HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-25, Page 6• S NAL STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1974 -OBITUARY Sincere sympathy to Mrs. Bernardine Kinney on the sud'- den death of her brother, Mr. Albert O'Loughlin at his home in Troy, Michigan on Sunday. evening, July 14, due'to a heart ..attack. its body. rested at the• M/Cabe "1~'uneral Home in Far- tngton, Michigan until Wed- nesday, July 17 when con- celebrated High Mas; celebrated • 'by ---his --brother Reverend Father Rape1- O'Loughlin, C.S.B of Me?t,co City a.nd Reverend Father Michael Dalton of Courtland, Ontario took place in St. Fabian's Roman Catholic,- Church` atholiChurch` ' in Farmington,' •Michigan. Burial was in the - Holy °Sepulchre Cemetery. ,Mr. . Albert O'Loughr'in was the son of Joseph B. a.nd Mary (Griffin) O'Loughlin, formerly of Ashfield Township.e , is survived by his wife l bthv and by • three brothers, Reverend Father Raphael O'Loughlin, C,S.B. of Medico itv, Norman of Fennix, Arizona and Ler°non.' of Rochester, Michigan; and,, by' three sisters, Mrs. Bernardine Kinney of Kingsbsic ge, `Mrs. Harry_ Schmidt �?r'orine)• of Philadelphia, t',S.A., and Mrs. Ed Shea (Margaret) of.j3erkle`•, Michigan. All. the ,family was present for .the funeral .except for his'sister Margaret who was •,vacationing Somewhere in Europe and was unable to be contacted. . • PERSONALS - KLNCSIR•IDflE KAPERS • MI( Jou"CiArtu.g 4 5 9-1188 Mist Florence Lambert.us from._ Mrs. Peter Vogt and family on Hamilton. Miss Marta Dalton "Saturday of Last week. Mr. and t+f L n.it" Sister Mary Mrs: Phalen were returning Elizabeth f Wsterdown and from h&l.ddays at North Bay Sister _lane Francs' of the and Sudbury. Notre Dame Consent. Formosa, Mr. and . Mrs, Raymond and Mr,. and ;�,rs Dennis Austin of Toronto +• spent the Dalton -Irene Yrene ° Mrs.'Larnbertus • •weekend with his' mother I1rlrs._ was transferred front' the Marie Austin. - Gudeit<h Heispital by am- M. andhMrs. Desmond Cour- b ,large•. to .•,'�'"ictoria Hospital, ",tney returned' on Saturday„ London', on Monday, July 22, July 20 after ,pending their . for further treatment, honeymoon at Honey .1 anbour, Mr and Mrs. Cyril Austin Ontario. A family' reunion "was ‘ isited "'his sister'' Mrs. Leo held at "their •farm home'here, Corriveau w.,ho is a patient in on Sunday. the Alexandra Marine and Mrs. Leila Fitzgerald and General Hospital in Goderich• family of Stratford, Mr., and Mr: Raymond Dalton and his. Mrs. Bill Deathe (Marlene Fit- �tster Miss Antoinette Dalton zgerald) ,of Bryce Bridge and attended the funeral of Mr. Mrs. Irene Murphy of Goderich albert:0'L•oughlin;, in "Far- spent the weekend . at their mingto0 Michigan and visited summer home here. with '.y1rs..••Margtierite Joy who Miss Margaret . Foley of is a'patient in the Mount Car-.Goderich is vacationing for two mel Mercy` Hospital. weeks with .her brother Mr. Eric Courtney, 13 -year-old Matthew Foley. son •of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Court- Mr, Jimmy ;Caspar, 12 -year- ney, was admitted • to the; old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim , retur- f d h h by pl •ne on u ding .Winghani and..District General Caspar of San Francisc Hospital on. Wednesday •a ter- ne too is_..ome • ,noon, July 17 with severe ab- Monday after spe dominal pains. He was trap- holidays with Mr, and `Mrs. • I .enjoy digging out golf Pori Albert ran the Club house o 10th keep it in mind'. sferred that same evening to St; George Hebert and the -0'09n - ter 0' •several .people for were always some hi -junks 22- the -weather was rain but 49 for further examination, Mr.•and Mrs.. Michael Dalton F rW - • t r.. ''F.' icF;. ' ' 4H� .'�. ' "5-. f �ea.'i.<"-'t 2:`F`" i 4,$ s Minor Soccer'�action in Goderich last Saturday was thrilling as the local Peewees beat'Grand Pend in a squeaker - 1-0.1n the photo, photographer Kaz Budny caught the drama of the lone goal scored by Rick Stoddard as the Grand Bend goalie reaches but misses the well- positioned -bail. The game was played at Agriculture Park in Goderich. Cpn- . • histor•y or local,�color-and so of for a couple of years, and there Men's Night Monday, July Joseph's Hospital in -London nor. . relatives: 4' •ter asking some history of the l 'aitland, going on. Mr.' Clem Sattendedh horseJean Knight Game to my re Tuesday Jul Leffler was' . 