HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-05, Page 5lf .,a CODEBIC SIGNAL,STAR, THURSDAY, .SEPTEMBER !i► E 0 Brian Courtney,On of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney was ad- mitted by ambulance tow the. Alexandra Marine.and General Hospital in Goderich on Sun- day, September 1 as a result of a car -accident near the home of Mr. and Mn..Dennis Dalton on Highway 21 at Kingsbridge.- Brian ingsbridge.-Brian received a broken collar bone. tither passengers in the car were Shawn Dalton, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mark Dalton and 'Cathy Simpson,daughter of Mr. aid Mrs. Robert Simpson. Cathy' was hospitalized over night at the same hospital. Mrs. 'Fred Crawford who received injuries in a car ac- cident on August 3 was tran- sferred last week from Univer- sity Hospital in London to the Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich. Ralph Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Austin and Michael Boyle, son of' Mr. and °Mrs, Cyril Boyle left on Tuesday, August 27 for a two week cam- ping holiday in the Maritime Provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sinnett ' returned to their home in Detroit, Michigan on Tuesday, August 27 after spending a camping holiday at Lake Huron and visiting with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sin - nett and family. . Mrs. E. Riban from Largo; Florida and' Miss Catherine Kenny from Detrdit, Michigan are spending '10 days vacation at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Frank Sullivan and with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vogt and family. Brian Dalton, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Dennis•Dalton returned to his home after spending 'the month of August teaching art at Port _Hhrristan, Quebec. Brian will begin teaching art at' the Elmira High School on Tuesday, September 3. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Courtney of Goderich and formerly of Kingsbridge who celebrated .their 27th wed- ding anniversary on Friday, August 30 and to Mr. and Mrs., Donald Simpson : whol celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday, August 31: Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil) of ' Jackson, lVrichigan spent the ' weekend ' at their cottage here and visited' with the O'Neill' and Howard families. . • - • John Sheardown who has been employea 'at the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital has accep- ted the position as recreational• director at the Psychiatric Hospital in South Porcupine, Ontario. Miss Fay Hogan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs• Con Hogan retur- hed to he# jobgon Tuesday, Sep.: tember 3 as the Food Service Administrator at the Doctor McKinnon Phillips Hospital in Owen Sound, on a part-time .basis for the first week. Fay, whoawas on sick leave from the hospital and had been hospitalized at the University Hospital in London for a time, has been convalescing . at her home here.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter" Kelly and Miss Edna Mottram of London visited with friends in this area on the, weekend. Mr. and Mrs., John VanOsch and family of Waterloo visited on the' weekend . with . his parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,,Jack VanOsch and the VanOsch families. Mrs, Dorothy (O'Neill) tha) and daughter Charlene all from b Marine City, Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ornerod_ (Janet)._ and daughter 'Tracy • from Richrnond,_Michigan; Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Fitzpatrick and son Joey; all from Goderich, visited op the weekend with Mr. and •Mr's. Cyril„ Austin and the O'Neill relatives. Tom .O'Neill of Sudbury spent the holiday weekend at his .home here. Jim Gower of Saltford spent a few days last week visiting with his grand- mother, Mrs. Tom O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gower and family visited them on the weekend. Miss Darlene Austin, daughter of Mr. and . Mrs. 'Eldon Austin fell at her home on Friday, August 30 and frac- tured her 'collar bone. She is wearing a cast but was 'able to return to classes at school on Tuesday morning. - • Mr.., and. Mrs. Nick Perry, Detroit, Michigan spent the weekend at the home ' of her brother, 'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan. Mrs. Joe Garvey, 'Toronto, Mr. and ,Mrs. Michael Garvey and family of Clarkson; spent the holiday weekend at- the Garvey Homestead. Doctor and Mrs. Peter Bolland and family from Clarkson spent the weekend at. the Bolland farm here. Mr. ' and Mr+' Emmett O'Neill 5'E' Jackson, Michigan visited with the O'Neill relatives here on the Labor Day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ross; Pamela and David of Kitchener visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmond- son and family -of Chatham spent the'weekend at the home ;of Mr.• and Mrs.