HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-29, Page 8• mse
VirrISTSBN AtifidTKANCE -0014-‘
A , of Toronto: aloe for the laHOSNIX
Z*Z8W&$c3 OOMPANY:' two...
A.avaleB- .I4aultAnD
*AY tit Piglende
Just in
A cheap lot of
School Books,
including t h e
required for the
vletire A feerecrealle
eei eteree 2ava, , Book with friends la tcWO. Mr, Choke:
O ri +. tnr I5, 0 l Algae hie reSidenee in fittettie, late loet
eareeeehtlho'„' eal4 ' s"eree"" - •"' " f hi, q14�C vim itod push and
»One O a Q . 1
'- ''''''''''' - '. 1100 Well a Ingle pleats in the eetiMetiert, 0
See Vfolietd & nexus 25C all Woo. ate") hie employere, Metall lirttek
Great bargains in, reedy rnede end Mt, aod Ups J. Vi, Oetieltee left for (Ube.
•The, Creamery will eornmenee operatio Mr.. W., Clarke •ot l'orento, spsnt
g°°°14 f4°11e4 wlae' Toronto, whose wholesale he represeuts.-i-
ordsred, clothing et Xt. Ploltard 44 Sena. wa on Monday where they:Wilt reside for
Big B:1111°1411 Itoro
33 bets Eitetele Peep tor 25o,some times PerhAlla PermatututlY. Mt.
raisins for 25e at R. kleixard & Sous, Orooker took the uotion, auddeoly, end
..& Sbeat the WO unable te get arotend to eee nesoy
Alszender son, of our eateelued
to eueceed his father In the eielleitain
trituttin $tinael fimillie,hae been oh000n
Tuotterstoltn,:the duties to connuesee
J$olltflillber not% M the eon Inheeito con.
alaerable of tthe. hot and husi0e$0 tebilitv
of biti fether, who hike se eilio1011tlY Preaid"
ed, over the affeirS of the towooltip fer
netedeer Of yes, he wit1j dotlbt Make
41. tale* end the ineereste of the teown-
ship ie hio iestutle we yeotore te eay will
lot Buffer
R1)leker4 on tovtu
friends here, but throush The Ti"tes vrleh,
1)44°448" 8" their "1..• e4 to be kindly retneuthered to all, and to
MSS DaVis 0 •Aylr he
uies cbar$0 ex P. return tie:mita for fayore feWn by the
Fiekerd & Ron's Millinery depetettnelet people. of Exeter -G,W. ICnighil .1,he
la ln
cla proverb has it, le going_ out like a lion. at 'The Trines Office Qe. dsy lase) week,-
March panics a eeb, and tee ale feble etation agent nt u
Ildeeten Wes tt eseller
Mi4 Wcn. c gg hos sold ela orose Mrs W; T. Aolleson and Mies Belle Ache-
amilet oa Simeoe street to Mr, Parsons 5°11- ePen't 1.1° 1°"Part of thi° week tho'
peens of Mrs Geo, Knight, Ildorten, -
for a neat auto. Dr I:1 r. kinerool of Sarum. epeut Fleeter
in Main st. chierch, Exeter, on 'Wed- et neenteeen Speat st,„aa, 4 kt a -
y sto on ay 0
lleeday evening, April 4th. tewri visiting friends. ---Mrs R. Piekard
left tide week, for ;Brantford to visit her
Ever)* lady shold ettenci Mee Horne's
daughter, Mee. W. J. Verity. -Mr and
Millinery Opening on. Friday and Saturday
March 30 and 31. TIm latest noveltiee. Wire D. IladgeOn of Whalen and the Misses
Minnie Andrews and branaoombe ef
Oo the 20th inst., Mr Wm. Baker of
Elitnville epent Eaeter the guests of Mr
Stephen sowed 10 acres of oats. Thio is A drowe -Mr tend Mrs Sohn
whet one might eel' early aeedinge•
A. phonograph. concert -will. be given „oder. toe parental rneo_ge 1.eo
Yes, stia giving 22 pounds best
granulated sugar for $ r.00, and
all other groceries at closest cut
Do you. want wall pa?er ?
Do you want carpets?
• Do you want curtains ?
Do you want blinds?
