HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-25, Page 21z Assstance aXailable., €or s�al� busiress The Small, Business Sprite small { bi inesses cots- .Assistance Program is staffed tact the Program -.just to by -sixteen business students discover° how well they are from, the .School of Business ` doing.°; It was exactly this type Administration --at the Univer- Of °inguiry that ,prompted one sits of Western Ontar.,io. This client in aluminum casting to non -•profit making organization. telephone for assistance. He has already begun its task of later, ,discovered that he had giving .advice to' small reached a level of operation businesses within. a seventy . whereby he now required mile& radius of Landon. The detailed • planning .,d program cantinues until August scheduling sytitems if he , s t4 23, 1974. • continue to 'meet his' c•tttitc ers" The service is available to delivery' '.requirements -suc-. every kind of business at eyery cessfully. phase of 'deyel,fppment' -from Another typical ,o;5'rnple of a " initial. start-up to • the very client requiring the help of. the challenging and 'exciting stage Program' was a woodmaker of expansion. The business producing -very high gGality must be Canadian ,owned and wooden products and whose --financially unable to afford skills and resources 4iad been professional consulting . fees. totally applied to an excellent The whole project is made Production set-up. He simply possible by a grant from the required help•to find marketing Ontario Ministry of Industry outlets for his produets which . and -Tourism. was an area of his business in 'The `''Student conSullants which he felt least.-jomfortable. themselves have all been ex- Paul Derksen; another • posed tonat least one year .of in- student consultant, said With' lensive training in business ad- reference to this account,. "At ministration and a majority v first .1 had my ° doubts about have also had several, years of successfully combining my practicaLbusiness experience in ''booklearning with my client's functions ranging from. accoun-• nitty-gr,.itty experience but in ling to marketing. With this practice 1 found corn - background they ''are. u"niyuely • munication with all my clients qualified to anaVse some of the easy d very rewarding. in' problerris n which small terms of sults. •busiztesses are facing today.. Although the funds from the The kind of work undertaken Government . will cover the already this. year includes . major costs of 'running ,these probing market opportunities, 'disentangling accounts, l:onduc- ling feasibility studies, ,tiim- plifying inventory control systems, establishing cost con- trols ' and in general being prepa red to seek out answers to all' questions posed by .small businessmen., ° . "Many small business, proprietors. who seek:. our assistance," • says Albert,, -Hen- = data and other sometimes per,- - sen,' one of the Program•"con sonat informalion is necessary sultants, "demonstrate a.,high to do an effective job, the level of expertise during 'Our Program scrupulously keeps all discussions' with them- An ob- . its material confidential., jective outside.view can • Anyone wishing to inquire sometimes do mucto reconcile about the Program should call the proprietor's personal' goals -(519)• 679-2185 during business with the'realities of.,the actual hours or .write to: The Small -business. environment in which -Business Assistance Program; he operates." q School of Business' Ad - ..Studies conducted so,far this•- minisl rat lay; Room 261A; year, have ranged :from non- University of'Western Ontario; profit making LEA.P projects'to n 'London, Canada; N6A 3K7: small companies involved in • -'lease • make• s'ure' that .you. .the markel.in,pf'.. wines. Twvo.° •, contact the office before the end consultants were able to •ofAuly 1974. 'negotiate, and ,secure: a sales contract for a' client in the, gravel, industry which will enable him W quadruple 'his gravel sales ,this year. consulting services, 'a nominal ,•fee is usually charged to coot::- out -.of -pocket -expenses..Firms unable. to .afford any payment whatsoever will also be con- sidered•, Often • the . consultants find mall organiations are .reluc- tant 'tri share internal ' infor;- mation •with outsiders. 'As 'ac- cess to financial ccounls, cost M•. HOIMES, AIR. CONDITION E®, Olr"D AICD NEW -„�' A2E„HOMES OF COMFORT, THfMOUGH AND THOUGH. TOWN TALK Mr. and Mrs. :: Gerald Spain of Goderich an'd• also Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frank and their , four daughters of Kitchener returned home from a two week visit to Prescott, Arizona for a family reunion with the parents of Mrs. Spain and Mr- Frank, Mr. and Mrs. Earle L. Frank: I;t was the first.rt'ithe in I- years that the whole family had been 'together. Eighteen attended. They travelled' by Amtratk' • Railroad from Detroit',. Michigan to Flagstaff, Arizona: -They were met' there ' by •Mr..: 'and : Mrs. Frank and one bi ther for transportation 100 miles, to Prescott: While they were there they also visited the Grand Canyon -and .,Blanding, ,Utah. They report a most en- joyable tirtie. MR. AND MRS. G. M. FERGUSON ed in • Ashfield Ashfield Presbyterian Church was decorated • with white candles an,d mauve and white • iris June .15 for the double -ring ceremony at which M4rgaret- Eileen Simpson of •45.intail became the wife of Glen Merrill Ferguson, Delhi. Rev.. Ronald McCallum (if Goderich officiated assisted by Richard Sand of Ripley. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.. M. Simpson, Kintail, and Mr. and • Mrs. Gordon Ferguson, Delhi, are the paretIts of the groom. • The bride was given in marriage .by her father. She wore a formal -length gown of lagoda featuring a high Vic. torian neckline with ng Sleeves, rows of tiny ,seed.] a rls down 4hee front, Belgian lace trim and• a frill around the • hemline..Mer threentiered veil was held 'with a Juliet cap and, she carried a cascade of yellaw roses, white mums, stephanotis and greenery. Maid of -honor was Miss Joy Farrell, Ripley. Bridesmaids were 'Mrs, Brenda Mawhinney, Delhi; Miss Jan 'Simpson, Kin - tail; Mrs. Mary Louise Dalton, Kingsbridge; and Miss Cathy r Siirips n, ' •Kintail. They all • 'wore:,formal gowns of yellow and” green floral` •crystallette° with low, cape -style necklines and' empire waistlines trimmed. FOR ALL YOUR PHOTOGRAPHIC NEEDS 0 with satin ribbon. They carried baskets of' white and yellow daisies. Groomsman was Donald Le Paudre, Guelph. Ushers were Keith Mawhinney, .Delhi; Robert M. Simpson, Kintail; John Stephep Delhi; and Melvjn Guthrie, Delhi.. The 'wedding reception was in the. Legion Hall in Lucknow. The , bride's m6ther wore 'a sheer organza formal gown in an apricot shade' with long full sleeves and a corsage,df white gardenias The groom's mother chose a blue crepe formal gown featuring long full sleeve-; and a sweetheart neckline with seed. pearl trim and -'a' corsage of pink tea roses. ' The 'couple left fo•r a honeymoon in Southern_ On- tario, the bride 'travelling in a" brown and' white short sleeved crimplene dress with white ac- cessories and a corsage of yellow roses. They are living in Brantford. Prior ' to her 'marriage, - the ' bride was feted at *showers given by Miss Mary °Cloney. in Goderich; Mr. 'and Mrs. Jim Westover in - Delhi; and :the Kintail community, Mand 'Mrs. "Gordo "4' Ferguson entertained "'the bridal party following rehear - "sal at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Dalton, Kingsbridge.. �derich and a pupils pass exams Results of music examinations inMay and June at Western Ontario Conser- vatory of Music for Goderich . and district students are: PIANOFORTE Grade 8, honours, •Nancy 'Keefe, `'Marianne 1' rayne; pas5nJudith -, F.tshcr, Victoria ' •McDonald. Grade 7, honoii'rs, Heather Currie, Glenna Ellis. Grade ' 6, honours,, Donna ' Frayne, Grade 5, honours., Anne Marie Murph; pass, Shari Free 1 n. ' Gra,del\4, honour's, Griff Mur- phy, Anita Shrier (equal). ',Grade 3, first class honours, 'Darrell L. Kloeze,` Debbie J. Shaddick; honours, Heather A. 'Stapleton; pass, Patrick J. Murphy. Grade 2, first class honours, Autumn D. Xleathe, Mary Margaret Fuller (equal); honours, Janice M.°Allin, Ellen. Murphy. " . Grade 1, first class -honours; C. Velma Brindley, Jennifer D. Harrison, Brian Melick.(equal), .Karin Hoernig; honours, Nancy M. Sallciws," Todd Glenn Rit- tinger, Brian.' Robert Murray, Daryl C. Madge. ORGAN • Grade •10, ' •Catharine •Potter. honours VIOLIN ' Grade 4, first class honours, rs, .Paula Joan Butler. a a THEORY Grade 4 History, 'pass, .` St.ephei Rieck; Grade. :3 History, first class honoursl, Lorraine Klein; pac+s, Barb Sch- rnalz; Grade II Rudiments, first class honours, Elixatieth Arm- strong; honours, MAY Jean Wilhelm; -,p pass, Victoria. 1vfeDonald, Kathy O'Keefe.. H SIGNAL,STAII, THPdRSP'AY, JULY 20, 974- '*G 7A J • AUTQMATiC...,WAS},.EERS &c:_DRYERS; PORTABLE WASHERS & !DRYERS .. WRINGER WASHERS • % PORTABLE & BUILT-IN DiSHWASHER. • IN SINK FOOD WASTE ,D,ISPOSERS From :the•D.epnrdabi:lity People ,ata. 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Thp longer lasting Insecticide dust, to control (runt, beetle., 'gr'ain mite, confused beetle, meal moth,? saw toothed beetle,an:d c grenn.;wrr'vil l insects ..i'rt stored wh�eatland oats- • • Of all the ways there are to spend a buck today,'there is none that makes as much sense as buying a new home. • A hail -le -is -an, invFe•stment'in your future. When ,you b'uy 'a home you're putting ydur money out for a nest egg, a piece of security, something: 'that. is going to grow right ,along • with you'. At Halliday Homes Ltd., we knonr what in- vesting in a hdme is' all 'about; and so we should, Since 1888 we've been investing time, talent arta a lot of energy to see that our custo mers investment is a solid one. Whether you're interested in the sophisticated elegance of , .o,uroDalewpod and Lord ,Sirracoe modls pic-• tured„-above .or any of our more than LI, uniquely'designe'd computer erig'ine'ered homes, you can be assured.of getting uncom= promisirig value backed by close to -a century's . worth of building experience. No matt& what your family ,or budget requirements, Halliday . :'uii a 0,44 Can. builda solid 1nvestrttent for your future Talk to your Halliday Home dealor H 'ILsho'w ' you why snore 4han 14.000 satisfied. Halliday customers can.say,,• Ha1Tiday Homes' L td - .Yowsimply ca,n't do any 'better.. e I have'd-hclosed o,ne dollar for my, Halliday • Homes Ltd, "Home Catalogue" -nd /or; fifty , - cents for my Halliday cottage "Catalogue ' Please send it quickly to:' Name Address Province Phone '' los on twir Ars me est Gam or los om. Low CHI;. - CYfuldieri Home M.nur.Otureri A»»ocruian GODERICH •