HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-29, Page 5Qlij ford Blackman A Boston Boy's • Eyesight Saved -Perhaps His Life »y Hood's Sarsaparilla -Mood Pole Boned by Canker.. head the following from a grateful mother: ✓ "My little boy had Scarlet Fever when,/ years ld,it ]oft him. very woe and with andk n d• b to o leoirgned with canker. His eyes became so inflamed that his . sufferings were intense, and forseven weeks he Could Not Open His Eyes. T took him twice during that time to the Eye, and Bar Infirmary on. Charles street, but their remedies failed to do hhn the faintest shadow 01 good. I commenced giving him Hodd's Sarsaparilla and it soon cured him. I have never doubted that it saved hie sight, even if not his very life. You may use this tes- timonial in any way you choose. I am always ready to,sound the praise of Hood's Sarsaparilla because of the wonderful good it did my son." AERIE F. BIAcicarAN, 2885 Washington St., Boston, Mass, Got HOOD'S. HOOD'S PILLS aro hand made, and are lies foot in composition, proportion and appearance. AN IX-i\'J.?. ijROTEP, Three hien Have a Struggle for Life at Kemptville Pillage. A MILL OWNER'S CLOSE CALL. Clinging:Efelplessly to a Flume Log While His Feet aro Held Fast Among the Timbers Under the Water-- Extricated ater-ExtricatedWith Diffi- culty. KEatrrvir,n>t, Ont„ March 27.-A fatal accident occurred in this village yesterday. Nearly every spring a portion of the dam across the river is carried away by the freaked and this season was no exception, and -ft was attendedith 'very very sad. results. Four men were on a plank replacing.a stop -log when the plank gave way and they were all thrown into the swiftly running water bolo*. The party con- sisted of John M, Harding, the proprietor of the. grist mill, Edward,; ,Jones, an aged er, ent er Henry Raney the electrician, l Wm. Ralph. The letter being the outer side jumped for the abutment and was save while the others were carried down the flume and finally were entangled in a mass c£ lodged timber, lumber, etc..:-. -In a veru few minutes hun- dreds arrived to lend a helping hand, but. it seemed almost impossible to reach them and it looked like running into death to venture on the timbers to endeavor to rescue them. Several mon mounted the treacherous looking timber and rescued two of the men, Raney, who was the first to be taken out of the cold water, was uncon- scious, and immediately was taken into the house of James•Hagan, where he wa3 attended to. Mr,' Harding's position was. a very bad one. He was clinging to a flume log with one hand while his feet were fast in the timbers ander the water. His pleadings for help were heart-rend- ing to the mass of eye -witnesses who could do nothing. • Finally two men climed out on theflume, los, to where the victim was pinioned. `. They labored desperately for a long time but made no headway. A rope was thrown from the shore which was placed around the body. Harding's strength gave out and he fell helpless into the water. It was several minutes later before he was finally extricated and 'taken to shore. A doctor was in attendance, and it was only by his moat earnest efforts that his life was saved. In the meantime the body orJones was observed under the timber which had held him fast to the bottom of the flume. After the removal of the timber the body was taken out, but life was extinct. The deoeased was a brother of the late Francis Jones, P.L.S,, and at one time represented this county in the Dominion Parliament. He was about 70 years of age. VICTORY FOR THE CANADIAN.: John Morgan. Sword Champion of Canada, Wins the American Championship. , WAraarowx, N. Y., 27. -Sergeant Ma- jor John Morgans; champion swordsman of Canada, defeated Harold St. John at the Armory here last night in a grand assault at arms. The sergeant major scored 22 points to his adversary's 18. St. John was worsted afterwards in a three round seven ounce glove contest. The sword contest was for the championship of America. Young Man Suicides in Uxbridge. UXBRIDGE, March 27. --Walter Reynolds; one of the best known and' most highly respeoted young men of this town, com- mitted suieide byhimself last hang"`ing evening about seven o'clock, He had been i11for a few daysand had been rather