The Exeter Times, 1894-3-1, Page 601TIOZZol BANKurt, T ONT • Tralesecto te general attek ;nein:4118sta Itecelvter the Aount o Melehoarto sue there On favorable terms. Offers avow ecoommodatIon troasisteet With gefeentleeneeeeative banking principles, Tetereat allowed on depoeits. Drafts batted Payable at any !Wines a the Mereltaerte Bank, NOTES Dieeonerean, and MONEKTO LoAR E NOTAS and MORTGAGES. quIllieltrairraleasMIKOMINIMISPialtepalowat • ifrowou--An busitlegA announcements notice* of publics meetinee, entertainments smatters stiles, ease appearng in these local telumns will lots charged foe at the rate of five cents -leer line each insertic-a. 131atile heading eo count as three lines, cash with order seve SO p@TBOT/S haling Open SOS )UOt13.. To insure ebacke, of adverneements in current iseue cOPY must be handed into office OU Tuesdase lattO. THURSDAY, MARCH 1st, 1894. NOTES AND COMMENTS The Ontario Government ititenda to gerrymander the Proymce before the general election. ee x x Efon. Oliver Moveat "Ii1W unanimously nominated by the Liberalof North Ox- ford on Wednesday, He will be op- poged by a Patrou candidate. x x The wealfily State of New York, with a population equate° that of the whole Dominion, does not \sprevide an official residence for its govareor. Then why :should Ontario maintain frills that even the 'New Yorkers, with all their fond- ness for display, manage to do a ithout. x x The failures during the past week numbered in the United States 228; against 193 last year, and in Canada 51 against 37 Iast year. Both in numbei and in magnitude commercial disasters have diminiehed. IXX Dr. Ryerson has given notice of his intention to move for the abolition. of church exemptions. Mr. Meredith will bring up a motion providing for bien- nial sessions. Mr. Marter has announc- ed that he will ask the Assembly to vote on a proposition to do away with the Government House. This is a session of radical proposals and these are all com- • ing from the Conservative Opposition. -x x x Mr. Meredith asks that the use of the ballot shall be made compulsory in all school election's, Public; and Separate, in cities, towns and incoeporated villages and where there are township boards. This proposal, if adopted, will remove the objections to the . Comee bill as first drafted, It will ersure the right to a secret vote, where mach is needed, and at the same time avoid placing an unnecessary burden on rural school sections. x x x Proposals to tax mortgages and abol- ish covenants are always met by he in- • controvertible aigument that the lender would make the borrower carry any new burdens which the law imposed on him. And if cheap money be a boon to the farmer, dear money would add to the,bitterneas of his distress. Low in- terest and longer terra mortgages that tempt the farmer to borrow are not the friends of agriculture. Tf interest had been higher, and it had 'been harder to borrow money on the olcl farm, there would have been fewer mortgages and more happiness in Ontario to -day. x X ffiThere is a motion betore the Rouse to do away with the Government House in Toronto which seems to be in keeping -with the retrenchment necessary in many branches of publio service. The cost of the official residence, including interest on invested caeitel, is not less than $13,000 per annum. Assuming that the outlay has been about the tame • eyer since the ests.blishnient was placed in commission this vvo iicl represent a total of nearly $300,000. This is too much altogether to pay for mere frills and the people should mark foe condem- nation in the coming election those members of the Legislature who vote argainet the resolution of the member for Muskoka, • x x x • Toronto has, on se) eral occasions, been forced by the ()our ss to pay heavy damages to people who hare been in- • jured by falling on in, sidewalke, The silty it now applying to t,he Legislature for each a thango in the law as will Make it impossible for individuals to zeolite judgments againze any municepal corporation on similar claimhereafter. The application ought to be granted. It is absurd iti this elimete, where the changes of temperatire ere to great, to hold a corporation reepsnsible fOr in- juries ormeed by ice forming ott the nienle walks. Such h.:din-ilea are tuemlly the result of the carelesseeett of those who euttain thene; they can be guarded sigainse to A great extene by care on the part of the individuals, and certainly cionimenibieti should not be foreed to pay for damages cansed by acefiderita they are preiverieers tO Medd. sed'e Liethetent ettr deeetaff. . 