HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-18, Page 2PAGE 2--GQDERICH SIGI`NAL-STAR, 'THURSDAY, JULY 18,,1974
In recant weeks several children from
GoderJch and.: area have been injured af.-
,ter being in collision with motor vehicles
while riding their bicycles: One district
youth•wjas killed in a tragic car -bicycle'
accident.• Suct' happenings„ must, . be . '
halted and the responsibility lies with
-cyclist as much as with the motorist.
• How you look at; • it seems' to, depend
whether you. are driving a carr or,
operating a. bicycle. Some drivers: com-
plain bitterly of the antics of cyclists,
particularly the young ones who in their
exuberance tend' to dart and weave at
the most surprising times. Still there are
cyclists; mostly the mature .ones, who
criticise the' motorists who fail to share •
the roadway with bicycle riders and
won't .extend ,the ` same. courtesies to
them as they extend to fellow" drivers..
So this story, as all stories; has two
sides. J
'The .marked increase. in bicycles on
streets and highways in recent. Years `
makes it necessary for complete -new
approach to this mode of travel. As well
as faster cars which crowd they hi'gh-
Way§, there are now hordes of� high
speed bicycles which battle' for their•.,
rights on the roads. Surely the rules and
regulations of another era must be
revamped to handle.a new. situationin a •
new age.
This newspaper has ,previously ad-
vocated •the construction of slew moving
vehicle paths along' major h g hways•
Once more this idea is put forth `for con-
sideratio_ n by law makers. Yes, it would
be an• expensive way to make .roads
safer for everyone ... but can you put a
price on the lives of ,hurrian beings?
A slow moving vehicletrack Would
permit 'bicycles, school .buses, farm
'vehicle and sightseers td travel, in com-
parative safety. It would v leave 'high
speed highways •safer as well, rerhoving,
' -joist that many more chances for -ac-
cidents to 'occur.
In terms . of safety, such pathways
would be Cheap'. at any 'price.
. ••°- A"� threat' of °a strike 'at average starting salary of $793
Alexandra Marine and General, per month. • ,
Hospital in Goderich ,:.will' be A -more • interesting •,cpom-
greeted with a variation of • parison from 'the• nurses' point
' public reaction. Nobody likes, a 'of view would have been the
• nd•
strike - .a in. this . case, even ' difference in salaries after 10
would-be strikers are reluctant 'years of experience - but that's
to take such drastic measures. another' - subject for another
There Will be. those people time. • r `••
who. will criticise the nurses. of, According to recent statistics,`
Ontario for their stanthere ° the Pursing profession is not as
will be, those•who will -adapt ap attractive to young men an
° so -what attitude; are4 there will women as it once was. "Part' of
be those ,Who will 'sympathize , 'the reason may be, of course,
,and amp -laud, . _ . . the unattractive working' hbur
g P
A` bd.`nurse is'.a s' ecial•iser- when so many other jobs offer
.S,hirleg J. Keller
ted. I •-am .also. in agreement
that the public intrusion of the
Department of Health"'in the
recent LUPE. Toronto set
tleme'ntdemanded con-
"My disagreement'with the --
Chairman lies fin' the,: un-
• precedented amount ofrthe: set-
•--••tiemen.t ,over ,the' short t8
month- contract._; Whereas the
CUPE settlement..amounted to 6
$260 increase in monthly rates
per .employee (skilled grid un-
skilled) over• ,a 24 month
period,: l his award grants the ,m
photo toane
The "`last Model 'School in
Huron' County 'was ,fiTiased out
'bf existence in 1907 mill.,.,• .
students who wished to teach
• " '" ' •. ted to, th d f da 'weeks and average'• nui•se a $345:"monthly school after that tit�tte had to
He'she dedY`
son: of s .e ^ts tree vee an our, _ 1 '
t sick and'will do regular hours. - increase over an: • 18 .month travel to Normal-.$ehool in
the care'or. h,e , g
• • .
• everything to ease the' distress There is some basis• for the period. Whereas the CUPE set Stratford,. London or Ottawa. .
the patients. T.raditionall , belief that nursing isn't fittrac tlement . •over the 24 month, The- school, actually one
of p , � Y . .
