HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-29, Page 1ris ^1' VOL. XXLNO 29, •AND .710 tee, GAZETTE. "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL VietiERg THU MAY EXETER ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING, :NEARCH 29, 189 Joix Velienels tar loss rubilishore anti Peostelateee COMPLETE SPRING STOCK A T-- -- "VTOODpiAm. S, FORD el COrlirs Are Now Ready for Spring Business. This season we show a large Stock of New Peenns in New Designs. They are beautiful goods and 'sellers , New FLANNELETTES, including ,the very wide, at 10c a yard. New Innen GOODS in Henriettas, Semis, Whip Cords and Cashmeres. Three special lines at Sc, 25c and 35c. All our COMNS, TICICINGM, LINENS and COTTONADES are good value. We show thief spring a Fine Stock of NNW TWEEDS, Wonseitais, and PANT- INDS for Suits. Isinw. SMUTS, TIES, COLLARS and Ilm- DRILLA% Our New Hens for spring have: been opened, and ready for inspection. I We take pleasure in showing ourStock and Priced'as we give our customers valuethe best value in the trader 20 Lbs Granulated Sugar, $1.00. 10 Bars Electric Soap, 25c. R. S. FORD & CO. ilishest Price paid for Butte antlEggs i••••••• • Elhes1V11.10. BRIEra-Mtss Bennett of Lobo is visiting In the neighborhood. --Miss Lottie Halls lion the sick list. -Mr Robt Costes, zray. eller for R. te. Struthers & Co, of London, - spent Good eFriday under the parental roof: -Mr R Webb our genial blacksmith, is making preparations for building a house ' in the sananter.-Rev J. P. Bice otompied the pulpit Sunday evening and preached an °meant sermon on "The Ark." Mr. Bice is canvassing the circuit in behalf of he Alma College relief fence -A. social as held in the eohuroli on Good Fricety night, followed by an entertainment Mr John Dalbridge discharged the duties ot chairman very efficiently. -Mr G. W Hol • man °crack:cited the Easter Review services in Eden Sabbath School last Sunday, and complimented the scholars for their goon, order and ready answering, which inflected credit on themselves sand superintendent, Mr Gee Boswell:tee-Mx John Sleamon me with a serious • accident the other dist, having his knee put out. of joint while telling a tree in the woods. The hart is very painful, and it will be some time be fore Mr S. will be around aguice -The other evening one of our good *rhizome on coming from the barn, saw ea dark object _ on the pat),, thinking it some flares - wild beast, ' ized a stick of fire wood and , approached it like a Mohawk with etealthy •4- step and blood. in his eye, and as he came near bra:imbed his weapou aloft, and. was, at one fel sweep, about to deal death and destrnotion to the intiuder'when, to his mortitioationele foetid thefituee brute was only the coal scuttle. , Ailsa Craig. -- Baxlvs-We are sorry to have to ohne- iole tee death of Mr John Powell, in the 78th yene of his age, Deceased was born In England, and with the pioneers ems to Canada to bow ent his home -Mr John Dewar has moved from Nairn to a Mr. Frasers farm, 7th con. McGillivray, where he intends farming. -D. A. MoEvren, who be been in the old amantry returned home last wiek.--The Misses McAlpine/ and C. Allen hay* returned from spending their holidays at London, Aylmer and Strath - soy. -The Northern Pair Spring Show will be held in this plass Thursday, April 19th. -Mrs F. L Turner, who Etas been visiting with her uncle. dr Neil McPher '- son reit-aged to her home in Michigan.- ' Mr Geo Paxman has taken the position of baker at Mr Win Menlo's, Mr Bert Hart- well heriag given up baking and. gone to 'Brantford to work for Mr Tiffery, nader taker of that plaoe.