The Exeter Times, 1894-3-1, Page 8N
Peselle of 'reroute: else for the puolustiz
FINE CO.MPARY, ef London
taelseetel, Attaoatog INSURANCE 0031.'
AN Y. of If:Island.
Just iu Time
A cheap lot of
School Books,
including t h e
HighSehool List
required for the
The Sio.64 for Bargains
Pound Bo xil oda leiseuits
4 Pounds Ginger Snaps
2 Pounds Soda - -
Bost Matohes -
Sailor BOyJapan Tea -
We will for a short time longer give
24 pounds Granulated Sugar for 1,with
4 pounds of our S tilor Boy, or 3 pounds
of our prize Japm. Tea for anothei
dollar. A great snap, try it. ,
We think that we have the beat
assortment and meet complete Stock of
WalI Papers and Blinds in town. We
woukilike to know what you think of
our Stock, come and see it. A real
nice Wall Paper fur ac per roll, and
some lovely things in Dado Window
Blinds, mounted on best rollers, com-
plete, for.45c. Cheap, ain't • it Yes,
and good.
Are you going to take our advice
and. buy a barrel of Sugar right awe)/
Look out for a big jump in price before
10 days. You will get left if you don't
buy. We are selEog Sugars below re-
finery prices.
•3 Genhe Fur
Robes .lefb, Do
gain? A Gent's
411.50. IN ow's
gain. Fur Coats
go for half price.
6 Bars Sweet Home
6 Ban Dingman's
5 Bars White Cast'
10 Bars Our Own S
Coats, and. 4 Goa
you wane a big Bar -
Good Fur Coat for
your chance for a bar -
must go. Goat Robes
Quick is the word.
Scap - • 25
Electric - 25
to - - - 2
oap • - - 2
J. A
. Stewart.
Notice t
o TzmesReaders.
Zhe publishers would esteezm it a favor if
coders would,when making their purchases,
esetfon that they sato the merchant's adver-
Isement in THE Times.
xIi itnO,
ItSDAY, MARCH 1, 1894.
Ti this for Ton.?
Haying disposed of the butchming
business to Mr. Snell, all accounts owing
the firm mutt be settled on or before the
last we13k in March, after which they will
be placed in otherhends for collection. '
J. tie D. WOOD,
To be Cut Off,
Vord mune to the business men of
Exeter that trains hitherto conyeying
freight, etc, were likey to be with-
drawn, or bring freight every other day.
This was immediately seen and felt to be
disastrous to butmese in Exeter and
around the conetry. As a protest &gaited
this, a meeting of all concerned has been
stalled for Friday evening in the town hall,
at 8 o'clock. Let there be a full attend -
fiOntli Blazon Farmers' institute.
The institute meetings: of the South
Huron farmers were largely attended on
Tuesday and Wednesaty last. The first
day's proceedings took place in Hensel',
and the three meetings held during the
forenoon, afternoon arid evening ware well
attended, Mr. 8. J. Hogarth, president
of the Association, occupied the chair,
The Secretary's duties were efficiently dis-
charged by Mr. Hannah. Interesting ad-
dteseeto were delivered at the Meetings by
Mr, John McMillan, member of the titling,
atid by Messrs Buddick, Hannah, Gilbert,
mid Kernighern. The evening meeting
wart partly musical, and attracted an
audience beyond the capaoity et the hall
to cottein. Many had ago away.
Next day the proceedings were returned
ab Dathwood, where morning, afternoon
and livening meetings were held, Some
excellent meek and sieging were features
of the eveginge: et:tartan:meat, Address'.
sts were delivered by Mr. G. A. Gilbert,
of the Ottawa ExperimentalFaxen* Mire
Ketnigherri, of Clieton; Mr. Motean, of
Ser,forth; Mr, Virearailler, Homan; and
Mr, joint McMillan. Mr, Weisiniller
spoke with force and fliensoy and reeeived
a peeled ovation* from the audience in
whose hearta the popular oandklete has
evidently 1 stronghold. The playingof
the Zurich string bleed was %bete) the
If. Th 0. is a flesh producer, thin people
shoulct use it,
W. j. 1tfilDe‘ X, 1), 4tof Blyth, has beau
appointed associate cOroner foe the minty
of Herett
A Toronto paper eesoi that the Hoe. j,
l'attarson, member for 'West Huron, is
to he given a tedgeships
WI. Meredith atsel hie iteeittaut, ' 041
S011eie for Toronto Vity get 4 eelary of
over 8,000 per annum.