11*. AtoLeaa M.rn Qh I When )Ye vouteml to tUTII 43,tmni rril ef light in upon the dark and artful 1110VeMen4e of Mr. 11,,L Y MeLeen, iu his fixate endeavor to °etch oe destroy the Petrone of Induetry vote, We did 210b exneet fillet he 'wield bike the ete posure an ratieh to heel+, Turning the light upon the bed bug is not the rn,ost comforting operation intim world for the bed bug. M. McLean evidently feele tame this, hie first Com dear, has felled his purpose anti has lost for him the very thing, whieh above all things, he Wished for, viz :- "the Petrone' vote,'" Lest week we stated that Mr. McLean had truckled to the }Patrons without success, anel that when he found no favor iii the sight of the Patrons, he had represent- ative/3 attenl their eonvention, pledged to checkmate any action that might in- jure his chances of aucceee in the com- ing election, alarmed ae he is ab Mr. Weismiller's prospects. This statement has angered Mr. McLean, and he de- votee more than a column of his $1.50 per year journal to heated abuse of Tne, Taus, in a half-hearted denial of our o harges, but at the atone time virtually admitting all he seeks to deny. Not all his assumed indignation and fox -like denials can now save him from the un- happy muddle he has made of it with the Patrons. With, all Mr, McLean's twad- dle as to his smartness, his influence, his fitness for political preferment, and his other extravagant pretensions, he takes good care that he does not deny, because he dare not deny, our allegation 'that he sent representatives to the Patrons' convention to defeat any move- ment there -which might prejudice his candidature.' Lest Mr. McLean may complain thab the charge is too general, we will make a special charge, and we challenge him to deny it. This special charge is that Mr. MoLean drove from Seaforth away down into the township of Usborne upon a certain day and inter- yiewecl a certain prominent Patron of his own political persuasion, and exacted from this Patron a solemn "fail -me -not" promise to attend the convention of Patrons, and to fix things so that in the event of a cendidate being brought out, he be a Conservative and not a Reform Patron. Does he not also remeinber interceding wiEli a close friend in Stephen tovvriship fur the same purpose? And how well the little scheme worked, the result of the convention proves ; and it is said that air. McLean, when he heard of the success of the plans, boast- ed of spiking the guns of the Patrons, and chuckled over the manner in which he had pulled. the wool over their eyea. The Patrons are not the fools, however; that Mr. McLean believed them to be, and. they soon got onto his little game, have reloaded their guns and are after him with a vengeance, We find Mr. McLean getting down on his marrow bones and glorifying inthe triumph of the principles of the Patrons, while at the same time seeking to kindle and spread the flames of polibical discord and strife in their reeks. Mr. McLeanneyer was on the Patrons platform and neyer advocated their principles of reform, retrenchment and economy/ and it is utter. cant and hypo- crisy for him to represent himself any- thing other than a machine politician, pledged to support Sir Oliver, Mowat, whether it be in maintaining a horde of over -salaried officials at the expense of the rural municipalities, the robbing of these municipalities in the matter of license moneys, or in any or all their ex- travagance It is not more than three or four years ago since we heard Mr. Mc- Lean defend the Government in the mat ter of the expenditure of millions of dollars of our money in the erection of the new Parliament buildings, princi- pally he contended, because Ontario was a large P, ovince, wealthy and pros- perous and Toronto a beautiful city, and therefore the buildings should be large and imposing. This sounds like Patrons of Industry logic. Mr. McLean only a fors years ago strenuously upheld the Local Government in their increase of salary grab, no doubt looking forward to his share of the spoil when the oppor- tunity arose. Another indication of hia principles of (1) economy le found in the feet that in the year 1891, while:a mem- ber of the Board for the first time, he voted that the members of tho Huron County Council increase their salary from $2 to $3 per day. The Patrons/ were not a strung end influential organ; ization then. We have only to look to North Bruce, East Lametton and South Laeark elections to ascertain how much the Liberal candidates "glorily in the principles of the Patrons.' We repeat our statement that Mr. McLean and his friends packed the Re- form Convention to insure hie nomina- tion. For months before the Conven- tion, Mr. McLean was "fixing" things for himself, and quietly knifing Mr. Bishop. Mr. MoLeau might as well be fratik in this matter and admit ib. He does not specifically deny it, and the secret, if it ever was a secret, is now an open one. If Mr. McLean was guilty of the treachery we allege towards the Patrons, and we are prepared with the proof, surely we need riot be called upon to prove his •ereachery to. Mr. Bishop. Mr. McLean errs, and does so mal- ieiously, when he states that. THE TIMES hag ever pelted bad aad mean epithets at Mr. Bishop. On the "contrary, While differing with Mr. Biehop in polities, We have alweye admired and respeoted him as a straightforward, upright and de- serving citizen, and we have frequeetly so expressed ourselves in the columns Of this paper. We would refer Mr. Mc- Lean on that swore to Mr. Bishop himself. But this is Mr. Metes/We way of making:us say of Mr. Bishop what Mr. McLean would like to bay, hut dare •riot. R. IL O, Pills the best eller/sued family elite on the market. ONTARIO P.ARLIANENT, TOMXTO, Feb, Vt.