HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-08-01, Page 5• • 4 DUNGANNQNO'-01NOSo. Mrs. 'Barbara Sinith, ,Stephanie and Shannon from Rutland, B.C. are spending three. weeks in this area visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'Jewell, Gocieric.4),; her sisrr 'Sandra, Mr, and Mrs - Jim Rivett and family,Dungan- noti;.' hey sister June, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold'Meader, Port Albert. On Saturday Mrs: Smith and girls and Duane Rivett are motoring west with Mr, and Mrs. .Pewell and going on to California, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rivett and family joined ..otheLmembers of the 'Jewell family at the home of Mr. and Mrs:Harold Jewell to celebrate Mr. Jewell's birth- day on Thursday. s Miss Beatrice Mc.Clenaghan class will be held in London. Mrs. Graham McNee,„Mrs. Mary Bere and Jamie called on 'their aunt, Mrs. Ken Bell, Goderich- on her birthday on Friday. Other• -callers were Mr.. and Mrs: Elton Orr.- Ripley and Mr. and MIT. Allan Under- `wooa, Kathy arid Jarnie"ortho Misses Sharon Young and Kathy Bete enjoyed a week camping at Riverside Park at Port Albert. Mr, and Mrs. Art Brown and her mother, Mrs. Treleaven of Dundas visited •Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Henderson of Goderich and renewed acquaintances in the village on the weekend. Mrs. L. Pentland (Eforpthy)• ,and her sister Mrs. Jack Hunt •'Spent the weekend with her (Marion) of, Dorchester are parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.C. holidaying in Hawaii for a McClenaghan. . •-, •conple of Weeks. ' t . Mr. and Mrs: Leonard Biloy Harve Sproul returned libme • and family are holidaying -at from, hospital in' London their summer home north 'of fotlbwing eye surgery. , .„, the village. Due to teackers' Mrs. Dynes Campbell's three , . strike in Detroit -this .spring, .sisters, Mrs. !la Bancroft • of their children had • to attend Leamington, Mrs, Lois school until .July 12 to make un D' Angelo, Arlington Hts. time, lost. • Ctlica$6, and .Mrs. Cass• Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Zemenick (Beatrice) of Troy, • McClenaghan had as guestaher “ Michigan who are vacationing •• three sisters, Mrs.- Thelmaat Pine Lake Camp and • at. McDonald,, Regina,.Mrs. ...Etrucefield, with another sister Audrey Powell, Vancouver, Mrs, Ken Scott (Lorraine) and Mrs. Olive Goudie, Kitchener,' Mr. 'Scott, called on M. and also Mrs. Mary Jackson of Kit- Mrs. DynesCampbell,., last chener. Mrs. McClenaghan ac- week.• Their father, 'Harry companied , the . ladies to --Kit- Fowler of Huronview was with chener for a •fevi‘ days. It was . them also. ryan Glenn Olson, son of the first time in about 19 years the sisters had •all, been Mr• , together.., . • Pu arinon, w Mr.." and 'Mrs. Wilfred Pen- Fa er Den . tland took their camper to 'a .Joseph's Chu, provincial park on theweekend . last Sunday. SponsOrs were and attended the Tractor Pull Mrs. Olson's father, Mr.erald - at 'Cayuga. • '• • Watts, and her, sister Miss Mr. and. Mrs. Ken McNee, • Carole Watts John ttanbury.,• "Gerald e and Guests with Mr. and David Bere went camping on - Glenn Olson .following 'the weekend and took in the christening were Mrs. and • Tractor Pull events at Caytt ga. Gerald Watts and Carole, 'Elm ' Mr. and Mrs. Torn Young . Park, Michigan, Mr; and Mrs. opened their home to a family Arnold Vint, Goderich and Mr. -picnic on Sunday to celebrate and ,Mrs. Freeman Olson. . Mrs. John Young's 85th birth- Mr. and Mrs. Reginald • day which was on July 18. Jones, Michael and Gareth ,There were about 35 • in' atten: spent a. few days' at their cot- tage at 'Huntsville. Michael dance to. enjoy the abundant food and social time. remained for a ,few more lays. ' • Mrs. Harold Errington Was Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Olson hostess on Wednesday for a motored • to Niagara Falls..for • shower for° relatives to honour • the weekend. , • Migs Charlene Adams, bride- •I Miss • Ingrid Kragt of to -be. . Holland, whose family, are Last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. visiting Mrs. Simon de Boer .in ..Lu'cknow, is