despondent, but owing to his quiet disposition not much attention was paid to it. He ate a hearty supper and almost immediately loft the house and went to, the stable, where he was soon afterwards foundnd by his sister. Mrs. S. Whitney, with whom he boarded. Deceased was about 23 years of, age, and has been in the em- ploy of John %Vett 8c Co, as head grocery clerk fot the past ten yearn. No cause can at present be assigned for hie rash act, The moat discover of Dr.,U+sel'a in Ch e Y lY the best' remedy for lrillioneneee and all uomaoh'sud'leer trouble t. While regu- lating the digestive system' tIosljey'e Liver Lotieugee not at a tonic and do not weaken like hills, They are the best family nodi oine ori the market. 25 trent, et ell drug- vete X. D. 0. fills sure ''chronic congtipa- t%oth Tuokolrsztit t: The coIuoil met at Weber's lidtel Ott March 19th. "All the members ware pro, Ment. The followitig were made in the list of petltnresters r George -Watt in stead of John McKenzie, 3;T, Dttyman instead of li Murray, M. McKay motored of It. MoKay,Geo Stewart mitered of John. Sproat' Tilos O'Brien instead of F,Leyten, Swur'1 <Wellace instead of 0, Murray, Alex McKenzie instead of J. Laudesborqugb, W,.Archibeld instead .of A, Archibald, Wm J. Chesney instead of John Gesnmil, ;les )Fisher instead of Wm Mosley, 1', Weetp- bull ineteed of C. Kruse. John Robb wee appointed fonceviewer. instead of 3; Lendeeborough Lht of poundkeopere: unobanged, A petition was laid before the counoii asking for the removal of pathmaiter in division 77; se no reason was given to justify hie removal, the council deolined to take the action asked for. The committee appointed to let the building of a bridge at Gordon's corner, reported having let the job to Geo Strong for 4118 50.: After passing It number of am ill accounts the council adjourned to meet at Bruce - field on April 30th,to strike the list of, jobs of gravelling, eta. CATARRH IN THE HEAD. Is undoubtedly a disease of the blood, and no snob only a reliable, blood purifier can effect a perfect and permanent gum Hood's Sarsaparilla is th• boat blood, puri- fier, and it has oared many very severe ogees of catarrh. Catarrh oftentimes leads to consumption. Take Hood's Sar- saparilla before it is too late. Hood's PUIe do"not purge,pain or gripe but sot promptly, easily and efficiently. 25 omits. 0..0. RICHARD, & Co. My son George has suffered with neural- gioround the heart sines 1882, but by the application of M1NAltD S LINIDZENT in 1889 it completely disappeared and has not troubled him since. JAS. MCKEE. Linwood, Ont. Walter Reynolds, one of the best known and meet highly respected young men of Uxbridge, committed, suioide by hanging himself Monday evening. Be had been ill for a few days past. The deoeased was +bout'23 years of age. ' Sirs. -I had suob a severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. (pi taking Norvvay Pine Syrup I found the first dose gaye relief, anis the second bottle completely cured me. Miss A. A. Doaruey, Manotio, Ont. ,Tho North Dakota woman who swallow- ed her false teeth was brought to St, Bonifeoe Hospital;. Montreal, for an opera- tion. Her teeth lodged about half : way down to the stomach. Dr. Good made an incision and extracted the t,•eth, and' the womau lain a fair way to recovery, The public are cautioned ed a sinal imita- tions of the Pain -Killer, and to be suspic- ious ofersona recommend nho an ' other article "Just as good"; many of these they make a little more profit upon, abut which have no qualities in common with the Pain Killer. 25o. Bottle, New large sire. Wood, Brown ,k Co., one of the largest if not the largest, wholesale drygoode and notion house in Philauelphia, and Haines & Uo., rt,tail dry good's company, made assignments on. Monday. Do not despair of during your rick Load. ache when you can eo easily obtain Car- tersLittle Liver Pills. They will effecta prompt and permanent cure. Their act on, is mild and natural. HOW TO • GET A "SUNLIGHT PICTURE. Send 25 "Sunlight"Soap wrappers (wrap per bearing the words "Why does a woman look older sooner Than a man") to Lever Bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Toronto, and you will receive by post' w pretty picture, free from, advertising and well worth