HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-08, Page 10, PANE 10•x-GODERIC'H SIGNAL+ -STAR, 'THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, L974 K1N6SBR1D6 KAPER Mrs Joe Courtfieg 52,,5-1189 i s.aizzette VanI3iepenbeek • and Mrs. C',huek Holmes of ,,,' PRETTY WEDDING -e - .was released . „from `the 'L.u•c.an are .holidaying at , M • Wingltam and District,HospitA1%. ,Whitestone Lake, 50 utiles -nor- • Linda Margaret Scoular, on Fridays August.'? and is con- theast 'of Parry Sound.. daughter , of Mr. ,and Mrs. valeacing at her• home here. • Mises Anita Hogan of Gilbert Scoular of Galt, and Mr, and Mrs. John Austin; Mississauga. ' -Kathleen , and Daniel P. Frayne, son .of Mr.. Mr.' aid Mrs., John Howard; Leona 1-loganof Stratford spent ' and Mrs'. Frayne, RR • ;3 0. Mrs. Reis Miltenburg, and the holiday weekend' at their God.erich,, 'were. married .ott. Beverley McNay attended the home here and attended the Saturday, 'August 3' in St. Annual Convention of Region 3 Frayne .- Scoular wedding on ,Joseph's Roman Catholic- (.:. (Ontario) National Farmers Saturday afternoon. Their' Church at Kingsbridge, The - Union held in Guelph on Mon- mother, Mrs. John Howard nuptial Mass was celebrated by day, and Tuesday, Jtily 29 and returned Anita to her home in Reverend E.J, Dentinger; C.R. July 30; Guest speakers for the Mississauga on "Monday and with Reverend Tom Moyland, • two day convention were remained for a holiday. _ S.J. of Toronto reading the Eugene Whellan, Minister of ,Mr. and Mrs. Bill Livingston gospel and giving the homily. Agriculture; President Roy and family moved on Saturday, Maid Atkinson; - Wom.en's President July 27 to their clew, home in bride's sister Miss Marianne ,of honor was the Mrs, -Evelyn „Potter; First Vice- Zurich. Scoular of Cambridge. President Walter4 Miller; Gus ,, Reverend Father LloydBridesmaids• were the groom's Sonneveld, of the , Canadian Ryan, pastor of Church of Our sister Miss Marianne Frayne of Livestock Feed Board; Mr, Lady in Guelph and his sister Kingsbridge and the bride's Ellard'Powersbchhairtnan.of the •• Mrs. Walter Clare and • friend Miss Carolyn Rhody of - Canadian Dairy' Coniinissign daughter Mary Luanne atten- and Mr. Frank Payne, director d'ed the funeral of their cousin of Livestock' Division (Federa•1). Terrence Monahan at St. Discussion of the Land " Cl}lements Roman Catholic Speculation "Act and Land Use, .church in Romeo, Michigan on The organist was Miss reports aril views were given by Wednesday, August 1.'' Denise Dalton. , The soloist,_ the four young people who had Peg and .Bob Loos, Tom and • Eugene- Frayne, father of the 'been ori( the N.F.U. Youth Ex- Jean Gorman, Jim and Rosie • groom sang "Ava, Maria" at change Program. Gough, Gordon,and Ellen the offertory of the Mass and Congratulations to the Heins and John ,and ,Anita; "The Our Father" at Corn- Goderich Signal -Star for being O'Neill all from J atkson, munion. During the signing of the.best all-round newspaper in Michigan spent the weekend at the register the groom's sister, -its class in Canada and to Mrs. the cottage of John and Anita Miss Marianne' Frayne sang Shirley Keller who received the O'Neill. "Morning Has. Broken" ,and ' Jack Sanderson