HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-01, Page 27FIO:M. THE N{INISTfR'S TUDY REV. PETER G. ST. DON0 • 4' Worship is necessary There is much residual religion connected with both Christian and pagan lands. There are examples of worship. both true and false. The direc- tor of religious education in a certain church ` noticed that a rt young boy frequently came into the sanctuary to engage in a brief period of prayer and meditation. "I liketo come here", the boy explained, ."because it makes me feel_. bigger than I 'am. That is what worship can ac- complish in, our lives. Often the 'outside world belittles us, and gives us an inferiority complex. At !other; times it \flatters . us, and tempts"us to conceit. But in the presence of Almighty God, we are made to feel"our great- ness in. the _eyes of God - the rightful dignity that God places upon His children. r An example of the contrary is indicated by a missionary from. Japan.He tells of one of the great .temples of that country. 'The -devotion -of the worshipper conside in running around the sacred building one hundred times, dropping a piece'of wood into a• box at each round. When the wearisome exertion. is en- ded the worshipper" goes home tired and with the thought that possibly he has done his god some ser i e. You may think this act of worship is unspeakably silly. Yet is there much difference between running around a tem- ple a certain number of times and the walking to church, sit- ting quietly thro}tg i .the service, and walking back, unless we go with a definite purpose in our hearts to listen reverently and thoughtfully to the voice of God speaking through His Word and through the words of the minister? Are we not often just as foolish and unreasonable as the Japanese" runner? , The Bibles tells us: "Let the. words of my mouth and the meditation of my -heart be ac- ceptable ° in thy 'sight, 0 ,,Jehova,h, nay rock and my redeemer." (Psalms 19: 14) Many hear Laura Collar Mormon pageant this weekend The Mormons' astonishingly spectacular Hill Cumorah Pageant which has awed, thrilled and inspired hundds of thousands of viewers since its inception 37 years ago is being presented July 26 • through August 3, except for Sunday and Monday. • 'Hill Cumorah is four miles south of the 'Finger. Lakes village 'of Palrmiral and two miles 'north of Exit No. '43 on the New. York Thruway in drama of the rise and fall of an ancient American civilazation. As has been the custom since the inception of the Pageant in 1937, there is no, charge for seating or parking, and no com-' mercdalisrp of any kind. • to MORE THAN JUST FACTS • . Canadian Consumer touches all the bases - with background information on current issues western New York,, 25 rniles and practical guidelines for east 'or Rochester. concerned consumers. Watch The Pageant is sponsored by ...for 'tl`ie August issue" on your The Church of Jesus Christ of newsstand and find out -more , Letter -day Saints and, is for- about lead - the hidden„hazard, anally titled "America's Wit- Discover how to go -about ness for Christ •selling your own home and take o'clock, evening at:9 ' pride in the success story of.one. -with Hill Cumorah shrpuded in persistent consumer.. It's` all darkness', 600 young men ander” there - the;, energy problem; women garbed in costumes of nutrition,,. taxes, real. estate.' •'Greek, Roman, Hebraic, Mayan Send $5.00 to CAC National and Aztec design move to'take • Office, 251 Laurier Ave. West, • their placesor(25 stages Spread Room 801, Ottawa, Ontario over the • wide western slop of ' KIP 5Z7 for a one !ear mem-. the Lill and present the epic bership. ' • TIIF,. BIBLE • SY CORNEOUS R. SIAM PRES: BEREAN BIBLE SOCIETY CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 60635 "DEAD' FAITH Nothing in du, Hit'll' clearly opwl,ff11 igr,',il, r , '+.J1h,i,is I.;I'� the -blessed; ,al justification by ;Ita�',� tlni�tttlh. 1,1iti, witlrout.vorl'e Rom; 4:6: -To ho, th,il v,orl.,•111 NOT, bort h('hr'vr'trl his failt(l� tti counted for rlOht„(4i9 n,•,, , ICi�n 2:8,9: "For' Icy grt;'t'Rlr,,' at' �,1�•t ci 'through faith. . It is tlio (oft hf i<i(Xf NQT of works, lostat1� "idu boast:” Tit. 