HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-09-05, Page 3a
By Jack Riddell
�omy' prig
There is not likely to be
much if any, relief from fast
rising food prices over the' next
.6 months:* '
.Except for beef prices,' which
are, expected to decline by the
end of the year, the consumer -
can expect to pay, more for most
food itetns during the, next ` 6
months or even a year.
The Food Prices , Revie` v
Board said in July that it "tees
reason for some optimism in
respect to the overall food
prices, picture The Board
based its ,conclusions on the
belief that "forces of supply and
demand now appear to be
workingtheir way into a better
state ofbalance which`, is
decreasing the rate of price ..in-
creases." •
However, although food
prices are unlikely to keep
moving up at the speed seen in
the last 2 years (37 per cent
from June 197Z to 4une 1974)
some further large increases
are' clearly on the way.
Rising costs of ingredients,
packaging, transportation and
labour will provide some,of the
push in keeping food prices
high. '
The area where the biggest
price leaps can be expected is in
• canned goods. •
The food processing industry
has predicted retail price in-
creases of 30 percent to 4Q per-
cent for canned and frozen
vegetables by this autumn.
These big increases in canned
yegetable prices is coming
almost a year later than most
food price increases• because
last spring when the 1973 •
prices were being negotiated,
the prices were set before it
became evident how sharply
otherr-.ces in the economy
wouldtise, The growers settled
lastar for increases of about
5 percent, his' year, the
growers feel TThat they have to.
catch` up for underpayment for
their crops in 197'3 and to keep
pace with prospective inflation
this year. ,
In, Ontario, the largest
vegetable producing • province,
the, price of peas, delivered to'
the processing plant will be up.
.65 percent to $300 a ton, corn -
on -the -cob will be up 75 percent
to $55.75, torr#atoes will .be up
44 percent to $74 a ton, and
cucumbers will be up 80 per-
cent to 140 percent over 1973
prices. The prices of other
vegetable crops such as beets,
carrots, cabbage, pumpkins,
beans and asparagus will rise
For the consufner, this will
probably -mean that a 1 once
tin of fancy grade peas will
likely increase to 35c this' fall
from 29c. A 14 ounce tin of
choice grade corn, now e27c will
• sell' for about 34c. Prices on
By Jack Riddell
More i•
about drug plan
As of September .1, 1974, the
Government of. Ontario .will be
providing prescribed .drugs
without charge to more than
548,000 residents of Ontario --,
including 334,000 recipients of •
the Federal Guaranteed In-
come Supplement., 10,060
recipients of Ontario Guaran—
teed Annual Income, as wehl_as
204;000 recipients of Family
Benefits Allowance.
The Drug Benefit
Programme, in addition to the
'Government's new Guaranteed
Annual Income System
-(GAINS) will provide an ad
ditional $95 "million to those
,citizens_ whose standards of
living .are sq, severely, eroded by
the effects of inflation. '
The free drug programme
will complement the several will- be sent out, in the form of
measures introduced by. -the cheque' stubs'" on 'a monthly
.Government of Ontario in 1972 basis. .
. to reduce the burden of health Residents' of Ontario who
care costs. These measures in- receive only the Federal Old
eluded ,the abolition of health Age Security payments but not
insurance premiums for per- in receipt of the Guaranteed' In=
,sons aged. 65- or oyer, 'the come Supplement are not
broadening of -premium .eligible for the .,Drug Benefit
assistance to low income'.. Plan. Only by receiving the GIS
families and ' individuals and will ,a person aut.Orhatically
the introduction •of extended.' receive `the benefits of the drug
care for the elderly in nursing benefit programme. In order to.
homes and, homes for the^ aged. apply for the Graranteed In -
With the introduction of :the come Supplement, correspon-
Drug Benefit Plan, pensioners • dence should 'be directed to:
will be entitled ,to -a'_full range' Guaranteed Income Sup-
of health care services at no plement,
cost to themselves. , " P.O. Box • 6000,
�. -The Drug Benefit Plan will Postal Station io
-automatically 'embrace those Toronto, Ontario,
who's receive the Federal The .telephone number to call
Guaranteed Income Sup- (continued on page 13)
rospect �h�a
most canned ►,vegetables will in-
crease by 6`c to 10c a `tin.
Canned fruit prices will also
increase because tin cans,
sugar, fuel and labour .,cost
more. The cost Of cans is up 11
percent over". tamstn year, card-
board cartons 6 percent, fuel an
-estimated 60 percent and prin-
ted waxed cardboard boxes for
frozen vegetables are up 32 per-
cent in, addition to labor cost
The growers also deninded
higher prices for their crops
because they say they can easily
dred weight have ,been as' low'
as $45.00 as compared with a
peak of $62 last summer. By
late fall, prices could be in the
mid $40's. or maybe lower. This `
decline in price from about
$66.00 to $4.5.00 means an.
average saving . at the retail :
level of around 15c to 30c per,
pound, depending on the -cut.