-Aulara and Welling- ton Smith are moving to Tennessee this week, whets they intend making it their home, as they have taken up land. -larch 8th, '94, will be the red letter day of Mr D. Morgan, Denfield, sndsMilte Reynolds of Ails% Craig. For seine months past cupid has waged war on the heart of each and eueosedeci in causing them to join in an alliance offouoire or defensive as the ease may require, and hereafter both hearts will bones one. The Rev Mr. Carey perform. ed the ceremony by which the happiness of each was begun and may it long continue end the sunny aide of life be all that will meet their glances. • Have n depression of spirits, um K. D. C, Winohelsea. BatErs --Mr Isaac Clements, while driv- ing a colt on Monday, was thrown violently from the buggy and sustained • severe in, juries. The colt took fright at a dog and bolted into the ditch, and a broken spring havidg caught in the 'ground, tossed the buggy with Mr Clements in it into the air, The goina tip was nothing, it was the corn- ing down that °tossed the trouble -We regret that Mr James Bowoliffe, who was tekee ill with inflarametioa of the lungs a little over a week ago, lies at the point of death, and but 'eye little hopes are enter- tained of hie reqOvery. Mr Roweliffe has not been in the east of health for some 'tens, and this aevere attack seems likely to prove too much for his enfeebled orinstitn; Can. -Mr Geo Powelehavine been awarded the contrite% for building barn on the Campbell property, on. 9,is o • mg a barn which he has purchatea from Win Delbridge for that purpose. The w of moving is likely to prove quite a chore, the whole building must be taken to pieties. Urand Bend. Barnes -Mr Foster -intent Easter with I it parents near Hills Green, Stanley, and returned on Monday. He took his wheel with him and expected to wheel home, but Am change in the weather Made it more suitable fet enowshoeing with a good blanket suit. -Mr Ashton istrolle,,d tetarn. ed home last week, but intends leaving soon, -The engineers impacted the river ea Friday and made an estimate., of the work to be done in removing the earth from the channel. Mr Rats and Mr Mer- ritt also inspected the work. -The iron bridge will be erected soon, as it arrived in Parkhill on Monday, so that we will hays a more substantial connection with our neighbors across the stream. -The cold snap has stopped the fishing, but will start itt soon as the weather moderatos some- what -Miss Edith Robinson visited her parents on her :Easter vacation'and re- turned to her school on Monday. -Thee Faille delivered the balance of his steers which he disposed of on Monday to Mr Stewart. -Mr John Baird and wife visited Mr Stubbs on Saturday and returned on Sanday.-Wm Oliver and gang are moving Mr Brenner's shed this week, but were prevented Monthly by the gold weather. - Mrs Wen Mollard has been ill, but is im- proving some under the oars of Dr Caw. - Miss Foster returned home on Tuesday, - Mr A. W, Robinson was hero on Tuesday. Many people, with the notion that nature ought to take care of herself, allow a cough to 'plague -them for weeks and • months. Whereas, if nature wore assisted with a dose or two of Ayers ()herr), Pec- toral, the cure might em effected in a very few days. • The rumor that has obtained circulation in Se Catharines that Mr, W. Ellis, super. intendent of the Wellend Canal, has been deposed from his position es without foundation. THE BIM ADVaRTnattraNTS. • Many thouirands of unsolicited letters have reached tho manutaaturers of Scott's Emulsion from term oared through its use, of Consumption and Scrofula diseases. None can speak so confidently of its merits as those who have tested it REE WEEKS OF THE— GREAT• SALE of - Bankrupt Stock Has passed at the Post Office Store, Iiirkton, and it has far surpassed our expectations. en,'Our many ougtomers are surprised at the bargains they are getting in every line. • We have any quantity of surprises still left, end bargains are to be had in every line the sante as the first week of sale, Note some of the panne, it will pity you. Pure Indigo Shittinge, heaviest weight, for 12ic per yard, regular Price, 15c. Pure Indigo Shirting, Ile per yard, regular price, 12c. Heaviest cottonade, e2c per yard, it guler price 25c -and 30c. See the line we are setting at 15o per yard, good vale for 25e. New Prints of all kinds, shades and patterns, the beet make Your choice for line per yard. All others Are asking 12?rc and 15c for them. SOAP -We are selling 7 bars of Electric Soap for ae, the same size and welt' t as Dingriunt'e tidier superior in quality. Or 1 box containing 60 bens for" This is as cheap as our competitors cite but any neap. It will pay you to drive mike and limped our noode as we are determined to sell at prices that will put all opposition far in bee distance. 