The Big Bankrupt Store is doing
an immense trade in House fur-
nishing goods.
The Crediton spring epriog show for the
exhibitioo of entire etook will be held in
thet villege 1,Vednesclay, April lith.
Mitre Horne will hold her Millinery
•Opening on Fridey and SaturdaY, March
30 and 31. A grand display. • Every lady
Those of our farraers who -sowed grain
dUring the fine weather will no doubt re-
gret if the present cold snap eentinnes
If you want to sae a firet-class. Tweed
at 75c, the regular price was $1...25, but
bought at e, bargain, you can gob it nt J.
P. Clarice's.
Richard. Pieltard & en'e
Opening will be held on Friday and Satur-
day, 30 and 31st inst. Every lady invited
to 1118pm:tour dock,
If you are bald or have thin hair see the
Irani fine Hair coverings Prof. Dorenwend
will have with him at +Central Hotel,
Friday 13th April.
The Down farm offered for sale under
mortgage on Saturday lase was not sold,
the bighest bid being insufficient. ',the
reserve bid was $4,900.
The Stephen and Usberne Agricultural
Society have decided, to hold their fall
show this year on the first Monday and
Tuesday after the Wertern Fair.
The assortment and values we are
offering in Dress Goods is sim-
• ply wonderful -that special line
of pure wool double fold dress
goods at 221C IS going fast.
• Leta Stintley, laeing 'Easter services
said, Serino:Oa bearing on the Comitixion
were prima od io James -et Church by
the peetor, Rev, George Jaoltsou the
eftenker, eva.s muoli at home, while
eiWelling, en the thenne, and throwing
earnestneas into the servicee, giving his
hearers the benefit from the thought
and stndy of the life of Chriat that so,
ittepieed his audience to listen in rapt
attention to one of the beat efforts from
the lips 0 their mech. boloyed pastor,
The West 4orrn Farmers' Institute dis
enesed the etatute lebne question at a
reOent meeting' Ali the apeakers were
tigreed that road reform was necessary and
that stetate labor had outlived its day 0
usefulness. The meeting was in favor of
Farraer encl. fatuile nieited friends he Leen the Goveromont establishing a epav m
• to look after the needs By judiue oioman-
don Good y.-' 1111 s
tandly 0 Foeest, 'Nebo huve orient the past
week visitiog Mende, reterned home 'Poser -
day. Mr Bert Gillvepio, who has been
working in Seaforth for Wine time, re -
Wined raone last week and has taken
cliergo of his father's 'bus, -Mr Reg.
Elliot and little danghter of Toronto
spent the past week visiting Mende in
town, -Mr Lewis, bore* boyar of Londoet,
wee a groat at the "Commercial" this
weeln-Mies Whicester of St usrve
visiting her misters, Mesdames johns and.
Cataeker.-Mr Wes Snell moved to town
last week: and will take poseession of
Wood Bros,' butcheriug lanninese tient
Monday, We commend tefr Snell to the
citizens of Exeter as being well versed in
this line, and, a thorough beteinesa man,
He will introduce eeveral new featuree
into the business, which will surely be
appreciated by all his cuetornevs.-edr lra
Andrew this week moved into the resi-
dence occupied by NIr Ed Treble, the
latter taking the residence yacatted by Mr.
Andrew, and which he purchased recently
of the Mandford estate •-bir Alfred. Coffin
of Millbrook ewe in town this week renew-
ing acquaintances. --Mc Geo Edworthy
and family left on Tuesday' for Otystal
City, Man , where they will reside
fun:iron-lir Geo Hemmen also left town
Tuesdey for Britieh Columbia. -Rev Mr,
Martin is in Toronto this week.-Mis(Dr )
Sweet who has beeu visiting friends in
'town for the past few months, returned to
ber home in Shelbyville, this week,
eaconipauled ey Mies en A. Tom. -Ma.
end ire Geo De.w returned to Goderion
on Munday after a pleasant vittit with
frieuds in town. --111r Will Ross, son 0
Mr U. A...Ross, who has been working in
Woodetook,was brought home on Tuesdee
gaite 111 He had an attack of the grippe.
wbioh left his eonetitution in LS very weak
atate. --Mr Ghee' Senior, deputy -reeve ot
glenheim, and wile, spent the past week
the guests of Mr Jos, Senior,. Mr G. A.
