25, 1974, 8:30 Jp.m., , Christian Education Hall. Sponsored by. U.C.W, ,$1.25 fi.iaor adults, 75c for children. -36,38 September., "Your Gift Keeps GODERICH Minor Hockey Blind People on the'go." Please Supporters, Club, upstairs at Help. Mrs. Carl Riegling,,Cam- Arena, Monday, September 23, BEEF - .BARBECUE; paign Chairman. -38' ,at 8 p.m. All mothers and'slip- Brucefield United ChNrch,`°: porters are urged to attend this- 1�..�....,.:........ ..—..-:..�..... • meeting. --38 r, ' Wednesday, October' 23, 1974, 5 t ° to 8 p.m. Adults $3.50, children j ' LUCKNOW FALL FAIR ( "- . { FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ( TURKEY SUPPER at Victoria $1; 75. Advance tickets,.; ' onl 38-42 SEPTEMBER 20, 21 „Street United: Church, Wed - y'— j i• FRIDAY NIGHT 3 nesday, October 9, 6:30 p.m. Adults $3.00; children twelve Arena, open to view inside tand under, $4.50. For tickets exhibits, admission 50c. Continuous . 1 entertainment by local talent. 1' SATURDAY AFTERNOON j JI re RESTAURANT ITI �7 And PIZZERIA WEST ST. GODERICH 5242184 ° OPEN 7 DAYS A, WEEK .—SEA.FOODS--` STEAKS°— CHOPS — CUTLETS.. • S 25 Fish &Chis 1. special p Friday. TAKE OUT PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED WED. THURS -FRI.-SAT.: BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND "BORN LOSERS" A RE-RELEASE THE ORIGINAL SCREEN APPEARANCE OF TOM LAUGHLIN As BILLY JACK SEPT:18,19,20;21 • Parade at. 1° .p.m. led by M,t, Forest High School Band, Lucknow j j Concert Band and Brussels Legion 'jj Pipe Band; floats, decorated cars, trikes, bikes, horses,Miss Dominion i• of Canada and all contestants in the Miss Midwestern Ontario ,, 1 Beauty Contest will ride in the parade; midway, baby show, 4.17 j "show, entertainment, rodeo. events. / • SATURDAY• NIGHT ; Concert ,in Lucknow Arena at E 8:30 p.m. Entertainment by j f �5 Clarence 'Adam. group, Canada's) Cj dancer and other champion step 1 0A ,. ' area talent; 10 p.m. Judging -of Miss Midwdstern Ontario; winner to be 1 S . 'crowned ' by Miss Dominion of i PORI , Canada' and s ll enter 1975 Mis j • 4 Dominion'of Canada Contest; eon- apii cert continues. ° ,:E ,p GS 43 phone 524-7696.-38,39x . •• TRACTOR PULL .At Lucknow on Sunday, September 22nd at 1 p.m. for Out -Of -The -Field Tractors only; 7000 Ib.,_ 9000, lb., 10,000` lb , 12,000 lb., 16,000 lb., 18,000 lb. and over; Good prizest,en- tries and enquiries, phone Art Helm 529-7627 or. 529-7628; Stu Reateie 52$-3010 or 528-2028: •0.101140011014014011104001011041110 - GOD RICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, 'SEPTEMBER 'IA 197I °P BE` 8A►. DUNANNON FALL FAIR Friday,. September HORSE RACES WESTERN RACES DOMESTIC SCIENCE BABY SttOW. Parade at 1:00 p.m. in Dungannon 2 7 •r • Lady Curlers Sweepers Frolic MAITLAND, COUNTRY CLUB Saturday, Oct. 5 Dance to the Moonliters 9 1 $12 per couple — includes lunch TICKETS 'AVAILABLE FROM MAE SCHAEFER AT 524- 8502 LOWPITCH BASEBALL at the. Goderich - Ball ' Park er iccarman potOgrrap y .5244924 amPASSP�. ►RT "ew l # .. . �� 12 The �qu#rf . WEDDINGS0 . s<rrtall .PORTRAITS- ::'ctilicireq aerial, ..COMMERCIAL' industrial colour _ P O S T C A R D S 4:, brochures. oil • —FRAMING -0.: needlework PHOTODRAWING ENLARGEMENTS large family ALSQ. SPAGHETTILASAQNARAVIOLi 50' WEST STREET, GODERICH (Nra.r The Laundromat) 4-76 Delivery Charge only SOc, OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday tht'ough; Thursday 4 to 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday 4 to 3:30 a.m. Sunday 4 to 12 We now have, 18" PARTY SIZE PIZZA. 'EVERT FRIDAY IN SEPT. FISH SNACK . 