HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-22, Page 18PAPE 4A--G0DERICH 'SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUS 22, 1974
Members of the Goderich
- are: from left, back row,
-Gailow; Ginette Richard,
Peter Conlon and Helen
*swim team for 1'974 up to age'twelve
Brian Shewfelt, Paul Murphy,, Judy
.Barbara Conlon, Louisette Richard,
Conlon; middle row, Debbie Barker,,
•coact;,' Mid Murphy;- Ricky Muck, Danny Freeman, "John'
Clement, Steve Walters, Mike Wedlock and Andrew Telford; -
front row,-, Tracey McEwan, Kim Buchanan, Claudette Richard,
Jennifer Harper, Yvette Richard and Margaret Conlon.
,Members of the Goderich swim team for 1974 over age 12' are: from left, back row, Pit Ahur
phy, Jim ,Clement; Jacques Richard, Ronan Conlon, Brenda Brissette, coach; front row, Lucie
Turcotte, Anne Marie Lassaline, Anne Marie Murphy, Lebl}ie.MacEwan, Diana Freeman and
Mary Harper. (staff photo) . •
More channels for subscribers
Cable TV users in Clinton,
.Goderich., Hoir*esu•ille and '
Vanastra may get another four
channels bn • their TV sets, if
Plans now in the infant stage
are carried' out by Bluewater
Cable TV' of Holmesville.
Bluewater presidents. Ron
McIntosh said this week that
the Cable TV . company has
been .told by the Canadian
Radio ands Television Cord -
,mission that They mutlt add a
French CBC channel and 'the
'Education Television network
' when they come on stream'later
this fail. -;
Mr: M•cIntoshi said that if
Bluewater, expand •,the
number of tunnels available,
from the present 11 to 14 or 15,
then channel •5 from Bay City
would' have to be dropped.
To facilitate the extra chan-
nels, Mr. McIntosh, said that
customers, would' have to buy .
an extender box for their homes
at a cost of $30 to $.40 each. As
well,, the monthly•-ren°tsal rate
might • have to he -bmisted
slightly from its present' $5. In-
sta'lation would remain at $l0.
Mr McIntosh stressed that
the whole move was still in the
plant -Ong stage acid 'no 'definite
'decision hadbeen .taken- yet.
Bluewater TV Cable serves a
potential 11,000 custo`tne s in
the Clinton, •, Goderich,
Vanastra area. '
,Bluewater ;also recently.
• received 'per.mission froth the
CRTC ,•to put cable TV into
F:°l'teter, Huron,. Park and
Cenralia, which has a total
population of slightly more -
Family honors
parents wed
30 years
McShane, Scott. top performers
Temperance play closes season of Bend
-the play most likely -to su(ceed.
but it slid test the abilities ,of
Ten„ Nights in a Bar Room
Plttyhc►use company who
was not` exactly my -favorite
rose -etc - •the occasion with �%ilst0
type of entertainment,
but the and talent. It was a" li�elt'
final offering at Huron Country. e`'ptling cif. entertainment!
Playhouse for .this season let Highlight of theeveningntur
goers me was dinner in the Playhone
the majority of theatre
laughing and relaxed .as the dining ruott�. Stable Fare, Cts, it
performance ended. It was a . is billed,' is excellent. The menu
delightftflly. -exaggerated ver- included garden salad,'''
sion of the play which -was homemade bread, baked
originally intended as a strong potatoes, vegetables and the
weapon against the evils of most succulent ,roast beef ever
alcoholic beverages, but for served. (Despite the theme fur
today`:; ,people proved to be a the evening's play there, was a
kind of farce. bar on the premises with must' .
The play was by far the most favorite drinks available.)
challenging .for the actors and What of next year? Well,
actresses of all those this writer plans are afoot, for another
has seen to date. It also season of theatre at Grand
provided some fresh outlet for
the talents of the set designers
((--who Came up with a truly
r.fnaginative backdrop -"for the
performance) and the makeup
department. _
My award for best actor°goes
to Russell Scott who played
Sample Swichel,'r the country
boy who won .his battle with the
bottle and becarne she manager
of .a thriving business at the
° end of the play. Russell Scott
took his sometimes trite lines
and turned them into first rate -
cotnedy, . complete with voice
expression, facial, contortions,
body movements and just plain
get -into -the -part .sincerity.
Best actress was, of.course,-
Gorya McShane who took the
part of Little Mary Morgan, the
drunka'rd's daughter who, died
through' two acts and stayed
alive. long hnough to see her
father -reform: Miss McShane,
• Dr. and `Mrs.- William N. ' with' her long, flowing rred hair
Watters, St. Patrick -Street, and her petite figure, caught.