framing. This is an easy way to decorate your home. The soap is the beat inthe market, and it will only Dost lo postage to send in the wrappers, if you leave the ends open, Write your address carefully. Burdock • Blood Bitters cure Constipation. Burdock Blood Bitters cure Billiousness. Burdoek Blood Bitters cure Headache. Henry 8. Louohrem &,Co„ bankers and brokers, Philadelphia, have failed. The firm dida large business, and wag reported to be very wealthy. The United Temperance Aaeooiation le going to petition the licence commissioners to reduce the licenses in Ottawa by 25. John Charlton, m.. P., will preside at the mass meeting of Cbrietian Endeavors. in Knox Church, Ottawa, Tuesday even- ing. Use K. D. 0, for indieoretion of diet in ohildran. THE MonEnx Way. Commends itself to the well -formed, to do pleasantly end effectually what was formerly done in the crudest manner and disagreeable as well, To cleanse the sys- tem an break up colds, h adaohe and fevers without unpleasant after effect, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. 11.-004--4 Dear Sire,-I,',have been using Burdock Blood Bitters for boils' and skin diseases, and I find it very goodIs a oare As a a dyspepsia cure I ham ,leo found it uneq- ualled..., .aX Mre. Sarah Hamilton, Montreal, Que, I had a savors cold, for wbioh I took Norway Pine syrup. I find it an excel- lent remedy giving prompt relief and pleasant to take. 'B J: Poynter, :Huntsville, Ont, Ibitst1MA'rieat 0058» rN., A DAs.-Soutb. American Rheuniatio Cure, for Rheumatient and Neuralgia, radically ° outes in, 1 to 3: days" Its action upon the systint is remark- Able Arid, myeterione. It temoves: ai once` the cause and the dinettes immediately disc' appears,. The first „does greatly benefits. 75 conte._ Sold by C. Butt, Druggist. 818 .itch , on human and hordes and all animalt cured to 80 minutes by Wolford's Sanitary Lobito Thiel never fails, Sold by 0; ,exit. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly' used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by mores promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the. remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax: ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing oonetipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it iii perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug- gists in 75c. bottles, but it is manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose, naino is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs; and being .well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. For Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store RELIEF IN SIX Hoax,. -Distressing Kid- ney and bladder diseases relieved . in six hours by the "Great South Amerioan Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight to physicians on ac- count of its esoeeding promptness in re lieving pain in the bladder, kidneye,baok and every part of • the urinary passages in male and female. 'It relieves retention of water and Hain in passing it almost immed- ately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUT.Z. ALL MEN. r.Young, old or middle aged, who find ;,them- selves,nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, result- ing in many of the following symptoms : Mental depression, premature old age, Ices of vitality, loss of memory, bad draoms, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emission, leek of ener,,y,pain rn the kidneys, headaches, Pimples on 411e facie and body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum. wasting of the organs, dizziness, epects before the eyes' twitching of the muooles, eyelids and else- where. bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp end spine, weak and flabby =soles, desire to sleep, failure to ee rested by sleep, constipation dullness of hearing. loss .of voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken ayes. surrounded with leaden circles. oiIy lw i ng akin, ei4., are all symptoms of nervousdebil- ity ihat load to insanity unless cured. The spring' or vital course having lost its tension, every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed .an ignorance; may be permanently cured. Send your ad- dress for book on diseases peculiar to man. sent