Um. George JiiiIrey, lolog 4 OW Mile*
horn Leamington, committed euioitle Mots -
day by outtims her throat.
to 3, E. Tem ef Goderich, wee elected
Or d Cluard et the Couveetion of the
T. el T. lei Toronto last week.
Rev. J, Holmes, of Perkhill, sad Rev,
Gorge Jackson, of the James St. Church
erobanged pulpits on Sunday.
Afr, W. B. Meredith, Q. 01 was appoint-
:(fiCorporatioa Couneel by the city qouneil
Toronto at Monday eveuing's sessioe.
'A number of Epworth Leaguere of
ter intend, going to r arklult to -morrow
(Friday) to Attend the Destriat Conyentioe
to be held there.
Foa Berer,—The well -lighted, °maned-
ious and well appointed store, recently
occupied by E. J. Speekrnen & (Jo„, apply
to ago, sAmwELL, Exeter.
Ah At Home, andel the euepiees of the
Wonsenki Missionary Society will be held
at the Jamee-st church parsonage on the
11th March, Partieuiars later.
Farmers who imve stook or seed grain
to sell, or those wishing to purchase, will
do well to consult our advertesing columns
for paetioulare of the sale be march,
Mr, A. Loadinan of the 2nd con. Hay,
sold hie farm last week to Mr. Thos.
Harvey, a neighber for 02,800. It eon -
teems 50 mores with good 1)161(1114e.
The Direotors of the Creamery Com
pa:lee:net on Monday night and engaged a.
Mr. Jones, Of IA, Thomas, ',as butter limiter
for the coining season. The factory has
every prospect of a prosperous season.
The saw nsill property of the late Henry
Yager of the lake road Hay, west of
Dashwood, was sold under mortgage on
Tuesday to Mr. Wm, Willert of Dash-
wood for e1,525.
Sir john, Thompeou'a new criminal code
now in force declares it a fraud for any
one selling wood to deliver less than the
lawful cord of 128 solid feet. The, penalty
is a fine or imprisonment.
The young lads of town are doing good
work as wood sawyerend have held
several bees lately, On Friday overfour
cords of wood were cut for Mr. John
Evan& The boys were materts,haed sumpt-
uously in the evening.
A ,deputation of Winnipeg merchants
wetted on the Manitoba Government
Tuesday and asked that an hot be passed,
making i; compulsory that all retail es.
tablishments be closed at 7 p. m. Mani-
toba is truly a country of ,reform.
10 bars choice Electric soap Inc 25o;
5 bars choice Yellow soap for 25c ; 6 bars
Dingman's Eleotric soap for 25o ; 6 bars
Sweet Home Beep 25c ; 5 bar white
Castile or Oatmeal soap 25c. Big Bank -
naps Stere.
Mr. William le Brimacombe, died at „his
residence in Exeter not yesterday, after
a protracted illness of genera.'
He formerly „farmed in the township of
Maisons° and at one time conducted the
Mansion House, in Exeter,
.F14mnellettes, Flannellettes 1 The most
we hope to do with advertising is to get
your attention. The mere advertising
does not sell the Goode, it is a finger-
board only b the wayond your judgment
raust ant J. P. °LABILE.
In Flannellottes no better variety of
patternsoolors and' qualities will be shown
in Exeter, prices from 7 to 20c. In Prints
—lhis is a department in which we pride
ourselves, having choice .patterns and
colors, ranging in price from 17 to 14o per
yard. J. ie CIAngE.
b Mrs -A. 1. Stalter (nee Mies Minnie
rooker), daughter of Mr John V. Crocker
of Exeter, &Led at her home in Oshawa on
Saturday last, Acute inflamraation was
the refuse of death* She was much re-
speoted in Exeter, and her meny friends
here were painecl to hear of her sudden
demise. Mr and Mrs Crocker are at pres-
ent in Oshawa.