-Spoken' Bellantyne was ton ill yeeterday to perform, his duties, and. en motiou el Sir Oliver Mowat the, Hon. 3. Baxter, as one time Speaker ef the trousp, took the chair. leallaetyne is euffering from a severe cola, hue the, general, hope is that ie will not be suftleieut to cause the popular Speaker to ease more than a day or so from his aeoustoined place, Mr. ./tevrey preeeuted a petition from the CotintY Qounojl ef South Wentworth, ask- ing eat in future county. officials Eiboaa be ole ted by the people. • near+ hills were introduced and read a first time: Mr. Snyder -A. bill to Amelia the Laea- lords and Tenants Ace Mr. Barr -A bile to regulate the sale of goods in trust to agents. Mr Tait -A bill to amend the Act in- corpo rating the People's Life Insurance Oo. Mr, Conmee-A hill to amend the Sep- arate Scheel Act, Mr, Paton -A bill respecting the railway debenture debt of she township of Floss. Mr. Meredith asked ; Has the commis- sion referred to in the speech of His Honor the Lieutenarit-G evernor, at the opening of the session, with respect to the mode of • remunerating and, appointing certain pro- vincial offioiale, been issued, if so, who are the commissioners ? Sir Oliver Mowat replied. He said that the commission nad not as yet been ap- pointed. Mr. Clarke asked: Did the Government In the year 1892 or 1893, instruct Mr. J. K. Stewart, Proviticial Inspector of Licen- ses, to enquire into the operation of the license law in the city of Hamilton, and, as to the aecommodation provided by the places to which lisienses were given in the city. Has the provincial inspector made a report to the Government in relation to these matters, ana if so, did he find that places were licensed which had not the requisite accommodation? Mr. Harcourt answered. He said that the alovernment had so instructed Mr. Stewart; that he had so reported and. that he had found that there were instaneee 'when the law had not been complied with. A deputation of the Knights Templar waited on the Government yesterday and respelled that a bill should be passed aboliseing the retail sale of liquor. Sit Oliver Mowat, replying on behalf of his Cabin3t, said that the Government had not ittended moving in the matter this session, but since the reauest had been made by so influential a body he would re- consider the question. Con 3US Returns. TOEONTO, Feb. 23. -Hon. Mr. Ballan- tyne, though suffering front a very severe cold, returned to his duties as Speaker of the House yesterday. Hon. C. F. Fraser, who has been so-, journiug south for the benefit of his health, has returned, and occupied his seat in the House yesterday. Mr. Fraser s health has considerably improved by the trip. • These bills were introduced and read a first time: Mr. Bronson - A bill respecting the Beech -wood Cemetery of the city of Ottawa. Mr. lealfour-A bill to incorporate the Portlock & Desert Lake Iron aline Railway Co. The bill pros ides for a new railway to run from Portlock harbor, north of St. Joseph's Island, through the Desert Lake iron dastrict. Mr. Cleland -A bill to amend the game laws. Mr. Tait -A bill to amend the Assess- ment Act. Mr. Tait -A bill to incorporate the To- ronto c3c Suburban Railway Co., limited. /slr. Harcly-A bill respecting ditches and watercourses. Mr. Hardy -.A bill respecting drainage laws, Mr. Barr (Dufferin) asked: "Did Mr. F. J. Dodds, who held the office of license in- spector for the electoral district of ad. ferin, -resign that office, and if so when I Was he re -appointed to the office and if so when? What salary is now attached to the office and what was the salary at the time of Mr. Dodds' original appointment ?" Mr. Harcourt, answering, said that Mr. Dodds had on November lst last resigned. His xesignation had not yet been accepted. His salary was $400 per year. Mr. Wood (Brant) moved for an order of the House for a return. duly compiled from the census retnrns for the year 1891, of the federal census for the province showing the population for each county and district and the municipalities situate there; also, the population of the unorgan- ized territory. t The motion passed. Mr. Balfour gave notice that he would ,move for a return showing the exact num- ber of Catholics and Protestants in the permanent employ of the Government in any capaeity. The expenditure �f the industrial insti, tutions for 1891 wee as follows : Toronto asylum 99,459 Mimic() asylum , 54,207 London asylum.. ....... ..... 131,05d Kingston asylum . ...... 84,138 Hamilton asylum.. ..... ......... 