nurses -have been.. white -clad ting as many youngsters as it' .,,period provided a total . in- room of the,old Central School
an Bmercy els• of , who were should.; 'because' the pay: creased salary' of $3850 per em- (now Huron, County Pioneer
seldom heard to , complain schedule, does not 'reflect the ployee, this award will bring to Museum) on North,S'treet, at•'
• about working condi loris or expensive training necessary " the averagenurse s total• in- • tracted 'senior students from all
salary - for their's. was 'a " fin -the -.profession, the respon- crease over the same time span over Huron County and was '
mission of healng,' hardly the sibility whieh must ba taken, or, .-of $7450 - 90% of the' ppsen:t; well,; attended. Classes began on-•,,,_
'ob.• for -the mercenary. ,° � - the constant shift work it salary of the average nurse. To the thirdli Monday- in August
l . •
But ;just as the role of the demands. that astronomical figure Must • and by. the end of December the
h t Sickness know'§ no hours. -Jt be added whatever wage in- students were eligible .'tcteach
nurse is changing •, o meet'
modern times and -procedures;.__ cannot be controlled ' like -an creases the nurses' gain fpr,'the for three years provided, they -
so also 4 are the . needs and assembly line. It never remains `� last 6. Months of ' 1975 its heir were over ,18' years of age.
dethands "of the -amen and the same 'and' the 'learning next'contract negotiations. If' one' wished to continue
women in theprofession On- process • goes on and.oh. - y •"These" are amazing surns for ° tea thing after their three year
' ' the public to absorbs „Even if period made possible, by the,
�riQ nurses may n be a that ' q
to ' rot 11 Why sign up for this kind of a pu .
•f off base when they' argue • aggravation when so many one assumes .(whirr I do -riot). Model School, they were
that society tends to penalize other -.wonderful lines of en- that all nurses are underpaid,, required:to'enroll in one of the
nurses, for their dedication to deavor, are open to' all? an , arbitration : board has a three Netrmal Schools in the
duty.. Italmost as though * * * - responsibility • to consider. the, province. If at the end of, the
u y. is
n gt d to - sub- At " the same• time nurses public tax inion't of its award. three years_.there:..was. a hos-
urses , are expec e a
tage of teachers" in..the area the
Models were.requtred to work
another year 'asq teachers before
going to ,the city,
The ": senior class that
;graduated in 1907 was taught
by such teachers as Miss Isobel
Sharman; Miss MacEwan, Mr.
and Miss Letozle;'Miss Vesta ".
Watson and. Miss Wiggins. The'
principal of Central at that 1
time was. Mr. James Tigert,.--
w.l' o is pictured with the
grads ta'Ws'. -
V ,
Need -lel
Dear Editor:
The Ministry of Natural
• Resources . is currently' resear-
Mrs, Olive. Straughan, nee.
Cluff, owns.,the pictureand is
one of the graduates in if. Mrs•
Stsfata•ghan ` Was born • in.
D ngannon and :received ;her
educatibn here .iii: town;• She
taught school in BenmilIer and
Ashfield before retiring in 1'9'14
to married life in Benmiller.•
She lived in the hamlet with
her family'until 1953 when. she
-moved to Goder•ieh.
.� •
ching the history of the old
Point Farms Hotel ,which was
located near Highway 2'1 just
north of Goderich:' Point.,)± arms
Hotel was the 'first summer
•resort in .Western Ontario and
an -'importa'nt element in the
social „life and economy' M
Huron County during the late
19th century. We are hoping to
incorporate' the history' -of the
hotel into the : new recreation-'
It is..exciting and "surprising wishes u
The dog *poisonitg fiend is
still, at his nefarious work. Woe
betide him if he is discovered.
line of thea latest victims was
Pasmore's' fine ^ cocker -
spaniel, Brown , and last Thur-
sday evening Mr..'Egener 'lost
his .Si. gprnard, 'Juno,.under
ci°rcumstances' Which point
• strongly to poison..Mr. Egener
Was down at the 'river' fishing
when the dog carne rushing into
the,water;` but had only gone a
few Y rds when it' commenced'
struggling and turned over and
'sank. It'was a •strn-ng swimmer
and no other rinclusi„o�,,can be
reached that it hail'' been,
On Mond•ay.of this week a
tennis Match between Godericb ,
an, d,Clinfoir-w•as--pfaY d on the
Clinton courts. :Five of - the
events were won by, the home °
team, three' by the" visitors and
one resulted in a tier Thewell
i known hospitality possessed by
the Clinton 'tennis,player' and.
friends- was more than
sustained. We hope to see the'
Clinton pliiyer's'here on August
1,. the civic' holiday.