'the races to players attended. First low net,. scue. y 16th. _Ladies �5 ent to Bob Strrier, with a 30; released from the Goderich Peterborough o during the 'past \ She a said., that before the Hospital 'on Tuesday, July 16 weekend.` • Night everborie brought a sand- second low ,net was won by Bill hospitalizedafter being' ��: ,►�.,.,..,.o* e„ar;.; :Maitland Golf .Club was .ac•' w.ich and a cookie to, site -the Bradlywith a 31; Jack McKen= tt}ally formed; a number of cooks a' night off and so a,ftex..-..•-zie and Bill Hanly tied for for`fiti•e day's. He is convalescing' daughter , of, Mr. and Mrs. re ' at his home here. Wilfred Austin, returned to her Edward Courtney, son of Mr. home on Sunda. evening after Joni and Mr,. George Bruce, a sum In the first flight the winners was John Kane. V4'tnners of the and Mrs. Leo Courtney, injured spending a month s vacation' mer .r sident used to:go down were Hazel Bea't'er end Jean draw were .Art 'Mumford and rh�is knee while helping with the with Mr. and Mrs. Charles . •to the aitland River flats and Knight, The second •flight. win- ` Dbtig Hunter. idents.. such as Archdeacon -the golf game •a tasty lunch was,. third low net with a 31.5. s- 3ateman, Judge Holt served .along with a cool drink. Closest to the stick oh No. 6 haying Operations at the. Baker (Eileen Fellows) of give ou balls during the years ,Hers were Jean Hanly and Jany .Remember to Howard a,nd Hogan farms on •Orangeville. ,•„--_ 1915 and,1916: � traps. Hed ” M d Mrs'" Joe -Courtney Deathe. Fi•idav, �• Iuly. 19. receive r. an p, Thisspa ked the :,idea ,of a • • Third flight winners were rmanent ourse„on the river -Beat to McGee, Joan McDougal its: Some of., tie other an Carol -Moore. Putting lits who put a . 'prizes went 'to Maxine Martin; .oney- into the ,Chris Hoffineyer, Bertha lub were G;L' McGee,and Peggy RiversHid- e, Charles de•n. Hole prize went to -Joan , Douglas Crawford. Prize for nearest ,to terson, 'to the hole went to Hazel Beaver• ee w'a. By the way, speaking of" the' .� ent.• cooks, snacks are 'available . holes' from noon on., Meals are served several• stitches at Alexandra visited with I,thetr son _Eric . Mrs.'He,rman Lambertus was urine and General Hospital Courtney, a patient in St. .admitted to - the Alexandra in •Goderich.. Joseph's -Iospital',•on Friday Goderich rest Marine and General- Hospital Mr. Jaynes. Sandford of Lon and again on Sunday.. They •lot of time and in Goderich on Monday,: July don visited an the weekend also visited r"with Mrs. MarieIformation of the 15. She was able to return to with Reverend Father, Ed Den- Curran and son Brian and`with *Parsons, ' C.C. - L her home here on Saturday •af- tinge.. and Brother Gari Voll, Mrs. Twining in, London. ternoon'fora 'visit With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phalen hers o'f her family, Mr. and' of Acton 'visited. with Mr. Frank.., B UD.AL SHOWER name' a -few. Charles an ars :Wednesday eveningJ�uly 17,in ..• probably' the first .rest Garrow,' Roy Lloy Mooney and Rc; Pa Mrs. Wilfred .Lambertus ' and . Sullivan and with Mr. J A 'l `e 'crowd' gathered on DO.. Y . U NEED A WATER WELL!!! D, V'IDSON WELL DR•IL,LI'NG LIMITED OF ERS YOU- ,n T3 years of successful water development -The most 'modern,' fgst equipment' available . . Highly, trained personnel • -.Fast service and free' estimates - Guaranteed wells at lowest roost • " ,PUT' EXPERIENCE TO •WORK FOR WVOU! • .DAVIDSON � 4 WELL' DR1L,LING'LIMITED "`ONTARIO'S FINEST, WATER WELLS 'SINCE 1900" WRITE 84X'4868 WINGHAM - OR PHONE 357-1960 St. Joseph's Parish Hall .in • At".that .time all nine were in the ,space present Kingsbridge to honor 'Miss' cupied by,° the first six hdl Judy Moran, daughter. of Mr.