'ri \or worlot ,,f righteousness 'vhrcfi WI hav,' 'don!' but according. to k -lis savt•(f ,p ils , Yet. -James sial'~ his') that "faith if it, luit.h ti,'1'works is' dead, tieing alono' J,1s 2:17!.. H, chaIlenges - profess filo bid i,'e•1s: Show me t by f a 1.10 ' it luntl 11� works,,•a.itd' I `will s -how th,'o f,iith nby Illy w°orks" iVi'r 14.1' dud ` that "by wotks a ni,t,^4f, 1i1,.1tf1,d and not by :faith (ally Since "faith wit Inuit work!; is (Ver. 20). - Sonic have it?ig1 i d d 'i ryl(1t,' tion here.. wh•llr" ,i, tuallti th'r•w is '' clone. There 's `a (lisp itictnfi1 (its tinctiotl, for to• Ra(I li,l(1 !won ,'oi" nutted "the dislli'nsation of th,' tjrace of God." ,Pith :3 11 Elis vvas "thee preacltinrl of th,i orit,s" 11 C or 1:18), offerift soIv,ltion^ ,through fa itI it loran to all who 4uilmild '1" I :. , (..,1 ;1l,0w,t5' ,1f r h;,: f'r.r'11i;"1 t',. ti111S1e.,, 14 .'1', Of CH) ;,-,1 ,3,x1) •,'f tr•f ll,�t ,1 p•.1i,1 n�I''f :,,I, l,}\' I,ttt ,•,lr (lt 11T,'�1 1•,111 ,i If,•,i !, 1;00, �n,�,•d h', Ill' :11;= i vr'c' , 1 .: 1,i,': I�i'•",1tl.f• c ' 1,3 1 : 111r� �lat'I�t �tr'ar, !r.i'I an(1,1 ,',Eli un1:t,' irOOP! ti rots. t15 Tit' fruit Vit lit ars L(.r , acrd, s•it i thoir . Its tiu,'f1 I`. ill ,l •.�•'.'i�'\�et', .1- ' •' �• ' 14., \ , �'tf tC' ri, .,• 1,14 1s 11+,1,1 ,1,','or,1 ,,f t\ old J•12,,,` falti, .,, t'1"'. 1:1IIXI 5. Ur l,, F.,111 ' , t ,,: \a.,,r ,t,',k1 :1,�1 hti ih,', fr,�;t...�l,,, i,�:..1•,.,t'' tr,'lt In(1icat"i 111.11 t'It' r.f,,i It tti,'r,• 1`,1,45 (`,' iSer r11• rrlidr0i5 r1i, „Inc! \'. I!! hilt f.l lt.,t, it- is t«1;1,'.1 i' G xl , Tot' soli', c rf ,t,f t!'a, • 01,• ;1 t.♦ ,� lry,lil.,ir, 1,111'1 WO 111,' r .,,:r'r','r i,' or,s Tp'1til," ibis the, ;uth ai,', : 1 trust t Lor,1 ist Sakim. Ht' wi1i *firs 11',;,vtu to rtrtxiu,' oom fruit p;t ar � • I &. GODERICH SIGWAL S'T R, THURSDAY,. AUGUST 11 1974! --PAG issioury determined toserve again A missionary. whp• was forced to leave. Israel, plans, to return :next October ,to' continue her work among the Christian Arabs there.- Laura Collar, a native of Wingham, last Wednesday ex- plained her work and her plans to an audience .of, about ,65 worne,n at North Street United. Church. The women represen- ted' eight` Christian denominations in the Goderich area. • 'The women heard Miss Collar explain that an exten- sion of her visa to remain in Israej way refilseri a few mon- ths Digo. Authorit'ieA gave her one month tb leavem She was a Baptist missionary in ,Nigeria, Africa, for several years before she went to the Middle East in.1964., She was •working in the part of Jerusalem controped by •Lor• dan when the Six -Day War het. ween Fsraeli5 and Arabs erup- ted' in 1967..• Her lite,was in danger during the battleckfor the city She turd oto 'bullets whistling over,: her head. When the war ended,., Mi . Collar was allowed to return to., A friend from England wrote recently' telling us about stan- ding on a station platform waiting for his' train.. Because the • train was very late in corning he "whiled away, the 'time striding up and down the platform watching signals' arid reading signs and posters and SO on, ' Walking right to the very end of the' platform he noticed a pile .of parcels and packages waiting' to be loaded pn to the train. Addressed t:o various places in the world, 'rria'ny of them were labelled 'Fragile'' or 'This Side Up', Etc. • He said one parcel especially attracted his attention. It was a big. wooden box securely roped and fastened for its destination in `Africa' The label on this box stated its contents clearly, 'B.IBLES _ HANDLE W-ITH PRAYER'. "Think about the significance of that label ih comparison with the usual one :Handle With Care' ....So' often seen on parcels, he said. 