HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-01, Page 25• Award ,tyinnar The Goderich Signal -Star Placed secOnd for the best editorial page in -weekly newspapers across Canada withsa circglation of 2,500 to 3,599. The"certificate %vas presenfted at the cham- pagne breakfast last Friday in Toronto by Ernest Neufeld of the Weyburn Review in WeybUrn, Saskatchewan.who is an officer of the Canadian Community Newspapers'AssoCiatio,n., tou Mrs: Craft Show soon Ripley Ontario will be a busy-. Spot on the' weekend of August will be the biggest Arts and rafts' show of the area, twith over one hundred crafterA and, antique dealers displaying and selling their wares. . Food will be plentiful at the continuOuS buffet and the out- side booths. Home baking, preserves:and garden produce will be in good supply::Sunday afternoon is the Lions Club Beef Barbegne. To name a 'few of the craft'S that will be available are knit: ting, crocheting,. qyilting, rugs, china painting. Oil • painfing, • leather craft, driftwood; novelties, weaving, pottery, jewellery, plaques, chair " caning, pruce County tarta&., dolls, "cdiicile§, resin gifts, plants, toys and a whole room of books, There. will .,be continuous „cake -decorating. If you have a special occasion in mind, have a cake .done specially for you, while you. wait. GODERICII-SIGNAL $TAR, `IHVR§DAY, AU IJST.1, 1974 --PATE` 9A: SUGAR 'Me SHCE hy81(ISMIIEY Last week, faithful readers, if there are any left, followed the enthralling, if not appalling, ac- count of my meteoric career in t• he financial world. , I had suggested that I felt l „was being caught in the middle of . a great ' financial squeeze when someone offered. to buy Me. Peel -Elder stock at $13' a share. I smelled something peculiar and promised I'd try to get to the bottom of it. I haven't, but I hate to part "with those twenty-five shares of Peel -Elder. I4ve had them as long as I've had my wife. ' They are all that's left of my second and final savage attack on the stock 'Market. My ,first was rather deflating, as 'I 'men- tioned last week. But the second time around, • I •°didn't take any chances. It was only when a trusted stock- broker told me Eldridge Mines was going tp be the hottest thing on the market, that I c• arefully bought 1,000 shares. They cost me $330, The broker was a former prisoner -of -war, so could be trusted implicitly. The stock held firm, went up about five cents a share in a week, and this time there. ac- tually' was a producing gold ,.mine. I reckoned, I was . in Biscuit City, as we say in these •parts. • w What nobody told die was - of .bullion in -the process. that there was more money in . And here's something else gravel than there was in gold, that puziles me. After thirty- Drop nantes TranSportation and Com- munications Minister John R. Rhodes,: has announced that „ owners of small trucks are no longer required to have. their -names printed on the side of The amendment to ,the —Regulations.. -of Ontario—made. under The Highway Traffic Act became' effective. July. 2k, 1974. . The amendment exempts all „.,commercial motor vehicles having a gross weight of not more than 18,000 pounds, in, addition to motorized mobile homes and trucks fitted' with camper uriits which were exem- pted' uncle? 13., ;previous Ttie neW regulation is the result of increased poinilarity • in the use of small copmercial :motor, vehicles ' a means, of private transportation. Brad Elizabeth •, Chat:Maine Moore, daughler ot Mr. and Mrs. Eric Moore, RR 4,- Goderich, graduated recently frobrn the Nightingale School of Nursing in Toronto a's a Registered: Nurse. She has accepted A .position with the Toronto Genera! Hospital: • received her certificate in Library Arts recently at Spring conv_ocation ceremonies -at In Toronto. Miss Potzel, who is the daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Hans Potzel of 145 °Wilson more than 1,400 gr0Aduates who received degrees, diplomas an.d certificates' duying•. three days of ceremonie,s, A total of 304 degrees were Awarded at the Institut8's largst degree, - granting convocation since it was empowered( by the Ontario to grant Bayhelor . of Applied Arts begrges. - BE A BLOOD 111 rne that, as a loyal shareholder, I ,could have two Shares- for every one t had. ' rerr ember the details. Ithink. you had to • be a white .Anglican with some teeth missing, a bad -back, ,OKI, no more or less than 'two Children, neither, of_ them self-supporting. Something -like that. Anyway, I qualified. , That's how I wound up with 25 shares of Peel -Elder. Apd now along comes an impressive brochure from an outfit called Harnbro Canada Limited with an offer..to buy at $13 a share, In February and,March I coyild have •sold for about $14. Hambro ,s a Canadian af- filiate of Hambros°Ltd.; a Lon- don, . E,ngland, based inter- national merchant banker; with a good many fingers• in a good many. pies. " • .Hambro Canada Ltd. already owns almost 50 percent Of Peel -Elder, but wants to buy. the rest. ' Most of,,the directors and of- ficers of Peel -Elder are -"also directors or officers of Hambro Canada Limited: 6 Are .you confused? Me too.