Award for ' Mrs: Mickey McLennan of "This Is Love'',; ' • ... Editorial 'writing. . ' Colljngwpod spent the,weekend • • The dinner was held 'at the Several from this area Bitten- with -Mr. and Mrs.'Desmond-- _ Maitland. Golf and Country ded the Summer Craft Festival O'Donnell , Cambridge. Flowergirl was. Miss Lisa Frayne and the ringbearer�,was Patrick Frayne, ti sister and brother of the groom. Married in Teeswater � Miss 'ltaren l�:l'ir,il r h t �, ►, and l:ietitena;nt 1'4ti}ttj lisle Wardley exchanged ni;ti ri.t c 'i..ows on Sattirda+ 111\ " ",1.974 in Knox. l'iv-i,+ttrsan Church, Tee sw•at r• °" t Re‘''ererd" 11.1-i:"Arnn,trotz4 „1.. fic'iatin g• The bride is the dat,;,.hit-i Mrs. Shirley Grant, ,1't t•-• s ,i't't and the late Mr 1\►ii.ini Stewart Grant. Mr. and. Mrs William Wardley Gi,lit r it h are the parents of the Wedding music was pto\ ided by organist Mrs. Bro. e hu.th° Mrs. James Meyer1'oront, sang the 'Wedding Pr,b.er Candelabra, with whttt: shtisi a daisies and blue babyt-. lrreath. formed the, setting for the wed- ding. Given in marriage h` her mother, the bride looked lovely g in a own of white lagod a and Paul. Club, following by an open and sidewalk Sale in.Lucknow • " Mr. and Mrs, jack 'W-;ldgen .reception at the Goderich on Friday and .'Saturday: of Kitchener visited with 'their Memorial Arena. The couple August 2 and 3.many friends in this community left on a honeymoon to Eastern Members of Local 335 of the during the past week•• . Canada and will reside on Nstional Farmers Union held a ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clare , ,Wellington Street in Goderich bake sale on Saturd8wimorning, and .Mary Luanne, Mrs. Joseph whet' they return. August 3 at the McKenzie Copperauill and- .daughter - Showers for the bride were Trailer Camp, at Kintail. ,- 'tlizabeth:- Bernadette and .given by the Kingsbridge Com - Several ladies from this area ,Dorothy Ryan, attended the an- munity; a group of her univer- " Jattended :,the bridal shower for,. • nual reunion at St., Michael's sity girl friends in Cambridge Miss Charlene Adams, church, North Brant on Sun- . by Mrs. Don Johnson at • daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. day., August 4. The anniversary -Listowel'; by" the .Frayne Harold Adams, on Wednesday, Mass was said by Reverend relatives. at the home of,..the July 31 in the Anglican' church Father Lloyd Ryan. Visitors- groom's aunt Mrs. 'Edward basement at. Port Albert, Her ''during the week with Mr: and O'Grady; by the staff of the marriage to 1'anedy. Henry, son Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary Royal !Bank in Goderich at the - of. Mr.• and Mrs. Ross Henry of• Luanne were Mrs. Alf Weiler home,!of Mrs. Joan Spittal. RR 6 Goderich takes' place in from Formosa, • Mr. -and Mrs. Relatives werepresent4fror the . Anglican Church at- Port RennY Weiler and Susan 'from Peterborough, , Toronto, Lon- . Albert on Saturday evening, ''Walkerton, and Mr. •and Mrs'. don, ' Ottawa, Kitchener, . Augu'st 10 at 7 p.m. to ' be Palmer. Kilpatrick of Toronto. 0 Elmira, Elora, Listowel,, Cam-` followed by an open .reception • Mr: and Mrs. 