HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-4-12, Page 1AND ITURON
VOL..XXI, NO. 31,
This store is
l3usincss grows because
built on a sure foundation—
Reliable Goods and low
prices. )9
Men's Long Boots at 50c. a
pair, Wornens' and Child -
rens' Shoes at 25c. and
50c. a pair ; Beantiful
colored Prints at 5c
a yard ; Fourclif-
fereut shades
41 - inch
at 25c.a
yard; Boy's
Odd Pants -at
50o. a pair; Mem
Felt Hats for 25c ;
Glass Sugar Bowls,
Creana Pitchers and
Bowlt at 9 cents each'.
You enenenively cannot afford to miss
those great Bargains. They won't last
Don't forget that with $30 00 -worth
of goods 'WO give you ono a those
ir.R, 8. FORD ce CO
Usleorne couna.
Tho dolmen met on the 7tE ilea, All
the members preitent. Minute a of previous
meeting were read and ,approved.
To fullest -mg emnonuleations were read
and laid on the table, viz. A letter -from
Mr. T, Andresv inking for the use of the
Town Hall to bold meetinge of Winded-
' sea Butter Creamery Association, and
ciroulare an 1 letters with reference to
Sevrer Pipe. Real Scrapers, Truss Bridges.
Mr, George F. Murphy preeented
petition requeeting the Council to appoint
an arbitrator to arbitrate in matter of
changing his lot from S. S. No. 3, Mans -
hard, to Union S. S, No. 13, •Blansbard
and Usboi
Gardiner-Halls-Thatnthe application
• firming the eame viz ;- S. W. Ward, .fiensall.
Diyielon No. 2, GI,' 1 Webber; 8, W Balkwill;
44j 1:i4,
' "HEW TO THE LINE, LET Taal oaxps FALI waEitl,„ THEY MAY
Jona( -Wall& itt 110118,
Pnbitshere *u4linesnerlettee
4, G Finlike; 5,J Heywood; 6, W Welsh;
7, W Brownlee; 8, 111 Hemel; 9, J Front;
10, W Perkinel 12, J Fyne, 11.3, S Wilson;
14, Hunter; 15, T Smale; 16, It Jones,
N. W, Ward, Div 1, LI MoTageort; 26„
M Ogee; 3, H Doggett; 4,,,J Hodgson; T
Wm Oke; 6, P Reddy; 7, G Ferguson; 8,
P Moir; 0, J Aitth jr ; 10, A Bienop; 11, W
}Torten; 12, G Monteith; 13. J Duni; 14,
T Ellerngton; 15, W Glenn; 16, J Horton'.
5. E. Ward, Div. No. 1, 8 Peart' 2, T
Brock; 3, A Berryhill: 4, G Heywood; 5,
C+ Upshall; 6, H Rodd; 7, W Avery; 8, 13
Beavers; 9, M Routly; 10, W Dodn; 11,11
Fleteher; 12, A Hawkey; 13, J Hazlewood;
14, G Harrah; 15, J O'Mara. N. E. Weed
Div.:No, 1, W Co said; 2, P Hemmer; 3,H
Borland; 4, S 0anapbell; 5, P McDougall;
6, M Thernpaon; 7, W J Vance; 8, W
Stewart; 9, j Duncan. 10, W Kay: 11, A
M Curdy; 12, W Dunoan; 13, It Doupe;14,
G Rutberford; 15, Arch „McCurdy.--
The following orders were granted via;
M Samwell, keep of J Hewitt and wife,
$26; J Swan, gravel, lin: J Cann, gravel,
1893 acid, 60e: Mrs Beer, gravel, $1; I
Harris, culvert $3; A MoDnnald, refunded
dog tax, R Bell jr, lumber, $34.96; E
Hewitt, phens &o, Quintoine bridge, $4.
Halle-Keddy--The council a !jaunted to
meet again SatnrclyMay 5th, at 1 o'clock.
p, m.
0. W. Howe; Mere.
• •—•41111-41
Bneree.--James Baird iet spending his
well earned holitlays at his homn-Mr
Soott has removed ell his eiock to his new
store which is elaboratele finished -Geo.
Munroe has snarted 'a butenor shop here.
