HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-19, Page 5• ' 7,15—. ;c a ny ^ a r CI HERICI "SIGNALS'' •Rr THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER„ 19, 1974, -,-PAGE 5 The September meeting of St, visited last week with her sister Mark's • Anglican ` Chiirch Mrs• Wilfred Sanderson,' Mr: Women was held in St. Mark's Sanderson and other relatives Church.~ Mrs. John Deer had in the village. . ° charge of the meeting., Mrs: . Master Paul 4nd Master Gordon Taylor presided at the Johnny Haggitt and Mias organ. • Shelley Haggitt of Zurich spent The scripture lesson was, the weekend with their grand- read by Mrs. Thomas` Lawlor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and.prayers were given by Mrs. - Haggitt. . r' Andrew Kirkconnell. Mrs. Mrs. Donald Rea and Thomas Haggitt• gave the . Christopher of Listowel visited missionary theme entitled, last week with her parents, Mr. 'Why I am' an Anglican" and and Mrs. Gordon Do,bie and told, the members how a tribe of brother, Mr. Ross Dobie. Indians keep their cemetery in Mrs. Rose Herman of South Manitoba. Tavistock visited last week An interesting topic on with her sisters, Misses Ella Second Thoughts was given, by and Minnie Wagner and • Mrs. Elmer'Trommer. She also brother Mr: William Wagner. gage an article about St. Congratulations, to 'William" Mark's. Anglican Church «II Craig whe;, last week was located on Niagara -on -the- presented with --his 50 year L,ke: • President ,Mrs, Celia Jewel by Morning Star Lodge Taylor took charge of the No. 309 at Carlow last week. business part. The =minutes Mr. • Craig was initiated,into were approved as read by the. Morning Star in -1924 ' and secretary, Mrs. John Doer. The became Master of the °Lodge in treasurer, Mrs, Thomas Haggitt 1934. Assisting in the, presen- • gave her report. tation were Mr. Craig's sons, An invitation was read from Robert J. 'Craig of Lucan and the Presbyterian Women's William S. Craig of Clinton. Missionary Society to ,attend Mrs•, Clarence Ball and Mrs. their Fall Thankoffering Arabella,Bushell of Clinton` . meeting on October 8 in St, visited last week with Mr. and Mark's Anglican Church. Mrs. Maitland Allen. A memorial service in Mrs. Elva Straughan is memory of Mabel Brooks was visiting at "Meaford' with her held. The rector, Rev, Fred `' daughter, Mrs. Cjayton Robert - Carson read the 121st Psalm ' 'son and Mr. Robertson. and after, a minute's silence Thirty-seven residents of the gave prayers. for the departed. community enjoyed the Roll' call was- answered by. Women's Institute bus trip last naming a fowl or bird men- Wednesday tg` „Niagara Falls tfoned in the Bible: The and attended the show at travelling apron received a Marineland. , penny for each letter in Mrs. William L. Craig visited "Golden Rule Days". last week with her parents, Mr. . Plans were rnade for the Has- .and Mrs. Dawson Mackey near. vest Home Thanksgiving ser- Alsia Craig. vice' to be held on September . Mr, and Mrs. Jack G. Mcln- 29. ,Rev. Fred Carson closed the meeting with prayers. °WMS tosh of London spent a few days" last week with Mrs..Fran- ces Clark, '` Mr. 'George 'Timm, - Mrs. Edith Kock, Miss •Erna Bethke and Mr. Henry. Latiner, all of The September meeting of " Gorrie were guests last Sunday . the Auburn Presbyterian with Mr. and Mrs. -Maitland Women's Missionary Society Allen.Paul Baechler, '•4 George was, held at thehome of Mrs. . Robert Youngblut of'.Toronto Bolton & Leon •Gaynor were • Duncan MacKay in :Godbrich. spent the weekend , with his winners at the Maitland In President Mrs. Wilfred Sander- mother, Mrs. ,Myrtle Munro. . vitational Saturday. Gerry son was in charge and -gave the Misses QJean Houston and Mero & Tim O'Brien from the. ` call to worship. Jean Jamieson• of Toronto Sunset participated in the The devotional period was. in spent the weekend with Mrs. 1.M,A,,,', Tournament in the • charge of Mrs. 