°Carl Riegling and with. the Riegling families. M'r. and Mrs..''Antone VanOsch and family have returned to their home here af- ter holidaying and visiting Marineland in Niagara Falls. Parishoners of St. Joseph's • church° at Kingsbridge, the young as well as 1the, old, en- joyed the 'roller skating party which was Held at' the LucknoW - Arena -on Saturday evening, August 31 SCHOOL NEWS With the Labor Day weekend and the opening .of schools on Tuesday, September 3 many surpr,er cottager have retur- ned to their homes in the city. At St. Joseph's , School at Kingsbridge, Principal Clem Steffler reports there are 18.1 ' pupils registered including 17 kindergarten pupils • who will begin classes on Wednesday morning. Teachers this year are Grade 8, Mrs. Maithel Wilson; Grade 6 and 7, Joanne Hamilton; Grade '5 and, 6, Mrs. Donald Frayne; Grade 4,. Mrs. John Sheardown; Grade 2 and 3,• Mrs. Paul;'Eedy; Grade 1, Miss " Nancy Anderson and Kin- dergarten, Mrs. Larry Park. A special welcome is given to ,the .Gracie 6 and 7 teacher, Miss Joanne Hamilton who comes from RR 5, Lucknow and. to the new pupils''who are attending classes at Kingsbridge for the first time.' „. BASEBALL PLAYOFFS In Junior Boys (ages 7 to 12) final playoff ,baseball games between North Ashfield and ,'Moore and family Mr. and Mrs Eugene Moore,` Mr. and Mrs. .° Charles Schindler, (Mary Mar - Kingsbridge held ,at ° the Dungannon Ball park the second" game wap,; . played on Monday evening August 26 and was won.by North Ashfield. Kingsbridge went ahead two games :.to one when they won the'. third game 'which was played , on 'friday evening, August- 30. The score was Kingsbridge 11 •North Ashfield 8. Ttie fourth game which was scheduled for Monday, evening, September 2 was cancelled„due to the rain. Kingsbridge Intermediates lost their first game against St. Helen's played in the Lucknpw ball park on Wednesday evening, August 28. The final score was St.. Helen's 15, Kingsbridge 2. The second. game was played on Tuesday evening in Lucknovv. COMMUNITY NEWS Mr, and Mr• s. John J, O'Reilly of Syracuse, New York 'returned to Kingsbridge to at- tend the O'Reilly reunion and visited with Mrs. Jack Kinney. In July they called at ' the Goderich Police Station inquiring information re the late John J. O'Reilly family of Kingsbridge. Through the 'cour- tesy .of Officer Marvin Whit- taker, they were directed to •Father Dentinger at-- the Kingsbridge Rectory and also obtained '''records from the Kingsbridge Geneological Society. • Mr. -and • Mrs. J.L. O'Loughlin of Rochester, Michigan and Mrs. Al O'Loughlin of Troy, Michigan visited at the home of Mrs. Ber- nardine Kinney over the Labor Day weekend and attended the O'Reilly . - O'Loughlin celebrations. FAMILY REUNION E SQUARE GODERICH 524.75.32 A family reunion . for the members 'of the late Michael O'Reilly and Mary O'Loughlin family was held at the h"ome of Mr. and Mrs. °Ken Schmidt (Marlene O'Reilly) at Vanastra Park in Clinton on .Saturday, .August 31. Supper was served to _the many _relatives,, Five membersof,„ J h'e in wediate family were io attendance. They were, Mrs.'James Ganter.. (Ethel) of Boulder, Colorado; Melvin of: Windsor; Stanley of Toronto; Olive • 9f°, Sun City, Arizona; 'and Isabel of London. Relatives of the family of the late Chester O'Reilly from Bay City; Michigan and other . relatives from South Bend, •Chicago; Kingston; . London; Detroit; Toronto; Clinton; Goderich; Kingsbridge and surrounding areaswere _also present. ' A commemorative' High Mass for the living and deceased members of the O'Reilly and O'Loughlin, families was celebrated by !Reverend Father Ed Dentinger; C.•R: in St.. Joseph's Parish Church, 'Kingsbridge On Sunday, Sep- tember 1 a F1-:30 a.m.. •In his homily, Father 'Den- _ .tinger paid tribute to the..:. sacrifices of this pioneer family and' .their contribution of a strong, simple faith. Guest soloist was • Mrs. Bill Junes of Bay City, Michigan who sang "Ave' Maria". *Organist was Miss Marianne Frayne. , She and her father Eugene Frayne sang "Hoy Great Thou Art".' Relatives visited at the home of Mrs. Bernardine Kinney in the afternoon and ening. •,•LIF ' "bu" b0"� I,1p 410 'JOAr • t The ViIIaqeuiId .The Go -Between The �. Store- N ext -D oor Bayfield in i7 J will'r.b open'part.-tithe Until Thanksgiving Saturday`•10.6 Sunday 1 Oi-S Monday closed' Tuesday ikodnesday 1;30 — 4:30 Thursday Friday etre 6ul 6usg W.C. "Bert" Robinson retired from Sheaffer Pen last Friday after 29 years of employment, with the company. Bert joined the company in Toronto and came to Goderich 21 years ago `when the plant on• Huron. Road opened. He served Sheaffer as 'a plant manager, specialty sales manager and purchasing jananager and will work on special assignments for the com- pany during his retirement. He received a diamond ring from his fellow employees and here is presented a gold filled desk set by Vice President and general ' (staff photo) , Goderich wedding Coupleresiding at Huron Park A quiet wedding was solem- nized ° at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. in Goderich, Ontario, on August -9, 1974 at 7 p.m., when Ilona Maria