'Handle With Care' is a placard that many people hang around their necks,; It implies anxiety, tension strait), and the risk of becoming, , so, •self- invol' ed or, self centred in one's woes that no light • can penetrate the gloom. and shad'ow,s, thrown up. by, problems, , 'Handle With Prayer', however, has'a much better and different ring to it. It promises relief and release from the dif- ficulty, If we, you and I, have a cargo of problems, let us do as this label suggest...handle them wifh .prayer; releasing(,th,em. ut- ter.lr• ,and completely to :'God, secure' in the knowledge that there, is no delay in His love which -Will speed to the very '.centre.of our difficulty. On the subject rof, prayer I. like Rita.Snowden's.prayer for S'etting Out on a Holiday:.. G1VE BL000. 4$AVE LIFE ".0 God, it is good ''to know my holiday has really come. I have been very tired lately,. Somethings I once d.id without a second thought have come to be rather a burden. , a • Now I i''an catch up on4, m`. sleep. Now I won't need to rue at my usual hour. Now I'shall enjoy a change of company. And I give thanks for all these" things. • Let : brie not forget those who -. still work 'about me, some. of ,therri tired too. Let me be con- side'l'ate in accepting their ser- vices. Let me be cheerful and thoughtful frig those on' holiday,; with me.. • Quicken all my senses, that .'new beauties of sight and sound do, not pass, unnoticed. May every still "lake mirror Your pewee;• every lapping wave speak•Yod'r message; every tiny wind minister refreshment.; every star overhead in a velvet black sky spell out Your stead- fastness. So bless our going.put and our coming in. Amen.'' HURONV1EW t'anada, with only the where there is a need for her helortigingsn she could cam'. le„clns. When the confusion of the "Heir return to Israel will be war lifted, 'she 'returned to','.for three months °'as"a °tourist. Jerusalem on her own after the She hopes to get an.extension ° infusion resulting from the'`=serf her visa when whe arrives war had 'CCleareci. there .• - • Whale in • hospital service, Qn her return she plans to N1t.. Collar discovered the lack %tsit .gnat,, Lebanon and Jor- „f good Bible study' aids don. •' av"ailahl.e tet ..children in Another tense political crisis Christian communities. may hamper her: return c+ In response to the need fur however, as she must enter these aids, she began making 'Israel ;through Cyprus. tlannelgraph lessons which she - But Miss Collar is deter - translated into Arabic • mined to .return. .She reflects •tihe prepared these lessdn. in • the spirit that caused the her two -room house in theffAr- Israeli government to issue an nleniari quarter of the tit}. order.to its authorities to sOp'' Netghh« rhood children soon persecuting. Christians. because became interested -in .her ,work =they thrive under persectuion- -and began to help cut, out the an:other.way"w,ill be found. The pict>.d'res. They became so in- order came at the height cif the arrested in the stories of •Jesus. anti-Christian movement in • they began to 'bring their Israel last..October. . friends and mothers -Women attending Miss . Soon, Miss Collar said, she .Collar's talk*. described the didn't have room for them. call .audience as spellbound by her in her small ,patio garden. words. • Christian denominations Among the persons who par - throughout' the Middle East . ticipated in the meeting were heard• of her work and asked Capt. • Grace Heber of the for copies of . the°lessons. She •Salvation Army who read scrip - shared them with Roman tures; Mrs. Lee McCallum of Catholic, Copt; Greek..Orthodox th.e Presbyterian Church, who and several Protestant chur- sang a solo; Mrs. Rolstav, of chess • _ the Free Methodist -Church,' There are 50 lessons in each who led the group in prayer; set '' of stories from • the Old . Ruth Gower•, Gladys 121ut.chins Testament, the life of .Jesus and and Connie ''McVi;,cOr, of 'the the • Parables of Jesus. Miss Pentecostal Church, who sang; Collar.has just finished' a set of , Mrs. Stewart and her daughter the Acts. of ,the -Apostles. Carol, from North • Street :Since her, return 'to Canada, . United Church, who perfo'rmed, she has continued to prepare a piano duet; Bea Campbell, of the lessons to complete r.rders the Baptist Church, who already received'. Roman thanked the speaker; Miss Catholic nuns are distrubuling ':Helen, McCarthy and. M•rs.