30 lbs, very bright Yellow Sugar thie week for $1. Highest le$ rice paid for butter and eggs. Nic�OWAN & 00.1 Itivittou. Hernial!. Minn' ,CAMERON SMITH, Barrister, Speen tor, Conveyancer, Officio Maus -rt, Can be oensulted after office .hours at the Commercial llotel.Bonrallt Our two 'weeks' Bankrupt Sweat Bargain Sale of Bast and Shoes was a greed success, but at we have quiteeeno; of the Banicrapt Stook left yet, and also received 20 new eases of all kinds of foot wear for the Spring and Suremer trade, we have (leaded to extend our Sale for the balance of this month up to April let, We would thorstiro invite you to Gall and bring your reeitiringnlong and get it dons while you wait. Sete it few quotationr : Wantons rukbors from 30e and upwards ; women& Bun Bele frua The and upward; men 6 gaiters from 90e and upward men's sho0 from 75e end upward; mon's long boots from tem and upwards. Trunks and valises at rook bottom prices. Boots and rimer made to order in the latest style, Call and see our new store, Terms Cash. Sign of Big Boot. A. WBSELOH, Mali wen's Block. Following are the market quotations; Wheat . 55 to 58 Barley Oats Peas 35 to 35 30 to 31 50 MOO Hay Butter COO' to 7,00 15 Eggs , ....... to o 6 113 Hogs...........600 to 6 26 Clover seed PRDDLAUS AND TRAMPS -With the ad- vent of spring, peddlers and tramps are aboVee. Those fortunate enough to have money these bard times should give* most of this class a wide berth, as first-class goods can now be obtained at extremely low prices from established housenanimps ,in nine oases out of ten should not be given money, either little or much, but cold vietuals, powder, and old olothea, if not too long out of teatime, may be given. Ped- dlers and tromp: visiting us this summer should bear in mind that our front gate is not a self-acting, reversible, automatic, self - registering affaio aaetho Hay and Teak.; orsmith cattle by-laws are. now enforced. Brines -A vote to tet the feeling of Carmel ohurole ooneregenon on the organ question will be taken on Sabbath next, morning and evenieg. The question being "are you in favor of the organ " Mem- bers only will be allowed to vote. edern- bars, vote with the understanding that if an instrument is introduced, it will be a 1.14d organ, and the price not to exesed $250. -Interesting meetingsof the C E. Society are held every Sabbath evening after the service in the basement of Oarrael arch, and. to which all are cordially in- vite The meeting on Sabbath last was goo fl., and although the road* were bad .and e night cold, riot the basement was well fi d Perhaps a larger number than ever befo the toper. This a hopsf al sign. -The many frioud of Bobt Morrison, and family of London, formerly of Hensall, will extend their sympathy to them , in the se- vere toes tney halm sustained by the death of Mr Morrison's daughter, Aire 'Topes of Bayfield. About %week ago Mrs Woods wont to the hospital to undergo the remov- ei of an inward growth. ' The operation was performed on Miniday andas thought to be veiy successful, but Mrs W Ards became gradually weaker and died Friday morning. The remains were taken to Bayfield for interment. --Mr John MoAl- hater moved to town het week. -Bev F. Swan's father and naother of :Fergus are visiting their sons heie.-Mise Catlitle of Settforth has rnovedento tier store, whittle was occupied by Mr Mat Ellwood as res- taurant and confectionery. She intends running a fancy etore.