An a consequence meat hen dropped 20 per
lb, -We understand that John Foote, of
the Detroit Medical college, in tende, dating
his holidays", to study with Dr. Armstrong
of this village. -Messrs. Matray Gibson,
John Aikenhead and Arthee Ketehen end
!niers Lizzie Rose, are home on their holi-
daya from the Forest City Thinness Col-
lege; London. --Next Monday • evening in
the elethocliet Church thestielebrationJubin
lee Singers, who have appeared before lhe
Royal family, will give one of their grand
concerts. The admission is only 25 cente.
Bexers,-Miss Mary Handford who has
been visiting Monde in the States returned
last Friday evening. -Mr .T. B Hill of St.
Themes paid Rev W , 11 Butt a flying
visit. -Mrs R, F 'dicks and Mrs Alex.
Knox and ditugnten retuinee-from London
Friday evening -Dr Shout -is, of London,
is in the villege finnan to organize a council
of Chosen Friends. —mr,4 Bowslaugh, who
nal been in. charge of a -saw mill in Clinton
in home again. --Rev J. H Hector, deliv-
ered twce interesting and able leoturrs in
Smith's hall on Wednesday and Thu, sday
evenings of laet week. All who were
present were delighted and wished for
the Blaok Knight's returnn-One of those
pleasant events took place at the resid-
enoe of Mr and Mrs J Colwill, on nurse
day last when their daughter Leant, was
united in marria,go to Ms. W. J. Young
of Crediton, by the Rev. W. EL Butt.
They leave with the best wishoe of their
friends to rondo in Fleeter,
of the Winchelsea Butter & Cream As.
eociation for the use of the Townehip Hall
to bold Directors end other meetings in
oonnectiou with their businees be granted,
Reddy -Halle -That Alex, McDonald
bamefended the enm 'et 02 dog tax -
Gardner -Shier- That E. Hewite be
paid the autu of $1 for plans and rpecifi-
oationssfor a new bridge on Quinton's aide
road and for examining the old bridge --
Carried. -
Halls -Reddy -That the clerk be in-
eteuoted to advertise for tenderfor the
erection of a new Cedar Incise Bndge on
Quinton's side road between lots A aud I
on eon, 5. ,
Gardiner-Keddy-iThat the application
of G. F. Murphy to appoint an arbitratoe
be not entertained at preeent as we consider
tho above course both eumbersomo and
expensive, and that the clerk oorreepond
w' the clerk of Blanshard in accordance
sy this deoieion,-Carried.
%bier -Gardiner- That the" following
patbraasters be appointed foe the current
ye3r, and that a by law be drafted con-
, 10.4.414-41
The Stolle football club has reorganized
nd the officers for the coming Beaton are
as follows: Hon. President, K. P. Nicholas;
Hon. Vice president, Frank Carlin; presi-
dent, jamas Barbour; vice-president, Mark
Draken secretary -treasurer, F. gamble,:
captain, J. Pardon; ceminitteo, Jas. Hill,
D. Carmichael, W. Sadler, T. Soele, F • D.
Hutchison, D. Brintnell, W. Long. The
club will sueet foe practice on Tuesday and
Saturday evenings as soon as the weather
permits„ -James Norria, M. A„ of °amp-
belltord, visited under the parental roof. -
NESS Code and Mrs. R. W. Delgaty, of
Stanley, were visiting T. C. Delgaty last
week. -4 meeting of the Patrons of Indus-
try was held in the town hall last Tuesday
evening, and instrpetive addresees were
delivered by Mr. Mountain, of Dowuie, Mr,
Weil, of Fullerton, and Mr. Donald. of
Blanshard. James Moore filled the 'glair
in a most acceptable mermen -Mrs. Jas.
Oliver, a Port Albert, is visiting her
mother, Mrs:. J. II. Drake, and calling on
other friends.
A better liver regulator and health
restorer than Eseljay's Meer .Lozenges is
hard to be found. This is the experiences
of a Toronto family who had tried only
one box. They are a pleasant and safe
medicine. Sold at 25o. a box at druggis's.
It Piy You
To Read this Advertisement,
and after you .have read it,
think of what you are paying
others for the same Goods.
-4tegular 260, Bottles for r7c,
--Regular` sou Bottles for.4,oc.
— M
Regular $x.00 Bottles e 75C,
Lbs. Pure Black Peppet for 25c.