The social and entertainment held in
the Jamee-st church laat Tuesday evening,
under the auspices of the Epwor th League,
was a grand ouccess, both financially and
otherwme. After all had. partaken of the
choice lunch prepared by the young
ladies, e program was given, which made
the time pleasant and profitable.
Do you tell ne, 0 candidate for.the
custom of the community, that you can't
afford to advertise because your bosinese
is dull? Listen: It is dull because you
do not advertise and you can't advertise
because it isdull, so the vacant circle is
eomplele. We tell you that if you are
doing ill, to advertise that you nifty do
well and if you are doing well, advertiee
that you may do better.
The 23rd annual report a the Ontario
Institute Inc the Deaf and Dumb has been
received from Supt. Mithieson. ft is for
the year ending September ao 1893, and
allows the following people in attendance
from this county: Francia Burtch, Gerrie;
Albert E. Gies, Zurich; Mary A. Hayward
Ohnton; Hepzibeth Haggard, Londesboro-
ugh; Martha Leigh, Port Albert; Mary L,
MoKay, Moncrieff; John T. Shilton, Clin-
ton; John W. Smallden, Crud:wools, Mabel
Thompson, Dungannon; Ethel M. Thorns).
son, Dungannon, Nelson Wood, Exeter.
A gentleman in Scotland, who has been
handling a good many Canstalian apples,
writes that some Ise had received recently
were of very poor quality and very poorly
packed, being little better than windfalls.
He says it seems to him as if those who
put them np were trying to get all they
could out of them without thinking what
damage nisch unfair dealing will eventually
work. Canadian farmers and dealers
should take note of this eomplainte for it
won't take very much of this sort of thing
to spoil the reputation of Canistifite apples
itt the Old Country markets.
The latter iart of last week was the
misled experienced here this 'winter, the
theremometer going down to ten degrees
below zero. Friday was fhe coldest, and
while the evening WAS net a 'made' one for
star -gazing many people stopped to admire
the heautiess of tee sky. Before ten o'clock
the sky:Wars illuminated by thee Aurore
borealisIt ,presented a bright beeuti-
ful picture that has been steldem witnessed
in Canada, The alarming colors and
lights rose and full and the constellations
were illuminated. Another dieplay of
fireworks in the firmament it predimed to
take place on the night of the 131h of
March. The ms dIsplitya itee held by tome
to he an indiaation of an epprteehing anoW.
X. 1), 0. Pills the homily° for children,
Tizote unioip41 Council.
The eounen got by ceder of the Reeve
at the Low /A Heil. Exeter, 21st Feb, 1894.
All present.
Minutes ,s+f last meeting road and con
Bobler—Garling,—that we eeeure electric
lighting fpr the Village.—Carried. ft
Balner—Cerling--that any cempauy
agreeing with thie ooreoratiou ter electric
lighting will get the exclusive franchise ef
the streets tor three years.
Taller — itt amendment — that' the
franshiSe only extend for one k year, No
The Maim Yves deolared cartied. The
Reeve awl Mr. Taylor voted nee .
Taylor—that we proems: 12 lights, 8 for
the front sti eet and 4 for the back Areets
Not (seconded.
13issett-4hat 8 lights be proeured.
Beeier—elarling--that 10 lights be pro-
Bobler—t sat we deal with else matter at
Germ, Net tecoutied:
Ceding-- obier — that we ask for
lenders. for electric lighting, tenders to be
received up to 2nd March. --Carried.
,The counelleadjourned until Friday the
2nd of March. M. Eeeaue,
Rosa D'Exials,
St. Marys Journal says:—"This famous
vocalist apposeed before a large audience
at the Opera Houma Tueaday evening and
fully metals edseher high reputation ste
Ireland's renowned Prima Dolma." Under
alms:aces of 8. 0. B. S. Exeter in Opera
House, Wednesday Marcia 7th.