'Eleanor Frances Clark. • Nilestownon September 14.and'- Bradno,ck. Meditation was Mrs: Gordon Miller, returned were prize winners. This tour' . based on "Let us take time for home last Friday from Clinton nament was held here at the ' all things". Public Hospital where she 'has Sunset last year. ° Roll call was answered by been .a patient following Just a.reminder about .the each member quoting a favorite surgery.t Ladies`Tournament on Sep - Bible verse. . ,.Charles Beadle is a patient tember 25 - don`t•forget to keep The minutes• were read by in. Victoria Hospital, London. • the secretary, Miss M'i-n ie His friends wish him a speedy Homemaking Wagner. and';apprrived and the recovery. • by.the treasurer, Mrs. Frances SILVER ANNIVERSARY 'Club Clark 3. , An 11 year old Atl'burn boy, Darcy Andrews, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sandy Andrews, proudly holds one of his cotton plants and hopes the -frost stays away so the bloomp can develop into fluffs of cotton. This is the,second year he has°had got - ton plants • in his father's garden. vosemor 7.r the G.. d "/'-‘ '�• f 41. SUNSET SEWS BY LOIS WRIGHT • Tournaments here! Tour- naments there! Tournaments everywhere! 'The\Sunset,hosted three very good :'groups• . this week. �' ' The Ontario Weekly Newspaper Association, the Benmiller Forresters and the Guether Tuckey Truckers. En- thusiastic ' golfers and a fine display of sportsmanship was shown throughout each Tour- nament. .• financial statement was given - Plans were made' for the Fall A surprise 25 wedding an- TAYLOR'S CORNER 4—H 'Thankoffering meeting which niversary party„ . Will be held in St. Marks Saturday evening • orfirst- ome ffnglican Church. Mrs. Clayton Mrs. Maurice Bean at the home Saturday September 14 at the ' dwards of Goderich } will, be of Mr. and 'Mrs. Lawrence home of Mrs. Martha De Boer, the guest speaker. Plaetzer...Over. 607 treighbours • Leaders for this club are Mrs. The topic; "Walking in His ' and • friends were present and Martha DeBoer and Mrs., Will" wag' an interesting ac- games were played. , .Margaret • Hildebrand. - , count of a girl'.�in' Nepal, given A. corsage was pinne�' • by Mrs. Wilfred' Sanderson. . Mrs. Bean by Mrs: 'V The offering was received • by Denys and a..,bou,tonniere was ted were tan Ginn as president, , Tirs Clark •and dedicated with pinned 'on Mr, Bean by Miss Bonnie Westbrook as vice - was held `last Taylor's corner held 'their 1' f Mr and 4 H H makers 'club on 0 on The girls started off••with the alter • elections of officers. Those elec- prayer: Wanda Plaetzer. Lunch. Was.. served by Mrs. An• address . in poem form MacKay' assisted •by Mrs. Fran- composed by -Mrs. Elliott Lapp. • ° ,was read by M'rs. Lapp. Gifts were presented by Elliott. Lapp and Lawrence Plaetzer, Mr. and Mrs. Bean thanked Society everyone for their gifts and the eting on lovely evening held in their 3 'at 8 honor. Lunch was served and f Church.~ the bride. and groom of 25 years of' Lon- cut the 'decorated 'anniversary • ces Clark. • SOCIAL NEWS The Auburn Bible will hold its annual me Monday, September 2 p.m: in ,Knox United Rev. John Thompson w'll be' the est Ronald Snell of Westfield is the , president. Everyone;welcorne to' GIVE .•• so more attend. • will live Mr.'. and Mrs. Keith Robin- • son, Kim and ,, Kari of HEARTNewmarket spent the weekend with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. Ross Robinson " and attended FUND • the Wide -Nicholson, wedding. M x . •-a•nd ,Mrs, Fred Youngblut of Woodstock - president. Marva Jackson as secretary, Marjorie DeBoet•k'as treasurer, and Lynne Hildebrand as press reporter. Mrs: DeDoer discussed flower. arrangements and enter- taining in the home. The girls enjoyed arranging flowers to suit the ease and where they were going to be placed. Next meeting will be held on Saturday, September 21 at don a gu speaker. "cake. h• . .Bonnie Westbrook's home. f5 FRAMING6 SP.