HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-29, Page 10mom* yew= • ti r PAGE 1O-G©:DERICH SIGNAL-STAR—THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1974 C v n 1 -ARTICLES FOR SALE CHECK our prices on chesterfields. mattres-e-, chrome •cites, coffee tables (''& E New and Used -Fur nitur'e 5.21.7:; 31, 1 2 anile Booth of Goderich AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl ('leaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits Simpl\ place to the turner of vour• _toilet tank 4‘ailable at Huffnu'ker Plumbing and 'Heating, Kingston Street, Godertch--gl4t1 GOO[) Used furnitureought -and sold • Patterson•' t'.c•rt Furniture ' Phone 521.7 61x3 —•`it' 41 SINGER --For Authorized Sales & Service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts & nations, service to all makes.'Pratt's Sawing Centre, 73 Hamilton St. 524.8431, Goderich:•-28,29tf 197(f 250 SUZUKI motorcycle good c•ondition,,ow mileage. Phone 5'24- - 62413.—tf n c " _ GARRARD stereo record player, without stacker,, with magnetic'•car- tridge. Best used with low or Medium priced outfit. Worth $70,(0 , new, complete with brand ' new diamond stylus for $32.50. Call 524- 9106,--31'tfnc 4.4 BURLEY'S Used Furniture, '•ap„, pliances and antiques bought and sold, 26 Newgate Street, Goderich. Phone 524.6854.-27tfA'R WANTED: Albums; hew ' or used deleted or other. rock albums wan- ted to buy. Will pay premium prices for Fanny Adams and American Eagle, but more 'wanted. Call .524- .9106. • DEADLIN - FOR TAKING CLASSIFIED ADS 1 2 O'CLOCK SHARP TUESDAY ADS CANNOT BE . ACCEPTED AFTER 1 2 O'CLOCK F.QR THAT INEEK''S PAPER CLASSIFIEDS - 6c per word, minimum $1.35 1.ARTICLES-FOR SALE a. ELECTRIC range. .11)” clean, ()Yen needs thermostat $20. Phone Bayfield 236-4040 weekends. 7-34,35 ATTENTION— Complete Linc of .zig-zag and gt(xi, used slat hint's. Machine repairs „arid rental. La Boutique, .524.6012, 20 East Street---7tf WE are now picking Peaches, Sweet Corn, Early Apples, eating and cooking and sweet plums. YOU, can pick your own' peaches, Fri., Sat., and, Sunday Gerald Bell Fruit Farm 524 8008,—:31ARtf• MO,I.3ILE Home nearly new, with extra's For further• information phone;, 524-9812,—:34-35x ENTERPRISE Propane Strive, nearly' new. and a General Electric, au't.omatic washer. Also a 1550 In- ternational Loader. Moving, Must Sell. Alio a General Electric frig with large freezing compartment. Phone 524-8020. Elmer Hun- ter. -34.,:35 - HIGH Schriol' Ring. Like new, 820., Phone 524=9106 anytime.•---33tf PEACHES, early eating apples, •Duchess cooking apples, also pears, ani1. iothera produce, ,13eI ;t,ew ' Fruit . Farm. -Phone 5.24:8011 :32tf • Summer Sale Sklar 2 piece chesterfield suite - high', back traditional style in figured velvet. Sug. List $726.00 Cash & Carry .Only $5 2 9.5 0 Tudor •.Arm chesterfield suite 2 , piece by Helena in figured velvet. Sug. List $529.50 Cash & Carry $349.95 :.:Modern 2 place Chesterfield suite. by Helena stripe velvet •and plain arms: Sug. List $459,50' Cash & tarry • - $299:95 Oak dtningroom suite by House of Braemore. Seg. List $1099.95 .Only $849.95 Colonial buffet & 'hutch, b.y Baronet. Sug. List $329.00 Cash & Carry • 5'2.4 9.00 1 only Kroehler "Drop Arm" love seat. Makes into single bed. Sug. Lief $259.50 Cash & Carry $199:50 - Sales Final on 'Cash and Carry Items. BL'ACKSTONE FURNITURE, WEST ST. GODERICH • Rock ' albums for sale, free trial, • most excellent. Guess Who's best ever So Long 'Bannatvne good for $2; Rare Bird' No. 1 and as Your Mind Flies B', with Heep-like organ,. played •'twice $1.50 each. Mike Quatro's Look Deeply played twice, the thing for King Crimson fans, $2; Three Dog Night Naturally, with .J.oy To the World, very good 'for $2; Freedom, - with great guitar !irks for $1, played twice:, call 524-9-fi06.. 