The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-19, Page 80 1 PAU $--t.ODEPICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1974 Flower .show winners include Green Thumbers The late s.umrner flower show of The Goderich -Garden Club was held Saturday, September U7, at North Street United Church. -' The following are the results: SECTION 1 , CUT FLOWERS ttJ Edwina McKee, Gladys Green;. -floribunda rose, single or semi - double, Edna Shaw, Frances Worsell, Mrs. Johnstone; gr,an- diflora rose, Gladys Green, Mrs. Johnstone; SECTION 111 JUNIORS- Aster, 1. double, Mrs. J.H. For the newly -formed Green Johnstone, Mrs. Frances W'or- sell, Mrs. A. Barnett; aster, varieties, Helen Videan, Mrs. Johnstone. Johnstone. Begonia, Mary Howell, Mrs. Johnstone; begonia, mixed, Mary Howell; Bell's of Ireland, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. E. Jessop, Calendula, Mrs. Johnstone; carnation, Mrs. Johnstone, 'Mrs. Gladys.' Green; Celosia, Mrs. Johnstone. Chrysanthernum, pom pom, Gladys Green, Mrs. Johnstone; single, Edwina McKee; spoon or spide,s, Frances Worsell, Mrs. Johnstone; double, Mrs. Johnstone; 'double mixed, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. McKee. Coreopsis, Frances Worsell; cosmos, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Edna Shaw, Mrs. R. Menzies.' Dahlia, pom, Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. Johnstone, Dahlia, cactus; Mrs. Menzies, Mrs. Johnstone, Edwina McKee; dahlia decorative, Eva Anstay; Mrs, Johnstone, 'Mrs. Menzies; dahlia, grant, Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. Barnett. Daisy Gloriosa, Mrs. John- stone; geranium, Susan Jervis, -Gladys Green, Mrs. Barnett; , gladiolus, Elna McLean,. Gladys Green, Eva Anstay. Larkspur, Mrs. Johnstone;. marigold, french, single, Mrs. Barnett, Helen Videan; marigold, french, double, Mrs. Bartlett, Gladys Green, Edna Shaw; ma,rigO4ld, african Thumbers Garden Club dried arrangement: • All- specimen blooms were grown and tended' by the children themselves from seeds and plants given to their" club. through the cour- tesy of The Senior Garden Club early in the year. The specimen blooms and arrangements were to be commended as this was the first time these children had done flower arranging. Winners were, Scott Young, Sharon Moriarity, Monica Munro; animal arrangement, Monica •Munro, Paula Feagan; Sharon Moriarity, SECTION IV ARRANGEMENTS • Party arrangement, Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Johnstone', Mary Howell; kitchen arrangement, Edna Shaw, Susan -.Gower, Mrs. Johnstone; reflections, -Elna McLean, Edna Shaw, Mary Howell; arrangement, dried plant 'and weathered wood, Elna McLean, Edna Shaw, Mrs. Johnstone. Miniature arrangement, dried orfresh, Jean Barnett, Mary Howell, Edwina McKee; television top arrangement, Bud Elliott, Gladys 'Stiles, Dorothy Feagan. SUMMARY 0. ci)LocgNE'.. Mrs. G. Kaltting 5?4 -11)17 RECREATION' "COMMITTEE " Linda Mathq,ws rct�1 f'aniily meals, table setting atilt service Softball is nearing the end of and table manners, tThe girls the season and there are many corrected their handu.ut ;heat§., tired but happy bays and girls. Linda Mathews she, s,e'd the VW;hether, their team won or lost correct• way of setting } ?able, -in the plsayoffs ,is not the. main A ..lu.neh of •tea and„ cookies " purpose, but rather that the. ,was served.