---Larit Saturday Was one ot the busiest days at the Hensad mills that it has ever had, there were oyer one hundred teams at it ddring the dee. Mr Martin Wurm ot Zurich 'brought in a load of Michigan Amber wheat which tested 6.5 pounds to the bushel, ana he received. 6Co per bushel. This is the heaviest wheat brought in this Beeson, and farmers should grow more of this grata in future.--Mesers C. Meyers and Win Wore were at Seaforth on Wednesday =Mr Jam Cogworth bought the old Methodist church, and intends,: to move it on his premises and use it for a hall. -Mr Robb Johnston left loot Fri lay for Hamilton. -Mr John Dick left hest Monday tor Brandon. -kir IL Rennie and Wife iment Beater holidays at Ripley with Rey S. Cook, formerly of this place. -Mrs Peter Triggereon retuned Monday from a visit at tWhiteohurch.-Mr John Weis: miller is here visiting his brother and other frionds.-Mies Bella Ellie was at Loecleu last week attending the Epworth League Convention. --lir J. 0, ielausea retarued last Fiiday from Toionto, where he attend ad the Supreme Lodge of Canadian Order of Home Cirole.-Mr G. C. Petty left for Sarnia Tuesday where he has rented' his old stand for the -lemma to 6611 pork. - There was a -meeting held Met, Tuesday night in regards to having the County fall gnaw hero this fall, and there were corns mittees appointed to make..arrangements by buying the grounds, erect buildings and report at next meeting. Everything looks favorable ;for having it accionaplished.- Wood and logs are coming in again in great quantities niece the fall of snow on Monday and it would be a benefit US all if it would ?Main for a week or two. -Mr B. Arnold moved into Mr. Meyer's house this week. - Mrs Laing's sale on Monday was well at- tended, awl everything sold well. Mrs Laing intends moving to sown in the near future. -The contriver fer the building of the new Methodist ohoreh Was lot to IVIessrd Win Welsh and Ronald Ointment, thane being the lowest tender. -At the annual vestry meeting of SI Peeler Epis; cepa' church, the following office bearers fro the year were elected : Churchwar- den., Messrs A. Johnston and W. H. Rey- nolds. Sidemen, Wears Wm White thud Wm Blackwell, Lay delegate to the Synod, 3.0 lelauaen, Auditors, Messrs F. Arnold and J. C Kimmel. • took etc t in disoassing "Be thou the tainbow to ,the storms of life, The einsoing beam that smiles the cloning away Abet tient to morrow with prophetic) rey," For headache, neuralgia and billionortem, take Starkn Powders. 25o a box. tfinatil'e Lunmeat for rhoomatisin. Omen -Died, at BiddolPla, on March 26th, Minnie, youngest daughter of Caleb Ryan, Esq., in the 23rd year of her age. - Mr Edward Bleekwell, an old regnant of Lunn, is ales) at the point of death, and not expected to recover -Mr eel, Robin- son Of Lucius is seriously ill, -Tee Reform ars of North Middlesex ratified the none ination of Ur W. EO Taller for the Local at Ails& Craig on Saturday last -Dr. Shoulte of London has organised a lodge of Chosen Friends in Clandebeye with twenty elic charter members, and is now busy Sr. ganioing in Centralia, Cromarty. Bentsen -Min Mienie Wilson of Mitchell is visiting with her biother.-Miss Agnes Miller spent last week visiting relatives in Mitchell ,-Wm Brooks and Tohn Worden, who haye been spending the winter with their parents, started or their honies in Dakota last ween -We are pleased to hear Ants McKellar is about well again after her prolonged littlest -The Orme between Beni Denlop and the Usborne & Hibbert Vire Ioannina° Co WU tried on Friday last at the Goderieh assizes. The Judge withheld the decision until the 16th April. A num- ber from this vicinity attended as witness- es. -We are sorry to hear that W. W. Trioirmson, who has taught our school for eight connected -ire years has decided to leave us, having prom -aid a more lucrative position as principal of the Campbellford • public 6011001. Mr Thompson has made teaching a suitcase here and we are sorry to lose him. -Our genial reereheni, Geo Miller, treated all lovers el the mazy to a feast of the light fantastic, which they in- • dalged-in to their hearts' content on Fri- day evening last. Ore.:11ton. BAIRPS-Rev Schwartz's son is here visiting his father, who is still very --Mr and Mrs Hoffman of Platteville • ere visiting he re at Mr Ge'o Brown's.