122,851 Orillia asylum. . . . ... 56,911 Deaf and Dumb inniitution. • 43,960 Blind institute........ , 35,991 Central prison 65,945 Central inclestries. 59,579 Boys' reformatory 37,160 Mereer reformatory 29,249 Mr. Cleland's bill to amend the game law provides for an open seaeoft from Sep- tember 1 to March 1, as under the Act in • force prior to 1892. Petitioas from a number of mintiexi were presented to the House last year in fevor of this cbange. Mr. Preston Is desirous of learning the amount expended in connection with the binder twine • industry for buildings, machinery, • material, labor and superba. tenants employed, and the wages or salary paid. to each of them ; also the total output of twine in quantity and. the amounte re- alized therefrom, giving the DAMS from 'whom the same were received, mid the antes of tbe receipt of each stun; also the total quataities of twine and materiel he hand; the amoutits (if any) remaining un- paid by the purchasers, with the dames of the persons by whom the same are payable; the names of the cents employed for the sale or disposal oi the twine, and the re- roemeretion peid or payable, to each of them. • To TaX Gag lefains. Tonereto, Feb. ,24,-Vesterday-O3 ties/doe lasted only half an-honte All the Mem- hers ace tiled bte psrtieularly happy mood, degutatinif fann at. Thomas waited upon the Government yesterday • and if their request shoela be granted gas corn - pally stocks all over the coon try will go down several poiets. They asked that the gas xnaies in 111. T minas ehould be taxed accordieg to their value, the same AS other , peivitfe eroPerty,- The Matter had been before tlie county judge, svho held thet the Mettle could. net• be taxed. Judge It- Thugsll, of Toronto held. that they eouId, white, Attlee Seelder, of St, Cetharinee. heti thee they • cold. not. Sly OliVeg thottglit tbab itt eneee whore the eotoPenise Were viob enough to pay dividends they should be taxed on their menus. Mr, Hardy On/tight that if it were proper to tax gas meine it would also be right to tee telephone wires, The Govereineet decided to consider the matter. •Tttii e<sme ors were intr04110ed and read a firs Mr. Olendeneing-A. hill to anieha the Insuranee Corporetioes ,A,Qt rd 1802, 'cipMar. Alta:tors—A hill to tunend the Mini. • Mt 1;.espp4ererti(nDgmuff6oltlig)ig. -A. to Amend the Ae lfi„elteTAbi11to arend the Aet re- speetmgexeetlous, -4. hill to "lend. the Ae4ese- Me Barr - A. bill to amend the Corm -lees' Mr. Wood (Bmut)24 bill to amend the General Road Companies Act, lriN1(m White -A bill to aend the Division ootkirsAt. Mr. Monk -A bill to facititate the regis- teatime of mortgages and reduce the ex- peuge of registration, Mr. Meredith moved for an order of the House for a return of copies of all coves- poncleime and reports with regard to the application or chitin of Samuel Spioknell, formerly tm employe in the Insane Asylum at Loudon, for a gratuity or allowance on his ceasing to be employed in the patine service of the province. The motion carried. Mr, Clarke moved for an order of the House for a return of a copy- of the report made to the Governmeitt in 1893, by Mr. J. K. Stewart, Provincial Inspector of Licenses, respecting the operation of the License Law in the city of Hamilton, and tee accommodatiou provided by the places licensed in the city. The motion carried. Mr. McCall asked for a return yesterday containing all the facts in connection with the prevalence of tuberculosis he the herd at the ,Agricultural College, Guelph. Government 'measures Introduced TonoNTo, Feb. 27. -At the sitting of the Legislature yeaterday Dr. Ryerson asked whether a commiesion had been appointed to empire into the charges indite against Dr. Bryee, secretary of the Provincial • Board of Health, by G. A. Dorion. Mr. Harcourt answered that Mt Flem- ing, the inepeetor of legal offices, and Dr. • Rae had been appointed a commission to make the necessary inquiries. The followino• new bills were introduced and read a first'stinie: Hon. Mr. Ross -An ..ect respecting Up- per Canada College, • Ron. Mr. Gibson -An A.ce respecting mortgages and sales of personal property. Sir Oliver Mowat-Respeeting cannons of conciliation and arbitration for settling industrial disputes. Mr. Balfour -To prevent the taking of natural gas from the ground or forcing it from the ground by any other means than the natural flow. . Mr. Balfour moved for a return showing the number of persons employed, temporari- ly or permanently, by the Government, in tee service of the province on the 31st of December, 1398, together with their names, ages, natiooality, religion, salary, occupa- tion, place of residence and date of ap- pointment; but not including mechanics, artisaus, laborers or like employes, whose cn ,agement or employment was of a merely temporary character. Also, a similar re turn as to all persons not included in the foregoiug and who have been appointed by the Government to any permanent or tem- porary office