- boys erved.boys and girls teams enjoyed the sport and thefun and frien- COMMUNITY NEWS iiships formed will long heA'Le`m'. i���in- . remembered. terestedbers are remindandaned oef the The boys 11 and under had a Tiger Dunlop Women', In ballgame on Sunday afternoon-stitufe meeting next Wed - at Benmiller which was nesday 'evening, September "followed by a barbecue which25th at 8:00 p.m. in the Carlow climaxed .their games, Hall. This is a special meeting Don Sowerby c,:arhed the•and a good attendance is i.oped "Tigers" and he had a bar- for. becue for his team on Saturday, Huron County Plowing; evening which Made, -an en,-' Match held at the farm, cif Wm. joyable climax to their games. Elston, Warden of Huron • The girls 13-16 years played County, in Morris Township, Tuesday evening and hope to saw a good attendance. Kevin play a game Friday or Saturday Clark, 10 years _ of age, son of of this week. Mr.' a,nd Mrs. John Clark, R.R. Thursday, September 19 will 5, Goderich made ' a good .15e slow -pitch softball at Ben- showing in the ploughing class miller at 8:30 p.m. between 19 years and under when he Forester team- "Liniment was placed seventh in a class League" and ',the Signal -Star 'of about 15. Courtland Kerr_.. team. This promises to be a was in charge of the Horseshoe special so come out and enjoy Pitching Contest at the match the fun. and reports: Class 1, residents • • 4-H GIRLS of Huron County,: winners, Alex. Tiger Dunlop .Group No. 1 Boa, Goderich and Harold Car - held their, second meeting for ter, Goderich, Ed: Davies, this project at the Carlow Hall Auburn, and- Courtland kerr, Monday evening, September 16 Colborne; Roy Bennett,. CKNX with l0 ,girls answering. the roll Winghami and Herman Fisher, call "Why I like 'to entertain". Colborne. In the open class, The•girls brought flowers and winners were Horace Salt, Mit- containers and each spent half shell and Lloyd 'Venner, Hen- an hour rnaking'a basic triangle -•salt; Cy. Blommaert, Exeter floral arrangement suitable for and Cliff, Skolrood, Clinton; a, buffet luncheon. Mrs. Jean Harvey Edgar and • Jack McKee came later. and Higgens of Brussels. ' discussed each arrangement We are sorry to report Bruce showing the girls how to .im Brindley is a patient,., in a rove on them. Toronto hosp~rtal suffering from Highest points in show, Mrs. •p The girls ,. unanimously, an eye injury received while at - Johnstone, 64; Mrs. Green, 40; agreed they learned much from - tending class in toe --gymnasium double, Mrs, Jessop,e Mrs- Bar- - Mrs. Barnett, 37 the demonstration. The at the Clinton collegiate. nett, Mrs. Johnstone..Bank of Montreal ' Trophy, ,leaders then discussed table The sympath%y'.,of the com; Nasturium, Mrs. Barntt; Best Chrysanthemum, ."Mrs. settings and serving; etiquette munity is extended -Jo Mrs: pansy, Mrs. Worsell, fiejen Worsell; Denoml a Flower and table ' manners and .Joanne Mazzoleni and Peter 'Videan, Mrs,, Johnstone'; Shap, highest number or points discussed plans for tih'tir Ivey of Benmiller in the loss of petunia; single,' Edna Shaw, in .arrangements, Mrs: Barnett meeting next„ week which will their father, Mr. Charles H. Mrs,. Barnett, „ Mrs. Green; and Mrs. Shaw; Royal Bank be at 6 p.m. in the Carlow hall Ivey of London. . petunia, double, • ruffled or Trophy; best basket of .garden and be a regular, dinner. -Visitors with Mr, and Mrs. fringed,' Edna Shaw, •Gladys ; flowers, Mrs, Barnett; The girls chose the 'dinner -Gordon Kaitting over the - Green, Mrs. Johnstone.: Canadian Oil Company, white menu and each girl is to bring a weekend . while' attending the Phlox, Mary Howell, Edwina rose trophy, Mrs. 