- Mies Case of London is visiting at Mr Zwiker's•-letoses Brown of Selsewing is visiting his parents here -The Creel- iton blase band are enlivening the village again. Something should be done to assist the boys, as the citizens have always taken great pleasure in the band. -ft is reported that the constable is after the boys who stole a Weight belonging to W. H. Wenzel, and that after diligent searching he has located it, but so far has not located the thief. Countz has again returned to his old love, and is again working for W. ii Weneel.-The Oeedi ton epringshw will be held here on April 11th, and as Ustl!?,1 will be a grand success. -We noticed that the Grand Bend correspon- dent last week asked what the Stephen Council were about that we have no bridge yet. Well, if we understand the • matter, what is rhe matter with the Grand Bend correspondent? Does he not know that thie bridge is on the boundary line between Lambton and Huron, and that these councils have to eonstruct the bridge ? All regret the delay, and if there is any neglect, the Switteiplhict.n Council have nothing to do Baytield Berezes--MrElouston,principal ofOlin- ton Collegiate, preached in St Andrew's Church on Sanday morning lest.--Her- beet Johnston, of the Seeable line, who has been engaged in the hardware busi- neas with his uncle at Hanoyerneft this week to take a position with Hobbs' Hardware Co London. -Capt. Crea- more of Drayton arrived here last week and took charge of the Salvation Army Saturtley night. The former officers, Captains Jennie Storey an Tena Ogil- vie hey° been transferred to Forest. - Another petition to have our harbor re - plink was largely signed last week, and, is to be conveyed by Mr. Weisnsil- ler, who we hope will See that we re- ceive attention. -We understand the Royal Templar* are negotiating with Rev Mr Livingstone of Kincardine to give a lecture before long. -We often liner of fishermen's lack. Here Is a sample. Last week our fishermen were doing well, making tremendous • hauls; this week from all appearances there will be hundreds of dollars Worth of nets lost owing to the stormy weather. -Last 'week we stated that Bayfield was in great need of a butcher. A iew weeks ago it gentleman from near Wingham was hero making arrangements to start a butcher shop, but for sonic reason or other changed hit mind. He made a great mistake, for Mr Politer of Varna, who has been coming here, and did a Splendid business in and around here, has been obliged to quit on account of illness in his family, and now we have to send away by stage. We want a butcher to reside here. This is an ex- cellent chance for a splendid business. -We regret to record this week the death of Elizabeth, wife of Mr W. EL Womb', Lake Shore toed, and daughter of Mr Robt Morrison, London, The death occurred at London on Friday, lVfaroln23rd, and the funeral took place from the residence of the late Dr. Woods to Bayfield cemetery on Sundey • it f ter - noon. -111r Ninian Morrison, Wre Mor- rison ited Mien Maggie Morrison of Lon- don, and Miss Morrison of Seaforth were here attending the funeral of their sister, Mrs W, Woods. -Why pay 10 and 1.20 for printd when you can buy the acme qualities at 8 and 10e cash ? Now in the time to get your owing none before rearing hollows cleaning begin', and you can find a eplenctid assortment of dress geode cheap at H. P. Edwards'. - Nathan 'Walter* of Colborne WAS visa - nig here lest week. -Win and Clete Otted Spent taster In Colborne, Annie Whisidon is vitsiting Seaferth. -Maggie and Lizzie Ps.ulknee, Maud Ferguson and Beta Stanbury are spend- ing Easter holidsys near Brimfield. Centralia. -- Bram- Mrs R. Cobleigh and daugh- ter spent Dieter in London,- Mr and Km Koski!) of Exeter are visiting 'Mrs Joseph Marshall, -The snow teafell lat Itlendey was a boon: to our wood drawers.