'Ke1ry Hogan bridge, Guelph,. Goderich, ' at the Lucknow Arena. ' and boys from Glencoe are Scotland, Ariss, Brantford, and 'A very pretty ' wedding took ''holidaying . With ,his „parents, St, Catharines, Detroit and place in' the Bethel Pentecostal Mr. and Mrs., Can Hogan. • ..*"Royal 'Oak, Michigan. Tabernacle in Goderich. on Bernadette and Dorothy • ' Saturday, August ' 3 when; Ryan from Toronto are • Reverend"Cl'a`"rk'V Manitoulin holidaying-- with their „cousin, Island' united in: marriage Miss Miss Mary Luanne Clare. Marie Farrish, daughter of Mr. Reverend Father Thomas and Mrs. Jack. Farrish of Ash- Moylan, S.J. of. Toronto spent field Township•and John David the weekend at the home of his. • Hoy, son of Mr. and Mrs." sister, ;'Mrs. (Mary Gilbert William -Hoy of Goderich, The Frayne. maid of honor was Miss Joanne,;: Mrs. Ed Redfern ,,(Gladys Walters; daughter of Mr. and O'Reilly), Mrs: Julie.Jurgelonis Mrs. ' Gordon' Walters (nee, 'of Royal Oak, Michigan, Mr. Winnifred . Farrish) and -the .Joe 0' Reilly of . Detroit, bridesmaids were ' Mrs'. Jim Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. NDP to hold Nctth Mandrla collar, fit 0. - tt'd bodice and long full sleeves. The dress extended into a long h,ipel t'tain, edged with char- nisng utiported guipre lace mat- , lung the tie(klin_e and cuffs. :\I�•I�liclues �uf .idetitic'a1 lace trimmed. the. liodit;'e and ,skirt. Sti,• «t►1'tx a capulet of similar r and laearl which held a •hnulder.length Feil of pifre silk ,•tiluAion dotted with lace daisies and seed•pearIs. She carried a tasrade of red, sweetheart roses t-ntw fined Nvith ivy and baby's breath M1'i-o Gail Grant, Teeswater, sister of the bride was maid of • honor The. bridesmaids were N1rs Brian Wylds of Kincar- dine and Miss Nancy Gowi.ng, ,London. They wore identical long gowns of soft blue and green polyester knit in wrap- around style, Their bouquets 1tIconvention The seventh biennial conven: tion of the New Democratic Party of Ontario will be held on Friday, Saturday and ,Sunday, September 6,"' 7 ' and ' 8 in. the, Sudbury Arena: The conven- '. tion, originally scheduled to . (Nancy1' ' Farrish and Miss Douglas Frayne of Brantford take Place M -a,+, -31, June 1 and . were.. nosegays of white shasta,, daisies 'and blue baby's breath. Mark Wardley;-'1'uronto, brother of the - groom, was groomsman, Guests were ushered by. Warren Watt, Goderich and Brian Wylds, Kincardine. Reception and dinner were held at the Hartley' House,' V�'alkerton. It •wt's attended by guests fruni•Ottawa, Winnepeg, Kingston, Toronto, Kitchener, Goderich... Kincardine and Teeswater•. - f=J' The' mother• of the bride received the guests in a long gown of pale blue polyester knit with lace bodice and long lace sleeves. Her corsage' was blue and white ca�rnatio`ns, The groom'"s mother assisted in a floor -length gown of fort rel knit in shades of yellow, orange and white with white accessories and corsage, of white and ?yellow carnations For travelling to the Land O'Lakes district in Eastern On= tario, the bride- chose a green polka-dot jump suit with white , accessories: The bride• is a •graduate *-of Victoria r Hospital School of ,,,Nursing, London. The grooms graduated frpn) The Royal Military College of Canada in' Kingston earlier this year. 