HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-15, Page 12-w� !,T PAGE 12.--GOPERi }i SIQNALST ,R, TRURSPAY, AUGUST 15, 1974 4. REAL "ESTATE° FOR SALE ai MOBILE HOME LOT S 'TO LEASE Check and compare what Huron Haven Village Mobile Home Park has to offer you in Mobile Home Park facilities. Located just 21 2 miles north of Goderich on No. 21 Phone for more informati*,, 524-6384 or 524-8059 • We offer acres and acres of apace, Country Estate livingat, ' 7. WANTED TO RENT down toearth prices -6. ACCOMMODATION..TO RENT 8., HELP WANTED FURNISHED) bavhelor apartrpent, all conveniences, Ridgewood Park. -Phone 524-8891 -33 ONE BEDROOM unfurnished aparip t nt available immediately - $115 per month plus utilities. Phone 524.9456--33 FURNISHED apartment for rent neap the square Phone 524-, 9421.-33 SPACIOUS 5 bedroom house, large 'kitchen, fridge and stove, lots of cupboards and closets, north-east of square. Available September 1. Phone . 524-8557.-33,34 :'. 5. REAL ESTATE WANTED PRIVATE individual wan,ts retirement home, duplex, building lot or small acreage in or within 15 miles ,of Goderich: Cash for the right property. Send full particulars to. Box 145 Goderich Signal -Star. -33x WANTED in Goderich, two or three „ bedroom house, cash. Call collect Midland 1.705-526-8207;-3,36 LABOURERS and' Truck Driver% Required. Please reply to Box 143 Signal -Star, stating age and previous experience. All replies will be kept strictly confidential.- -33tf WIDOW woman Looking for one Or two bedroom apartment ori a main -- floor, : close to •Square- with. , or without garage. Call • 1.271-576 • Stratford, collect.7-:31,32,:3:3 REQUIRED. urgently, 2 or -3 bedroom. apartment or house in Goderich or Clinton by teacher with( ,infant,,Excellent references. Phone 519-345-2208 collect, -33" COUPLE with one .school age • requires two bedroom house. , Reference Phone. 524-68.4•.--3;3-34' 6. ACCOMMODATION TO RENTS 8. HELP WANTED 3 BEDROOM town house for rent at Vanautra R.R. 5, Clinton, $125 per month, all utilities -paid:_Phone lean. 482-7396' anytime.-22tf „ DOWNTOWN location, as office, store or bachelor apartment for •'rent. LookLthrough wiodow at 56 East Street. If interested 'write Bill Walker, Bayfield, Ontario or,:see owner working on building most week days between 10 and 4.-30-33 FURNISHED rooms with' living roofn and kitchen privileges. Phone •'524=8433 or '524-2482.-32,33,34 TWU bedroom' apartment, kitcneri, bath, livid -groom and dining room. Apply to'Box 142; Signal-Star.-32tf 0 '..GODERICH AREA° ,"Nile", 'twelve milk from town, four bedre, m farmhouse, partially fur- nished. 0ivailable Septembet I, through July 3.. Phone Goderich, t Nile l 519-529-76Q9. -:33 LARGE h7ime at :309 Albert Street, Clinton.; Phone 482-9080.-33 TWO bedroom duplex available. September 1. Com` 5letely -private with yard. Adults f,nl Phone 524- . 965:3.-33 �:• SMALL lakefront cottage,' all con- veniences friim September until June. Suitat le, for teacher, no pets., - Please reply' to 'Box 147, Sjgnal- 'Star.-33,34 , ,NEW twobedroom moh('le hiime for• year round rental. Private beautiful location approx. 1 mile north of Bavtield. Phone • 482-3189.-3:itf THREE,'bedroom home, centrally ]cleated on large lot in Goderich, im- mediate liosses>;ion. Apply Box 146 co7Signal-Star.---33 APARTMENT for rent close to square Phone after 5 p.m., 524- 9693.-1:3tf • THREE bedroom house for . rent available Sept. 1. -$175, per month Aplus utilities. ,•Phone 524- 9456.-33,34 • • ' OFFICE for rent. Good location" ' Available Sept 1. Phone after 5 p.m. 524-8845'.--33tf vq LIGHThousekeeping Loom, fully furnished; cable available., -Miss Mary B. Howell,' 12 St. Vincent Street. Phone 524-8642.-33tf LEASE THE LAND - .OWN THE' HOME .tie . _�.. - Lo9king for a home to rent? Let us show you how you can own' your home for. as little, as $125 per month. Phone 524-6384 or 524:°8059 Huron Haven Homes, RA 6,.Goderich, 014r--46 Mechanics Opportunity-. Vincent Farm. Equipment at Seaforth continues to grow art,d offers a rewarding opportunity for mechanics. Experienced and aggressive indi,viduals are requixq�,, Ideal working con- ditioris,,` fringe benefits.