HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-01, Page 11• 4, 1. r,. GODERICH SIGNAM.S 'AE, THURSDAY, AUQUST 1, '1974 -PA. A• WI. a ' ' , and lunch and' all whop „had Tiger Dunlop•Women's In-„ taken part this 'evening. . stitute held their July meeting There will not be a meeting °- in the Carlow:Hall, Wednesday in August and the next meeting evening. The meeting opened , will be the fourth Wednesday with Mrs. EricReaburn, in September, September 25 at president, in the chair and Mrs. 8:00 p.m. Any ladies interested. Robert Beant the piano. . in the Institute and the com- Roll "call, ow to Keep munity are urged to attend and Cool" was veered by 20 wartn'ly welcomed.. members and there were two, visitors. _ RECREATION COMMITTEE • The 4;H Project for the fall Colborne Township was announced "The Club Girl Recreation committee report " Entertains" and' leaders and. . swimming lessons start in assistant leaders were remin. Goderich • this Thursday, ded of the training schools for August 1. Plans. have been, this area - B1'ytF, Thursday and , finalized and the children are Friday, August 1. and 16 in looking' forward to an• in - Blyth United Church or Clin- • teresting molth'"of swimming. .ton, •Thursday and Friday,' Softball ,is ,in full swing and August 22 and 23, in Wesley- the order of the day. Games for Willis United Church. 1 this coming week which have The Women4 Institutes have been scheduled are Thursday, "' " a LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES " been urged - to participate in. August 1, young girls and boys . display of crafts by sending play one game at Benmiller quilt blocks. Mrs. Robert Bean and two games at Colborne donated and sent a° beautiful School at 7 p.m. and'krindley quilt block, "Maple Leaf . Transport play under the lights Design" to the Erland Lee at Benmiller; Tuesday, August • Home and Mrs. Morgan King_ 6,. girls 13-16 play at Benmiller, donated an attractive quilt one, game at 7 p.m. and one, block "Trillium Design" to be game at 9 p.m.; Wednesday, sent to Ontario Science Centre, ' A igust, 7, boys, 1.2-15 play a A special thanks was voiced to " double header at Benmiller, these ladies for their interest ` and special efforts. ATTEND GRADUATION • .Tiger Dunlop Institute has Mr. and' Mrs. Eric Moore recently supplied new drapes and Mrs, Bessie Moore atten- for the Carlow Hall which has ded graduation exercises in been redecorated. After some Con'ocatio.n Hall Toronto, discussion it was agreed to bur- • Friday, July 26 for their chase a, large °oil painting - for daughter and grand -daughter,, the front wall in the Carlow Elizabeth Charmaine -Moore Hall from Jack McLaren of -from Nightingale School of Benmiller. Nursing. Miss Moore will be. For Home and Country is the Instl'tute's Motto and much .in - taking a position at Toronto General Hospital in September. terest was expressed. by the Mrs. Myrtle Hicks of Detroit members in the recent fire at and Mr, Marvin Fulford of Pit - the Carlow . store. It was tsburg visited .with•Miss Helen unanimoi7sly ,agreed that, to' Fulford recently. . 'Show concern .in a.. more : Mrs: 'Ruth • Gunton, and son tangible way. . • Garry of Simcoe visited with Mrs. Eric' Reakurn. showed Mr. and Mrs. Fred Battersby, interesting and colorful slides Mr. and Mrs..Higgerson and of •her trip to the West Coast in Mr,' and Mrs. Rus Batten. of May. >. ' Sunset Beach Road the. past A special feature "of the _ in - w teresting meeting was• a salad demonstration arranged by . Mrs. Charles Mitchell of the • lunch committee for the month and put on" by , Mrs. Murray Sheardown and Mrs. Harry F.ritzley. "A delicious shrimp salad, b Lana Ertl pineai('pp1 salad tokether' with appetizing_ Whip Cream, ,Muffins was demonstrated.by these ladies and served with a a cup of tea at the close of the meeting in 'a social half•hour together. Mrs. R. Buchanan moved a vote of 'thanks to'the ladies for their splendid demonstration • troa week. Mr. and Mrs: James Arnold and children visited" with *the former's . mother, Mrs. Fred Battersby and Mr._' Battersby .'last week. Skaters' draw .winner named �. Industria l • farm • Factory Plain or safety toe. Choice of seven sole m@tenials. SHOi'SIHOP- 142 The '.Square ,Goderich, Ont, - ti1T. Sumrnerfest '74 was not con- fined to activities of "the season: The Goderich Figure Skating. Club sponsored a booth in the outdoor-. celebration and en, joyed the success they hoped for. Tickets for a • draw for a'quilt 5 MR. AND MRS. R.W. TRUSTY L NGE BU East toast trip Victoria . Str et 'United Church, Goderich, was the set- ting for the late afternoon wed- ding of Janet Marie Williams and Robert Walter Trusty on July 6 with Reverend'Leonard Warr officiating. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams, Goderich; and.t M1-. and Mrs: .Walter Trusty of •Owen Owen Sound are the "groom's parents. Music was provided by Mrs.: J. A. Snider, organist, and M'rs. Mable Gray, violinist, with duets, "Wedding Prayer," and "The Lord's My Shepherd,"- sung hepherd,"..sung by Mrs. L Warr and Mrs. R..Sigurdsona all of Goderich. Given in rnarri lie by her father, the bride wore a long- sleeved, snow white'' gown of nylon knit crepe, with chapel train. Bands at neck; cuffs and' empire waistline 'were' edged with lace and decorated with hand -applied ti'ny,pearls. A fingertip veil of 'pure silk illusion. with lace trim mat-; ching, that on the dress, was at- tached to a headpiece of lace and pearl. She' also wore a gold bracelet belonging) to her maternal grandmother, and tarried" an arm bouquet of white daisies with yellow..roses. and .fern. • Mrs. James Phillips,a ' Sebringville, was. matron of honor, and bridesmaids were Mrs. -Bryan Feagan of Ottawa, aunt of'• the bride, and Miss Elaine La Croix of •Owen Sound. • , • -All three wore long full gowns'.of mesg green polyester satin with short puffy "s-leeves:. They wore pale yellow hats with moss green streamers and yellow and green trim matching. that on the empire waistlines of their dresses, also gold• pen- dants -with jade stones, crafted by .the bride's father. Their flowers ' were identical rm - 9. THIS WEEK'S bouquets of yellow and white - daisies, baby's breath and fern, with yellow bows and" streamers. - Hostesses, Miss Pam, King and Miss . Patricia Willert of Goderich wore. floral gowns of green and pink, respectively, with harmonizing corsages of ' roses. Best• man ;was William A. Barfoot of -Owen Sound. Michael Michael Yates of London and David Williams, cousin of the bride; of Goderich, ushered the guests. A reception was held in the church hall with Mrs, Williams receiving her guests, wearing a long sleeved gown of floral polyester sheer in colors of mint green, yellow and white, ° 'assisted by ` Mrs. Trusty, who chose a gown of floral ,yellow sheer;•.. with matching jacket. Both Were corsages'of ' yellow • roses. d Leaving for a wedding trip to the east coast, the bride wore a dress of navy doubleknit with white accessories anda corsage of red roses. The, couple are residing in "Owen Sound; where the groom • is employed as an accountant , with Gaviller• and Company, and the brideis a Registered Nurse on the staff of Lee Manor. • The bridehad been recently honored ,at severa'l shower, ' hostesses . of whichwere Mrs. Jarries Phillips and her,,pother, Mrs. Mel Cox, at the Cox home in Goderich;' the groom's aunt; Mrs: .Jack Dearden, at her. . home in Owen Sound; aunts of • the bride at the home of Mrs. Wallace Mil'ley, RR 2;" Godeftch;istaff of Lee Manor in " Owen Sound; . and Misses 'Patricia Willert,,'Pam King and Debbie Barker-, at the home of ,Mrs: Gladys Willert• • in ,. Goderich. , • •• •... D were.sold at the booth and the Sa il" ra es winner was .Kathy Herlufcen;'g club l • 5 Goderich. Second -prize / was 'a poncho which went to n �r n " u. W'll' .f Ka _ Mrs Reg LLamson o e ys pStreet in Goderich. Third prize,;' not a n nenex� iree Hogue of Wiarton. ' The_club members would like to thank all the mothers who ,put forth an effdrt for the d • "Sunday ;as at perfect day for KC.4616° - 52.05, 2nd -Harold' weekend,by Ina ' g ox, donating articles to the doth, their first in the Su erfest weekend. A gre ` number ` of skaters signed p for private lessons /at th'e pre -registration held at the booth., . A .husband__.,and ' wife from.. Muncie, Indiana, recen ly lan- ded their air plane at Sky Har bor and° visited in the Goderich and Stratford area. Mr. and_ Mrs. Cassius D. McCormick visited Col'': and Mrs. R.M. Trow, of Stratford'. -Mrs.. McCormick is-. the former Olive 4. Alle'ti .of • Goderich.. sailing, with winds from .10-16 . Jeffery KC7944 - 54.35, 3rd knots ut- of the south. Keel Boats. 