free, sealed. adores.. X. V. LUBON, 24 Itlaodonnoll Ave., Toronto Ont.,Canada Carriqas II, Wagons We have received a choice lot of Children's Carriages and Wagons, which will be sold C 1-I Come and see then and be convinced. Our Stock of BOOTS & SHOES is. now complete in every liue. Prices to suit everybody. We don't advertise a 20 per cent discount and claim a 20 per cent profit for our trouble, nor do. we drag people off the street to induce them to buy. Come in yourselves and get prices,and you see at once we have no 40 per cent profit, Good Cow-hide,Hand•made Boots $ 2.90 "t Kip " " 3.25 t. Plow Men's Half Soling Women's ° ` No charge for rips; also see our Hei- ness.:Can't be beaten for style and quality, and everything- in the Harness line. Bala 2.25 Roots 90 35 30 j, TREBLE. IiIIiOUO! Old Stand Again Where we have a brand new Stock of everything in the Furniture and Undertaking Lines. Also Picture Mouldings ASA Curtain Poles' Ar P13I0Es AWAY DowN. Call and look through our Ne. W'Yr ares root s. Ari. i ODlIt+`ELLOW'S BLOCK. It tfttpriabd many eieitore to tft +ghts agio. World's Fair to find that of all the blood puriiiers, ,Ayer's Sarsaparilla wee the only enc en exhibitions, The tease* in that .dyer's Sarsaparilla is a sta,ider d remedy, eta Hoa a patent* medicine, al secret nostrum, FOE OVER i rn y TARS. AN Qr.tr Ann W1ti,r-Tgien Iittmrtpv.- lkfx.s ii'iti$loxb Sootbing SyruP has been used years by millions off mothers for their ehildroe. while teethin ,with perfect suooess. it soothes the .child, sof time the ;WAS, allays the pain,. ouree the colic, and 18 the best remedy ,fllr Diarrhoea. Is Pleasant to the taste. Soled .rp druggists in every part of the world, 26 cents a: bottle, Its value is lnealeulablo. Be mire and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup and take no other kind. •J Murray & Co. The - Exeter - Foundry And Machine Works Manufacturers of and Dealers in MOWS, SULKY PLOWS, GANG PLOWS, HARROWS, LAND ROLLERS, 5 Hi1FTING,PUL- LEYS AND HANGERS, Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow Points and Castings. Liberal .Discount to Cash Customer s. CENTRAL SHAVING P EtLOrrs. A. HASTINGS, PROPRS�TOR. Agent for the Brantford Steam Laundry. FANSON'S BLOCK See that horse ? He has a smooth on d glossy, goat ind feels in good, enough condition to win the “DERBY" ai.d so would AT hors-, 11 it: owner used DICK'S BLOOD PURI :P IER. It renews the system, enriches the blood and gives nature a fair chance, is also at unfailing eradioator for bots and worms. It L. just as good for cattle as for horses. Try a its molt - age if your horses or cattle are not thriving. Fora spavin; ourb, ringbone or splint, use Dick's Blister 50o.-llick's Liniment for sprains, swellings, bruises, eto 25c. -Dick's oiatment for seratebes, old sores, saddle 'galla, etc. Ole, mailed on receipt of prioe. DICK; & 00, P. 0. Box 482 Mox•raner.. xeterPkin !Iiuse We have on hand a select Stock of Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Backe, .Rolls and Long Clear Bacon, Lard in if, 8, .10, or 20 lb pails, 50 or 65 lb tubs at lowest cash prices. ncoap weighing from 150 to 200 lbs wanted at all times, SNELL BROS. A MAN Can always Be Dressed Well If he goes to the proper Taior. We have a large range of,SPat- terns to choose from - Natty Tweeds, Serges and Worsteds, made up in any style, and fitting the customers so well that inti- mate friends do not scruple to ask who made your Suit. Our. customers never hesitate but answer with a knowing smile, Id) amen stat Being free from all combines,' we now offer farmers the best in every line, In IBitlders the Maxwell as S, tbr•tt canvas machine never yet excelled. "Walter A, Wood" made byFrost & Wood sin le apron,denounced ig open back Binder, den no by all rivals (you know why), and McCormick Bendlochine, Mowers -P'cost & Wood, Maxwell and McCormick,. dukes' of every description.: Cultivators -Hamilton's New Elastic, Giant, Champion, Bell,ad others. Ploughs of all the loading makes, Scuftlers, Gutting Boxes, Crushers, Tread. Mills Wind Mills Hay Forks e Etc., �y , eitherround rod or angle steel ; Wagons, Sleighs, Etc., Etc,' We ask all interested to call at our Rooms and prove whe correctness. of our claim n mists eenents of unprincipled rivals. u sad t