HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-11, Page 26!.li. E. iQ4 :�•QODERICI- SiaNAL°S.TAR, THURSDDAY, JVI.,Y '11., 1974' fry. ' Eric Peterson of,yTheatre Passe Muraille portrays William Lyon MacKenzie in ',Tale Farmers'' Revolt 1837'2.• A lively tale about the settlers• of fhe Huron Tract who rebelled against the Family Compact, the play will open in Goderich at the courtyard of theao.ld Huron County Jail July 30 if the Huron Historic Jail E.oard cart sell 250 advance tickets Persons wanting tickets• should contact the jail at 524/-6971. (photo copyrighted by •C,A: Hyatt) ,At the jail Passe 'Muraille sells advance tic w . An important segment of 1 -Huron • County's history will come ,alive in a,few weeks when the revolt of 18:37 i's'.' dramatically recreated by Theatre Pape. raille. The Huron. Historic Jail • Boardannounced last week the.. touring company agreed to „• stage. "The Farmers' Revolt -.- 1837" at 'the,courtyard: of the jail beginning July 30, for five .M td'l Or clays'. Members 'of Theatre Passel:,' Muraille . set ane condition • however, that the jail , board must sell at least 250 advance tickets before they will,come to • Goderich.' +:According ,, to reviews the; tlrr atre company..has" received ' in the past, the ,play is wotth seeing. The five ;actors :bring history,' alive,' , portrayin,g- fam'eus Huron • County residents such is. Tiger Dunlop. and Anthony Van Egmond. Other characters include William Lyon Mackenzie who led tlierevolt,•,Bishop Strachan,' Sir Francis Bond Head, enemy of 'the., e. settlers, Canada' Cora- • party' officials, government of ficials and. Huron Tract set- tlers:. • ° .�, The )plot• eml)hasifes th,e' characters o .• the men- who' revolted aid members'. of t he farnily compact who suppressed `tklem. • Director Paul TbompsorLand script ,writer Rick_ ,Salutin _ researched the •revol,t thoroughly to 'make' the play authentic.. Although many personas-•' dismiss Canadian. hrstiirv, as' " being...dull,; their .research proves that.netion' to be wrong,. Theatre 'Critic with the . Toronto Globe and Mail„ Her,' berg' Whittaker, heralded' the Theatre Passe Muraille atw fast homesteaders; oppressed'by the unscrupulous Toronto ,.Clique, `becomes so vivid that one is almost tempted .10. look about. for a pitcd�rfork-and'join thern,�iu'4' their 'march, on that city''., she wrdlev•, ----The'mood-of-the'perforrnance ranges. from, funny to tragic.. ` Critics„ 'have "called the quaky of the acting as first rate when, the players 'create - the scenes. . They have ben rwith tremendous applause receiyed and ' at:, - claim across Ontario whenever they have performed..' . . Persons interested' in finding out why' ,"The Farmers' Revolt ,1837" has been .a succs •should, contact the- jail-bt�ard ., `for tickets at 524-6971." becoming the top touring com- pang'of Ontario. He r'eviewed_,_ their performance` of thePar.- triers' `ar:risers' Revrolt in glowing 'terms busing, words"Such, as ",exciting"; "re'alistic",0and -"imaginative'!'.. r.. argaret '".-Rodger of the ,Stra ford Beacon Herald -rated the play as "an iritimate view ofr..egio•naq, history, and a memorable one".` "The . plight', • cif • .'.'he Members of the • Clinton Christian R'efor'm, Church provided a song service fe r the residents 'on Sund evening. 'led by Aire Van Der Ende.wi1J devotions by Rev, Buekeura. A' :group of young people' from the Ottawa area, ..The Swim ':Team", who dare 'doing evangalistic work, with the young people of the Church sang several. numbers numbers \vi1h vocal. solos .