HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1894-3-8, Page 5ee
• Afro. l`creery E. Oera,Uott
of reeet, O., nays the PUY-
Malaita are Astonished,
•and look at her like one
Raised from the Dead
Long and Terrible Illness
frcv Blood Poisoning
cot ftetells Cured by Hood's
2,Eary F. 0Ta11ent. a very -intelligent
arse' er 11000, 011i0, Was Poisoned while as-
•, sitting physicians 'at an autopsy 5 years ago,
end auon torrible ulcers broke out on her
axons, t(ingue and throat. Her hair all
came out. She weighed bat 78 lbs.; and saw
no prospect of help. ,At last she began to
tithe Hood's Sarsaparilla and. at once ire-
rroved ; soon get out of bed and walk.
e say .; I became perfectly eured by •
:0CPS Sarsaparilla
am now 0 Well woman. I weigh 125 lbs.,
twefl< oial do the work for a largo family.
V rase 8OOT11 a wooderful recovery and
1-dystoisro4 by:. at me lu astordshment, as
tio•E: rulootti f1.0111/ rho aleadl.”
1''a: P1 n &weld be in every femlly
zue,leine ono t. 4 nee used, Olways preferred.
The Deposed Ring of Coney Island Enters,
on ills Six Tears' Tenn.
SING, Siena, N.Y., March 2. -John Y.
McKane arrived at the Sing Sing depot
5es4orday in charge of Sheriff Butting and
Inspector Williamson. He was dressed in
a blue mixed suit, Smooth brown overcoat
and soft black hat. The party got off on
the river side of the train and walked down
the track to the prison. MoKane was met
in the clerk's date ny Chief Clerk Corwin
and De eetity Clerk Westlake. Upon being
e'exaMidecl $25.78 was found in his pockets.
Clerk Westlake took his diamond stud,
diamond ouff buttons and diamond ring,
which he sent home. McKane gave his
pedigree as follows: Occupation, builder;
age, 51 ; married ; religion, Methodist ;
born in Ireland; does not use tobacco or
liquor. After giving his pedigree he was
taken to the ' tate shop, where he was given
a bath and a a leen suit.
Row In a Church.
Limesore Ohio, March 6.-13eginning
yesterday a score or more snits will be
filed in the courts here growing out of a
most disgraceful affair at the Missionary
Baptist hitrch, four miles south of this
eity, Tl;ire is a division over the pastor,
On Friday night the congregation met to
diseuss his retention. The church was
packed. Some one called the pastor a
liar. .A. friend of the preacher knocked
the belligerent down and that started. a
general fight. The lights were extin-
guished and in the battle that followed the
pulpit furniture was wrecked, the pews
ruined, the carpets spoiled and more than
fifty persons were injured.
Baron TWeedutouth Dead.
LONDON, March 5: -- Dudley Couttes
Marjoribanke Baron Tweedmonth. died
suddenly yesterday afternoon. He had
" been ailing for some time. He at ett
parliamentfor Demi& from 1853 to 1868.
He was knighted in 1881. Edward Mar-
joribank, his son, the Liberal whip,
Emcee& to the peerage. ,The Baron was the
father of Lady Aberdeen, wife of the
Governer .(19eral of Canada.
Take K. D. C. for heartburn and sour
The ponies ient as a present by the
/*dies of Canada to Princess May had their
tails docked in Brampton.
K. D. C. the quit* reliever of IndigeSt-
Miss Lena Settee, of Belle River, Ont.,
war Amok by a Grand Trunk train Frisby,
and Instantly killed. •
Keerthe blood pure by taking Hood'r
Sarsaparilla. If you decide to bay Hood'e
Sarsaparilla., do not be persuaded to take
any other.
The finance committee of the Montreal
City Counoil bar voted 03,000 to the health
committee to combat the scarlet fever
A Free sample of the K. P. „C. • will be
forvrarded to any address, K. D. C. Co.,
•Now Glasgow, N. S., and 127 State.
often, Mass.