Hyndmeenwho has been oleraine in Forest
for soMe -weeks, returned home on Satur-
day, quite ill, the wort being too hetivy
for him. -Ber Garnet lelyndmata, who is
attending the London Medical 5ehool,
home during yaoasion.-Mr Luther Mae-
ning of Clearwater, Man., who has been
visiting his parents here for some weeke,
*returned to the Prairie Province last week.
--Mr H. J eGlenville and fatnily moven to
lemdon last week, where Mr G. has pure
chivied a fruit farm. -Miss Jennie Jones
returned on Monday from Clandeboye,
where atm had been viaitine
and elm James Jeokell of London, Bug.,
are the guests of their daughter, Mrs, N.
Dyer Hurdon.-Mies Keine of Byron and
Aim Bellies of Exeter vieited friends in
Sealorth last week. -Mrs J. H. Hyntiman
is very 111 at pretrent,- J. W. Ilarrieon
and Mr Ferguson, students at the London
Medical School, are borne spending 'Aloe -
non. -Mr and iqrd 0. E. Daltry of Luean
spent Easter with her parents, Mr and
nire A. Dempsey.- Miss Atkinsoo of
Lumen yisited friends in town this week. --
Miss Evelyn Uneaten is yisitingefriende in
Centra1ise-0 ar lawyers are attending
the melees at London this. week, as are
also several citizens as witnesses on im-
portant easea -Miss Harrison is visitirg
friends in Clinton. --Mr. Z. Johns of
tiandforol, Cal., arrived in town on 'Tues-
day, vvithehis wife itnd family and sister-
in:levee Miss Minnie Corker: We are
pleased to learn that Mr. Johns has e'ome
to stay with us and m9.y open bueioees
in town. Mr, 'Johns is a eon 0 our
wrathy postmaster and some years ago,
eond acted a hardware businese here,
• Millinery OPening.
Our Millinery ope'aingi will
take place on Friday, Mob. 3o.
We extend a cordial invitation
to all.
3. A. Stewart.
Noiiee tX3.13108 Readers.
Ladies, remember the grand milliuery
opening at E. J. Spat:kraal:1 dr Co.'s, on
Friday end Satureae , March 30 and 31.
Every lady is cordially invited.
In Ladies' Hand -stitched, Lawn
Efandkerchiefs, besides children's, wet
sell scores, and still have 30 dozen mare
coming this week at J. P. Clarke's.
Ladies I Cell and see our Prints at
10c, fast colors, and in Lawns, Laces
and Muslins we cannot speak too otten
0 them. Aisk to see thetn at J. P.
Baking Powder We have secured
the control and. sale of a Baking Pow-
der of extra quality. "The Housekeep-
ers' Delight." 14 lbs. in jar for 30c at
J. P. Clarke's.
The publishers would esteem it a favor if
!eaders woutd,wherc enahing ihe.,r purchases,
/gentian that they saw the merchant's eaves -
lament in Tan TIAlhe.
NOTICE -All busineee aneouneements
notices of public meetings, lentertainments
snotion sales, etc., appearing in these lomat
asehimna will be charged for at tl Le rate 0 five
dents perline fetch ineertion. Black heading
to oonnt as three lines. Cash with order save
to persons baring open accounts. To insure
change of advertisements in eurrent issue copy
swat be handed into office op. Teener.
agement, engineering Atilt, =ripe
oyeraeors, and tanned effort on their part,
good voeds could Boon be made and proper-
ly kept up both fot the oetnfoit and beauty
0 the district s.s it whole.
Fine of the comities of Ontario took ad-
vantage last year 0 the provision whioh
allows county ovum:Ala to nominate a
pupil who will be admitted to the Outerio
Agricelturitt College for free tuition. Last
year there were 280 stu,ieuts at the college,
207 being natives of the Province'the
great majority being young men under 21
years of age. The tot of the college and
farm is $55,000 a you., from which is de-
ducted over $7,000 for bottrd money and
fees. ; $4,000 for stook and products
sold, $3,600 from the dairy department.
Mr Hopkirk, post office inspector, is at
present on a unmade againet those whe
enclose correspondence in newspaper's. tee
cancelled stamps and are guilty 0 other
such Shabby niche.