or position under the crown, either for or within the province, or in, or for, or in respect of any county or any district or other locality in the province. Also, a similar return as to all sessional clerks now employed. . After considerable discussion it was de- cided that the return should include all employes for 1894 as well. Mr. Balfour moved that the returns pro- vided for by the orders of this House re- latine6to the public service, passed on the 10111 day of April and 19th day of May last, shall contain. in addition to the in- formation for the year 1871 and 1892, pro- vided for by the said orders, like informa- tion regarding the year 1878: MT. Balfour's bill respecting natural gas has been prompted by the rumored attempt of a company to pump gas from Essex county to the city of Detroit, a like attempt to tha tthreatened in Welland county. "The bill prohibits the use of pumps and com- pressors for the extraction of the natural gas faster than it would flow," said Mr. Balfour to a reporter. "We have larger wells in Essex county than they have in Welland, and e company has ta ting in pumps, with the intentisonrotefabnpfuldt: mg a pipe line to Windsor and, Walker- ville, and obviously over to Detroit. The supply carried to that city from the Ohio and Indiana -wells is rapidly becoming ex- hausted. The use of these compressors, it is claimed, creates a vacuum in the wells, which prevents the further accumulation of more gas, and fields which would last 12 or 15 years would by their use be ex- hausted in four or five." The main features in the bill introduced - by the Hom G. W. Ross respecting Upper Canada College is a provision for the elec- tion of four of its trustees by the "old boys" a the college. This provision, Mr. Ross says, if it passes, will have the effect of placing in the hands of the trus- tees, more fully than heretofore,' ehe management of the college. At present the board is coinposed. of nine metnbets, of whom B.ve are appointed by the Ontario Government. • Hon. • Mr. Ross' bill also provides that all recommendations for appointment on the stall of the college shall be made by the traeteee. Hon, Me Gibson's bill respecting mort- gages and sales of personal property is a general revision of the statute on these subjects. By a runaway acticlent near Tilbury Centre On Wednesday Pearl 11c/relate aged seven, was killed, and her mother, Mre. Edward Helmick, was badly injured. The trial at Vienna of 72 members of the Oiniadina Sociely hat resulted, in 1'0 receiving sentences =gime hem tee° sveeks to eighe rare, while two Were acqnitted. gra. lingland, Wife of Dr, P. ler Eng- land, Montreal, was given tartar einetio by a deriggist in plaoe of bite:tittle and died alMost immediately after taking the poison. She Get$ liter iTenneth• . NIAGARA VALLS, Out, Feb. 19,-Ren- rieth. Vine, the yentig St. Catbatinee Main who eloped with Berta Baird, alias Medanee Dune'the clairvoyaet, and. married here here 1/3et week, rettreed to hie wife nia Setarday at Niagara VAN, N. Y. Ile in- teede grog into the nisuratice Menneatt there. • •VITEll Si TES TARIFF Democratic 3/01111.191'S of the Senate Kola it Cellterellee. THE COAL DUTY'WILL REMAIN Sugar Is Stillthe Bone of Contention, the Committee Not /raving cone rar lignougn -to' Satisfy 39Sne et' the Intereeted Elenaberis • of the Senate. Was/mower, Feb. 27. -The Demoeratie Senators met in co.eference yeeterday morn- ing and aftetnoon without reaching a posi- tive conelrisime in any' reetter connected, With the tariff bill, They did. however, take a long striae in the direction of get- ting together. aria it is probable that at the meeting to -day much progress will be made. The discussion, was on general lines and was freely participated in. No proposition of any sort was pet to the conference, and no vote was taken, but before the bill is laid before the Finance Committee every disputed schedule will be dispiesed of and action takee that will ensure the uni- ted support of the party. Sugar, as it has been in the past, was a bone of contention, and whele the com- mittee has gone some distance to meet the sugar men they have not, as those senatore look at it, gone far enough, It is definitely Beetled that coal will have a duty of 50e a ton. A. number of -other changes have also been made by transfers from the free to the dutiable list of such articles as will yield revenue. Among them May be mentioned apples, green and ripe, dried and evaporated; pineapples, pro - pared. c000anuts, olives, green or pre - It is thought that it will be impossible to go over the whole bill before to -morrow afternoon. IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT. French risherles at Newfoundland -Lords and Commons in Accord. LONDON, Feb. 27. -In the *ease of Com- mons last evening Sit Edward Grey, Par- liamentary Secretary for the Foreign Office, called attention to the official, journal of St. Pierre, Miquelon, directing Frenoh fishereaen wishing