Fish prices are expected to
remain fairly stable (except for
lobster add shrimp). The most
substantial decrease has been
for fresh and frozen "ocean
Among low income families and
those on fixed incomes'but sub- "
'stitution is not as much help as
it used to be. It use to be
possible 'to siubstitt".t.te poultry
for beef and hamburger for
steak but now these substitutes
haveµgone up too. "
Although this article may not
strike the most optimistic note
front, a ,. consumers standpoint
particularly those on low and'
fixed income, -it is only on the
basis of an appreciation of the
situation that together we can
begin io work toward
'switch into alternative crops •;' Indications' are that pork reasonable solutis.
which are more attractively prices may be headed for large If you have anyonideas about
priced. Ton•1atoes, for example, increases: The glut of hogs -on this matter of inflationary
are a highly profitable crop but the market appears .to be ,prices and how the situation
they are also risky- and finished-, might he rectified would yob
troublesome. So when corn. can The constant spiral in food kindly send me your comments
be sold for $3 a ' bushel and prices ' has prompted sortie ' either to my home or my office
soybeans for .$5 to $6—(the buyer substitution, especially in Toronto.
present prices), growers will not
grow tomatoes or any other
vegetable crop unless they are
offered good price. Most far-
mers in the vegetable- growing
areas, are not , highly-,„;,
specialized, let alone wedded to
a single crop.„ They tend to
switch refidily into the crops
at offer the highest return.
Price increases in. milk and
milk products are expected to
• be large also, Farmers are
seeking price increases both for
industrial (butter,cheese, milk
powder)' and fluid Milk which
they must have to meet their
ever rising cost of production.,
If the consumer had to pay
directly for the requested in-
crease, butter could go up, 18c
- per pound (it is now around 90c
per --pound depending on the
type) and a pound of powdered
skim milk by about 8c from 79c.
- Sugar -based products will
also continue to rise in price
because no letdown of sugar
prices seems in sight. .Retail
price in the Toronto area of a
10 pound bag of white sugar
Was $1.43 - $1.49 early last. fall.
It rose,to $3.35 $3.49 -by late
winter and has stayed there
ever since: The price increase is
a result of demand exceeding
supply the last three years and
of, •consequent speculation in
sugar futures. Sugar prices will
likely stay high .primarily
because Brazil's crop was
damaged by heavy rains and
most of Cuba's crop is expected
to go to the Soviet Union..Fruit
canners, bakers, confectioners
and soft drink manufacturers
are all hard hit by the high
price of sugar. " e
Canadian egg 'and "'turkey
prices- said to be the highest in
the .world and about one third
higher than' in the 'U.S.;will
probably remain at this peak.
Bread will move slightly up-
ward because of rising ancillary
costs in flour production and
plastic bread bags. Baking flour
bought in the supermarket by
the consumer will probably in-
crease about 5 percent because
of the rising costs of flour
millers. Cake mixes will likely
increase by 10 percent.- 12 per-
cent p'rimarily due to sugar
• prices but also because, of in-
creased labor, packaging and
shortening costs, '
For the past year, beef has
been the focal point of con-.
sumer • discontent over
escalating food prices. • Beef
• prices now seem to, be on a
downward path; however, this
may ,not be_very long-lasting, In
Torpnto, beef prices per hun-
plement; GAINS or provincial
Family Benefits.'
Each month, beginning 'in '
September 1974,, Family
Benefits Allowance _recipients
will automatically receive their,
Drug Benefit certificate in the
form of a cheque stub attached.
to their Family Benefits
Those' persons eligible for the
Federal ' Guaranteed income
Supplement and/or the new On-
tario Guaranteed Annual In-
come benefits ' will
automatically receive their
drug cards in September for
September, October, November
and December. Drug cards sent.
.• out in January will cover the
next, threemonth period of
January„ through March, 'in -
elu'si've. Subsequentdrug cards
Ainslie Market-
Custouii.KiDing and Processing our Specialty
)b. 99'i
lb. 88c,
lb, 99c
(continued from page 2)
I drove them up town to Ander- .y
son's. Book Store.
Upon' entering the store I
found ' it quite 'crowded.
I- told 'my daughter to ask •period of a week that would school year presents particular
Mr. Anderson if he had any mean over 400 patients a day, hazards.
glue. He told .her in a very sar- Say a doctor worked 10*hours "The first days back at
castic way that he did not have - a day in the office that would school are an exciting time for
time to wait on her, and to mean 40 people an hour. How youngsters," Mr. Rhodes war -
c t
It's Back To School Time! On urban streets watch out for youngsters, trying to get across the.
road. In the country, keep an eye out for the yellow schoc! buses. Traffic safety is everybody's
Watch out!
Area youngsters need
your care, protection
Fast •,year in"Ontario 194
chil4ren were killed and 12,000
injured in, traffic accidenis...95
of . the children were,
pedestrians, 36 were riding
bicycles "and others were in
pear to be busy enough as it is. motor vehicles.
