HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-01, Page 26PAGI
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A very pretty wedding took
place in St. Joseph's Roman
Catholic • aCh:uih ' at
Kingsbridge on Saturday after-
'(`moon, -Jul~ ''11 when Reverend
Father E' ,Dentinger; CJR.;
united',in marriage Miss Lynn •
Austin, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Vincent Austin and Larry
Million,, son . of Mr. and Mrs.,
William Million''of Goderich..
The bride was given in
marriage by ,her parents Vin- '
cent' and !dell Austih. Maid`of
honer was Miss Marilyn Jeffery
and attendant:~ were Misses
Bethany Austin, Bonnie
Mugford; ,Michele Austin, Mrs.
Audrey (Austin) Durnin and
_Miss Wanda Million. The at-
tendants looked lovely dressed
in pretty .pastel colors. •
The best man was Jim Dur,
nin and the groom's attendants
were Michael ' Ma'cCuspey,
Kevin Austin, Jim, Million, Ron
Durnin and ` Tuve Million.
Flowers were ,.carried by Lisa
and Darrell Durnin and Julie
• and David Moller. Ringbearers
were Shawn Durnin and Dale
Million. Ushers were. Barry and
Marlowe Austin.'
The wedding music was
played by Miss Denise Dalton
and the soloists were 'Ann
Dalton and Mary VanRooy.
• Following their marriage,
dinner was "served to' the
relatives and friends in the
`Saltford 'Valley Half An open
"reception followed.. Following
their honeymoon Mr. and Mrs.
Larry Million' will make their
home at `?02 Cameron Street in
. A large crow#d attended 'the
• 'wedding rAception for Mr. and
Mrs: -Desmond -Courtney (nee
Linda Halley) at the Lucknow
'Arena ori .Saturday evening,:
July 27.
Relatives returned from the
United States and many
Canadian cities for the
' weekend to 1 attend the
MacMillan, Reunion at the
Legion , Hall in 'Lucknow on
Saturday,,,Ittly 27. Beginning at
2 p.rn. there was Scotch
totainment and lunch. Mass' was
Celebrated by Reverend:Father
Michael •Daltim of Courtland
followed with innsical numbers
• , by ,Kingsbridge talent Eugene
and Marianne F Layne, HH.
Raymond Dalton, rand his sister
•Sister.,Maureen (Helen Dalton)
of Marian. Villa in London, for -a'
merle' of Kingsbridge as well.as
other entertainniencThis was
followed by dinfr' r- and dart -
Several from this area atten-
ded the reception for Mr. and
Mrs. Jim MacKenzie held in
the Ripley 'High School., on "
Friday, July 26.
Mrs. Rick VanVeep of
Holland is spending 1,5 dais
vacation with her 'sister and
brother-in-law, Mr.- and Mrs.
John VaitRooy Liner -fanny and;.
with her brother Mr. William
VanDyke, Mrs V.anDvke and
.family. •
Gary Courtney, and friend
Douwe Wilts, of RR 1,• Awburn'
returned to their homes here
after spending three and a half
weeks visiting in the Western
Provinces. They attended the
Calgary, Stampede and were
surprised to, see so many
familiar faces 'and friends, from
back 'home. •
Mrs JpeCAitileq 529 7189
home of her 'parents, Mr.. and
Mrs. Fred Vassella.
Several ladies from this area
attended the bridal shower for
Miss "Marie ,Farris.h, daughter
of Mr. and Mr»..Jack Farrish
on Tuesday evening; .July 23
held in the, Nprth. Astrfield
• Public School. Marie received
many lovely .and, useful gifts.
She will be married ,,to .Jdhn
Hoy, son of Mr: and Mrs.
William Hoy•. of G'o.derich on
Satday, August :3 at the
Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle,
Goderich, •
Desmond O'Donnell was a
patient in' rhe Alexandra
Marine and General Hospital
in Goderich having been admit-
. ted, on Sunday, .July 21 to
Saturd.ay for tests..
