HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-25, Page 3C� a. N GQDBRZdi•I SIQ L T BURSIAY, JUS 2 , ;974--7VAOE 3 overnmeflt #. f1tni In "these days of time and ef- fort saving appliances, escalatora replacing&staits and automobiles replacing, walking, it's little wonder that Canadians are among' the mot unfit people in the world.• We have 'all. heard that the average DEAi �oiTo� continued from Patiocake, complete with candles,, and, sang Happy Birthday to the • delightfully startled , husband. Lots of bigger,. things were going on in the "outside" world, demanding our atten- tion and concern. One could say the episode in the ,hospital was a small matter by corn-' parison, 'Yet making people haps is never a small matter. The. nurses ` knew it. Chose present 'felt that things'were put in proper, qrder. and were grateful. 2. • -Sincerely, E.lsa�.Haydon. Opera letter Open Letter .to: Robert E. McKinley M.P.' Huron -Middlesex R.R. 1, Zurich, Ont. Dear Bob: ' In this time of rising prices, nd the Federal Budget in, DARK, red,,. I ask 'you 11 honorable, members to 9n Dd . think suggestio As you 'a - time there is • of -taxes, there wailing from the great country like's 'believe. Everybody, well-to-do .or not, clai ' can't afford, much mor this, then. get ready to go' to races, or bingo, or anything el to get rid of some money. But, as ticket' sales have indicated, people. have' •no ' qualms about' t spending $4Q.o01yr•. on lottery tickets. With this. in mind I suggest ' and. -emphatically. request that -.the Federal Government- con , tinue where the Olympic Lot- tery leaves off ..and put this revenue v»to good use in the ,Government ,coffers, I ful`ty realize- that this will ° likely create quite a. stir in the minds. of people who have'been trying' for years to -legalize gambling.` in general as well as those who will have nothing rtq do with gambling of any type, but despite this,. 1 billion/yr. would go a' long. way towards lessening the tax burden, and` could even balance -the Eederal budget, if handled properly. I also realize that .this idea is not original but I have never seen it in-piint before. By'„the way, I am going.to request that this letter be' printed in . _our- , local' paper, and I hope there are others who .agree with me. • • Sincerely, Terry Bauer, Auburn 60 year old, Swede is probably ficy,er than'the average 30 year old Canadian. Another , little talked about comparison is that American on the whole are more fit than Canadians.. Canadians, .were tested on Ar erican Heart Association' standards of cardio -respiratory Janes, arid it was found that 40 percent of men and 47 percent of the women tested had fitness levels which'cotild be classified .as fair or low. Women' generally are less fit than men, with women in the age group 0-29 'rating lowest in that study. As Federal Health Minister Marc Lalonde stated, "The end result of all this shows an er- weight and inactive popul tion. Our labour saving devices, our automobiles, our elevators and -the use of television as a sub- stitute for physical recreation -are contributing factors." • It is horrifying, to think that' 80 percent.. of Canadians are Completely inactive while 50 ' percent of Canadians are• over- weight in addition to being inactive.,A study carried out by Nutrition Canada showed• that overweight people ate the same number of calories daily as people who, maintained their normal weight. The reason some people gain weight''is that they lead inactive" lives and cannot utilize all' the calories theyconsume which eventually. become stored in ' the body as' _fat. Too often in the past we have tended to view health as the tario, from this Branch. absence of disease, butt in . Another area that could use reality health is much more some attention from :the than Ott. A contributing factor Provincial Government is fit - to a pe%.e n''s health is his or peas • in the