HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-08, Page 17• LI • ' • • „91 • • • • • kt, RI GODERICH SIGNAL.§TAR, THIJ.RSPAY," AUGUST A 1974—P4QE ''ailk 4001•1111.1.101MBOINIIIMMISIPM11.11.11111111.10111111111111 rf .I Ron Shaw, formerly a rep.orter-pheitographer with The Goderich Signal -Star, is really alive and well and living in Africa. He 'sends this picture. from*Markdi, Niger, where he and his wife Peg are running a dairy test program on a flock of goats. According to Ron, his wife Peg finds her- self !.'playing mother to 10 kid goats which must' be fed by bottle". * • . Ron. Shaw Another *letter has arrived tages of certain , things we from Ron:Shaw, former repor- would, like but with a little ter -photographer with The scrounging around we. always Goderich Signal -Star who witk, Seem able to, come up with the his. wife, Peg, is presently in, necessities at least. Africa waking with' the "Our house is huge, much too,' Canadian government on ,a hig for only two people but it rehabilitaticin project there. was the ohly one available so. BecaUseMr. Shaw has ,so there we are. I find my social many friends' in Goderich - a-Ns'---4kconscience bothers because so many readers have• somewhat that, here are my asked about his work there - wife and I, living in this huge portions , of his ,most recent house, when our guardian- • correspondence have' been house boy lives behind our selected for publication. * house in a little hut with his Mr. Shaw writes: ' • ; two wives and a son. • . ' We are., now ',installed in a This guardian situation house at Maradi and are begin-- makes , for ..some interestiI ning our work et 'the -Centre moments. .He 'doesn't Ipeak • 'D'Elevage Caprin. I,.still don't .French or Er.iglish;' just Rousse, have any cattle to work with tribal langiiege; so explaining but I—am repeatedly assured thing i and making ourselyes - that I will have in the next.four, understood 'often times to six months. That will mean ' represents a bit of a ,,problern. a move to a 'place called t ever let any one tell you . Tahoua; further north into the about slow rnoving, lazy desert,,: where, they aro' Africans. Even during the, heat operating an experimental -cat- ,, •----of theday' this guy never. stops. tle ranch. In the meantime I,• We. have a large garden (that have Undertaken work here at('his various species of trees,a,nd the center with dairy goats. Ad- many flowers) inside the corn- mittedly 1 don't' know a lot pound fence which surrounds about goats but whep. I was, "bur house -and Otto (that's the, griming up' at home .we always English version of his name) had. 70 Or 80 sheep and' there 'keeps it absolutely beautiful. are many similarities. "By the time I roll out of bed "Life in -Africa isn't-tplf bad at (,::30 a.m., which _L.:figure is in most ways., We do findshor- pretty -early, he already has • • Well; 1 thought this column wouldhave a fairly exotic date- line: Amsterdam, CopenhaPt), Stockholm, Rue de Something - or' -Other- in Paris.' • • That's what I had in mind for the summer. My young , brother has an apartment, with lots of sleeping space, in the Black Forest of Germany, or the, Schwarzwald, as we jet- setters call it. He offered it to us' as a base for bashing around western Europe. It was ideal. About five hours from Paris, the same from Switzerland, Denmark, Belgiurn, Berlin. A day to Sweden. A mere bagatelle to Holland. 4* I had irall worked out. A .one -day trip to Zurich, a two- day spree in Paris, a smash at a - Munich biergarten (that's a coffin where you have to keep 4now African goat herder AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE • Vacuum Cleaners • 'Washer/Spin Dryers • Portable Dryers RENT or BUY on easy terms. *HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES, TRADE INS ACCEPTED ./3013 HURON RD. 524-7831 everything half watered. Once a day'he sweeps the whole ya.rd, driveway and all, withalittle homemade hand •wisk. "As for food, Peg seems to 'manage to buy most things we need. A,, trip. to the market is really incredible. Orie is simply surrounded by vendors trying to sell their wares, but much of the time a • chap will come around to the door with., whatever fresh vjgetables he has for sale. "Fresh meat presents a bit more of a problem. We did buy some-, beef in ,the market last. week and it was very good but we are always • a little concer- ned about its condition. Chunks ,of meat are justlaid out ona bench and are' cove•red with flies, The.f.lies we can take .but what concerns Us more is how l)ng, the stuff has been there.' What we -did huy didn't kill us though. , • *.