to fish on the French shore to register for fixed places on the coast.. He also called attention to a newspaper statement that France was going to improve the position of the fisheres men assuring them fixed places on shore. Concerning questions whether the treaty ri,ahts of France were confined to the dry- ing on shore of fish caught by Frenchmen of French vessels; whether the proposal to bring fishermen ashore did not constitute a breach of treater and whether it vvas not contrary to treaty ,for the French to live or staucl on shore, the Government held that the thirteen articles of the Utrecht con- vention limited the rights of France to the erection of stages made of boards and huts for drying fish. It was a question, there- fore, whether the proposed French ar- rangement was consistent with existing treaties. The Colonial Government had stated that while they had no intention of levying a duty of goods brought by French citizens in fishing boats solely for the sus- tenance of the crew during the season or for the purpose of drying fish, they intend in future to exercise' the right of requiring vessels- entering Newfoundland ports to conform to the customs of the colony, and will collect duties on all goods imported for whatever 'purpose. This decision had commenced with France and there was no ground upon which to interfere with the Colonial Government's exercise of its right (cries of "Hero, here, ") A division was taken on the Lords. amendment to the parish councils bill, en- abling parishes of from 200 to 500 inhabi- tante'. to iispense with parish councils, and it was rejected. by 212 to 161. The amendment which provided that parish councils might choose but a third of the trustees of local charities was taken up. Joseph Chamberlain, eupported by Arthur J. Balfour, averted a conflict on this pointseby moving a compromise to which the House ultimately- agreed. This compromise was embodied. in the optional (not obligatory)provision that the majority of the trustees of the local charities should be nominated by the British Council, The Government aecepted this compromise without hesitation. The amendment to vest in the county council the coetrol of the compulsory pur- chase of allotments under the Allotment Act and the hiring of land was agreed to. The concession thus made by the Com- mons virtually completes the accord be- tween the Rouses. The sitting was ad- journedauntil Thursday, when Parliament will he prorogued. After President Vasquez's mood. LA LTBERTAD, Salvador, Feb. 27. -Orders have been sent by Gen. Pelicarpe Bonilla, who is now supreme in Honduras, to all his forces and to all officials ot the,over- turned government, to pursue the con- quered President, Vasquez.' Escape seems almost impossible, and Bonilla declares he will have Vasquez shot to death. A.nother Prencli ibuei. PAms, Feb, 27.-A duel was fou,ght yeti- • terday between M. Papillard, a writer on the Libre Parole, and Gustav -Adolphe • Hubbard, member of the Chamber of Del. puties for Seine -et -Oise, in which the latter Was wounded. The duel was caused by an article written by Papillard reflecting on lirPobliantluagess, .of Vinal Haven, iVfaine, a wife beater, was taken by masked men the other nighe and unmercifully beaten, after which his wounds were rubbed. with pieces of ice. His condition is critaml. Mr. Thomas Kerniglaste, an old citizen of Guelph, died on Wednesday, aged eighty- seven. About a month ago he fell and broke his thigh; kidney tronble came upon him, and his system. was unable to stand the strain. , Ihe property of Governor awl Mrs. Me- of.Ohio, which they surrendered to their creditors when the Governor got into finencial trouble some mouths ago, has been conveyed back to them. Friends of Mt McKinley raised funds by private sub- scription. An election fot congressman too place On Wednesday, in Pennsylvania, end the reedit is the ler'gefilt plarality ever known in the etate forTthe Republiean cenaidati, about 165,000. 'rho coal districts all went °ea to the geptlblidan side. The first steamer to cense the Atletitio burning only liquid ftiel it the Britigh steamship 13a1tu Stencilled, a bulk oil car - tier, which hes arrived at Philadelphia from 'Shields aed Dartmouth. • She used petrOleUril l'Oeldunati as her Only inel. ° A IE • „dgeter. Itfitr4145. 1894. Pall wheat, Perbush, •••••,•$, S $ 69 S,Pring tfrUel.ktPer 66 66 an„ rley per beetle., • 35 36 ‘Jelete per brief),Pe, ••••••••411.1 29 30 Poke per bush ... . 01.060 60 • 69 Moor per bbl.,„, .0 • ••• ... 4 00 420 APPleqAtr 75 86 0050 'llaY per ..... 6 00 7 00 WoettPer Curd hard 3 OD 3 53 ood per oordsoft,..,,,..,0„. OQ 226 aUtOe,r ... 16 .17 airge Per 10 , 15 Waratill 9 9 Perk " '6 00 6 33 Hoire, live weight- „ ,..,„ 4 39 4 5„3 . ... . .. . 5• . . . . . 0 7 London, Mareh 1, 1894; Wheat. wbite, fall, 300 lbs 95 to MOO Wsett, red:fall, per 100 ... 93 to 95 VS' eat, spring, per 1001be...„ .. .. 93 to 98 Oath, per 100 Dee ....„ .. 