schools. The I her level Aptness. Physical fit- Ministry of Education should s nxiety, improves start placing more emphasis on of the cardio- making sure, that students are rid- increases getting .the proper exercise from a work " the time they enter the school ment is ,system. until the time the,' and is leave. Hopefully by that time what. students. will have developed ing good exercise habits which will' stand them in good stead for the rest of their. lives. School administrators ought to be convinced of the values of fitness and 'its contribution to the q rality of life. The Ministry should encourage and support continuing education for teachers responsible for fitness and health programs and also give higher priority in the curriculum to physical fitness ness reduce the functions vascular system, product'ivi'ty', situation. bur Go recognizing ,these fa beginning to investiga its role should be in pro the health of Canadian citi In Ontario, the Provinci Government has set up a Task Force .on Fitness- to fid out what the Ministries sho ld' be doing' to promote individ al fit- ness. The Task Force was set up under the auspices of the Ministry of Health, but there is representation from other Ministries including Education and Community and Social Services, The °Task Force star- e ted its work two weeks ago'and: is expected to make recommen- dations to the Minister of Health, Frank Miller, some time in November. Anrcer Government group', ' concerned with fitness is the Sports and Recreation Bureau, in the Ministry'of Community and Social Services, which is about to, launch an extensive, new snorts project: This Branch is bhe major source of govern- ment support for• services to sport in Ontario. Further grants for, approved recreation programs .>. are ' paid to municipalities throughout On - ,nd .nutrition education. Finally school boards should increase their fitness facilities for students and also ..make these facilities available to the community. The Federal.,Governrnentis! also involved in promoting fit• ness, °s'o`rt- and physical recreation. The budget 'of the - old Fitness and Amateur - Sport Directorate was raised to 17 million this .year, in keeping with the,greater emphasis being - placed on getting Canadians Moving. I' feel that although the Federal and Provincial Govern- ments have their .contributions to make in this area, it is essew tially up to us, as individuals to rl)walk, swim or do anything that will get our hearts "pum- ping a little faster and our lungs working a little harder. Try. it -- you may like it. i,. DUNOANNON DOINGS 'Visitors with ti Mrs. Minnie Elinvale and •Mount Forest. Jones and -Mel were Mr.' arid Mr. Huntley Gordon of Lon Mrs:. Mel bell of Goderich,. don,.son:of ;� late Dr. Gordon, c 'formerly of Lucknow, was the their son and his family, Mr. Y 'N til assistant curator at Huron' County Pioneer Museum, demonstrated' an old den-° and Mrs. Norman Bell and of lest, visitor. • •,„, 4i edel a ,ass Mrs. Allan McNee, tist's drill t Susan White of Seaforth in the turn of the century dentist's shop on dipplay. The' Ont. • Edward,. . • -� daughter of Thunder Bay, .museum works ons, $35,000 budget from the Property Committee of County—Council and `David McDiarmid, seven.;and, Paul called on Mrs. Cecil takes yin abut $12,000)in admissions each year. (Clinton News -Record photo) Blake, Mrs.. Minnie Jones and - y year-old son of Mr, and Mrs.':; Mel, Mrs. Mary Beres. ,and """"� Allan McDiarmid of Midland . has been holidaying with gran- family during ,the week. On•• ' dMr, and Mrs.. Dave Thursday Mrs. Graham McNee M Diarr - accompanied .them to °Huroii- M'cDiarmid.. ' Mr.' and Mrs. Graham view. to visit Mr. arid Mrs.. Ross •.McNee, Eric McNee and McNee. . ° Brenda; Mrs. .Mary _Beres and Mr: Russell' .lahnston retur- • Jamie attended a family picnic ned home after a week in the held at Brookside ,School on. hospital. He