- Excellent 'opportunity for the right people. To arrange an in terview: Contact. ,MARLEN VINCENT VINCENT FARM 'EQUIPMENT LTD. Seaforth, Ontario' Telephone 527-0120 4-524 PAY,. PROGRESS PERMANENCE PRESTIGE. Three openings exist now for smart young minded persons In the local branch ole Targe International. firm. This Is an impressive.,opportunity for en ambitious person: who wants to get ahead. To qualify you need a positive •mental attitude, grade eleven or better, self 'confidence •and a pleasant personality. ' You must be free to begin work im- mediately. This position has all company benefits and .very complete training. _ Previous experience unnecessary. If .selected your Starling IncomeIwili be $200.00 to $250.00 per week (paid weekly) depending on ability and qualifications. • Only those whosincerely wish to get ahead ' need apply. Please phofie now' to arrange 'an appolntrtient for a personal interview. Mr. MacKenzie Call ` London. 681-20116 Collect Thursdays 12 to WE REQUIRE FULL-TIME WAITRESSES EXPERIENCED APPLY CLUB GRILL 524=8168 . S,tructurol Steel and Plate Detailer Minimum three years eit- perience. Salary commensurate with ability. Feranco Steel Limited Vanastra Phone Kitchener 1-519-744-4175 Dr. T.J. Jasper ° requests applications for the, position of . . Dental Assistant 'Duties to commence,. Septem- ber 3. Apply in .writing stating qualifications and: experience ..130 lighthouse Street, . Goderich 9. WANTED (Generals) , FREEZER, 18 cu. ft, or over. Call 482-9913,-33 - • COMPLETE household effects or small lot~ wanted. Call •C Furniture, .524-7231..-gtf_ immommememmorw 12, AUCTION SALE 12. AUCTION SALE Auction Sale Every Friday ai 8:00 p.m. new. chesterfield, bedroom, kitchen suites, lamps, cof- fee end table sets, bedding, -stereos, component sets, bunk beds, recliners and giftware at Ball Auctions BRUSSELS 887-9363 (Budget Plan Available) -10. EMPLOYMENT WANTED F _.. Office or• . Professional ° SS° Spate for Rent. at, 46 West Street A choice of upper. (main floor) level dr 00,newly renovated lower level.'(TWo liege, rooms about 14' x 20' et both locations)., WiaIcolm Mothers 46, West St: Goderich ° 4.9442 REGISTERED Nurse, experienced, ',requires position in Doctor's Office or Clinic. Apply Box'144, clo.Signal- . Star. Goderich.-33,34,35 AUCTIONEERS and • • LIQUIDATORS BRUCEFIELD. ONT.,, , Offer the most modern auction methods.. LICENSED and BONDED ONTARIO --WIDE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 „tt 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE' Sid �Bruinsn�a FOR ALL YOUR •EXCA1%ATING NEEDS ° . 13ACKHQE . BULLDOZING . DUMP TRUCK SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS BASEMENT EXCAVATIONS SEWERS " FREE ESTIMATES Goderich 524-6668 PART TIME . REGISTERED ,N• URSES° $4.,03 per hour (under review) plus 4% to participate as a member of the hepltlheam, to' plan,.implement and participate in nursing care for patients in 'a psychiatric setting; must be registered ''ee'a'nurse In'Ontario and have the ability to work co-operatively 'with patients n and staff. • - PART TIME PSYCHIATRIC NURSING ASSISTANTS $3.82: per hour plus 4% to ,provide, nursing dare to patients in a psychlatric setting under the direction of a Registered Nurse; must be certified by, the Onterl0 Ministry of Health as 'a Hospital Attendant or Aid., or possess Nursing Ai'isistant-regitrt'ration In Ontario plus successful Completion el, the mental health, division, psychiatric nursing examination. ill Mate and .female applicants may apply ,,t0 Diritictor of Nursing, obder(h, Qn�rlo. ICH PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, 5241331 ta' r�. ATHW :L.L'S Interesting .Auction To be . held for Henry Brimicombe, 41)6mile south oof Goderich on Hwy. No. 21 on " Saturday, August 3-1 at 1c00 P.M. Offering Farm -Machinery, household furniture, antiques and primitives. Property Sold No Reserve Auctioneers'! Appraisers Ligs%fidators Clinton 482-3120 R.,THWELL'SAUTION SERVICE BRUCEFIELD 482-3120 Auction Sale 33b To be -held for the Estate of James McMillan at the • location - 40 Cambria St. North, ,Goderich on - Saturday/August 24 at 1:15 P.M. , Consisting of nine piece walnut dining room suite; •two three-piece bedroom suites; three piece sectional chesterfield suite plus a large -offering of furniture; an= tiques; appliances -. full .listing' next week. - • Raf hwell's 'Auction Service Auctioneers Appraisers' Liquidators 482-3120. All. Household or Estate °Appraisals Free 33bo. 12.AUCTION ,SALE CLEARING Auction Sale of Household Effects and Antiques , for Mrs. Elsie Chellew at the Blyth'Arena on Saturday, Aug. 1 7 at 1:00 p.m. Westinghouse upright freezer; Westinghouse two door frost -free refrigerator; West ingtlouse ": °electric stove; G.E. washing machine; vacuum cleaner; four piece bronze set; card. table with four matching, folding chairs; nine 'piece dining -room suite; chester- field; davenport; occasional chairs rocking chair; small tables; Duncan Phyfe coffee table; hall table; three piece bedroom suite; bed; vanity and chair; bureau; cedar chest; wardrobe; wooden kitchen table; rugs; lamps;• scales; coal scuttle; fruit jars; sewing machine; four card tables; 12 .place set- ting of Austrian china (gold -band pattetn), pots and, pans; quilts; dishes; annex stove; lawn chairs; ladders, garden ;.tools; power lawn mower; etc. etc. Terms - . Cash - house sold ,Mike• • Cummings - auc tioneer Goderich"524-9064 ATHWELL'S Ts Twilight Auction' To be held at Knapps Auctions, Main St.,, Seaforth, on Friday evening 9 • • August •1.6 at 7:1 5 p.m. Featuring nine piece dining room suite (walnut); birds . eye maple bonnet chest three drawer pine washstand porcelain pulls; 'bookcase with. leaded Class .door and, , mirror; Windsor chair;'pine church pew; Victorian type hanging oil' lamp• (lead glass and brass); Att Nouveau - hanging light; four piece toilet set ,with matching por • celain ` bucket; six press -back chairs;.. two Windsor chairs; two Boston nursing rockers; Roston comniode "chairs; easel; belle and chimes; 'and many more items. RAT;HWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE . Brucef ield , - 482-3120 33b" SHORTNOTICE NEW CARPET and NEW FURNITURE AUCTION SALE Friday August 16th. ,wo. BALL AUCTIONS LIMfl ED BRUSSELS ONTARIO. Partial Listing: m , Thousands of yards`of Brand Name, -view quality carpet. SIZES: 6' x 12', to 12' x 36' or by ttSe,roli, hall runners, stairway and other tries, COLOURS:. white, green, red, gold, multi -colour and eVe y colour you would want. STYLES: Shag; nylon, plush,, printed, idtchen, hard twist, indoor -outdoor, commerclsl, etc. Be,silre to, measure your room before you come .to: this sale. . Morse elecOophonic quality component sets with 8 t'r rck tape • - `:leck,... 6.,F,.J6011n-styles Morse stereos, Morse completely automatic sewing *machine, targe selection of bedroom, and chesterfield suites ins styles of 'French, Provincial,.Spsnish, Colonial and Modern, new single, double and queen size beds; decorative table and swag '!nips, 1ovoly coffee and end table sets, kitchen suites in a variety, of colours, sets of dishes, sets - of silverware arntt many more Item# tooumerous tti mention. NOTE: Terms of. sale are Cash or our bandy 1KM budget plan. There is lots of seating and parking and a refreshment booth and washroom facilities are available. Sale Conducted, by: BALL AUCTIONS, LIMITED" Phone: 887.936 . _ ., 12. AUCTIONSALE TWIL,ICUTJ. Auction Sale • of Household Effects and Antiques for the late Mr, Lea Corrtveau and . other consignments ° at the Aim: Ugh Rooms, ,Hwy. 21, one mile south of Goderich on Monday Evening August ,;19 at 7 p.m.. Hanging hall lamp; antique hall mirror; drop -front desk; spinning wheel; wool - winder; round parlour table; commodes; washstand;. trunk; 