-6 Lbs.. Splendid Japan, Tea for $x „a°.
—The wonder is how We can Sell so moth good Blet.strie
Soap for 25e.
We, are doing it, come and dee for yourself.
Highest pride paid for all Farm Produce,
'Vore7niA.METtON SMITH, Barrister. Solid
' tor, Conveyancer. Office ileinnit
Can be consulted after office ,hours at the
Commereial Hotel. )1eneall.
Just arrived another large atsortment of all
kinds of Boots & Shoes at A. Weselonei the
leacting Boot ik Sh0013 tore which we will not
at bard time prioes for cash. our, trade ie tie
°manna' every year aed we are leading the
erade as we have always on hand a large stook
ef the latest etyIes. Cali aud examine our
stook before purohasing &lowlier° and be eon -
vi need t hat we sell cheap, Butter and .eluits
taken same an (Ash for goods.
Sign of Big Boot. A. WBSBLOTI,
Mcnwen's Block.
Following are the market quotations:
Wheat 55 to 58
13ar1ey 1. ...... 35 to 35
30 to 31
Peas ......... 50 to 50
Hay .... ....... 60010 7,00
Batter .15 to 16
Eggs...................13 to 13
Hogs .... 600 to 6 25
Clover seed... .....
BRIEFS -Miss Ester Gray bel of Dash-
wood is 'visaing her sister, Mrs John
Pope,„ -Mr Wm. Hodgins is going to
erect it new barber shop for Mr Matt
Elwood -Wm Reynolds of Toronto is
hoine on it visit, and intends to return
this week. --The millinery openings
'by our milliners brought in large
crowds last Saturday, and they report
that trade was far ahead of any former
year. They all had a grand display.
Business has been semewhat quiet
with our merchants on account of bad
roads and the inclement weather. -
Messrs Robt Winters and Geo Dick
shipped seiveeal carloads of pigs from
this station last Friday. -Mr
butcher of Brucetield, was in town last
Monday. -Mr Phippen, photographer,
left last Saturday for Parkhill.-Mr J.
C. Klausen was in London over Sun-
day. He was attending the Synod. -
Mr D. Weismiller and family were at
Zurich on Monday. -Mie Coxworth,
who bought the Methodist church
some time ago for a town hall, is having
it moved this week. The moving is
being uone by Mr R. Canada of Rib --
barn -Mr Thoa Murdock hits been on
the eick list, but is able to be around
again. --Mrs C. Burford, who has been
confined to her house for several
weeks, is able to be about again. -Mr
Achim Reichert is erecting a nevr
atable. 'fhe work is being done by Mr
John Coulter.
R. T. Or T. -A lodgetd Royal Tom-
plars or Temperance was instituted here
on Wednesday evening last, when the
following offieers were installed into
(Ace for the current term
Select Councillor, Chester Prouty.
Vice " S4m S tanlake,
Past " John Carrick.
Chaplain, Wrn Harris.
Bec. Seo'y, Agnes Bailey.
Asst. Sec'y„ Laura Harris.
Treas.'Silas Stanlake, jr.
Fin. Seo'y, Wm Carrick.
Herald, John Ford, sr.'
Dep. Herald, Fred Green.
Guard, Silas Stanlake, sr.
Sen., David McCarty-.
Trustees, Win Ching, John Ford,
jr., 3. J McDonald.
TheLodge is in a flourishing condi-
tion, 33 members beiee initiated.
BRIEFS. --The millinery openings were at
grand success -Mr. H. Dumart, jr., was
in Exeter on Tuesday. -Mrs. Treumner of
the 14th con., died on Sundey morning
and the remains were _interred in the
Evanwelical cemetery on Tuesday.-- Sol
°mon and Chas Wolper who leave been ill,
are able to be around again. ----Tho Evan-
gelical Couference will be held in Zuliola
next week. People are preparing for the
same as a large crowd is expeotecl.- We
uncle:stead that Messrs Denied &
Schroeder iateml putting in a large new
stock of beets and shoee and opening next
week on Main at -Mr. Harey Hess has
opened a confectionery shop in P. Lam-
ont's block, The dressmakers:have:moved
into Mr. H. Well's block. --Miss Edith
Steinbach ensiled friends in London over'
Sunday. -Mrs. Rill has purchased the
Rennie property. -Mr. C. Fritz and his
wheel, of Dashwood, were in town lent
week on business.