Wolves are apparently still fairly plant'
ful in Onterio. During the pad year the
Ontario Government has paid •oat 8556 in
bountiei for the deetruction ot these
• "varminto,"
While no physician or phirmaaiet eon
coneeisestioutily wurant a aura the J. 0,
Ayer Co. guarantee the purity, etrength,
end medicinal virtue' of Ayer's Sarsapar-
fila. It Wit the only blood -purifier admit-
ted M the greet Nit in Chicago,
Palpitation of the heed, nervouenesta
traiMblinge, Nerve:is heeded:se, cold bands
and feet, pain in the beck, and other foitne
of weaknees are relieved by Carter' Iron
PI110, made espeeielly tor the blood, neryes
end oomplexion.• •
Jentee Atedgiu,s, Who was • on trial itt
Belleville for iedtieidg two ghee named
Bella Rey and Henrietta Pope, wee on
Veedtesitley married to the feetMer. Their
Oita was ehridened on the same dive
A oeblegrem ha. been received from the
COunteell of Derbr Announcing that • the
Wedding gitt from the woolen of Canada
hat been preitented te 11, It, H. the Doke
Ind Dab:these of Yogis, and it hint bitea le.
espied end highly apprechtted.
ll'or Ore throat, attdden wide and diple
therie, he tuned, has 6,rot boon direOtereti
00 POWertel to Cure al • Devise Pint
* tintoient it hot no tepid in
during Ilhoongatism 0* Neuralgia. turn a and neck of Lettise Kellogg, a member of
And Bruises,'ind wounds of • every des- the Alvin joslin theabrieel eompany, and
diption. it it tho cheapest end. bket two shots through his own head, The
retnOdy OffOred io Publid. On/ woman can hardly reb0,0,, Her right
, 91,0 fer rt big 9 mimeo bottle. • newels Mrs. Beekwell, and her hitsband
tAtteditire Tani a at Seattle, We&
The empertant EvvIti intt row Wot'die
for llunY Iteuttere,
The Manitoba Legislattire prorogaed
On Friday wile the 16th annivereary
the eeronation of titte PoPe.
The State bank ot Brookville, Seline
county, Mums, hoe failed.
Two murderers were lynched. at Moun-
tain Hone. Ark., on Mondoit
Hamilton City Council on Friday night
redneed the number a sbop lieensee to 20.
R. G Dun & 00. report 42 failures ne
Canada the past week against 45 last year,
Henry Chapman Ford, a well-known ar-
tist, died on Wednesday at San Frauciseo,
The largest opal in the world is said to
have been found a the ppal mines at
James Osmond, one of . Niagera Town
sleep's beet known fruit -growers, died me
Gen, Juba' A. Early an American Con-
federate veteran died at LYnchbleffn Va.,
on Friday night.
Harry Wood, of Gananocme, was run
over and killed by a C.P.R, Grebe at Have-
lock Saturday night
J, I. Moore, -formerly of Waterdown,
committed suicide by hanging at Milton on
Thursday lemming.
Ingersoll Town Council has reduced the
number of shop licenses to two and out off
three hotel licenses. •
John Garberry, aged V, died at Newark,
N. J., Thursday of hiceoughs, after
teen weeks of suffering.
The Fraser river, at Westminster, B.C.,
is to be bridged with a steel strueture cost,
ing half a million dollars.
Ninety victims of yellow fever are being
buried every day at Rio de Janeiro. The
new emes number 200 daily. \
The steamer Victoria, which sailed. from
Taco-nia, Wash., on Wednesday for China,
carried fifteen deported Chinese.
London liquor dealers and brewers or.
ganized a branch of the Publicans' Pro-
tective Association out Friday night.
A despatch from Shanghai says that 450
men were killederecently by an explosion
in a coal mine in the Province of Shang
A mob of 200 men made an unsuccess-
ful attempt to lynCh a colored murderer at
Stroudsburg, near Scranton, Peg on Fri-
At Carlisle, Pa., on Thursday Chas. Say -
lards was hanged for the murder of Po-
lice Officer George Martin at Carlisle on.
April 8 last,
Phil. Scheig, teller of a Minneapolis
bank, has confessed that in the past • few
years he has stolen $123,000 from the in-
Willis Olds, of Siracoe, 26 years of age,
was run over and killed in the West Shore
yards at Buffalo, where he has been 'work-
ing as brakesrnan,
By an explosion at the Refanno Cherai-
cal Works at Thompeon's Point, near
Paulsboro', N.J., on Friday, Levi Ivins
was blown to atoms.
A Halifax law firm, acting for a syndi-
cate of Canadian and American capitalists,
has bonded about 750,000 acres of Nova
Scotia timber lands.
A despatch from Bathurst says that the
West Indian Regiments have ,occupied
Busumballa after overcoming the slight
resistance of tile enemy.
• There are 46,688 num and 9,988 women
and girls out of employment in Brooklyn,
or a total of 56,676.. Of these 19,878 are
in destitute eircuinstances.
Miss Lena Sauve, aged eighteen, was run
over and killed while walking on the G. T.
R. track about half a mile east of Belle
River on Wednesday.
John F. Ottwell, a convict at the peni-
tentiary from London, has been released.
He is 75 years of age. Ottwell was sen-
tenced to two years for grain stealing.
The private banking firm of Green, Wor.
lock & Co., Victoria, B.C., closed its doors
on Friday. The liabilities are 444,900,
and the assets are given as $610,510.
The Populists and Democrats of Creeds,
Col., have nominated Miss Carrie Pell for
city clerk. This is the first nomination of
a woman for a publie office in Colorado.
The United States Treasury statement
for the eight months of the present fiscal
year shows that the expenditure for that
period has been, $48,000,000 greater than
the revenue.
In Kansas 159 fanners have been award-
ed $47,000 damages against Heeler Bros.,
of Kansas City. The firxn brought cattle
from Texas, which communicated Texam
fever to Kansas animals. ,
A ministers' meeting ha -been held in
Boston to promote an amendment to the
constitution of the United States so that
an acknowledgment, of God will appear in
connection with it.
Toney Lafan' a colored philanthropist
has just died atNew Orleans, leaving an
estate valued at $400,000. Bequests are
made to charitable institutions for both
vehite and colored people. •
Canada's total trade with Great Britain
decreased during the year ending June'80,
1893, by $2,626,000, Our aggregate trade
with the United Stehle increased during
the same period by over $10,100,000.
• No license reduction will be made in
London this year. Only EtiX aldermen out
of eighteen attended the meeting of tlie
London City Council called for Wednesday
night to adopt a reduction by-law.
The British aled American tidustrial and
Financial Investment Syndicate of New
York has offered Secretary Carlisle sixty-
five cents per ounce for 75,000,000 of the
silver bullion now in the United States
Treasury. e.
The Chesapeake & Ohio bridge at Cohen
Creek, W. Ira., was burned Saterday
limning by a mob of 190estriking miners,
thus cutting off coal shipments from the
distinct and compelling all e,he mines to
shut down. ,
The St. Petersburg correspondent of The
Gaulois of Paris says an offensive and de-
feneive alliance between Rassia and France
Ntino formed and the conventiori'. signed
during the Franco-Russian. fetes, which
took place in Paris. •
Canada's trade and navigation return
• show that the exports in 1893 were ' valued
at $118,610,750, as compered with $118,-
00,316 it 1892, an inerease of 84,656,875.
The tote" imports were $129,074,268, as
templteed with $12'7,406,068 in 1802.
Oa Teesday night burglars entered the
hews. of Henry Gliermen, treasurer of
teeter township, Monroe county, at Sco-
field, Mich., shot Mile Gierman clead,''
clubbed her husband into lesensibility and
got away with abode 0,000, whieh was
hidden iti the bed on •which the victims
At Pittsburg, Pa., on 'Wednesday night
Pitoher McNabb, of the Baltimere •Base-
bali Ohtb tired three •shote into the head
en) for 1
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly uscd. The many, who live bet-
ter than others and enjoy life more, With
lose expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best preclude to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health a the pure liquid.
laxative principles embracod in the
remedy, Syrup a Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moat aocaptalbs and pleas-
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties a a perfect lax-
ative ; effectually cleansing the eyetem,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It haFs given eatisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, becalm() it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
every objectionable suleatance.
Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug-
gists in 750. bottles, but it is manu-
factured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
Vor Sale at C. Lutz's Drug Store
Re Ras Decided to Remain Pastor of the
Tabernacle. .
BROOKLYN, N.Y.-The Rev. T. DeWitt
Talmage has again changed his mind about
resigning the pastorate of the Brookyn
Tabernacle. A few minutes before Dr.
Talraage began his sermon at the morning
service yesterday he told the congregation
that he bad a few words to say to them.
He then read the 'following letter, being
several times interrupted with applause by
Dear brethren cse the Board of Trustees of
the Brooklyn Tabernacle:
Your urgent letter is at hand. I had
fully resolved to resign my position, not
only because twenty years of my Brooklyn
pastorate will soma have passed, but be-
cause of the financial entanglements result-
ing from a series of disasters which would
have crushed any bank or insurance` com-
pany or worldly institution.
• Now, by the bleseing of God upon your
management, our church is put out of all
embarrassment, and I believe has seen its
lest crisis. Persuaded by what yon eay in
your letter of yesterday and by what I
hear frona all sides, and after seeking
divine direction, I now and here declare
my intention to remain your pastor. What
I have suffered at the anticipation of part-
ing from this noble and devoted flock, and
from expected removal from this beloved
city in whose affairs I have always been
deeply interested no one can eetimtete and
now with more faith and high expection
than I ever had at any previous point in
my ministry, I join you in a new campaign
for God and the world's betterment.
Yours, etc.,
Treacherous Ice Gives Way Beneath a
Sleigh -Woman and Child Drowned.
MoNTREAL. March 6.--A sad drowning
accident took place at Ste, Anne de Belle-
vue on Sunday.
After mese, Mr. Raymond, proprietor of
the Ottawa hotel, left with hie wife and
two children to drive up the lake of Two
IvIonntainkand took the usual road on the
ice betweenSte. Anne and on the Isle
Perrot, the road being kept in order by
Mr. Raymond himself. The party had not
gone a hundred yards when the tee gave
way and' the horse and sleigh disappeared
In a moment.
Mr. Raymond. made frantic effotts to
save his wife and children, Having
reached the youngest child, a ,three-year-
old girl, he placed her on the ice, but the
poor little one again rolled into the river
and. disappeared, Mrs. Raymond was also
earried away by the swift current of the
rapids before her husband could give her
assistance. By this time Baymond himself
had become exhausted, but his brother,
who was •standing on the wharf to bid
them good.bye, rushed to his aid and was
euceesefal in saving hint and his six-year-
old bo.
A Coloeed nootitheekes rateit.
• TACOMA, Wash., Illatch 8,-,Iohn Lewis,
a °elated bootblack, of Olympia, has gone
to Canada to peeve his identity and claim
a fortune of half a million dollars. An aid
lady who adopted him as her servant yeam
ago died recently itt Canade without leav-
big mama/. heirs and willed her forenne to
the tolored boy, who had been, kind to her
• in years goneley.
Colonial Trade Rolationto,
LONnOnt, March. 2, -Sir Thomas
raith has arrived here, He, with the
•Hon. Boberb 1,eid,.ex4linister of Delente
of Victoria, will interview the British
Cabinet Ministers, The Australians are
very -hopeful of the prospeets for isti
Peitieli Nettie eable between Canada and
Australia and also a ittitio• bowton thesis
two colonies ifi thalear fOlora
A. B. VAtiGnotort,
Citia lnspecter of •New York Board of
rive linderwritirs, writes t "I laAls
tekeet font K, D. 0, with satiefectorY res.
ouito ; 1 elm freely recommend it to tiny
mufiering frotxt dYIBP.Poill, : 1 Olin* 1 bad it
theta as bga at anyone could well keys it,
but 1 pm now free Of it. I gave your
geode 0 !Mr triel, and shltil shills lotte A
*Atte en hod, for use to eetteet trials-
cretIone in diet."
For Boxes Men Um Deenases.
Doer Sirs, -T have been using B. B. B.
for boils and. ekie eh:tastes and tied it very
good as a our. As a dyspepeitt cure I
have Also found it unequalled.
re, Sandi Hamilton,
Montreal. Qat«,
EngUh Spaym Lininaent rertieree sll
bard, soft or eallettsed Lumps and Bleta-
itiee fretn horses, Blood Spsvin, Curbs,
Splinte, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Spraune Sore and Swollen Threat, Coughs,
etc, Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Werranted the most wonderful Blemish
Cure ever known. Sold by 0. Lutz, Drug-
ist. Sep 18.'93
'lemur IN eix Houns.---Distressing Kid.
nay and bladder &merles relieved in six
hours by the "Great South Amerioan Kid-
ney Owe." This new yeueedy is a great
surpriee and delight tu physioiarat an so.
coact of its exeeediug promptness in re-
lieving pain in the bladder, kidnembeek
and every part of the urinary paesages in
male and female. It relieves retention of
water and.pain in passing it almost Marne&
Maly. If you vrantoquick relief and cure
this is your remedy, Sold by C. LUTZ.
0. 0. RIORARDS ac Co.
, My son George has suffered with neural-
gia round the heart sines 1882, but by the
application of MINARD'S LINIMENT in r
1889 it completely disappeared and has not I
troubled him duce.
Being free from all combines, we now offer farmers the best in every line. In Binders, the flfaXWell aa a 'alma -
canvas mathine never yet excelled. "Walter A. WoOd.",made by Frost & Wood,siugle apron, open back Binder, denounced
by all rivals (you know -hy), and McCormick Bendlochinee !Nowe'rs—FroiA & Wood, IVIaxwell, and McCormick, Rakes
of every description. Cultivatoze -Hamilton's New Elastic, Giant, Champion, Bell,and others. Ploughs of Lathe leaditig
makes, Scalers, Cutting Boxes, Crushers, Tread Mills, Wied Mills, Hay Forks, either round rod or angle steel ; Tiragone.
Sleighs, Etc., Etc, We ask all interested to call at our Rooms and prove the correctness of our claims and mistatements of
unprincipled rivals. •
ELDER, lamtso.r, IND Hnucznymn.
,Tess. McKim.
Linwood, Oni.
Ai:fieriest) Rheumatic: Cure, tor Rheumatism
and Neuralgia, radioally curse in 1 to 3
days. Its aotion upon the system is remark-
able and myaterions. It removes at once
the (muse and the disease immediately dis-
appears. The fired dose greatly benefits
75 cents. Sold by C. Lutz, Druggist. 818
Iteh on buman and hems and all
animals cured in 30 tniautes by Wollord's
Sanitary Lotion This neyer hale. Sold by
C. Lem.
• Send 25 "Sunliglat4Soap wrappers (wisp
per bearing the words "Why does a woman
look older sooner than a man") to Lever
bros., Ltd., 43 Scott St., Totonto, and you
will redeive by post a pretty picture, free
from advertieing and well worth framing.
Maim is an easy way to decorate your home.
The Bose is the best in the market, and
it will only cost lo poctage to send in the
wrappers, il you leaye the • ends open,
Write your eared carefully.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used fifty
years by millions of mothers for their children
while teething.with perfect nutmegs. it soothe'
the ohne, sottens the gums,allays the pain,
cures the °olio, and is the best remedy for
Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by
druggiats in every part of the world. 26 cents
a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Bo sure
and ask for 6Irs.,W inslow'a Soothing Syrup
and take no other kind.
J. Murray & Co.
The - Exeter roundry
tYoung, old or middle aged, who find theta-
selves,nervonn, weak and exhausted, who are
broken down frWill excient or ors xwork, result-
ing in many of the following symptoms :
Mental deprenson, premature old age) Ions of
vitality, loss of memory, bau draoms, dimness
of sight,palpitation of the heart, emission,
laok of enerisy,pain in the kidneys,headitehes,
pimple:, on the face and body, itching Or
peculiar sensation about the sorotam, wasting
of the organs, diszinons , !poets betore the eyes'
twitching of the muscles, eyelids and eine-
whore. wishfulness, deposits 10 the urine, loss
of will power, tenderness of the ocalp and
spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to
sleep, lailure to oe rented by sleep, conetipation
dullneas of hearing. loan of voice, denire for
tolitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes,
surrounded with leaden circles, oily looking
akin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debil-
ity that lead to inaanity unless exited. The
spring or vitaleourse having lost IR. tension,
every 1 unction wanes in consequence. Those
who through abuse climmitted An ignoranca.
may be permanentlY cured. Send Your ad-,
dress for bot,k on diseases neuullar to man.
sent free, sealed. Address M. V. LEMON," 24
Maodennell Ave.; Torento Ont..Canada
agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery
stook either on Salary or Commission. We
al:waive ourmon the privilege of selling our
new and anew° varieties of seed potatoe s.
Secure the agency at onoo, which will hand-
somely repay you an now is tbe time to soli
suoh goods for spring planting.
Addrons the F. MAY ODAVANT, Nuraory-
men and Propagators of Choice Seed Potatoes,
Rochester, Y.
A Full Stock
Sil()011 STIPPL1!S
.--DnAtant bt-
BOOkS, StatiOnfiry, - and
Panay - Goods,
• Bibles, Hymn Enaka in every var-
• iety, Scribbler, Pads, Nate Paper,
Ink e Pens, Pencils, Lock Boxes,
Etc, etc.
-1.W; Browniri
And Maohine:,Works
Manufacturers of and Dealers in
Wholesale Manufacturers of Plow
Points and Castings.
Li berall)iscount to Cash Customers.
The undersigned:wishes to inform the pulelio in general that he keeps con-
stantly in. Stock all kinds of
Special notice is drawn to B. 0. Red Cedar Shingles which is AckriOwletilte be the
1VIost Durable Timber of any that grows. Specialty for Shingles. Said by
competent judges to last from thirty six to forty years in any climate.
Furniture that is not only useful, but a
pleasure to the eye, costs no more than
the other kind. It is only necessary to
go to the right place to get it. We can
show you the prettiest and daintiest de.
signs imaginable. The house beautiful,
the hems comfortable is made by the
furniture in it. Do you know how
easily and cheaply this can. be accom-
plished 1 A walk through our:store will
show you. Here you will lend .
Chairs, Lounges, Springs, or anything
in the Furniture Line.
We have on hand a select Stock of
Hams, Breakfast Bacon, Backs, Rolls
and Salt Meat, which we are selling
cheap for cash.
Crocks, pails and tubs filled with
Pure Lard at lowest cash' price ; as we
sell for cash only, we allow no one to
under sell us, and we guarantee all
Goods sold at Packing House.
' Cuttings, Sausage, Tender Loin,
and all cuts of Fresh Pork on hand.
HOGS WANTED -Dams= ou. Arm.
Modern 1
Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which.
were made five or six years ago.
The Featherbone Corset of to -day
is as far removed from the old
style, as black is from white.
Agent for the Brantford Steam
Dear Sirs, -I have lured Efielyald's
low on with every satisfaction, and alwaya
keep it in the house. It is splendid for
burns, bruises, bruises, onto, de.
Mrs. Joseph BeDaplani,
6 Regent it.,, Toronto.
All eases of weak or lame bank, backaehe
rheumetiem will find relief by wearing one
of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna
Beokache Plasters. Price 25 cents. Try
See that horse?
Ile has a
•mooth &nd
;loamy coat
And feels in
good enough
condition to
win the
in.:1 so Would
11 horse 11
iti owner used
It renews the system, enriches thi blood laved
gives nature a fair chance, is also at unfailing
eradicator for bats and worms. It i, just as
good for cattle as for horses. Try a 500 pack-
age if your horses or cattle are not thriving.
Fora spavin, curb, ringbone or splint, use
Dick's Blister -600.-Dic1t'n Liniment for
sprains, swellings, bruises, eto 25c.--Diok's
Ointment for :wretches, old soros, saddle galls,
etc. 26o. mailed on rooeipt of price.
DICK k CO, P, O. Box 482 MorrratAr.,
Can always
Be Dressed Well
If he goes to the proper Tailor.
We have a large range of Pat-
terns to choose from Natty
Tweeds, Serges and. Worsteds,
ma,de up in any style, and fitting
the oustomers so well that inti-
mate friends do not scruple to
ask who made your Suit. • Our
customers never hesitate -but
answer with a knowing smile,
ra:hiolablo Stylo: I °111:
Wa.nt a Bicycle? Eci'D'
THE G. & J. g
Maat 101
Irt 000
Is the only Tire Mat gave satisfactiou last yea
maeutateueta SY
The Geoid Oleycle 005 Let.
lo voeot •prayifforth, Oht.
• PIIIRAIN .03v kt.A.XITI$
Feneethi Blettlet
The Tailor.
Best Ordered Clothiug produced in Dieter
Gentlemen 1000 your orders eastly,fer
etch the best mai/ of Tellers .; the bes.
'stook of Pine Trimmings, and the hest
Citttting in t1oW11,$ol ere 'Sued Of eatiefitet
• Cld Stand Again
Where we have a brand new
Stoeh of everything in the
Furniture and 'Undertaking
Lines. A.lso
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A" Ctrtsaill roles
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