5 313 morn; rack albums! Nigel,. Olsson's Drum `Orchestra and Chorus featuring Kat hi McDonald, $1; Twci Si'des . of Football, a must for any football fah or. widow, '81; Fann}'s t hsrtty7BalT, (-Patti Quatro could trade licks with .anyone) playc;d once Si:. Churchill; the it, group .not rhe pian, $1; Melissa •114.a nchester's firs' alfi'um never •played $I; and Bill Puka excellent for $1.. Call 524-9106, Rork Samplers; amazing variety., quality Colurnhia's Rock, Heavy' Sounds, and,, Music People; MCA Sound Conspiracy; The -New Spirit of Capitol; and Warner's Hot Plat- ters. and Middle Of the Road; Maple Music Vol. 2; all these $1 per disc. Ca11.524.9116. Dog house, set, of wooden steps, . 3 -piece section mirror, ' Crown quart sealers, all very reasonable. Phone 524-7865. ' .. Golden' .Falcon; Citation, Fiyte, Holiday Travel, Trailers. Baron, Bellevue Hardtops. Johnson, Qut- Boards. Boats. Truck Toppers, and Campers. We rent. We sell. AMPU RENTAL & SALES Hwy. 13W,�•Stratfortf 393-5038 Government Paint. 1000 Gallons Including exterior latex, *s3een, light brown, black. ,00, per' gallon or large Ipts at" 2,50• per gallon. We have 017 flee desks, office chairs, typist, desks, office tables, metal storage cabinets and shelVing. Also office safes, all -have combinations - all priced for quick •sale. n .CONTACT N. HAMILTON 101 South St.;' Goderich PHONE 5 24-8602 Pinery Flea Market ,TNF. MARKET Wall .i 1.117TLl: BIT '0F F_-I'F111'7'H1,'VG LOCATED 3 MILES. SOUTH OF GRAND BEND, ONTARIO ON HIGHWAY # 21 OPEN 10 a.i». — 5 p•,nn. EVERY SUNDAY MAY 5th - SEPTEMBER 29th • ,Admission .50d • A LARGE SELCTION OF GLASS, CHINA, PRIMITIVES, GLO,CK$ COOLLECTIABLES, CRAFTS, LEATHER, POTTERY, WEAVING,.,CANDLES, MC., ate., etc. • ACDF© FEATURE, TF IS YEAR Each Week We Will .Feature an Item Which the Dealers will trip .(donis ^ with _Their Regulot Stork ALWAYS.A BARN FUL1. OF FURNITURE REFRESHMENT WASHROOMS PARKIN& • '1.ARTICLES FOR SALE ' PEACHES: Red Haven, Glo Haven, etc. All purpose, top quality; also apples. Bring containers. Daylight houfs. Ross Middleton's Orchards, one mile east of,.Bavfield, t'urrth of river. -33,34,35,36 • 1974 KAWASAKI rtlotar cycle, 750 c.c., one month old. Reason for selling - entering the Armed Forces. For thisreeason I_am,anxious to sell as soon as possible. Call 524- 9047,-32tf ' PINTO GELDING, excellent disposition, pleasure to ride, owner' will sell or will take free board in exchange for winter _care and fee - ding. Good home please,cail 524- .2506 after 5 p.m. -34,35 . ' 1:ARTICLES FOR SALE, SOFA, folds• down for doubles bed: good condition, portablerecord player, like new Phone 524- 6569.-35 24- 6569.--35. • 'PEACHES by the bushel'or by the basket. Also plums, apples and pears. Open any time. Peter ,Van - Bree, Rock Glen Fruit Farms Ltd., 828-3644, Arkoma. -35,:36' , PEACHES �0411-SALE Already Picked' OR Pick Your Own Bring your baskets" 11/4 mile south -of Drive- inheatro No calls on Sunday Kase Van Den Heuvel R.R. 2 Goderich 2A. ARTICLES' WANTED BYGONES will pay top 'prices for antique items, Urgently required now, clocks, firea►pms, any brass and copper items, roll top desks, etc, etc. Phone 524-6945.