Bentra-During the last few days we
have bad several deaths of sense of the
old in Edward Blackwill
at 71 years, James Mayo at 60 years,
and Mrs John Redwine at 70 years. -
Miss Maria Ryan, youngest daughter
of the late Caleb Ryan, died last week
from what was called cerebro -spinal
nsenignitis, -Revival aerVioes are be-
ing held in Clancleboye Methodist
church. Large numbers attend them,
-On the fattening of March 13 the Ep-
wort h League of the Methodiet church
held an "At Home" in the town. hall.
The old room was fureirthed ap a draw-
ing room,While the stage was curtained
off as a refreshinent room -Last Fri-
day night the Ladies' Aid of Hely 'Prin.
ity Church gave a concert in the town
hall, St Marys talent gave Most Of
the entertainment, They clicitit well.
The hall W as fairly well filled -About
10:15p. in. lest Thursday night Mr
Hawksheve was attracted to his stable
by seeing a blaze resembling ft tiatidle
Under the °dreier, Ile disoetrered a
bell of regs isatureted With coal oil
banning. It had Set fire to the beards
around. One pen of Water put out
What Might have swept away a third Of
the town; A reward Of *600 is offered
for the seoundtel who did this,
Spring Shtnneni.
The Stephen & Uebertie egrioultural
;moiety held ita spt•ing fair on Tuesday,
The day was yore rough and but little
interest was taken. Them were only a few
horses in town. Following , is tbe prize
Beiess.-Aged Durham, John Allisou's
*Blake' • Q. Aldsworth's `Grand Trunk.'
2 year olds, Lord Aberdeen, 0 Aldsworth.
Efonses,-- Aged Clydesdale, Co rsey
Bros., 'Joe Anderemn ; Hewitt & Kee,
Scottish Hero; Berry & Geiger, Craig,
rotten). 8 ye tir old draught, Jas. 8mill1e,
McNorali. Aged Shiro, Francis Coleman,
British Lad. Carriage, Thoe, Bissett, St.
Blaze ; John Sohaeffer, in, Young Fulton,
Coach, Alex, Dow, Pasha. Aged Road-
sters, Win. Johnston, Dalberg ; E. Han•
hameStone River.
Junees.-Judge on Bulls, 3. Sutherland
Kirkton ; Horses, A. Innis, Clinton ; 3.
Bell, Birr ; W. Bacelwood, Kirkton,
The spring fair of tne above society was
held at Bruceneld on Friday last. The
ehow of horses and bulls was fair, but the
crowd of people small, the gate receipts
being the smallest in the history, of the
society, viz., $18. That spring shows are
losing interest was manifested this year by
the small attendance at those already held.
Following is the prize list :
Flonmen-Aged heavy draught, Berry &
Geiger's Craig Ronald; Win Hobkirk's
Crystal City; 0. E Mason's Clendery
Prince, 3 -yr -olds, Alex Innie's Chief of
the Clam; Jas Leiper's Prince of Mid-
lothean; Jas MeMoran, 2 -yr -old
S, Stalls & San's Goldeu Jim. Diploma,
Alex Innie's Chief of the Clans. Agricul-
turaliand Canadian draught, Geo Taylor's
Gulf Stream; John Duman Young McAl-
pine. Diplome, Geo Taylor's Gulf Stream.
Aged carriagestallion, Wm Levey's Mel-
bourne; Fieher & Kenzien Brown Rooker;
John Shaefor's Young Fulton, Diplome,
Wm Levey's efelleourue, Aged roadsters,
T. Murdock's King Stanton '• R. 13rook's
St Linn. 2 -yr -old, R. Brock's Sir Ada
Wilkes: Coach stallion, Alex Dow's
Pasant; W. Shillinglawn L'Ama.
Bumese-Aged Durham, D, D Wilson's
Plime Minieter. 2 -yr -old, Elcoat Bros.'
Lord Lassie 5th; W.Ross' Perfection Air;
Chesney's Pride of Glencoe. Year-
ling, D. D Wilson's Royal Sailor; H, &
W, D Smith's Abboteford; D. Fettering,
harn's Pride of Huron. Diploma for beat
bull, Prime Minister.
