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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-05, Page 19
P • -4M AN OPEN reception and dance Rodney f held one will bed y Jervis 'and Jean Stothers (Bridal' Couple) on Friday Evening • Sept.. 6th at 10 p.m. in Saltford.,, Musie- y the Broughams. Tickets ay.ilable at .the • • d"oor.--36 • NE*.. BINGO, Clinton Legion I -tall 8:30 Evert/ Thursday Ad- mis.sio.n $1.00, fifteen regular games: $10.00 each.. Three Share-ThP-WeM h games. One Jackpot for $150 in 54 calls consolation. One call and $10.00 added weekly if . not won.—cgtfn Zenith makes four quality hearing aids priced from S85 tos195. HURON. HISTORIC JAIL' Sep- tember hours: Saturday and. Sundays 12 noon to 5 p.m. Weekdays for, groups only, by prior. -arrangement. Telephone 52.,4-6520,--35,36 •. • WESTERN FAIR LONPON bus leaving Monday, Septem- ber 9, Goderich. Coach Lines 529-7921 or 5294929.--35,36 BINGO every Saturday at Goderich Legion Hall 8:30.p.m. Fifteen regular games, $12.00 prizes. Four share -the -wealth games, with this week's jackpot $85.00 won in 57 calls. Door prizes. Admission $1.O0—gtf FREE Come in for a free hearing test and let us show you the wide range of Ze_nith models and stylevs: There's -a Zenith hearing aid to . match any loss a hearing aid can help. FREE cleaning 'and check-up of any hearing aid., Remember, Zenith '°hearirg aids have . suggested retail prices significantly below those of most foreign imported instruments. ev/'►y The quality goes in belore,the name goes ori i o HAROLD K. ARNOLD HEARING AIDS LTD. 8 Dolt* sr: Io, . Kltchener •. _. T.L. 7444114 GODERICH SERVICE DAY Tuesday,. Sept. 9 from 9 a.m. - 12 -noon AT RIECIC.PHARM.ACY 14 THE SQUARE GODERICH TELEPHONE 5244241 GODERICR GARDEN CLUB: Late summer flowerJ show, Sep- tember 7, North Street United Church, open to the public 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. Door prize.-35AR T,IE GODERICH LIONS CLUB Monday night, T,V. Bingo reaumes on channel 12 Sept 16 at 7:30 p.m: Cards will be on sale at stores displaying poster.--35ar, 36,37 COME to the Old Time Variety Concert, North Street United Church, Wednesday, September 25, 1974,8:30' p.m. Christian Education Hall, Sponsored by U.C.W. $1.25 adults, 75c for children, --'-36,38 ^ D 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED 5 days 4 cities 7 women ,3 brawls BOO beers and a lot of laughs! COLUMBIA PICTURES presents JACK NICHOLSON nTI IE LAST I)E'LtIL AND _.._....... «CRAZE'. "SEX sears', AND "HITCH HOOKER" `. Mw.:a .o..w.o. " :Most Cops play it by the book. Newman wrote his own. • N^ .,: ROGER ROBINSON E:UJGENROCHE N -6Ur'121Nt'. ANTHONY VARA tim r• n RICHAAC HEFF7'ON QIIHARC)IFVN iIMVrR,SAL PI(;Tunr 'oCHNICotiW Bil/oarc• REGULAR , HEARING Alb SERVICE CENTER CAMPBELL'S 1 08 THE SQUARE GODERICH Thursday, Sept.1 2 1 - 3 p.m. . FREE ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS , REPAIRS TO MOST MAKES OF HEARING AIDS E. R. THtDE HEARING AID SERVICE 88 QUEEN ST. S. KIT CHENER , WANTEI;1: Many spectators, to watch the thrills and .spills of Motocross motarcycle racing at , Walton, Ontario. Race .starts -1 p.m• Sunday Sept, 8. A,'"drnissiofl $2.00, children under 12 free: • Sponsored by Maitland Dirt Riders Club. Refreshments available through Seafortb.