Kovacs, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Julius Kovacs of Lighthouse Street, Goderich, was united in holy matrimony to John Thomas Murch, son of Mrs. Mary Murch and the late William Murch of _C.linton. Father Moynahan officiated at the service and the wedding music was played by a friend of the couple (formerly Miss Ann Legg). The bride waw escorted to the altar by her brother, William of Goderich, She chose a princess style gown of de-lustred peau de. soie, .featuring a front panel and long lily point "sleeves of lace. Her veil of French illusion edged with daisies fell •intra a train from a small' Juliet, cap. She carried a lacy covered, white Bible holding a cascade of baby pink roses. Miss Cheryl -Kotyk of Goderich was maid of honor and wore' a mauve and blue printed crepe dress with full sheer sleeves. She wore a large. 'white hat and carried a basket of summer flowers. Miss Karen Wilmott of London, was bridesmaid and ''chose a blue silk jersey dress• featuring a short balero jacket. She also • wore a wide hat and carried flowers similar to the maid of honor. Teresa Kovacs, youngest sister of the bride •was flower girl, in a mauve flowered floor - length dress. She carried a basket similar to the other at- tendents. ° t The groom was attended by ,Bill Collins, RR 3, Clinton as.. groomsman and .Nick Hodgins Safety hints Look out 'for Bikes -With the summer weather, more bicycles are on the .road, says the Ontario °Safety 'League. Traffic accidents take the lives of many bicycle riders' every year and injure thousands of " others in .Canada. Many of these accidents involve a e Violation by the' rider, but that doesn't excuse the driver. • Be on the lookout for bicycle • "'riders - especially at dusk -, and give. them a break. Uneven surfaces •'Stopping is controlled by"'fric- tion7 When a, vehicle is travelling over an uneven sur- face, tires spend Tart of the time , off,,.. that surface; thus lessening the amount of friction and thereby increasing the stopping .distance considerably in some instances, states the Ontario Safety League. s a matter pr• ig We're pro`1id to support Goderich. ,. We're proud°to be, part of this community; • We're proud ,to have been providing insurance counselling and coverages to the people of Goderich for more' than 22 years. e. PETER S, MacEWAN. INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE ,, Klrigston & ,St..,David St. • Goderlch, 524.-9531 74 KINGSTON ST. 1974 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA Two door 350 VII automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, radio, remote mirror, .side mouldings, sports •"tripe, rally wheels. Finished ip:whit. with half Black vinyl root. Lk, HNL 330 .54015 JIM HAYTER CHEV.0LDS.. of Clinton as usher. The groom and his attendants wore dinner jackets of white. with black velvet lapels, white frilled fron- ted shirts edged in black and black trousers. The bride's mother chose a street length dress of flowered sheer and a corsage of yellow roses. The groom's mother wore a street Jength dress` of .navy and white tricot and a corsage of deep red roses. After the service, a weddi'hg• supper was served in Clinton.at the home' of the groom's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Saundercock. The happy couple are "presently. living at 297 Algonquin Drive, 'Huron Park, Ont. Friends are invited to visit them there, DO. YOU NEED .AWATER WELL; DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED, OFFERS'YOU- - 73. Years of succe water development - The most modern,. f :'� equipment available. - Highly trained persohn1`' -'Fast service and free es itis' - Guaranteed wells at lowestsl PUT EXPERIENCE • TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDSQ ,WELL DRILLING LIMITED 'ONTARIO'S FINEST WATER WELLS. SINCE 1900” WRITE BOX 486, 'WINGHAM . - OR PHONE 357-1960 YES! You can own a Canadiana Modular Home S FOR AS LITTLE._ AS -DOWN 20;800 WE .MAKE OWNING A HOME EASY! CANADIANA 'QUALITY IN- CLUDES: • NATIONAL, BUILDING CODE, C.M.H.C., AND C.S.A. APPROVAL; PLUS BROADLOOM; .WIRING, HEATING, AND— PLUMBING,. VISIT - "DISP(AY" OUR. NEW mope. 20 MAIN -N. . WATERDOWN o ERECTED ON YOUR FOUNDATION ANYWHERE IN ONTARIO • )CiNADIANF MODULAR HO%V1ES LIMITED Morn Street • P.O. Box -650 Woterdown, Ont ' Tel (416) 689.6687 • or wino for.Illustrated catalogue (inclose $1.00 for 'postage and han (Bing)NAME ...: ADDRESS ,,, r, a PHONE ....'. _,. .... I OWN A LOT YES J NO D GSS iM.O F.F R T MIRK M0 WASHER DRYER FREE D EMONSTRATION Originale 900 Washer • Exclusive spirala'tor agitator • Two speed operation • Lint collector , • Infinite water;level control • Softness dispenser , • Bleaching cup 'Origin -Ale 900 Dryer , Fu.II cycle selection ' • • Automatic dry cyte • Interro°r drLirn light • Porcelain drying dr•uin • Air freshness light .` Free Demonstration on Bot Washer & Dryer ..... 4 WI WILL INSTAR THE WASHER & • 'DRYER FOR 1 WEEK 7f•REE TRIAL) IN YQUR HOME! °- „ Providing there ere service outlets already available. 62 CAMBRIA RD. N. L. GODER[CH they iRP 5244610