Rowing is a delightful
patime these fine.days and --
Captain Baxter has good ac -
' for those who
wish • to indulge in it. -Visitors'`•
will find him at�his boat hour e
at' the°ueast end of the harbor,
ready at all "times to.. ,serve '
patrons with promptness and•
Anglers, say that the bass
fishing here this season, has •
been the, best for ;years. , The
river has yielded many splen-
did strings, both visitors ' and
local men, enjoying the.uncom-
• , monly good sport
, G
'50 YEAR AGO •
The Racing. Association is
•los)king, forward to having the
best race meeting ; ever ,held• in
interp'ret`ive program being Goderich next Weariesday. Last'
developed at• Poiprt Farms Park:: years event was very, successful
"ati destr but the Association hope to.go
Since the hotel `wa oyed __�,.•--,
.one Metter this year. Me track
in 1915, there erre still many • `is in�''fiirst• class condition, ,the
people in Huron `County who c;emmittee have spent a lot of
remember visiting the hotel on time and money On• it, and they
picnics• or family outings,, who expect la' do a lot more before •:
ate crf the races. A,�,great
worked :'at the hotel, or who • the d
stayed there during • their' many i uiries have',been. lade
„vacations. We would very much __ `L horses ..'-'
from ow the bes s
in the .province. ome an see
might remember the' hotel..We the of sports and t -he sport
are. alio interested in'any old of . kings, July 23, at the
photos; letters, diary notations Goderich :Race Track, .
°nor other momentos which might Mrs. Hildebrand, in whose
relate to people's activities' at., apartments on Hamilton Street
Point' Farms.
a 6mall fire started recently,
:.to• state that .the ash
like to • talk to ' anyone who.... C d
Send your.'
to the
Have'your say
to- find 'memorabilia iri••attics or pile on ihe• third floor -referred
Scrapbooks which might relate td in our-writeup belonged to
to =local history, a the former'occupants• and not
Any assistance that you to herself.- . •
could lend to this project- would Many .admired :the- new,
be 'appreciat.ed, and. we would ping. rose produced `:on `.'Maple
he'.appreciated, and°"'Wei would Leaf:' farm which was,. on -
ask you to contact'Laura Mal+is •display in the Star window
at • •Point' " Farms Provincial 'last week: This new rose grew'•
Park, phone 524-7124. as a Seedl`i`ng on Mr...George1
.Laithwait'sjarm and it is of •a
yellowish tint when it . first
comes out,'•turning afterwards
tri white. Fifteen hundred
blossoms were roduced tcin the
Yours truly,
W. Dan Mansel l
District Manager
' ` ' i n acrossthe pwill readily The chairman observes that •
titute self-sa�trsfaction a d ac provincep
s ..M -,impact .cne- bush.
• the award ma have o
fulfillment for an tmproyed admit that what they are Y
wage scale. requesting is a very substantial other .hospital -nurse;
•" An interesting cam 'parison • increase. in salary. negotiations. if that is true, the
was made °between a nurse and •• •Part,of the•difficulty now, ac- cost of granting the salary in-
n.an engineer in •a recent release, .cording to hospital spokesmen, creases provided, in this award i.
from 'a groar of • `hospital is 'that Ottawa Civic Hospital to ,the 10,000 organized nurses'
• spokesmen d including Carey has agreed to an "incredibly in- in Ontario, °*ill be ap-.
Robinson, executive director of • flationary" contract for nursing proximately $75,000,000. This
St. Catharines 'General Staff there,, - and have' set a is just *the increased cost •and ,•
Hospital; John Stewardson, dangerous precedenCWhich will does hot.take into -account the
assistant acrtinistrator of per ' be expensive to match :impact on..fringe benefits, over -
sonnet - and education at The , ° ° One member of the time costs, etc. which 'can
Clarke Institute of • Psychiatry negotiating team involved with •usually be estimated at 1010 , If
in Toronto; and John Sherri'ff, -.the Ottawa Civic'Hospiital con- - the cost ,is extended to the
manager of Hospital .Personnel tract issued a public ,statemerh. 22,000 '(approximate) nurses 1nw,
R elations; ,Bureau, in Toronto. That statement is as follows: Ontario, the t''otal cost. of °this
•In that' su,rprisinearticle it, "I have 'Considered the award award over 2 years only can,;,be,
noted that a nurse who has just .of my colleagues and 'with a seen �' to - be 'approaching
graduated .from a two-year respect . I must- most 'strongly $185,000,000 plus the ,cost of
community college program register rny'tlissent. fringes. e '
would have a starting "s'a'lary of • ' "Tu"rning to the merits of the "On what . bajis does the
f silch a ar an-
$850 per month (if present award and specifically the chairman justi y g g
wage -`demands were•-trieti while salaries, I ° am in agreement tuanw increase in ;public sen
four-year ' engineering „ with, the, Chairman that sub -'ding? The CUPE Toronto set
- The fire at the Royal hotel;:
July 1, is bellev..ed to .be the •
work of an arson according to
Goderich Pd•lice;, Chief, Fred.'