Mr 'T. Dearing has decided to run -the
peddlara wagon this coming summer
with Tinware, Brushes, Brooms, Spec-
tacles, Etc., for cash or trade in truck
or eggs. Also orders for fruit trees and
other articles too numerous to mention:
The streets) VilefrO scraped last Wednes-
day and the surplus mud piled in heaps
along the way, and before they could be
removed the cold snap and mow storm to
hardened them that many • accidents 00 -
oared the past few days. It will be a
wonder if some one has not a bill for
damages against the council.
Vastly Meeting.
The animal veittry meeting of the Trio-
itt Memorial Church was head on Moo -
day last,the rector Rev. E, WI Hunt in
the chair. The attendance was v'ery
large. The financial statement was pre-
arintedby the people's warden, Mo. Dyer,
• and upon motion wale referred to the
auditors to be reported upon at the ad -
jeweled meeting two weeks hence. Mr.
B. 8. O'Neil was appointed People's
'warden, 'and Kr. A. Q. Bober, Rector'e
warden. Delegates to the Synod :-Mes-
srs. Ernest Elliot and Wm. J. Carling.
After the appointment of an Advisoey
Board Sidemen, and the various nom:
mittetron a vote. of thanks watt rinapimonsly
passed to ". the retiriing •veardens, for
their service- the past year. The meeting
ethen adjourned till April Otb at 8 p. us.
Inspector Barker of the pestoffice de -
At the meeting of the South BOMA Ag-
rioultural Soeiety, held at Eippen on
Friday last, err:ingot:tents were made with
the Tuelcersmith Society to hold the
amulet show under the auspices of the
amalgamated societiee: at Seafo rth. The
dates fixed for the show were the firat
Thureday and Friday after the Western
Fair at London. The annual spring show
fat entire stock will be held at Bruorfield
an Friday, Aptil eth, When liberal prizes
will be offered for etallions and bulls. This
show is being held nearly two weeks eatliee
this year than usual.
The Delineator tor May is canoe the
"College Commencement Number," and
contains three articlee especially iutereat-
ing to atudents. Under the head of Em-
ployments or Women is a seneible article
on Women ba Journaliem, by Edith See -
sums Tupper, and Eleanor Georgeon treats
the subjece of Pantotnitnia Expreesion
olearly and practically. .A further instal-
ment of Some Uses of Crepe and Tissue
Papers introduces some pretty article' for
decorating a Spring Lunch Table, the
• third pa.per on Wiee Living gives some
good advice about Eating, and the many
ways in wlitch daughters can help their
mothers is told in the second chapter of
Mother and Daughter. A Leather Wed-
ding and a Loe,omacy Party are entertain-
ingly- described The Culture of Fuebsise
is the subjeot of the Mosel article, and
there are many new designs in Knitting,
Netting and Tatting. The subscriptt n
price of The Delineator is $1.00 a year.
diogin Copiee 15 cents. Address, 33 Rich-
mond Steeet West Toronto, Ont.
in Armory of ligisa Mots,
0 Misstbo from our home, deartoot
We miss: thee flow thY 1400
A abadew e'sr Quaint Is name,
We Mtn the ninshine ' thr foe,
We miss tlithe kind end willing heed,
Thy fond and eartief4 oars t
Our homes ave dark vvitheat thee -
We meet the everywhere.
preolows one from um is One,
A. rotes iro lorod illtifl.d;
A phone is resent an eur nouns,
Whleh neYer oto be Aileen
cod in bis veisdone bit recalled,
The boon Init lore had givett •
Axle though the body raeuleere 'note,
eoul lit mefe hi //esteem
Farewell dear mother, sweet thr rest,• .
Wove with neve and worn with Pain
perewelleill in oorne happy Anse,
We shall beton.", thy facie .gain.
Tbe Mldnight stars ere shining
Upon our mothers grave,
1400. sleeping without dreitutioci
The ono we count not save.:
Tee teem& of grief are keeping.
The theetorre 'round our head ;
0 1 hlitese ut not for weeping,
The one we leve ie dead
Heaven restrainoth now our treasure,
moils the ionely easkee kerma
And the eumheame love to linger',
Where our ohristiau mother eleeps.
Miss Jeanie Jacques.