• her work in Israel and the Dykstra, of theRoman Catholic Gaza Strip. . , Church, who collected the of - Miss Collar hopes to reach : fertng; and Mrs, A. Fuller, of, Christian groups. in 'all the the Anglican:•Church, who said Mediterranean Arab countries the closing prayer. • TIIfS:fFARFELL You th(ru,itfe t walk thi0u$A,Ik.: volitY , ,.r the sh l5rew t14;lear i 1" shalt her $ <e,i r.tr rhteu r rt writ, 4se • -23r4 Nam S.H. wILLINGS She was .' born in a Newberrytown, Pennsyi.vania, ,Benjamin H• Willings, 21+2 Elizabeth Street, died in;; Alexandra Marine .and General a Hospital* Monday, '.tul:,i 22 following a brief illn.ess. He was 92. ' The son of, Wm. 'and Rose: „,VG'illingti, he was b9rn Novern• l r' 27, 1881 in Stourbridge,', England: He lived in Toronto, London and• Port Elgin before corning to Goderich 11 years ago. He .was, a, member of Knox, ` Presbyterian Church and of Maitland Lodge: 33 A.F: ' and AM:. Surviving are his wife, the former Ruth ♦Thompson whom he ,married in Goderich June 27, , 191 one son, .Harland, . Willings of ,Toronto; and one grandchild.".. Funeral .service was Thur-" .sdav, .July 25 at McCallum Funeral Honie with Rev: G.L. Royal and Rev. Douglas Madge officiating. • Interment 4. was in Maitland, Cemetery. Pallbearers' 'were Elwin Rutledge,,St: Petersburg, Florida; Donald Young, Far- mington, Michigan; and Arnold ' Young, Gerald Fisher,, Beri Graham and .Claude Kalb- fleisch, all of Goderich. Maitland Lodge No. 33 A,F.. &' AfM,. held a',seryi•ce Wed- nesday evening at the funeral home. t MRS. MARY STANSFIELD Mrs, . Mary Stansfield. Detroit, Michigan, died .July 21 in Alexandra 'Marine and General -Hospital. She was, 88 and passed away suddenly af. ter becoming ill 'while on vacation. 0 USA on February 28, x$86 to patents Charles Edward. 'and ;Ellen (Beshore) Bair. She was the widow, of Robert, Stansfield and had been a piano and vocal teacher during: her lifetime. She . Was a member of the Church of God. ro Surviving is her son, Geprge Grenier of Detroit; Michigan. Funeral service was Satur- day, July 27 in New Cum- berland, Pennsylvania, with Rev. Jack Cock of the ..Church of : God officiating. Interment was in Paddletown Ceitietery, Newb'errvtown, Pennsylvania. Funeral arrangements were made by Stiles Funeral Home. a• Bob McCALLUM. Representative '11 Cambria Rd., Goderich The family'that praystogether..,.Stays together Marie, Flynn, Lorne Lawson, Norman. Spier -and. .Jerry • , Collins provided .the old tim-e -tt usic for Monday's activities, w lh•Debbie and Earl Flynn en- • „ tertaining during the'inter- ' mission, •New resi,de'nts welcomed to• th'e ,.home' in- cluded, Mrs. Henderson; •Mrs. Datars and • Arthur Henry. Volunteers for the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dale. The Ktngshridge Woman's `Institute were ,hosts for the July Birthday Party on Wec'- nesday afternoon. Thirty-three celebrants received gifts.' • following the program and 1:. 0 ,• residents and guests enjoyed a social half hour 'with, lemonade and cookies served by the ladies. Mrs. Clem Steffler was emcee for' the program which included a vocal trio- by •.Luille; Donna and Margaret ,Fra5'ne and solos by Dianne •Van lay: and Irish 'jig by 'Mary -Jo Sreffler and' .Joanne , Crawford; Highland. 'Fling by Lisa Fravne: readings 15 byFather Karl and a sing -a- long by Mrs. Sterner. Tom Herman, who Celebrated his 90th birthday on Wednesday, thanked .„'the ' in- stitute 'on, behalf :of the residents. ' Everyone at the Home was able to enjoy the. (,'.Linton: Legion Pipe Band-pn "Family Night" on. the front lawn. BE A+ BLOOD DONOR LOWERINTERtST RATES. Now Available'on - IST AND 2ND MORToAGES Anywhere in Ontario , .n RESIDENTIAL "COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL and,FARM PROPERTIES N . Interim Flnancin0' For New Construction & Land Deveiopnient ' For Representatives in Your Area. Phone SAFEWAY, INVESTMENT'S AND // CONSULTANTS L1MII'ED (519) 744.6535 Collect , :'c•.Head•• 'ONice 56 Weber St: E. Kitchege Ont. gr, `Mortgage , aa �.....