HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-05, Page 154
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Fastball tourney -
still not over
two finals till
The sixth annual Goderich
ind-ustrial Softball Tour-
fitment grand championship
game was postponed two weeks
coy a light rain that `started af-
terthe 29th game on Monday
The final two games of the
tournament, the "A" division
chainpionship and the grand.
championship games will be
played on ,September 15 at
Agriculture Park.
In the first game the Kit-
chener Evergreens will play the
Stratford Memorial Athletics
to decide the winner of•the "A
• a division. The =winner of that
game• ,will play the Lucan
"Irish" Nine locttletermine the
tournament grand champions.
The 29th game between
" Dominion -Roads and Lucan'
was, the "B". division cham-
pionship game. Wayne Draper
smashed a, 'hornerun for
DRMCo in the 'sixth inning to
tie the game 2-2 but •pitcher,
on ••McWhinnie gave up four
si :'les in the top' of the seventh
an . actin scored, two runs to
by the ,umpire. Not sure of
touching the 'plate he returned
to tag up and accidentally bum-
ped the catcher. The man 'tur-
ned and assaulted the Clipper
player but was quickly subdued
by his teammates.
Later in the game the same
Bryanston player ran up in the
stands after spectator Wayne
Cook in• reaction . to -several
comments from Cook. The um-
pire immediately' removed the
player from the game.
The second- of two hits Sar-
nia pitcher Jean Lacroix gave
up' to Toronto Sanderson Bin-
ding cost his -team --the game.
Lacroix walked ' two battters
before _ Barry— :Thompsonsmashed a three run homer to
give Toronto a 3-0 victory.
In a '• Saturday "B" game
Badenoch pitcher Ron Inglis
threw a three _hitter and him-
self got three hits in four trips
to the plate. to help his team
defeat Elmira 9-3. •
In a pitching duel that lasted
an extra inning East London
Sports eliminated Chepston by,
a 2-1 margin. Chepston pifcher
•brought Glencoe to within -two
runs „but' a homerun by ..Bill
Fairbairn in the seventh with a
. man on base was all the n-
surance °Petrolia, needed.
The Lucan. Nine, described
by an umpi0a as the "fighting
Irish" ended the hopes of Pic -
ton by defeating them 4-1'.
Lucan, pitcher §rian 'Lightfoot
gave up only two hits -to Picton,
the team to travel the furthest
distance to take part in •the
tournament. Picton is over 300
miles from Goderich.
1n the game described as the.
most exciting of Saturday's ac-
tion Burlington *defeated Arva
7-6. Fighting back twice from
three run deficits, Burlington's
Bob • Crutchow scored from
second on, a single by Joe
Goderich Kendall . Oil
capitalized on a series of
Walton errors ' to break a
' seventh inning tie and defeat
Walton 0-4. Kendall had a four
run rally in the top of°the sixth
inning to tie. the game. • In the
The official opening of the tournament was not until
- Saturday night at 9;30 when Mayor Harry Worsell threw
fourth innings and a one hit ef- in the first ball to batter George Burgess, right. ° Mr.
fort by. Wayne Petrie Arras' '`' Burgess was the representative from Carling -O'Keefe
enough to advance East Lon-.,Brewer+es The ma r
don Sports.to the third round yor •g
' two strikes on -George before
competition. London shut out
he lined one to short to start the action In the, game bet-
ween, Burlington and-Arva. Others on hand for the
opening were, from left, tournament president Doug
Fisher, Mayor Worsell, Arva, coach Frank Clark,
Burlington coach Jack Evans and George Burgess.
that declares a team the winner ''- In an exciting seventh
Tronto Sanderson Binding 6-0 •inning • Bar. 4-3 to advance to the •"B" the seventh inning Lucan
in the "A division game, a if they have a seven run lead drive with two out- the Lutan championship against DRMCo. scored two to stay, alive in the
Petrolia pitchers -Gary Water•cite-r five innings. Nine defeated Petrolia Colony , „With two out in the bottom of tournament.
and Wray Lamb .combiged,.�..�...,.........�....�..�.._.....-.i....,.-ft....•�....... ...�."�.�........�........._........-�..^4,.............�..._....�...�,......•....`..-.....,.....�..�..�..•,-..•,....•�...�...�......r...•.,.,.�..f
Mmen ror�s or aUoerOntar.io
their talents to strike 11 Cen-
,.tr.alla batters ou•tL in their
team's 8:2' victory in the second
round "B" team. The two gave
up only -four hits between them
The Petrolia "A" entry took
a second inning five run lead in
their game with Kitchener
Evergreens bat had that lead
reduced to a deficit in the bot-
tom of the inning' when Kit-
chener. „scoredsix runs. In-
stifance markers in the fourth
and fifth innings gave Kit-
chener a 9-6 victory over
A three run rally in the fifth
inning broke a 2-2 tie between
Lucan and Goderich Kendall.
i -
Oil and Lucan held on to the
lead' to defeat Goderich 5-2 in
the final "B"' game of the .