spending a few Art. McMichael- and family • , visited . her parent, Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Dirk Logtenberg. Thompson .at their5• days at the horne of her'aunt, Mrs. Ken Enttage 'near' Kingshridge. •• ••,, There will *be no services..in • Miss Irene Hasty, nurse -in- the Dungannon United Church training at St. Thomas -Elgin until September 1, May yeti • • .General Hospital 'ii home during •this time feel free to ..share with some other 'Church looking forward to• a rn'onth's vacation.. .. • .. in worship. In One absence of, ' Mit. and Mrs. Lorne" Hasty Rey: McClenaghan, - Rev. &- and Brock attended EanshaWe McDonald will be available for. • - Cbllege School Of Nursing any charge needs. (Phone Lon- , .. graduation exercises .held in degboro 523:4477) -ParkSide . Collegiate in • St. Sunday School will be suspended °for the month of •. . Thomas on Thursday when 33 women and two men received 'August and re -commence on *• - 4; iheir diplomas. This wSeptember 8,one week after as the - occasion of the final graduation church services resume. • exercises tobe held Rev. R. C. McClenaghan took • in . -.part ,-in. Memorial Service at- _ associatinn with St; . Thomas- -- 'Elgin General Hospital. The Colborne Cemetery •on -Sunday •' first recorded graduation from July 28,,: • a school of :nurses in the corn- Codk were united in marriage Theda Becker arid Raymond ,• 4 munity was in 1895. Dorothy E.. Markle, director of. the diploma 'at Dungannon United -Church nursing program, told the oft' Saturday*, eJuly'.27 with Rev. . graduates that for the past five R. CMcClenaghan officiating. • Mr., Cook. is• Mrs'. 'Wm. King's years • each graduation . his • '- marked the end of some aspect brother. ° Glenn .01son, s christened by Inger at St. , • Kingsbridge of the nursing program and the' • • beginning of something deemed , to better satisfy the health -- needs of the people and the demands of health- agencies' upon beginning 'nurses. Each • program has retaned the best •• and phased out the vveakne!sses so that Miss Markle feels' the! • nurses from St. Thomas -Elgin General Hospital need not fear , the loss of their heritage. Exer- Lettiri.to swim safely .the Red• • eises for' next year's graduatin'g • Cross way this winter. ' „, . ' • • • 4 Q '5 SUN 14FE a progressive •com,pelny3 1 in a progressitle iitclustry a-7 GORDON T. WESTLAKE P110111) '565-5333 BaYfie41, .SUN LIFE ASSURANCE • COMPANY ,OF CANADA • 11 • • • ' 11, The Goderich Garden Club"had several irnpressIve displays in the County'Counoil chambers during Summerfest. Mrs. .1ames Scott, of Seaforth, aad her sister, Mrs. Mildred -Forrest, of Brantford, examine air exhibit titled •"Sketching" by Mona Muthern, (staff photo) AUBURN NEWS Mrsles Oradoock 526-7595 Misses Allie and Pearl Hiles and Miss Lorena Crozier of Lohdon and.Mrs. Bert Taylor • -visited on Sunday with the lat- ter's sister, Mrs. M. H. Martin of Goderich. Mrs. Celia Taylor, spent the • . Smoking and emphysema ,,Evphyserna is a long-lasting disease,of the lungs which very few nonsmokers develop. For someone with healthy lungs, itis difficult to imagine ow life feels for a. person with emphysema. But these com- 'ments from many different em- physema patients; which were published in. a recent,issue of the magazine, "Respiratory Care," describe the effects 'of: the disease in' a grim, graphic' way: •• *Emphysema is thinking the 'next breath won't be there. . *Emphysema. is feeling like I'm going to 'blow upfrom the inside. - . • *Emphysema is not • being , able to sleep more than two and a half hours before I have • to get tip and clear my chest. *Emphysema is being weary constantly. - *Einphyserng is • not, being able to bend oyer•and put your socks on. " *Emphysema is going to my daughter's. house for dinner ancrspending all.day tomorrow in bed.' . *Emphysema. is. , asking people - to come and see me because I'm15nely. „. 