-50tf"" ' • FURNITURE, glass, china, clOx•ks, hells, brass, dipper. Will buy fir cash or sell by auction. Mike Cum- mings, Auctioneer, 524-9064. -22tf PAPER CUTTING box for parts,. K -Tel albums; Super Bloopers also wellpump with or without $3.50; Rock 'n Roll Revival Vols. 1 -pump jack. Mose J. Shetler, R.R. 1, and 2 $2 each; 20. Solid Hits VoL 2, Dungannon, Ont. -35,36 -20 Explosive Hits Vols. 1 and' 2, 20 ' • Heavy Hits Vols, 1 and 2, 24 Elec- • 2.ARTICLES FOR RENT trifyitrg Hits and 20. Power Hits all -$1 each. Call 524-910`13, . • MOBILE home Marlette 12' x 5,V: - excellent condition with many ex- tras. Phone 5,4-9025.--35,36 THREE year old pony with bridle for sale.' Phone 482-7094,-35,36 TWO wheel box trailer 4•x 8 good - condition, $150.00 firm. Phone 524- 6428.-35. 24- 6428: 35• , ;QUANTITY of used pine siding . and flooring. Also cupboards, porch i3 x 6'with aluminum door and used doors. Can be seen in Dungannon F'O1tMA'L RENTALS for all ,s': across from United Church. -:-.35 Pickett' and Campbell Ltd.; Clinton and Goderich:=--cgtf FORMAL RENTALS for all - c.;rsions. ' •1''ree • stop( l;rcr,•hurc'. ° Rawson & Swartman. Style 'Shop Goderich,-t 0tf' • - • TO RENT—$1.50 :per day tents-\noP an electric rug shampooer. 1Zenlo‘es' spnts,,•grease, e0 . S.er‘ ice „Doi. Inion Har'dwar'e, phoria'• 524 aSa l . $fist jP ROOF carriers, complete with plywood ,box, 4':•x' 4' x 16" deep to .. fit a vat). Phone 524-9647,—:34,35 4. REAL 'ESTATE FOR SALE Hardtoaa 'Strack ltd. -Waterloo's oldest and most ex- perienced mortgage firm - first. and second mortgages - refinan- cing a specialty, debt con- solidation, no embarrassingcredit investigation. 1-884-6030 • POINT CLARK Cottage or retirement home, 3. bedrooms, large Ilvingroom, kit- chen, 4 pc. bath on 75 x 150 lot with mature trees. For more in- formation, please call Renate or Heinz Huegel at 'Sunrise Real Estate. L•td. Realtor 416.547- 2838 or 416=388-7721. • SECOND MORTGAGES Rates as low as • Cash a0ail,e0a090e t 8no% •• -fNSopimptboole1n$uI14ns1tes • or hidden charges • Pay off at anytime ` • No prepayment penalty • Enquiries Welcome• HOUSEHOLD' REALTY Corporation Lirnite'd HOUSEHOLD FINANCE Corporation of.,Canada 35A West, Street ... - Godericb • Phone 524-7383 id W., CCiLQUHOUN LIMITED Clinton 482-9747 4. REAL 'ESTATE FOR SALE - R:O N 'SAi!IAWAYS BUS: 4.33-.-310'9 or RES: 482-3337 BUSINESS Store in Grand Bend on the main street suitable for• any kind of business. Fully air conditioned in store and living quarters: Owner will help in setting up. Presently vacant, ready' for year round use. GRAND BEND Two cottages on one lot. Buy two for the price of . one. Great location, good Income property. Present inpdi"ne with ,absentee Owners $1400 per annum. IDEAL"':LOCATION IN CLINTON This beautifully decorated home for, $3000 down. Lege Ilvingroom .with stone fireplace; remodernized kitchen, laundryroom, • Including automatic washer and dryer. IN VARNA Fin* the most discriminating buyer, this house is in immaculate con - dation, family room, study,.lounge, kitchen,' and dining room. In- sulated workshop' with florescent lighting. Landscaped double lot, a pleasure to show. • For more information on these properties or ifyouare moving to London or area, call Ron Samways your• M.L.S. salesman, He. will be only too happy • to help you. Bus. 433-3109, London. Res. Bluewater Golf Course 482-3337. . Three yen) � old two . bedroom . ❑AN , tric heat and red oak floors on large lot with. plenty of trees. 