In the final "A" second f
round game Kitchener O.W.
Sports° defeated Burlington 5-4
in eight innings. Burlington
came from behind in the
' seventh. inning and took a two
run lead that Kitchener tied in C
the bottom of the seventh. Bill
Ballaugh singled and scored af- . ;
ter, an error `by Burlington 2,
second' 'P baseman Dennis
Newsome to end the game 5-4,
In the first "A" division j
third round game East London
Sports rallied in the fourth in-
to tie Stratford 4-4 but
couldn't contain -'the Athletics
who scored- two in the fifth to
beat London 6-5. •
DRMCo and Sandy's .Clip- 1
pers met in the first "B" third j
round game and a grand slam. t
homer in the seventh inning t
gave DRMCo the 10-8 victory.
Sandy's scored three runs in •i
the top of the seventh to take
- an 8-6 lead but .Brian McLean .
smashed, a grand slam homer. ;
in the last of the seventh to give •
• DRMCo the 10-8 win. Wayne
Doak and Rick Gallow also„hit 7
• homers in the game A , • •`
The second "A” game pitted
two Kitchener teams, the
Evergreens and O.W. Sports
against one another. Jim Miller 1
posted a' two hitter in the `j
Evergreen 0-1 'victory. he 2
me was called after fivein-
s due to'a tournament rule �,1•. �.w.�a•
Although he didn't; play in thetournament-Ray ;Schweitzer.was,the biggest winner of
the weekend, Flay wor the draw for the 1974 Vega given away "by'th . League. He
and his wife Gloria, seated beside him, left the movies. Monday night an, name out
in the rain to' admire their prize. (staff -photo) ` . , •
FIRST ROUND Don Kelley, struck out lO bat- seventh inning Jack acKin-
ters in the reg regulation seven in- non -singled and adva ed to
In earlier action the $r�issels g
Rockets defeated' the Zurich en- . pings and his London -counter -
third on errors. 'Ron Kr gee
try, 7-1, in the 'first "B" .game • part, Gerry ' Gooder, retired drove%Macl{,innon in and th n
nine. stole home after reaching thir
of the .weekend. ''brussels 'pit- In the. topof f the 'eighth. in- "mom Walton error.
Cher, Neil Gowing, allowed: ,only g In the final first round game
four Zurich hits in the victory. ning Chepston scored one run nrn
to ,lead the game but London °• Kitchener O.W. Sports defeated
In the first "A'' game Jerry's ..
Canteen (Kitchener) shut out replied 'th tw in the bottom Sar_nia 2-0 without' earning a
wr O •
•t wi 2-1.rUn. Both Kitchener scores
Nile. 3-0. to advance' to second of the .inning o n
round action. GODERiCH
DRMCd, one of four Goderich Gord's Sports
Goderich teams in the tour- . loaded the bases in the sixth in-
nament, eliminated the Bluth ning but could hot 'score them lead.
entry„by 'a 7-1' margin. DRMCo to remove Centralia's two run
pitcher Don .McWhinnie turned lead: Gord's scored one run in SECOND' ROUND
in a strong performance, giving the seventh, and left the tying In the -first "B” game' of the
up only three hits: run on first. losing 3-2 to the o second round 5DRMCo batted
In a game that was-officiall-y... - C-entralia entry.. around the order in the, .third
protested, the Stratford•
In a game described by Win- inning :to score five of the six -
dsor fans as another "Windsor runs they needed to defeat
ripoff" the Kitchener Brussels 6-4. A three run rally
Evergreens defeated Windsor in the fifth inning fell short of
Hiram Walkers 3-0. Two the Goderich lead and Brussels
homeruns, one with 'a man on was eliminated frons further'
base, was all Kitchener needed • play.' , ,
in the shutout. Stratford pitcher" Ross Hislop
The fans from Windsor were gave up four hits.to Xitchener
upset because the umpire failed Jerry's Canteen and hit a triple
to call a ground rule double af- to drive in the winning run in
ter a Windsor outfielder fum= his team's 2-0 shutout over Kit..
bled the ball over'the fence and chener: Warren Hastings
Kitchener„ posted a two run singled .in Bill Taylor for the
insurance' .marker to 'advance
Stratford to third -round play.
came on 'Sarnia errors. in the
first and fourth innings. A
three hit effort by p• Harvey
Mann preserved the Kitchener
A`thletic's shut out Walkerville
2-0: The protest came after a
Walkerville hit that bounced
over the. outfield fence. The
umpire ruled the hit .a ground
rule double and Walkerville
.protested claiming the ball was
touched by the outfielder befor'e
going over the fence and should
be ruled .a homerun that would
have tied the game. Tour-
nament executives threw the
protest out giving Stratford,the
victory. '';',:homer.. Both pitchers Brian
DELAYED BY ANGER . Plante fiord. Windsor and Jim
Q In a game that was , twice "4%'Miller allowed only two .hitsKEY HOMERUNS
delayed by violence, Goderich each: Two run herpes by Ken
' Sandy's Clippers scored fbur One of the two Petrolia• en
" funs "nn four hits to defeat tries ,in the tournament kept • Deer and Fick Sowerby were
Bryanston '4-2. The game, their hopes alive by defeating all' that Sandy's Clippers.