JUDGES- Light horsea, Geo Spearin,
Woodstock. Bulls, Thee Russell; Exeter,
meet W. Milne Ethel.
BRIEFS.--Somolor the Zionitee are on
the move. Will: johns has moved. to
Whalen and J. 3. Cornish has naken the
house male vacant by Mr. Johne,a nd will
work this sunamer for Sam Peart, -:Mr.
Cornish has added to the Zion population
in the form of a young bride.
BRIEFS. -Morgue MoTaggart, of London,
is spending his holidays in this vicinity. -
Mies M. J. Morrison, principal of Dash-
wood Public School, was Immo for her
vaoation. -Joseph Couch is very low with
erysipelas. -Louis Sande has purchased
the dwelling houee of Mies E. Wren, ani
is towing it this week to our village. -
Inane Debion, of Souris, Manitoba, is home
at present. We intends re mrning goon to
the prairie province.
IP 4 a*
Woo dlaum.
Bnnirs.-Wm . Smith has purchased
the Penwarden farm for the handsome
sum of e5850. The sale was attended by a
large crowd and thing's sold at a moderate
cilgure.-People are getting ready for their
spring work, although the weather
is oold and disagreeable for this brae of
the year. -The World'a Fair views are to
be shown by Mr. Holman and Bev. Mr.
Copeland in the ohuroh here on Tuesday
evening, April 171h.-Missee Florence
Mills, and Minnie Bitten are visiting friends
in London township. -Mies Annie Ford re
turned home from the Toronto Business
College last week and will now act as
book-keeper for the firm of B.S.Ford & Co.
-Miss Annie lefoLay of Goderieh, is visit-
ing her sister Urn A. MoNeyin.-Mr.
Judson Moore has left our village and has
taken up his abode in tha bank at Kirk -
Beieee.--Mrs.:1,Tohie :13urns has been
speeding a week with her friends in Tor-
onto,- A bakery and buteher shop is to be
started in this village in early spring. -
There is some talk of Matcabees and For.
Inters combining to erect a new hall. -
Sam Browu has inade quite an improve-
naent around his new house, now occupied
by Frank Coruieh, painter and grainer, --
Old Mt, linerley, of the 12111 oon. of 131an-
shard, who had been given up by two
dootora, bris reeoved, although in his 851h
year. -The young nephew of John Mc-
Curdy who hae been spending some menthe
he Canada, is about to rettnn home to the
borth of Iroland--At the anneal vestry
meeting of lit, ehuron on Earner
Monday, the followbeg; Office bearers woo
duly elected : Jamea Allen, clergyman's
warden ; Joalas 9. Oreery, peeple'e war -
don; MoOlanaland Irvine Pied John Bob;
insole jr., side men; Wm. Robinson,
delegate to Synod. --James Rorie, butter
„ &akar, is going to Uxbridge, he having
'scoured a siteetion there -A. Ferguson is
home fora few days. fle ban writtet on
part of hie fnial examination but nal yot
the medical council to pass. We eepeet
When he Mures latotin he will be M. D. --
We are pleased to loam that Dr McCallum
is reeoetnitnn-lire (.1. Somerville has been
ill for some gine, but le recoyering.
Smoot, litmost --iho following it the
report of Kirkton school foe the Month of
Mande The report is based on Attendance,
recitations, Condeet and. punctuality
M. Denise Leila atelelniteeit. Sit
IV -P. Tutbe Harold Shier, S. Denim, Jr
Razlewood, N, Oletoher, L. Miller.
Sr III -F. Marshall,E Marshall, E.BIliott.
Jr111.-T, Jameson, A.. Brown, 0, Rezle-
wood, The average attendants° for the
month was 67.
Bitrneso-On Wednesday evening of
gathered at the reentenoe of Gs Leary,
last week a number of intited frlende,
lot 13, con. 13,to witness the launching
of a matrimonial life boat; having, as
usual, two occupants, ru the person of
Wm. H. Harburn and Mies J, Leary.
The knot vvits tied by the Rev. W.
Coupland, of Elitnville. The bride
was waited on by MissS. 4., Harburn,
sister of the groom, while Wm. Leary,
brother of the bride acted as grooms-
man. After the oeremony.all sat down
to a well laden table. The remainder
of the evening was spent in social
chat, music, games, recitations, etc.