Minshall: Chief Minshall said •'
, investigations , by the, -local
police department and the On-
tario Fire Marshal':fi office have.
led to the conclusion that, the
fire was set purposely bya per
Fern or persons as yet .unknown,
Goderich council w.ift send 4
letter cif protest to the federal
department' of transport over
action taken by a lake boat, the
Pinedale, which durhped oil"
• water. from its 'bilges and gar-
bage . froth its galley into
Goderich ,harbor on July 3. The-
l'et'ter was sent 'al -brig with 'a
copy of a Signal -Star editorial
on die -incident. The depart-
a.•/nent; ,will ' be asked' to' impose
° `stricter regulations on boats
dumping refuse into the water.
• goderichocounctla Will make a
'''further study • of the traffic
tits at the corner of Victoria,
)Nelson and 3iHainiltotl Streets to
see if. a flashing signal at the
onrtier is warranted during
light traffic periods.'
)preliminary rrangements
for the' harper opening of
Robertson ' Memorial Public
SchoOI, "Ooderich,.p Were... glade •
by the Huron'County Board of
Education. , " ``"
A complete study' of fire
viges, i'r'iahpower and' equip-
meat irk use'tn'Qoderich will be •
made this year by the Ontario
graduate yould receive an stantial increases were warren (continued on page 3),
p -
0 The CounlhTown Newspap'e'r of Huron -«[}r..
• Founded in 1$48 and published every Thursdara1 Goderich,•Ontaricr ,Member of the‘.
CWNA and OWNA Advertising rates•.orr.reque:st_ Sub5criptions•.payable irpq,advance
$8'50, in••Canada, $10'00.in alt countries other than Canada. single copies 20 cents _.
• 'Second olasscrnail Registration Number 0716 Advertising Is acbepted on the condifibn
that, in the event of typographical 'error- the. -advertising space- occupied by' .the
erroneous item, together with' reasonable allow" nce for 'signature:wilt VI be 'charged.
Tor but the balance of the, advertisement will be maid for at the applicable rate In th6
event of a typographical error advertising goods or services at a wrong price, goods Dr
service may nor he sold Advertising•is merely an offer to Sell and may be withdrawn at
o arty time. The Signal -Star is not responsible fdf,the loss or damage of unsolicited
• manuscripts or'photos.
ri • r°s
and Editorial. Office siv
ais i1i
liublished•' by •Signal -Star p''ublishing •t.td;
ROaERt G. SHRIEI--president and publisher
° `TELEPHONE 524-$331 SHIRLEY J. KELLER—editor , ' . ' F' '
is 06 ' 510, �` Ih DIMMIek itorial 'staff.
*r r 1. r
JEFF EDD• N itatial• stiff
„ .,; EDWARD J, • IlYRS,(t- idverti5drlg�, matiager .9r iiiit;o
leap. SbX 220, �odarlCh • , ..
illidii' tistiibir-0116 '` teAVE R 'Viii.,L1AMS adVOftisiing reprbiletht8tivee
rrl� Ns rrifltl' Iri�IIN h
The el'asspof the lest Model School In the County of Hu•ror1 Was•
in1947 Those persons are pictured here
in, 04 p
d ra
owned by Mrs, Olive (Cluff) Straughan. They are. (top row, left µ.� : o
�, .., _ n r n regi Tido`
to light,) Writ: Treminer, Jean Johnstofi, viato Cur a ,. a ,
Dean, Hector ,tvtcKovule, •palley Stiithere; Marthera Carlingr
(adcond row Left °to tght) Laurette Griffin, Jean ihbrtit Marie.
Austin,•Harinah 'styles, Lillian 'Clark, Ireee„�Syleai Ai.
strong, SdnaPefitland,'(thirdrrw, eft
t� rlght)`'Maribn Fraser,
a: r�:3 :•
. -'i Fire .Marghal'S Office. A letter
Ruth :Shaw, George Jefferson, bora Dalton, 4clarold Swarf k Cora ,s of
. , .,., .. � �'rom the AtErtrney General
r bon Ma rl Don Clarko r . -
Currie, O e t;luff, so girl , SAG th row, left fr formed them
ce to council in
,. ,, °
to right) m; John Smith, •Stella Mallluerrler, Nei skis Min
to ,.. , f, •� that the stud would- start on
Ti-.. ert Ed Kilpatrick,
le. Cathoart, PrrrlGipsl J.H. , 9 bene. Yotl�g,' , .• � �,., • n . on a
.n . , ... _ �.. October. 14 •arta, wotrld e d �,
\ms, nester Barker, Winnifveld Carling, <(front, left- to ridcht) Ina. - " is
November 1.4, The studyn Ethel Kellerman,, Ma �: Murra Mar aret Cbw 'r ,.c�'herse , ►'Y y, . g a d,• .af� ° bean a e at the a ue4t oo ,
r tally. a -. made a`t
Y _old .Munch and wall be
- -,, ('051;totietclWn