95 to 1 00 Peas, per 300 lbs....,„ 90 to 90 corn, eerie° ...... 90 to 95 Barley, nor eettbs,, , ... . ... 86 to 90 Rye. per 3.00 lbs . 90 to 00 Buckwheat, per 11. 11 90 to Nieto, per bus-. 11 ft) to hags, fresh, single dos,.., 10 Eggs, fresh, basket, per 12 to ,Dggs, fresh, store lots, per dos 8 to BUttOT,Siligle rolls, Per . . . 24 to Rutter. per 113,1 lb rolls,bn skets 20 to Butter, p lb. large roils or • °rooks „ 18 10 Butter,per lb, tub or firkins 18 to Lard, per lb, . . .. .. 11 to Ohieltene, per pair 40 40 to Ducks.. "0 to . .. Turkeys. 8 to 9c per lb; eaeh 60 to • New Acivertioemeats, Annual Sals---VillettO.Pounoil, Notiee Oreditors-tt, 14, Alortgage Sale...Cronin .1; Betts, Bankrupt MeGowen Trade Ilponrins=-0. 0, Xolinaten. 5. Wati11017Ered Ileist. • N_otice to vontraotors.-111, Rennie. Batiee to Qoutractors--1), Spopeor, Olotliiee--B. S. Ford. BOBL Tramiel rIIIOX---In.Qrediton, on the elth ult the wife et ,TOhn Trevethielt, jr., of it daugh., ter, - P0141,001C-ra Corbett, on the 36th ult., *het wtf a Qf Pellaelc. Of a daughter. MOKAY-In McGillivray, on the 18th ult., the wife of John Mares,. of 4 datighter. SPROAT-HANNMAA1111-1111xiIEDth'e 1011 ult., et' the residenee of ltir,Tohn Retinae, Tuelser- smith, brother of the bride, by Rov, N. shAw, n. A.. Mr. David Sproet, of llthel, to 1)131.40%4 -gnu °)CsARNIILInOttnb ih9202Tiirtkeurist"1:1 the re- sidence of the bride'r father, StePben, Bev. Dr. Beaumont, Me Robert Dixon, of 00 Wag. Williams. to Minnie May Bran, of 1 10 StePheil* 16 DAVIDSON--GARDUTT-,At the residenee of 14 the bride's parents, near Cartineford, oe the lisI ul Wm, G. Davidson, to Annie Mar. osnanlibtltioun,ahter °fmr. Charles Garbut*P gin TATIOR-EASTETIBROOK--At Flt. Morro, on the 19tli ult.. thy the Rev, John. ott. BOAialinWgEhhIntae.tr:OfT8J'Yelhazir' erEUrtsateeerightlesesaltue, 11E, llesaf 10 353 2 18 18 12 70 80 I 71 ,-6—. Npirehtena.t, wh I te, pa buTs?..r.o,.nt.o.,.. g$111.66711 it; ;89347 Barley. per bus ..... , . ,,.....„.„, 42 to 43 Wheat, goose, per bus :,5 to s6 Wheat, spring, per bus . , 6G to e) eE) : Wheat,i:ge:yee rr;:bdouzse.n.. winter,... „ P. .3. r.. ............... 5372 tt oo 58 : '2 If ay . . , 53 to 58 ... .... 800 to 900 Butter, per /b 1000 ' the 2225 Dresbed hogs.. , . ., .. 6 30 to 8 be Potatoes, per bag........... ......... 60 to 00 • To get relief from indigestion, biliou Knees constipation or torpid liver without disturb- ing the stomach or purging the bowels, take a few doass of Carter's Little Liver Pale, they will please you. That tired, languid feeling and dull feel- ing is very disagreeable. Take 'two of Carton's Little Liver Pill. before retiring, and you will find relief. They never fail to do good. Paxix AxILLEUZ rz- The testimonials borne to the efficacy of this valuable medtointearqsufficient:to war- rant its intioduction into every house, Our OW11 opinion is that no fannly should 06 wit iaout a bottle of it for it single hour In fleah wounds, aches, pains, sores, cao., it is the most effectual ismedy we know of A. 25 e. bottle will het for a long titne, and its low mice places it withal the reaoh of all. -News, Bs. John, Que. ....... .. AG -NEW L. D. S.DENTIST Will be at Grab's hotel ,Zurieh on the second Thursday of each month and at Hodgin's hotel Henson every moneay. On Main street, Dec. 27th, the follow- ing letter. Owner limy have it on application to Teems Office, and • paying cost of this advertisement : My Ownest Own,- Sinceyour cruel repulse from my side at the hand -or, rather, the foot --of pa, I have mused long and fondly, my ds,rling, on your daring proposition that I should fly with you and be at, rest. I know it's naughty, and my heart and my conscience reproye me/ but I'm ready to fly with you, dearest, to the utmost parts of the earth. If I remember aright, the instructions were : Carriage corner street, midnight, then away to a land where the „scorner is not. Terms to be made a,t leisure with infuriated papa. Peace being made, we are to return to Exeter, re- ceive his blessing, settle dowel, and live happily ever afterwardsajust like Arthur and Angelina, the couple in "For Love and l'oreune; or Love will Find a `You know the book, love. . I do so hope nothing will happen to prevent our escape. lf pa should catch us before we are marriecl-oh 1 Charlie, I shudder to think of the consequences. But with you, love, I'm prepared for the worst. Smile when you see me in church, and I shall know you expect nie etobees. ready ewhen the fateful tints em And now, Charlie, my- own beloyed and much -abused darling, adieu till we meet at the -witching hour of midnight at the corner of the street: Yours till death, * * * • OLA.RA. P.S.Perhaps you had better get a cottage furnished, so that we shall h eve a home to come to after we are reconcil- ed to pa. Atkinson (opposite the grist mill).has a fine stock and he hells cheap_ S'ee him about the furniture at once. A Full Stock 1QOELSUP1)LIES --AT-- • —DBAIER Books, - Stationory, - and • Fancya, Goods, Bible*, Hymn Bohke in every vat- , iety, Scribblere, Pads, Note Paper, 111k, Pena, Peneils, Lock Bottee, Pte, etc. • W Eirovvning's DOOICSTORE. DIED. Brung,tanymiL-In 4xeter On the 2811 ult., W)n; em L. Brim eaticombe, aged 63 years, 7 menthe. 