'The -couple will be moving -to Moosejaw, Saskatchewan where the groom will proceed with his training as a pilot with the Canadian Forces, - AVAILABLE NOW AT JOHN HAZLITT'S FARM ,One Mlle 'Ea$lt of Benmilier ' FOR All SOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS CAMPB�LL' 168 THE SQUARE. . GOD•ERICH 524-7532 104 THE SQUARE " -' :GODERIti4" Darlene: Farrish, daughter of Mr: and Mrs. Donald Farrish, The bestman was Malcolm . Hoy cousin of the groom and the ushers were Earl Hoy; Kingsbridge Youth Club is brother of`the 'groom and--Jini • making- final preparations :for' Farrish, brother'of the bride. the youth presentation of excer- Following the ceremony, the pts from Fiddler on the Roof to - guests were served dinner in be staged in the Kingsbridge the Auburn 'Community Hall . Parish Hall on Sunday evening, were weekend guests -•with Mr. 2 in Sudbury, was poetpr ned and Mrs. Eugene'Frayne.aand, because of the federal election. were ,guests at ',the Frayne - -More' 'hart .1'2" -h? -furs will, be Scoular wedding on Saturday. dev;r,ted- r debate 'of,, , policy resolutions in several arkas, in-" chiding • health.. Environment.. energy• and res.o.trces. labour:• economy, srycial ,Welfare,'. agriculture. ed ration..h9using-'-o• and urban, affairs -and cr.,n- and the reception following at August 11 at 8 . p.m. The.,', stitutton . More than ::'M the home of the bride's parents, - Catholic Wornen's League. prize' resolutions,- have been submit- .• Mr. and Mrs. Jack Farrish. Mr. draw for - the quilt, afghan and ted for discussion by the partY> it •and Mrd. Hoy will' make their' chick will take place, this 'riding '•ass rise and of home in •Goderich. • . ^ time. Lunch -will be - served. ._filiated Organizations. Iyi.. ,and Mrs. .rack VanOsch . Phan „to attend. - Y, Other high•lighta of the three- celebrated'trhe 25th anniversary Wayne G�ourtney and R,ick day convention will inn Jude ; 3' of their arrival in Canada from Boel'spent the holiday weekend report by Stephen Lewis the Netherlands, on 'Sunday,' camping • at SaUble Beach. :Leader of the Ontario N.D,P ('/August 4. Anniversary 'Masse •' Brian Courtney, Edward Cour- 'the election,. of .,.the Party's was celebrated .,in Dutch by the and Shawn ,Dalton went executive and. of the,Prov.incial . ,Bever"end Father John VanRas camping.- at the Amberley' Leader; and an address' 'by who is `'visiting here from Beach; - David Lew�iis,. Leader of" the'. Holland. Their schn Mr. New Democratic Party. 1 ' William VanOsch` entertained tVa malty relatives and- friends' at their home following. , Relatives front a 'distance waere ' Mr. and- Mrs. John VanOsch ,;and 'family from Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. Tony Middegaal (t'o VanOsch) and family 'rorn Blyth, , Mr, and Mrs. Harry' , VariOsch .from° Crediton, and, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gielsn of .• Crediton. - Mr. and Mrs, Leo Courtney and Ursula of „Goderich,.' Mr. and Mrs. `Percy, McClenaghab and boys of Clinton spent the holiday,weekend at 'their home hero, ' 'Mr. and Mrs:. Joe Courtney 'and Frank . Sullivan 'visited with, friends in Port =Elgin on Sunday, Mi -gust 4. - . - Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Drennan and daughters An.