•We Buy Exlstjn s for'Instint Cash-- a fantastic film, being .Shown Sunday Aug. 4 8 P./0. Hu°ronMen's(hape AUBURN ''Evil Prevails When Good Mende, Nothing" LUTHERAN SERViCES. '". Robertson Memorial Schoo! �• (BLAKE AND ELDON STREETS, GODERICH) SUNDAY, AUGUST 4,- 1974 Sunday School for all' ages 9:30 A.M. r~ . ' tl Divine Worship. 11:00 A.M. • Sermon:°`'WHAT THE -CHURCH NEEDS' NOW" ' Marvin L Bari, Pastor 22 Suncoast Dr. W. 524-2235. "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of•all" Acts 10936 'THE; SALVATION ARMY' 18 WATERLOO ST. S , 524-9341 SUNDAY SCHOOL — 9:45 A.M. FAMILY. WORSHIP 1i:'dO A.M'•. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE 6:30 HARBOUR PARK , WEEKDAY Home League (ladies) Wed:: 8:00 p.m• Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. •7:`3Q p.m. OFFICERS - CAPTAIN G. HERBER -, CAPTAIN M.. McKENZIE 'All Are Cordially "Invited to Attend" ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY; AUGUST 4,' 1974 '8TH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY Holy Communion. at 8:36 p.m. Holy Communion and Sermon at The Rev. Wm.. ,Craven at both services . Nursery at 10 a.m. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME Rector: Canon G.G. Russell, B.A., B.D, Choirmaster -Organist: Joseph 13, Herdman h FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario' and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. V(f.H. McWHINNIE F,R.G.$. Organist: Mr: Frank Bissett' 9:454 a.m.—Sunday School 11:00 atm Morning 'Worship COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ALL ARE,,WELGOME Thi Frq, MethOdist Church Park St. at Victoria Pastor=:''H. Ross Nicholls - 1 A:00 atm. .Sunday School • 11:00 a.m. Topic '("MY Neglected Vineyard") Evening Service . - cancelled uptt August 25 ' Annual Bible Camp - Aug. 4-11, Tham.estord, Ont. Anyone needing bus transportation phone 524=9903 ,Everyone Welcome .. • CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC --' FUNDAMENTAL REV: R. BRUBACHER, Pastor 1000 a.m. BIBLE SCHQOL.FOR' ALS AGES For free bus transportation plealse call 524=9497 , - : 11:00=a:m. Pr'eaching Service.. - - - SERMON:, "HOWTO LEAD A SOUL TO CHRIST" c. 7:30 p.m. Evening '•Service • Wed. 8 .I?,M. PRAYER MEETING' d• Guest Spetbker: REV., H. AUSTIN MISSIQ.NARY FROM BRAZIL,` WITH .TH,E NEW TRIES MISSION Every Visitor is an Honoured Guest „a Knox Presbyterian Church THE, REV. 4. LOCK 'ART ROYAL, • B.A. -Minister • VE -REV, RONALD C. McCA1.LUM, Assistant WILLIAM M. CAMERON,',Director of Praise SUNDAY, AUGUST 4; 1974 Summar ''Schedule r, , Enter ° Service ..i?s at 10:00 A.M. Sermon: ".WHAT IS GOD?” (Nursery Facilities) Fellowship and retreshments after service On the front 'h �law Vacation Bible School, July 29 `to August 2; t4 Worship ° j Depart to Servo P .7, • "Don't just watch us grow, Come and help us grow." Bethel Penjecostal Tabernacle, Affiliated with -the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS° REV. PETER G. S'r. DON, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, -1974 10:00 a.m.- SUNDAY SCHOOL Free . Bus Transportation 11:00 a:m.—M1 RNING SERVICE { 7:00 p.m.—EVENING SERVICE Thurs. Children's Hour 78 p.m. every Thursday. Friday '7:30 -p.m.—Youth Service Are You,' °Reading' • The , uates? r� • r�We first make our habits, and then our habits make us." For furter •intormat•iott about church services call 524-8506. , 'HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP' REV. LEONARD WARR ;1:15 •A,M. -`Worship service Sermon: ".CHRISTIAN BONUSES" Mrs. J. -;Snider, .'Organist.&Choir Director Yr North Street United -Church, The Rev. Ralph E,King, B.A., B.D., Minister , Miss Clare McGOwan, - Visiting' Assistant Mr. Lorne H. Dotterer - Director of Music SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1974 ° Worship et 10;00 e.ra. Serrliion: "A WINSOME, FAITH" Nursery F"acilttie$ and Junlpr Church (3.8 year "old!). (coffee -will bs served following thgt, , service) Come end WiirEhip With us: kg, • r• •