is still under. lac: AUBURN AND fl:1STRICT. NJWS • t• Mr's- Wes Bradock 526-'759-5•' the following d b f 1 ° O Tuesday Mrs.. Olive MARY ANN WEBER •Community Memorial hall. Cartwright”, MrS• Gordon well aware, every ; ,,I've got a beef with people . The pressure comes from the. late Mr, and, Mrs. William` u, The president welcomed the' 40 Powell and Mrs. Leonard Ar- rai a in any kind who water their lawns in the water being stored in a tank if- -Worthy, formerly of Ripley, * Blake and Mrs,- Mary B,ere �a....called on Mrs. Alice Sc tt and 'Funeral Services were held children of the con9munity that charnbault. crimes a great rain. ter it has been treated. area. About 45 of the clan at- 4 July 19 for Miss were p"resent: eople of this . Monday. night I was'on my -This water is valuable. It, tended,* Mrs. •sten Bell (nee her` mother, Mrs. Elizabeth last Friday, IAL pShackleton at Bel awe. Mrs. Mary Ann Weber •who awed program SOC N WS -The for the children �. u wouldn't. way to take a picture It was should not be wasted. Perhaps,. Gertrude Worthy) of Godery:ch g" w p ' was started , by seeing who a Sl"i kl t '91 old,on away in Htlrorrvi'ew` on July 16 be ,they t was we the � Mocha ' was the winner. For Lacombe, •Allic�rt`a and. her Lucknow; M P Graham Born in East Wawanosh she he e Sunday for descendants of the tor's .care an must a care u outside. ac eon was years o o u • •- th �'i g It wasn't raining hard the people who water their won a prize for havi• aig'the most` d Other 11 She- had been a resident at could get the most words out of s sprinklers _ going • full blast It Js important. ,, daughter and only surviving uc now; rs. arcs was -"the daughter of the late .the 'members and friends :daughter, Mrs. •W;R. Ulm, Mr. luring. the shower. The many gallons wasted on member of the family of .Mr. Guelph. JJVilli •ro Weber`and'Lena, Daer: present, Mrs. Thomas Haggitt Ulm and daughters Laurie and w weeks 'a o the watering. -+a wet lawn could and Mrs. Wm. Worthy.. won the price °for getting the Kelly -of Kingston.spent last Just a fe g , from• make the difference•to our' fire Mr, and Mrs. Eric McNee -are Miss pearl Caldwell has -an She is survived •by one sister nlo5t words otit of Women's In ignal-Star carried an ad �. w•eekend. with . Mrs. lima v'a'n homeowners. d'e arrtment gp, f unusual coleus plant which is Mrs Thomas (Fnrmildal 'e TUC ad i.I g pd Ai s 'caking of Hamilton of Goderich who they should• water :their. lawns. People on - o.ne side of town a allowed"certain days and peon on 'the .other side ° are allowed then •dales. Times are "specified hat happened to ey • rain n P • Thn,rs a t . er ca ers were e " th but Mr. and Mrs. Bert, ton; • " uronview for many y like .' I saw no less than five lawn tie bit they tee• isn't important. dance. Nits: Bell is. 't t trade lawns in the rain 'think the lit- nieces and ne hews iii atten- y' B Al "H ears "Ch'ildren'S ' D"ay'. Traci' Mrs, Stanley .Mutc:h . of li Lucknow and -her daughter Mrs., Stonehouse of • coincide -with the. shower Mon- day night. . Just because it is person's turn to water his lawn, oesn't mean he has to do it. Gr ted, the ad did not ask peop to - refrain from 'watering their lawns during periods •of rain fall, 'hut I guess •some• citizens get' too much credit for using -M common sense. The ad further •'stated that ' lawn 'watering should be done only ' at certain times because municipal water reserves were dangerously low9. Perhaps the morons who ,water lawns' during rain showers 'figure that' just because Goderich is on a lake it will have lots of water. Certainly there is dots of water but there is only so much - under pressure. • - When water comes out of -a fire hose .it is under pressure. during afire: the scud parents 'o a son, • stitute' McFarlane: I'm not against using water" "Craig Wayne,' born July, 21, a growing pods. 