'Emphysema,.., develops. gradually. Some of the first • signs of.thedisease can be shor- tness of .breath duiing only, minor exertion. As the disease progresses, the air sacs' of the hings, where' oxygen and car-, 'bon dioxide are. exchanged, rip and, tear. . - Doctors ca.n. help patients • breath easier with the. disease but as yet . there is no known cure. The ,prevention -- not smoking -- is clear, however.. weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Raithby at Dorch'ester, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, 'Mrs, Frank Raithby, Mrs. Arnold Craig and Mrs. Ed Davies and Mrs, Eleanor Bradnock atten- ded the Middlesex County Con- ference of the Women's In- stitute at Arva iat Tuesday. Mrs. Thomas Johnston has been a patient in Alexandra MarinCand General Hospital, Goderich; for the past • two weeks., Miss Barbara Sanderson Of Toronto spent a few days last week with her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin, Scmidt; • Tracy, Brenton and Bradley of Burlingto.n.are on holidays and spent part of last week with her' parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Ted Mills. Mr, and Mrs. Jim HUTter..of Midland called_on. her couSins, Mr.. and Mrs. Ted Mills last,. Sunday. • p Mr.. and Mrs. Darwin MacLan and Chris of Fergus called on last Wednesday on. Mr. and 'Mrs:' Ted Mills and. otherfriends in the village. BALL LEAQUE ;If • .9- 1R .74 • OODEF.41CH iroNAk.sTikg; THURSDAY, ALIOUST 1# j•974 -,,-PAGE!. to r Clinton man top shooter Mery Batkin of Clinton top- ped the'Vanastra Gun'Club's trap shoot on July 24,• with a • near perfect 24 out'of' 25 hits., He was followed by Al Green eif. Clinton• with ,21 hits arid Bill e McNutt of Exeter with 20 hits Thtop three were followed lni nwt tnh,' • - • b19y,tEfeircryCositleinesgso4rColifntco Bob Orr of Bayfield, -and ,Iim Francis of Bayfield *With', 18 strikes each, Jim Hogg of Seaforth with 17 hits and Joe Koene of Hayfield and Wayne Smith of Exeter, with 16 each. In the skeet shoot last Satur- day, Merv, Batkin of Clinton again was the top marksriian with 23 out of 25' targets hit, , and he was followed by Tom Allen of Londesboro with 22 ., • and Harold Smith of Seaforth with 21 hits. • • Next came 'Glen Mogk of Bornholm,, ,with .20, Harrison • Shock of Zurich with 19, Wayne • Smith of Exeter with- 18 hits,, and Jim 1-1Vgg of Seaforth with - 17. 4 . Goderich Anita Hallam Michael- An- drews, Laurie Mansel, June Machan and Terry Powell. Philip Arthur with his team • Phil's Flyers are Angela Schneider, Paul Plunkett, Lorie Cartwright, Michael Van Dongen, Monica Hebert, Frank Slater, Derrick "Cartwright, Bra:die Andrews, Shannon Niblock and 'Brian McClinchey. Jayne 'Arthur with her team, •Jayrie's Joggers' are Shawn Seers, _Carla • Hebert, Janice Pair, Brent Andrews, Kathy Machart, Carol Seers, Frank Van ,Dongen, Tracy Machan, Greg Hallam and'Vicki Powell. . The teams also received a donation of $50 from the Auburn Women's Institute to • buy more equipment for the players. The coaches and ball players are very grateful 'for all. the donations but , also hope for bigger attendante at the games -Which are held on MOnday, and Tuesday evenings at 7 p.m, sharp. • Auburn's Little League. Ball teatik;'are creating great in- " terest in the village and surrounding distrUct and it .is hoped more parents will find , • time to see their children play ball. There are four teams in the league. Russel. Garrison donated the bases and Trom- rner's Fhirtiware., store donated the ba I Is. The teams with their coach& 'are as :follows,. Susan Thompson with her team, Susan's Sluggers"- ire, Todd Andrews, julie Daer, Denis Schneider, Joanne Slater,. pare)/ Andrews, Keith Hallam, David C.artwright, Douglas Glousher and Douglas Mcclinchey., Connie -Trornmer with her-; tea, "Connie'sCatchers"' are Scott Machan, 'i•Sevin Powell, • Sharon •d.loushee,, Janice Daer, Robbie Plunkett: Wendy Janice McClihchey,, STONE CUTTER, - Much interest was taken last ' week when Renaloo Facchinato of RR 5,' Goderich Was'cutting stone to -place in thelireplace he was building: at the remodelled home of Mr. and 'Mrs. Oliver Anderson on Turn -'5 berry Street' in„Auburn. He was • , assisted by 'his sons, Allan and Richard. . Mr. Facchinato was horn in Italy and' cattle' to Canada 21 years' ago and learned his trade of stone mason in Canada. He came to the Goderich area