HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-15, Page 14WxT , LIQUID ~ t, FADE 14—GQAERICH SIGNAia-STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15,-1974 Sleepy citizens.,. (continued frim page 1 throughout the town and to pay particular attention to those. areas from which. the most complaints occur. "As I _pointed out to, His Worship and Mr. Oke, despite the apparent _need to petition ,, council, against the noise, etc, in your area, the police have relatively few complaints from that vicinity. Since • the police department govern their patrols to meet the demand.tas'" determined by complainyo -I stressed to Mr. Oke the impor- tance of ccs -operation with , police in this regard." • "Like am; police force, even a - vast one,• like Metropolitan Toronto; the police in Goderich have to rely to a great extent on the eyes and ears ,of the citizens and their reporting of incidents so that we may investigate them.."' Tlo •policeman• can be in two places'at once, an4I to expect a policeman to see everything everywhere- is not realistic. Of- ten when the Police' cruiser. or uniformed officer is in the area those Who have been making the noise are no longer making a noise and the officer can only report "all quiet on my arrival . _�• "Insofar as the charge of Causill., .a Disturbance is con- c{erned, the law has decreed that a policeman cannot' be "disturbed", and, consequently, the police have to obtain a 'wit- ness before any charge can he laid. If there is no witness for- thcoming, or if that witness• is reluctant to got() court t() • testify, then- the policeman can- not clVarge and all' he can do is to warn the, person Warnings have little effect 00 some of the nuisance -makers. "This is why police can not always .take the action which. might deter the„ individual. These things Are,. of course, in the realm • of the courts and police have no control over the situation. "Then thane is the. fact that when a charge is kaki and a . conviction is registered in court that the offender i, treated too lightly t0 act as any deterrent to himself or to others. Again, police have no control of court dispositions,, This also lessens the effectiveness of police. for the individual, know that if a charge is, laid that, at tnotit;-`it means paltry fine. • . "(c,ntrary to the belief uf_ sorer people, it is: not _ necessary to ; ve your name or address w en contacting police with a complaint. I have been infor- med by 'Mr.' Oke that this fact • has `deterred' some of you telephoning police, "You have shown that you are concerned citizens by taking the to prepare or sin the petition. I respectfully asl that you also take the time to con- tact police should you he disturbed or see any suspicious incident.- We are here tc) serve you but we do need the assistance of your eyes, your ears and your finger in the dial of the telephone. 524-83:3:1•" Shipping strike aralizes harbor A strike by about 475 deck . officers and 401) ship engineers against -the' Canadian Lake Carriers • Association' (CLCA) has almost paralyzed '.shipping on the St: Lawrence Seaway .and. the Great Lake'; including ` Goderich harbor, ° • Spokesmen Lor. tie• tw•O com- panies that depend most upon „ lake trcighterS for shippig r goods out , 1 •'Goderlt h• said no vessels hAVe' come into the har- .bor since the. strike began last Thursday•`° , • Y'A spokesman for Gcad'erich Elevator said that operations ' there are normal except no ship ha'e hrc light 'in any grain - ' Grain,, is arriving hovyever, by truck and rail At 'the , Sifto Salt Mines nothing has been shipped. A ';;pokesmali: ,said• that August is • r)ONO.4lly a busy . month for the (•orrtpanv when lake freighters are used as fast as tl14,8 `arrltt. Mining opc'r:ft ions w i)n't he slowed .down het Muse of the strike, he said • ` Sart .will. he stockpiled un derground-until the strike lifts, and shipping returns to normal, he said. The strikeis expected to halt about. 