• • -• are fortunate in being ,able to buy freli eggs here at the Agriculture Center where we work , an yesterday we: bought four hens Which Otto killed and cleaned for us. We're going to have one • for • supper tonight and the others we put in the freezer. • _ 'IChas, rained only once. (and' even then not much) sincekwe" have been in Maradi although •I saw one hig rain wheni was in' Upper Volta and two or three showers during,a 10 day stay in Niamey, the capital of Niger. Before :the rain Comes there is almost always a: sandstOrm ..which has to be seen to. he believed. The fain we had ye.st'erday,,carste in the nick of time -to save what .crops there are here at th,e, center and on 'the surrounding farm plots. We will need,,a great,deal more if those crops are to survive and grow to be harvested. This country, although"suppokedly a savanah.„ region, is . really a desert and any redevel,opment faces a long hard road:, , "The heat, during .the main part of fheday, is like hell itself t7- • • Buyers/Of New_ Crop MERCIAL St SEED OUR4AtILIT ES ARE HERE TO SERVE YOU BETTER • 4 • • 1111•_ MA. Smith SEEDS, GRAINS, BEANS PORT ALBERT 529;-7'05 -11 WE RECOMMEND THE ALL NEW GRAIN PROTECTANT The l'onger lasting, insecticjde dust, to cantro! • (rut, b-ectle, grain mita, confused beetle, meal moth, saw toofhtcl beCtIt4 and • „ §retin wetvil) insects in stored whoa+ and oats. EASYTO APPLY AVAILABLE NOW! , •• 44.'eL • 4 • • although the early morning and the evening can be quite pleasant. ,3edond to that the Major feature that comes to mind is the condition of the roads. Granted they are not really roads (although there is some pavement on the major arteries) but only tracks across the desert. Driving our land rover the three kilometers frosn town to the center is enough to shake your . teeth loose. The problem is that much worse. because to keep from getting bogged in the sand you•hive to 'tramp the gas right to the floor and the reAulting speed keeps the jeep airborn at least half the time. "'Ourmajor forrici* of enter- tainment- so far has' been reading,playing a little rummy and' fooling'ivith the shOrtwave' radio. So far 1 have been able to ,pick up. 'English, langua,ge news- casts over the BBC from London, Voice„of America froth Washington, Radio Paris, Radio Berlin -and *Radio Moscow. To date I have had. no luck in raising the CBCfrshort wave service. ••• • "T,he streets.here are covered with beggars, man 9 of them children, but also old inen, women, , cripples,. the *blind and sd on. As soon as you leave_the jeep you are surrounded by a chorus of "Cadeau, Cadeau Patron, Cadeau'' (gifts:: gifts patron, gifts). We try to give0a 'few francs tothe blind and the crippled, especially the children, but if you gave something 'to themall you would be reduced to begging yourself. Furthermore . when you do put some money in one of their dishes the remainder become evert more persistant. I • (continued on page 4A) your socka, up), with the oc- casional foray into Frankfurt or Harriburg. 'Unfortunately, most of our forays this summer will be into herriburg. That's all we can af-. ford, and: that only once a' week. There's an old nur'sery-. rhyme, which' doesn't even rhyme, "For want of a nail, the shoe was lost; for want of a shoe, the horse was lost; for want Of a horse, the battle was lost; for want of a victory', the' ktngdoni was lost." Cf,r• *something like that. I'm quoting from memory: I read it in, the Book of Knowledge . whenll was eight. And along with all those nails and shoes, a good bit of my memory has been lost. . At any rate, you get the message: One thing leads- to ' another. Or something. That's why •I'm not' writing this column from the Eiffel 'Tower in Paris or God's Bad - burg in Germany. .._ It all started with t4eGood SiAliritans; 'You •may recall that I, wrote a column a few weeks ago about some forther students who came' around and fixed my garage door for nothing. They absolutely. refused to accent a cent. It gave me qu-ite a warm glow at the time. 