There was a beautiful array of Costly
present; showing the high esteem in
which the young couple are held. We
congratulate Mr. Harburn on choosing
such an amiable partner, as Miss
Leary is one of Hibbert's fairest
daughters. They intend to reside in
Hermit, as Mr. Harburn has secured a
position in Mr. Welsh's planing mill.
-W. W. Thonipeon. who has taught
school here for the past eight years,
has left here for another situation in
Canibelton. His successor is Wilson
Allen. -Miss Maggi e T, Scott and Mr.
Cottle, of Winthrop, were the guests
of Thomas Scott at Easter.
Urand Bend.
Blume -There are now seven men
working on the Iron Bridge and will
have it completed in.
two or three
weeks. The material has been hauled
by teams from Parkhill and the roads
are very good considering this season.
-Mr. John Fallis and Will Fulton of
Parkhill, visited here on Friday and
remained until Sunday afternoon. -
Mrs. W.13. Paths had a nuilting bee
on Friday which was well attended and
a pleasant time was spent in the even-
ing. -The fishermen are having more
success this week as they made a very
good haul on Monday, -The seines
Will now get their licenses as they have
been granted by the Government,
which is only fair and right that they
should.- There has been several
droves of cattle driven down to the
pasture, .Pretty early to be turned
out to get reacly for the Engiush mar-
ket. -Mr. H. G. Smith our village
blacksmith, has traded Ins driving
mare for a beautiful pony. Its time is
2,40 -two hours and forty minutes. --
Mr, Thos. Fallis has trrded his roan
horse for a crow -bait. He mays he can
make more in the cattle line than
dealing in roadsters.- The farmers
around Vale vicinity are pushing seed-
ing. Some of them having as mesh as
twenty five acres sown.
Seaforth is preparing for a big cele-
bration on Queen's Birthday.
A young man named Jardine, aged
18, is in jail in Goderich on the charge
of criminally assaulting a girl of 6 or 7
years, his niece or (main,
McCosh Bros.' of Lucan, are about
to open in the idrygoods and gents
furnishings line at Seaforth in the store
lately OSCUpied by 3. J. Smith,
Another furniture factorv is about
to be started in VVingham. The site
has been purchased by Mr. 0. Gil-
christ, who will manufacture only the
higher grades of furniture, :which vvill
in no way compete with the other
existing factories.
About five o'clock Sunday morning
fire broke out in Anet's brick etore,
Main Ste Seaforth, damaging all the
stook. The store was occupied by G.
Smithers as a general store and was
insured for $2,500 in the Phoenix.
Total loss, about g13,000; cauee of lire
Theplitohell Advocate begins the
thirty:fourth year of ite existenoe, and
although somewhat aged, is still
healthy and lively.
Death has been unursually busy in
Mitchell and neighborhood within the
past few months. From Jan. lit to
March 1st Mr. Stoneman, undertaker,
attended to no less that 22 futterale.
Mitchell last week lost two of
her most worthy citizens -Mr. and
Mrs, W. H. Willie, They haVe re-
moved to Seaforth where the former
has purchased an extensiVe boot and
shoe business.
Owing to the tunalganitttion of the
two Methodist churches, Mitchell, one
of the diuretics will b e empty. Tne
church of England people have offered
$800 Ihr the Trafalgar clanrch building:
It hat not yet been accepted.
Mee. Ante, relict of the late John
Couch, and mother of Aire. A., Babb,
of Mitchell, was celled to her long
home last week. Doceesecl was:in the
73rd year of her age, and Was fully
prepared for the journey on Which she
The many friende in St. Marys, of
Mr, and Mrs, N. E. 13irtch Will regret
to learn of Elul death of their youngest
don Charlie, aged about 11 years) who
was horn in that town, The :saute of
death Watt diphtheria and Airs. Bfrich
is suffering from the dame disease.
They have been staying for a tittle with
Mrs. Birtch's parents,
Ur, and Mt%
0111i4kKap, about 3 .mi,lesoUt of W004.
Coatee is rather under the
weather. We hope soon to report him
restored to his wonted bealtle.-Mr.
Thompson and daughter, Mile Martin,
attended the funeral of tlie late Mr.