° It's pretty obviously a takeover of an established.Canadian Cor- poration by a British-based cor- poration; with, .somebOdy probably about to make a pot • odd years of watching Peel - Elder grow •Trorn a sickly little gold mine into a husky cor- i tion, and watching share of the cake dirniatchinnishe frommy a small wedge to a ;crumb, -1 suddenly ';get two whacking great' dividend cheques from Peel -Elder. One for $2.94, the other. for $i.b0. Wouldn't you be.'wary when you'd not received a dividend for three decades and suddenly got two in one r>Fail?' . The offer to buy rne out, from Hambro Canada Ltd., states, rather ' sternly_ that ,the offer will expire July -23rd. ' If I accept the offer, I will receive $325. The stock cost me - $3.30 thirty years ago. And Tr.,udeau would probably want a capital .gains tax if I sold. • Well, .tihere+we are. I started out in a quandary and I've en- ded in a quagmire. I wish I'd put that original $330 into,'a couple ,of beach lots which would now be worth $20,000. I ;wish I'd gone into pig farming. .1 wish I could win a sweep- stake. However, that's the way it ' goes with us chaps who play the market.,We accept the fact that • we're compulsive gamblers and take our losses with a • stiff lower lip. -But I won't sell that stock. Let them fight it put, the cor- porate bums,, ° Pork growers plan to name hostess -The Huron County Pork . Producers Associations has em- barked on an ambitious , „ promotion program in the county. , This year will see a repeat of the 'Pork Hostess Contest. All girls in the age group frodi 16 'to 25: are eligible to ;compete regardless if they come from farm or town. The first three finalists will receive prizes of respectively $75, $50 and $25, With the winner to go to the CNE for the All Ontario Con- test where the -first prize is • Patrick O'Neill c/I ��RR 3 GODERICM 529 .�/612 W 529.1505 04/Trucking a •Backhoe -.pos:t Yale Auger *Landscaping *Excavating DO'YOUI NEED A WATER VVEitni- DAVIDSON WELL DRILLING LIMITED OFFERS YOU- -, 73 years Of successfui water, development - ,,The most modern, fast ,equipment available 7, Highly trained ;personnel - Fast .serviae and free estimates • PUT EXPERIENCE TO WORK FOR YOU! DAVIDON ."ONTARIO'S,FINEST WATER WELLS SINCE 1900" WRITE•BOX 486, 'VVINGHAS11 - OR PHONE 357;1960. . A -pork cooking demon- stration Will be featured at the Zunich .Bean Festival white some event at the Blyth TreSher 'Reunion is being developed. Free pork recipes are - distributed "throughout the contity in most storeS. Any store not contacted and who ,,wishes recipes for thei.r customers can obtaiyi them" . from . the, County Pork Association. . • 112 THE SQUARE GODERICH "Huron Camera Centre" 4300. . Len McGregor of OMAF and the .sounty Secretary Lloyd -,, Stewart of Clinton as well as, the . township director§ 'may ,I -ye contacted to enter or to- giv.e More particulars.. Pork' Barbedue will be held 'at Seaforth where -the HOstess contest winners will 'be ,selec- tax!. This 'year's,. barbecue is. ex-. pected to draw .'over 2,000 : visitors. Help' 9our. - Heart... Help 9our Heart kind eCHOOLHOUaE ton Highway 21 `,"JULY HOURS THURSDAY THRU MONDAY 12 NOON To 615.M. Dutch choir heard Knox Church 'The Christian Mixed Chbir Soncabile; from Apeldoorn, :Holland, presented a concert at Knox Prespyterian.Church last The choir, ..13„ecame- well known in Holland in a short time.. It sings regularly for N Dutch radio Stations arid next month will perform on The :choir also makes certgebOuw •in Amsterdam on invitation four times in the. last year. Leader of the ,choir, .Jaap Jan Hunze, studied solO at ,the, City Conservatory in Arnhem under WELCONIt SERVICE would like to 'call you with "houseWarming." gifts" -ahd in- formation about.your new location..Yhe Hostess' will be ° glad to,, arrange your -subscrip, tion to the Ognal-Star Winter warm.. Otto Catiperus, ,soloist of the • Wiener Opera. He finished his studies with one (if Eurbpe's most famous bass -singers, Revelli, in The tiague. As Soloist, Mr. Honze per- - forrns regularIA, for- radio and tele4sion:;'The ;6,horiC he directs is accomPanie:(1 by an organist, A pianist and 'a brass quartet. They. perform 'mostly sacred and classical music. °KEEP IN THE SWIM WITH a WATER SAFETY Imagine the latest -in fashion and if 10% savings. After our August Coat Event, the next time you will be, ablp to buy these coats ,at a saving Will, be January. You'll save iNns„, January "IF" the coat yoO•really waat still in stoc.k and in your size. Get .the coat YoU WANT now and enjoy it Fall, Winter and early Spri Stay.,where you're to, till I see's where you're at. If you want. NeWfie products' Come tg 'Where VILLAGEITORE RR 4, -060ERICH (SALTFORI)) iandOiscuits,:011 meal Salt Poik, etc. s. some good! shiiwing many IONS " in aituits sportswear • • GODEFOCH 01411,FRIDAY NIGHT 111`4 THE SQUARE ' GOI;)ERICH •