1st: •John Kane • and ,Barry Deathe on -their boat , Checkmate improved their: position in the series'with a first. Actual. time -1,11.15, corrected, 98.07, 2'nd Jack Marriot in Irish Rover actual tithe' 124.40 "cori ected 105.32, 3rd Fred Jewell in Chancy Blu•,q got a close third only 30 seconds behind Irish Rover, ac- tual . time 125:10' corrected 106.02. • • Centerboards lst Pat Shanahan in Something. Jubilant actual time 66,05 corrected. 7„1,$7 2nd Jim Mulherns, enterprise'' actual 68.45' corrected 74.48: Fireballs 1st Di Mike Watts G,reo.rge . Penfold KC78 54.50. There is no scheduled race next Sunday. Many of the Keel boaters are entering 'a race from Bayfield to .Port Sanalat Michigan. There will • be an • unofficial race for -anyone wishing to ra;ce here.. I9 ALUMINUM SIDI NG 9", SIDING,WITH BACKER BOARD APPLIED..EASY TO a..`DO IT YOURSELF" • AI! accessorie8 available Bundle covers approx'88'eq..ft. • Reg. 56.35 /" SPECIAL t,• . SAVEWAY MONEY SAVE ' sit SOFFIT '-' &• FASCIA• klirmairlts;tr•1ante-free ,,,���;;; - ��' 'ri• ;� Vr' an end to thane hard -to -paint �, its and lascia by installing our •-i r prat► ished aluminum. Vent soffit 16" X•12' 6" 8.54 Fascia 6' x 10' 4 .14 a 'l Fascia 8" 10' 4 .76' ,, Channel run' 12' 2.22 -, ..t, • COLORLOX hislor t Siding ' Prefinlshed for years of use. Available in *lite °�' • •9" bundle covers approx. 60 sq. ft. h Reg. 3$.96 SPECIAL - 3366 BAYSi"DE M1AS+OPrE SIDIP40 - Unfinished' slmulat4�d •Feder shingb esaril4e siding, E to hA. �Y ' Stain to' the colour' your choice. Reg• 25.50 Bundle SPECIAL covers 42 sq. sq• '22" apply. • of • •;-- 45 ALUMIN , M 'l.ADD S ' ` i► 16' pushup 24:62 . ' 8' extension • 46.78 • 20` extension •3�. 5 3 n' extension•1 65.25. • 24' extension 38.30 36' e tension 75. 1.5• GALVANIZED . :ROOFING & SIDING .70 eq. or,more a 30-69 , regia u • 129squ+3liea .... '30 ga. Vic. Rib - 32" wide_ Stock 10', 11', 12 , Ws-sp.clrl or: ° r co$ours. n.• STEED -, . 15. aRer 16. r ,. Fier 16.50 Per lengths 6`, T, sq. sq. sq' 8', 9', . and *hs, WOOD PATIO , •- D00R - Domicxr sash wood peUo door. 6' 0 x ti 8', . tempergd ineui. peso oct 6' and rill ler ace. 309 ALUMiiIUM • 11O DOOR • ,°• Satin finish alumi m. Glazed • 3'18" 1enlpered, 1 . glass: ,kcludes tW0 d00r5 So :. and keylock•s FiSO 511'/" x 6'83.. ti 22 18.5-,, ALUMINUM DOORS Seilitonng 1'.. slandisrq, doors . Pretxsip, alt,- . hardware inc4rdad• Calais rsmovss. fa •ver CtOAr�r>Q NATURAL. WH>1E 2'6" x trd' . 2's"' x ti's"•I :79 57.9. �"' e SASHLESS 21j' "x20" (RSO 34"x2,") 32.99 3'0"x76" -(RSO4o".x34")• 39.46 4,0"x2.,8" . (RSO 52")t341 47.42. Sett -storing storm .I a WINDOWS 4'O' x 30" a (asosYx4°1 49.99 5'0"x7"6" (ASo6",x3'1 ' 54.55 r0" x 3-0", (Rsoe4"x46')..• 59.73 hardware Iinctud ct �, SPRUCE STRA'PIIVC� l" x 2" x•8' .only 36c ea. l„ x s„ x. 8' 'only 52C" ea o „ x 2". x 8. only 68'C ea. ,. ° ` 2„ 4" x 8' only 1.64' ea. ' sc , '" <<, 4 "� il ....1 w ,r ALUMINUM - STORM"WINDOWS . e Double•trecii a Pre-tfrilled • 'Custom butt. '•e"•Ready-to-instal. ' ", • Available In standar or durocron' ' I'white finish. Bring you window mop- " surementa mate; FROM 1 a ., each PORTLD .CEMENT _. BAG a - PERA - r ° i. /° `' t. ALISTORES C :DRAY, . AUGUST' i v a o a ' CIVIC HOLI AY 5/74, / • ,FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEbS .'I 97'4 .4 OLDS 8.8? R o,Y ALE ,. Two door hardtopOully power equipped, with itomfotton air t ohditIoning, electric rear grin=' dew °defrost,. deluxe bumper's, side moulding, crock, renwote °control mirrors. 0nlshed In $• yellow, with brown vinyl root. Lic. DHC -825 25 SAVEM1YS TO SERVE YOIJ! ................... . ... LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES 168 TNS.., SQU RE .,GOIORlCW • 524.7532' ,JIM HAYTER' CHEV. :OG,227 Main 50.014o. 4 Hwy: North Klan. J"Thurs. ' Fri'cloy (� ft��-- 9:00 °� 8:��7 ' � b" • , . Saturday 8:00..4:00' PHONE 235. y13 82