•b.,v (Henrietta Stryker. • • The "Family Night" program :if band 'music scheduled to be held on' the .lawn was 6'a`ncelled. due to weither conditions. It is hoped to lave a band concert .each Thursday -evening 'during . ' Jul& and August '.and we are loo ng "tot Ward to a visit from Clintdn Centennial-- Band on July M, nh A group 4,7 -teenage . girls working under "the--"Oppor; tunities For Youth. Program'' will be at the Home each Thur-. WIRE.SURI THAT WFANF/LLTHIB/LL, W/ N,4fODERATE FEES' sdav' and Friday during' the - .p' summer and will provide recreation activities' :and -in- dividual contacts ,,with 4h,e -residents. Handrnade''Ieather and sealskin. pulses ;,and handbags. Ideal gift forany' occasion. Many' styles and sizes. From $ .' $45 SQUIRE GIFTS Highway' 21 South • Goderich, Open 7 Days a Week - McDonald CHARTERED,'ACC:OUNTANT 39 St, David SI., .524-6253 Goderich. Ontario IESELa .Pumps -and"" ifjectois Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel Injectiorr" Equipment Bayfield . r#"d. ' i482,79T1 DD YKUEHL et HURON PIKES' EEE•CTRC Ila King. Si. • PI** .. cIIN'Wtlr1 • 41124$O1; HISHOLM . FUELS „ • Dist• ributors For LINO Cfl ' PRODUCTS HOME; FARM, INDUS rR ? •* Free •Burner Service • ' Furnace Financing' - Gasolines & 'Dioses Fuels 'v5'244681 -r OR 5294524. alb -R..•W.aBELL OPTOMETRIST, The Square 524;7661 ,Cards• For. All Occasions Gifts • 'Books * Stationery Supplies * Records ANDERSON'S= BOOK •CE rRE 33' EAST St.. - ° Goderich • A ; 0 - Por F`ASHIO:N RIGHT. • SHOES the Place To Go Is Ross SHOES`°, The §quare • ' t ode,rrch • C 'titch for it a .4o Current Assets <'- Cash Accounts Receivable: Md nieipalitie's': ,, Under -requisitions. Other School Boards * • 'Government. of Ontario. Other, Due Froin` Other Funds: Capital - .,Prepaid Expenses .......,•.• 4, • TOTAL CURRENT_.,A,„SETS For -the year :ended December 31st; 14T3 Auditor's Report TO THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION: I have, examined the Balance Sheet Wof the Huron County _Board ., of Education as at December 31, 1973, the Revenue Fund, 'Statement of Operations and the Statement of Source and -Application of Capi- tal Funds_ for the Year then ended. My examination.' ,T general lncluded a review of the accoiinting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as I considered necessary in r the circumstances. . .h In my opinion these Financial •Statements ;present fairly 'the r,A<fi=nancial position of the Board, as at December' 31;' 1973- and' the results of its operations and the source and application of its capital funds for the year then ended, in accordance with accounting- prin- ciples generally accepted for Ontario 'school 'boards applied on a basis` consistent with that of the preceding year. - - • Godericli0,.O»tarto, • '.04 May °31, 1974 BALANCE SHEET As at December 31`41973 ° ASSETS >4• • • r., ,Revenue. Capital' Find',. "•":"' Fund ' $, 85;403 $ 26,921 30,292, 100;775,, 445,183 ..7,273 4,572 .. 84,697 :: Fixed Assets r - u Land - Buildings Furniture and -Equipment Buses Current Liabilities • Accounts' Payable 1ABILITIES .Municipalities: Over -requisition -Other -School Boards:.' Trades Payable and Accrued • Liabilities ...., . , -..Due to Other Funds:;' Revenue 1,993 758,195 28,914 359,1,82' 21,336,450 2,398,542 537,049 758,155 • $24,660,137 " Revenue FU'Ad $ 26,624°. . 48,362 483;209 .,. . Total Current Liabilities :'.: ... 558,195 Long Term Liabilities Unmatured Debenture Debt • 7,198,930 _Less: Sinking Fund -Reserve for'Working• Funds.. Investments in Fixed Assets 200,000 • •„ ;apital • Fund ' 4,2.4 '10,498. 7,198,930 .. 17,441,709 $ 758,195 ,,, $24,660,137 Note "'1: There is a contingent liability of an unknown -amount with . respect _to accumulated sick leave, , REVENUE FUND Starneni of . Operations' FOR.sCONDARY SCHOOL PURPOSES for the\ ear ended December 31;1973." • EXPENDITURE: Business Administr: tion Computer Services,. Instruction Educational Services.