'o, p Thegirl with the most letters Iahts, Mrs. Lillian Rev. Garnet. Potter was in Mr. and • Mrs. Allan constructively. When its hot I brother for Brenda. p like to swim. When I'm. thirsty Congratulations! MacDonald's potatoes h 1t h f theservice held in the in her name was. Christine McDougall and Miss Debbie' regulary. I ,like to drink, I take bath7s Peter Belstra, 1.. I flush the toilet Goderich, father of Mrs. Larry pa.rently because they eon b 1 g to burial -in Union Cemetery' Derrick Cartwright. • ave i- charge of formerly of tle round balls on them ap- 'Arthur Funeral Home with Stadel'mann the boy was Wills ,of Sudbury are vacationing with his parents, family. - Blyth. Pallbearers,were'G" ld, ' Plaetzer played a Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth - Wanda= ° ° 'ti- week when necessary:I t Tha..t__ne haps is the key word , 'Mrs, Jack McGee on the east entertained on Sunday with Robert - ` ' ACM/ L. 'The, July meeting of the enjoy p justholidaying• atg •x- Marks Church Auburn, .,held �ttan�ge, student from.`°Quebec,• its monthly � g, , SylvieLa Fevre who is.;.stayin church last Wednesday and'freshie .was served to all. • last Friday with Mrs. •Elms for the Pentland, has .moved into a d nightshade .p an piano solo for children. An McDougall this- 'mobile home `owned by Mr. and . Merle and -Sheila. Gunby Donald, John, Garth, Gene and limination or theest was won n Hamilton .all ne hews. . necess'ary. Water your lawns end of Joseph St We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Da ir' whent*ls necessary n, Mr. Belstra to the village. Stratford" Mr: and Mrs. John i A fine growth of greenery is a • Mr. and Mrs Allan McNee, Ridgeway, Mount Forest, rs. • Bradley •McVitti'e. The clothes . Mr" and Mrs. •L;ewis,Cook of pin in :the bottle contest was. •, Belgrave and Mrs. MSN, Taylor 'won by Carla Hebert and of Brussels vited Iasi Sunday t on and Wendy Hartley and Mrs. Bradley Andrews, with Mrs. Bert Taylor. pleasure`toaloak at,.sit sons I{Jdward and Paul are The'fisli and roved veru in- , Mrs` Roy Patterson• n Mir., But rain keeps it as . their cottage at Elaine Hartley for a family.pic- Anglican Church Women of St.' p p rile Also present was an e 'te•resting and each child got two Peter•.Patter"son and Miss Mae green as tap .water. Cedar Grove Beach and atten gifts.' Cookies ice-cream bars Irwin, all of Toronto, visited The only reason I can. think .ded the picnic • at • Brookside t thl meetin in the g • ' • of .that prevented people froi i " School on Sunday. 4 Mrs. Haggitt presided Mc`fl arlane... 1 offwith Pthe Ridgeway, family at •' ° evening 'rh t d M u•r ins their heir sprink yrs Mr. and Mrs. Hank Kragt " •business `meeting, .The minutes Mr; an Mrs: Maitland. Allan.. Mond besides 'stupid`ity, its from British Columbia who are "Mount Forest. Mrs. Celia Taylor, the - y of the rav`ious meeting were were goes last Saturday at Ricky P f 'L . don is 'president opened the meeting pd that th v were afraid of getting- ! staying with her mother, Mrs. icy earce, o on approved ,„as re -ad by th.e (he Alli.n• Shobhrook wed ing d' ks 'with his - and welcomed the members pp d . b wet when<they'went outside to .Simon de Boer in, Lucknow. spending ,,two wee secretary, Mrs. Donald Haines: turn off the'r to s grandfather, hl r. -P� rank Pen= Prayers were said by Mrs. last :Saturday at Lon es oro. r.. p• . • They, are ,visiting friends and g'r' Elmer Trommer and the scrip- ,. A letter .of appreciation was M�••" �nrl• Mrs. Harry Ren 'd We do. h•av umbrellas. relatives in the area. They were tland. read from Mrs. R. Path, • f h' t lesson was read by 1VIrs derknecht and Mr, and Mrs To the; people" ho fallow the accompanied by .her sister aril The I edy , families o this ere g. (;fts e f�i�ne�: 'cif Detroit area attended' the Ee'dy:Yundt Andrew 1Si•rkconnell. Thertopict • :Bayfield thankin the W.I. for,, g rules arid, use c • r�rmon serine •her � husband, Mr. • and Mrs. �,, �• s'm •le short-cut that will •the. Historical meet-ing_ which •visited 1VIr. and Mrs. "Thomas family picnic in Stratford on A, i p when watering . latus, I say, Dirk LogtenYberg to the Toronto. ami y set 'you free" given °b�: Mrs. they had planned. n't take offence to .Pride to meet the Su day Mrs. Maines announced lad 's brother �.n is�wi e,. r• • pans were underway o hat have said. y - • ` • To the morons who left fir and,Mrs. Ieme de Boer. and son girls visited with Mr. enc Mrs. teresting.