Joe McIntyre who was
hospitalized in the 'Kincardine
'General Hospital has been
released and is convalescing at
his home here. , , y'
Miss Lizzette VanDiepenbeek
was admitted to the Wingham
and' District General Hospital
on Tuesday, July 23. -
:Frank Austin, visited with
Frank ' Moran, Leo `Moerbeck,
Morgan Dalton -and Roy Maize,
• all residents at ,'H.uronview, , in
•LeO Clare Pf Montreal and Eric Courtney, son, of Mr.
Mr. and „,-Mrs. •.Edwin King 'and Mrs. Joe Courtney who has
(Mary Clare)•Pflunndon visited been hOspitalized in- St.
on the ,weekend with Mr. and., Joseph's Hospital in London
Mrs. Walter Clare and Mary for six dayS was released on
Luanne and attended the* Tuesday, July, 23.
MacMillan reunion held in the John Paul Austin, son of Mr. ;
Lucknow Legion Hall on Satur- and Mrs: Wilfred .ALqitin was'
. day. • • treated at the emergency of the
Mrs. Patricia' (Lannan) Goderich. Alexandra Marine
Depew of 'Garden._ City, - and General Hospital on Sup -
Michigan and -Mrs. 1Vlary (Lan- July' 28;
nan) Fucik of Detroit and Mr. John VanRas. and AntOne
Lannan of London who is VanRossum of Holland dr6
spending. a month's,- vacation , spending, a ,month's,,Vacatio.n
relativeS and friends in • with thelformer's aunt and un-.
this, area spent the weekend' cle, . and, Mrs. Jack
with Mrs. Bernardine Kinney: VanOsch.. Mr:, and ,Mrs,„ Harry
Mr, and Mrs..Edwin ThomPson•- Gielen of Crediton ,her
,of St. ,Clair Shores, Mjchigan )3rother and sister-in-law; .Mr.
visited with • Mrs." Kinney • on
aturday.. and -.attended the .
MacMillan Reuni.on in
and Mrs„ Gary 'Campbell. and
farnily. of Skidway 'Lake,
and Mrs. Jack yanOsch of
Holland visited last Monday
with their aunt and untie, Mr.
and MrS.* Jack VanOsch and
the VanOsch relatives in
Mts. Dorothy Moore of
Marine gity; Michigan and her
daughters Mrs. Henry. Brace
of Flint, Michigan; Morrine. (Marjrie Moore) of Florida;
and Pam 'Moody 6f Bircb Run, Mrs. Fred Adanis ,(Karen
Michigan and Mr. Eind Mrs; Moore). of Royal 'Oak,'
Michael Penich and' family of Michigan; and Mi"s. Kevin Or -
Bothwell visited with Mr. and nerod (Janet Moore) of Ridh-
Mr:i. Vincent Austin 'on *the :mond,. Michigan. are sperviing
weekend and attended the „,holidays :With the, former's
Million; - Austin wedding. hrother *Mr. Michael. O'l•leill
Mr. and Mrs,. Delmar Maize. 'and the O'Neill -families.
of Union011e, Ontario have. few days viSiting wifilfrieilds in
spent two weeks vacation at the London; Ontario.
William P. Long of Dear: -
borne,' Michigan and formerly
of Kingsbridge died in a Pear -
borne hospital on Sunday, July
28. Mr. Long vva,s bPrn
November 1889 and was in his*
.75th year. His funerAl was
Wednesday, ,luly :3Ist in Dear-.
Reverend Father Michael
Dalton of Courtland and Sister
Maureen (Helen Dalton) of
London visited on the weekend
with their. brother, Mr.
Rayinond Dalton and the -
Palton relatives.
•Tests were held this past
week for the July swimming
classes at. the Lucknow and.
District Swimming Pool.
Congratulations . to all who
passed %;vith special
catigratulations to Miss Mary
' Ann Miltenburg, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. ReiS^;,NMiltenbuig
who passed the Bronze Red
Cross Tests.