Qcalled after five innings Watford 5.4: Petrolia pitcher .needed to defeat Badenoch 4.0
because of the 10 hour time Wray Lamb 'allowed only fouf and advance to third round
limit, was 'delayed once wh'n Watfardo hits in the 'B" game. competition against DRMCo
`' Deb Shewfelt and the Bryan- The other Petrolia entry, Sandy's "pitcher Ken Dae'
their hA tsta, advanced to allowed only three Badenoch
aston,catcher were in'volvl in a tehits in his, second tournament
scuffle. the second round by defeating
Shewfelt slid into home on a Glencoe 8.4. AThome run on appearance.
dose play and was called safe errors in the Sixth inning 'two runs in first;' third and
eekend tournament brought
By Jeff Seddon
The many stories and humorous activities connected with
the weekend 'baseball utournarrient that can not make it to . .
print due to lack of time and space are in some cases just as
interesting as the game results. People from across the
province coming together for a weekend , of fun and com-
petition can't help' but do unusual things as'a result of the
spirit` at the ballpark.
.Jobs thatsprang up such as scoring and announcing
games, serving food in the kitchen.and beverages at the bar,
marking. the ball diamond and keeping the whole schedule
moving on time were given to co-operative" people who in
some cases allowed; • their enthusiasm to overrule their
Buttalents. ut -the job' Ivas done and very well.
Announcing the ,games was a weekend joke. Team. lineups
were 'coming to the scorekeeper in coaches' 'handwriting and
the men in charge of translating the names quite often
couldn't even spell them so you can imagine the difficulty in
pronouncing them. On. more than one. occasion a player's
name would be announced and he would tut"n towards the
microphone with a scowl.
The kitchen staff, made.up of tournament executive, ate
• all the food they.burned or spoiled and by the end of the
weekend were staring out...of the booth like.zombies, moving
like machines when people ordered 'submarines or ham-
burgers. .
After each and every game Doug Fisher jumped in his.
truck and `dragged the diamntrd by pullinff a section of frost
'fence around and around until the playing surface looked.
like new again.
After the Fisher truck left the field the executive and their
helpers would rake the batter's box and mark the diamnd_,-,_•
with lime to distinguish between foul and •fair territory.
Lineups would be announced and more than one"player
picked up a. new nickname as a result of the play-by-play
,man mispronouncing his' name.,
The officiating, for the tourn•amertt Was very good..The um-
pires from the Ingersoll area -shared the duties behind the
plate and the base line and worked the tournament from
start to finish. They bought tickets on -the car, they talked to
players after the games 'and made as many new friends aa,
the players..
All the executive were doing, more than" running a ball
tournament, ' they were representing the town of Goderich
and doing a great job. The.. teams that enteredthe play came)
to Goderich with the intention of staying the weekend, win
or lose,' and enjoying themselves. The execs were enter-
taining the players and according to•players' comments, .they'
were very successful,
The teams had some characters playing for them that were.
a joy to behold. Petrolia had a pitcher, catcher'combination
that weighed in at over 650 pounds•and devoted a great deal
of -their energy to shouting encouragement •to their fellow
The Chepston entry had a set of twins, one catching and
one pitching that must have .been confusing to the batters
opposing them. A batter would look at the pitcher and after •
the throw .turn around and be facing what looked to be the
same . man. • , .
Mayor Harry Worsell came, to the park on Sunday mor-
ning and asked the announcer 'to turn down the volume
'si•nce. it was still rather early- on the Sabbath for the
residents of Goderich to hear the play-by-play•of the games.
The end ,result of the tournament is that yet another
tourist attraction, softball,.has been established in Goderich.
The tournament, one of the largest in the province, Jhas come
'to be a well attended event and -already teams have voiced.
their intentions to return next year and compete.
* * *
The Goderich Pee Wee baseball teani may feel. sighted' by
the tournament since the ` majority of fans at Agriculture
Park on Sunday were watching the softball game while they
' played on -the next diamond.
The fact is that there was so much activity in the sport
that the people in the park failed to recognize the difference
in the two games.
The pee wee -team is to be congratulated on their fine ef-
fort in tab all -Ontario quarter final with Essex. The boys
dost two games to Essex and are eliminatedfrom_ the
' playoffs. n
The umpire for the Sunday contest was Mayor Harry Wor-
sell who -had to have his wife paged over the loudspeaker to
• get the keys to the car so he could get his equipment and
begin the game.
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The Industrial ,Fastball League tournament wenton for three days and
two nights without a hitch ttptil Mother F4 ture put a stop to'the play on'
Monday night. Rainfall forced the last • charnpiohahip game and;the'
grand championship garme'o be postponed until September 15.