Orooliett, son., of Dorchester, on Satiir-
day.-Mrs. Jae, Earl, will ^certainly ,carry
off the oalto for early fruit this mem,
she having had strairberrxee in flour emu
the 25th John Rind has rewod-
el. 1hie eitelte .. and put a new roof on it
vrn ' . over ite appearanee.-It s re-
er .st t -tidies! Aid intend putting
renb • r AndoWS and six handsome
lanipo in eteureb.-Mr, jai= inleamon
who had his knee lind seine time ago is
able to be out, but it ',till be some time
before he will be el work again. -We are
sorry to report that our Mayor desecrated
our side walka a few days ago be, haul-
ing loads thereoe. Fie Tommy 1 We will
remember tiler when we (met our ballots
next Christmas, gee if wo don't. -It is
said the suokers are up, and our sports
faney they emelt fish in the air by the way
they are sharpeniog their spears and rack-
ing their, brume for fish stories, -The cry
of depreo legion of land values reoeived a
knock out on Saturday, when auctioneer
Brown eold tlae Penwarden farm, lot 2,
oorr. 9, for 85,850. An aged farm:mare was
sold fez $91. These are good figures and
go to show that the bottom has not fallen,
mit of things in general yet. Takelburage
ye gamblers horn fieumbletoven, there is
still corn in Egypt. -,-The management is
contemplating enlarging the church
sheds and are about to purchase more
lane for the purpose. This, together with
the tying bars* morose the street, should
afford ample room for all. -We are inform-
ed that au agent wan sent to London to
prooure plane and specifications, not for
the shed, but for remodelling the church,
and yet nobody has had the courage to
tackle the ridge boards -Rev. J. P. Rion
has completed hie canvas of this circuit in
behalf „6f the Alma Oollege relief fnnd, and
succeeded in " raieing a subtcription of
$623.20, of which $258,25 was 'contributed
by the Betbaley appointment alone. Had
the others done proportionally the liat
would have toted up more than a $ t,000. -
Mrs. T. Hazelwood narrowly escaped fatal
injuries Saturday, while on her way to
Exeter. In paining a loaded wagon her
hoise took tright, ran into the ditch,
throwing Mtn. IL, 'violently against the
side of the buggy, and her head coming in
contact with the top Anointed her ineentible
for a few moment's. The timely arrival
of help prevented further injury. --
We have our long• -looked for choir at
laet, with Mins Madge, the old organist,
manipulating the keys. We have' waited
long for their appearance, and now they
have come. Theyare a good looking lot,
but as to their roes:Mal rbIlitlee we will
perhaps have time ;no speak later. Then
made their deleun Sunday evening, and
were greeted by a fahly large Oongreg•
Montreal, Sept 4th.
TO THE PUBLIC :-In my practine,
and in the capacity of Veterinary Elitor
of the Family Herald and Weekly Star, I
have had occasion to test the merits of
Dick's Hone and Cattle Medicines. I
leave found them so thoroughly reliable
that I have presoribed them in hundreds
of cases, in all of which they have proved
satisfactory. R. W. GRAHAM.
At a regular meeting of the Elkton Bust.
nese Men's Association held at Elkton on
Tuesday evening, April 3r4, 1891, the
following was ordered spread on the re-
cords of the Association,
Whereas it bas been the pleasure of tbe
Great Director of all good to remove from onr
midst our beloved friend and respeeted Vice -
President, Simon Metter; therefore be it re-
solved that we as members of the Elkton Busi-
ness Men's A eeociation deeply deplore our lose
of eo highly esteemed business man, kind
neighbor and genial friend and citizen, we
humbly bow to this dispensatien of Divine
Providence knowing our loss to be his gain,
and to the mourning wife and fatherleee
mnidren we tender eurheartfelt sympathe, and
assure them that wberever they may be, His
and their memory will be over fresh in our
hearts. Dated at nekton, April 3rd 1894.
D. ,T.
As.rCo, Committee.
Albert A. Brown,
Tim I Evoeuereet
Of medicinal agents is gradually relega-
ting old thee herbe, pills, draughts and
vegetable extracts to the roar and bringing
nit° general um the pleasant and effective
liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs. To gel the
true remedy gee that:9 is manufactured by
the California rig elyttip Co. only. Fax
sale by ail leading druggists.