'Menzies. place setting complete. Points funeral of the;late Mrs. Elliott McKee, Mrs. Johnstone; -salvia, . Door Prize Winner was Mrs, of interest theyhave learned McVittie, (Eva - Grindrod) on Susan Gower, Mrs. Johnstone; Jean Feagan. $ will be 'exercised and all are Sunday at McCallum Funeral snapdragons, Elna McLean, looking forward to a most en- Home were Mr. and Mrs. Ron n', Mrs., Barnett, Mrs, Jesse In the Junior Division the p results are:' highest number . of . ` joyable meeting. Dockeray and family of sweet peas,.Mrs. Johnstone, Tiger Dunlop Group No. 2 Chatham,' Mr.`and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Green; Point• s, Sharon Moriarity (Prize, was a watering can donated by held their second meeting in Lavoie and family of Capreol, viola, Frances Worsell, Mrs. Carlow Hall Monday evening Mr. and Mrs, Keith Sheik of Barnett; Gladys Green. Denomme Flower Shop);` Michael M t ($10.00 ft September 16 and three more -• Fort Erie and Mr. and Mrs. A. ' Zinnia, grant dahlia, Mrs. Moriarity gift Ahmeek Chapter -narks English award winners a certificate donated by beginners were welcomed and Blackwell of London. - Johnstone; Mrs Green, Mrs. Denomme's P Michael and Patricia Madden was an attendance of 15 girls,' Mrs.' Menzies, Gladys Green, The meeting opened with Mrs. Johnstone, zinnia, . any ' (tied, prizes, a hanging planter Barb Potzel giving the pledge Mrs. Johnstone, Mrs. from Art's Landscaping, and a variety, flower. arranging container and Nancy Brindley reading . Barnett; any other flower, Mrs. donated by Mrs. Barnett). the minutes of last meeting and ' The Goderich Duplicate Shaw;, Mrs. Worsell, 'Edna Special Prizes were awarded thy. treasurer`s report. Bridge Club held their weekly Shaw; basket of flowers mixed, Seat Y f arrangement The girls • were keenly in meeting at the Maitland weekly Mrs. Barnett,' Mrs. G. Mrs. Johnstone., �, SECTION 11 D Flower Shop); enrolled for this project. There Barnett; zinnia, grant cactus, BR1QOE[UB NEWS' Madden, to cot Young for g n - • of dried, flowers, (a Winter Gar- terested in making Swedish try Club and played a seven • den Packet from Art''s Land- cakes " (cookies), which were table Mitchell game. • scoping); Sharon°Moriarity, for later served with a delicious The duo of A. J.Weerasooriya • . best animal (she also received a party punch. They. talked ;' and -Bill Bradley scored 83 winter, ga-rden packet from , about family meals and 'how to points for the best North-South White or near white rose,Art's Landscaping); Patrick entertain company,; at , total. Second place went to ' M' Johnstone; rs.'Menzies, Mrs. , Madden, .for the• tallest canna mealtime; Doctor and Mrs. M Stapleton pink ' or pink blend 'rose, Mrs• :received •,a book "A .Child's ,Discussing correct way, to set with 741/2 points. Third went Johnstone, Mrs. Menzies, Its. Gamlen" from Mrs. Barnet' ); a table, table manners, to Mrs. D. Worthy and 'Mrs. R. Barnett; red'or red blend rose, Michael Moriarty, for the best politeness and ' conversation Sproule with 513 112' points: Mrs. Johnstone, Gladys Green, y cucufhber, received a packet of ' °proved ,very interesting and The east -West,, first place Mrs. Menzies;' _Peace •Rose winter garden seed from the beneficial to all.. -'The meeting honours ' went • to Omar (yellow), Mrs. Worsell, . Edna Goderich Garden Club. Shaw, Gladys' Breen. Peace rose any other colour, Other exhibitors in this Mrs. Menzies; yellow' or yellow. Junior division ,included Beverley Mathers, George closed with Darlene Jewell ,Hazelgrove and Art Wilson rea,ling the creed.