Members of the Kingsbridge
Catholic Women's League,with
'members of the Youth plub
ahd Nther Carl .Voll visited
Huronview last Wednesday,
July 24 and supplied a variety
concert for all the residents and
particularly those patients who •
had a birthday in the. month of
Mrs, Clem Sterner Was the.
folloWing program which in -
"'eluded so•ngs by Margaret
Lucille and Donria'Frayne and
Diane VanRooy accompanied
bY Lucille Frayne; Irish dance
by Mary Jo Steffler, and Joanne
da b Li
Frayne; 'and reading by
Brother Carl 'Von. .
was led bv the girls and accom-
'panted by MN. Mary Clare.
.-Hel,pers wve Mrs. Rita
*and ,Mary Luanne -Clare.' Mrs.
Marie Austin and Flank Atistin
,trIso attended. -
Mrs. Rita HPward, President
of the 'Calliolic Women's
League presented birthday gifts
to 32 members. of Huronview
who celebrated birthday's in the
month of July. Fancy cup cakes
and fruit juice were served to'
all present.
4-1I lenders'
training schools
. upcoming
Agriculture and Food is again
sponsoring 4-H komemaking-
Clubs in Huron County. The
project for the fall is' '7.he Club
Girl :Entertains-. This cluVis
designed to help .club members
gain'confidence in the practice
toafinignigm.ple, gracious 'enter-
' Miss Jane Pengilley, Home
E,conomist for Huron County,
.• Training Schools for Central
Huron on Thursday and ,
Friday, August 15 and 16 at .
Blyth United Church, Blyth,•
and for the...Clinton area on
Thursday and Friday, August
o 22 and 23 at. Wesley -Willis,
Uffited Church, Clinton.
' If you have a daukhter Who
will be 12, by September l',
• 1974,, and you are not familiar
with ,a 4-H .1-fomernaking Club.
in your area, please contact the t
Ontario'Ministry of Agriculture
.and Food -at 482-3428..
For vinyl tops e" convertible-19ps „car upholstiory
CALL -524-2136
Samuel Sheard'own, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Murr'ay ,Sheardown,
58 St.' Andrew Street,
Goderich, graduated recently
from Conestoga College,With a
diploma in Mechanical
Technology. Mr. Shear'down
school and Goderigh, District
Collegiate Institute. He `has ac-
cepted a position ,with Allan
Bradley Ltd. of Cambridge. 4
Mr. and Mr's: Tom Wallace
of Toronto celebrated their
25th' wedding anniversary on
Saturday, July 20, at'the home
of their daughter and son-in-
law Euriel and Mike Pope, 205
Elizabeth Street. Some of the
guests -fro onto were ,their
twO sons ',arid Scott, Mrs.
Luanne Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Irving, MrI and Mrs.
Gil Carlson and son Jim and
Mr. and Mrs. William Helesic,
and a special friend .„of the
family from. England, Walter
ern .carmon Oiiolograti y
, 524-7924 .._PASSPCORTS
larsie =1NEDPINGS".
—PORTRAITS children
COMMERCIAL— industrial
—POSTCARDS— brochures
, FRAMING— needlework
1 'A miles souDth of Grc.rrid Bend
The strike against Union
%G4s. Limited by 1,100.operatiq an
clerical workers ig-over. '-
Your co-operation 'during -
our recent emergency OFriod is °
greaily appreciated, ---
We realize that this strike
has, since,:February,6, caused
many.of our cpstOmers. regrettable
foryour understandifig and
We'rc sorry we "were unable
to respond to service calls.
With the sfrike, we. N:cei-e
able -to handle only emergencies and
• concentrate on keeping .0s. flowing
to oui 380,000 customers ,across
southwestern Ontario. ,
Now there is a great dea
cafching up to do and many del:ayed
4: projects to be 'completed.
And it pay be a while until ,
,everythin`g is miming smOothly
again. Sp we must ask for just a.
little more patience and under -
Again, thank you, Very
asket of -Fragrance u deSC:10'gne
Archie Battieis
4 The Square' Latrilieck, OHM B.