4I OPENS. AT 8:00 SHOWS START AT DUSK GODERICH FIRE --DEPT. DRIVE-IN GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.9981 1• yr - proceeds to Muscular Dystrophy A RE TOM "BORN LAUGHLIN as Billy pack in LOSERS" The ()hectors Company presents ELIZABETH JAMES.' JEREMY SLATE • WILLIAM WELLMAN., IR ,'a�`J,ANE RUSSELL " ." V•DON HENDEI SON • ".".tWki'T C. FRANK �w' , ;;,e, DELORES TAYLOR • Yr in COLOR- An AMERICAN INTERNAT,ON,,AL RE REA EASE SI. DMITTANCE • Opcomoismyr PLUS WOMEN WHO MAHE THE'HIND OF OFFER A COP CAN'T REFUSE! 7r` �4ttiN *V‘ .� RESTIUCTE0 ADULT ENTIITAIMYEITT '1 • A Pj'am.,wnt ke'cas Jack Lemnnon ins his most important dramatic role since , "The Dp.ys of Wine and Roses'.' diro'neiI THE LDVELIFEOFACQP MORGAN PAOLL; ART METRANO Paramount Pictures Presents • AN ALAN J PAKULA PRODUCTION WAIRREN BEAm THE PARAMOUNT .PrtI1JRES CORPORAL lON and FILMWAYS, INC. present P JACK LEMMON in A MARTIN RANSOHOFF Prthuction -SAVE THE TIGER" co-starring JACK GILFORD In COLOR A PAR`AMOUnT PICTURE u PARAILAXv1w -1 .^ANAVSIfl v r.Er HNI r1IOR ® . 4Pit NOP. QMITTANCE• ! .� RESTRICTED DMITTAIVCE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRLS IN THE WORLD! Pararnount Pictures Presents A SDDittarius Prcxlltchon 1iza�bet i Taylor . . "Ash Wednesday Miss MARCH Ji,eet'Bunny Her Friend8! ` `They planned LOVE Like a, Bank gbbery:! COMING WEDV;' SEPT. 2.5 "I hoien't .h d sLkh a time • . at a new movie inoylears." • ' a. Peter Bogc cirlovtch Ne. orfs Magazine p� r 11-1E OSKE E,ERS TI'CHNICOEOR" °'�'^ .PRINTS BY OI tUxF' P Adutt Entertairatent FOX he.was ttfeir Par JURY. and XECUTONER! the Centerfold . ,Gir1s Arthur Marks41, a� Prints Btunny 'ap► r A Gbneral film Carporatt Ah Refeaae Y• Admission:. Charitable Donation- The onation- Saturday, Sept.. 21, 1974 8:00 P.M. REGISTRATION Goderich" Figure Sk�ting� Club AT THE :ARENA Saturday, September 28- .=1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, October 5 1 to 4 p.m. FEES: Beginners and Juniors ,0 515.00. Intermediates and and $5.00 . Famiiy "Rates -. 450.00 Power Skating . F650 Registration for power skating will be on the same above dates, also Saturday,' September 21 from 9-12 and ,Saturday, September 028 from 9-12., ' b Skating starts Saturday, October 19th. • J AT THE • BURGER BAR EAT -1N OR TAKE-OUT 37 Kingston St. Goderich 524-6152 „p . SUNDAYS DINE 'BY CANDLEUGHT 'bur" roast beef ie a delight _ :Licensed under LC.B.O. COLOUR TV BAYFIELD RD.," GODERICH RELAXING 524.7711 ATMOSPHERE DINNER RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED - DININGand DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDA Y, SEPTEMBER. 20 & 21 • * Sorry we cannot accept reservations for entertalnmen SEVENTH ANNUAL Travei.&*Adventure Series 1' ii. -1974-5EDITION • The Rotary Club Of Goderich. Presents: SEPTEMBER 24 --RUSSIA &ITS PEOPLE .— Raphael Green OCTOBER 22 — BOLIVIAN ADVENTURE ,— Romain Wllheimeeo NOVEMBER 26 - VOYAGEURS FOREVER (Montreal thru Alaska•by canoe) y- Pbll Pemberton ., JANUARY '28"'-- YELLOWSTONE AND THE TETONS -- Raymond Moffitt MARCH 25 -- IRRESISTABLE INDIA -- Cmdr. Karl Stein APRIL 15 -- THAILAND =- Riphael Grein a, QDCI AUDITORIUM - Tickets available at the following locations. *CAMPBELL'S OF tObE'IRI.0 l 7, 5 2 4- 7 5 3 2 FINCHER'S SMOKE SHOP- 5 24 1'9944 COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 524-8366 CLIIItON NEWS -RECORD, ^4.82-3443 FRANK PETER, BAYFIELD - 5'161"5,:25514. i l`"VIC'1rOItIA & GREY TRUST -.5.2.4-7381 *RAWSON &' SWARTMAN - 52,4,,93 1 2 tiJARTLIFFS BAKERY, •CLINTON - 482-9727 '. b AOR ANY ROTARIAN PURCHASE EARLY ADULT TICKET • $800' <, PRICES: FAMILY TICKET *117.50 ,o -- ,AND VOID DISAPPOINTMENT STUDENT TICKET --,--$4,00 • 8 k Q P.M. 0 rp a,a J4 Thailand "T 'naple• t:r • • is