- Junior Farmers. -36 STAG for Goderich 1974.-36 ott Mabon at the a, September 7, H RO - COUNTY FAMILY Planning Project invites you to , attend the' Birth Control Clinic.., held every Tuesday and, Thur+' sday at - Huron Park Agricultural .College, Oxford Hall, from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. Services include - 1. Coun- selling 2. Medical advice' ,by physician 3. Contraceptive methods 4. Tests ie. Pap Smears. Everyone welcomes All services are available free. of charge. Further information call 235-1014 (weekdays)', or 228-6910 Tuesday evenings.-36AR ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON Now Playing - "Sugarfoo�t" Coming Next "Buster" .- • a 4'y MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB Mixed Two Ball SATURDAY, SEDT, 7 d^O. AERIC 1 v t% 3I+Ol�AI.-STAR, TkithitsDA,x, SEPTE EEIt -4, ,9174-,!AGE,;aA 4:30• P.M. Golf, Corn Roast and Dance -- $7.00 Per Couple . Dance Only -- $3.00 a DELICIOUS �a ' Meals air' Snacks NOW FULLY L15ENSFU GODERICH RESTAURANT STEAKHOUSE It* TAVERN Ltd. LICENSED UNDER THE LIQUOR 'LICENSE ACT. WEST STREET ' • VISIT THE „Frank & Gus harry -.O0 AISO SPAGHETTI-LASAGNARAVIOU 50 WEST STREET, GOQERICH (Near The Laundromat) Delivery Charge only 54i OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Monday .through Thursday 4 to 2 a.m. Friday & Saturday 4 to 3:30 a.m. Sunday 4 to 12 We now hu•ve 18” -GFARTY SIZE PIZZA Lloeneed under L:CJ.O. COLOUR TV a BA'VFIELD RD., 'GODERICH RELAXING 8241711 ATMOSPHERE DINNER RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED;. DINING and .D ANCING FRIDAY '& SATURDAY,. SEPTEMBER .6:& 7,,.»•,. * Sorry - we cannot accept ..reservations for entertainment S AndPIZZERIAT .0WEST ST. GODERICH 524y2i84 'g - OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK -SEAFOODS— STEAKS -- CHOPS — CUTLETS . FridayzS Fish Special & Chips !.E9UT BROWNIF'S �������► CLINTON - ONTA 10 ��TRE BOX OFFICE OPEN 8 P.M. - .SHOW STARTS 8:30 P.M. " Open Weekends QnIy after Sept;i- FRIDAY -• SATURDAY • SUNDAY September 6-7-8 , • The ultimate in anventhre and excitement! Adult Entertainment PANAVISION© TEOLOR®t, rn on THE NEXT MOVE 15 MURDER, Starring (In Alphabetical Order) RICHARD BENJAMIN • DYAN CANNON •JAMES COBURN JOAN HACKETT • JAMES MASON • IAN McSHANE • RAQUEL WELCH ' • rfbi' OPENS AT 8:00' SHOWS START AT DUSK T Great Movie UMMER 174. #912Weer DRIVE-IN • GODERICH HWY. 8 AT CONCESSION RD. 4 'PHONE 524-9981 FRL-SAT.-SUN; Ii It was the Fall Of '54 P, a. time when.Iaughing • was easy... SEPT. 6-7-8 And laugh they did, -:until they crossed the "Samuel Z Arkoff presents a Max Baer production Macon County Line Alan Vint • Cheryl Waters • Geoffrey Lewis • loan Blackman • Jesse Vint and Max Baer. prop„'., et,n nv .'ref» nv by p0,4.: Pd Pv Stu Phillips • Roger Camras • Max r Baer • Max Baer and Richard Compton • Max Baer t,Y Richard Compton color qy Cl l an American International release L 'Another Place, Another Time" composed and sung by Bofbre Gentry ,COMING, "WALKING TALL" at the Regular Price) COLONEL SANDERS'. RECIPE Kestiv1(9'Fie.dekiektn... •. on:. ansa on -' Septemberlthand 8th ONLY -at the 5 Points - 94 ELGIN St. GODERICH .nP r1,t, •