- Mrs Lingarcl is quite ihl,hav- ing been eentined to her bed for nearly two weeks. -Rev J. FL Hector, the Black Knight, the colored orator and humorist, will deliver two of his popin her lectures in. Smith's hall on Wednes- day and Thursday evening's of next week, Admission 15c. •Sharon. Bram. -MrRobert fvfawhinny arid Miss Martin were united by the bonds of holy wedlock by Rev. Gem Baker of Crediton last Thursday. The bride was attended by the groom's sister,Mies ha whinny and the groom's attendant was Mr. Win. Martyn. The young couple spent their honey -moon at Lon- don and returned to their future home Saturday evening. They have the well wishes of this cornmunity.-4VIr. and Mrs. Nelson Kestle And family have been visiting their friends in Wood- stock. They returned last Monday. -An enjoyable cottage prayer meeting was held at Mr. John Pedler's rreeidenoe on Wednesday evening. --One of our little friends Miss Bella Amy, while visiting relatives in Exeter, was taken sick. She is thought to have symptomsof diph- theria but we hope, if so'it will be but a slight attack and that she will soon be well.-Thefiterners of this vicinity wete to be seen earnestly working last week at their spring work but the storms of March this week reminded them. that it was necessary to take a rest occasion- ally, Dashwood. Maws—The entertainment under the auspices of the Young People's Amocriation wae a grandisuccess. The proceeds go toward the purchasing of a library for the Society, which, with- out doubt, will be greatly appreciated by the members. --Mr. S. Nadiger, while working in the saw mill, had the misfortune to have one of his fingers come in contact with the large gam- ble. Solomon Schwalm., of Ptgeon, Michigan, is visiting friends in this vicinity at present. -It is our sad duty to record the death of Simon Metter, of Elkton, Mich., who died in the Be trait Hospital from untemia on March 16th, at the age of 34 years, 11 months and 9 daye. Mr. Metter was well ac- quainted in this vieinity, being a for rner resident of Zurich. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his • early demise. His remains were interred in the Bronson Line cemetery. 4, *45* 4 Blyth. ----- Bantes.-Mr, Charles Shane of God with was visiting under the• parental roof o Sunday.-tfrs. Hayes, of Seaforth, wan visiting relatives and frieacis in town furs ing the part weelt-Mrs, Walker left ha - for Chicago on Wednesday to join her husband and family. -On Wednesday last one of those happy events took place at the residence of Mr. J. W. Bell, when his eldest daughter Mary E., was joined in wedlookes bonds to Mr. W. J. Felker, of Auburn. Uev.T.E. Higley lied -the nuptial knot. After dinner the bride and bride- groom drove to Stanley to epend the honey moon with Wends and. relaktres in that sec- tion. -On Thrum:lay lest Mt.,Thes. McEl- roy, of the firm of McElroy re Jessopeoined the large ermy of benedicts. More power to you, Tone -Councillor McNally has commenced. getting out tim foundation for his new residence on the lot opposite Trinity church. The National barber shop, St. Marys, has changed hands. Mr. Richard Nolan, who has conducted the business for some time, has sold out to Mr. Frank Kerney, who has been in Mr. Nolan's employ, Mr. Nolan will go on the stage. The Royal Electric Lighting Com- pany, of Montreal, have secured the contract for an incandescent plank and system for Mitchell. The plant its to be a five hundred light incandescent system, and will be put in during the summer months. The following are the officers of the South Perth Reform Association :-- Dr. Irving, President ; 'We Kyle, tat Vioe-Pres. • Bobt. Gardner, 2nd Vice ; C. C. Whekhan, Secy.