'That warm glow has, over the intervening 'weeks, turned into a blazing ulcer. Not, their fault. ..It's my wife's. She's. been. saying for about two years, "Bill, we've got to get the house painted." I always agree. "Yep. - Sweetie, next Slimpler for sure.". Now, our house is not something you liaint on a holiday Weekend, .buy a case of beer and getting ,some Of your old huddies to come in ,'and help. It's a two -and -a -half storey edifice of hrick. Driving past, you might say, ",Hell, I'd paint that for $85.00.", There's just, -ythote-1 see. that needs painting, Butthat is„some trim. There are thirteen storm -windows, thirteen screens, eleventy-four, fat least twenty-s,even _black- ' birds in a fir tree.thet's before you start painting the trim. • Well,. in a,burst of sentimen- \r: lathy, my old lady suggested we • give "the boys' the. job of pain- ting the trim.. I would have given them a case of beer and' felt I was all even.. The -trim'? is costing me $500. Fair .enough, in these diY.S. I could have done it mYself. • but I'm not going to climkva fifty-fdot ladder unless there.'s a mighty fair damsel at the top. And all they found. was a hornet's nest. Next..' The bosswho still call s me "Mr. Smiley" . or "Sir", bless hini, said, "Sir, you've got troubles, with :that* roof:." -My heart sehk. I've been through ,it ' before. Well, I don't have to go into detail. Any home -owner knows the rest. 'The roof is shot, Kerything is rotten, though it hasn't leaked a drop since we came here. The only thing leaking is the. doWnstairs toilet,. just( after 'we've spent $16 having' it "fixed". Farewell,— Amsterdam., Farewell, Copenhagen, Hello, roof Hello, bank manager.' I shouldn't complaip, 1 guesS. Suppose tipose boys hadn't come to fix my garage door. I might have beenJAlling around in Copenhagen, saying, "Pas de nuit, cherie," instead of. an- sWering the door ten times a day • to loan the construction gang a screwdriver. going to be a.4000 sum- mer holidey. At home. It turns out that the garage has to be. painted, too,. and the back, porch. Rather bitterly, I asked one of the "boys" if they shouldn't paint the woodpile, as well, to go with the deCor., Andwith a nice twist of wit, lie said, "Would you like us to paint the cat,, ,He sleeps there. Why not? Green. .Shutter green.. With a high gloss. th. art und Craft corner 46 HAMILTON•ST., sGODERICH • GRUMBACHER , ART SUPPLIES • . LEWIS. CRAFTS • ANDKITS • • FRAMES 524-0815 or mornings 524-847:5 -OPEN 1-5:30 FRIDAY Tel: 9 CLOSED,WEDNEEDAY • " r • Bang art, 'Kelly, 1)oig Co. ;Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W. READ Resicietit.Pcirt nor 235-01.20 • • • YOUR • HEAD QUARTER FOR *ROGERS INAJESTIC TV tEXPERT, TV SERVICE , • ANTENNA & TOWER INSTALLATION • 162 MARY Sy. •GODERICH 524. 9089 Stay where to, till 1 see's where you're at. you're • • THE If you want Come 'to where it's at! VILLAGE STORE RR 4, GODERICH (SALTFORD) HWY. 21 - TURN ATIIRIDGE Salt Cod, Fresh Cod, Saltmeot, Ca-nilyAliscuits, Seal meat Salt Pork,, etc. It's some good! • FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS • inter warm • • 11 \ • • r • 4, imagink the latest in fashion and it" l'0°/0 'savings. After our ° ° August Coat Event, thenext time you will be able to • these coats .at a 'Saving will be. -January: You'll save in ' • • .January IF the coat you' really want is still in stock and in, your Size. Get the cpat YOLIWANT now and enjoy it Fall, Winter and early, Spring. " 4,9 • a• 4, • • , 99 • • SH,OPPE GODERICH • .OPEN ALL -DAY WEDNESDAY, -OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 P.M. • 'tfr THE. SQUARE GODERUCH • • • • • • • • • Also an advance; shw1ng .of many_ FALL FAiii1ON$ in .luits sportswear dresses etc. • • • • • • .510. • •