Xnowledge Without Wealth,
Changed iuto Practical Knowledge the
Essence of power and wealth. These
"Siatnetic Twins" go together, but it has
always takeu so much wealth to obtain
knowledge teat a very large nsajority who
were seeking a business education were gels it. PREirro °HAI:ME—Now
any of TIDE Tnuee.readers can get a full
eourse in Preotical Book-keeping (positive-
ly selfeinstruoteye) that will enable the
etudent to take any position in business
all acoomplished at 10 cents per week
for )0 weeks, with the coupe/se out from
this paper. No. 1 is ready and if you have
not started with No. 1 do so at once. This
coated is; worth,thousande of dollars to you,
don't miss this change. Ten centis and
aue Capon secures any num ber issued,
including postage,
Mr. Jas. Swenerton of Niagara -on -the"
lake is the guest of his daughter, Mu. J.
F. Roars—Miss Juliann Clifford of fit.
Joe, Dakota, is a guest of her unole, Mr.
John Farmer.—Mr. Jae, Harton of Kee -
wood, is visiting his sister, Mrs. W. Tapp.
--Mr, J. N. Howard is in Buffalo in con-
nection with eleotrio light matters,—Mi-i.
W, H. Graham, of St. Marys', is visiting
friends in town.—The Milliners are in
Toronto this week attending the openings
—Miss Gnosis Holland has accepted a sit-
uation in Till or, burg as Milliner. —Seaforth
Sen --"We regret to learn of the illness
of Mr. and Mrs. 'aneon, ot this town, bnt
hope to learn of their ultimate recovery. --
Mr. John Wills has moved to Rodnerville
and now °manes Ur. H. Doan's residence.
Mr. James Jo. -nos of London visited friends
in town the latter part of last week.—
Mr. W. T. Clarke, son of Mr J. P.
Marks, is astending Harvard College,
Toronto.—Mies Pollie Fuke was stricken
with paralysis, one morning last week
She did not arise et the usual - hour, and
[more going to her room she was found
helpless.—Mr Andrew Oke, who baa
been working in Toronto for some time,
is viiiting relatives and friends in this
Forsnegyoue headache nee K. D. C.
The Mark Bros.' Company play in Park-
hill this week. .
The weather yeaterday was summer-
like, and the crows were cawing.
Mrs. Spicer of the London road is about
to sell her proeerty and move into town,
A. mercantile firm in Toronto this week
distributed among the poor 0500 worth of
The new church' at Hills Green will
be built by Mr. R. Patterson of Hen-
Our contractors will find pleasing
inforMation by referring ie our adver-
tising columns. -
Owing to inareasing business M. J. P.
Clarke has put on &nobler elerk in t be
person of Mr. H. Buckingham.
R. N. Rowe, has, the material on the
ground Inc a new residence on the proper.
by purchased of Mr. EdvveAtty.
A Free semple of the K. D. 0. will be
fdiwarded to any address. It, D. C. Co.,
Ltd., New Glaticow, N. 8,, and 127 State
St, Boston, Mats. *
A Washington correspondent says it
seems daily more probable that the Senate
will place a duty on coal. It is thought the
rate will be 50a a ton.
A barn, full of bay, was ignited by
electricity the other night in Culross
toevriehip, and destroyed with contents,
Mr J. Waddell ownekit.
Erastus Winsan was arraigned before
Jnotice Martine in New York Monday and
pleeded not guilty. He is still at liberty
on the bail furnished Saturday.
Ur. Saunders, who Was nominated by
the Patrons of South Huron for the Legis-
lature al ier a few week's experiencre in the
held, has withdrawn frora the contest.
The Grand. Orange Lodge of Ontario
Wet meets al, Chatham on • the 13th
of March, and the Black on the 12th.
Standard railway certificates Inc reduced
faros can only be obtained from ticket
agents. Delegates will bear this in mind.
Fawns, attasline and Laces—,It is not
steeling too much. when we think that a
larger range will not be shown, prices low
or in harmony with the quality ,,of Goethe
In Black and Colored Henriettas and
Crepe Cloths, we ask your isuipectioft. J.