last , -year. ;• • • • He stated that the stones of • different colors .of granite and hardheads arefo4nd locally in fields artd --all the tones are split or chiselled Into„.ohape'by hand. Mr. Facchinato said that he" w,as afraid that the work of a stone mason was a dying trade unless. an apprentioeship is established that young men would take Up this trade as there is lots of work, for a stone, mason in this community. -40 harbor re ort July 10 the Helen Evans arrived light froin Detroit for a load of salt. • ° July 11 the Chicago Tribune arrived 'from Thunder Bay with .a. load of grain. July 12 the. tugboat Ethel arrived. - • July 13 the•Nestdale aryived from Thunder Bay with a load of grain. • •• • July 17 the Agaw'a . Canyon arrivedqight from MicUabd for, a load of .July 17 the tugboat Roger R.' Simons arrived. • July 18 the Thorold arrived light from. Collingwopd for a load ofsalt. . July 22 ...the Westdale' Duluth arrived with a load of corn and . oats. July ,..23 the Algorail arrived light from Sarnia for salt. • AGNES' flower Sht)p' Roses in order to add days of pleasure from your unarranged roses, ,merely cut stems 1/4", place in warm water, -add the enclosed powder and cover the rotes' heaths with wax paper. forabout three hours. There is no need, to change water, simply add more to replace that ..lost ' by. tran- iOiratioil. Church Street, • • Phone- 524-1885 • ••- Swartmao • A LONG SLEEVE DRESS. SHIRTS pPiciAL GROUP , 'REG. $9.00 TO $13.00 P KNIT \ PANTS REG. 425.00 $ 1. 6." REG. $i2.95 $ 1 5 3 0 REG. $19.95 -71330 • ' , o • SPECIALSALE.. ( Rawson 1 Swartman LONG SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS REG. TO 412.00 SPECIAL GROUP PRICE' - • • SUITS' S146IAL GROUP REG.:. sup.00 &,,ros..bo OFF 1.„. • , . 4.6mans,arama0 RAWSON 8t SWART AN •LTD 'STYLISilbP FOR MEN THE souARE ° . 011ARCIEX - MASTER CHARGE • ALTERATIONII AT COST FRDAY Nett TIL . GODERICH SHORT, SLEEVE KNIT -SHIRTS REG:'$8.00'TO $16.00 2. 7 OFF • JAMAICIVSH OAT $9.95 T() $14.95 3 OFF SHORT SLEEVE. DRESS SHIRTS '.RG. $9.00 & $10.00 - BATHING SUITS REd. $8.99 TO $11.991- 1/2 PRICE • • N • • 4, AOTHORIZED-. SALES . li,SERVICE • Vacuum *Cleaners •° 'Washer/Span .Dryirs e Portable Dryers RE...14X4Ar-,BUT on easy HUTCHINSON APPLIANCES e TRADE INS ACCEPTED 308 HURON 1413. 62001. !GAT %,. One Of Canades'iMost Popular Curs RIGHT Size - RIGHT Price RIGHT -in Time. For Summer Driving ;NEVI 1174YENTURA COUPE Six cylinder automatib, power steering„,,wt)Itewalls, oftieel side mouldings Lime Fire Green.'2Y27D4041410 LIST $3895.60. I. . .., • SAVE 5300.60 , • .9, • 5 5 • NEW 1974 VENTURA HATCHBACK Six cylnder, automatic, power steering, radio, whitewalls. Wheel dsos, window reveal-mouidings,ioad floor carpet. Fire Coral `4 Bronze 2Y1T04W14695 " ' , • '‘.1-15.T $4.15070 $ 0 • SAVE $320.70 • NEW 1974 VENTURA SED V-8automatic; power steeringradio, whitewalls. 'wheel discs, • defogger, winpow revearmoldingSside mouldings, Ascot Si iyer 2Y69M4W1 261344 LIST 54230.70 SAVE $400.70 $ 3 8 30. • k• 44. NEW 1974 VENTURA SEDAN . V-8 autoFnatic, power steering; radio..bumpr strips, whitewalls8 whl3i discs, defogger. Wheel opening mouldings, window reveal. • mouldingside moulding, rocker - panel moulding, roofdrip moulding Fire Coral Bronze 2y69M4W138638 LIST 5430890 • It• 3 9 SAV $408 9,0 "F• 00. NEW. 1974 VENTURAHATCHBACK V-8, automatc, power steering, power brakeswhitewalls, trim, rings bumper strips.' lighter, sport mirrors, accerrt stripes, dow reveal moulding, custom carpeting apd protective 'r•nats. Bumper strap" 'Gulf Mipt Aqua 2r17M4W133532 • „., LIST $4500.65 • SAVE 545065 , • . NEW 1914 VENTURA :CUST.OM SPRINT V-8,, automatic. power steering power brakes full tinted glass, WindoW reveal mouldinT wheel opening moUldiobe. defoger. white lettered black waits: 4101 wheels7,m*41gliitiesr2,?,radiol. rear • Speaker:bumPer strps. Denver Gold 2Z2 w LIT S4i315 ,,,, • r • $ AVE 5503 15 4 2 5 0 Ventura Custont 2-dorrr Coupe , . (0\ Ventura CuStom HatchbaefkCoupe 11 ...-•*1 • . 0 Ventura Cusfon 4 -door Sedan it4 A" -- Ventura• 2.door Coupe Ventura Hatchback Coupe • Venturi 4 -door Sedan 524-839 .Goa" 0 . .. . ,.„ • 48 o• 1