VERITY -In Britntferd, on the 10th inste the
wife of W. J, Verity de son.
&GAR -In Fullerton, ou Marine 20th, the wife
of joseph Agar of a son.
WILOOX-In Fullerton, on the leth hate the
wife of film ries Wilcox ole 0071.
OLARKE-In Fullerton, on the 20th hone the
wife of Mark Clerk° of a dauxhter.
ROBKIRIC-In Hansa% on the 22nd inst., the
wife of John Hobkirk of It son.
OUDIOBB.-14 Hensall, on the 21st inst., the
wife of Roland Outira ore as daughter.
VAIL-In Helm rne,5 th .on.. on the 241h, the
wife of Wm. Vail, of 11. daughter.
HODGERT-In 1h:bor0e, the 7th eon., on the
261h inst., the wife of Andrew Hodgert of Si
partment, who has for years bad charge
Western Onteeio, with head.guartera at
'London. has been transferred to Toronto to
take the place made vacant by the resig-
netion of Inspector Barwick. Col. Chas.
S. Fisher, Deputy P. 0. Inapector, will
likely get the vacant position.
There are 32 public hospitals irs Ontario.
In 1893 they cared fcir 12,392 patients, itt-
eluding those who remained at the end. of
1892. At the end of 1892 time were 998
patients in residence; 10,981 were received
during the year,e,nd there were 503 births
in the hospital; 10,554 patients were dis-
eharged; 731 died and 1,107 remainedat
thct end of the year.
ow for BARGAI
ReMember we are in the- ring
and will not be undersold in
any line of goods, quality �f -
goods taken into consiclera.
LAWSON-110.TZ-A t the Parsonage! Credit-
on. by Rev. Gee. Baker, on the 20th inst., Mr.
Eli Lawson, of atephen to Mist: Christina
Mote, of Crediton,
MAWHINNEY-IKARTY11...At the Par:renege
Orediton, bY Rev. Geo. Baker, on Thursday.
22n11 that., Mr. Robert Mawhinney, to Miss
Mary it Martyn, aleof Stephen.
FELKER-BELL--Al the residence of the
bride's father, Blyth, on the lith inst.eby
Rev. T. B. Higley. Mr. Wm. J. Felker, of
Auburn, to Miss Mary E., eldest daughter of
Mr J. W.Bell, Blyth.
the Methodist Parsonage, _on the 21st inst..
Mr, Junes Thornton of Seaforth, to Mies
MaryJane eldest daughter of Mr. H. Rat -
E. J. Specimen & Co., will have on
exhibition all the latest novelties in
Millinery, at their Grand Millinery
Opening on 'Friday and Saturday,
„ Mardi 80 and 31.
The fine, beautiful weather enjoyed by
Vele coreadmity the past few weeks was
broken a few days ago by a dip in the
thermometer artd it snow storm which
might (to credit to mid winter. Once
Wore we are eejoying good sleighing.
The Petrone ot Itidustry of South
Huron. will meet at Brimfield on Friday,
of this week to select a candideto for the
• House 0 Commons for the` Riding. It
will now be in order for Mt joho MeMillao
aot about to buret the proceeding:I.
Every lady both in town and country
ftre cordielly invited to see mit splepaid
stockoffti1t1noiy ott opening days Fleas,
arid Setutday, 80 and 31a1iinet. R. Vette
rod et Soto
On Monday night one of Mr. B.Ohrietio'3
pair of white stallions in sotne unaecount-
able -manner, broke oeie of its legs tWo
places while in its etall. Tuesday morn-
ing the accident was discovered, when the
%aimed was killed. It was it valuable
bee.et and one of a tearn of suowball hereee,
the finest in the county. Mr, Ohristie'e
loss will in several ways be cormiderable.
A correspondent writes : "At the laat
meeting of Huron Presbytery no less than
tea delegates were appointed to attend
the canine Assembly, when, :four at the
most, wotld be ample rettreaentation.
Xow, for this little pleasure trip, our
Preebytery %lone pays in railway fire and
other expense. nearly $350. Thia is only
one of the many needless extravagances of
our home churches."
RIC Fr RDSON-MARRIOTT-At the residence
of the bride's father, on the 19th inet,
the Rev. John Seat, M. A.t, Richard T. Rich-
ardson, of Nebraska, U. S., to Patience,
daughter of Mr. navel Marriott of St .Marys
OL,a2KE-MoOaLIATiti- At Cedar Serino.
North Eastleope, en the 14tle inst., by Rev. R.
Pike., Mr. Alex. Clarke of Russellale, to Miss
esate, eldest daughter 0 Geo.Motealluta.
COURSEY-AEMITAGE-In lliddulph. on the
Ilth inst.,:ett the residence of the bride's
father. Mr. Wm. Armitage, Sauble Line, by
tttV, R. He haw, Mr. Jas. Cottony, to Miss
Dililah Armitage. both of Bidduipe.
Rippen. on the 241 inert., by Rev. Samuel
Acheson, Mr. Sennett Walker, of einderioh, to
Miss Illary Hunter, second (laughter of Alex-
ander MoAltister, else, a flay.
McNAUGHTON-le S tanley, on the 22nd lint
John Meriaughten, aged 80 years.
Easter Wee cold. You couldn't htve
had a doubt 0 it. ia your mind if you
were one of those who wended their Way
to church in the freaky air and sprinkling
of snow as the bells were ringing out the
morning hour for worship. And there
were other reasons why you must have
noticed that the weather was TIOt as Warm -
as it has been -that is, if yon remembered
that it was Easter. The Easter bonnet
and gown were not net with in anything
0 the frequency 'narking this feetive
season of abet years, The miliiner and
the dressmaker,,florist,
not to forget the orist,
had experienced an unusually busy week,
rhftt was well known. So there could
have been no other way to account for the
lank of the mustomary brilliant holiday
adornment than • in the alumnae of the
bright rayo and invieorating warmth of
the Easter sun. Inside the churches,
however, it was `much like Easter. Thera
was special matin everywhere, sine even
the sermons eang to Emig. Every church
altar in town held its floral token. All
were not gorgeous -indeed, few were.
But there was a quiet beauty in the single
plant that -stood on thee pulpit that wait
equally as pleaeing as were the big o ollee-
none of floral excellent% which must have
cost a great deal of troithie and care.
nev.J. 11. fleeter, the Black Rnight will
give two of his interesting and celebrated
lectures in Smith's Rail, on the evenings of
April 4ete aud rob. The rev. gentiemen is
higbly epolten 0, and those who do not ',hear
him wilt min a treat. Admission 15o. See
hills for particulars.
Thoboo.ra airectora 0 the We8tero
fair rent tn London the other clay to &-
duet matters el interest in eonnection with
thie Year's exhibition Tho dateo set for
beltlitsg the fete N.Oall 'September 13 to na, ,
Moo. Spieter will held her tooled spring
Villniery opening oa Friday atia Satnedey.
March 30 and 81. The latest novelties
will be elloWn. Evety lady invited to
Won. gest.-The
iOULS well eppointed store, recently
occilpied by J. Sineokitten apply
to ago Sotitatit,Uat.r.
While- the council are instituting valioue
eforrno, might it not be in the patella M-
terest to have the constable enforce the
law requiting black luta on fru% trees
It matures little :search to dud, that the
law, with respect to maily orchards, is not
in the least carrieclout, and that its vatione
parts 0 the town trees are literally loaded
with blank althost as im-
portant as the dog tax reform.
The Liberal Association of North Mid-
cllesex toot at Ansa Craig on Saturday, ts
full delegation being present. John
Wettara received the unanimout nominee
tion 0 the convention, but after a lengthy
speech lie positively declined to encept
` The cooventiort theo endorsed the
cendidature of W. H. Taylor, the Petrol
liontinee. IVIr Walters no doubt hits his
eye on the vacent registrarship of Mid-
Sodom flies for'refuge, lave on
the strength promised them in the fort -
of Royal Templarism, remaining
within its walls they are safe from the
insidious foe to home, country and na-
tion. A Counoil of Royal Tempters
was organised in Sodom ori Tuesdity
night last under the leadership of Bro.
Giro Penhale, Seleat Councilor of Ad.
vanes Council, Exeter, with the aseist-
tome of his officers. Tweanty-eight
came were secured, all of vvhich pledg-
ed. themselves to abstain from the use
of intoxicating liquor and frequenting
:such ple.ceo where it is sold, We -are
sure that hundreds of hearts will rejoice
at this, awl hope for them a useful
These are a few of the bargains we are offering.