Geo. F. Gernett, editor of the Inger-
soll Chronicle,died Wednesday last,
feoni diphtheria, aged 86 years,
Mims Liseie, attend cledghter of Mr.
Honey Westeobt of the 2nd con. Us -
borne, Was married on, Wedisestlay of
last week to gr. &qui Jannis Cornish`of
Elinivillo Rev. Vletoher bled the
Sernuel 3witzer has Onecheeed
the Cherchill farm, on the 9111 con.
Goderieh township, from Mr, J. G.
Stoop, pitying the hantleeme sum of
e3„4 JO. Mr. S esi tees, intentle moving to
hit to- farm or the first oe Mar&
$abbatt f3otoot ASelOciettiOtle
The eiahtesta meetine of the Steeliest,
Tuckeesanith ried Hay Sabbath, Sehool
Aestesiatiee wes .4,4a, on Toorlay last iu
the rresbyterian olmrab, Eippeu. The
0,03414 seSsiOn was deeoted to bushiere
scud the hearing of reports. Tne report of
the Statiktieal conunittee was OX0404ing1y
interesting, though eoutplalutm were made
that Seine 4040O1s bad not repertect. II re.
quires very little effort to make out these
totems so neoeseery to complete retinas,
and it la to be regretted that so nem
negleot this importeut matter.
The papers were all intereOiog, and
gave evideeoe of eereful preperetioe, and
the disoussiono were enimeted. The sub -
jest -Should obildreu be ensouraged by
eromises of materiel rewerd t" was
thoughtfully presented by Mr. 0, ileTag-
gam Jhia woe followed by a free perils. -
meet ei inesiesting featureei Oar work,
itt whites many of the delegates took part,
"Why aim TA teacher ? " was the next
subjeut introduced, in the abienoe.of Aar,
Mr, Sofiley, by Rey, Jas, Walker; this
tow led to an iisteresting discus:3km in
Nellie's teensy helpful points were brought
The lessen and the botne "
wan opened by Mr, JAS. 141111er of
EiPPon, awl was followed by a discussion
which Andicared that the 8. 8. lesson does
not receive the attention it should. Parente
negleet their duty to their children in this
Rev, Ali% Acheson introduced the subject
"How to rale° the standard of S. 5. teaoh
ing. " 11 WAS deeply .regretted by the
convention that those whe were appointed
to introduce subjeata, failed to put in an
appearance ; this ie not fair to the work or
the worker.
Tee evceing seission was op to the Stand-
ard of the former meetings of the A.ssociat
lens, All went away feeling thet a moat
prolitable day had been spent,
C. A.. RzonoXo, Rae, Betsy
The iron horse, with its tirolees strength
its pulase of vapour and Ur heart of flame,
is a glorious exponent of the creative) capa-
city of the human mind; and the metallic
nerves through welch intelligence (muses
over a oorltinent prove by every flash of
;beagles which trayerses them that man
possesses one attribute essentially grand,
the power to annihilate opium and time.
But yam aud important as have been the
results of making steam aud lightning the
conanaon carrier and messenger of the
world, the discovery by whieh weak and
impure blood oan be yitalized or
new egour and, parity by means 01 internal
and external remedies is of infinite Tab].
'the resources of vegetable chemistry as
developed andsapplied by Thomas Bello -
way have proved equal to tile mighty task.
His larnous remedies impart to the steam
of life a dismafecting principle svhich frees
the ;system feetn all impure and poisonous
elements. The powers ot chemistry are
almost beyoud calouletioa, and as he has
brought them so bear upon all the vitiation
et disease in those sinyaluable -vegetable
aompou,nds known as Holloway's Pills* and
Ointment, they have compaseed their high-
est and holiest object,
Stcatia, as the great motor, IS.a anbsidiary
agent. Ite usefulneas consists, mainly, in
oonveying subetantial benefits, with speed
arid oerteiney, to the fields in whioh they
are to operate. It is simply the bearer of
blessings, not their originator. Of all the
freight which it carries over land and sea,
there is perhaps none ,so pro:dome as Hullo -
war's remedies. It is soaroely a figure of
speech to say thatwhithersoever it conveys
them st flies 'avith healing ,,on its wings."