If there are to be five or six In announcing these figures,
doctors=•for every 15,000 people Minister of transportation and
that would mean .3,000 people' Communications John R.
per doctor, working with the' Rhodes reminded all motorists
figure of five doctors, Over a that the opening, of a 'new
'come„ back ,to-morrow..I then
proceeded to ask him as he was
passing by if he, had any glue.I
was also told the same rude an-
When my husband arrived
home from work he phoned Mr,
Anderson and was -also told the
''same answer.
Does Goderich have to put up
with this kind of service on The
Square? •
I hope' the rest of the mer-
chants in town' db not take this
attitude that Mr. Anderson has
Kay Lounsbury
Editor's Note: Upon calling
Mr, • Anderson it . was
discovered that between 300
and '400 youngsters passed
through the store in about
three' hours on Tuesday, the
first dad of school, Most of the
young customers understood
the problems and patiently
waited their turn in line. Mr.
Anderson admits that du'ting
those few hob ts,J,personal-'ser-
vice was •riot�mpossible due to
the ,•extreme numbers of
children in the store. He was
kept busy stocking /the shelves
a d said he could not have
go ten to the glue' shelf at that
particular :time because of the
crowd in his store. Mr. Ander-
son further admits that he
might have displayed a short
„temper due to the added stress
of the moment, but suggests
that if .•Mrs. Lounshury and/or
her daughter had gotten in
line, they would have •received
the glue they. were after in .due
• course:
' *1
Urges comment
Dear Editor,
Thank you for your concern
and also for printing .ou , letter
regarding late papers. We
received the August 29 paper
today,` which is how it should"
be. Along with the Signal -Star
came T.V. Signal -' a. very good
idea for those interested oin T.V.
We have been following with
concern 'the proposed restruc-
tured health councils. We
called Mr. Riddell M.P.P. and
gave him. our ' views and he
requested a letter which we
have written. We only hope
many more citizens of) Huron
County are concerned enough
to contact Mr: Riddell.
There' is no need in "crying
aver • spilled milk". Complain
`now while you have the chance.
If the proposed •does come -to -be
at least we know we have tried.
And if the proposal dogs come
it will certainly be against our
How can some man in
Toronto tell us what we 'deed
air want? We now have .a fancily
doctor in Goderich whom we,
trust and -respect. How can you
trust, respect and get to know
your doctor if you can't even
choose the doctor you want?
Why should' the doctors be told
where they 6n practice? That
doesn't sound very democratic
to me. All personal contact
would be ggAe. •
The doctors in Goderich ap-
ned. "The often become for et -
can you possibly be treated' y . g
properly that. way, and how can ful about the traffic safety,
a doctor's own physical, 'and rules. Thus; -•all' motorists must
mental' health stand it either. be constantly alert when
If this proposal is adopted in driving in school areas, They
Huron county and we are must take extra caution where
there are irked cars, schoo
treated like children • being P
told what to do, the crossing, zones or playground
family will be Mighty sick areas."
before we .make a visit' to the "In rural districts, adult
clinic. drivers must be very cautious
• We are'quite satisfied with when .they see a yellow school
health care as it is and the care bus If the bus is stopped with
our ,doctor is giving us at,.
present. •-
Brenda and Jim Thompson ,
RR 2 Seaforth.
pr« ices paper
Mr. Robert G. Shrier
President and Publisher
The Goderich Signal -Star
Box 220, Industrial Park
Goderich, Ontario •
Dear Mr. Shrier:
On behalf of Ford of Canada
i would like to extend .to -you
my heartiest congratulatici'ns on
the high honours recently awar-
ded to the Goderich Signal -Star
at the 1974 CCNA Better
Newspapers Competition.
The high calibre of editorial
writing exhibit.ed,in:the Signal -
Star reflects a continuous inter-
play between the newspaper
and its community. Such in:
teraction makes an important
contribution to the intellectual
vitality of the -community it sen.
Slo organization succeeds in
today's complex business world
'without high level - teamwork
therefore we congratulate your
entire organization on this
achievement. •
We expect this recognition
Oill be matched by your future.'
Yours sincer4jv,' •'
Earle H. Weichel
Executive Director,
public Affairs'
Ford Motor Company
of Canada Ltd,
. Readers are cordially
invited to express their
opinions of .local, provin-
cial and feder'bl ' issues
through the Letters to
the Editor column of The
Goderich Signal -Star.
All letters must be
signedto be published,,,
although pen names are
permissible providing it
is understood that upon
request from another
reader, the letter writer's
true name will"' be
revealed. •
While there is no limit
to -the length of a letter
which can be offered for
publication, the., editor
does reserve the right to
delete portions of any:
copy submitted for in-
elusion in this
Take an active interest
in your hometown
newspaper. Write a letter
to the Editor today.
1,0 vas •
red -signal lights. flashing it
means children are getting on
or off the bus. The onus is on
, ':a -ll drivers to see that children
, cross the road safely," he
Parents must; ,help too, Mr.
Rhodes -'adder
"Check ' the route ,your
children have to follow to get to
school and discuss any par-
ticular hazards with them. And
find .out what they are learning
about traffic safety at school so
you can reinforce these
messages at home," he' said.
"Let's all do our best to
make sure that a child's forget-
ful moment does not result in a
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