145 lake freighters. The CLCA has' 15 member. com- apanies -which.do more 'than 90 'per cent of Canadian -shipping on the Great Lakes and •St. • Lawrence Seaway. Contract talks between- the CLCA and 'the engineers who '- belong belong to the Canadian Marine'' Officers Union, and the,,deck of, ficer's, memhers (if the Canadian „,,Merchant•`,Service, Guild, hinge on cost -cif -living adjustments in contracts. • The marine officers now earn $3'.44 hourhv after five -'ear ap- preatise'ships. They want 0,S1 an,hour:raise for e'ach"year of a two year contract. •° Deck officers now earn $3,20 hourly. They ;are` seeking, in creases to $6 an hour in a two_ year contr,ac't• The CLCA' has offered creases over ,two years. that .'would bring wages to between $4:94 and $5,97. Both unions • have • been without ‘a contract since May .31. County protests riding changes tlu°rt)n ('aunt, ('uu11(11 Just Monday voted to send -1.1 letter - of protest to rhe Ontorlo government abiiukredistrituittun of prt,� inc,lct! rltlui s in this area. A • ;i►verrrrirUent c•�tmrnission is now .prt•pur:n redt�,trihutl�,n schernthut would change Huron -Brut( 1P(1 \lurruy ,(cruet's riding to include parts of.11,'ellrnt;tun• Perth (Incl (re}, Counties Horan 11 PP Jack Riddell's riding would he chcrns;t•cl to in- clude port of Perth (:uurity. Council dee Idec1 thut Guunt's workload would he in- cceused too much 1f he had".to represent peoplc'from five ,J fferent counties - ( uuncll's' letter wit! recommend that `his ridini, ht' expun- (1ec1 to include only Brunt Township and Wall irT n which' ure. 1n Bruce County. Irl.,support of Perth County which does not "wont part Of its ure,u_ included with .'Huron, council 'decided t., recum- ri)encI thut 11( Ridclell's riding 'be - changed to ',include the norther port of 1ltdd1esex County( 'which is •now in the federol riding of iluron-49iddlesex. Mr Riddt'll und ,'vlr (aunt,'. who attended the council meeting, .agreed with the' recommendations. Mustard report.:.. (continued from page 1 tive criticism about them, Dr.:.. Walker :said. E'.arlier, he„said that districts i had to be big enough to contain complete services. • Josephine Berry, president of Goderich's -Alexandra Marine Arid General Hospital Women's Auxiliar;�;, said the Musta'd Report proposes to take hospitals away from com- munilies. They would no, longer be "our, hospitals", she said, resulting in a lack of volunteer workers. ., Voluntee•rs ' give county hospitals about $20,000 in equipment and Many hours of their time• annually, she said. Most hospitals ^•-pow receive almost 100 per cent of their ' funds from the. province, Dr. Walker said. Volunteers,should not feel that district ifealtf•i. councils'•” would take their hospitals away, he said. - • Chief county public .health inspector Jim McCaul•said that district councils would disband, county 'health units, the only „pre''en.tative • health agencies. The Mustard 'Report has• • Hospital settlement i's, hinted Late Tuesday afternoon, Tim Ell,iott,• administrator of Alexandra Marine and General ° Hospital in Goderich said no settlement has been reached' • with the nursingitaff, but hin- ted that an agreement could. tet reached within 48 hours. ",We've been .talking," said Mr, Elliott. • Ti-te nurses at AM , ai.nd , G - have been working' regular ro shifts 'without a -settlement, waiting • for hospital ad- ministration to" negotiate terms for an agreement. Mr. Elliott predicted thiset- tlement would be reached without animosity and would be "very close" to the offer made by 'the Master Joint Bargaining Committee and ac- cepted'^'v the.Ontario Nursing. Association in. 'July.. kitt tl )u'AE' tilt~(, P Engineer's roposaI for Iandscaping.The Square : WARNING Goderich Police Chief P.D. King warned this weelt that .a rash” of µthefts from parked cars . in the municipality have been reported. He urges drivers to -lock, their cars, no matter where they are ° parked, to prevent any personal losses., Some ing IIIew from SPEED QUEEN NABOB COFFEE *CREAMER COFFEE TE ERIN 19 FL. WHOLE POTATOESdz.�A 18 OZ. - JAR d - • been criticized for being sickness -oriented instead' of Preventive -oriented. Dr. Walker said that health unit personnel would `become part of a total health care • system recotnmended' in the - report; • Goderich Deputy Reeve Stan • Profit asked what advantages district health councils would have over existing systems. If health councils are created, 'they , would prevent duplication of -services and co. ordinate different areas of health. rare, .Dr. Walker 'said. • Executive director of the Wingham and District'Hospital Norman Hayes.. asked why more district health councils= are proposed" when the four in operation, have not been ap- praised, yet., The councils in operation . take four- different- approaches to health care, 'but 'more ap- proaches should be examined, 'councils, t ev cant remove Dr. Walker said. ,(council members in elections Council heard critical presenl- because the members are ap- `tations from several ,persons • pointed, 'Mr. Gaunt warned. 