- Attendance, ervicessAttendance, Health and Services PlanOperation Plant „Maintenance P Transportation .. 1=• Tuition. Fees .. 'Capital Expenditures (non -allocable) Other Operating Expenditure f 'e Debt Charges on Capital Borrow],ilg ',•'' . Non-operating expenditures excluding transfers to reserves TOTAL EXPENDITURE' RECOVER -"f OF EXPENDITURE: Other''School Boards • Government oOntario:'tuition fees and miscellaneous G,9vernrrtent of Canada` individuals ;. • , (1) Other Revenue excluding transfers from Reserves `4TA RECOVERY..O1 .EXPENDITURE 82;316,".,.-,,-4,.r "-TOT-7-1 • 4,236,666 47,850 5,5137, 497,691 • - • 55,250 450;473 • 302,259 42,236 'N. 21,004' 393,118 .55,772 $ 6,165,838• - NETXPEI UITU1t.1✓ p , n Financ'ing.of Net Expendrtu're: Governmnt. of Ontario • general Legislative Grants Local' Taxation' , 1072 Over (under) Requisition `(2) Local' Taxation raised, in 1973 Decrease (increase) in reserve . Net Under (over). Requisition 13.egtlired • tq be applied`to 1974 taxatiZSrr 13,260 1,330,156 633,557, • 10,034 9,980. 23,792.. „ti 4,064' \1 69047. " $ $•,d 4,10.1,13' .»': 1;344,016 ,. OVA A. M. HARPER. Municipal Auditor -4440 110 NOTE: t. 10 (1) • -Other Revenue includes transfers from the capital fund, proceeds from the sale of assets, insurance claims, earnings on temporary investments, reimbursement f -or services and other miscellaneous items that are ih the nature of recovery of expenditure; • (2) Local Taxation includes the,total of tl 197 requisitions on muni cipali,ties, supplementary,taxes,' license' fees for trailers- faxes levied directly by school b'bards, and any other amounts provided by municipalities over and above the requisition,* Other than • accounts in respect ,of 'sale of assets to Municipa•lity. or. -„revenue from shared cost programs. , • REVENUE ,FUND Statement of Operations FOR , ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, -PURPOSES for the year ended December 31, 1973 ' 0 r • EXPENDITURE 3usiness Administration , Computer Service_ s • . Instruction , Educational, Services • • Attendance, health -and Plant operation Plant maintenance ., . Transportation 1 • Tuition fees Capital expenditure `(non -alto: -able) • %Other operating expenditure .Debt charges on capital borrowing .. . Non-operating' expenditure excluding " transfers• to reserves ` ' ood servYces TOTAL EXPENDITURE . , • RECOVERY 'OF EXPENDITURE s. Ogler School Boards. - Government of Ontario, tuition fees' -and 'miscellaneous ' Individuals (1) Other ,.Revenue, excluding transfers from reserves TOTAL tRECOVER`iF EXPENDITURE �✓ NET EXPENDITURE .FINANCING OF NET EXPENDITURE' Goiwernment of ()Marro:, , General legislative grants Local .Taxation: • .1972 ' Over (under) requisition ... . (2) Local taxation raised in 1/322,. Decreas' (inerease).in reserve Net under (over) Requisition required to be applied to 1074'' taxation 'TOTAL • it Mn« 86,401 .1,473 3,967,318 90,452 2,258 448;8$2 • ° 83,153:: 565,877 17,083 _•44,849 19,044 957,034, . 20,666 $ '5,904,490 12,311 6,423 •200', 4,655 $ 23,589 $ 5,880,901' • $ 4,359,502 11,019 1,537,004 1,548,023 (26,624) . $ 5880,901‘ Statement of .source: and Applicatiofl of' Capital funds s for' the year fended' December 31, '1973 I; ., SOURCE . ...Unexpended funds at beginning of `year Capital expenditures from ,Rev e}de R Fund Federal sales tax i efumi Bank interest TOTAL APPLICATION 0 Fixed assots-and rya. in in progress: Buildings `. Ftirniture and equipment, h Buses Other .. , Une?pended funds at end of year 4r. A.. 169,437 83,922 70,907 TOTAL ` ....-,.. ...,...... .,.. , • ▪ NOTE: The bank interest should have been shown .revenue fund instead of in thea capital fund. •• • . $ . 108,027 4- 220,321 • 4,540 793 333,6$1 ' 324,266 9,415 $ '3334681 as revenue in the .a1