• .July 20 -Wedding werdinner• and �e :Mrs: Donald Cartwright read please do � airport. on y „ee that w C d d h' 'f M Mrs Paul Henderson and Robert Slater „ was very in 1 d e r the Haggitt ott..:Monday. ' "_ r:`.and' Mrs. Maitland Allen HarveyAlton on the weekend. visited George Timm on Sun - I sprinklers on during the rain;�I pain who arrived `from Holland � -•' weddingdinner on August 3 day at' Listowel hospital where, about all the waferfor a three week visit in Marsha Alton returned t:o' an' interesting and • humorous ° 'Toronto with them for he incl be the next wedding to ' •he as a patient. i$ your house. cat- It is the first time .in p which the W.I woe night. \ kitchen". Th b s�; art of 4 say, 'think you wasted. , ches on, fire some r reading,'"Let's hear it,.frorn t wci wed_ding ' ` e business " would cater. Mr:. and. Mrs I3<ib•"`Warren 20yYears the de Boer sisters and holidays.•Members voted to again and -Larry of Windsor visited brothers have bee,rtr together.` - •Mr. and Mrs. Don, Nicholson the meeting was conducted4 by A • - and familyare holidaying in Mrs, Taylor. sponsor 4 H clubs and it' is, last week with her uncle, Mr.. Mr'• rid 'Mrs. Kair,,l, Smith g hoped that leaders will he Arthur Younghlut' . and her '� d fa ylv from Windsor for a :few days. •, • The minutes were a;'cepted p . Windsor,found for these girls, visited '.on`°� he weekend .wl .;, - us tri wi he ' d• • John D e The travelling• p, planned aunt Miss lila Youngblut- k d •th Mr. and 'Mrs Ron Stormer, as read 'by the secretary, rs• A b 11 for `Mr. and, • Mrs. --Bob • their parents, Mia and .Mrs. of Kitchener, visited on Sun ay a .r. with Mrs. Cecil Blake and'•Bar• apron received a penny for-eacch, the near- future •and Mrs. . Yoonghlut, Susan, Bruce and Marvin Smith, Sandra en beta. ` fetter in.Holiday Time and the •Thomas Haggitt, N1rs, Donald Kristin of Toronto, spent, last Lisa remained a are spew, rill il answered hN, Haines and Mrs. •Frank weekend �s.ith his mother, Mrs.° ding a couple of eks with. Miss Becky Rickert from Kit r • • ca. war diener spent the weekend'wit.h- naming where they were going Raithby will plan this event. ,,'Myrtle Nlunro. (:heir grandparents. , to s end 'their holidays. • Barbara and Mrs, C. Blake. p Mr.' and Mrs. F''rank, Thom!): Mrs,: James .Jackson w111 ap Mr. and Mrs,. Rorrld M son returned from a vacation at . Mrs. Elsie -Irvin, Dungannon, Mrs, Elmer Trommer is still li ue two • Ce�itennial rose t)amtide..o terdown visited their cottage in Kincardine Mrs, Jean Papernick, Goderich accepting clothing etc. for thef�.• p 4' , with Mrs. Beth Lansing recen- and Mrs. Violet Smith', bale to be lent to the north, If quilt. blacks, given by Centre. 1VIr, ancf Mrs Don Glenn,Haines for the Science Centre, tiv. ' has'good used Frank,and John of Richman ;h �; women's- �r •an r, Richmond Made -Fresh Daily C - (with ;eysry ,purcha e). MARKET LTD. ON THE, SQUARE, .: - 524-551_ .. ..- . leswortli spent a few days in anyone arae o Toronto the `E'rland Lee ° M and ,Mrs. Garth McClin- Hill; Larry -Pocock of Wiarton * Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. •clothing sue a Home at •Stoney Creek. s rotttin -• dresses. > dr C, reek. Fa ernick. girl they, Sandra, Brian and Janice.