13 bars electric soapfor 25o.
8113s of raisins for 25e. ,
Brushe's B &0 corsets for 75c. Ordinary dealers
charge $1 for 1ame corset.
All wool blk Caslarnere hose, special value, 35c.
753 tape bound. curtains for 50c, ,
All wool dress goods; all shades, 40 in wide 250.
Men's regular $7.76WaterTroof Coats $6.,
Boys' Serge Bulbs $1.25.
Men's Serge Suits $5.25 for $3.75.
M en'sTweed Suits, to order, $9.75:
Men's Worsted suits, to order, $15.
We:carry the largest
MOTTER-In Detroit, Mich., on the ltith inst.
Simon Motten of Mtn, with.. formate' of',
Zurich, aged 31 yearsni months.:
BISSETT-In Exeter, on the 261h inst., Eliza
wife of no Sohn Biseette aged 71 eeare,
STRPHEN8013-Ak Oraig,°.on the 21st
inst., Mary Ann, rano of the late Thome.s
Stephenson, aged 71 years.
ICold Sure has proved infallible for
the past throe years in cases ot Grip.
Try it.
Cbildren, victims of weak digestive
organs can be cured by K. D. C.
The cotton mill of the Millville, N.
J., Manufacturing Company has Termed
on full time. Nearly 500eh8nd5 will be
The residence of Chas, Hardy, Hese
street south, Hamilton mut burglarised
Sunday night while the family were at
church. Jewellery to the value of ow
ns stden•
stock of
dress goods in town
Our De Laynes are simply beautiful. We guarantee you
a saving of 20 per cent. Buy you dress from us.
MeG-aw's cOrthatt leat evening in the
Opera Rouse was one of the beet ever
givert Exeter; the oeet being composed
tutitely of home talent The pinging was
of a. high order, the musical Wed-
tiotti end reedings veere quite entirteining.
It wet not, however; attended as nosriet-
ouoly as the oonesstt merited, Me 1l(ragalY
leave:: Mr Loden • this morning, tly
his affable disposition he won many friends
he invert.
career to the enct of life's journey.
The Royal Templars meeting held in
James-st Church on Monday evening
last was a decided success. Notwith-
shielding the snow storm that prevailed
through the day, waking it very di -
agreeable for ladies COMB °tin yet,
their love for the cause of temperance,
Mid wishing to give every. aid possible,
they were there in grand rally. The
meeting throughout was made pleersant
ntithie Rev, 0. Fletclier,
and p
Thames Road, and Re17, G. Jaokson,
adareptoo Toronto end aro sold by eit e
filleter, both gave stirring be meilect on receipt a price ; fifty cents
whiell were 114tetlea to with inigngi°,0 per box. er six boxes for 1,2,50.
ental music
interest. Vocal ana instrum
were. rendered by Mr T, Okla anct
Davidson family to the delight ef the comen tinevc e _a_ _e
Manion and Miss M. Down were both to row the radio tula4egUariquvuerTitiTy r.17;
llaylvania • this year liport the Deletwate
audience, and the reoitations IVIre
Intich e.pProciated. TheanROYAleeTealnet entineeeteetween angle 4 end 18.
We arc selling Verity's Celebrated Plows and Repairs
Special low prices for Plow Points in:large quantities
rionarnnotas nojoy A limn Snlisa.
Troir--Otin Box OP Dona's IKXDUE'r
Pints Ounsts MEM Tnt+LOir
Carznn Sacocamin
ANJD Etienne
Mina' d's Liniment for sale everywhere,
Holatein, Mara 25.-Thie quiet village
is in au uproar of excitemeet just now
over the cage of Geo. Sackett, it well
known resident. His experience has had
many parallels in other places, but none
• he re. One box of Dodd's Eidney
on tea tarn of severe backache and kidney
air:east of long stareding, after he had eried
eyery other remedy within his reach, but
without any good reoulte, These pills are
ton.nuf lectured by Dr. L. A. Smith ' & 00.,
I ;To get relief from iudigestioe, billions -
nese, constipe non, or torpid liver without
disturbing the etoutach or purging the
hostels, take a few closes' Certer'e Little
Liver Pills, they will pleese yore
lerastns Wilma denies that W. G.