-Treas. The ex- ecutive committee for Usborne are : T. Cameron and A. Borland. ,,The frame residence ef.T. H, Bridge mem on Water street south, St. Mary., Was totally destroyed by fire Saturday. The:greater part of its contents were lost, including $80 in wish belonging to Mr. Bridgocanie some A frame steins close by. owned by the sem, petty, was also badly damaged. A defective chimney Was the gauss, and there was no insurance. The loss will be About $700 on the house and stable, and $300 on contents. p...., Rev. W. A. Newcombe, Thorneeton. %due" writes' :-Sufforing from indigestion when in Nota Seetis a year ago, is package of K le, 0, was given ine• I cheerfuli? aelino.kato that the effect of the tamidy in oaring the trouble WM very marked and prompt, as well se butting. That tired, languid feeling and dell headache is very disagreeable. 'Peke two Of Carteret Little Liver Pills before retiriug eon you will And relief They never fat to do good. CONDRINSRD DIS'TRICT. NEWS. I willow, Mr. Joseph Stephens has leased the hotel property at Woocinam froin Mr. Samuelsiost of May Riordsen., and will take posses- nlMr. John Dodds, of &Worth, WAS handling a battle of pop the other day when it burst, injuring the wrist of his left hand SO aeverely that he has been deprived of the use of it since, We deeply regret to learn of the death of Mr. John Cowan, of Morrill°P which took place on Thursdan fore- noon. Mr, Cowen had been in. de- clining health for about two years The Clinton New Era says that the oldest residents of Huron are Sheriff • Gibbons, Henry and Horace Horton. of Goderich, and Win Young, of Ca low These gentlemen have been residents of the county for over 60 years. The firm name of Gilchrist Green Sm Co., of Werigham, ceased to exist last Tuesday, and the Union factory hands started work in the enmity of the Union Furniture Co. [Ltd.]. of Winghatn. Capt. Barker, of the Salvation Army, Clinton. who has worked; very faith- fully there for the ei two months, has gone to London, e Capt.Co her, of London, takes charge of the corps ih Clinton. The Directors of Hay Brans& Agri- cultural Society met in the town hall, Zurich, last Wednesday, revised the prize list for 1894, and went through considerable business, The dates for the fall ahow were .fixed for the 26th and 27th September, 1894, Ur. John MoNaugh ton, probably the oldest pioneer settler of Stanley town- • hi p, died We dnesdayat his residence on the Bayneld road, after a week'e ill ness. He was in his 80th year, and was held in the highest esteem by a, large circle of friends and acquaint" &noes. , While Re/doe/Ulan, tr., was getting load of lumber on his waggon at the Seaforth station the other day, the train, in shunting, caught the horses and dragged them a considerable dis- tance. The engineer WAS notified be-. fore any serious damage resulted. Many were surprised to learn oF the sudden death ot Mrs. Win. McDougall, jr., of Tuokersmith, whose spirit took its flight on Tuesdaymerning, the 20th Men Mrs, McDougall had not been feeling very well for some days, but nothing serious was contemplated. ,On • Tuesday morning Mr. McDougall got up as usual, and before going out spoke to his wife. When he returned • he found that she had passed away; Tames Meekan., an odd character, who tramped the county for years. was taken siek recently at the home of • Hector Reid, con. 3, Stanley. He died there, but before passing away inquired for a parcel he had. His old clothes, which had been thrown out on the woodpile, were searched and a post office bank book with $175 to his oredit and gua BO in cash were found On. them. . Parkhill has afire bug and the coun- cil is offering a reward of $500 for his capture, • Mr. Cornell has sold out his Arocery and bakery business in Parkhill to Mr. Delaney. The butcher business of M ,Tohn Grieve, Parkhill, bas changed elands. It is now run by Taylor, Jones & Co. Mr. John Cluness hes eLeen elected Mayor of Parkhill, and .Rev. Dr. Beau- mont &hoot Trustee, tosfill unexpired terms. Recently Messrs. John Wilson and William Briggs, of