`, Donna and c‘ Debbie returned to theit home he a ,on Tuesday, August '6 following a 10 day holiday in Saskatchewan, • While in. Saskatchewan they attended the 507th wedding anniversary . celebrations' orMrs. Drenngn's ,stint; ;Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ander- ' sbnof Regina.' They also visited ,With'Mr. Drenna•ri•'s uncle Tom Joy in. Poot4 , W isc4istin. Mr. and. Mrs. ' .•Doug, MacDonald and hX uncle, Mr. , 1,7 :.r ' McKILLOP M-UTUAL FIRE ..•. d H ✓ ' INSURANCE COMPANY ' ° `..-..1.6.41 2 : •• gstahlished 187( "..._. HEAD ,(:ir 1-I I, - aforth,,r3ntat io , ,`�� Mrs. Ma;klarot sharp, S. . rr°•ss.. __1'•t,une :,:�7 -0400 n 4,. M It Only .`Costs 'A. ''Littte ' To '"—Be Safe a ,Firs, 'E 'tended ('f,ry�ra ,re, Wind - ,c$ stoin,. ° Theft; Property petty Damage,- , '/ Liability, Etc. Divot`tors and Aii'1•%-t- rs• vt,frn. Alt xan'I r S'-afortl. Wont~. Archibaldm*,,R.k. 1, ,•-,tft,rtlt Ken C ar,norhar►, R, R, 4. Se,aforrt Russ l.eonlia'r'dt, 8,13,1 f4tirt,s.01>n Jghti Mt'Ewtng li;k.l, Blyth ' Stanley .MCllwaln, R.I2.2 Go'ii r1�°l, vim.' Pepper,- Brucefleld J, N. Trewartha,,. Box 661, c'inti,- ,e Agents: James Keys, R,g,:1, Seatorth Letpe,e, Londesboto • f. 1 970 FOR.D LTD. ) • 351 VS, automatic , power steering, power brakes, rear defogger, radio; whitewalls, very clean car. Lic: DAY.: " • • 1a9f' 1 V.W. STATIONWAGON III like new oo'nditlon, areal, gas saver, four cylinder, •fotlr, speed, radio. Lic4lo. -DHJ 413c. J 7./ J• i 3,I-t� v r r - - - - - - r. Fadio; 302; -standard transmission, six passenger. Litz, • No. E11023 Phu,at. 527-0831 52-'7 - 1 . •1 .J i4i-2F234 • 52: 1' 1 4P� ' Seaforti Mu'V e .1 Min'11' , It. HT, n►, 'wt .cft,rt h p SALES "& SiERVr'CE ti 524-12.12 . N 184 EAST S . GODERICH FROM THE MEAT COUNTER FRESH SLICED Pork -Liver La 49-c BONELESS - 3 - 4 LB. AVG. Turkey Turkey R -IIs Le FRESH' FROZEN' - lean Ground Beet •3 LBm5_' FRESH BULK . Cottage CheeseLB 55c 1.Al TWO rota separ nc CHEC tna t t r► tables niture Gucler AUTO remov ' deposi of y(►t ' Hoffm Kingsi GOO[ wild. Phone HUY1 power Listin dine. - ' i ne.- `SING Servic clean( all: in Ham , Goderi 1970 ' condit 6248. - SAIL fitting larges censor Hur) prices 22;' Si shee, Marin Glider GAR within tridge. . mediu '"new, diamo 9106.- HUM 106.-HUM • t,piianc Phone ••ATTE `► zig-za Mai•hi • Bouti Street- Gold treet-Gold Holid Bailey board • Camp ?c 2.49 Fi'tESH Bulk Saiad-s MACARONI POTATO" `COLESLAW . FRESH PRODUCE 'c 39cONTARIO NO:Nb, 1 2Red Graes 49c Lettuce SUTH AFRICAN OUT SPAN Orange w112s 1 ONTARIONO. 1 u 2 LB. BAG c Cooking Onions 33c ONTARIO NO. 1• (elery CARNATION " EvapOrO ted- Milk:: KING SIZE 43 •OZ. Mr-. Clean STALK C. n FRESH:CORN & BASKETS .0-- OF FRUIT,& VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY GROCERIES • 16 OZ. TIN - 4 h BOTTLE$- .?■9 MAXWELL HOUSE - ALL PURPOSE GRIND s e1 19 Cof f e 1 � LB: BAG.. � ALLEN'S ASSORTED A 4f3 OZ,39c Fruit Drinks TIN 4 MIR. 24.OZ. BOTTLE" ,Lr uid Detergent „4 LIBBY'S 14 oZ. TINS F$1 -Pork 'n'Beans SGHNEIDER'S SOFT - • Four sults match ottom c MO15ERNE .-- 2 PLY LARGE BOX Facial tissue2-89c . SILVERWO . a :�,... OD's° � MAPLE LANE 4 FRESH MILK 2-% 3 -QUART BAG HOMO. SKIM 1.15 f1.O5- Margarine i LB. PASTRY WESTON'S REG" 65c Butter- Horns O 6�.