Murdoch, of Toronto, has bean reteaned
In the matter of the estate 4 Thomas
Penwarden, late of the Te1147;ihip 0
Usborne, in the County of liuron..
Yeoman, Deceased,
on. hit behalf by Max L. Frank, of New of first-class farm in theTorrrishin of the
York. borne, and farmstook and chattels.
........---,-----....---- There will be sold by Public, Auction at the
t Premises, in the Township of Usborne, on
Change in, 13neinGISS sA.TURDAY, THE 7rn DAY OF APRIL,
1894, o.t I o'clock in the• afterecton, subleot to
such conditions as shall then be produced, Lot
Number Two (2), in the Ninth (9th) Conces-
sion of the Township of Usborne, in the
County 0 Huron, containing One Hundred
000) bores more or less.
This farm is -one of the best in the Town-
ship of Usborne,beingweinwatered s.ral fenced,
good brick house. frame barn, *tee good dr -
chard, about 90 aorea cleared. 20 &ores fall
wheat sown and an ploughing dOne. It
Wool delanes in dark and
light colors. A special line
of light colored goods only
2oc per yard. A nice dark
ground,- 25c. -
SJ gia.,12S
Butcher Shop 1
Having purchased the Butchering bus
iness of Messrs. Wood. Bros., , will take
possession on April 1st, and I would res
pectfully solicit the patronage of all the
old customers of the shop and as anany
-new ones as can favor me with a call.
Meats of all kinds alw•a5Ts on band,
and perfect satisfaction guaranteed.
Yours faithfully,
In this line we have had an
immense sale. See our won-
derful toe line 32 inch soft
finished goods.
• at"
piers ere moving. it wta t swat
.0* RI the river will be akar bargr Irma
Et.ettrisiort Patiforttia,. end Grenville by the' 5th of Aptil, 20 days
eallier 'then usnitl,
OA account of the tian Pramtiseo, )ina- The recent discovery of 3Clr. lihteljay
Winter -Veit., the Ohicago, M11wanitea4 the best remedy far billiousaions and all
St. Paul itellNvaY Couipany win ex-stonutoh431.kliver trot/bloc While rogue
etrItion tiakete te San ,Vreneiscot St, jose, luting thiActigestive syttem Illselisy's Liver
Colton, Lori Angeles and San Diego., Oal., Loistige-1 " t6Oi7 sod do not weaken
and l'ortiand, Ore., at redttced ratee, good
April 17 partittilate tall eti
sty oonpot tieket Agent, cse addrooe t.
'retylet, Oitilittlital POO, Agent, 0 Y-ork
011,*Tototito, Out
Stock large and complete. See
our black worsted suits to or-
der.' All wool $/5 and $17.
Tweed suits to order front $15
$15oo worth clothing. Stock
too large, Low prices to re-
duce. Boys' suits from
up. Men's suits from $3.50
Wall paper, Carpets, Lace
Curtains, Boots and 'Shoes.
Stook all complete,
like pill
eine ett
Z. D.
Ate the beet fondly meal.
St. 25 coots at sit drag,
Ours ohrotio eetritios-
Hats justs in. New, nobby,
cheap. This conipletes our
'spring stock. Call and see
our bargains,
is 8 miles from Exeter and 13 from St Marys.
A. large quantity of farm stock and ehattelt
'will be solid at same tune and. place.'
TERMS OE SALE: -Really : 10 per cent cash
on day of sale, balance in thirty' days or as
may be agreed. Perional property : $10 or
under cash ;larger au ma, approved joint notes.
6 months erodit or 7 per omit, per annuat off
for assn. •
For further particulate apply to
Solicitors for Mary Pertwarden,
WIZZ.:RILL. a rah, 1894.
Sprin.g will soon be here, and we arp pre-
pared. with Spring Goods to meet
it when it does come.
lou must wear Clothes,
-Use Household Linens,
PtilltS and Laces the newest, BR
Boots and Shoes the lateit,
Carpets Laoe Cartainwana Wall Par,
()rookery ma:Glassware,
Family Supplies,
Eat, Sleep and be Clothed,
Drop the old Talk