'Hensall - 48 foot trailer and lot with electric heat, stove and fridge, $4950. Angelstone • rick house with elec- Second row lots with:access to good beach. . A FEW black walnut trees for sale, 1 to 3 years old. $5.00 each. E. D. 3- CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE Victoria brick home in Village of -A Mellwain 78 Cambria Rd. N.-35 Bayfield in• excellent state of -,•q974 VOLKSWAGEN, low mileage,• repair. Has to' be seen to be ap- TOLEDO scale weights up to 24 lbs. marina blue, Phone 528-6942 after precinted. • Government inspected this year, 6::30 best' offer. Phone 524-9411.-45ar ' • 1969 MUSTANG; Mach I :350 V78 DURAFLOAT 12' sailboat, good automatic good condition; tape deck inc'lud'ed: Reason for selling- fathily sailboat, excellent ;condition. attending ,tthiversit;v. Best r,Efe'r. Phone 482-7142.=-35,36 •Phone '529-7419.=:34,:35 20' DAY cruiser, wood, 1973, 85 • H.P. Mercury Motor. Asking $2600 or best offer. Phone . 524- 7593.-35,36 '' HOOVER Floor Polisher, in good condition. Half Price. Phone 524- 9455..:.35 • 45 'GALLON barrel for burning gar- bage, feed barrel for farm use and barrels for making docks at cottages and "other uses. pick up at E. Breckenridge, Hardware, Goderich. Phone 524-8131.35,36 1964 VOLKSWAGEN in running condition, sold as is. Phone 524- 6973.-35 1968 CHEV Sedan, $400. Call 'after 5, 524-8480.-7.35 1965:CHE-VY, good condition, As is 4200. Phone 529-7238 between 5 and 7 p.m. -35' • 1964 - Chevy 11 Station Wagon, good cdndition, $400 firm. Phone 524-6428.-35x : 1969 ROADRUNNER Metallic RED HAVEN PEACHES now ripe Blue, 383 four speeds', buckets and at Art Bell's Fruit Farm''. Also'ap- 4429sole. Will certify. Phone 523- ples, ,potatpes, tomatoes and sweet - melons. New honey is also available: Phone 524-8037, 35tf 3A. PET STOCK Three bedroom brick house ' on double lot in Varna - Heated 'by oil - Village water. Price., $15,500:00 • General Store'with'excellent living quarters in Huron County - volume approximately, 5150,000.00. Good Terms. . • Clothing ; and variety store with living quarters in retort `".area of 'Huron County. To be seen by ap- pointment Only. Seventy-five acre farm on the - Maitland River 'near Auburn 60 acre workable - balance bush and , creek. House and' barn need repair. AL AMY 565-2964. Bayfield SALESMAN • • 1970 NORTON 750 Commando. LABRADOR PUPPIES, registered,. 4,500 miles, very 'good condition. shots, Reds, • yellows. „ Edisbury; Call 524-7850 after 5 p.m. -35 < Ripley. 395-2438---35,36,37 .Rh SUPER KATY' Aerial with booster rgtator, 40' tower complete $50 Call 524.27.19.-35 VALLEY COMFORT wood stove; like new condition. May be seen at Earl-' Williams RR 2, Goderich or phone 524-7012:-35 ELECTRIC 30" range in good con- dition, Phone 524-2493•-35 LIGHT° FIXTURES, one dining room, modern 3 globe, orange sup- ports, $2i. two kitchen fixture?; in green, $5 each: Men's boots, size ten- platforrns, in good condition' $10. Phone 524&7660.---735 HIDE A BED, swivel rocker, radio phonograph, end tables, seven -pike dinette set, twin beds, dresser, colour TV. Phone 524.6228,-35,36 19" , PORTABLE RCA TV,' in ex cellent condition $40. 5 piece dinette suite, wheat finish $50. Phone 629- '7)81 —35 29-7181.