Mluard's Liniment cures la grippe,
Talmo K, D. C. for sour storneoh.
relnomor mac la
Spring is °veiling Beauti-
and so has our spring and sum
mer goods. Step in and see
our new dress goods. So
beautiful in appearance, love-
ly in finish, durable in texture
and breaks all previous records
for low prites. Our new prints
are Simply immense, so the
ladies tell us and they should
know: For ladies' and gents'
footwear we never did take
second place and we never
had so large and well assort,.
. ed a stock as now, And now
a word to the boys from 6 to
roo years of age. We have
r something really elegant to
show you in neckwear and
gents' furnishings. Suits made
to order or ready made at Le
Everything in our store reduc-
ed to hard, time prices, depend
upon it. Highest price paid
for farm produce,
J. P. ROSS.' • Market Depot
Follow Crowd
TO 1VIA_NSON'S Big Slaughter
Sale of Boots and Shoes.
He has knocked the old time prices clean
out of existence. For the next 60 days
for Cash only he sells (our own hand
made) :
Men's French Kip Boots at $4: Men's In:eerie
Kip Boots at $3.00; Men's extra good inewhide
[toots, e3. Men's, Women's and Children's
Shoes in endless varieties at 20 per cent. dis-
count. Repairing promptly and neatly done
at the following prices; Men's Half Soles onit
400e Women's Half Soles only 85e. Come and
secure some of,these Bargains.
The People's Shoe Store.
Next Door to Post Office,
The following is a correct reporb of
the standing of the!pupila in S. S. No.
2, Stephen for the month of March.
The names are In order of merit -V1
Willie Salter. -Sr. IV. -Lillie Lawson,
George Salter, Josie Flanagan. -Jr. IV
-George Lawson, Annie Spericee.--Sr,
III, -Lillie Lamport, Thos. Edwards,
Lizzie Lawson. Clenso Salter, Wesley
Hirtzel, Urban Essery, Bella Sims, E,
Clark, Emma Brown. -Jr. III,- Ruby
EsserynElla Lamport, Kate Flanagan,
Mary Lampert, John Sims, Lizzie Sims,
Charlie Lamport. -IL -Lula Essery,
Cora Lampert, Patrick Flanagan, J.
Sims, Mary Lawson. -Pt, IL -Garfield
Lawson, Garnet Sims, Louisa Flanagan,
Wilfred Lawson-- Sr. Pt.I.-Delphie
Essery, Lavine, Sims, Verne Essery, W
Sims, -2nd Pt. I. -Siloma Hirtzel, 1.
Sims, Joseph Edwards. -Jr. 131. I. -
Garnet Hill, Nora Sims, Ethel Lam-
pert', Arthur Flanagan, Louisa Sims.
A. ESSERY1 Teacher.
Dyspepsia in its worst forms will yield to
the nse of Carter's Little Nerve Pills, aided
by Carter's Little -.Liver Pills. They
not only relieve present distress but
strengthen the storaaoh and digestive ap-
The latest results ' of pharmaceutical
soience and the best modern appliances are
availed of in compounding Ayer Sansapar- '
ilia, Hence, though half a century in
existence as a medioine, it is folly abreatt
of the age in,all that goes to make it tbe
standard blood -purifier.
Having suffered over two years with
constipation, and the doctors not having
helped me, I concluded to try Burdock
Blood Bittern and before IT used one
bottle I was cured. I oan inso recommend
it for sick headache.
Ethel D. Haines, Lakeview, Ont,
Gentleraen,-Two years ego my hue'
band suffered from severe indigeation, but
tvas completely cured by two bottles of
Burdock Blood Bitters. I can truly NOM.
mend it to all sufferers from this diseitee.
Mrs, john Hurd, 13 Cross St., Toronto.
Indigeetion is stubborn, but K. D. a,
overcomes it.
argains, Bargains
juot opened up a
complete Range in
Dress Goods,.
Aeady-made Clothing
At Remarkably Low Prioes.
wo aro showing in this Dopartnaont a large arid select Stock of SpAng
&likings, Worsteds, Pantings, end We ere making good Tweod Snits /rot
OD up, MOn'a fire Blackl,Vorsted Suits for $15.
Cline in and inspock out (loods hofore purchasing,
1311.017711 cfft ralCIOVZOR,
iceeesors to BrOWU ee Siebert, 01041)0)