'Goderich, were 'h.onoured`d the audience's attention from
guests at a surprise reception in the first moment she tripped
London -recently. ' • onto the stage calling,.
It was the occasion 'of their come on home now." -She held
30th _wedding anniversary .and their attention and gained their
their' family, Mr. and 'Mrs. complete respect as,an actress
Michael 'Shepherd (Carolyn • who can make ea{en'the. most
Watt.ers); Mr: and Mrs. -Wayne reluctant smile and laugh at
•K. Treitz. (.Naticy Watters); and her new approach, to an old
Mark E. John Watters enter -melodramatic role: Who will
-tained at the' former's 'home, ever _forget' Glorya McShane
729, Monsarrat °Avenue, Lon, . being carried, aloft . from her
"than 5,Q00 'As well, the com- -
''pany will set up a system at
Port Elgin, and Southarnpton,
Mr. , McIntosh said. Seaforth
too will get -Ty cable in the near
''future, 'but froth:another com-
pany.. ` °
• Mr. McIntosh said„ that
Bluewater hast• dropped chan-
nel 25 of Saginaw, Michigan af-
ter a short test run and channel
Detroit is hack on. He said
that several channels were
corning in on channel 2.;•.and
the interference caused .poor
reception, -
Lunch • 12:30'- 1:30 p.m.
Miller: 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.
5:30 • 7:00 p.m.
• V
death bed to he with the,
A congratulatory telegram annels? .
was received from ,their other • • Honorable mention goes'to
stint Dr. Conrad Watters and Thoni Hayes, who. played H.ar-
Mrs..,Watt.eras, Calgary, Alberta,. vey Green, the villain. And he
who were unable to be present. was villainous ... right down to.
The happy .celebration was the sharp black, moustache and
attended .•bv about 60 guests`- the white gloves.- Mr. Hayes
from, Toronto, Kitchener, Lon- Isd gets 'the prize for hand
dean, Port Dover, Londesboro movements. .His fluid, fingers
and Goderich, most •of whom brought sinister connotations
had been ,present at their wed to 'thee production :.. and loud
ding.. ••. , "Boo, Hiss" reactid s•from the
Toasts tel,the bride -and audience.
groom of -30 years were A special nod must go in the•
proposed by Miss Wilma Rad direction ".of .Marlynn. Harris
ford, London, and.. Dr: Donald who was -1 ehitable 'Cartright
Cameron, Kitchener.. who 000hedBand aaahed her
way right' into :theaudience's
heart.' Wasthereever a more
graceful tippy -toed ,heroine?
The unforgettabrle moment in
the play was when Joe Morgan
(A:lexarider Perse) suffered the
DTs and, saw bright-eyed
snakes crawling toward him
and entwined arouhd his6
°No,' Tens Nights in: a Bar
•Floom woo ld jipt, get my vote as
Bend. An insert in the filial
program attested to the fact
that James Murphy is. already
Robertson Memorial'& Victoria
10 a.m.
2 nOOfl
tti:nkiti about next year's"'
roster of plays to please theatre.'
patrons. ,
"I'be big question was asked
last..week though? Are We teady
for a permant.rlt theatre at
Grand Ke4(1?. The.pr000sal, for
,abuilding is complete. It would
stand in place of the present
tent and could house •large
scale plays `and .rnusical
Is the area ready? I for line,;
hope so. ,
BIyth Inn :Hotel
On Highway 4 In Blyth
Country a Western at Its Best
THIS WEEK -"Country WaIIy"
Fors 1:00 Try bur delirious Southern Fried Chicken
Friday and Saturday from 5:30 pin.
and the
dancing from 8 p.m, to 1
Sponsored by by' Zurich Minor Athletic Association- -
Recreation Complex
FaciIity Tour - Tillsonburg, Ont.
The Complex Committee, has organized a bus trip and Aa tour of the Community .Centre
Complex there. With a facility being considered for Goderlch and areso a tour of a com=
plex which Includes many of the Individual facilities'that hese been considered for, a
Goderich, and located In a•'pommunity of comparable Nzfi,- was thought to be an lmpor-
„t, tant step irk" the ptan(ng.
- The Complex Cotri'tn" tee invites you, as a citizen of Goderich•and area too melte this,
Saturday, September 7th:.
2 pieces delicious ""
Kentucky Fried' Chicken
Golden `brown french fries
Creamy colo slaw
Woolen Weed
The bus will 'leave from the town hall al 9 a.m. aharpvano return late afternotfn. there
are manly r limited 'amount of watt, if you wish to attend call the Recreation Ward office
by Friday, Auguit 23, 4:00. p.m. 524-8373.
,PLEASE: Whether you support a recreation complex per not .?lend survey forms back
we scant make any accurate dedisidn unless we 'know how ewlryone► fern.
a ,