WM, ELDER,_.IdsxsALT .42•In 13alrcarrrtxi*. About two months ago I was nearly yARD disap- peared. I think it is a gr and rnedicln, Eva Finn, Massey Station, Ont. Burdock Blool Bitters unlock all the clogged aeoretious of the bowels, thus curing headaches and similar complaints. wild with headaches. I storied taking Burdock Blood headaches. took two o e b til s and m b eaa c es have a •no ]I1E h w Y altogether F.. LI.J mBER )o YO`" The undersigned°wishes to inform the public in;general that he kkeeps con- stantly in. Stock all kinds of BUILDING MATERIAL, (DRESSED AND UNDRESSED} PINE and HEMLOCK LUMBER, B. C. RED ONTARIO AND HIGH LAND And PINE SHINGLES. Want a Bic cycle ? v • e,7 Special notice is drawn to B. C. Red Cedar Shingles which is acknowledle be the. THE Most Durable Timber of any that grows. - Specialty for Shingles. Said by J. competent judges to last from thirty six to forty yearn in any climate. PNEUMATIC 3.41.S. ViTI r.Xa=a .414:.:8 1FP87. TIRE Wru� rN OT.s Is the only Tire ih:,t g' v,. Atisfantion last year T a�r ��, MANUF.SCjjTL,Rr�o �n Y� li� 9 , .Go t/d ESill. yi�J:e, nes L7P. ,',a YO tQ _ F ST nm 7 BrY TE olrl Ont. TORONTO PERKINS & MARTIN s - pAIIHQII'P Block. INSIST Upon having Featherbone Corsets. Refuse all substitutes. See they are stamped thus: PATENTED SEPT. 3rd, 1884. No. 20110. NONE ARE GENUINE UNLESS SO STAMPED. ,E',In Black and White the facts boldly stand forth, that we are the leaders in the Furniture line in quality, quantity, assortment and price. Here are a few of the things especially attractive PARLOR SUITES, BEDROOM SUITES, DINING -ROOM SUITES, Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything in the Furniture Line. The Tailor. IN OVERCOATS WE LEAD. A Full Stock -OF-- SCH006 SIPPLIE: AT Browning's -DEAtint - IIS Books, Stationery, - and Fan Goods, rzs, Bibles Hymn ,Books. in ' every > ytai let i', Scribblers Pas ote Paper, r ds hT 11 rr Ink, Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes, Fite., etc. J Br f�l(I'1�',.� ow . '1. Best Ordered Clothing roamed I n Etter Gentlemen I leave your orders eatly,tor with the best staff of Tailors • the bet. stook of rine Trimmings, and the best Cutting in Town, you etre sure of satisfaot ton tomOVIALL0. IIAIR GOODS Prof, lJorenwend, The well-known manufacturer of human hair coverings. will be at the CENTRAL HOTEL, EXF,TER, ols on FRIDAY, APRIL 13th, with a full stook of Ladies' Ou Gents' Wigs, Toupees, Bangs, Waves, Switches PS BSN B'ROSTWS, TCTO. They are acknow ledged to be perfection. Be' sura and �+ati see these goods, A'P Centra! Hotel, FRIDAY, APRIL 13 OIL, OIC,, OIL, OIL 'HE BOBIER PRODUCIi. CO. have decided. to Retail Oil at Wholesale Prices Best�Canftdian Oil, - Best CanadianE Water White. Best:American Water White . COME ONE, COME ALL. 12c.. 17e. 20o. THE BOBiER PRODUCE CO. RE -OPENED. J. H. GRIEVE has Reopened with a New Stook of SII the New Things in -Fancy and Black Worsteds, -Scotch and Irish Serges, -Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, -And inPanting we have some of the finest in the trade We >.nake them up in A 1 Style, and give youa good= Fit or no Sale, TO TIIIM LADIES. We pay special attention to Cutting and Making Jatkett and Wraps of all kinds. G'IV'E US A CALL. .: . GRIEVE Re• member the place, Grigg's Ohl Stand, 1 door north Senior's Photo Gallery. English Spaym Liniment remote's all hard, emit or oallousedxiumps and Blom., fens froth horses, Blood Spsein, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sotseney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc, Save $50 by nos of one bottle, Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known, Sold by0. Lutz, Drug. )it. Sep 18,393 Dublin cable tAyd Sir,' Ito`baf't pros- oott Steuart, the well known musician d oomposo., it dead . AN",I). VV Agf�o�nte to sell out ahoteo'rtr�d hardy. eerier? stook 0 ichor on Salary ort f7omrniieion. 19e -" also give earthen the prlltllege of septals aur now end choice varieties' 01 seed potatoes. Secure. the agency at epee hieh will !heat homely retsayyvu As new Is the time ,too Mal eu011 goods for boring,planttn . Address the If. N. MA U > :N 1:. i? std AbtY, Nursery mo Propagators rapaltatttrs of q hoicm BeedPcaAtcas Esehaster, ,N. an, Burdock .snood Dikter; 'cant :D$m oikli.