'who head bodies which would' Dr• Frank iVlill ,medical of - be affected by Mustard Report proposals. ficer of . health for H ion Reeve of Bayfield and mem- County, said at the beginniuof bei of fhe county board of the n eeting • that, the im- health BEd Oddleifson said he plications 'of Mustard 'Repos, attended a meeting in Ottawa ,proposals on county residents recentlyof representatives from were "just beyond belief county health boards in O'n tario. and physical fitness. The Mustard report does not consider these improvements in its proposals, ° she said. The proposal's .threaten° autonomy, ..make health care costlier and do nothing to im- prove 'health, Dr. ''Tambl'yn said. Jack Riddell, MPP for Huron, said the county would be lost in the district proposed by ,the Mustard report. Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron -Bruce, agreed with Mr. Riddell when he said that the county "would be completely smothered" when policy ' decisions Made,' Experience ' has shown that regionalization proposed in the report would increase costs, he said., . i- e , warned of a "bureaucratic die•tatorship" the councils would create. If people, don't agree' with Rolicies made, by their district were • E. The representatives con eluded, Mr. Oddleifson .said, that district health councils' would increase costs, discourage volunteer help, cause increased bureaucracy • and. be sickness rather than health -oriented. Representatives ,. also criticized the researchers' ofothe ,.report for riot . gathering inf9r- mation from people. already working in health care s,eyvices. Dr-. •J.K• IVIcGredor,' of Wingharn, president 'of the Huron County Medical Society, said the report contained no criticism, Of present 'systems. District health 'councils - would be rigid .and inflexible in decision malting, ke said. Dr.'McGregor , added his voice to those _claiming that a • large unneccessary'bureaucracy would .be created. • Dr. Susan Tamblyn, medical officer of health for the„,Perth District Health Unit, sai.celt, public health needs more em= phasis on imprcoving lifestyles THIS WEEK'S', CLUB ` o Wirnnelrs CLUB NO. 1 ,•. MR. A. BARTOLOTTO CLUB NO. 2 MRS.. ALLISON DOWDS Will you b°e next? .T. ORMANDY pl. � DIAMOND SPECtA41ST GODEt ICH' FOODMASTER 9 i VICTORIA°StREET GouFRrCH OPEN EVERY NIGHT TILL 10.P.M. . QUANTITIES • LAST PRICES IN EFFECT TILL CLOSING TIME" SAT. AUG. 17TH '74 OR WHILE WE RESERVE THERIGHT TO LIMIT• qUANTITIES FRESH BOILING .2112 'TO 3 LB.. AVG. ;LB.3 . SWISS -STYLE 1. 41(#sr+ou�oEs STEAD( MAPLE .LEAF ° WIENERS La" -BRANDED CHUCK S TEAK:LB. FRESH GROUND alk sik BEEF LB.. � ,t DEVON RINDLESS • BAcoN:t. 9i', .99c 1 29 LB. r'. BRANDED BLADE BONE REMOVED "SHORT RIB • OR BLADE ROAST° FRESH CUTUP • BOILING CHICKEN PARTS L.B.59c OPEN ,SUND A.Y • .. - • � . - KING SIZE BATIIROOM" 89cTIDE TLSE4 RFOOLRLS WONDERSOFT.. ° IA 59c DABY, DILLS 89c 24 PL. 0 ORANGE YANG �R s��s 4-31/2 oz., PKGS. HAIR SPRAY ' CLA1RO 5 LB.. $1.49 BOX • 32 FL. OZ.6'9-c 10 FL. OZ. 59c HEINZ P13FL OZ. 79c- SKETS1JP��� R 1 OZ. TIN .r0 5^FOOD0 DOG�.o 6R - - STOKELYS FANCY•.'. PEAS 19' FL. ,OZ.: 06 R. RISEN 5HINE.o LEMONADE tersrnis PALANDA PINEAPPLE. 1°°L OZ ,VAN CAMP s H PARK 28 FL: `OZ. 69c t° BEANS WIT ♦• n SQUIRREL PEANUT 1fU11CM 69i 1 LB JAR moms a , nP.. SOFT MARGARINE u 1 LB TUB P ALYMER CHOICE AS HEINZa TOMA1O DELM .,ONTE as FL. 0 PINEAPPLE ORANGE DRINK E ? 9 14-0L. oz. P M A 0 C. IN POtANb ' toatures: 4 .Convenient Settings,, Including Durable Press; Past•Efficiel tt Washing; Rinsing and Spin*Drying; Durable Polypropylene Agitator With 4•; High Vane$;. Water and Suds Saver; No Special Plumbing Required. a• F-ROZEN FOODS' ,aU.H.ae=E„„gip=.TIN ORANGE JUICE •2 -REMF AND"VEGETABLES ONTARIO:•DOMESTIC GRADE QED HAVEN '' PEACHES6 QT BASKET ♦ $'2 4 9 PR DUCE ` F ONTARIO NO: ',.'GRADE PO1ATQES, GOLDEN -err b �► f..r .� r/ICTOR1A ST; NDRTH ,GODERICH h 524- f1,.