• ' d M .. Al ' -- r►'' bride 'was a much smaller. cour oc- by reservation. On Sundays.the It .kitchen is closed but in the pro an rs. , vin ora ; than at present, ,but it ha elect." Miss Marianne Frayne : some trickyholes. For instance. played„ "HERE COMES THE • BRIDE" as ,1(udy,and her at ;the lone tree on the fourth hole was much bushier'. then and • tendants '•Misses: Brenda had a lot of shy"libber;, around Moran," Betty , Wraith, Judy T Redmond and Nancy,. Moran .. the base of the trunk. a p there seated . amid pink'and ' ` Just past the tree was a large out frogpond. and ball retrievers white bells anditrearners. Miss PWinne 'were ` long bamboo poles 'with ' n gamy Sheila .Sinnett was' the Master of Ceremonies, b - baskets on the ends.There was net win<rr • The address. tc• ,Judy was also a short hole ,of--1°30'y-ards and Don read' by Miss Vicki Dieroff of called tiie 'Punch Bowl, A winners we Goderich. Misses Debbie and "saucer -like green had been cut Q Egener:e Darlene Austin and Miss Mary into the hill, and there were Lorraine Jone Theresa ' 0' Neill brought the deep traps on either ,side of the being the most ' green and thick shrubbery at D u Bund cooked the. am - many 'gifts to the -bride s table. A g y `the ladies . dvho the back •- a very `tricky hole. burgers and played his ukulele • shop, 'sandwiches, coffee' and donuts are 'available. Connie McIntyre and Penny Peters are doing a great job... " ' • Saturday afternoon 2pth the o -ball foresome began -with nch. Partners were drawn f the hat. First low net s were Della Bedard and" astwood; second low rs were Jean 'Hanley ewart;. third low net. e Jane Deathe and arry Deathe ''.and won a prize for honest golfers. • Judy thanked its s °ince tion, she cours . helped with "tete shower; the Sip Ve • in the sing -along 1 program and to all 'who gave, has been changed. three times. sula Stewart jean K Judy's wedding. to-ichaeWe have lost the frog pond and Jane Deathe sang a•sol Laj'eunesse takes place at • th& Punch • Bowl;s but ,-ve ' have And 'a good time was Kingsbridge on Saturday;-- _ .three extra holes on the lower, all, The next two.ball is A August 17. river flats. In the twenties, . Walter Hagan, who' was visiting Goderich-on---a- yacht; _played -- our course and shot- a 29. During :the war, because of the British Commonwealth `Air • - Training Plan, we°had a. num-. m -lier of flying schools in the vicinity ,,and as a result had - golfers •° from many• countries playing . here... Jock McCartney'. 'and Jimmy McLeod, two Scot- tish pros, from -R.A.F. Station, ad by •Ur ight aid or two.. ad ,by • gust rake the sand, • O..ur'Mistukes ° In the second section or this . newspaper, information under a pi.rture t f Jttdy Fisher lists the young lady's age as ;34 years. Judy is M14. Sorry!' It was" erroneously reported in last, week's Signal;Star, that Port Albert• Anglican Church. Womeh ,planned a bazaar for July..2,..The bazaar is being held.. Satnrdav, July 27.. • Save Save Save ". r: • on t0lifous�'rifems during Sidewalk Sale at Goderich BuiIdal`i ,Angletea St. J4ngIiart, �telty,'Doig and Co. •9 ' Chartered Accountants 268 Main St., Exeter ARTHUR W•. READ F3,,,irl',•�11 F',iri r�r 235.0120 •r • Best. Wishes Pinewood court Apartnients from �. 'DiscOu�ntDavelinks Div. of Conklin Lumber. Co. Ltd. Bayfield Rd. •- Goderich •�•- .524-8321 �N.. on completion of APARTMENTS PINEWOOD COURT . CLINTON Westingho`Iise Value -Priced We were pleased to°'have been chosen to supply Westinghouse ranges and:refrigerators for all 18 apartments at Pinewood Court. " Frost • Free See these and other s r "Value Packed" Westinghouse - Appliances • CIint�n:Electric •. • Eric Schellenberger 'Proprietor VO1.1R WESTINGHOUSE DEALER,. 91 Albert St. :CLINTON : 482 - 6646 • cKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE'. .38-t. .INSURANCE COMPANY I�r DM-rs. Margaret Snarl), Soc. l: roar. phi ne 5:77-0400 HEAD OF F1( .E; , S'a:fort! , Ontario It 'Only! a -• Costs •A Little To . Be Safe / Firer Extencie;d C';Over•age, `Wind• - storm, -Theft,, Pry pe1•ty Damage, Liab lits,-Ete. ' m '6/ - .u• blrertu s .an Adjusters: o Wm, Alexander, Seatbtth " Root: Af htbald, K.R, 4,'Se forth ' Ken Carnoc'han;'R R. 4. Seaiorth ,. Ross Leontiardt tt,R..l;, t3orhholm John McEwtng,, .R,1, Blyth Stanley Mcilwal:rr', Ra`R: , Golerie•h Vim. Pepper, Briucefteld , J; Trew :rtha;"Rdx°6d1,.Clinton. Agehis: . • y '4.Met ^ eys,:R,1 .$ba Orth'.' 'IiIJ'mL+ri r, LvddsSbbrO A• Phone $27-0831 . 527-1811 52'3-1545 , 345-2234 51.'.3-310•- .524-7051 482 .'‘,5.14 482-7593 K. J. Etue,, Sealoirt,h . t• itt;,J._.Mtirfay, it.lt. rr, �eieaf°yrth u