-35 BOAT FOR 'SAL'E aluminum 14' ',foot tong, wide beatn with 20 horse Mercury out board motor, 'trailer and all equipment, ready,, to go. Phone " 524-6691, Carl Clark, -35,36,37. 6 MONTH OLD Purebred male German Shepherd, Good with child'ren,'l'touse trained, Asking $35.• - Also large dog house $15. Phone 524-6960 =-35 PUPS '.for +Sale, part German Shepherd. 5 weeks old, Call Grand Bend 238.2925.-35,36 . 'I'l 01'1('.41• fish, , an.Irie.: ('ntn- !dere fret •slrlrj5lii•_D' l'.rt's Pet Ship, :350 Main Str;:rq, f:�etr,r, .On►ai io. ()lam 10 ,i..111 to 6 1r nI ;fall% ;Incl 'Fridas evenings $•tort 4. REAL ESTATE FOR,SALE HURON, HAVEN HOMES Mobile Home 'Sale's' & Ser,'ice '21/i miles north of Goderich on Highway No. 21 at•Huren Haven Village. Featuring the beat variety in the' area of top quality homes by • Marlette, Bendix and Homo. Phone 54;•'63$4 of 524.8059. Service and Satisfaction Guaranteed. Owned and operated by Homes of the Future Limited. • F, A BAILEY Real ista'te 82 Albert Street Phone: 482-9371 MASON BAILEY- BROKER/MANAGER • 200 acre- farm near Belgrave, 165 acres workable. Large barn and silo. 7 ,room -aluminum sided hope. Small holdings near Blyth on' a paved road, 3 acrek iitlli ;bitlick barni ay L•ojl l b oti'se ,a;t%d large o. Lets of trees. t 1 floor frame home in* Clinton, 1 bedroom, gas heating. Nice . treed lot. 4 plex in Clinton, located up'1town near shopping area, • 1112 storey home in Clinton on High- way 8, 7 rooms, 41/2 bathrooms, large sunporch-and den. .. 54 acres of land near Blyth, with spring creek,, no buildings. FOOD FOR THOUGHT . "Most of the shadnws of this life are' caused by our sta ding in our own sunshine." ' 35b WANTED URGENTLY,. Cash crop farm for Cash Buyer, preferably close' to Auburn. • An acreage will be considered. _BUY OF - THE, WEEK A good 2 story home close to Clinton Town Centre. Downstairs floors need- levelling, 'needsnew kitchen. An excellent buy .for. a good handyman. $12,500. VANASTRA 2 bedroom aluminum sided bungalow with room enough for a small family. Good basement and oil furnace. 8% 1st mortgage. These homes are selling fast, buy now while the price is right. DAIRY FARMS Clinton area • - 235, acres with mocfernied home ,and one of :the best dairy set-ups around. Priced' at about' $1,000 anacre whi'cl in= crudes large modern dairy'barn for 56 milking cows, calf barn, loose housing, 10,000 .bird ' broiler . or pullet barn and much more. Zurich Area - 100 acre dairy farm for 35 cows. Stable cleaner •can be loaded inside barn no problems in winter. A lovely older ' brick home in spotless condition and a well kept farm in every way. Biilk tank and pipeline milker. 16' x660' silo •'with uriioader. Priced right. Call us for details. . LAVISH AND LUXURIOUS Acclaimed by all to be the best home In Vanastra. ' Charming executive home redecorated to, the highest standards, better than new. Choice location near new swimming' pool. Distinctive vinyl siding,. Attached 2 car garage, with radio -controlled doors. 4 piece lavender bathrobmC ensem- ble. Forced'air oil ' heat, full asement with access to garage, workshop, storage room and separate washroom, Kit-, Chen/Dining area carpeted; double sink,. Fleetwood cup- boards. Independently appraised, listed to sell at $38,500, Most at- tractive term's. • DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR d 53 West Street 524-8951 John Thompson Evenings: 527-0238 John Duddy Eveninga 482.6652 €4.-5-romARKEravA D•AD7 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WJ.-HUGHES FEALTY LIMITED REAL • ESTATE a 38 EAST,STREET GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE 524-8100 OFFICE 5248131. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS FAMILY HOMES 'EXCELLENT . FAMILY. HOME - 4 bedrooms, 11/2 bath, double livingrogm With french doors, well planned ..'kitchen, Hanover cup- boards, broadloom throughout, 2 car garage, with extra storage. This home is in immaoulate con- dition. Immediate possession. 3 BEDROOM HOME WITH INCOME r • Close to square, good -solid home In 'excellent condition, family kit- • chen, sunroom, large spacious treed grounds, near school. Taxes 3209. BRICK 'FAMILY .HOME 4 'bedroom, .2' storey, -red ' brick home, All hardwood floors, double Ilvingroom with french doors,. large verandah, fenced backyard. Excellent soil for gardening. BRICI , 4 BEDROOM Ideal family home contains double Ilvingroom; 'diningroom; natural fireplace; heated sunroom, '2 baths, good solid home full high basement With outside entrance. Choice convenient location. FAMILY HOME Well proportioned two storey red . brick. Centre hall plan, two natural burning .fireplaces, two• baths, spacious ' Ilvingroom, modern. kit- chen: Owner transferred.: HOME OF YOUR DREAMS 4 bedroom spilt level home on Essex St. contains 'spacious livingroom, diningrooin, laundry room; 2 baths, log burning fireplace, master bedroom with patio door walk -out. Situated In choice west end location. BRICK RANCHER 4' bedroom home- an immaculate condition, finished recreation room. Situated on 66' x 152' tot. Choice West end location. GROCERY STORE AND HOME .Neighbourhood store well established, doing excellent business: for many years: Owner .retiring. Will. Consider a trade on your present home. Mortgage arranged. Golden opportunity „tO operate your own business and 'move into a 3' bedroom im- maculate home in choice location. CLOSE TO ALL , CONVENIENCES ° New two storey semi-detached, 3 • bedroom, 2 baths, broadloom throughout. Nicely decorated. DELUXE: SPLIT LEVEL 3 bedroom 'plus den, recreation room ° with log. burning fireplace, entertaining size living- and diningroom, luxury broadloomed. throughout, 2 baths. Well land - scoped situated In choice *location. • SOUTH END „ INCOME - New two storey, semi-detached. Each half consulting„ 'of 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, spacious rooms and full baseMent. Central location. ' NEAR MUSEUM •" -Nestled in trees this, attractive ,home Is walting for your inspec- tiori. Natural' fireplace, delightful kitchen.' A real dream home. A rare opportunity to purchase a home of this type. WEST END CLOSE TO LAKE 4 bedroom, 2 storey home; large family size kitchens well treed "lot and, low taxes. Close to schools. WEST END BUNGALOW 3 bedroom modern: brick home finished,., basement contains recreation room and - den, ., broadloom Ilvingroom. Well main- tained home, well landscaped. Choice location. JUST LISTED $14,000 Goc d solid home, central location, lrunporch, storey • and half; 4 bedrooms, OVERLOOKING MAITLAND RIVER New 4 bedroom hoMe featuring' family site kitchen, large family .room. Excellent view of the lake. q WEST END 3 bedroom bull" alow completely renovated and broadloomed. Ex- cellent locatior. Immediat?s .. CLOSE TO. ALL SCHOOLS' 3 bedroom semi-detached, family size kitcheni full basement, Situated • on quiet street. Y, HANDY MAN • SPECIAL ' • Large frame house located on. Quebec Street, lot size 104' x 107'. This house" could ' be- duplexed. Make us an offer 1 OLD ENGLISH ' CHARM Architecturally designed • home. Close to lake. Almost completed, early purchaser has choice of car- petand colour scheme. One of a kind dream home, DUPLEX 518,000 Three bedroom In lower unit, t4ro bedrooms in upper. Private en -- trance. Spacious .grounds. Close .to all ,conveniences. Open for all offers as this must be sold. r, RANCHER OVERLOOKING THE :LAKE Now is the timeto see this attrac- tive 3 bedroom home on Lakeside Drive, situated on large 'Well land- scaped lot. Family' room with a view of the I rke. LAKEVIEW HOME 'Split level home . almost com- pleted, entertaining Ilvingroom,, cheery bright 'kitchen, spacious bedrooms plus den, 2 baths, laun' dry rooin, patio doors to sundeck, attached garage. 'Choice west end location. ,Fantastic home. PORT ALBERT , Mobile home. reasonably priced,' 2 bedrooms on 11/3 lot. Well main- tained in 'nice setting. MAITLAND RIVER Benmiller area, 2 bedroom home,: Immaculate condition --nestled 'In the trees, beautiful setting, over 10 acres of land with 450' of river frontage on main, paved road. Asking $55,900. •NEAR TOWN ' . Three bedroom brick home 'on 5 acres, 4 pc. bath,' full basement, Targe verandah, cold storage room plus barn and garage.. Beautiful country settang• - 37i MILE ON' RIVER 160 acres, 3 storey, house, 8 bedrooms, Ilmestono ' 'fireplace. Considerable renovation inside and out. Largs' 'barn and shed., Spring water and pond. Beautiful setting. IN HENSALL 4,bedroom, 2 storey brick home on a'large corner lot. Priced to sell. IN BAYFIELD Well built two bedroom home on 'a large lot, full basement. Lot 120' x 120' with •shed. Would . make a lovely building site. BAYFIELD HOME Large L shaped home, electric' heat, attractively de,gorated, 'broadloom; split fieldstone fireplace, beautiful horiie or Ideal retreat includes a 2 bedroom . guest house. Large treed lot, Taxes $230. MOBILE HOME $2,500.00 mobile home full price. immediate' possession. ' EXCLUSIVE LOT Best available; west end location net- Lake Huron. Mature' trees 104'x 120'. RESIDENTIAL LOT 110' x 126w..• located on tree lined street. RESORT PROPERTIES LAKE HURON. Lots for sale, second row, water supply; access to excellent beach. PANORAMIC VIEW Lakefront, home In Goderich, at- tractive 3 bedroom,' ,finished., recreation room, located on' Essex. ' St:, nestled In the trees, 1/2 acre lot. Asking 436,500. Owner will hold mortgage. Open for offers. LAKEFRONT COTTAGE Near Bayfield,' 10 ,yr. .gjd, 3 bedrooms, insulated and heated, own well. Good beach. A, „ 519,000. nearly new rancher,. custom built year round )eating, 3 bedrooms all conveniences -on spacious treed' lot 80' x 190'. Ex,' ceptional location. 534,500. unique cedar built for year round lining. Panoramic view on 1 acre, log burning fireplace. Lakefront deluxe, tastefully fur- nished, truly a dream, mature trees. Best view'„ of Lake Huron. ,Panelled interior sunroom. DEB SHEWFELT 210 Keays St. 524-9581 MTA ALLEN 154 ie'sex St. 524-8480 . -DONALD MacEWAN 49 Bruce St. 52446as LES PENTLAND• 182 Cameron St. 824-90p7 EBB M, ROSS • .92 Newgate St: 524-878$, JOAN uu SBRECHT R.R. 6 Goderich 529-4192 • CLARE SAGER HAROLD ERS 151 Bruce St.' 524.6601 Bayfield,, 565.2828 n•'