HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1974-07-11, Page 23OOOBRIOH SIQNA.,4-4 TAR, 'THURSDAY., Juix ,1.1, 197 The initial price,. to be, paid Ontario wheat Producers for new drop wheat (1974) has been ; increased 50c per bushel over the 1973.price. Last year, .ate°. initial "piiice was- established at, $1.51 per;, bushel, This year, the initial pI ice to producers effective the 1st of July is $2.01 per bushel. The' announcement 'was matter by -*,,the Ontario Wheat 'roducer& Marketing Board • July 4th' which also advised an t boar increase' in carrying. t 'cos. allowance to 'producers has been established for new crap wheat. The pricing .system •for On- tario wheat involves an initial payment plus 'a schedule' for carrying costs escalated during ° t4�e year plus provision ' fpr an rices our er interim payment or payments during .the year,: plus a final payment at yearend. • Thisyear .the carrying oast prAsioa has • been increased from a total 10e per bushel to 15c, .:The' initial .payment plus carrying costs by month is as follows: July 1974; August and f September,- ;$2.01; October' P $2.Q1 plus 3c per 'bushel. +carryaag cost; November' $2.01 plus 60; December $2.01 plus 9c; January 1975 $2.01 plus 12c; February, March and" `Aprl.l $2.01, plus 15c; May $2.01 plus 7c; and June $2.01. There.. will be- the usual lc pert h:ushiel licence fee deduction from the anrtial° E�ayt°nett price" 10 produc"ers. Marketing l3�oard offjcials also.advitd: that two changes g have beE'fl made in the . maiimurn rate ' discount , ;schedule ane'they are as follows;- The .maximum el *discount No. 4. wilt be 2 e. -pe 'kau"s rel jnst ad,o1• 40c last year'. and for Grades 1 and 2 Mixed Wheat' and low grade Sample Wheat, 55c.instead of 40(' last year.. J.. Drying charges remain the same as la'$t year and detailed Information concerning the L 1974 crop :is bexrtg mailed d.iree. by to producers from the office ',of the marketing board and distribution should be 4 eom _Dieted to the province s • ap ,proximate 18,000 producers ..by July 10th, • Harvest of new crop wheat • Will begin about July ' .15th, possibly a little earlier., than. last year and'generally the mop is considered to .he good with, acreage: estimated. at about 387,550 acres which ,cou ld.yield apprdkimately., 16•• million bushels. Last year'; crop ha: been placed at 14.8 {million tbushels CANADA NO, 1 " GRAF)E, ONTARIO GROWN, LONG; S.4EDLESS ER' Grad Karen Sutcliffe, daughter -of 4 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sutcliffe,, Wingham and granddaughter' of Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe, Goderich; graduated from Perth -Huron . Regional School. of Nursing, Stratford, at a ceremony held Friday; June 21. Miss Sutcliffe has accepted .a Position at the Wingham, anc� District Hospital, commencing in August. • ° Streamline Ontario Tourism, on these Good slues "-SOME RI -6:1T CANADA RADE �.'A " BEEF BLADE, OR SHORT RIB ROASTS Super -Right Gado Grids "A,.,. Beef • BLADE BONE` REMOVED 10c LB LOWER THAN A YEA AGOI BLADE RQAST EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING BLADE STEAKS" 1 -low Ontario . pians to• e -streamline its tourism develop men.t w,a§ outlined in Toronto last week. at : 'the first , joint meeting of the .provinces. 10 ` "new travel associations and 'the Ministry . of Industry ;and ' Tour•isrn, . • The .first giant, step was; the re -Organization of. ,39 ,former. regional tourist; councils into '12 vacation areas„embraci,ng the • • province's entire tourism plant. This was'. accotnplished, after months 'of i consultations with. ministry tourism ficials which set priorities 'for tourism development, acid promotion, and, the role the tourist associations: will play. The ministry's funding struc- ture provides' an outright $3Q,000 administrative grant and a. $45,000 cost; -sharing. grant, to ,.each travel, association:. In Norther() Ontario the `ministry will absorb 90.0r cent f o the" latter,; arnou.nt. ,for' 'marketing, research anal development projects. In • Eastern and ,Central Ontario the 'ratio is 75 per cent. and 50 per, cent for, the rest of the province. •- In leading 'the discussions, ,Fred Boyer,,. executive director pf.. the „Ministry's . tourism division, said, "Ontario tou-rism is ,now a $.2 . billion -a -year business and if, resources of people and dollars are, made available to us, we foresee $.3.1 billions by .1979." Mr. Boyer added that •$1.2 • billion Of the, -1979,projection would 'be a ccounted.for`'iV TS and overseasvisitors. " " 'The 1.0, operating associations come:under the ministry -sponsored Ontario Travel Association Program `� - hiob' is co-ordinated by the `'.miriistry's'Doug, Jure. GREAT ON A GRILL TOWN CLUB tz.;1, 2 B VAC PAC IENE S • 1:4c4.8 LOWER THAN. A YEAR ,..AGQi SHOPSY. — COLE SLAW QR. 4c LOWeR THAN A YEAR AGO! ,.POTATO SALAD'', 851 24-0Z CARTON ' TOWN.-ClUB, SWEET -PICKLED' TOWN CLUE SLICED 19c LB JOWER THAN A YEAR AGO! SIDEBACON. LILY -AC eAC 951( PRIDE OF CANADA,.M.ICtO BOLOGNA .SAPSAGE5,:. POLISH; .SAUSAGE lb .7 8lie WONDERSOFT — GREEN: PINK, WHITE, YELLOW ACTION PRICED! 'ACTION PRICED! . .28.41 -Oz tin 69i41 ACTION PRICED! 12 -11 -oz jar 39pe. AUSTRAL, FANCY, HAI,VES Bartlett Pears ' B.Q., HAMBURGER, HOT DOG * ORANGE,, REGULAR OR WET HIRES ROOT BEE", 9INVIHTTER LEMON • AjPtcgisBER • wififil FROZEN, 11E6; CHICKE11, TURKEY ACTION PRICED!. Meat.Pies .STOLIFF!.R.S 10* ' 179 . ,..0.,..., itarli.St cheese 127z Pk' \g'S 9Ai 'Lys.01 5pray, 14 -OZ aeiosoltiri.$146' 2.9 R in Hood . 3 5.0z IA. 9ii unlight Pow e JANE PARKE-Ii, APPLE OR -Peach 'Pie .Stiovitlake-Rafis. - 341.00 fikkepAiKER,-i WHITE OR WHITE 4,1„ WHEAT (iAVE Rc) 8 VIENNA, 24-01 • PUMPERNICKEL TAI -OZ PLAIW-011 SEEDED JEWISH RYE 14-0Z Bleach „RANGE. ',FLAVOUR 401114e4 "EDWARD, CHOICE, WHOLE citYSTALS EnghSh‘Carrots ALL FRI-.CES,SHOWN 1N Ab GUARANTEED IFFECTIVE