the 13th con. of Lobo, sawed one cord of hard maple In 14 minutes. Dr. (Jaw, of Parkhill, has bought from Mr. Griffith the property on Main St recently devastated by the fire, The block Will be rebuilt this season. The Guest bigamy. Case, to have been tried at London this week, has been postponed for two weeks, the prosecution being unable to proceed, owing eo the fact that Mrs. Guest (No. 2) had been delivered, of a child Spring s Openiug Beauti- fully and so has our spring and sutn mer goods. Step in anti see our new dress goods. So beautiful in appearance, love— ly in finish, durable in texture and breaks all previous records for low prices. Our new prints are simply immense, so the ladies tell us and they should know. For ladies' and gents' footwear we never did take second place and we never had so large and well assort- ed a stock as now. And now a word to the boys tram 6 to lop years of age. We have something really elegant to Show you iii neckwear and gents' furnishings. Suits made to order or ready made at g. REDUCTION:OF 25 PER CENT. Everything in our store reduc- ed to bard time prices, depend upon it. Highest price paid for farm produce, J. P. ROSS. - Market Deots' Follow H Crow WHERE? TO MANSON'S Big Slaughter Sale of Boots and Shoes. He has knocked. the old time prices clean out of existence. For the next 60 days foardeCl, only he sells (our own hand m Men's French Kip Boots at $4; If en's !Imperial Kip Boots at PAO; Men's extra good Cowhider Boots. £3. men's, Women's and Childroaes Shoes iii °adieu varieties at .20 per cont, dia. count. Repairing promptly and neatly Slone at thefollowing prices Men's Half Soles wale 4004 Women's not Soles only Ms, Come Ind secure Berne of,these Bargains. GEO. MANSON'S, The People's Shoe Store. Next Door to Post Office. • At a recent meeting of the Lues.n. council, S. W. Gibson was appointed to fill the unexpired term of James Saddleir, resigned, and J. R. McComb to fill the vacancy caused by the fetal - nation of Wm. Haskett. PRRTIr. Mitchell Spring Show will be held on Thursday, April 5th. • The St „Marys spring fair will be held April 3rd. It is rumored that a third paper is to be started in Mitchell. Blanshard Agricultural Society has decided to dispense with its spring fair this year. • It is announced that the'Orangemen of South Perth, West Larabton and East Middlesex have signified their intention of celebrating the next 12th of July in St. Thomas. KA 8, Davis, of St. Mary's, while chopping wood the other day, struck the back of one of his hands with an axe, severing an artery. He lost con- siderable blood before a physician arrived. The death is armouneed of C. Si Smith, son of Pater Smith, township clerk of Downie, who has bane ailing for nearly two years with eonsumption, which hadeleveloped items an attsek of pleuro pneumonia The Huron road from the Hibbert boundary nearly to Dublin is a disgrace Ito civilization, and should uaake the officials of Hibbert end Idelnillop, who are responsible for its maintenance, ashamed of thernselveg. WIRTS2t FEEDIYO. When hems and cattle are kesst in Stabil:IS most of the -winter and are fad on dry 'food, they are apt to get oat of coedit - ion aud the spring finds animals that are not thriving, meat; have actually lost dur- ing the winter and have to do taIl theft "picking up" when turned oat to great. All this can be „prevented and animals made to gain all winter long by using. Dice's Blood Purifier. Vote the name - Dick' s not Ittelunine argains, 13argains Just opened up a complete Range in Dress Goods,, Prints, Tweeds, Carpets, Ready-made Clothing: At Remarkably Low Prioos, ovevrozc TAxr.o4z1cp. We are showing in this Despartnaent a large end select Stook of Spring Suiting!, WorSteda, Panting's, and we aro making good Tweed Snits front $10 up. Meti's fine Black Worsted. Suite for $15. Omne in and inspect our Goode before perellasing. Bit0V7IT ti4 ,1411.302prititto smiccesrmors to Brown kt Siebert, , CRXDITON