'dresser; three fern stands; .six wooden kitchen chairs; 'rocking, chairs; small tables; gramophone; primitive tools; crocks; iron purine; iron pot; Frigidaire fridge; Frigidaire electric stove; • Easy washing machine; -Spartan T ; five 'piece chrome set; cheater - ,field •and chair; platform rocker;• •swivel chair; four piece, bedroom suite;, two piece bedroom suite; roll- away 'bed; rangette; nine single beds; six maple night stands; wardrobe; sewing machine; - sealers; dishes; stepladders; wooden exten- sion ladder; power lawn mower etc. -etc. Terms - Cash - Mike -Cummingsr, �' Auctioneer, 524-9064. ESTATE Auction Sale of Real Estate, ' Antiques and Household Effects for the tate • Mrs. George Ashton; 58 Bruce . St„, Goderich • Saturday, Aug. 24 AT 12 NOON -. Large' Victorian 'hall rack; 'love seat . with two mat- ching chairs; china cabinet; five' rocking chairs; library table; three oti lamps; nine piece -toilet set; kitchen cabinet; wooden -:kitchen table; eight wooden kitchen chairs•;`' pressed back chairs; ice -box corhmodes; eight'- piece dining -room suite; 1w0 iron and brass beds; single continental bed; : beds; Victorian dressers; chest of drawers; sideboard; blanket boxes; trunk; 'halt-iree; small tables; drop-leaf wardrobe; da.ven`port; footstool; rangette; coal and wood stove; washing machine; sewing machine; T V5".gas heater;, crocks; frames; viewmaster; picture album; books; fern Stand; quilts; bedding; partial sets of dishes; flatware; dishes Depression 'and Pattern glass;, 4 stepladder; .garden' Jodie etc. etc Also at 3 p m:. subject 30 reserve bid selling the five bedroom frame house On a lot 'approxi 60' x 75' with. ,a garage. • ; P • Terms on proper>ty - 10% down and balance' in 30 `days. Terms on chattels - cash Mike„ Cummings - auc- tioneer - Goderich 524-9064 .••13: SERVICES,AV'AILABLE 13. SERVJCES'AVAILABLE MAN with 1l' ton, will do light delivery, cleat -up. $8.00 per. load. ,Phone,, '524= 8553.-27,2t3,29ARtf WILL do painting, roofing. and 'eavestroughing, Call Paul Lassal i ne. 524 -7158.-30tfAR 13. SERVICES AVAILABLE IAADIES - Summer will soon be y here, be read for it. Have vour out- fits made by Dianne. Phone 524- 2492,-Lfitfar PAPER hanging, painting and trim carpentering. Phone Mondays only, or after 6:30 p.m. 529-7649.-33-34 4:1Ii NO tuning and repair, J3ruce Pufsifer, Seaforth phone 527-0053 and residence 482-9618,-31 to 35AR • CARL Plastering - new, renovation, stucco and dry wall - Exeter, Orf= tario.Phone;,235-1588.-33 DRYWALL PLASTER PAINTING_ P.M. WILLIE °GODERICH 524.=6902 .COMPLETE LANDSCAP1NG SERVICE IA- SUPPLIES A`'SUPPLIES 'Pool Chemicals OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK CLOSED SUNDAY ,ART'S LANDSCAPING, NURSERY • and GARDEN CENTRE 166 BENNETT ST. E. GODERICH 524-9126 'JOHN H. RUE$ ER. CLEANING SERVICE 18' WALKER SREET • CLINTON, ONTARIO - PHONE 482.9072 . FLOORS . WALLS . WINDOWS 20-236 FISHER Horne &_Cottage • Carpenter ` Work • Roofing • Flooring • Building ; Removal, Repair & Maintenance Painting - • ' ' Chimney Pointing • Brick Work, • , Curbs & Sidewalks • Yard Maintenance n;« -4 NO JOB TO.O BIG OR TOO. SMALL FREE ESTIMATES 52.,4.24.45, s -SEPTIC tanks cleaned, modern equipment, worli'guaranteed. Write .,r phone H.T: i)ale, Clint -on. Phone • • 482-:3320.--t f • 4. -DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates ,„, Mc•(;EE'S Goa er'ich`' Phone 524.8391 jou .,c g19t f VACUUM CLEANERS SALES '& SERVICE ' ALL MAKES ' ',BOB PECK. VARNA 262-5748 n gctfn 'ANY JOB- . YOU HAVE TO DO A SUMMER STUDENT WILL DO IT FOR YOU! 4 Sic APPLIANCES kw. Irtglis- Moffat -Beatty ' , Sales -Service Repair$ to all Makes 36 eiltannia Fid. W. " Ph. 524-76/I -40 A` very few new -unsold 'T4 Grd`mlins, Hornets and Matadors will be arriving over the next two Weeks. they won'tl8st long 50 come in .and make your selec- tion. FINA I/ `Athnei�lcan SERVICE Motors w and Jeep John Grit • nr Gord Munroe' �. 26110Dsyfi6ld Road Goderich'. :524-8411 Or 524-8841. n'n