1 • STALTER-In Oshawa, on the 24t1 ult.; m innie,beloyed wife of A. 3. Stetter. and only daughter of John V, Croaker, Exeter. aged 31 years and 2 months- OONSIT t' -On the Parr Line Hity, on the 148h ult„ Aber. Consitt, youngest .on of Mr. Thotnas Consitt, etgod 5 years. 3 menthe and 7 days. EXPXIIIIIICS sae PRevEn IT. A triumph in medicine was attainei when experience proved that Scott's Emul- sion would not only stop the progress of • pulmonary Consumption, but by its con- tinued nes health and vigor could be tulle, restored. .NOTICE TO BUILDERS. Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned and marked tenders for the 'minden of it Brie], 8011001 Rouse in 8, S. No 11, Lake Road Township of Hay, will be reeeived up till noon on the 141h of March 1801. Plans and snee.fiostions eau be seen at David Spencer's. The lowest or any tender not neoessarilY accepted. DAVID SPENCER, Secretary, Johnsons mine P. O. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed tenders vrillhe received by the under - Biased up to Monday, March 19th, for the creation of a brick ohnroh in Ilene/ill. Plane and Specifloatione can be seen at Coed it Rannie's store after Mardi), 7th- Tender separately and for the whole work. The low- est or any tender not ncoessarilv acoepted. B,RA,NNIS Hensel. Mortgage Sale At Hill's Hotel, eediton, on Saturday March 17,'94, 5.1 1 p.m.„ there will be sold LOT 4, CON, 11, TP. McGILLIVRAY, 100 acres; The Dauncey Farm. About 12 acres itt fait eolielete. 20 a t3•11 ploughing done, all the rest- the farrf"Teaaa d build - seeded down. Good fences ngs. For further particulars see posters or apply to Otto EL ELLI3ER, CRONYN & BETTS, Auctioneer, Vendors' Solicitor!, • Crediton, Ont. London, Ont. Annual Sale Of NEW SEED GRAIN, CATTLE, &o. A Sale of New Seed Grain, Cattle, Rte., will be held at the Market Ciround and the Town Hall, Exeter, on Thursday, the 15th of March, Commencing at 10 o'clock zed oontinuing day. Farmers havieg New Seed Grain of an kind, or C.urs for Sale, will find:this a splend opportunity:to dispose of the same, and introducing New Seed, Stook, Eto, to th farming community. A couple of carloads O cows ere expected for Sale. BF ORDER, M. EILORETT, Clerk 1.70xE01.yr0R8' NoTiog, --- In pursaanco of See. 36, Chap. 110,. Revised State tes of Ontario, notice is hereby given thst all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Abram Ilosenberger, late _of the Township of Stephen, in the county of Huron, gentleman, deceasedorho died on or about the th day of December, 1893,are required to send by post, prepaid, or deliver to the :undersigned Executors of the estate of the said deceased on or before the15th day of April,e8e4, a state merit of their names and addresses, and ful °attendees of their claims, and the nature o the seourities (if any) held by theta, arid tha after the said last mentioned date the SR 13xeoltors will proceed to difitrIbute the ass of the said deceased arnonx the partiee entit thereto, regard being had only. to the alai of which notice shall have been received, the said Executors will not be liable for asset,, or any part thereof, to any person '- whose olaim notide shall not have been reeeiv ed at the time of such distribution. • G. W. HUMBLE, , JAME S WALK En. f -°•xoculon Dave _P. 0. • R.11. Corm is; Solicit Deyon, Feb'y 24th, 1894. -tin. osomeammemarain slIORE TO RENT bn Lumley, ivhero it good buslnese °an done. • Possession given immediately, to • WILLIAM DINNI , Lumley N On.cg-To CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Hen Barry, late of the township of ?vitldlioirwrs.y, in the Cen"Ilby, • Noties is hereby giVen, pursuant t� Chap 110 of the Revised Statutes of Ontterioa that all potions having &alias against Estate of the said late lienorah Barry, w died on the 2811 dap of Deo, 1893, are recitlee to deliver or send by post prepaid to the end signed. Petrick Curtin or hatyrense Baer:, coders of tholastivill and twee:tent et thee Deceased, on Or bereft the 2011t day. of Kari 1894, it statement M writing oontalningth namen and addresses and -.full particulars their dlahms duly verified by Statutory Deal& tion and the nature of the smouritylif any/ 4 themand that after the,SSIZI16111t mettle date. the said Rxectitors will proceed to• ais -bete the aerate Of tbe raid Estate ainonir Parties entitled thereto bteeing regard On Claims or *Web neithie Shall hiseejesen tele as ebove reedited, andthe said EXeStitori not be liable for the, said assets, at tsaiS thereof so distributed,to tiny potion orper of whose (ileitis „notice shall npt hare WO oeiVed at the time ef 10101 di/dander,. PwItztooliiiCttfitt LAit yr: Executore,t0eiltrallA Dated 1411reb' ,1894.-31u: