HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-25, Page 23° FROM HE MINISTER'S STUDY. BY,REV. 0, L. ROYAL Jesus went aside to pray;° This was His* form of refresh- ment. Despite the fact.that we can ' talk about "a prayerful frame of mind"- our Lord took. definite periods in, each day to go apart for 'a,'little time"and pray.. He found Power " in this relationship. He** was corn - =meeting with• God, His Father. He was 'seeking new strength for the great mission before Him. With the Cross looming, on His horizon He needed "invigoration that only God could give. The •human. side of Christ's nature cried out for the living Lord. Thus, a few minutes, perchance an :hour, in each day found Him in soiree wayside 2,chapel of His ' own 'c loosing., . He was searching that Power that would .see Him through:. You and I need those few. precious moments each day. We ' can so easily go astray. We 'can so easily build .up hostilities,: thatwill not go away by man's power alone. We can so easily take on greater burdens than we can stand and rumble un- der the load So, refreshment is our requirement. We need to Knox,Pre$bAe(rian .Church 'steal away from the maddening crowd and' find *our peace in God: Christ also, sought iden- , t fication in those times alone with, I-lis7Father. He needed to know again Oat Hen was td be the ' Savf a it of the world, He ' , did .not°wish to swerve off,the''' path and lhjure His Father's kingdom. Thus, He was to be 'assured again and again that , He was truly the Son of God. At the time of His .baptism the hea'4en,s opened ` and the voice of God was heard- to proclaim,° "This is My Son, in Whom I am well -pleased." In His humanity Christ Jesus needed to know the Way., He was to fol low. • • So must we. We, too, must have that identification which . assures us that we are the children of God. We have a -destiny.We have a goal. We have a Father in heaven. He loves us*through all trials and heaviness. He .knows the num- ber of our hairs.'He is aware of each sparrow . in the air. .He. beholds the smallest things. It is God,. our :Father, Who is always saying to us,, "You are mine!" HURONVIEW GODJRICH $IGNALeSTAR, THURSDAY, J 'i Y 25, 19744 -'AGE 8A • 4 The annual Octogenarian Pictii'c sponsored , by the Goderich Kinsmen Cluktk, was held in. the Saltford hall on Wednesday aftervon. Thirty- three residents of tfie Dome at- tended and thoroughly enjoyed the outing which r ,eluded ""a variety prograrn renewing acquaintanFes and a buffet lunch.. • The variety :program con- sisted of selections by the Goderich Psychiatric Hospital Rhythm Band directed by'Gor- don •Harrisdh, vocal numbers by the Snell Family, tap dan- cing -by Lorie and Jeff Bender and highland dancing by Sharon and Jenifer Whiteley. Mrs. Ian Wilbee of Walton arranged a variety°program for "Family Night". Carol Wilbee was emcee for the program and -joined her brothers Keith and Brian, and her parents Ian and Mrs. Wilbee with several musical numbers and vocal solos. . Mrs.,.'.Neil McGavin led a lively sing -a -long and accom- panied Jeannie McDonald and. Cathy:-McGavin for vocal and tap dance" duets. Harvey Bryans thanked the entertainers, on behalf of the residents. • SUMMER -TIME „ - w„ .. drinking my freshie, running in WHEN' THE LIVING. • arid out of. my house like it was IS HECTIC their own. "I don't mind it much; put ° onso � Now that my children are grown, summers are relatively• at times r do lose my temper. part, my time is my own .Forgive me for this and help .peaceful a,nd `quiet. For the 'me, to love them.- °• ' most_ arid the days pass by leisurely "Maybe I' should' take some and pleasurably. time .to read •a ' few Bible.. Sometimes, when' the neigh-, stories to thein and play with bourhood children walk- by in them. I.really don't know. costume from .playground I. "But it surely would be nice vaguely "remember times, long if 'one of . the . other mothers sago, when ) scurried around ' would let them play at their frantically searching for a place for a change. »'' gypsy"dress; or a cowboy or In-.. `What am -1 to do,' LL'ord? dian outfit to 'suit whatever They are running'' me ragged happened to be the the aet ,a and into the poor house. Give a me the patience, love and, un- - , playground _that week. .derstanding. which I need . so This •moaning, a young friend apologized for taking so long to badly, Lord; ..., and letthe days answer. the phone because as fly by until 'sehool opens again. she .explained ;,she was,,, Amen." the � My dear, whoever you are, audience of one for ;a° produce' and .-.all" you other distracted, ,tion. put ' on .by her four children. "You should see the young mothers, may I::=assures get-up of"them,". she. laughed, you that 'even ° this will pass.' "the• girls all dolled up- and the ' My own slaughter phoned not • boys Mincing. around in "dresses ' long ..ago at 'her wit''s. ' end, • having a ball." • telling me of a hectic morning ' When I' hung up, veet-sad : when Uthe neighborhoodb kids memories poured over me.'I had. all ,fought in her yard; all recalled the endlessplays,whined for 'something. to do; that ti and ,when onegotpushed off cuses 'and puppet shows that p the landing getting were produced in our own back ,scratched yard .-.. the fre3hte stands the and '.bruised. The final straw playhouses made of cardboard " ,was when another 'b`rought :up • boxes' °... the -laughter, the all over ,,her kitchen floor. "And ,' quarrels, the fun, the tears. you ' tell me," she stormed, ,•b For awhile I. wished I could' ,, ."thattheseare the best years of turn back the clock and bring • m°y life .•. tial''' ,, Mr. and Mr's: Tom Wallace, • :Toronto celebrated their 2,pth wedding anniversary at the home of their daughter and 'son-in-law,', Mr. and Mrs: Michael Pope, 205 Elizabeth Street. Guests' from Toronto wete Mr: and Mrs.: Ted Irving, Mr. and Mrs. Gil Carlson, Miss Luanne' Campbell and Jim Carlson; their sons. Roy and Scott Wallace from Toronto; from Goderich, Mr. and Mrs.. Wm. Helesic: Mr. and Mrs. James Garrick of Windsor and• daughter and son-in-law of London visited with his • mother Rita Scrimgeour and brother; Bob tly. • Janet,Cook, 14, of Belgrave, set an unofficial record last week of Camp Menesetung, just a a north of Goderich. •According to John McCarroll„regional director of the Young Olympian m progra, she ran with the Olymplan'flag with tremendous speed: Running was part of an evenings activities as Mr. McCarroll introduced about 65 youngsters to the program. [0 THESE FAREWELL MRS. GRACEMACDONALD • .L ,Mrs. Grace. MacDonald, 149 'Elizabeth ,„Street died •in, 'Alexandra Marine and General Hospital Wednesday, July 17° after a lengthy illness. She was 71. .. ..The former Grace Wightrnan, she was born October 25, 1902, in East Wawanosh Township to William and, Minnie• (Rome) Wightr�aan, She has been a resident-. of Goderich for "the past 19 years and 'was a mem- ber of ' Knox ,Presbyterian Church. She is survived by her husband, J. Frank MacDonald; three daughters, ,Mrs. Hugh (Evelyn) MacDonald, • Str•at ford; Mrs, Wm. (Barbara) Lan-` ders, Pointe Claire, Quebec; and Mrs. Donnis (Connie)' Con- nelly, RR :3, Goderich ; one son,. :Frank of Goderich; 12 grand- children:. and two sisters Mts. Alex (Isabelle) 'Young; ;i; ucan and Mrs. Ross (Bessie) King, •Wingharn. . • Funeral service.. was'Satur- day,-.'July 20 at McCallum Funeral • Horne. with ' Rev. G.L. Royal officiating.• Intermere was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Rick Landers, Jim Landers and Tom MacDonald, all grandsons of .the deceased,".an;d Bill Hum- - phries, Bill King and Bruce Machan' all • nephews of The deceased. Yea though 1 walk thiousk tht arotlst .4 the shadow of death, l shall fear tie .•►i1 h,r Thou ort Wath cue •234 Psalm son) Johnston.! Following her *Marriage January 11,' 1922 in Ashfield„ Township to Robert,J. Sowerby, she lived in Goderich Township. She moved 'to* Goderich with her husband in August of 1970. • She was a member of St. George's. 'Anglican Church. Surviving are her husband; pne song R. Bruce Sowerby, , Goderich; one' daughter,* Mrs. Gerald ,(.Bet'ty), Fisher, Goderich fou grandchildren and two great grandchildren;' twtt;•t sistiers, Mrs:, 'Hazel Dougherty, Goderich, and Ms's. William ' (Alma)'McCa`nn, Colborne Township; and one • brother, Leslie .Johnston, Nile. Funeral service was Friday, July 19 9t McCallum Funeral Home with Cann G.G. Russell. and Rev. G.L. Royal officiating. Interment wasin Maitland ' Cemetery., Palbearers were Forest McClure, Earl Williams, Everett Finnigan, John MacDonald Evergtt Mclf warn and Stan .Mcllwain. Flower - bearers were Rick Sowerby and Rowald- Sowerby, both grand- sons of the deceased. MRS: DAISY SOWERBY • .. Mrs. Daisy 'Sowerby, -172 Elgin Ave. W., died'in Alexan dra Marine arid,' General Hospital following an illness of four weeks'. She ..,was 80. She was born in Ashfield Township"December 27, 1893. to William and Elizabeth (Sitnp- Representative . 11 "b Cambria Rd., Goderich 524-7345 The family that pays tog°ether....Stays together', , LITHERAN SERVICES Rober.tson Memorial School' .back those dear -little people of Looking back, I. know that years gone• by who are now in. while, there were .many :: good and beautiful times I have to admit ,to harried and trying days 'when I scarcely knew, what side was up; 'when I fell° into bed to tired. to say my prayers but ' thankful for the'. oblivion that sleep brings. You have asked God for their own homes, some with children of 'their own: Then my mail came and by , coincidence (or is there ever a coincidence?) it contained this prayer : written by a young, uinknown reader (there was no signature): (BLAKE AND ,ELDON STREETS, GODERICH). SUNDAY, JU,Y 28, 1974 H M Sunday School for all ages 9:30 A.M. Divine Worship" 11:00 A.M. ;• Sermon: ."WHAT -THE WORLD NEEDS •NOW" Marvin L. Barz,' Pastor • ° 22 Stdncoast Dr. W. . 524-2235 "Preaching peace b`y Jesus Christ: He is Lord, of alt" Acts• 10:36 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist°•Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near The Square REV. W.H. McWHINNIE • Organist: Mr. Frank Bissett 9:45 a.m.—Sunday .School 11:00 a.in. Morning Worship. COME AND WORSHIP WITH US ° •" „44.1LL ARE 'WELCOME THESALVATiONARMy:• 18 WATERLOO ' ST. S 524-9341 - • , ',SUNDAY SCHOOJ~ —. 9:45 A.M. 'FAMILY WORSHIP, — 11:00 A.M. EVANGELISTIC SERVICE — 6:30 P.M. ATHARBOUR PARK WEEKDAYHome•league,, (ladies.) Wed,', 8:00 p.m.. ' Prayer & Bible Studies Thurs. 7:30 p.m. OFFICERS - CAPTAIN G. H`ERBER - CAPTAIN M. McKENZIE .Are Cordually invited to Attend” ST. -GEORGE'S CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1974 • TTH, SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY, Holy, Communion at '8:30 p.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon .at 10 a.m. Nursery at 10 a.m. • PLEASE NOTE CHANGE"'OF TiME Rector; Canon G.G. Rusdell, :B.A.; B.D.. Choirmaster -Organist; Joseph B. Herifman "Qdear Lord, here it is'sum- patience, love and understan- • mer again • and, ° . _the ding ... ask also for strength neighborhood' �chjldren are and help..Surely if you called ting on my doorstep with my on one or "two of_ the other children, •*rating my .pop§ides, mothers you could arrange to take"turns so that each of you GIIIBLOOD _ ; could have a`free ,day or after- - noon 'once a week_ If , this is'not forthcoming*. q LIFE BE A+ BLOOD DONOR just hang . in there and with. God's' help you'll be able . to. rcarry ' through with this very special mission 'that: He has. given you to `dn. : ' . Why not start writing down all the 'funny things the children ,saw and do with yoltrk flair for writing you may • produce a book one; day. Happy sUt Tiering and:God ,bless. Eitif.:INT.fRE$TRATES.: •Now Available. On IST AND 2ND MORTGAGES Ariyt1here In Ontario On .RESIDENTIAL, ,CoMMER.CIAL, INDUSTRIAL and FARM. PROPERTIES Interim Financing'•For New Construction A Land DevelOpment • " • "Fors Representatives In Your Area ° Phone SAFE,'WAY.`INVESTM:ENT'S AND- • y., CONSU!,...,i444535 /ANTS LIME TESD r r '(514 { 744 6535 Collect Hied Office :58 Weber St `s .• Kitchener, Orit: We Buy' Existing McrtOageti for Instant Cai:h z >. a o Judy Fish r, 34, of��Goderich, does a forward .flip during an ° evening of Young 'Olympi•an 'activities Iasi week at Camp Menesetung; John McCarron, regional director of the•Olym- ,pian program, said".Judyshowert goats style. • 0 THIRD Anniversary 1. Service Sunday, July 28 Wicks family Instrumentals, duets, etc.: .8 P.M. . o 'Huron Men's Chapel Auburn Evll prevails wtheit good mon do- nothin' n• The FreeMthOdIst Church Park St. at Victoria . Pastor H. .Ross • Nicholls 10:01) a.m. Be ' part of a growing Sunday. School 11:00 ;a.m. Mornings Worship - �' Topic: Stewards ,vs Squatters 7:00 p,m, Film - "Life .in Christ" series Anyone needing bus transportation, phone 524-9903 Everyone. Welcome • ` CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC = FUNDAMENTAL " 'REV. R, BRUBACHER,' Pastor 1;0:00° `a.m: BIBLE 'SCHOOL .FOR XLL 'AGES For Jree.bus transportation please .call 524-9497 11:00 a,m.''Preaching Service SERMON:: "THREE THINGS EVERY'•CHRISTIAN OUGHT TO KNOW".,' h , i 1:30•p.th'.'' venin' ,Service, • . The Pastor will speak at both services. Wed. 8 P'.M.- PRAYER MEETING MISS L• ENORE 'CATES, MISSIONARY'TO JAMAICA WILL GIVE HER,TESTIMONY Welcome to the Friendly Ch ,rch • "Don't just watch us grow, Come ;and help us grow," . ,Bethel. 0Pe•ntecostal ..T:abernache Affiliated With' the' Pentecostal Assenibliet of Canada AreCORNER OF ELGIN' AND' WATERLOO S <S. , • • REV.' PETER G. ST. DON, Pastor .You SUNDAY, .JULY 28, 1974...: 10:00 a.m.=-SUNDAY SCHOOL Re -acting : gree Bus Transportation 11:00 a:m.---MORNING SERVICE : - Th The 7:00, p.m.—EVENING' SERVICE Q U O t e s 4 Thurs. Children's Hour 7-8 'p.m. every Thursday: 'Friday 7:30 p.M.—Youth ' Servide "Christlan$ ere uke.tea; thel'-real strength is not drawnout un . HI. they get Into. hot' water." • For further information abidut churen services cart':'524.8506, Victoria Street United Church HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP-"" REV. LEONARD WARR 11:15 A.M. - Worship service Gu6st Speaker: 'REV.' A. FRY Mrs: J.; Snider, Organist & Choir Director.' KnoxPsesberian:church THE -REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, BA. Minister THE REV. RO'11JALD C.McCALLUM, Assistant WILLIAM M. •CAMEf ON,,Ditoctor Of Praise, ° SUNDAY, JULY 28, 1974 Summer Schedule " Service is at 10:00 4,M. Sermon: "THE RLE GOD HAS GIVEN" (Nursery. Fabilities) n ° Fellowship and 'refreshments Vatre after. service .on the front lawn h " • tion Bible School, July 29' to°Aug August Enter' to Wors hip .. Depart te`'Serve" North 'Street United Church The 'Rev. Ralph E. Kirit'; B.A., B.p., Minsiter Miss Clare McGowan.- Visiting Assistant".' Mr. Lorne' H. Dotter* - Di'rector of Menlo SUNDAYi•J ULY 28, ._1974 Worship at 10:00 a.m. • Semon: ti ° "NO PROPER GARMENT"' Nursery Fecillties, and Junior Church ( 34 year Olds) Guest trumps t solii'st" Mr, 'Ernitti': MAcMIh>Irn (Colles will be served fellowing« tha' aarvlc i) . , . Como and Worship with us •