- ? and' Wayne -Pocock of dr► of p bee toytrouble at the river returned last week: from 'a trip Wingham visited-for.a few days Miss Darlene Stilling is span• chiltlren'c; clothing; please take ark near the Patterson home to Vi+ria, B.C. to visit her With Mr. and 1Vfrs. Gerrie ding a fetv•days holiday withb them to Mrs. Trommer as soon he merri:Yaers voted to remove • sister, Mrs. Ronald Taylor, Mr. G1 d family. Last Sunda, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.: as possible. - d d s ss bet t the picnic tables and the toilet Taylor, Wayne and Paul.• • Glenn an Root. Irvin. - PI e t vi•sito(rs--were Mr. and Mrs Ed• 1 the to the ball M ll and a'decid d to do art was too bad h, John Neale° .of Richmond Hi • DUNGANNON. UCW 1Vrs. Ken Bell of •Goderich Plans ,were i. cu field. It was felt that. the annualcleaning of,,Mrs.,. Zeta Baechler and son • church an it w - e that a few -have of Vancouver "'visited last it next week. The ,meeting was to spoil the fun as the W.I. had week with Mrs. -Myrtle Munro. and Mrs. Roy Pinder (nee Elva Po .placed. there their for the con- 'Miss Jeari,'l~intt`ston' and Miss Worthy) of Ottawa .visite Mr..' Leadership Development was cloacal With prayer. ' venience of the public: '- • Jean Jamieson Of - Toronto d ,M Graham McNee- on the theme for the Dungannon ' '• DAY d took 1 n ,Mrs. KID -'S A discussion 'pace about spent the weekend with Mrs. Church Women s. Frances, , I helping Miss Susan Thompson -'Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey Higgins meeting on Tuesday. Mr, and • M. Keith Arthur had a barbecue '•upper -on Wed- ' Ruby McClenaghafi, Donna. The annual Children's Day ',Vend her small ball players and returned last F'riday� eveniug was held last week at the .July $,50 Was voted to help purchase nesday to" welcome visitors' 'Young and °Glori'%Pearson ledSonic, equipment for them. Four from a two-week trip , to . from Calgary, Mrs: Lucille Mit- in this interesting" topic.` Good ''.m tutu bof ldin n vine eA�iburn ., ball' tearn have been: formed ,Manitoba to visit with Mt. and cliell, Donna Lynn, Jim And leadership is imporCant for, inn- t e , Riddell. Mrs Rill #2' ll. .- Shaine, Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs, dividuals as well as .1; p• • p 4 • - u 5 and a great deal of interest hal 17 l Leonard Chisholm and family Good leadership develops good of the meeting was the •reading been'` taken in this sport.' A 9 \ " _of a familiar Bible verse by ' Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell, , Mr, and Mrs. Roy • Cope;" attended the gathering also, communicatianst� • . - Sheila and Carol of London ' Mr, and Mrs: Kenneth';Cam- This unique program was Bessie McNee. Reading from convener Of the card committee andh' Mr, •attd : Mrs, pbell of Cransford opened their carefully planned oto include;A•: many different- Bible tran- gave her report and read theAnita and Bra, Gordonord n slations, she revealed several thank•vou notes. 'Gross, • home for a family reunion of, ° dviitional which involved, each Mrs. GordonPowell tock p Auburn visited on Sunday with .ke p r Bible forms of expressing "the same Au and Mrs, KerrNeth Ca'mpbell•s, Ci�oxiers•- and lady' regent. Well-known Iii the collection., The woman with . , Har.risons on Sunday July 21•• verses were recalled as well as -thought. i � the wedding-- anniversary', M,�Douglall•. „ - • a° It was also a belated birthday - individuals who •have influen- .. , Audrey Hasty iresided fora Mr. tTntl Mrs, .`tiabert -Ling ladies Treasurer's showed e • to, the date 'leas Mrs. celebration for W. Albert Cil;"- eel our lives, Twenty, b shirt 'btisi�iesc period. The closest,. and David of Guelph visited on pbell rho was $40° in March., and four visitors Participated A 'Creastlrer'sce report the first six Prank Rrottxam .and lunch was.Sunday evening wv`ith Mrs: About 65 attended with guests iii this... rneetin bilin - program Elms, M;eFarlatxe:• goo cl • present from Alicaster, Fingal,„._. Another i eregt,tng ;feature months . of the yeti•. '' in the .,charge of Mrs. Donald a Thursday evening United „