- I � IALSTS• Pictures; OH> Paintings, Needlework Framing COMPLETE DISPLAY°NOW ' AT OUR RETAIL STORE 4 , a Small picture frames, runny shapes and . .izes, and reasonably priced. " 112 THE SOUARE,,524.7924 eric car°man • . photography Huron County's Now Camera Csrtrs that date open -ladies - it will be the Sunset First. Hope to see you there. • �, First flight winners .from Men's Lite were Denis I:assaline, George LQW and Leroy Bedour. George Bolton, Bud Sheardown, and John Shaddick won the second flight winners.' Third flight winners were Ray , Cook, Mark McKenny, and Rennie Arm- strong. Only one more Men's Nite left,, fellows, so let's' end with a 100 per •cent attendance. • The ladies attendance has been excellent this. year, their .keen interest proves they have. been working very hard tx !ing to improve their game';:- Wat'ch, out fellows. Our handicaps -are , getting lower. • Marie Huff was the winner this .week. Other "prizes went to Velma Campion, Karen Scott, Adele Drennan, Isobel MacD4nald, Grace Sale and Betty Helesic. ' Keep up the good work girls. • ' This week 'is the Auction Sale. Ladies, just bring your items. No,dollar for ladies nite. This should be a•good fun nite. Hope•to see you more in `74. Pretty contestants vie for ffIe MPP MURRAY-GAUNT treated the tour entrants—in this year's Queen of thy' Furrow Contest at the Huron County Plowing Match to a luncheon on Saturday afternoon so the girls could take a breathier during their day -long list of qua - important Meeting To deal with Winter Recreation. at the..Recreation Centre- ME•NESET, PARK Sat., Sept., 21 10:00 A.M: COFFEE TiME i•I'Iease Attend 6 PRE -WINTER OUTERWEAR "COUPON" SALE Bring in the coupon and., save COUPON GOOD FOR 10% OFF OUTERWEAR PURCHASE. ATTHE JENNY WREN SHOT PE - SEPT. 19 to•25 . ,Name .. . Phone No . ° CHOOSE FROM A GOOD SELECTION OF COATS, JACKETS & SNOWMOBILE SUITS • Cash & Carry Savings with cdupori only • 4• • iti}ttiY fi'li ift67( Ig INFANTS' AND CHILDREN'S W. WEAR q WINGHAM-GODERICH••KINCARDINE R ° -'PEN FRIDAY EVENINGS - '. , C1-IAROEX - MASvTE:iCHARGE BLUE'S l.if i contests._T 'r��ls are Anne Stewart of the Seaforth y� area, who was.Iater crowned .queen ; Linda Newton of RR.1, Wroxeter; Karin Ortmanns of RR 3, ,Exeter and Kathleen Gielen of RR2, Crediton: - • (Staff Photo) • P ARKET 104 The Square• - Goderich• OPEN MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. SATURDAYS 8 A.M. TO, 7, P.M. r 7 MEA 75 FRESH FROZEN SILVER'BRIGHT' ,. SALMON CHUNKS AVAILABLE FRESH,,- FROZEN Lean Ground Beef '&2.69 . °MAPLE LEAF TENDER P�rk Liver .e 49c MAPLE LEAF FRESH WHOLE y w. LS 79c PLAIN, OR Picnic Hams DRESSED SCHNEIDER'S, NO. 1 QUALITY Wieners 1 LB: PKG. 89c SCHNEIDER'S Bucket Fried Chicken $2.79 SCHNEIDER'S 19 Octoberfest Sausage LB. 1.35 SCHNEIDER'S - OI.D COUNTRY STYLE SILVER THREAD b Sa uerkra ut - , 2 LB. PKG. .59c MAPLE LEAF Thrifty Bacon LB. PKG. 89c MAPLE LEAF , - SLICED .LEAN • � .� b. LB.99( Side Pork .. PRODUCE SUNKIST - VALENCIA Oranges SIZE 113's DOQZ89e 1i ONTARIO NO. 1 Turnips - Cl U S. . WHITE - Grapefruit r 10191 ONLY B 1 OC Y U.S .NO.1 o e Rb9 Head Lettuce, . CANADA `CEE GRADE' Macintosh Apples 3 LB. EAG $5.c CANADA CEE GRADE Duchess, Apples 3LB. 65e BAG BREAD & PASTRY WESTON'S - WHITE - WHOLE WHEAT - CRACKED SupremeWHEAT 24 OZ. LOAVES . Br399coR9S289 ead • WESTQN'S 2 DOZ. �9 Dinner Rolls WESTON'S _ Bluebetry Muffins WEeTON'S 9 OZ. PKG. „ Vanilia Cookies 59c 3 too PKG.. DELSEY;: 2. ROLL PACK Bathroom Tissue SUPREME - SMOOTH OR. CRUNCHY . . Peanut Butter 1 LBMASON AJAR CARNATION 2% EVAPORATEDA a :SkimmedPartly Milk 16 OZ. CAN VIM - INSTANT Powdered • v Skim MiIkBAG 69 SUNSPUN -oSO"FT Ma rgarifl e 1, LB, TUB c SUNGOLD -'PKG: OF 5 ENVELOPES Orange Crystds 79c 'E.D: SMITH. Garden 'Cocktail 28 OZ. - JAR 39c McCORMICK'S - SALTED - NON SALTED & SALTINES Crackers - 1 •LB. BOX 59c Ae WESTON'S WagonWheels':12 Z.BOXOX 7 c KRAFT - MACARONI & CHEESE F Dinners 73/,4 OZ. 4.789c BOX MOTHER PARKER'S - 10 OZ. InstantCoffee n . JAR - Coke 40 OZ. O s.t.99 PLUS DEPOSIT. MAPLE LANE` & SILVERWOOD'S ' 'Fresh Milk (� QUART- BAGS) 4skim HOMO 2, - , L r5 ,$1.09 $1 L05 SUPREME Frozen Peas 2 LB.; PKG. VALLEY FARM - 02 LB. PKG. FrenchFres 1. Y PKQB. COMMENCING, -SEPT, 23, "L971 THIS' STORE WILL CLOSE AT 9 P.M. .0MONDAT',TUESDAY & WE ESDAY 1.° • J 47+ u>