Under the infldenoe of the Ointment, the
skin, however 'disfigured by eruptions or
excrescences, bedomes a tabula rasa, pure,
gapotlesal and transparent; and this erasure
of blemishes is not acoomplithed by driving
back diose into the vital reamer of the
system but by neutralizing the morbid
material which feeds it..
The Fills sot upon the internal fluids and
the organs which.secrete thorn upon the
:military principle. They deetroy the,
acrid particles eubjested to their chemical
action, as Infallibly ae an alkali neutralises
an amd; and at the same time impart a
mild and constant eleotrie action to the
secretive and excretive machinery.
The sanction of government!, the pat -
renege ot prinoes, the , approval of all
Christian nations, the gratitude of pagan
millions attest the worth of these twin
curatives. In Mot there is no region with
which England or any aouutry has any
commercial interoouree where Holloway
would not find hiss:melt qi home, Some
estimate may be formed of the extent and
rariett of his foreign soorrespondence, from
the fast that sixty. oorreessonding clerks,
of whioll number Staten are accomplished
languiets, are employed in oonduoting it.
He is the centre of a sanitary circle that
belts the world.—Daily Republic.
Milburn's Cod Liver 011 Bowl/ion is
superior to all other preparations of Cod
Liver Oil in digestibility, curative power,
d sotrtetngthening properties. 50e. and 41
Dear Sirs,—I have used Ilegyaides Yel-
low Oil with every satisfisetion, and always
keep it in the house. It is splendid Inc
barge, brulsee, bruises, cute, eto.
Mrs. Joseph DeDaplant,
6 Regent at., Toronto.
Sale Register.
Thursday, March 1. —Farm , 100
meet', being lot 1, con. 6, Uaborne Sale
on the premised at 2 o'clock. John Corn-
ish, prop., H, Brown, suet.
Wednesday, March 1,— Farm atoell
iosplements, etc., the property of Wes,
Snell, lot 13, eon. 1 Stephen, Sale a.
zie o'clook. Er..Bilber, auotd
Tuesday, letarch 13. —Farm stock, Ira-
plensents. eta" the property of Michael
Xlutrip, lot 21, con. 7, Stephen, Henry
Hiller, attot,
Look at the date on your label this
Week, and See that your name is mark-
ed well its advance.
12). NO papa', .ie dideontinnect' unit/ a/I
arrears are pity paid, except at the option
Of the publisher.
The data when the subscription expires
15 ori the addrees lebol of each paper, the
change of whites to a eubsequent date be-
times a receipt for remittance. Subscriber/I
will please examine their label befoee and
After snaking a remittance,
(111111J111)1111ti, S1'11111'1, 1
Our 32 inch soft finish
English Prints for roc.
Going Fast.
A nice fast coloredPrint35c
Trade booming. A, full
range of the finest,richest
Goods. Prices right.
Starting at 3oc per pair,
5oc Union Carpets, 85c.
Tapestry from 30c up.
$1500 worth to be sold.
We will make a fine' all -
wool Black WorstedSuit
Men's Suits, $3 50, $5
up to $12, Boys' Heavy
Serge Suits, $1 25. Boys'
Odd Pants cheap.
Fine :Line 40c Black
Cashmere Sox, 250. A
nice top Shirt,3oc. White
Shirts (nnlaundried) 45c,
$1 75 Ladies' Dongola
Boot,$r 35, A line which
every lady should see.
Pure and Fresh.
Highest prices for all Farm. Produce
Kold Kure has proved infallible for
the past three years in oases of Grip.
Try it.
E. 1> Passmore, Secretary -Treasurer of
the Brantford School Board has been
arrested, charged with embezzling $3,000
of the board's funds.
Are opening out
}hand: EvoryDay
We have just received a
large consignment of Crom-
be's best Prints. We have
been very careful in our sel-
ection of Patterns, and are
shownag a lovely ranue.