- with 86 1/2 paints. Second Tiger Dunlop III second ' place were Mrs. R: Shrier and meeting . was held 'at Linda- Mrs• R. -McDonald with 74 1/2 blend other than pascal« rose, Zoethout,•Scott Young, Monica Mathews'', September .16n - points and third was won••by Gladys Green, Mrs• ofblend Menzies; Munroe, Owen Moriarity, Scot ' ' Brenda McPhee•, opined, the • Mrsn F. ,Hovey and Mrs. Ken orange blend or apricot blend Wilson, Susan, and—Michael meeting with the pledge., Dunn with 66 1/2, points, rose, Gladys Green, ,Mrs. Bar- G-hisholm, and Louisette - bloom, Gladys Green, Edna Richard:- , •''' The Ahaneek Chapter -of the I.O.I).E. held their first meeting'of the year at the home of Mrs. M. McKee, Trafalgar tit:, :with Mrs: McKee, the regeint,•presiding. • - ' The flag was presented by Mrs. C. Ruffle and the roll call was taken. . Mrs, A.: Holmes read the minutes of. the last Meeting In the absence of Mrs. W'. Auld. The treasurer's report, read by Miss H. McCarty, showed, that' the Tag Day of June 21�. was very successful, Mrs. C. Murray, membership' convener, stated that;'she had sent'an int°roduction card to the Woodstock ,Chapt of the 1.O.D.'E. for M'rs. H..Stewart,. '�aY r. who is now residing there.. At 'the National' 'meeting. members were informed ;, that the name, "Honorary Mem- bers" waq chAneed to Associate Members. r Mrs. A. Overholt, reporting for 'Education', stated that the awards fir ''rea'tiver I~:r`rglish frcirn the chapter, we,re., won by' •Ann Marie Murph •of St. Njary''s School; and Susan Mire of. Robertson, Memorial School. Services • con 'ener, Mrs. C. Cott' read a letter of thanks from London' Sick, Chilarenes Hospital for our donation of quilts. . Mrs. A. Hugill introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. I. Bedard, who gave an interesting display • of arrangements that can be Made from dried , flowers, weeds, leaves, etc. suitable for 'different occasions. Refreshfents were served by Mrs. Rtf�t'fle and Mrs. Clair- mont. Mrs. Holmes thanked the hostess for the use of her home. Pre -C hristmas Special Exclusive to Ormandr"s The ,Goderich Charm Sterlin�gQ . Silver flag. $8.11b SEPTEMBER , SPECIAL In these days of shortages and Increasing prices - It's NOT too early to LAYAWAY NOW for Christmas gifting N.T." ORMANDY DIAMUND SPECIALIST '94 THE SQUARE,'tGODERICH Suits created for the' contem- porary man. The cut Is clean lined and'" smartly restrained. The patterns Include lively plaids and executive stripes. Come In and choose from our impressive fall collection. Kett; rose, any color, full • Shaw, Mrs; Johnstone; rose any Pa,a'eagan• won inth e color in bud, Mrs. Menzies, : • open' class. The *garden. club Gladys Green,' Mrs: Barnett. donated 12 winter planter Climbing rose, Edna Shaw, packets as consolation • prizes,;+ ro • It's September Brisk .winds rustle toasted autumn colours across crystal panes. The aroma of rich `warm coffee ' lingers In the air. ,., Sit back. Look, around ' isn't It time to refresh the 'appearance bf your home Pr office. Oohsider the lasting beauty of professionally framed art work be It a timeless print ora preclqus photograph. The Raintree, Gallery has endless ideas all at a substantial 20 •percent saving to you" -- now through October - 12th 1974 h . We welcome your telephone call or personal visit to' answer Inquiries acid offer, quotations et no obligation.: • naturally. Raintree' .Gallery' 14 King Street Clinton 482.3871 SSIANS WATCWTHEM QN Y,CHOICE OF'. 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