They have already begunto
move fast. -
Rave you seen the perfect
fitting D. & A. Corset ? If
not call and see it. We are
sole agents for the town. It
is the best fitting Corset m
the market.
We are at pre3ent making,
a specialty of the Hosiery
Trade. See our imported
Goods at 20c, 25c, 35c and
40o. They are the best
value in. Cashmere G-oods in
the trade.'
• Do you want to buy 1.21c
Goods for 10c.? We have
themj in a. -variety of Pat-
terns. We Are selling Flan-
nelette from 6c per yard up-
Shirtings, Cottonades, Tick-
ings, Grey Cottons, Etc.
We have just made an
im,mense purchase at Mill
Prices, no middlemen's pro-
fits. By purchasing your
8pring supply from us, we
can save yeti 20 per cent,
Come and examine the
Goods for yourselves.
R. Pickard & Son,
Direct Imvorters.
Spring will soon be here, and we are pre.
pared with Spring Goods to meet',
it when it does come.
7.5 Drop the old Talk
'You must wear Clothes,
Use Household Linens,
Prints and Laces the newest,
Boots and Shoes the latest,
Carpets Blinds Lace Curtains and Wall Paper,
Crockery and:Glassware,
Have Family Supplies,
Eat, Sleep and be Clothed,
J. If. GRIEVE bas Re -opened with a New Stook of all
the Nov Things in
—Fancy and Black Worsteds,
—Scotch and Irish SergeS,
—Scotch and Canadian Tweeds,'
--And inPiantng we have some of the finest in the trade
We 111 ake them up in A I Style, and give you a good;
Fit or no Sale,
11"42 LAMES.
we pay special attention to (Jutting and Ma40g Jackets and
Wraps of all kinds. '
Remember the place, Grigg' S Old. Stand.^,e. eor north-Sonior's
_.2oout 12
THE BOBIER PRODUCE CO. have decided to Retail. Oil at
Wholesale Prices
Best Canadian'Oil, • -
4 Best American Water White • 200.
Best Canadian Water White
oderil •
Featherbone Corsets must not
be confounded with those which
were made five or six years ago.
The Featherbote Corset of to -day
is as far y.emoved from the old
style, as black is from white.
And uncertain as to how long it will re-
main, but every day with us opens up
some line to be offered -at such reddced
prices that our customers can't afford to
miss. Since our -last issue, scores of
yards of remnants haye passed over to
customers. VVe have lain aside a few
more in Ribbons, Prints and Dross
Goods. it will pay you to call —must
be sold. '
For Spring 84 Summer.
Just received elle largest shipment of
Print's, Vlaenelettes, Oxford Shirtinge,
Towels arid. Tablings, White and Color-
ed Qailbo, Curtain Nobt and Sateen
Cretonne, Lace Clurtatne, and 65 separ-
ate designs in Black and White Laces,
ranguig iti prises Prom Oc per yard to
$1,50. In Whibe Muslins and Fawns
we feel meth in saying no larger variety
will be shown in Eteter. Will be in
Stock in a few" days, 65„dozen. Children's
and Ladies' Handkerchiefs. •from 3c
(etch to $1.25. You ought to see our
Embroideries—a large varieey.
St. Mary's couricol has paned a
butehers' by-law, and any pitreen sal-
lior(ineat on the market in lass than
50 lb. lots will be prosecuted. Forest-
erly, the licnit wasi
10 ;lbs. The pur-
chasing publicans ndignant.
Than cure, and those who ars subject to
rheumatism San peseta attacks' by keep-
ing the blood pnre and free from the seed
which causes the disease. Yon on rely
upon Hood's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for
rheurnatistn and catarrh, Also for every
form of eorofula, salt rheum, boils and
other diseases caused by impure blood, It
tones and vitalizes the whole smote.
Hood'a Pills are gamy and gentle in effeet,
J. lifurray & Co.
The Exeter - Foundry
• And Machinel,Works
Manufactiirers of and Dealers in
Wholesele Manufactorers of Plow
Points and Castings.
Zit bora' Discount, to Cash castomers,